
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring new environments: beautiful and dangerousBeing aware of surroundings and prepared for unexpected is crucial for any journey, be it physical or metaphorical

      The world can be both beautiful and dangerous, as Adam Greentree's journey from the snowy mountains of Montana to the bustling streets of Los Angeles demonstrates. From the wild scrub bulls of Australia to the unpredictable encounters in the city, the experience of being in new environments can be both exhilarating and unnerving. The natural world, with its untamed creatures, can present unique challenges, while urban areas can offer their own brand of danger. Despite these risks, the adventure and excitement of exploring new places is often worth the potential hazards. The importance of being aware of one's surroundings and being prepared for the unexpected is a crucial lesson that can be applied to any journey, whether it's a physical one across continents or a metaphorical one through life's experiences.

    • Surviving Challenges in the Wilderness and Everyday LifeFrom surviving a bull goring to the importance of gear and dedication, this conversation highlights the resilience of individuals and the value of expertise in overcoming challenges.

      Survival can be a complex and challenging experience, even for the toughest individuals. The story shared involved a man who survived being gored by a bull but later passed away from a heart attack. The conversation also touched upon the importance of having the right gear for hunting and the dedication required for practices like hot yoga. Despite the challenges, people continue to push through and adapt, whether it's in the wilderness or in everyday life. The discussion also highlighted the expertise of John Dudley and his Knock On podcast as valuable resources for archery enthusiasts.

    • Discovering the Dangerous Side of Australian Wildlife: Saltwater CrocodilesSaltwater crocodiles, a protected native species in Australia, can grow up to 18 feet long, live over 100 years, and are highly aggressive. They require a large amount of food and can die from starvation. Invasive species impact the Australian ecosystem, threatening native species that cannot be hunted.

      Australia is home to some of the largest and most dangerous animals in the world, particularly the saltwater crocodile. These creatures can grow up to 18 feet long and live over 100 years. They are highly aggressive and will grab humans to eat them. Saltwater crocodiles require a large amount of food and can die from starvation if food is unavailable. Despite their danger, they are protected as native species in Australia, and hunting is only allowed for introduced species. The abundance of food in Australia's rivers and water systems allows for a high population of saltwater crocodiles. The conversation also touched on the impact of invasive species on the Australian ecosystem and the native species that cannot be hunted.

    • Controlled hunting or culling programs in Australia and MalaysiaPrograms manage populations of large animals with no natural predators, maintaining ecological balance and ensuring human safety

      In certain areas, such as Australia and Malaysia, controlled hunting or culling programs are implemented to manage the populations of large animals like kangaroos and crocodiles, which have no natural predators and can cause significant damage to the environment if their numbers get out of control. These programs are often carried out by professional shooters or large landowners, and are seen by some as a more humane alternative to letting the animals suffer slow deaths due to overpopulation. Despite the controversy surrounding these practices, they serve an important role in maintaining ecological balance and ensuring the safety of human populations. For instance, in Australia, alligator hunting is regulated to keep their populations in check and provide a source of food and income. Similarly, in Malaysia, despite the challenges of removing crocodiles from populated areas, efforts are made to do so to prevent potential harm to people and property.

    • Living with the Danger of Crocodiles in MozambiqueIn Mozambique, villagers face constant danger from ancient crocodiles that view humans as potential food or threat, highlighting the importance of respecting and understanding the natural world.

      The natural world can present significant risks to human life, particularly for communities that depend on it for their basic needs. The discussion revolved around the dangerous presence of large animals, specifically crocodiles, in the lives of villagers in Mozambique. These crocodiles, which are believed to be ancient and unchanged for millions of years, view humans as potential food or danger. The villagers, who live in a primitive settlement and rely solely on the river for water, face the constant risk of being attacked or even killed. This situation was compared to the luxuries and conveniences we have in modern life, such as clean water readily available in our homes. The discussion also touched upon the importance of understanding and respecting the natural world and the potential dangers it can pose.

    • Importance of preparation in wilderness survivalBe aware of risks like contaminated water and spoiled food, practice good hygiene, and ensure proper food storage to minimize illness in the wilderness.

      Being self-reliant in the wilderness comes with risks, including getting sick from contaminated water or spoiled food. Despite these risks, some people, like the speaker, have managed to avoid getting sick through careful planning and preparation. However, even the most experienced adventurers can fall ill, as the speaker experienced during a particularly challenging hunt in Idaho. The importance of hygiene and proper food storage cannot be overstated in preventing illness in the wilderness. The speaker's story highlights the importance of being aware of these risks and taking necessary precautions to minimize them. Additionally, the experience of being in the wilderness can bring a new appreciation for the simple things in life and remind us to never take them for granted.

    • Encountering Grizzlies in Unexpected PlacesDespite being told there were no grizzlies in certain areas, a hunter encountered them in Colorado, Idaho, and Montana. This raises questions about the accuracy of wildlife population information and the importance of being prepared for unexpected wildlife encounters.

      The presence of grizzlies in areas where they are not supposed to be can be a contentious issue. The hunter in this story had an encounter with a grizzly in Colorado, despite being told that there were no grizzlies in the area. He moved to Idaho and Montana in search of elk, but encountered a grizzly there as well. The hunter's experience raises questions about the accuracy of information regarding wildlife populations and the potential reasons for withholding such information. It also highlights the importance of being prepared for unexpected encounters with wildlife while hunting. The hunter's personal experience and desire to document the evidence has led him to plan a return trip to the area to gather more information. The reasons behind the potential denial or downplaying of the presence of grizzlies in certain areas remain unclear, but the hunter is determined to uncover the truth.

    • Belief in grizzly bears' existence in Colorado's San Jose MountainsHistorical sightings, vast mountain range, and nearby grizzlies fuel belief in their presence. Remote areas and infrequent wildlife biologists make confirmation challenging, with potential consequences for wildlife management and local communities.

      Despite official denials and lack of recent sightings, there is strong belief among some that grizzly bears still exist in the San Jose Mountain Range in Colorado. This belief is based on historical sightings, the vast size and suitability of the mountain range, and the presence of grizzlies in nearby areas. The difficulty of accessing these remote areas and the infrequent presence of wildlife biologists or hunters further complicates efforts to confirm or deny their existence. The potential consequences of their presence, both for wildlife management and local communities, are significant. For instance, in British Columbia, where grizzly hunting is banned, some residents express concern about the need for population monitoring and control. Overall, the debate around the existence of grizzly bears in Colorado's San Jose Mountain Range highlights the complexities of wildlife management and the importance of ongoing research and community engagement.

    • Predator management in BC could lead to negative consequencesIf predators are left unchecked in BC, humans, pets, farmlands, and other wildlife could suffer. Balance is needed to ensure healthy populations and minimize harm.

      The idea of letting predators control their own populations without human intervention in British Columbia (BC) could lead to negative consequences for both humans and wildlife. This approach, known as "predator management," could result in increased human and pet deaths, as well as damage to farmlands. Additionally, if predators decimate the game population, other species may suffer as well. The speaker shares his personal experience of encountering a grizzly bear while hunting in Montana, emphasizing the importance of being prepared and practicing with whatever hunting equipment is being used. The controversy surrounding bear hunting in BC stems from the perception that it involves killing beloved animals for sport, rather than for subsistence or population control. However, it's essential to consider both sides of the argument and find a balance that ensures healthy wildlife populations while minimizing harm to humans and their livelihoods.

    • Preparation and Planning are Key in Encountering a Grizzly BearBeing prepared with the right gear, having a plan, and knowing the rules and regulations are crucial when encountering a grizzly bear in the wild.

      Encountering a grizzly bear in the wild can be a heart-pounding and unpredictable experience. Despite their size, grizzlies can move quickly and unexpectedly, leaving even experienced hunters feeling vulnerable. The importance of being prepared and having a plan in such situations cannot be overstated. In this particular encounter, the hunter was unarmed due to a jammed gun and a missing bear spray, leaving him feeling helpless and exposed. The hunter also shared his fear of engaging with a female grizzly, as they are known to protect their cubs aggressively. The hunter's story serves as a reminder of the importance of being prepared, having a hunting buddy, and knowing the rules and regulations of the area when venturing into grizzly bear territory.

    • Hunters share harrowing encounter with a 1,400-pound grizzly bearUnderstanding and respecting the power of nature and the need for responsible and sustainable management practices to coexist with it.

      Grizzly bears are massive and powerful animals that can pose a significant threat to humans. This was vividly illustrated in a recent podcast where hunters recounted their harrowing encounter with a grizzly bear that charged at them while they were packing out an elk carcass. The bear, estimated to be 1,400 pounds and over 10 feet tall, had claimed the elk as its own and attacked the hunters unexpectedly. The experience left the hunters with a deep appreciation for the size and ferocity of these animals, and a renewed respect for the importance of conservation efforts to protect both game populations and human safety. Moreover, the discussion highlighted the complex relationship between humans and wildlife, and the need for a balanced approach to wildlife management. The hunting revenue generated from sustainable populations of game animals provides significant funding for wildlife preservation and habitat conservation. However, it is essential to ensure that hunting quotas are set based on accurate population numbers and that predator populations do not encroach on human settlements. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of understanding and respecting the power and complexity of nature, and the need for responsible and sustainable management practices to coexist with it.

    • Understanding the reality of wildlife and predatorsRealizing predators are essential parts of ecosystems and understanding their behaviors can prevent conflicts with humans.

      People need to understand the reality of wildlife and the natural world, rather than being influenced by anthropomorphized portrayals in movies. The speaker emphasizes that predators, like mountain lions and grizzly bears, are essential parts of their ecosystems and are not malicious entities. However, a lack of real-world experience and education about the wilderness can lead to misconceptions and emotional reactions against hunting or depredation permits. The speaker shares personal experiences of encountering grizzly bears and emphasizes that they are not out to harm humans unnecessarily. Instead, they are simply following their instincts to survive. The speaker also mentions the issue of problem bears being released in certain areas, leading to conflicts with humans. Overall, the key takeaway is the importance of understanding the natural world and the roles of predators within it, rather than being swayed by emotional responses or misconceptions perpetuated by media.

    • Respecting Nature and Hunting Mature AnimalsSpeaker values hunting mature animals, believing they've passed on genetics and contribute to herd health, and expresses respect for the animal's life.

      The speaker values the importance of respecting nature and hunting for mature animals. During a hunting trip in Montana, he passed up younger animals in favor of an older, more mature bull elk. This decision was based on the belief that older animals have passed on their genetics to the herd and contribute to its overall health. Additionally, the speaker expressed a sense of respect for the animal and a desire to shoot an animal that has lived its life. The challenge and difficulty of hunting a mature animal were also highlighted as important aspects of the experience. The conversation also touched upon the use of Australian slang and the origins of certain words.

    • Embracing Challenges for Personal GrowthExperiencing hardships can deepen appreciation for good times and lead to personal growth. Seeking out difficult experiences can bring happiness and fulfillment.

      Experiencing hardships and difficulties can lead to personal growth and a deeper appreciation for the good times in life. The speaker shares his own experiences of pushing through challenges during a long-distance run and being away from his family, and how these experiences made him cherish the good moments even more. He emphasizes that life isn't supposed to be easy, and that seeking out difficult experiences can lead to happiness and fulfillment. The speaker also highlights the importance of family and loved ones, and how being away from them can make their presence all the more valued.

    • Sleeping near a grizzly bearEncountering large, dangerous animals in the wild can be terrifying. Respect for experienced outdoorsmen and awareness of animal behavior are crucial for survival.

      Encountering large, dangerous animals in the wild can be a terrifying experience. The speaker shares his personal experience of sleeping near a grizzly bear with only one bullet as protection. He describes the bear's size and strength, and how one swipe from a grizzly could disable or even kill a human. The speaker also mentions his respect for experienced outdoorsmen like Cam Haines, who have faced these animals in their natural habitat. The conversation also touches on the size and ferocity of other large animals, such as the short-faced bear and the polar bear. Overall, the conversation highlights the awe-inspiring and intimidating power of nature's largest creatures.

    • Finding Balance Between Modern Life and Nature's WondersExperience the beauty of nature, from wild animals to the night sky, to appreciate the world around us. Balance time in civilization with time in nature for a richer life.

      Our connection to the natural world and its wonders, such as animals and the night sky, can be lost in the comforts and conveniences of modern civilization. The speaker shares his experiences of being in nature, from encountering wild animals in Ireland to observing the Milky Way free from light pollution. He emphasizes the importance of balancing time in civilization with time in nature to fully appreciate the beauty and complexity of the world around us. The speaker also reflects on how our senses, like taste, have been altered by modern conveniences, making us "pigs" who are constantly shoveling options. The discovery of human remains in the wild further highlights the rich history and culture that can be found in nature. Overall, the speaker encourages us to take the time to connect with the natural world and find a balance between modern life and the wonders of nature.

    • Discovering the rich cultural history of Indigenous rock art in Western AustraliaThe Indigenous people of Western Australia created intricate rock art using various techniques, depicting animals and dream time stories. Some sites remain well-preserved, with grinding stones still present, but many Indigenous people are now unable to access them due to historical events and cultural shifts.

      The Indigenous people of certain regions, such as the Dampia archipelago in Western Australia, have a rich cultural history marked by intricate rock art and paintings. These artworks were created using various techniques, including handprints and mouth painting, and often depicted animals and elements of their dream time stories. Some of these sites are incredibly well-preserved and remain untouched by modern civilization. One such site was described as a "lost city" hidden in a cave, with paintings lining the walls and grinding stones used to create the paint still present. The Indigenous stories associated with these sites often involve dream time and the importance of respecting certain creatures, such as snakes. Despite their deep connection to these sites, many Indigenous people are no longer able to access them due to historical events and cultural shifts.

    • The Complex History of Australia and its Indigenous PeopleAustralia's history with its indigenous people is older and more complex than commonly believed. Respectful dialogue and understanding between cultures is essential for acknowledging their rich, contradictory stories.

      The history of Australia and its indigenous people is much older and more complex than commonly believed. The indigenous story and the white fella story of the same historical events often contradict each other, highlighting the need for respectful dialogue and understanding between different cultures. The Northern Territory, where many of these stories take place, was first settled by Europeans less than 200 years ago, while evidence suggests that Aboriginal people have lived there for at least 65,000 years. With over 700 dialects, communication between different indigenous groups could be a challenge. The recent archaeological discoveries have significantly extended the known history of Aboriginal presence in Australia, challenging previous assumptions. It's important to remember that these stories are a part of Australia's rich cultural heritage and deserve respect and acknowledgment.

    • Indigenous communities' unique cultural practices in decision-making, ownership, and sharingRespecting indigenous communities' cultural practices, such as women holding power, sharing resources, and extended breaks after receiving pay, is crucial for understanding their way of life.

      The indigenous communities in certain areas have unique cultural practices when it comes to decision-making, ownership, and sharing. For instance, in some relationships, the woman holds the power, while in others, it's the man. Moreover, sharing resources is a common practice, and the concept of personal property is not as well-defined. An example of this is when an elder, who had been living off the land with only basic necessities, would receive groceries from his family, and everyone would help themselves to what they needed without him objecting. This cultural norm can be challenging for Westerners to understand, but it's an essential part of their way of life. Another intriguing aspect is that some indigenous people would take extended breaks after receiving their pay, which took the speaker a while to comprehend as a business owner. While it may seem unusual, this practice is deeply rooted in their cultural values and should be respected.

    • Respecting indigenous cultures is essential for businessesBusinesses should respect indigenous cultural practices, even if they cause temporary disruptions, to build trust and foster positive relationships.

      Understanding and respecting indigenous cultures is crucial for businesses that aim to employ indigenous people. The speaker shared an experience of working with indigenous employees in remote areas, where funerals could last for weeks due to cultural practices. This absence would often concern the clients, but the speaker emphasized that this was a part of their culture and should be respected. The speaker also acknowledged the ongoing tension between invasive and indigenous cultures and expressed admiration for the simple, unhurried way of life in indigenous communities. Despite some challenges, such as the loss of wages during extended absences, the speaker believed that the benefits of respecting and adapting to indigenous cultures outweighed the costs.

    • Close Encounters with Venomous CreaturesBe aware of the risks and take necessary precautions when encountering venomous creatures to avoid painful and potentially dangerous experiences.

      Encountering venomous creatures, whether it's a scorpion or a snake, can lead to painful and potentially dangerous experiences. The speaker had a close encounter with a scorpion that caused excruciating pain for a few days, and later encountered a venomous snake during a wedding preparation. Black snakes, in particular, are known for their aggressive behavior and ability to deliver a large amount of venom. While some venomous creatures may only cause a headache, others can lead to more severe reactions, including cardiac arrest. It's important to be aware of the risks and take necessary precautions when encountering venomous creatures in their natural habitats.

    • Man's unique ability to control dangerous animalsAdventurer's remarkable skill to communicate with and control dangerous animals, despite the risks, highlights the power and unpredictability of nature.

      The man in the video is an adventurer with a penchant for handling dangerous animals, including snakes, lions, and even elephants and water buffalos, barefoot and without weapons. He has a unique ability to control these animals, often bluffing them off or outrunning them. However, his actions are risky and potentially life-threatening. Despite the danger, he continues to pursue these experiences, suggesting a strong sense of adventure and a willingness to take risks. It's unclear if he has a death wish, but it's clear that his actions are not for the faint of heart. The man's ability to communicate with animals and understand their behavior is a remarkable skill, but it also puts him in harm's way. Overall, his actions highlight the power and unpredictability of nature and the lengths some people will go to experience it firsthand.

    • Knowledge of edible resources in the wildIndigenous people in Arnhem Land have spent generations learning what's safe to eat in the wild, but even with resources and knowledge today, mistakes can still be made.

      Survival in the wild requires extensive knowledge of the environment and its edible resources. The indigenous people in Arnhem Land have spent generations figuring out what they can and cannot eat, with some plants and roots being toxic unless prepared correctly. For instance, the cassava root is poisonous if eaten raw, but can be made safe through a lengthy preparation process. Similarly, some plants may look and even taste similar to safe options, but can be deadly. The trial and error involved in discovering these facts likely resulted in many fatalities throughout history. Today, we have books and resources to help us avoid these mistakes, but even with that, mistakes can still be made, as one person found out when they mistook a poisonous mushroom for an edible one. The importance of accurate knowledge and preparation cannot be overstated when it comes to survival in the wild.

    • The Thrill of the Chase and Living Off the LandPeople crave thrilling experiences and the satisfaction of adapting to new environments, even if it means eating unfamiliar foods and facing challenges while living off the land.

      People seek thrill and challenge in their experiences, even if it means eating potentially dangerous or unfamiliar foods while living off the land. The elk hunt in Montana served as an example of this, with the hunter describing the thrill of the chase and the satisfaction of eating the elk after a long and challenging journey. He also shared his experience of living off the land for 11 days, bringing dehydrated meals and chocolate bars for sustenance but also relying on what he could find in nature. The challenges of the trip, such as not being able to find certain foods he was used to, only added to the overall experience. The importance of preparation and adaptation was also emphasized, as the hunter had to make do with what was available to him and rely on his knowledge and skills to survive. Overall, the discussion highlights the human desire for adventure and the thrill of pushing oneself out of comfort zones.

    • Discovering the Delights of Bush TuckerBush Tucker, traditional Aboriginal Australian food, includes various meats, plants, and insects. Valued for nutrition and cultural significance, it offers potential for sustainable food sources and mass production of insects as a food source.

      Bush Tucker refers to native Australian food used by the Aboriginal Australians, including kangaroo, wallabies, goannas, and various types of edible plants and insects. Some of these foods, like grubs and honey ants, may seem unusual to those outside of Australia, but they are considered delicacies and valuable sources of nutrition in the Australian outback. The conversation also touched upon the sustainability of these food sources and the potential for mass production and consumption of insects as a food source. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the rich cultural history and significance of Bush Tucker to the Aboriginal Australians.

    • Exploring Alternative Sources of Protein and Understanding PerspectivesConsider mollusks, crickets, and other insects as alternative protein sources for essential nutrients and amino acids. Be mindful of differing perspectives and uses of language to avoid misunderstandings.

      There are various alternative sources of protein that are often overlooked, such as mollusks, crickets, and other insects. These sources can provide essential nutrients and amino acids that are important for good health. Additionally, people may have different perspectives and uses of certain words, like "cunt," which can lead to misunderstandings. Lastly, some individuals have the ability to effectively communicate without constantly engaging in conversation, and this can be a valuable skill, especially for those who enjoy solitary activities like hunting.

    • Experiences Shape Our Values and PreferencesPast experiences significantly impact our perceptions and behaviors, shaping our values and preferences. Negative experiences can lead to distrust and a preference for solitude, while positive experiences teach us the value of trust and connection.

      Past experiences can shape our perceptions and behaviors in significant ways. The speaker grew up learning distrust due to negative experiences with loved ones, leading them to prefer being alone and focused. This pattern is also seen in their appreciation for the wilderness and the idea of "walking about" for extended periods. However, their current experiences and relationships have shown them the value of trust and connection. Another interesting point is the speaker's admiration for indigenous cultures and their deep connection to the land, which they've adopted in their own way. Despite the complexities and differences among various indigenous communities, their stories and traditions are essential for preservation. Overall, the speaker's experiences have shaped their values and preferences, demonstrating the profound impact of our past on our present.

    • Longing for the days of undiscovered lands and unknown storiesThe loss of mystery and discovery in the world can bring sadness, as the human race uncovers harsh realities beneath the surface of undiscovered territories

      The loss of mystery and discovery in the world can be a source of sadness, as the human race becomes increasingly knowledgeable about every corner of the globe. The speaker expresses a sense of longing for the days when there were still undiscovered lands and unknown stories, like those of early explorers who faced great challenges and discoveries in the uncharted territories of Australia. One such explorer, Stuart McDonald, faced the challenge of believing in the existence of an inland ocean based on the evidence of ancient rivers, only to discover that these rivers were actually millions of years old and ran beneath the desert sands. The loss of this mystery and the discovery of the harsh realities beneath it can be a bittersweet experience.

    • Exploration's Unintended ConsequencesExploration and resource pursuit can unintentionally harm indigenous populations and the environment. Preserve historical sites and learn from past mistakes.

      The harsh realities of exploration and the quest for resources can lead to devastating consequences for indigenous populations and the environment. The speaker shares a story of European explorers who destroyed a water source, leaving the indigenous people without their last drinking hole. This action, although unintentional, highlights the potential harm that comes with the pursuit of new territories and resources. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of respecting undocumented historical sites and preserving them for future generations. Additionally, the speaker reflects on the difference between their own desire for adventure and discovery versus the practical and safety-focused approach of others. The conversation also touches on the importance of acknowledging and learning from the past, as well as the progress and evolution of humanity towards greater appreciation and preservation of historical resources.

    • Discovering Ancient Anasazi Site and Dingoes in U-ShakesDuring a hike, the speaker found an Anasazi site with pottery, tools, and evidence of dingoes, revealing a rich history and natural wonder.

      During a hike in U-Shakes, the speaker discovered an ancient site likely inhabited by the Anasazi Indians. The site contained various artifacts, including pottery and tools like broad heads and axe heads. The speaker was fascinated by the history behind these items and the mystery of how they got there. The area also held evidence of dingoes, believed to be one of the first introduced species in Australia, which adds to the rich history of the site. Despite the regulations against hunting native animals on Fraser Island, where purebred dingoes can still be found, the speaker expressed fascination with these powerful and adaptable animals. Overall, the speaker's hike uncovered a unique blend of history, mystery, and natural wonder.

    • Shark Meat: A Delicate BalanceShark meat is a contentious food choice due to ethical concerns over finning and potential health risks from mercury, while some argue focusing on reducing demand for other high-mercury fish is a better solution.

      While shark meat can be a tasty option, it comes with concerns. Many sharks are killed each year for their fins, leading to campaigns against their consumption. Additionally, shark meat can contain high levels of mercury, which can be harmful to human health. Some species of sharks are highly protected in Australia, but others are fair game and may migrate to countries with fewer regulations, making conservation efforts challenging. Despite these concerns, some argue that people should focus on reducing demand for other high-mercury fish, like tuna, instead of shark. Overall, the decision to consume shark meat is a complex one with both ethical and health considerations.

    • Impact of human actions on the environment and health risksConsuming sardines with high arsenic levels and disposing of SSRI medications can have negative effects on health and the environment. Be aware of the potential impacts and practice responsible consumption and disposal.

      The impact of human actions on the environment can have unintended consequences. The discussion touched on the presence of arsenic in sardines and the potential health risks associated with consuming them. It also brought up the issue of Prozac and other SSRI medications ending up in waterways and affecting crab behavior. The conversation highlighted the importance of being aware of the potential impacts of our actions on the natural world and the need for responsible consumption and disposal of substances. Additionally, the speakers mentioned their plans to travel to Australia and engage in various activities, emphasizing the desire for adventure and new experiences.

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