
    1. Are You Settling? Or Expecting Too Much?

    enFebruary 14, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the challenges and rewards of podcastingPodcasting requires dedication and can be nerve-wracking, but the personal connections made make it worthwhile. Balance and taking breaks are important.

      Starting a podcast requires a significant time commitment and can be challenging, but the personal connections made during the process can make it worthwhile. The speakers in this conversation shared their experience of producing their podcast, "Get To Me Straight," and discussed the nerves and preparation that come with recording. They also talked about their hesitation to start a YouTube channel due to the added workload, but ultimately decided to give it a try. Throughout the conversation, they shared personal updates, including a move to LA and various life events, highlighting the importance of taking a break and finding balance. Despite the challenges, they expressed their enjoyment of the podcasting process and the opportunity to have meaningful conversations without interruptions.

    • Transitioning from a stable business to a new venture can be challengingRecognizing your passion and fully committing to it requires letting go of past successes and opportunities that conflict with your new direction.

      Transitioning from a stable business to a new venture, even if it aligns more with one's passion, can be a challenging process. The speakers in this conversation had built a successful wedding videography business, but they found themselves drawn to content creation. However, making the switch meant letting go of their safety net and saying no to opportunities that conflicted with their new direction. They also recognized that their passion lay in being in front of the camera and providing the best possible experience for their clients. The decision to leave weddings behind was a difficult one, but it was necessary for them to fully commit to their new path in content creation.

    • Embracing the unknown and taking risksMoving across the country and encountering challenges can lead to new experiences and opportunities, even if things don't go as planned. Letting go of grudges and not keeping score in relationships is crucial for personal growth.

      Taking risks and embracing the unknown can lead to new experiences and opportunities, even if things don't go as planned. The speakers in this conversation share their experience of moving across the country and encountering various challenges along the way. They acknowledge that having a safety net or resources can make taking risks easier, but also emphasize that if things don't work out, there's always the option to start over. They also reflect on the importance of letting go of grudges and not keeping score in relationships. Despite the rough patches, they ultimately arrived at their new home and have come to appreciate the journey. However, it's important to note that not everyone has the same privileges or resources to take such risks.

    • Embracing Traditions in a New CitySpeakers find joy in their traditions but adapt to new city's challenges by making adjustments and appreciating unique aspects.

      Despite the challenges of adapting to a new city like LA, the speakers find joy in their traditions, even if they involve indulging in food and relaxing at home. However, they've also learned to make adjustments, such as eating healthier and being more mindful of expenses. The weather, while initially disappointing, has grown on them, and they've learned to appreciate the unique aspects of their new home, despite the inconveniences like parking and crowdedness. Ultimately, they've come to accept that change is a part of life and have found ways to make the most of their experiences in LA.

    • Hailey on her indifference towards overpriced smoothies and trendy grocery storesHailey shares her disappointment with the taste and cost of trendy lifestyle choices, like overpriced smoothies and grocery stores, and the reality of their often disappointing or expensive nature.

      Hailey Bieber expressed her indifference towards overpriced smoothies and trendy grocery stores like Erewhon, despite their popularity in LA. She shared her experience of being disappointed with the taste and cost of these items. Additionally, they discussed an incident where they discovered someone scoping out their house, which led them to invest in security measures. The conversation also touched upon their experiences adjusting to life in LA and their decision to be more open and honest with their listeners. Overall, the conversation highlighted the contrast between the allure of trendy lifestyle choices and the reality of their often disappointing or expensive nature.

    • Embrace authenticity, don't conform to societal normsLive true to yourself, prioritize personal safety and privacy, and don't let societal pressure dictate your choices.

      The podcast "Give it to me straight" hosts, who are not qualified professionals, provide unconventional and humorous advice based on their personal experiences. They emphasized that people should make their own choices and live their lives authentically, without feeling pressured to conform to societal norms. For instance, they advised a flight attendant who asked about stopping being a "ho" to keep being true to herself if she enjoyed her lifestyle. In another question, they advised against introducing oneself to neighbors right away, stating that it's important to prioritize personal safety and privacy. Overall, their advice is not meant to be taken as gospel but rather as a source of entertainment and inspiration for listeners to think for themselves.

    • Maintaining a healthy balance with neighborsCommunicate openly with your spouse and maintain a friendly, but not overly involved, relationship with your neighbors to avoid conflicts and ensure a harmonious community.

      Having good relationships with your neighbors can bring benefits, but it's essential to maintain a healthy balance. Being too close might lead to conflicts and potential issues. A retired police officer shared his experience of how neighbors' disputes could ruin community events. He advised being acquaintances rather than friends, as it allows for a neighborly relationship where you look out for each other without being overly involved in each other's lives. Another topic discussed was communication within a marriage. The speaker acknowledged that after a decade of marriage, the sexual relationship might not be as exciting as before. However, they suggested approaching the situation with sensitivity and openness. Using "I" statements and expressing feelings can help convey the issue without blaming or criticizing. It's crucial to remember that every relationship goes through ups and downs, and open communication is the key to addressing and resolving issues.

    • Communicating about sensitive topicsOpenly discussing sensitive topics like sexual intimacy and personal habits can prevent misunderstandings and improve relationships. Use empathy and understanding to navigate these conversations.

      Effective communication is crucial in maintaining a healthy and satisfying relationship. Discussions around sensitive topics, such as sexual intimacy and personal habits, can be uncomfortable, but addressing potential issues can prevent misunderstandings and improve the overall relationship. For instance, if one partner feels that the other's sexual skills have regressed, it's essential to communicate openly about it instead of making assumptions or resorting to sarcasm. Similarly, setting boundaries and understanding that everyone has bodily functions is important. The ability to discuss and navigate these topics with empathy and understanding can lead to stronger, more resilient relationships.

    • Respecting boundaries in relationshipsRespect others' choices and prioritize personal needs in relationships. Communicate openly, but ultimately, individuals must consider their own happiness and unique preferences.

      Respecting others' personal choices and boundaries is crucial in relationships. A friend's dissatisfaction with her own sex life doesn't give the speaker the right to push her boundaries or impose her own preferences. Similarly, someone in an unhappy marriage should consider their own happiness and well-being before making decisions that could potentially trap them. It's essential to communicate openly and honestly with one's partner, but ultimately, individuals must prioritize their own needs and desires. Additionally, it's important to remember that everyone's preferences and experiences are unique, and what works for one person may not work for another.

    • Honesty and Self-Reflection in RelationshipsEvaluate relationships honestly, prioritize personal growth, and communicate clearly to ensure mutual understanding and happiness.

      Individuals should evaluate their relationships and personal needs honestly, and make decisions based on their intentions and circumstances. In the first discussion, the speaker expresses frustration with a woman who is in a seemingly successful relationship but still strings her husband along. The speaker's advice is for the woman to leave the relationship if she's not happy, and for the husband to consider moving on if they're not a good match. In the second discussion, a woman expresses her desire to go on a solo trip but feels guilty because of her boyfriend's financial struggles. The speakers advise her to prioritize her happiness and personal growth, as long as it doesn't negatively impact the relationship. Lastly, the speakers emphasize the importance of clear communication and understanding in relationships, and that individuals should not feel guilty for their privileges or hardships. Overall, the discussions highlight the importance of self-reflection, honesty, and prioritizing personal growth in relationships.

    • Respecting Each Other's BackgroundsFocus on building a strong, healthy relationship based on mutual respect and understanding, rather than trying to change or apologize for things out of our control.

      It's important to respect each other's backgrounds and upbringings in a relationship. The discussion revolves around a woman who feels her boyfriend is judging her for her privileged background and making her feel guilty for it. He, in turn, feels out of place around her family and their privileges. It's crucial to recognize that no one asks to be born into a certain family or social status. Instead of trying to change or apologize for something that's out of our control, we should focus on building a strong, healthy relationship based on mutual respect and understanding. The boyfriend's behavior is toxic and arrogant, and it's essential to address these issues openly and honestly. Communication and compromise are key to overcoming such challenges. Ultimately, it's important to remember that everyone's journey in life is unique, and we should celebrate and appreciate each other's differences rather than trying to change or shame one another.

    • Effective communication and respecting differencesOpen communication and respect for each other's habits and differences are crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship. Avoid imposing personal preferences and be understanding to resolve conflicts.

      Effective communication and understanding of each other's needs and habits are essential in maintaining a healthy relationship. However, the discussion also highlighted the importance of respecting each other's differences and not imposing personal preferences on one another. In the case of the couple in this conversation, their disagreement over waking up early and going to the gym led to frustration and aggression towards each other. The man's insistence on setting multiple alarms and the woman's habit of snoozing them caused tension and conflict. The conversation also revealed the woman's annoyance with the man's aggression towards insects and his disregard for her feelings. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of open and respectful communication and compromise in resolving conflicts and maintaining a harmonious relationship.

    • Speakers discuss their encounters, reading habits, and podcast goalsSpeakers shared their contrasting opinions on insects, reading recommendations, and overcoming reading challenges, while also inviting listeners to connect with them through their podcast.

      The speakers had a lively conversation about various topics, including a large moth they encountered outside their house, reading habits, and their podcast goals. The speakers expressed their differing opinions on killing insects, with one expressing a desire to read more and the other suggesting business books. They also discussed their struggles with reading due to dyslexia and negative self-talk. The conversation shifted to their podcast, with a focus on wanting listeners to get to know them better and be a part of their journey. They encouraged listeners to subscribe, review, and follow them on social media. Overall, the speakers aimed to build a connection with their audience and share their authentic selves.

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    54. Giving you kid’s parties, handy husbands, and awkward silences
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    52. Giving you naughty dreams, farting, and tattoos of exes
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    47. Giving you vanilla sex, rude celebrities, and sibling kisses
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    In this episode, we delve into the profound importance of self-discovery and understanding in cultivating meaningful relationships. Too often, we expect our loved ones to intuitively grasp our needs and desires without truly knowing ourselves. 


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    From recognizing our love languages to understanding our attachment styles, every aspect of self-knowledge contributes to clearer communication and deeper connections.


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    Host Information



    Taking Ownership of Your Life

    Taking Ownership of Your Life

    I’m excited to welcome Krystal Jakosky today.  She’s from Colorado where she teaches, writes, and hosts a regular podcast.  Helping people is Krystal’s passion through guiding compassionately and even giving them a push in the right direction when needed.  She encourages people to walk into more authentic and fulfilling lives.  In this episode, we’ll learn to tune in to ourselves and our joy.  Stay tuned as Krystal Jakowsky shares methods of Taking Ownership of Your Life.

    Learning how to own your stuff isn’t an instant shift. Like any new skill, it’s something that must be intentional and uncomfortable before it can ever become second nature. To help you practice this new muscle, we’ve created Intro to You: an Online Course from Krystal Jakosky – a teacher and writer based in Boulder County, Colorado.
    As a gift to listeners of this podcast, enter "Better Life" for 10% Off the cost of her lesson!


    Taking Ownership of Your Life

    Taking Ownership of Your Life

    I’m excited to welcome Krystal Jakosky today.  She’s from Colorado where she teaches, writes, and hosts a regular podcast.  Helping people is Krystal’s passion through guiding compassionately and even giving them a push in the right direction when needed.  She encourages people to walk into more authentic and fulfilling lives.  In this episode, we’ll learn to tune in to ourselves and our joy.  Stay tuned as Krystal Jakowsky shares methods of Taking Ownership of Your Life.

    Learning how to own your stuff isn’t an instant shift. Like any new skill, it’s something that must be intentional and uncomfortable before it can ever become second nature. To help you practice this new muscle, we’ve created Intro to You: an Online Course from Krystal Jakosky – a teacher and writer based in Boulder County, Colorado.
    As a gift to listeners of this podcast, enter "Better Life" for 10% Off the cost of her lesson!


    Breaking the Monotony: The Power of Vulnerability

    Breaking the Monotony: The Power of Vulnerability
    Hey there, Spiritual Dope! How's it going? I'm out here in sunny California, ready to drop some truth bombs. So, let's get real for a sec. How many of y'all are having surface-level conversations? It's time
    to cut the bullshit and start having some authentic, vulnerable chats. I mean, who wants to hear the same old shit over and over again? Not me, that's for sure. And let me tell you, there's nothing more liberating than sharing your true self with someone and feeling heard and understood. Yeah, it can be scary as hell, but trust me, it's worth it. I recently had a heart-to-heart with a friend who was going through some tough shit, and it was a game-changer. We both felt more connected and empowered after that conversation. So, don't be afraid to open up and let it all out. You might just strengthen existing relationships or create new ones. And who doesn't want that? So, go out there and have some real conversations, and don't forget to share your experiences with me. Peace out!

    6 Reasons We Fall Out of Love & 6 Changes We Can Make to Keep It Flourishing

    6 Reasons We Fall Out of Love & 6 Changes We Can Make to Keep It Flourishing

    Do you want to meditate daily with me? Go to go.calm.com/onpurpose to get 40% off a Calm Premium Membership. Experience the Daily Jay. Only on Calm 

    Falling in love with someone can happen instantly. Staying in love with the same person is hard work. In most relationships, partnerships last not because of love and all the giddy feelings that come with it. Relationships last when both partners continuously work together to build trust, deal with issues as one but still recognize deferring opinions, and plan a future together with each other’s interest and growth in mind.

    In this episode of On Purpose, Jay Shetty shares with us the common reasons why many couples fall out of love and ways to save the relationship by keeping the love burning.

    Want to be a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach? Get the Digital Guide and Workbook from Jay Shetty https://jayshettypurpose.com/fb-getting-started-as-a-life-coach-podcast/ 

    Key Takeaways:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 02:12 The top reasons we fall out of love
    • 05:59 Reason #1: We stop learning new things about each other
    • 10:41 Reason #2: We stop talking about vulnerable, meaningful topics
    • 17:06 Reason #3: We don’t create systems to deal with arguments
    • 22:58 Reason #4: When you aren’t emotionally available
    • 23:49 Reason #5: No division of chores and responsibilities
    • 24:37 Reason #6: Not addressing important issues with your partner

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