
    #110 Tu Lam - Call of Duty & The Way of Rōnin

    en-usMay 16, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Lack of support for law enforcement leads to hesitancy and increase in crimeWithout proper resources and backing, officers are hesitant to enforce the law effectively, leading to increased crime rates.

      Retired special forces operator and top tactical trainer, Lamb, shared his concerns about the lack of support for law enforcement, which is leading to an increase in crime. He emphasized that without proper resources and backing, officers are hesitant to do their jobs effectively. Lamb, who has trained law enforcement across the country, highlighted incidents where officers have faced repercussions for enforcing the law, including losing their badges or even being ambushed. He believes that the absence of support from political figures, leadership, and communities is a significant issue that needs to be addressed to reduce crime rates. Additionally, Lamb discussed his new book, "The Way of Ronan," which shares his life story and will be released on May 21st.

    • Civilians as First RespondersWith underfunded and understaffed police departments, the need for civilians to protect their communities is growing. Historical events like the LA riots demonstrate the importance of civilians being prepared to defend their families.

      With the increasing number of underfunded and understaffed police departments, the responsibility of protecting communities is shifting towards civilians. The speaker, who works with top law enforcement personnel, expresses concern about the situation and advocates for training civilians to be the first responders in their families' defense. He uses historical examples like the LA riots to illustrate this point. The speaker also shares his personal experiences of working with Infinity Ward and becoming a Call of Duty character as a result, highlighting the importance of staying positive and being a good example to the youth.

    • Actor's personal interests inspire game characterActor's passion for samurai culture deeply influenced game character Ronan, leading to the integration of samurai philosophy and the actor's signature weapons and designs.

      The actor's experience in creating a character for a video game led to a deep connection between his personal interests and the game's content. The actor, who is a samurai fan and studies samurai philosophy, saw his character, Ronan, become popular and was surprised when the game developers incorporated the teachings of the 5 rings into the game's world. Moreover, the actor's signature weapons and designs were included in the game, making it a personal and unique experience. The collaboration between the actor and the game developers resulted in a meaningful representation of the actor's interests and values in the game, providing a rich and engaging experience for players. The actor's journey from filming movements for the game to seeing his character and philosophy integrated into the game is a testament to the power of creativity and collaboration in entertainment.

    • From martial arts to video games: A unique journey of transformationImagination and personal experiences shape our lives. Prioritize daily routines, meditation, and self-care for ongoing personal growth.

      The speaker's experiences, from learning martial arts in the Philippines and becoming a ninja character in a popular video game, to exploring psychedelics and focusing on personal growth through a disciplined daily routine, have shaped his unique journey in life. The entertainment industry, specifically video games, has grown significantly and has become a major form of entertainment. The speaker's transformation, from being inspired by GI Joe comics as a child to becoming a ninja character in a game, highlights the power of imagination and the impact of personal experiences. Additionally, the speaker's emphasis on daily routines, meditation, and self-care underscores the importance of prioritizing personal growth and well-being. Despite facing challenges and being in a "dark place" at times, the speaker continues to heal and grow, emphasizing the ongoing nature of personal development.

    • Early morning routine for managing anxietiesStart your day early, ground your nervous system with practices like meditation and deep breathing, and avoid distractions to reduce anxieties and set a positive tone for the day.

      Starting your day early and focusing on grounding your nervous system through practices like meditation and deep breathing can help manage anxieties and set a positive tone for the rest of the day. The speaker shares his personal experience of waking up at 4 AM, using a Biomat to reset frequencies, and practicing deep belly breathing to activate the lower abdomen and calm the nervous system. He emphasizes the importance of not sparking dopamine release through distractions like phones or TV, and instead, allowing thoughts to pass like clouds while focusing on the present moment. By consistently practicing this routine, the speaker was able to reprogram his mind and reduce anxieties, even during challenging times as a business owner and public figure.

    • Transform negative energies by focusing on feelingsAcknowledge emotions, release them, and transmute energy through meditation and physical activities.

      Our emotions and thoughts are connected, and we can transform negative energies by focusing on feelings rather than thoughts. The speaker suggests that we have three minds: thoughts, heart, and gut. While thoughts can be distracting and unreliable, our heart and gut can be trusted. By acknowledging and feeling our emotions, we can release them and transmute the energy within minutes instead of suffering for longer periods. The practice of meditation, particularly long meditation sessions, can help us let go of thoughts, connect with our feelings, and program our subconscious mind for positivity. Additionally, physical activities like cardio can help us stay present and burn fat in the morning after a period of fasting.

    • Morning routine for overall well-being: cardio, cold plunges, self-improvementIncorporate cardio, cold plunges, self-improvement activities, weight training, and sauna use for overall well-being. Push through discomfort for resilience and positive dopamine release.

      Taking care of both physical and mental health is crucial for overall well-being. The speaker shares his morning routine, which includes cardio, cold plunges, and self-improvement activities, followed by weight training and sauna use in the evening. He emphasizes the importance of pushing through discomfort during the cold plunge for resilience and positive dopamine release. The speaker also shares his personal experiences with childhood trauma and how self-work and therapy have helped him heal and cope. He encourages prioritizing self-care and addressing mental health issues as a means to heal and improve the country.

    • Healing the mind and body with IbogaineIbogaine, derived from the Iboga root, helps remap the brain and alleviate trauma through a long, intense journey of processing and releasing negative thoughts and emotions, leading to relief and healing.

      The mind and body are deeply connected, and traumatic experiences can leave lasting impacts on both. Ibogaine, a treatment derived from the Iboga root, is known for its ability to help remap the brain and alleviate trauma, including TBI and PTSD. The experience involves a long, intense journey, during which the mind processes and releases negative thoughts and emotions. The process can be painful and overwhelming, but ultimately leads to a sense of relief and healing. Hearing the story of a friend's experience with Ibogaine in Mexico, where it is offered in a safe and legitimate setting, provided comfort and perspective for the speaker, who had previously felt consumed by his own negative thoughts and emotions.

    • A spiritual journey leads to a profound realization of love and purposeThrough a transformative spiritual experience, one can gain clarity and determination, but returning home may bring challenges and require a peaceful environment to heal internal struggles and live in alignment with values and purpose.

      The speaker underwent a transformative experience during a spiritual journey, which led him to a profound realization of the power of love and his purpose in life. He describes feeling a deep connection to God and being reborn with a newfound sense of clarity and determination. However, upon returning home, he encountered challenges and found himself in a more difficult place than before. Despite external successes, he was internally struggling and masking his pain. The experience left a deep scar on his subconscious, making it essential to return to a peaceful environment to prevent further harm. Ultimately, the speaker learned the importance of making his words count and living in alignment with his values and purpose.

    • Exploring the interconnectedness of physical and spiritual wellbeing through 5-MeO-DMTBelieve in the power of energy, practice releasing stuck energy, and trust in the healing potential of substances like 5-MeO-DMT to restore balance and live in a state of joy and connection.

      Our physical and spiritual wellbeing are deeply interconnected, and the use of certain substances, like organic 5-MeO-DMT, can help us release negative energy and reconnect with our source. This powerful psychedelic, derived from the Sonoran Desert toad, is believed to be a fast-acting and effective way to clear energy blockages in the body's chakra system. The ancient wisdom of our ancestors recognizes that we are all energy, connected to the main source, but modern life and trauma can disrupt this connection. To restore balance, it's essential to believe in the power of energy, practice releasing stuck energy through breathwork and meditation, and trust in the healing potential of substances like 5-MeO-DMT. By doing so, we can live in a state of joy and connection, as children naturally do.

    • The power of choice: following God or living in sinOur upbringing shapes us, but we choose between faith and sin, with significant impacts on life. Personal experiences and courage can guide us, and high-quality hydration supports health.

      Our upbringing and experiences significantly shape our beliefs and choices in life, but ultimately, we have the freedom to choose between following the word of God or living in sin. This idea was compared to the Star Wars analogy of Jedi's choosing between the light and the dark side. The speaker emphasized that the only thing we truly have control over is our belief in God, and that making this decision can have profound impacts on our lives. Additionally, the speaker shared their personal experiences with trauma and the importance of courage and trust in undergoing psychedelic experiences for healing. The speaker also promoted Hoist IV level hydration as a high-quality, low-sugar, and electrolyte-rich hydration option, especially for military personnel and first responders.

    • Exploring the healing potential of psychedelicsPsychedelics, used in traditional ceremonies and guided by healers, can help individuals access deep emotions, expand consciousness, and facilitate transformative experiences.

      Psychedelics, like Wachuma, can serve as powerful tools for healing and personal growth. These substances, often used in traditional ceremonies and guided by experienced healers, can help individuals access deep emotions and expand their consciousness. The bitter tea made from Wachuma stirs up the lower abdomen and eventually opens the heart, allowing for the radiating of powerful emotional energy. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of community and the role of healers in facilitating transformative experiences. Despite the challenges and bitterness that come with the journey, the potential for growth and emotional connection makes the process worthwhile.

    • Experiencing profound spiritual growth through substance useSubstance use, such as certain cacti, can lead to intense spiritual experiences, releasing suppressed emotions and expanding the heart. Deep breathing, focusing, and letting go can enhance the experience, which may involve physical sensations and even risk.

      The use of certain substances, such as the cactus mentioned in the discussion, can lead to profound spiritual experiences. During these experiences, individuals may feel an expansion of their heart and the release of suppressed emotions. The practice involves finding a still point through deep breathing and focusing on the feelings, allowing the energy to move through the body. This energy can be described as a surge or bolt of lightning, and it may lead to physical sensations such as being lifted off the ground or having the shoulders pulled. The experience can be intense and even life-threatening, as the individual may be instructed to go deeper and let go until they pass out or die. The use of tribal instruments and group meditation can enhance the experience by moving energy and releasing trauma. The speaker suggests that these experiences are not a coincidence and that warriors and other strong individuals are on a similar journey towards spiritual growth.

    • A series of profound deaths and rebirths during a psychedelic sessionThrough multiple deaths and rebirths, the speaker learned to release trauma and unwind the nervous system, leading to a transformative experience and personal growth.

      The speaker described a profound experience of dying and being reborn multiple times during a psychedelic session. Each time he died, he saw visions of his ancestors, a garden, and various religious figures. He also felt his body releasing energy and trauma. After nine deaths, he learned to let go and surrender, leading to a reset and the absorption of trauma by the earth. The experience taught him the importance of releasing and unwinding the nervous system, which had previously caused him anxiety. The speaker plans to continue practicing with the psychedelic medicine during specific seasons to process and apply the lessons learned in his everyday life. This experience underscores the transformative potential of psychedelics and the value of surrendering and letting go during profound spiritual experiences.

    • Embrace the power within during challenging experiencesLearning to control one's mind, embrace life, and appreciate loved ones are valuable lessons from intense psychedelic experiences.

      The ultimate teacher is within oneself, especially during challenging experiences like using powerful psychedelics. The speaker learned that controlling one's mind is more powerful than any external force and that death is a natural part of life. During a particularly intense experience with cactus tea, the speaker was taught to let go and die, but his body wouldn't reset, leading him to contemplate the importance of being present and embracing life. He also recognized the importance of self-improvement, especially in relationships, and learned to appreciate the support of loved ones during difficult times. The speaker now applies these lessons to his everyday life and avoids hard psychedelics, instead using gentler substances for spiritual growth.

    • Personal struggles lead to growth and stronger relationshipsOvercoming personal struggles can lead to stronger relationships and personal growth. Writing a book can be a powerful tool in the healing process.

      Going through personal struggles, such as health issues or business challenges, can lead to significant growth and improvement in relationships. The interviewee shared how his wife's health issues made him realize the importance of being better for her and how their marriage became stronger as a result. They now work together as business partners, respecting each other's roles and supporting each other's goals. Additionally, the interviewee discussed how writing his book, "The Way of Ronan," played a role in his healing process. Despite a busy schedule, he persevered and completed the book with the help of a ghostwriter. This journey of self-discovery and growth led him to become a happier and more fulfilled person.

    • Writing about personal struggles can inspire and healSharing personal stories can help others heal and inspire self-improvement, and writing a book can serve as a therapeutic outlet for the author.

      Sharing personal stories and experiences can help others, and writing a book about one's struggles and mistakes can serve as a source of inspiration and healing for both the author and the readers. The author's decision to write a book was motivated by the positive feedback and outreach he received from his audience, as well as the realization that his journey could help others. The title of the book, "The Way of Ronin," was inspired by the concept of bushido, the code of ethics for samurais, and the idea that there is an unwritten rule or way to support and protect others. The author found that writing the book helped him heal from past traumas and emotions, but it also brought anxiety about how others would perceive him and his experiences. Despite this, he believes that the book's message of self-improvement and growth will resonate with readers and inspire them to apply its lessons to their own lives.

    • Rising Above Adversity: A Journey of Healing and Self-ImprovementThrough his book, the speaker shares his journey of overcoming challenges and encourages readers to choose resilience and positivity, using life's hardships as opportunities for growth and healing.

      Despite facing numerous hardships and adversity throughout his life, the speaker chose to rise above and become a warrior, rather than letting the negativity and hate consume him. He believes that when we are given challenges in life, we have the power to either let them defeat us or use them as opportunities for growth and healing. The speaker's book is an attempt to share his journey of healing and self-improvement with others, as he believes that everyone deserves the chance to overcome their struggles and be the best version of themselves. The speaker emphasizes that it's important to choose resilience and positivity, even when the world may seem against us. He encourages everyone to keep trying, to keep healing, and to never give up on themselves.

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