
    107 How a Gang Kid Becomes a Multimillionaire Entrepreneur with Ryan Blair

    enNovember 16, 2014

    Podcast Summary

    • The role of perseverance and mentors in building a successful businessPerseverance and mentors are crucial for overcoming challenges and scaling a business from millions to hundreds of millions of dollars.

      The importance of perseverance and the role of mentors in building a successful business. Ryan Blair, the CEO of Vice-Salice and a serial entrepreneur, shared his journey from founding his first business at a young age to creating and selling numerous companies worth hundreds of millions of dollars. He emphasized the significance of having mentors and scaling a business as it grows from the million to 100 million dollar range. Despite facing numerous obstacles, Ryan's determination and the guidance of his mentors helped him overcome challenges and achieve great success. This episode serves as a reminder that with hard work, determination, and the right guidance, anyone can unlock their inner greatness and build a successful business.

    • From Gang Member to Successful Entrepreneur: The Power of Writing and Believing in YourselfWriting can evoke strong emotions and leave a lasting impact, even if specific details are forgotten. Believing in oneself, as inspired by a mentor or a judge's belief, can lead to personal growth and entrepreneurial success.

      Writing can be a powerful tool for invoking emotions and creating lasting impacts on readers. The speaker, who wrote a book about his journey from a gang member to a successful entrepreneur, shared how he learned the art of writing from his mentor Don, and wrote his book during a difficult emotional period in his life. He emphasized that people may not remember specific details, but they remember the feelings evoked by a piece of art or writing. The speaker's book, which has been published in multiple countries, received great feedback for its emotional impact. He also shared his personal experience of facing prison time as a teenager and how a judge's belief in him led him to believe in himself and start his first company. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the transformative power of writing and the importance of believing in oneself.

    • Lack of Positive Male Role Models Leads Some Young Men to Negative AttentionGrowing up without positive male influences can lead young men to seek attention and belonging in harmful ways, even in seemingly safe environments. The absence of resources and support for ambitious young men outside of traditional academic or athletic paths can contribute to this phenomenon.

      Growing up without positive male role models can lead young men to seek attention and belonging in negative ways, even in suburban areas. The speaker, who learned entrepreneurship on the streets, shared his experience of being drawn into gang culture despite not being directly involved in criminal activities. He emphasized the lack of resources and support for ambitious young men who don't fit into traditional academic or athletic categories. The speaker also shared his perspective on forgiving his absent father, acknowledging that while he may have contributed to his success, their relationship would not be one of reconciliation due to the father's past unintelligent decisions. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of positive role models and the challenges faced by young men who don't fit neatly into societal categories.

    • Learning from Negative ExperiencesValuable skills and lessons can be gained from both positive and negative experiences. Hustle, determination, and analytical skills are some of the lessons the speaker learned despite a tough upbringing.

      Learning what not to do can be just as valuable as knowing what to do, especially for entrepreneurs. The speaker's father, despite being abusive, taught him valuable analytical skills and engineering abilities. The speaker also learned valuable business lessons from a mentor he met through his mother's new relationship. He encourages seeing opportunities in everyday life and has found success in real estate. Although he had a tough upbringing and had to evict tenants forcefully, he learned valuable lessons about hustle and determination. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of learning from both positive and negative influences in life.

    • Emphasizing Ethics and Honesty for SuccessOperating ethically and honestly is crucial for success in business and life. Leverage disadvantages into advantages and stand up for oneself to seize opportunities and resources.

      Ethics and honesty are essential values for success in business and life. The speaker, who started her first company at a young age, emphasizes the importance of operating ethically and honestly within one's value system. She shares her experiences of turning disadvantages into advantages, such as using affirmative action to attend a prestigious university and starting her business with the money she received. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of standing up for oneself and not letting others steal one's opportunities or resources. Through her experiences, she learned to leverage every opportunity and resource available to her, leading to her success in owning a house and building a million-dollar business before graduating from college.

    • Individuals can create their own paths to success despite societal rulesThrough education, personal experiences, and entrepreneurship, individuals can prioritize essential life skills and achieve financial security, emotional stability, and personal fulfillment.

      Individuals have the power to challenge societal rules and create their own paths to financial security, emotional stability, and personal fulfillment. Education systems may not prioritize essential life skills like love, money management, and happiness. However, personal experiences and entrepreneurship can lead to success and the ability to provide for loved ones and responsibilities. Entrepreneur Ryan Blair shares his journey of balancing business success with personal responsibilities, including caring for a son with autism and a handicapped mother. He emphasizes the importance of prioritizing business and family before personal relationships. While the idea of having it all - a successful business, passive income, and a loving relationship - may seem challenging, it's not impossible. Success requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to adapt.

    • The pursuit of money and success isn't the only path to fulfillmentDespite making hundreds of millions, the speaker found that true fulfillment comes from love and happiness, not just wealth and success. Balance and compromise are essential for overall well-being.

      Money and success, while important, are not the only factors that bring fulfillment in life. The speaker shares his personal experience of making hundreds of millions of dollars but still not finding an amount that feels "enough." He uses the analogy of basketball to illustrate the idea that one can continue to strive for more, but at the cost of other valuable things like love and happiness. The speaker also discusses his business journey, sharing how he took a struggling company and grew it into a multimillion-dollar enterprise in just a few years. He acknowledges that this level of growth is not an easy feat for most entrepreneurs, but emphasizes that it's important to keep striving for progress and growth, while also recognizing the importance of balance and compromise in all areas of life.

    • Adapting to changing consumer needs and creating new income streamsShift business model, leverage affiliate programs, and continuously learn to maintain success and growth

      Building a successful business involves adapting to changing consumer needs, leveraging opportunities for additional income streams, and staying humble and focused on growth. Vasa Foods, for example, shifted its business model during the recession to sell meal replacements at a lower cost, tapping into consumers' desire to save money. The company also created an affiliate program that allowed people to earn income by promoting the challenge. To maintain success and growth, the speaker emphasized the importance of continuous learning, surrounding oneself with great mentors, and staying humble by recognizing one's limitations and comparing oneself to external standards. The speaker's daily rituals included seeking knowledge through reading and interviewing other successful entrepreneurs, and staying focused on personal and entrepreneurial growth.

    • Morning Routine for Productivity and Mental ClarityWake up early, read, work out, catch up on news, prioritize mental and physical health, and find ways to multitask for a productive and focused day.

      Establishing a consistent morning routine can provide a significant advantage in productivity and mental clarity. The speaker shares his personal ritual, which includes waking up early, reading, working out, and catching up on current events before engaging with work and colleagues. He emphasizes the importance of mental preparation, regardless of sleep deprivation, and the benefits of meditation and prayer for focusing the mind and reducing external noise. Additionally, the speaker advocates for prioritizing health and fitness, even during busy schedules, and finding ways to multitask, such as working out while catching up on news or emails. Overall, the speaker's morning routine is an intentional and deliberate way to set the tone for the day and stay ahead of the curve.

    • Learning from great peopleFocus on adding value to others, learn from mentors, and develop meaningful relationships for continuous growth.

      Success is not about self-glorification but rather about adding value to others. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning from great people, whether through their biographies or personal encounters. He believes that having mentors and continuously developing relationships with them has been a powerful reason for his success. By focusing on being great at what he does and respecting successful individuals, the speaker has been able to cultivate meaningful connections with influential figures in his life. Ultimately, his approach to success is rooted in admiration and respect for others, rather than competition or ego.

    • Connect through shared passions and causesFind a cause you're passionate about to connect with potential mentors and build genuine relationships by adding value and honoring commitments.

      Creating value and adding to others' lives is a powerful way to build meaningful relationships and connections, even with those we consider mentors or inspirational figures. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not being overly reliant on text messages or other forms of communication, and instead focusing on adding value and connecting through shared passions or causes. He also stresses the importance of honoring commitments while reserving the right to change or adapt them as necessary. To find a mentor, the speaker suggests finding a cause they're passionate about and connecting through that avenue. Ultimately, the key is to focus on adding value and building genuine connections, rather than simply trying to get in touch for personal gain.

    • Add value to make meaningful connectionsProvide value, be authentic, and go the extra mile to gain access to a mentor or make a lasting impression.

      If you want to gain access to a mentor or make a meaningful connection, be willing to add value and go the extra mile. This means doing something different than just asking for a coffee or a meeting. For some people, like the speaker in this conversation, spending time with others can be draining, so providing value or helping a cause can be a way to replenish energy and make the interaction worthwhile. Additionally, be authentic and provide a service or genuine compliment to make a lasting impression. However, be aware that with success comes the risk of unwanted attention, so it's important to protect yourself and your loved ones.

    • A visionary entrepreneur with a clear plan for growthHe's buying back his company, investing in ventures, and acting as a pseudo-angel investor, utilizing his operational experience to help entrepreneurs scale their businesses.

      The interviewee, despite having recently bought back his company for a fraction of its previous sale price, has a clear vision for the future. He plans to continue acquiring companies, investing in ventures, and acting as a pseudo-angel investor, utilizing his operational experience and knowledge to help entrepreneurs scale their businesses. His perfect day involves staying engaged in the initial stages of projects, while delegating the majority of the work to his capable team. He values health and taste, building products for himself and others who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle without compromising enjoyment. Women play a significant role in his business and personal life, with many of his key collaborators and supporters being female.

    • Focusing on problems and finding solutionsEntrepreneur Grant Cardone stresses the significance of addressing challenges, whether personal or professional, and offers insights on effective time management and making a positive impact on others.

      Successful entrepreneur and podcast host, Grant Cardone, emphasizes the importance of focusing on problems and finding solutions, even in the face of personal challenges. He shared his experience of raising a child with autism and how he compartmentalizes his life to effectively manage his responsibilities. Cardone also highlighted the value of connection and showing up with intention to add value to others. He expressed gratitude for the impact he's able to make in the world and acknowledged the importance of self-improvement and learning from others. Overall, Cardone's message encourages listeners to tackle their problems head-on, prioritize their time, and make a positive impact on those around them.

    • Insights on business growth, personal development, and perseverance from Ryan BlairGreatness comes from facing challenges and giving your best effort, whether successful or not. Ryan Blair emphasizes the importance of perseverance and shares his experiences in business and personal development.

      According to Ryan Blair, greatness lies in putting it all on the line and giving your best shot, whether you succeed or fail. Overcoming great challenges is a defining aspect of greatness, making the victories and defeats all the more exhilarating. Ryan Blair, a champion and motivational speaker, shared his insights on business growth, personal development, and the importance of perseverance during our interview. To learn more about Ryan and his book, "Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain," visit his website or connect with him on social media. Don't forget to check out previous episodes and subscribe to the School of Greatness podcast for more inspiring interviews. Remember, it's time to go out there and do something great.

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    In this episode you will learn

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    • The importance of having a strong support system in both personal and professional life.
    • Strategies for maintaining discipline and focus in pursuit of your goals.
    • How personal challenges can catalyze growth and transformation.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1627

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    (20:59) - Navigating personal and professional hardships

    (25:30) - Leveraging social media for business growth

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    Chip Conley (Modern Elder Academy) - How to Adapt and Flow

    Chip Conley (Modern Elder Academy) - How to Adapt and Flow

    At age 26, Chip Conley founded Joie de Vivre Hospitality and grew the company into the second largest boutique hotel brand in the United States. After he sold the business, he accepted a strategy role at Airbnb, and his interactions with a predominantly millennial workforce led him to found the Modern Elder Academy, a “midlife wisdom school” in Baja that encourages individuals with a lifetime of experience to carve a purposeful path through the modern workplace. Here, he shares the insights that have allowed him to flourish while shifting roles and accommodating to cultural change.  

    The Emotional Journey of Being an Entrepreneur l With STEVEN DUFRESNE & ERIC MURPHY from Anthros

    The Emotional Journey of Being an Entrepreneur l With STEVEN DUFRESNE & ERIC MURPHY from Anthros

    How to Buy VeeCon 2023 Tickets: www.garyvee.com/VeeConTickets2023

    Today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience is an awesome original podcast I did with the CMO (Eric Murphy) and CEO (Steven Dufresne) of Anthros! We talk about the journey behind creating Anthros and the purpose to creating, "The most comfortable/supportive office chair the world has ever seen". We also talk about health and wellness, personal fitness journeys, the science of standing vs sitting while working, the lessons you learn when losing everything and so much more!

    Overall this is a really fun episode and I want your feedback on it! Enjoy!

    For more on the guests on this episode:

    Anthros Website

    Eric Murphy's LinkedIn

    Steven Dufresne's LinkedIn

    My website: www.garyvaynerchuk.com

    Check out my new NFT project: veefriends.com

    Join the VeeFriends Discord: https://discord.gg/veefriends

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    Text Me! 212-931-5731

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