
    Podcast Summary

    • Bert Kreischer's Sobriety Journey: Low Heart Rate and Lucid DreamsBert Kreischer, a podcast guest, shared his experience of quitting drinking and pot due to health concerns. He discussed benefits like improved heart rate and lucid dreams, and emphasized the importance of good sleep and discovering new podcasts in his sobriety journey.

      Bert Kreischer, a podcast guest with a voice similar to Joe Rogan, shared his experience of quitting drinking and pot after concerns about his health. He discussed his low resting heart rate, which he learned was a desired outcome in his sobriety journey from his doctor. Bert revealed that he had been drinking heavily during a tour in Australia and felt ready to quit. He also mentioned experiencing intense lucid dreams in the initial stages of his sobriety. Bert emphasized the benefits of good sleep and shared that he had discovered many new podcasts through the podcast he was being interviewed on. Despite the challenges, he expressed feeling better without alcohol and pot.

    • Admiring Simple Pleasures and Community through CoffeeThe speaker values the enjoyment of simple pleasures and the sense of community from getting coffee, but questions if his current positive feelings are a temporary escape or a genuine change.

      The speaker admires Brendan Shaw for his ability to enjoy simple pleasures like coffee and naps, which the speaker finds challenging due to his low blood sugar and inability to drink coffee. The speaker also values the sense of community he gets from getting coffee and appreciates the support of his friend Brendan during his sobriety journey. However, the speaker wonders if his current good feelings are just a temporary vacation from his old life or if he is truly changing his ways. His therapist initially advised against the sobriety challenge but the speaker sees it as a fun and enjoyable experience. The speaker identifies as someone who takes things to extremes and sees the challenge as a way to compartmentalize things. Despite his admiration for the Impractical Jokers, he regrets missing out on their multimedia event due to his sobriety commitment.

    • Friendly Competitions and Pranks on H3 PodcastThe H3 Podcast features a group of friends engaging in friendly competitions and pranks, showcasing their long-standing camaraderie and mutual respect, despite occasional playful banter and limitations to their activities due to personal circumstances.

      The podcast "H3 Podcast" features a group of friends, including Bert Kreischer, Ari Shaffir, and Tom Segura, who engage in friendly competitions and pranks, such as Sober October, where they challenge each other to abstain from alcohol for the month. Ari, known for his blunt humor, took the competition seriously and was visibly upset when Bert jokingly questioned his commitment to the challenge. The friends' long-standing relationship allows them to playfully tease each other, adding humor and entertainment to their content. Despite the playful banter, there seems to be a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among the group. Unfortunately, Ari was unable to participate in the entire competition due to his living situation in New York, which limited their ability to engage in communal activities.

    • Comedian's Sober Stand-Up Tour ExperienceThe comedian enjoyed performing sober during his recent tour, apologized for past intoxicated statements, and preferred outdoor running over using expensive equipment for its natural beauty and energy.

      The interviewee, who is a comedian, shared his experiences during his recent stand-up comedy tour without using drugs or alcohol. He mentioned that he had more sets than usual and found performing sober enjoyable. He also apologized for some past statements made during podcasts while under the influence, including his opinion on treadmills and his drinking habits on stage. The comedian also expressed his preference for outdoor running over using expensive equipment like the True Form treadmill. He emphasized that the beauty of nature and the source energy it provides makes running outside more rewarding.

    • Strengthening the body through consistent exercise and yogaRegular exercise, including yoga, can help alleviate pain and improve foot strength. Ignore negative comments and focus on a supportive network for mental wellbeing.

      Maintaining a consistent exercise routine and incorporating activities like yoga can help strengthen the body and alleviate pain, such as plantar fasciitis. The speaker shares her personal experience of dealing with plantar fasciitis and how practicing yoga regularly has significantly improved her foot strength and eliminated foot pain while running. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of not letting negative comments or online attacks affect one's mental wellbeing and encourages taking a break from reading them. Lastly, the speaker mentions the importance of having a supportive network and the value of resilience in the face of criticism and online attacks.

    • Movies that connect strangersThe speaker cherishes films that foster meaningful connections between people, such as 'Unbreakable', while expressing discomfort with those containing fantasy elements.

      The speaker shares a deep appreciation for movies that spark meaningful connections between strangers, like the experience he had after watching "Unbreakable." He also expresses a dislike for films that involve fantasy elements, such as "Alice in Wonderland" and "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," which he finds unsettling. The conversation also touches on various movies and filmmakers, including M. Night Shyamalan, Mel Gibson, and Eli Roth, and their impact on the speaker. Additionally, the speaker expresses his enthusiasm for certain films, such as "Unbreakable" and "The Green Inferno," despite finding others, like "Clown," too disturbing to watch. Overall, the discussion highlights the speaker's passion for movies and the unique experiences they can provide.

    • Speakers discuss their fear and fascination with violent moviesSpeakers shared their experiences of being deeply affected by violent movies, particularly in the horror genre, and expressed a range of emotions and perspectives towards such content.

      During a conversation about watching disturbing movies, the speakers expressed their fear and fascination with violent content, particularly in the horror genre. Some mentioned specific movies that had deeply affected them, such as "Hostel" and "It." One speaker shared his experience of being scared to the point of discomfort during a movie theater experience. Another speaker expressed his dislike for clowns and his reluctance to draw clown makeup. The conversation also touched on the topic of bullfighting, with some expressing concern for animal welfare and others defending the tradition. Overall, the speakers demonstrated a range of emotions and perspectives towards violent and disturbing content.

    • Unintended Consequences of Animal IntroductionsBringing animals to Australia and New Zealand for hunting led to unintended devastation of native species by introduced predators like cats and foxes, necessitating extensive control measures.

      The introduction of various animals to Australia and New Zealand for hunting had unintended consequences. While some animals, like cats and foxes, were brought in to control other species, they went on to devastate native animals that had no prior encounter with these predators. This led to complex issues, such as the current problem of feral cats in Australia, which threaten native species and require extensive control measures. The discussion also highlighted the solo backpacking adventure of Adam Greentree, who gained a large following on social media for his hunting exploits. Despite the controversy surrounding hunting, the speaker emphasized that it's not about hating house cats, but rather dealing with the consequences of past actions.

    • A Friend's Close Encounter with a BearRespect for skilled hunters and their close calls with nature, admiration for their preparedness, and acknowledgment of the unpredictability of nature.

      The speaker's friend, Remy Warren, had a close encounter with a bear while hunting, coming dangerously close to death. The speaker was recounting this story and expressing admiration for Remy and other skilled bow hunters like Cameron Hanes. The speaker also mentioned his own experiences with alcohol and how he's been sober for some time, observing the negative effects of drinking on others. Despite not knowing these hunters personally, the speaker follows them and respects their expertise and lifestyle. The encounter with the bear served as a reminder of the unpredictability of nature and the importance of being prepared.

    • Maintaining Positive Lifestyle ChangesSpeaker values community and accountability of group fitness classes, sets specific goals to prevent relapse, and strives for balance between social experiences and health.

      The speaker recognizes the benefits of making positive lifestyle changes, such as quitting drinking on planes and attending fitness classes, but fears falling back into old habits. He values the sense of community and accountability found in group fitness classes and acknowledges the importance of finding a balance between enjoying social experiences and maintaining good health. The speaker's wife has noticed improvements in his health and they have both enjoyed the challenges and progress they've made together. However, the speaker expresses concern about the sustainability of these changes and the potential for relapse. He is focused on setting specific goals, such as no booze on planes, to help him stay on track and continue feeling strong and healthy.

    • Unexpected connections through shared experiencesFriendship and shared experiences can lead to hilarious moments and deep connections, even in unexpected places like a yoga class.

      Friendship and shared experiences, even in unexpected places like a yoga class, can lead to hilarious moments and deep connections. Tom and Jamie's bickering and playful banter during their yoga sessions resulted in a unique idea for a yoga pose calendar, filled with humorous moments and their favorite poses. The unexpected interactions with their instructor and other class members added to the experience, making their yoga sessions not just a workout, but a source of entertainment and bonding. The conversation also showcases the importance of communication and understanding in a friendship, as Tom and Jamie's dynamic demonstrates the value of being able to laugh at each other and find joy in shared experiences.

    • Hot yoga and intermittent fasting improve fitness and well-beingConsistent hot yoga practice and intermittent fasting can lead to weight loss, improved physical fitness, and better overall well-being.

      Consistent practices like hot yoga and intermittent fasting, when combined with a healthy diet, can lead to significant improvements in physical fitness and overall well-being. Joe's friend Tom, who used to be mocked for his weight, is now looking better and more fit due to his dedication to hot yoga. Joe himself has lost a substantial amount of weight and noticed improvements in his face and body measurements. They both follow intermittent fasting, which involves limiting eating hours to 12 or more per day. The conversation also highlights the importance of finding a workout routine that fits one's preferences and sticking to it, as well as the role of mental confidence in trying new things.

    • Exploring new experiences in sobrietyThe speaker looks forward to various pleasurable experiences in sobriety, such as a new studio with a sauna, socializing with friends, and trying new non-alcoholic beverages. He also misses some experiences, like wine and cold beer, but is finding joy in new ways.

      The speaker is looking forward to various pleasurable experiences, including a new studio with a sauna, socializing with friends, and trying different non-alcoholic beverages to replace his cravings for alcohol. He also expresses a longing for certain foods and drinks, such as wine and cold beer, especially when engaging in activities like fishing or attending sporting events. Despite missing some of these experiences, the speaker is enjoying his sobriety and finding new ways to enjoy life without relying on alcohol. He also expresses a desire to spend time with friends and attend events, even if it means being apart from his kids for a night. Overall, the speaker is embracing new experiences and finding joy in sobriety, while still appreciating the pleasures of food, drink, and socializing.

    • The fear of the unknown and ambiguityFear of the unknown and ambiguity can lead to discomfort, unease, and even harm. Personal experiences and encounters can shape our fears and perceptions.

      The unexplained and unfamiliar can evoke fear and unease, as exemplified by the fear some people have of clowns. The ambiguity of what lies beneath the mask and the potential for hidden intentions can be unsettling. This fear can manifest in various ways, from personal discomfort to more serious harm, such as the infamous case of John Wayne Gacy. Additionally, personal experiences and encounters can shape our fears and perceptions, as illustrated by the speaker's experiences with being roofied and encountering a potentially dangerous situation at a strip club. Overall, the discussion highlights the complex and often irrational nature of fear and the impact it can have on our lives.

    • The risks of trusting strangers with your drinksBe cautious and aware when socializing with strangers or in unfamiliar environments to avoid potential drug-spiking and ensure personal safety and well-being.

      Trusting strangers with your drinks can be risky and potentially dangerous. The speaker shares personal experiences of being offered drugs without his knowledge or consent, some of which resulted in uncomfortable or scary situations. He emphasizes the importance of being cautious and aware of your surroundings, especially when socializing in unfamiliar environments or with people you don't know well. The prevalence of drug-spiking, particularly among women, is a common concern and a reminder that it's essential to prioritize your safety and well-being above all else.

    • Historical power imbalance in entertainment industryPower dynamics in entertainment industry have long been unbalanced, with some individuals using power to coerce sexual acts. Women often felt pressured to comply to advance their careers.

      The dynamic between power and consent in the entertainment industry has historically been unbalanced, with some individuals using their power to coerce sexual acts. Bill Cosby is an example of this predatory behavior, where he used his influence to sleep with women who didn't want to, making it a part of his dating tactics. This culture existed long before accountability became a priority, and women often felt they had to comply to advance their careers. The speaker shares her own experience with Elliot Gould, where she felt pressured to sleep with him to secure a role, but managed to dodge the situation. The prevalence of such behavior in the industry is a complex issue that requires ongoing dialogue and change.

    • Power dynamics and fear of being blackballed in entertainmentEntertainers face overwhelming power dynamics and fear losing their careers, leading to potential loss of focus and control, causing public meltdowns and career-altering mistakes. Despite industry changes, hubris and loss of perspective remain challenges.

      The power dynamics in the entertainment industry can be overwhelming and potentially damaging, with the threat of being "blackballed" or losing one's career looming large. This was a common fear among entertainers, as seen in the examples of Brett Butler and Roseanne. The pressure and success can lead to a loss of focus and control, resulting in public meltdowns and career-altering mistakes. The entertainment landscape has changed, with more stars and more platforms, making it a more competitive and unpredictable industry. However, the potential for hubris and the loss of perspective remains a constant challenge.

    • Unintended Consequences of Fame and Personal StrugglesFame can lead to unexpected challenges and societal stigmatization, as seen in Charlie Sheen's case with a bad TV show and personal struggles, including HIV diagnosis and substance abuse.

      The entertainment industry can have unintended consequences on individuals' lives. The discussion highlights the case of Charlie Sheen, a talented actor who became associated with a bad TV show and personal struggles, including HIV diagnosis and substance abuse. The confusion and fear surrounding AIDS in its early days are also mentioned. The conversation reveals how the industry's expectations and societal norms can lead to unexpected challenges and stigmatization. Ultimately, it serves as a reminder of the complexities and potential pitfalls of fame and the human experience.

    • Jumping to conclusions and reacting impulsively can harm relationshipsBe cautious of jealousy and mistrust, as they can lead to irrational actions and damage relationships. Focus on personal growth and trust in the relationship instead.

      Jealousy and mistrust can lead to harmful and irrational actions. In the discussion, a man recounts a friend's accusation of his girlfriend's infidelity based on her supposedly suspicious behavior. The friend went to extremes, including administering a painful and unnecessary STD test, to prove his suspicion. However, the man's girlfriend was innocent. The incident serves as a reminder that jumping to conclusions and reacting impulsively can cause unnecessary pain and damage relationships. Additionally, the man shares his own experiences of being in relationships where trust was an issue and how he learned to focus on his own growth and expectations instead.

    • Navigating Relationships During AdolescenceClear communication, respect for boundaries, and adapting to changing needs are crucial for healthy relationships during adolescence.

      Navigating relationships, especially during adolescence, can be confusing and complicated. The speaker shares an experience of witnessing a friend making out with someone else, which left him unsure about their relationship status. He also recalls a past relationship where he felt needy and manipulative, leading to a negative experience. As his oldest daughter grows up and seeks more independence, the speaker recognizes the need to respect her autonomy and adjust to this new dynamic. He also shares an example of a habit he had of expressing his love publicly, which his daughter found uncomfortable. These experiences highlight the importance of clear communication, respect for boundaries, and adapting to the changing needs and desires of relationships.

    • Apologizing for past mistakes and acknowledging their impactRecognizing and admitting past errors can lead to understanding, forgiveness, and stronger relationships.

      Honest communication and acknowledging past mistakes are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. The speaker in this conversation expresses his regret over being away from his family for an extended period due to work commitments. He recognizes that his absence may have caused his children to feel neglected, and he wants to make amends. He admits his mistakes openly and hopes for understanding and compromise from his family. The speaker also mentions how the lack of communication and emotional connection in his upbringing has influenced his parenting style. He values the importance of cooking meals together as a way to bond and create lasting memories. The conversation highlights the significance of acknowledging past mistakes, being honest about feelings, and making an effort to repair relationships. It's never too late to make amends and strengthen family bonds.

    • Rediscovering Joy and BalanceFind joy in relaxation and strong relationships to counteract pressures of success and hustle.

      Finding balance in life is crucial for overall well-being. The speaker shares his personal experience of rediscovering the joy of wine and relaxation during a trip to Italy. He emphasizes the importance of counterbalancing the pressure to succeed and hustle with relaxation and enjoyment. He admits that it's a challenge for him to let go and fully disconnect, but recognizes the benefits when he does. The speaker believes that our mind is at its best when we have strong relationships with loved ones and prioritize cultivating those connections over material possessions. He encourages listeners to find their own ways to achieve balance and let go of distractions, even if it's a gradual process. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of finding joy and relaxation in life to counteract the pressures of success and hustle.

    • The importance of relationships and community for true happinessPrioritize relationships and community for happiness, no amount of wealth or success can replace the joy of loving friends and family, take time for those who matter, maintain balance between personal and professional life, avoid overworking and constant traveling.

      Prioritizing relationships and community is essential for true happiness and fulfillment. According to the speaker, no amount of wealth or success can replace the joy and connection that comes from having loving friends and family. The speaker learned this lesson the hard way, recognizing that he had been working too much and neglecting his relationships. He encourages taking time for the people who matter, even if it means adjusting one's work schedule or priorities. The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between personal and professional life, and warns against the negative effects of overworking and constant traveling. In essence, true happiness and contentment come from the love and support of our tribe and community.

    • Finding balance in work and personal lifeBalancing performing schedule and personal time leads to greater fulfillment and success in the comedy industry.

      Finding a balance between work and personal life is crucial for long-term success and happiness in the comedy industry. The interviewee shares his experience of feeling burnt out from constant traveling and performing, and how switching to a more balanced schedule of performing only on weekends has significantly improved his quality of life. He emphasizes the importance of prioritizing personal time and making sure that performing is still enjoyable and not a burden. The interviewee also mentions the financial benefits of performing at smaller clubs versus theater tours, and the importance of maintaining a good relationship with a manager to negotiate offers and make informed decisions. Overall, the key takeaway is that finding a balance and making intentional choices about one's career can lead to greater fulfillment and success in the long run.

    • Balancing intimate and large comedy venuesSuccess in comedy involves refining skills in small venues and showcasing polished acts in larger ones. Continuously updating material keeps audiences engaged.

      Successful stand-up comedy requires a balanced approach, incorporating both intimate and large performance venues. Intimate settings allow for honing and connection with the audience, while larger venues provide the opportunity to showcase a polished act to larger audiences. The comedian, Joe Rogan, shares his experience of this dynamic, discussing the importance of both types of performances and the impact they have on his career. He also emphasizes the significance of moving on from overused material and focusing on new content to keep audiences engaged.

    • The Wilbur Theatre's Transformations: From Comedy Club to Improvisational TheaterHistorically, attempts to restrict comedians' material and cater to a specific audience at the Wilbur Theatre in Boston have not been successful.

      The Wilbur Theatre in Boston, which opened in the late 1800s, underwent several transformations throughout the years. In the late 80s, it housed a comedy club named Duck Soup, which was an attempt to promote clean comedy and serve high-end food. However, the experiment failed as many comedians, like Steve Sweeney and Lenny Clark, couldn't perform their usual material. After Duck Soup closed, the Wilbur became an improv theater, and Bud Friedman took it over. Later, Bill Blumenright, a financial wizard, bought the Comedy Connection in Faniel Hall and expanded it into the Wilbur Theatre, which now has around 900 seats and hosts big acts. Despite its success, the Wilbur Theatre's history shows that attempts to restrict comedians' material and cater to a specific audience can be unsuccessful.

    • Boston's Past Comedy Scene: A Time of Diversity and OpportunityBoston's unique comedy scene offered diverse crowds and opportunities to adapt and connect, shaping performers' abilities to engage audiences and adapt to various room dynamics.

      Boston once had a vibrant and unique comedy scene with numerous local talents and venues. However, as some of the older headliners aged and left, the scene lost its luster, and the next generation struggled to fill the void. Despite recent efforts to revitalize the scene, the interviewee reminisces about the past when Boston boasted a high concentration of quality comedy shows and opportunities to perform at multiple venues in a single night. The unique character of Boston's comedy scene, where performers could navigate diverse crowds and adapt to different room sizes, was a crucial aspect of its allure. The interviewee reflects on the lessons learned from performing in various environments, emphasizing the importance of being able to connect with audiences and adapt to different room dynamics.

    • Understanding different comedy club audiencesAdaptability and reading the room are essential for comedians to succeed in various comedy club environments, each with unique audience dynamics and challenges.

      Different comedy clubs offer unique experiences for comedians, and understanding the audience dynamics of each space is crucial for success. The Largo and Nerdist Meltdown comedy clubs represent contrasting crowd types - the former being polite and appreciative of nuanced comedy, while the latter can be unpredictable with hecklers and disruptive backstage areas. The Oracle Room, despite its challenges with distractions, also offers a great setup due to its intimacy and potential for meaningful conversations with fellow comedians. Overall, navigating these diverse environments requires adaptability and an ability to read the room to deliver the best performance possible.

    • Friends offer valuable feedback and supportSurround yourself with honest friends who can help prevent poor decisions and prioritize self-care for improved well-being.

      It's essential to have supportive friends who can offer honest feedback and help prevent us from making decisions that may not be in our best interests. Bert's friends recognized that he was overextending himself by constantly touring and performing stand-up comedy, which was taking a toll on his personal life and well-being. They encouraged him to prioritize his family and health, leading him to make the decision to cancel some tour dates. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise, proper nutrition, and sobriety can significantly improve energy levels and overall well-being, even for those with demanding schedules.

    • People's habits and bodies can change significantlyPeople adapt to new challenges, setting goals and hard work contribute to change, and staying focused is crucial.

      People and their habits can change significantly over time. The individual in this conversation used to be a non-drinker but became a drinker when he moved to New York. His friend, Cameron Haines, transformed from struggling with a 5K to participating in a 238-mile race. These changes illustrate how our bodies and habits can adapt to what we ask of them. Additionally, the importance of hard work and setting goals was emphasized, as seen in Cameron's preparation for his race and the speaker's personal fitness goals. Lastly, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying focused on your goals and not getting distracted by external factors, as seen in the anecdote about a friend's unsuccessful attempt at stand-up comedy.

    • The importance of dedication and hard work in comedyDedicate yourself to your craft, identify weaknesses, push for improvement, value honesty and originality, and work with a good manager for optimal success in comedy.

      Dedication and hard work are essential for success in any creative endeavor, not just stand-up comedy. The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on your craft, identifying weaknesses, and constantly pushing yourself to improve. He shares his experience of learning this lesson the hard way, and how he discovered the value of honesty and originality in his act. The speaker also highlights the importance of having a good manager who understands the demands of the industry and can help manage time, energy, and focus effectively. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that there's no substitute for putting in the work and being willing to grind it out to achieve greatness.

    • Stay true to yourself and your comedic styleComedians should focus on providing a good show for their audience, not pushing an agenda. Trust instincts and audience, and avoid green room distractions.

      Comedians should focus on providing a good show for their audience rather than pushing a specific agenda. Bert Kreischer shared his experience of learning this lesson during a podcast appearance, where a fan encouraged him to share a story about his past that he initially hesitated to tell. Kreischer emphasized the importance of staying true to himself and his comedic style, rather than being swayed by external advice. He also warned against the dangers of green room distractions and the importance of maintaining a professional focus before a show. Ultimately, Kreischer's message is that comedians should trust their instincts and their audience, and not be afraid to be organic and funny in their performances.

    • Frustration and Insensitivity towards Pain and DiscomfortPeople can express frustration towards pain and discomfort, particularly when it comes to being hit in the balls. Effective protective measures, like steel tie cups, can minimize such pain despite being uncomfortable.

      The speaker in this conversation expresses frustration and insensitivity towards various objects and body parts, particularly focusing on the discomfort and pain associated with being hit in the balls. He also shares his experiences with protective gear designed to minimize such pain. The conversation also touches upon the idea that some people can endure significant pain, such as getting kicked in the balls, and that certain protective equipment, like steel tie cups, can provide the most effective protection despite being uncomfortable. Overall, the conversation highlights the discomfort and pain that can be associated with certain body parts and the importance of effective protective measures.

    • Chimpanzees and other primates challenge our perception of their capabilitiesDiscoveries of primate tool use and entering the Stone Age challenge our understanding of their intelligence and evolutionary timeline

      Chimpanzees and other primates have shown remarkable intelligence and capability, using tools independently and entering what scientists call the Stone Age. These discoveries challenge our perception of the evolutionary timeline and the capabilities of our primate ancestors. Despite their size and strength, chimpanzees and other primates are not just mindless beasts, but intelligent beings with the potential for further development. The implications of these findings are vast, suggesting that the line between humans and our primate ancestors may not be as clear-cut as once believed.

    • Understanding Primates' Complex Behaviors and InstinctsRespecting primates' natural instincts and complex behaviors is essential for their well-being in captivity.

      Primates, including chimpanzees and gorillas, have complex behaviors and social structures, but their relationship with humans can be dangerous due to their natural instincts and harsh environments they come from. Humans have kept primates as pets, leading to tragic incidents where the animals, driven by their survival instincts, have attacked their human caretakers. Primates are capable of advanced communication, planning, and even warfare in their natural habitats. However, their behavior in captivity can be misunderstood, leading to unfortunate situations. For instance, a gorilla in a Miami zoo was depressed due to missing his canines, which are a sign of dominance in gorilla society. The human caretakers removed them, causing the gorilla's social isolation. The speaker, Bert Kreischer, managed to make the gorilla laugh by imitating a gorilla's sounds and actions. Despite his success, the network did not air the clip, deeming it irrelevant to the show. Overall, understanding primates' complex behaviors and respecting their natural instincts is crucial for ensuring their well-being in captivity.

    • A host's unexpected viral success and disappointment with the Travel ChannelA host's viral video on the Travel Channel led to over 242 million views, but his unsupported comedic ideas and rejected content left him feeling undervalued and motivated him to pursue other projects.

      The Pterodactyl ride in Colorado, a video that was accidentally aired by one of its hosts, became the most viewed thing in the history of the Travel Channel with over 242 million views and 1.3 million shares. The hosts were unaware of its potential viral success and were taken aback by its reception. The speaker, who was a host at the time, expressed his disappointment when the network did not appreciate his ideas and eventually parted ways with him. He shared his desire to focus on stand-up comedy and podcasts, but the network did not support his vision. The speaker's frustration was further fueled by the network's refusal to air a hilarious video of him touring a spook house, which he believed was the funniest content he had ever produced for them. The experience left him feeling undervalued and motivated him to pursue projects that meant more to him.

    • The Impact of Online Criticism on IndividualsOnline criticism can lead individuals to change their behavior or identity, but it can also put friends in awkward positions and be a source of negativity. Being mindful of online behavior is crucial.

      The pressure of social media and online criticism can significantly impact individuals, leading them to change their behavior or even their identity. In this discussion, a person shared their experience of gaining weight and the backlash they faced online. They felt guilty for not being able to join their friends, leading them to pay for a trip to make up for it. However, their well-intentioned gesture put their friend in an awkward position, leading to further online criticism. The person shared how they felt that the online community was quick to pounce on weaknesses and how some individuals can be cruel and relentless in their attacks. They also spoke about how marijuana use has helped them become a more introspective and sensitive person, allowing them to reflect on their actions and be a nicer person overall. The discussion underscores the importance of being mindful of online behavior and the impact it can have on individuals, both positively and negatively.

    • Transformative float tank experience with Crash's designThe high-quality features of Crash's float tank design, including thick plastic, filtration systems, and temperature control, significantly enhance the meditation experience by providing greater disconnection from the physical body.

      The speaker had a transformative experience with a float tank, which he attributes to Crash, the innovator behind the Float Lab. The speaker praises Crash's engineering and design, which addresses common issues with traditional float tanks. The speaker emphasizes the importance of the tank's high-quality features, such as the thick plastic material, air and water filtration systems, and temperature control. The speaker also mentions the significant impact Crash's work had on the float tank industry as a whole. The speaker expresses his enthusiasm for the upcoming installation of a new tank and his belief that the tank experience elevates meditation by providing greater disconnection from the physical body.

    • Meditation in a Float Tank: A Psychedelic AlternativeCombining meditation with a float tank can lead to profound experiences, improve health, and help overcome challenges. Committing to personal challenges and seeking support can lead to transformative growth.

      The combination of meditation and using a float tank can lead to a profound, psychedelic experience, offering an alternative to those who don't want to use drugs. This practice has helped individuals overcome challenges, such as insomnia, and significantly improve their overall health. The commitment and discipline required to complete a personal challenge, like a 30-day sobriety pledge, can lead to remarkable transformations. Despite setbacks, it's essential to keep trying and not give up. The support of friends and community can be invaluable during this process.

    • Friend's commitment to personal growthStay true to personal choices, find a supportive network, and appreciate the value of growth.

      Personal choices and accountability are essential in maintaining healthy relationships and personal growth. In the discussion, a friend supported another friend in quitting both alcohol and weed for a month, despite initial skepticism. The friend's decision to quit weed was met with attempts to bully him into using it again, but he remained committed to his goal. He emphasized that quitting weed had not affected his life significantly and that he planned to use it more judiciously in the future. The friend also shared his admiration for comedian Bert Kreischer's disciplined approach to using alcohol and his appreciation for the supportive community of comedians. Ultimately, the discussion underscores the importance of standing by one's convictions, finding a supportive network, and recognizing the value of personal growth.

    • Speaker calls for strong and assertive response to global challengesSpeaker advocated for a bold and unapologetic approach to international challenges, emphasizing the importance of focusing on national interests and maintaining a tough stance, particularly towards North Korea, while criticizing perceived weaknesses and expressing confidence in American strength and humor.

      During a discussion about recent natural disasters and global tensions, a speaker expressed a desire for a strong and assertive response. He emphasized the importance of staying focused on national interests and maintaining a tough stance, particularly towards North Korea. The speaker also criticized perceived weaknesses, such as gun control and social media distractions. He expressed confidence in American strength and humor, and praised a comedian for his entertaining performances. Overall, the speaker advocated for a bold and unapologetic approach to international challenges.

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    #2169 - Protect Our Parks 12

    #2169 - Protect Our Parks 12
    Shane Gillis, Mark Normand, and Ari Shaffir are stand-up comics, writers, and podcasters. Shane is the co-host of "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast" with Matt McCusker and one half of the sketch comedy duo "Gilly and Keeves" with John McKeever. Watch his new comedy series, "Tires," and special, "Beautiful Dogs" on Netflix. www.shanemgillis.com Mark is the co-host of the podcasts "Tuesdays with Stories" with Joe List and "We Might Be Drunk" with Sam Morril. Watch his latest stand-up special, "Soup to Nuts," on Netflix. www.marknormandcomedy.com Ari is the host of the "You Be Trippin'" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Ari Shaffir: Jew," is available now via YouTube. www.arishaffir.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer
    Tyler Fischer is a stand-up comic, actor, and filmmaker. His latest special, "The Election Special | LIVE at Comedy Mothership," is available now via YouTube. https://youtu.be/FmvJjMGX7hw?si=PyOsFVH4as8HMHBD www.tylerfischer.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh

    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh
    Noland Arbaugh is the first human recipient of Neuralink’s brain-computer interface implant: an innovative new technology that allows him to control digital devices with his thoughts. Noland Arbaugh: https://x.com/ModdedQuad Neuralink www.neuralink.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2166 - Enhanced Games

    #2166 - Enhanced Games
    Christian Angermayer and Dr. Aron D’Souza are the co-founders of the Enhanced Games, an upcoming Olympic-style event that brings together the world’s top athletes to compete without arbitrary bans on performance-enhancing substances.  www.enhanced.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2165 - Jack Carr

    #2165 - Jack Carr
    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Using alcohol for anxiety and emotion, living sober curious or alcohol free in the modern world with Sobriety Coach Molly Ruggere.

    Using alcohol for anxiety and emotion, living sober curious or alcohol free in the modern world with Sobriety Coach Molly Ruggere.

    Affecting just about everyone in some form or fashion, alcohol culture is at its peak.

    Todays guest, Molly Ruggere is the founder of Counter Culture Club, a global alcohol-free community based in Charlotte, NC that offers group and private coaching, monthly membership and events for individuals who want to build relationships with like-minded friends and counter the mainstream idea that we need alcohol to have fun, fulfilling lives.

    We discuss social anxiety leading to alcohol misuse, emotional drinking and that there is a large spectrum of alcohol use. I appreciate this interview so much in today's society that continues to put us all inside a box, we don't need a label! This is for the curious.


    Don't forget to enter to win a FREE 30 Minute Session with Molly. To enter, follow Molly and Eliza on Instagram and tag a friend on the most recent post on the Hotter Than Health podcast Instagram! 

    Organifi 20% off!

    Wisdom- Join me 7pm 12/9/21 7PM

    Work with me 1 on 1

    Review the podcast + rate us FIVE STARS so more people can find the HTH Podcast!

    How To Lean In and Overcome Hard Times

    How To Lean In and Overcome Hard Times
    While I normally have guests to discuss a variety of topics, today I will be sharing with you 4 tips on how to overcome the hard stuff in life so you can ambitiously focus on becoming your best self.

    I talk about the importance of being courageous, how to fight the negative narratives, how to increase your capacity for personal growth, and why doing hard things on purpose is important to overcoming the hard things that come uninvited.

    If you find that you retreat from hard stuff and hide, instead of leaning in and embracing it, this podcast will show you a better way. A way that will build your self confidence, emotional and mental resilience, and enhance your most precious relationships.

    Follow James Keddington and Better Me Nation
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keddington/
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    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jamesthehealthcoach
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    Free: 10 Power Habits of Health and Happy People: https://www.bettermenation.com/free-booklet-improve-every-area-of-health/

    1. Social Media is Cancer

    1. Social Media is Cancer

    Exposing the false narratives of social media and why it doesn't feel good to be human. Welcome to Aware & Aggravated! 


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    *Taking on new clients again soon.


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    Conscious Conversation #3 Collaboration, Magnetism, Vibing

    Conscious Conversation #3 Collaboration, Magnetism, Vibing

    093: Join me in this conscious conversation with my very special Guest Mike LimBybliw from Minnesota US- loving father of 3 kids, 2 dogs and husband to an incredible wife. He has worked as a music therapist for over 11 years, began teaching POUND® https://www.instagram.com/poundfit/ in 2018 and is currently in the process of becoming a Mastertrainer. Listen and learn how collaboration, magnetism and vibing has shaped his life as well as how a simple question can change your life for the better.

    FOLLOW Mike on Instagram @gentlepanda https://www.instagram.com/gentlepanda/ - register and check his class schedule at https://poundfit.com/instructor/199220/Michael-LimBybliw/

    THANK you for listening to this episode! DID YOU KNOW there is one English episode each month? Make sure to SUBSCRIBE and enjoy!