
    1,028 Seconds of Tips For Influencers

    enAugust 17, 2023
    What is Gary Vaynerchuk's advice on staying true to oneself?
    How did Vaynerchuk transition from wine expert to business speaker?
    What role does fear play in pursuing one's passion?
    How can valuable content attract customers according to Vaynerchuk?
    What does Vaynerchuk suggest for starting a marketing agency?

    • Stay true to yourselfFollowing your passion and authentic self is more important than short-term gains or pleasing an audience. Be willing to take a financial hit if necessary to pursue your dreams.

      Following your passion and authentic self is more important than short-term gains or pleasing an audience. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his personal experience of transitioning from being a wine expert to a business speaker on YouTube, despite facing criticism and losing viewers. He emphasized the importance of staying true to yourself and being willing to take a financial hit if necessary, rather than continuing in a role that makes you miserable. Vaynerchuk encouraged the audience not to let fear of losing an audience or financial stability hold them back from pursuing their dreams. He believes that people often stay in unsatisfying situations for too long due to financial concerns or fear of failure, but ultimately, happiness and fulfillment should be the priority.

    • Embrace multiple interests and authenticity for successStay true to yourself, prioritize happiness, and experiment with various forms of content in the unpredictable digital world. Persevere and expand in a global market, despite challenges.

      Having multiple interests and being authentic in content creation can lead to success in the current unpredictable digital world. The speaker emphasizes the importance of prioritizing happiness and individuality over monetary gains and societal judgments. Additionally, they share their experience in the sports industry, highlighting the importance of perseverance and expansion in a global market. Furthermore, the speaker discusses the impact of algorithms on content creation, emphasizing that there has never been a better time to be oneself and experiment with various forms of content. They also mention their success in the sports agency business, sharing their plans to expand into European football and rugby representation. Despite the challenges of entering a new sport, they remain committed to their goals and the potential of a global market. Overall, the speaker's message encourages individuals to stay true to themselves, embrace change, and pursue their passions, no matter the industry or the obstacles.

    • Expanding in the Creator Economy: Considering the Trade-offsWhen hitting a ceiling in one market, consider expanding to larger markets for increased opportunities and revenues, but weigh the personal sacrifices against potential rewards.

      In the creator economy, there's often a limit to what can be achieved in one market before considering expansion to larger markets. This was the experience of a young manager who helped propel a TikTok creator from 10,000 to 11,000,000 followers in Australia. However, they hit a ceiling and were advised to move to America to continue growing. The decision to move is not an easy one, but for those fortunate enough to have options, the key question is whether the potential rewards are worth sacrificing personal preferences and comforts. The manager emphasized that there's no "supposed to" in career choices, and everyone should consider their own priorities before making a move. The potential benefits, such as increased opportunities and revenues, can be significant, but it's crucial to consider whether the trade-offs are worth it. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference and what one is willing to do to achieve their goals.

    • Providing valuable content for free builds a successful businessGive away your best advice for free, focus on social media management, web development, and marketing plans, and consistently put out valuable content to attract customers and build demand.

      Providing valuable and authentic content for free can help attract customers and build a successful business. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized this point during a conversation, sharing his experience of giving away his best advice for free in his book "Crush It" and using a free PDF pyramid model as a foundation for many companies. He explained that people are not paying for the advice itself, but rather for the contextual application of that advice to their specific situations. Another important aspect discussed was the need to create demand and put out as much content as possible. Gary shared that he's not afraid to fail and that a few failures are inevitable when trying new things. He suggested that focusing on the things we're not afraid to lose and practicing consistently can help us overcome the fear of failure and make progress. For someone starting a marketing agency, Gary advised focusing on social media management, web development, and marketing plans, and consistently putting out valuable content on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. He emphasized the importance of acquiring new customers through word-of-mouth and creating demand by providing the best advice and content possible.

    • Embrace imperfection and take calculated risksTo escape a 9-5 job and find happiness, embrace imperfection, prioritize what matters, live below your means, and take calculated risks.

      To achieve growth and success, one must be willing to take risks and accept the possibility of failure. This requires developing a mindset that allows for imperfection and the ability to prioritize what truly matters. The speaker shares his personal experience of learning to manage his time effectively and build a strong team, which enabled him to scale his business. His advice for those feeling financially stuck is to live below their means and consider taking a step back, if necessary, to create the financial breathing room needed to pursue new opportunities. Ultimately, the key to escaping a 9-5 job and finding happiness is to be willing to make sacrifices and take calculated risks.

    • Living Frugally for Financial Freedom and PassionsPrioritize savings and experiences over material possessions, live frugally, and make sacrifices to create financial freedom and pursue passions.

      Many people have gotten into a trap of living beyond their means, prioritizing material possessions over savings and experiences. This mentality, coupled with a lack of humility and an unwillingness to make sacrifices, can hinder one's ability to pursue their dreams, particularly in the earlier stages of life. The speaker encourages living frugally and humbly, even if it means sharing living spaces or making sacrifices in comfort, in order to create financial freedom and the opportunity to pursue passions. The speaker is fascinated by how people's priorities and actions can get in the way of their goals, and urges individuals to reconsider their spending habits and mindset in order to live a more fulfilling life.

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    • The Importance of Questioning: The power of asking oneself critical questions to determine whether current endeavors align with one's purpose and generate happiness.

    Are there signs that change me be necessary in your life, especially in your current career path? TAKE THIS FREE 5 Minute Buckets of Change Assessment to see if those signs for change are right in front of you.  CLICK HERE to take your Buckets of Change Assessment

    FOLLOW me on the SOCIALS:

    On your Phone - Instagram & Facebook @bucketsofchange and on TikTok @nickgoblirsch

    On your Desktop - Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bucketsofchange/ and coming soon to Facebook 

    EMAIL the SHOW: nick@bucketsofchange.com

    Music on this composed and performed by Bjurman - "Hiccup (Instrumental)". So grateful for your talented tunes. 

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    29:32, Who would she like to send a message to?

    30:30, A last word to other HR professionals.

    To subscribe to Max's Youtube Channel and get his weekly practical wisdom for 1st-time leaders, click HERE.

    Have a good listening!



    Music credits:

    These tracks have been used and modified: 


    See You Tomorrow by GoSoundtrack http://www.gosoundtrack.com

    Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0

    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/see-you-tomorrow

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/idlqqMHd0W4 


    Waiting Room by Sapajou https://soundcloud.com/sapajoubeats
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/_waiting-room
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/hbvZ-6ggvF4



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