
    Podcast Summary

    • Personal encounters with supernatural beings in a church settingThe speaker shared his experiences of encountering supernatural beings in a church setting and emphasized the importance of using faith to protect others during these encounters.

      The speaker shared his personal experiences of encountering supernatural beings, including a giant and two small entities, during different events. He emphasized that these encounters happened in a church setting and involved the use of faith to protect others. The speaker also mentioned that he had his first known demonic encounter during a community church meeting, where he used his spiritual strength to defend a handicapped boy from an unidentified male voice. Despite the fear and uncertainty, the speaker encouraged listeners to share their own experiences and stories by contacting the show.

    • Special Christmas episodes and listener supportListeners can enjoy two special Christmas episodes with scary stories and a new episode, and are encouraged to leave reviews and become patrons for support.

      The podcast will be releasing two special episodes for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The Christmas Eve episode will feature podcast hosts reading scary Christmas stories between songs, while the Christmas Day episode is a new episode with an exciting clip previewed during the discussion. Additionally, the hosts encourage listeners to leave 5-star ratings and reviews on iTunes and become patrons on Patreon to support the show. A unique episode is coming up where the guests discuss demonic possessions, and to set the stage, the hosts play excerpts from past radio shows featuring live exorcisms.

    • Spiritual battle for a woman's soulThrough faith and prayer, one can overcome spiritual adversity and help others find salvation despite opposition from dark forces.

      The speaker in this text is engaging in a spiritual battle with an unseen entity, asserting the ultimate authority of Jesus Christ and urging the entity to release its hold on a woman named Rebecca. The speaker believes that God has a plan for Rebecca and that her salvation is imminent, despite the entity's objections. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of faith and prayer in overcoming spiritual adversity. The text suggests a struggle between good and evil, with the speaker advocating for the woman's freedom and spiritual growth. The entity, on the other hand, is trying to keep the woman under its control. The speaker's determination to help Rebecca and bring her to God underscores the importance of faith and the power of prayer in spiritual warfare.

    • Speaker warns Catherine of supernatural threatSpeaker advises Catherine to resist supernatural threat, focus on faith in Jesus Christ after sharing past experiences of supernatural interference and successful prayers for release.

      The speaker believes there is a supernatural threat, represented by the name Ravinsky, which is attempting to harm an individual named Catherine and her daughter Rebecca. The speaker, who claims to have knowledge of ancient spirits and curses, urges Catherine to resist this threat and reject it in the name of Jesus Christ. The speaker also shares a past experience where a man on the radio was possessed by a demon and they prayed to free him. The speaker believes that this situation with Catherine is a miracle and urges her to leave the supernatural interference behind and focus on her faith in Jesus Christ. The speaker, who is identified as Clyde Lewis, also reflects on a past incident where they had a similar experience on the radio.

    • The Interconnection of Mental Health and Spiritual WellbeingMental health struggles can be influenced by spiritual beliefs, and it's crucial to approach individuals with compassion, understanding, and professional help.

      Mental health and spiritual wellbeing are interconnected. Michael, a caller on a radio show, shared his personal struggle with mental health issues and his belief in being possessed by a demon named Shiva. He spoke about his reliance on medication and counseling, but also expressed feelings of being abandoned by God. During the conversation, the host put Michael on hold to assess the situation and when they returned, they heard a voice speaking in a different tone, claiming to be Shiva. This incident highlights the complexity of mental health issues and the potential role of spiritual beliefs in shaping people's experiences. It's important to remember that individuals going through similar challenges deserve compassion, understanding, and professional help. Additionally, the radio show mentioned an upcoming Christmas Eve episode featuring various podcasters sharing scary stories and Christmas songs. This episode aims to provide entertainment while acknowledging the supernatural elements often associated with the holiday season.

    • Unexpected Encounter with Red Creatures in GermanyA childhood encounter with red, alligator-like creatures in Germany sparked a lifelong curiosity and series of spiritual experiences for Justin.

      The world can sometimes feel like a small and interconnected place, as demonstrated by the unexpected encounter between the podcast host and Justin, who shared a Bigfoot encounter story on Sasquatch Chronicles. Justin's experience, which occurred when he was a kid in Germany, involved being visited by two fiery red, alligator-like creatures in the middle of the night. Despite the terrifying encounter, Justin's mother didn't believe him, and he kept the experience to himself until many years later when he shared it on the podcast. This encounter marked the beginning of a series of spiritual and demonic experiences that Justin would go on to have throughout his life. The encounter in Germany was a formative experience for Justin, and it instilled in him a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around him. Despite the fear and shock of the experience, Justin has come to view it as a valuable part of his personal history.

    • Childhood encounters with terrifying entitiesEarly experiences with unexplained phenomena can shape one's beliefs and understanding of the world, leaving a lasting impact.

      The speaker shared a childhood experience of encountering terrifying entities during sleep, leaving a lasting impression on them. These entities were described as red, around the same size as the child, and had the ability to cause sleep paralysis and disappear in a red haze. The speaker's experience raises questions about the nature of these encounters and their potential connection to the supernatural or subconscious mind. The speaker also mentioned that similar experiences have been shared by others, suggesting a common phenomenon. The speaker's childhood experiences may have influenced their beliefs and perspective on the world, as they believe the enemy can operate in various capacities, leaving a lasting impact on individuals. The entities' appearance, with their red color and glowing eyes, resembles descriptions of dragons or other mythical creatures. The speaker's account highlights the power of early experiences to shape one's understanding of the world and the unknown.

    • Early experiences with the paranormal fueled curiosityExploring supposedly haunted places as a child sparked the speaker's lifelong fascination with the unknown.

      The speaker's fascination with the unknown and exploration of the paranormal began at a young age, fueled by shows like "Ghost Hunters" and experiences in supposedly haunted places. One particularly memorable experience involved exploring an old building with friends, where they felt an eerie chill and the door slamming shut behind them, leaving them feeling both thrilled and terrified. While the property they explored was not known for its hauntings, it provided a convenient location for the speaker and her friends to satisfy their curiosity and seek out the unknown. This early exposure to the paranormal continued to shape the speaker's interests and experiences throughout her middle and high school years.

    • Unexpected transformative encountersSometimes unexpected experiences or encounters can lead to profound personal growth and a deeper connection with God.

      Sometimes we go out seeking answers or experiences, but what we find might not be what we were looking for. Instead, we might stumble upon something unexpected that changes us in profound ways. This was the case for the speaker, who went into high school feeling lost and unredeemable, but had a transformative encounter with God during a retreat. This encounter came in the form of a profound moment of darkness, where the speaker was bombarded with whispers telling her she was worthless and unloved. However, in the midst of this darkness, she saw a vision of herself, scarred and battered, but still her. This vision, along with the testimony of a young girl at the retreat, helped the speaker understand that God loved her and saw her worth, even in her brokenness. Ultimately, this encounter led the speaker to a deeper faith and a newfound sense of self-worth.

    • Experiencing a Spiritual Attack: A Dark and Despairing JourneyDespite feeling overwhelmed by a dark spiritual attack, seeking help and connecting with God led to a deeper understanding of spiritual warfare and God's presence and protection.

      The speaker experienced a profound and terrifying spiritual attack, which left them feeling like they were in a dark place and on the brink of despair. During this attack, they saw a demonic version of themselves and heard whispers that felt as loud as thunder in their ears. Despite feeling scared for their life, they sought help from a counselor and their pastor, who explained that what they experienced was a spiritual attack. The speaker also shared a moment of profound connection with God during their hospitalization for psychiatric evaluation, feeling physically held and comforted. Through this experience, they gained a deeper understanding of the spiritual war going on in their life and the reality of God's presence and protection.

    • Personal stories as spiritual lessonsOur darkest moments can reveal God's love and lead us to authentic living and seeking His approval

      Our experiences, even the darkest and most challenging ones, can serve as spiritual lessons and turning points in our lives. The speaker shares her personal story of a spiritual attack that left her feeling helpless and lost, but ultimately led to a profound sense of God's love and embrace. She also reflects on her past struggles with living a authentic Christian life and the importance of seeking God's approval above all else. Through these experiences, she has come to believe that there is a spiritual war going on, and that God uses both the light and the dark moments to teach us and show us His love and care.

    • A divine warning through a dreamA seemingly demonic dream served as a wake-up call for the speaker, revealing the emptiness of his insincere religious life and leading him towards a genuine spiritual awakening

      The speaker's dream served as a powerful wake-up call in his life. In the dream, he encountered an empty and unrecognizing version of his father in the church fellowship hall, which grew dark and was overtaken by demonic hands. Initially, the speaker believed this was a demonic dream, but later came to see it as a divine warning. After a transformative encounter with God, the speaker realized he had been living a superficial and insincere religious life, playing the "church boy game" for approval rather than genuine personal growth. The dream symbolized the darkness and emptiness of his previous existence and foreshadowed the spiritual awakening that was to come.

    • Finding meaning in terrifying experiencesExploring personal stories, even the frightening ones, can lead to growth and understanding. Reflecting on experiences and seeking connections can reveal deeper meanings.

      Our experiences, even the most terrifying and seemingly inexplicable ones, can hold deeper meaning and be used for growth. The speaker shared a personal story of a disturbing dream that felt like a demonic encounter, but later realized it may have held a hidden message. Later, they experienced a contrasting situation that reminded them of the dream. Though it's unclear if there's a direct correlation, these experiences prompted the speaker to reflect and consider the potential revelations that can come from facing our fears and delving deeper into our own stories. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of community and shared experiences in understanding the complexities of life. On a different note, the speaker also mentioned their sponsor, Robinhood, an investing app that offers commission-free trading and aims to make financial services accessible to everyone. They encouraged listeners to try it and sign up for a free stock to help build their portfolios.

    • Hollywood's Depiction of Evil in Modern Horror MoviesModern horror movies often depict evil prevailing over good, with franchises like 'Paranormal Activity,' 'Insidious,' and 'Poltergeist' contributing to this trend. This may be due to the influence of darker forces within Hollywood or desensitization from repeated exposure.

      In many modern horror movies, especially those with supernatural themes, evil often prevails over good. This trend holds true for popular franchises like "Paranormal Activity," "Insidious," and "Poltergeist." Even when it seems that good has the upper hand, evil ultimately emerges victorious. This observation raises questions about the potential influence of darker forces within Hollywood, which may be responsible for creating authentic-looking depictions of evil in movies. Additionally, repeated exposure to these horror films can desensitize viewers, making it easier for them to dismiss the possibility of real-life supernatural occurrences. Personal experiences and encounters with demonic possession further underscore the belief that these phenomena are real and that Hollywood effectively captures their essence on screen.

    • Two Paranormal ExperiencesThe speaker shares her belief in the supernatural and her courage to face unexplained phenomena, having intervened during an exorcism attempt and encountered a dark entity in her bedroom.

      The speaker has had two significant paranormal experiences, one in high school and the other during her freshman year of college. In the first experience, she intervened during an attempted exorcism at a party. In the second experience, she encountered a dark entity in her bedroom while watching horror movies with family. Both experiences left her feeling disturbed and shaken. These encounters highlight the speaker's belief in the supernatural and her courage to face unexplained phenomena. Despite the frightening nature of these events, she remains open to such experiences, demonstrating a unique perspective on the world around her.

    • A disturbing experience after watching a horror movieWatching scary movies can lead to intense emotional reactions and rare physical experiences for some individuals.

      Watching a scary movie can lead to a profoundly disturbing and physical experience for some individuals. The speaker shared their personal story of encountering a dark figure in their room after watching a horror film. They described the figure as being around average human height, slender, and blocking out the light. The experience left a lasting impact on the speaker, shaking them up to this day. It's important to note that this is a rare occurrence, as most people watch scary movies without experiencing any physical manifestations. The speaker also mentioned that some people have suggested that the experience could be related to spiritual warfare due to the significant changes happening in their life at the time. Overall, this experience serves as a reminder of the power of the mind and the potential impact of media consumption on our emotions and well-being.

    • Encountering an Unknown Entity During SleepExperiencing unknown entities during sleep can evoke strong emotions and physical sensations, but they're common and usually harmless.

      The experience of encountering an unknown entity can be both strange and unsettling, especially when it happens during a half-asleep state. The instinctive reaction to such an encounter can vary greatly from person to person. Some people might choose to ignore it and go back to sleep, while others might feel scared and unsure of what is real or a dream. The experience can also involve physical sensations such as pressure or vibrations. The entity's initial force can be compared to getting hit in the back with great intensity, holding the person down. The aftereffects of such an encounter can include feelings of violence, fear, and uncertainty, but there may not be any physical injuries. The story shared highlights the similarities between such experiences and the importance of understanding that they are not uncommon.

    • Encountering a Disturbing Figure in the NightDespite recurring experiences of encountering a dark figure with demonic features, the speaker finds solace in faith and the support of their spouse.

      The speaker has had recurring experiences of encountering a dark figure during the night, which has left them disturbed and shaken. These experiences have occurred multiple times throughout their life, including as a child and later in adulthood. During the most recent encounter, the figure revealed a greenish, demonic face with sharp teeth, long nails, and bright yellow eyes. The speaker was able to ward off the figure by calling out to Jesus, but the experience left them shaking and in need of comfort from their spouse. These experiences have been a persistent issue for the speaker, causing them to fear the dark and rely on music or videos to help them fall asleep. The speaker expresses admiration for those who have gone through similar experiences and managed to stay sane.

    • Encounters with the UnknownThroughout their life, the individual experienced unexplained encounters, possibly involving undiscovered primates or something beyond the physical realm, which may have been attempts to disrupt their vulnerable moments.

      The individual shared several unexplained experiences throughout their life, starting from their freshman year of college with an encounter involving a mass, continuing with dreams featuring a faceless black figure attacking their family, and culminating with an encounter with a physical Sasquatch during their junior year of high school. These events occurred at different points in time, from around 2010 to 2017. The person believes these experiences could be attacks from their dreams or the enemy trying to throw them off balance during vulnerable moments, particularly during significant life events. They are unsure if these experiences are completely over but lean towards the idea that they may involve undiscovered primates or something beyond the physical realm.

    • Ancient texts suggest entities from the spiritual realm interacted with the physical worldAncient texts propose beings with spiritual and physical traits existed, blurring lines between realms

      The spiritual and physical realms may not be mutually exclusive, and ancient texts like the Book of Enoch suggest that entities from the spiritual realm could have interacted with the physical world in various ways. These interactions could have led to the existence of beings with both spiritual and physical characteristics, such as Nephilim or Sasquatch. The idea of these beings possessing supernatural traits passed down through generations is a complex and intriguing topic. Additionally, the distinction between magic and miracles offers a thought-provoking perspective on the relationship between human control and divine intervention. Overall, the discussion highlights the depth and complexity of the intersection between spiritual and physical realms.

    • A shadowy encounter with an unknown entityThe witness's experience challenges our understanding of Sasquatch, suggesting they might be more supernatural than physical beings.

      The witness of a supposed Sasquatch encounter shared a story of an encounter that seemed to defy natural explanations. The witness described an experience where a shadow rose up and engulfed their light, leaving them with a feeling that it was not a physical being. The conversation between the witness and the podcast host touched on the idea that these entities might not be what people think they are and that they might not be able to be fully understood or captured. The witness also shared their personal belief in an inner peace and faith that gives them comfort in the face of potential fear. Ultimately, the discussion raised questions about the nature of these entities and whether they might be more supernatural in nature, rather than physical beings.

    • Belief in Paranormal Phenomena and Desire to Prove RealityTony Mark, a young paranormal investigator, passionately believes in various paranormal phenomena, including Sasquatch, and is determined to prove their reality, even if it means facing danger.

      The speaker, Tony Mark, holds a strong belief in the existence of various paranormal phenomena, including Sasquatch. He expresses a desire to prove their reality, even if it means facing death by their hands. The speaker also notes the apparent connections between different paranormal experiences, such as encounters with red or yellow eyes. He acknowledges the complexity and potential overlap of various paranormal topics, and enjoys exploring these connections. Despite the uncertainty and potential emotional intensity of these topics, Tony remains committed to investigating them further. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between immersion in the paranormal world and returning to normalcy. At 26 years old, he has already had numerous paranormal experiences, many of which have occurred since college.

    • Staying Prepared and Faithful in the Face of the UnknownBeing prepared and having faith can help navigate paranormal experiences, whether it's encounters with demons, Sasquatch, or everyday situations. Use the phrase 'in the name of Jesus, leave' to command negative entities to depart, and stay open-minded to similarities across paranormal categories.

      The speaker, Justin, emphasizes the importance of being prepared and having faith in the face of paranormal experiences, whether it be encounters with demons, Sasquatch, or even everyday situations. He shares his personal experiences and the power he finds in using the phrase "in the name of Jesus, leave" to command negative entities to depart. Justin also highlights the similarities between various paranormal experiences and encourages open-mindedness and comparison across categories. Overall, his message encourages staying vigilant, staying faithful, and seeking understanding in the face of the unknown.

    • Holiday special with scary stories and Christmas musicListen to two special podcast episodes with popular hosts, perfect for holiday travels, featuring scary stories and Christmas music, with a hint of thrilling history and potentially worse times ahead.

      The Christmas Eve special of your favorite podcast is coming with a lineup of popular hosts sharing scary stories and Christmas music. Listeners can look forward to two fantastic shows back to back, perfect for passing time during holiday travels. The normal episode will air on Christmas day, December 25, 2018. The podcast is also hinting at a thrilling turn of events in history, promising a white-knuckle ride with potentially worse times ahead. Stay tuned for these exciting episodes, and remember, the truth, though possibly frustrating at first, will ultimately set you free.

    Recent Episodes from The Confessionals

    Members Preview | 667: Walking Into Dream Realms

    Members Preview | 667: Walking Into Dream Realms
    In episode 667: Walking Into Dream Realms, Brandon talks about his lucid dreaming and astral projection experiences. He shares his journey from mastering lucid dreaming, to exploring the astral realm through guided meditation. He recounts chilling encounters with a sinister entity, finding solace and protection through his faith in Jesus Christ. Tony and Brandon also dive into familiar spirits, the hierarchy of dream entities, and personal experiences with dark forces, highlighting the protective power of loved ones and the importance of supportive relationships in navigating the supernatural.

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
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    Merkel Media
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    Joel Thomas - Grey
    YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJuly 04, 2024

    Weird Wednesday Wake Up | Weird Colorado

    Weird Wednesday Wake Up | Weird Colorado
    Kickstart your hump day with a delightful dose of the unexpected on "Weird Wednesday Wakeup." Join us and let the good vibes flow!

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

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    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
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    Produced by: @jack_theproducer
    The Confessionals
    enJuly 03, 2024

    665: Bloodlines of Monsters

    665: Bloodlines of Monsters
    In Episode 665: Nathan Reynolds, shares his harrowing journey from being born into a secretive family with a dark legacy to his experiences as an elite operative. In this gripping interview, Nathan reveals the chilling realities of his upbringing, which involved encounters with otherworldly monsters and participation in covert military operations. He talks about the hidden realms and secret societies that shaped his life, recounting stories of feral people, dogmen, biblical creatures, and deep underground military bases. Nathan's story is one of survival and redemption, shedding light on the shadowy corners of his past and the extraordinary challenges he faced.

    Nathan Reynolds:
    YouTube: @NathanReynolds
    Website: snatchedfromtheflames.com

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

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    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Adios
    YouTube | Apple | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJuly 02, 2024

    RELOADED | 266: Hell, Heaven, and Back

    RELOADED | 266: Hell, Heaven, and Back
    In Episode 266: Hell, Heaven, and Back, we speak with Jason and Amy, a married couple who endured a traumatic experience that most people can't even imagine. Jason has congenital adrenal hyperplasia and nearly died from the condition multiple times as a child. On December 9, 2016, after eating some take-out food, Jason's medical issues were triggered, and this time, he did die. He was dead for over 30 minutes before miraculously coming back to life! During those 30 minutes, Jason experienced both hell and heaven and now he's back to share everything he saw on the other side.

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
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    Produced by: @jack_theproducer
    The Confessionals
    enJuly 01, 2024

    Members Preview | 664: Church Channeler

    Members Preview | 664: Church Channeler
    In episode 664: Church Channeler, David recounts his eerie childhood encounters with Clifford, a faceless, long-fingered entity, and a mysterious man in old-fashioned clothing seen under and around his house. Together, Tony and David dive into theories about portals, reality shifts, and the area's cave systems, linking them to Kentucky's history and local disappearances. They then touch on dogman sightings and David's Freemason ties, exploring paranormal phenomena, including church-related events and spirit channeling by David's father. They ponder Clifford's true nature—ghost, angel, or something else—highlighting the occult's influence and the need for discernment in spiritual matters.

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
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    SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
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    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
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    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Missing
    YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJune 27, 2024

    663: Stranger Things Of The Unseen Realm

    663: Stranger Things Of The Unseen Realm
    In episode 663: Stranger Things Of The Unseen Realm, Chad Riley joins to discuss his documentary Skinwalkers & Stranger Things Of The Unseen Realm. This gripping conversation uncovers the mysteries of hitchhiking spirits, remote viewing, and the occult connections between Jack Parsons, Aleister Crowley, and military endeavors. Chad explores the thought that shadowy interdimensional activities are possibly sponsored by government and military, entwined with sorcery and arcane rituals. Tony and Chad then discuss the recent shift in public dialogue about UFOs, highlighted by figures like Tucker Carlson, sparking widespread intrigue and skepticism about otherworldly realms. They then attempt to breakdown the concept warfare and factional struggles within these unknown dimensions, their ties to ancient deities, secret societies, and intelligence networks. Finally, confront the chilling concepts of realm-traversing portals, screen memories, and the manipulation of human perception by elusive entities. This was a jam-packed episode, with some incredible discussion.

    Chad Riley: Skinwalkers & Stranger Things Of The Unseen Realm

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
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    Bluecosmo Satellite phones:
    See Bigfoot with Sionyx night vision:
    Emergency medical with My Medic:
    Black Beard Fire Starters:
    EcoFlow Power Generators:
    GoDark Faraday Bags: https://alnk.to/5jke3rk
    EMP Shield:
    empshield.com Coupon Code: "tony" for $50 off every item you purchase!

    SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/the-newsletter

    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/theconfessionals/
    Discord: https://discord.gg/KDn4D2uw7h
    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Missing
    YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJune 25, 2024

    RELOADED | 502: Lost Treasure and Secret Petroglyphs of Virginia

    RELOADED | 502: Lost Treasure and Secret Petroglyphs of Virginia
    In Episode 502: Lost Treasure and Secret Petroglyphs of Virginia we are joined by Justin, Lance, and Ryan from the Appalachian Intelligence podcast, who reached out months ago regarding some unusual pictures they had taken in Virginia. Buried in the hills of Virginia, there is a huge rock that Justin, Lance, and Ryan stumbled across, with petroglyphs etched into its face. As they sought out answers to their discovery, the mystery became much deeper. With the information they’ve since been given, they are now joining in on a hunt for the lost treasure of the Swift Silver Mine, which might have a direct connection to their secret petroglyph boulder.

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
    Apple Store: https://apple.co/3UxhPrh
    Google Play: https://bit.ly/43mk8kZ

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

    Prepare with Valley Food Storage:
    Get your Nephilim Blaster 2000:
    Bluecosmo Satellite phones:
    See Bigfoot with Sionyx night vision:
    Emergency medical with My Medic:
    Black Beard Fire Starters:
    EcoFlow Power Generators:
    GoDark Faraday Bags: https://alnk.to/5jke3rk
    EMP Shield:
    empshield.com Coupon Code: "tony" for $50 off every item you purchase!

    SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/the-newsletter

    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/theconfessionals/
    Discord: https://discord.gg/KDn4D2uw7h
    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Missing
    YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJune 24, 2024

    Introducing: Free The Rabbits

    Introducing: Free The Rabbits
    How deep down the rabbit hole have you gone? Do you currently reside there? If so, it's time to touch grass and get your tail out of the hole!

    “Free The Rabbits” is a new podcast by Joel Thomas that explores the conspiratorial world without getting lost in the proverbial rabbit hole. It's easy to attribute negative causes and effects to events that don't make sense around us. While sometimes there might be a valid case for such machinations, there's just as likely a simple explanation. Joel Thomas doesn’t shy away from the weird, supernatural, and paranormal, but he offers a unique perspective on conspiracies. He acknowledges that theories are just that—possibilities, not provable facts.

    Subscribe to Free The Rabbits:
    Apple: bit.ly/3KU8YvG
    Spotify: bit.ly/3VBkPna
    YouTube: youtube.com/@FreeTheRabbits
    Rumble: rumble.com/c/c-6304269
    Instagram: instagram.com/freetherabbitspodcast
    X: x.com/FTR_Podcast_
    Facebook: facebook.com/freetherabbitspodcast
    The Confessionals
    enJune 21, 2024

    Members Preview | 662: Field Of Fear

    Members Preview | 662: Field Of Fear
    In episode 662: Field Of Fear, Eugene shares his many experiences with the paranormal that have spanned many years. He begins his story with eerie backyard phenomena, including strange vocalizations and a glowing orbs, that he and his wife had seen together. Eugene then shares his harrowing experience of coon hunting, where he and others encountered unexplained metallic slams, red eyes, and a mysterious creature with large ears and long fingers, emitting a foul smell. It terrified him so much at the time, that he is still shaken up by it to this day.

    He then recounts his family's eerie encounters with supernatural entities, his stepson's dark magic, and his own mysterious sightings. He talks about his fascination with magic, paganism, portals, Kentucky giants, UFOs, and strange lights, concluding with a dive into genealogy and family history, including his involvement in the Free Masons. 

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
    Apple Store: https://apple.co/3UxhPrh
    Google Play: https://bit.ly/43mk8kZ

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

    Prepare with Valley Food Storage:
    Get your Nephilim Blaster 2000:
    Bluecosmo Satellite phones:
    See Bigfoot with Sionyx night vision:
    Emergency medical with My Medic:
    Black Beard Fire Starters:
    EcoFlow Power Generators:
    GoDark Faraday Bags: https://alnk.to/5jke3rk
    EMP Shield:
    empshield.com Coupon Code: "tony" for $50 off every item you purchase!

    SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/the-newsletter

    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/theconfessionals/
    Discord: https://discord.gg/KDn4D2uw7h
    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Missing
    YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJune 20, 2024

    Free The Rabbits

    Free The Rabbits
    In this bonus episode, Joel Thomas joins Tony Merkel on this special edition of The Confessionals for an in-depth preview of the newest Merkel Media podcast, Free The Rabbits. Joel shares his introspective journey, navigating the complex conspiratorial world and his mission to find his place amidst the turmoil. He offers a positive perspective, illuminating the potential for a brighter future in what may seem like a world on the edge. He takes us on a transformative journey, unveiling the path he's trodden to reach this point and the exciting possibilities for future growth.

    Free The Rabbits
    YouTube: youtube.com/@FreeTheRabbits
    Rumble: rumble.com/c/c-6304269
    Instagram: instagram.com/freetherabbitspodcast
    X: x.com/FTR_Podcast_
    Facebook: facebook.com/freetherabbitspodcast

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
    Apple Store: https://apple.co/3UxhPrh
    Google Play: https://bit.ly/43mk8kZ

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

    Prepare with Valley Food Storage:
    Get your Nephilim Blaster 2000:
    Bluecosmo Satellite phones:
    See Bigfoot with Sionyx night vision:
    Emergency medical with My Medic:
    Black Beard Fire Starters:
    EcoFlow Power Generators:
    GoDark Faraday Bags: https://alnk.to/5jke3rk
    EMP Shield:
    empshield.com Coupon Code: "tony" for $50 off every item you purchase!

    SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/the-newsletter

    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/theconfessionals/
    Discord: https://discord.gg/KDn4D2uw7h
    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Missing
    YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJune 19, 2024

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