
    #11: MONEY, HAPPINESS, AND TIME: Interview with Ben Miller, Founder of ChroniFI

    enDecember 15, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The need for better personal finance educationFrustration with high fees and lack of financial literacy led Ben to create a free service for rolling over old 401ks and start a company focused on personal finance education

      The personal finance advice available to most people is inadequate due to the lack of education on the subject and the complexity of the financial industry. Ben Miller, a guest on the Money with Katie podcast, shares this perspective, having left a career as a foreign exchange options trader at Goldman Sachs to start his own company, Chronify. Ben met Katie through a mutual friend and their shared interest in personal finance. Prior to founding Chronify, Ben identified the need for better financial education and was frustrated by the high fees associated with old 401ks. This frustration led him to create CapitalEyes, a free service that helps individuals roll over their old 401ks to reduce fees. In the podcast interview, Ben and Katie discuss their similar perspectives on happiness and money and the importance of financial literacy. The conversation highlights the need for accessible and effective personal finance education to help people navigate the complex financial landscape.

    • Acknowledge the importance of balancing saving and spendingRecognize the value of saving for future needs, but don't overlook spending on present happiness and long-term goals alignment.

      Understanding personal finance requires acknowledging the importance of finding a balance between saving and spending. Fear can be a powerful motivator to start saving, but an excessive focus on it can lead to an unhealthy scarcity mindset. This mindset can cause individuals to overlook the importance of spending on things that bring them happiness and alignment with their long-term goals. Ultimately, personal finance is about creating a sustainable financial plan that supports both present and future happiness. It's essential to recognize that there is a middle ground and avoid overshooting or undershooting the mark. By acknowledging the importance of both saving and spending, individuals can create a more fulfilling financial journey.

    • Balancing retirement savings and lifestyleEnsure retirement savings align with desired lifestyle, not just maxing out savings. Savings are deferred consumption, enjoy present while working towards long-term goals.

      It's essential to align your retirement savings with the lifestyle you want to have during retirement, rather than focusing solely on saving as much as possible. The speaker shares an experience of wanting to splurge on a car service to pick her up from the airport during a stressful time, but realizing that she might not be willing to do so when she's retired and living off her savings. This moment made her question whether she was lying to herself about the type of lifestyle she wanted and encouraged her to make sure she wasn't sacrificing too much in the present for the sake of work. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding that savings are just deferred consumption and encourages flexing that muscle to enjoy the present while still working towards long-term financial goals. The takeaway is that financial independence is a marathon, not a sprint, and striking a balance between saving and enjoying life is crucial for a sustainable path to retirement.

    • Prioritizing happiness over financial independenceValuing the present moment and prioritizing happiness is more sustainable and fulfilling than sacrificing it for future financial gains

      Prioritizing happiness over financial independence is a more sustainable and fulfilling approach to life. The speaker, Ben, initially believed that sacrificing happiness for a few years would lead to greater freedom and happiness later on. However, he realized that this mindset undervalues the present moment and the importance of being happy now. Ben's experience as a foreign exchange options trader at Goldman Sachs and his subsequent transition out of the industry highlights this idea. Despite the financial success he experienced during his time on the trading floor, he found more joy in simple activities like playing strategy board games with his wife. Ultimately, Ben's perspective is that all we have is the present moment, and it's essential to prioritize happiness within it.

    • Bridging the gap between data and meaning in personal financePersonal finance goes beyond numbers, it's about understanding how our financial decisions impact our time and ultimately, our lives.

      Understanding the deeper meaning behind our financial data is crucial for true financial fulfillment. The speaker shared their personal experience of feeling disconnected from their numbers despite meticulously tracking them. They found solace in the book "Your Money or Your Life" by Mickey Robin and Joe Dominguez, which emphasized the importance of time as our most precious resource. The speaker realized that personal finance isn't just about numbers but also about understanding how our financial decisions impact our time and ultimately, our lives. They encouraged seeking a new perspective to bridge the gap between data and meaning.

    • Identifying the right financial goal for financial independenceFocus on generating investment returns that complement income from fulfilling work, understand 'enough' is unique to each individual, and view finances in terms of time for a more intuitive approach.

      Identifying and targeting the right financial goal is crucial for achieving financial independence. The speaker, who has a company called Cronify, shares his personal experience of realizing that living off the interest of a large pile of money may not be the most effective or fulfilling goal. Instead, he suggests focusing on generating investment returns that complement the income from doing what is ultimately fulfilling. The speaker also touches upon the abstract nature of financial goals and the importance of understanding what "enough" means to each individual. The concept of "how much is enough" was further explored, emphasizing the importance of considering what one is retiring to and the need to embrace one's natural inclination towards productivity. Cronify aims to solve this problem by helping individuals view their finances in terms of time, making it more intuitive and relatable.

    • Understanding the time dimension in personal financeConsidering time as a precious resource can lead to better financial decisions, as illustrated by the analogy of a running race and the importance of focusing on progress towards the goal, rather than getting bogged down in technical details.

      Many personal finance tools focus on individual components like expenses and net worth, but they often lack a clear and dynamic representation of the time it takes to reach financial goals. The speaker, who is developing a tool called Chronify, emphasizes the importance of this time dimension. He uses the analogy of a running race, where instead of focusing on technical details, it's more effective to focus on the leader and the required progress towards the goal. The speaker's personal anecdote about his Hulu subscription illustrates this concept. He chose to save money by enduring ads, but later realized he was selling his time for a mere $4 per month. This insight underscores the value of considering time as a precious resource when evaluating financial decisions.

    • Regretting missed experiences due to prioritizing savingsConsider the value of time and experiences when making financial decisions, as savings can't replace missed moments.

      Money saved is deferred consumption meant to improve one's life or someone else's. The speaker regretted missing an opportunity to enjoy a vacation with his wife due to prioritizing saving money over experiencing a moment. This experience led him to realize the importance of considering the value of time and experiences when making financial decisions. Additionally, the speaker discussed the nuances of homeownership versus renting, emphasizing that it's a personal decision and not a one-size-fits-all solution. Treating homeownership as prepaid consumption means that the monthly outlays for a home are typically less than renting an equivalent house, allowing for more disposable income for other experiences or savings.

    • Housing: A Place to Live, Not an InvestmentHousing investments can have hidden costs and risks, and often only the successful stories are shared, making it a less reliable investment than often perceived.

      Housing, while it can be a good investment, does not typically return much more than inflation in the long run. This is due in part to survivorship bias, where we only hear about the success stories and not the failures. Additionally, housing investments can be risky, with potential losses from factors like employer relocation and high tenant turnover. A house may appear to be a profitable investment based on purchase and selling prices, but the costs of upkeep, renovations, and taxes can eat into the profits. Ultimately, housing should be viewed as a place to live rather than a reliable investment vehicle.

    • Hidden costs of homeownership impact overall financial pictureConsider individual circumstances and question the traditional path of homeownership in light of personal finance goals and nuances

      Homeownership comes with hidden costs, such as property taxes, which can greatly impact the overall financial picture. For some, the traditional path of homeownership may not align with the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement's spirit of questioning conventional beliefs and seeking alternative ways to manage money. The vast differences in costs associated with homeownership in different states make it impossible to provide a black and white answer. It's important to consider individual circumstances and question whether the traditional path truly makes the most sense for each person. The human tendency to seek simplicity and avoid decision-making can make the promise of a one-size-fits-all solution appealing, but the reality is that personal finance, like everything in life, is nuanced and requires careful consideration.

    • Experiment with a new lifestyle before making a big commitmentConsider renting before buying to determine if a new lifestyle fits, and be open to adjusting plans as circumstances change.

      Before making a significant lifestyle change, such as buying a house, it's essential to experiment with the new situation first. The speakers in this discussion moved from urban areas to Colorado with the expectation of a drastically different lifestyle focused on outdoor activities. However, they discovered that while some aspects of their new environment met their expectations, others did not. By renting first, they were able to determine if the Colorado lifestyle was right for them before making the financial commitment of buying a house. Additionally, the speakers emphasized the importance of adapting to new circumstances and understanding that personal growth and experiences can change over time. When considering a major decision, it's crucial to consider all factors and be open to the possibility of adjusting your plans as needed.

    • Determining your true passions through expanded free timeExpanding free time through financial independence allows for exploration of passions, preventing a comfort blanket from a job, and a more fulfilling retirement or independent lifestyle.

      Financial independence is not just about saving and retiring early, but also about figuring out what you truly enjoy doing and making good use of your time. The speaker emphasizes that having a job can sometimes serve as a comfort blanket, preventing people from exploring their passions. She suggests that the weekend test is a valuable tool for determining if one is truly ready for financial independence, as it expands your free time from two days to seven. By making the most of your weekends and indulging in activities that bring you joy, you can gain a better understanding of what your retirement or financially independent lifestyle might look like. The speaker also shares the analogy of a garden, emphasizing the importance of planting new seeds and not just focusing on work, to ensure a fulfilling and diverse life after retirement.

    • Don't Wait to Explore Interests Until RetirementExperiment and cultivate interests throughout life, as putting it off until retirement may lead to disappointment due to changing abilities and health. Simplify life by letting go of consumerist habits to focus on personal growth.

      It's essential to experiment and cultivate interests throughout one's life instead of waiting until retirement to explore new hobbies or passions. The speaker shares her realization that putting off personal growth and joy until retirement may lead to disappointment, as interests and abilities can change over time. Additionally, there's no guarantee that one will be healthy and able-bodied to pursue desired activities in old age. The paradox of choice can make it challenging to focus on what truly matters, and letting go of consumerist habits can simplify life and create more opportunities for personal growth.

    • Learning to own fewer things leads to less mental and emotional clutterReducing possessions can save money, eliminate overhead, and lead to a simpler, more intentional life

      Reducing the number of possessions and making intentional choices about what to keep can lead to a significant decrease in mental and emotional clutter. This was a revelation for the speaker after listening to an interview with Mrs. Frugalwoods, where she learned that she didn't need to keep up with the latest trends or have the nicest things to be content. The speaker then conducted an exercise to itemize all of her possessions and found that she owned many things she didn't use regularly. By cutting out unnecessary items and focusing on the things she used every day, she felt a sense of liberation and ease. This process not only saved her money but also eliminated the overhead of maintaining and storing unused items. Overall, the speaker learned that owning fewer things can lead to a simpler, more intentional life.

    • Optimizing everyday decisions for improved quality of lifeThinking critically about everyday choices can lead to significant improvements and savings, aligning with personal finance principles. Prioritize happiness and value over highest financial return.

      Living an examined life involves thinking harder about everyday decisions and looking for ways to optimize and improve quality of life, even if it means making small investments. This can lead to significant improvements and savings, as demonstrated by the example of upgrading headphones for a better audio experience. This mindset also aligns with the personal finance community, as both focus on optimizing resources for the best possible outcome. However, it's important to remember that the ultimate goal is to find happiness and value in the use of money, not just the highest financial return. As the speaker discovered, sometimes the best use of money is for non-monetary benefits, such as reducing daily frustrations and improving overall well-being.

    • Using Money for Peace of Mind and FreedomDefine financial goals for a desired lifestyle and peace of mind. Money is a tool for achieving these goals, not just for maximizing returns.

      Money is a tool for achieving peace of mind and personal freedom, rather than just a means for maximizing financial returns. The speaker shares his personal experience of feeling happier and more in control when he had a larger emergency fund, allowing him to quit his job and pursue entrepreneurial opportunities. He contrasts this with a friend, "Budget Dog," who prioritized paying off his home mortgage to gain the freedom to leave his job and spend more time with his family. Despite the opportunity cost of not investing the money in the market, the ability to be debt-free and have financial independence proved to be the best outcome for him. These stories illustrate the importance of defining one's financial goals and using money to achieve the desired lifestyle and peace of mind.

    • Discovering Financial Freedom and Simplifying LifeFinancial freedom through eliminating debt and owning property outright brings peace of mind and happiness.

      Eliminating debt and having fewer financial obligations can bring peace of mind and simplify one's life. Ben Miller, the founder of Chronify, emphasized this during a conversation with Katie. He shared his perspective on the importance of financial freedom and owning property outright. Miller also expressed his admiration for Katie's approach to happiness and money. In return, Katie praised Chronify and offered an extended free trial for listeners. The conversation highlighted the importance of finding financial simplicity and freedom, which can lead to less stress and more happiness. If you're interested in trying Chronify, use the code KATIE for an extra 30 days free trial at Chronify.com/katie.

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