
    #111 John Burke - What Happens When We Die?

    en-usMay 20, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Emotions in Inside Out 2 and Near-Death ExperiencesAmy Poehler's new movie delves into human emotions, while John Burke shares insights from his research on near-death experiences, providing evidence for God's existence and inspiring spiritual growth.

      Amy Poehler's upcoming movie, Inside Out 2, promises to be an emotionally profound experience, exploring a wide range of human emotions. Meanwhile, John Burke, a pastor and author, shares his fascination with near-death experiences and the evidence they provide for the existence of God. Burke, who has analyzed over 1,000 near-death experiences and has 35 years of research under his belt, is the founder of Gateway Church in Austin, Texas, and the president of Gateway Leadership Initiative, a nonprofit that equips leaders to build impactful organizations. Through his books, such as "Imagine Heaven," and his international speaking engagements, Burke has reached hundreds of thousands of people with his messages on leadership, spiritual growth, and the afterlife.

    • Bridging the gap between imperfect people and GodChurches should foster an environment of love, acceptance, and exploration of faith to bring people closer to God and each other, despite imperfections.

      The church's role is to bring people closer to God and each other, but the challenge lies in the fact that people are imperfect and hurtful, leading to hypocrisy and judgment within the church community. This can drive people away. However, it's crucial not to confuse people with God. Instead, the church should strive to reach out to people in non-traditional settings, fostering an environment of love, acceptance, and exploration of faith. The key is to create spaces where people can feel safe and valued, allowing them to grow and learn together, despite the inevitable challenges and imperfections.

    • Sharing religious beliefs respectfully in neutral environmentsRespectful and non-intrusive sharing of religious beliefs can lead to meaningful conversations, contrasting forced or intrusive methods.

      Sharing religious beliefs in a respectful and non-intrusive way can lead to meaningful conversations in neutral environments. The example given was holding church in a bar, allowing people to join in if they wished. This approach contrasts with forced or intrusive methods that may turn people off. Jesus, as described in the discussion, was known for asking questions and respecting free will, making it essential to respect others' beliefs and willingness to engage in spiritual conversations. The key is to create an open and inviting atmosphere, rather than imposing beliefs on others.

    • Near-death experiences and other dimensions challenge religious beliefsSpeaker's research on near-death experiences reveals common reports of other dimensions and intelligent beings, potentially expanding our understanding of creators and challenging traditional religious beliefs.

      The speaker's research on near-death experiences reveals common reports of other dimensions and intelligent beings, which could potentially challenge traditional religious beliefs. He believes that if there are creators, the existence of other dimensions and intelligences is a testament to their creativity. The speaker also mentioned his Patreon account, where supporters ask questions, and one question was about why pastors rarely speak about heaven and the Bible's vagueness on the subject. The speaker aims to address this gap in understanding by exploring how near-death experiences align with biblical expectations of life after death. Another question was about the potential impact of nonhuman intelligence on religion. The speaker suggested that if such intelligence exists, it could expand our understanding of the universe and its creator. He referenced scientific theories that propose the existence of multiple dimensions beyond the three we experience. Overall, the speaker's work sheds light on the potential connections between near-death experiences, other dimensions, and religious beliefs.

    • Exploring the concept of another dimension through near-death experiences and faithPersonal experiences, historical findings, and the Bible have led some individuals to believe in the existence of another dimension, sparking curiosity and faith in those who were once skeptics.

      The human mind finds it challenging to comprehend the concept of another dimension due to the limitations of our current 2D experience. This was emphasized during a discussion about death being perceived as the separation of the soul from the body, revealing dimensions of space and time beyond our own. The speaker shared his personal journey from skepticism to faith, sparked by his father's near-death experience and the evidence he uncovered. He emphasized that the evidence, which includes near-death experiences, historical findings, and the Bible, has been a significant factor in his belief. The speaker's curiosity led him to interview thousands of people who had near-death experiences, and he found that their commonalities aligned with his findings. Ultimately, his faith in Christ and transition from engineering to pastoring were driven by his desire to help skeptics like himself understand the evidence.

    • Evidence from NDEs verified by medical professionalsNDEs with verified observations have been documented in medical journals, providing compelling evidence for the phenomenon

      There is a significant amount of evidence from individuals who have had near-death experiences (NDEs) reporting observations that can be verified by medical professionals. These observations, which include details about their surroundings during resuscitation, have been documented in various medical journals. For instance, some individuals report leaving their bodies during an NDE and watching their resuscitation from above. These observations can be checked for accuracy, making this evidence particularly compelling. One well-known case is that of Pam Reynolds, a singer who underwent a radical brain surgery and reported observing the surgery from an out-of-body perspective. Her observations were later confirmed by the medical team involved in her surgery. These cases, along with many others, have been reported in reputable medical journals, indicating that there is something meaningful and worth investigating in the phenomenon of NDEs.

    • Memories from Near-Death ExperiencesNear-death experiences (NDEs) result in vivid and accurate memories for individuals, often including specific details and seemingly impossible observations, verified by medical professionals.

      There are numerous documented cases of individuals reporting detailed and accurate memories of events during near-death experiences (NDEs), despite being unconscious and unresponsive during those times. These memories often include specific details about their surroundings, actions taken by medical personnel, and even seemingly impossible observations, such as out-of-body experiences or encounters with deceased loved ones. These accounts have been verified by medical professionals and documented in various studies and publications. For instance, a woman undergoing neurosurgery reported hearing "Hotel California" and remembering being shocked back to consciousness, while another man who was clinically dead in a park recalled the actions of the medical team and the location of his dentures. A study led by Dr. Janice Jan Holden found that nearly all of the observations made by NDE survivors were completely accurate when compared to hospital records. These findings challenge the common skepticism towards NDEs and suggest that there may be more to these experiences than previously thought.

    • Near-death experiences challenge the materialistic worldviewThousands of near-death experiences report encounters with a personal, loving God and the continuation of consciousness beyond physical death

      Near-death experiences, as reported by thousands of individuals, challenge the materialistic worldview that our consciousness is solely a product of our brain. Doctors and researchers, such as Dr. Eben Alexander and Dr. Jeffrey Long, have interviewed and studied these individuals, discovering commonalities that suggest a life beyond death. These experiences often involve encounters with a personal, loving God, and the realization that the consciousness or soul continues to exist beyond physical death. Paul, an apostle in the Bible, may have also had a near-death experience, as described in Acts 14, which left him with a profound realization of the existence of a divine being. Regardless of one's beliefs, the stories of those who have had near-death experiences raise intriguing questions about the nature of consciousness and the possibility of an afterlife.

    • Near-death experiences and biblical accounts share similaritiesBoth near-death experiences and biblical accounts involve profound communication, travel beyond physical limitations, and encounters with a loving entity. The idea of new power and perfect understanding resonates in both.

      Near-death experiences and biblical accounts share intriguing similarities. These experiences often involve a profound sense of communication, travel beyond physical limitations, and an encounter with a powerful, loving entity. Paul's writings in 2 Corinthians 12 and 1 Corinthians 15 echo these themes, suggesting a possible connection. The idea of being raised in new power and experiencing perfect understanding resonates with near-death accounts. Furthermore, the Bible, despite being a vast collection of texts, presents a consistent narrative about God's love and the importance of free will. The stories of people from various backgrounds, including those who didn't initially believe in God, experiencing similar phenomena adds to the intrigue. Ultimately, these accounts challenge us to consider the possibility of a spiritual realm and the potential for continued existence beyond our physical lives.

    • God's plan for blessing and uniting all peopleFrom Abraham and Sarah to Jesus, God's plan for unity and blessings was foretold by prophets like Isaiah, who described a messiah as 'mighty God' and 'prince of peace'.

      Despite our moments of rebellion and desire for personal will, God's plan for blessing and uniting all people dates back to the time of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 12. This divine intention was further emphasized through the revelations given to various prophets, including Isaiah, who foretold the coming of a savior and the establishment of eternal peace. The prophecies in Isaiah, which predate Jesus' birth, are particularly noteworthy as they describe a human figure called "mighty God" and "prince of peace," which is a mystery in the Jewish tradition as they believed in monotheism. This belief in a future messiah was eventually fulfilled with the arrival of Jesus in Galilee, where he claimed to be the Son of God. The discovery of ancient texts, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, further supports the historical accuracy of these prophecies, making it a compelling argument for the divine plan unfolding throughout history.

    • The Messiah in Isaiah 53 and Near-Death ExperiencesThe Messiah's suffering and resurrection in Isaiah 53 and similarities to near-death experiences suggest historical evidence of a divine presence and expanded realities.

      The Messiah, as described in Isaiah 53, is seen as the revelation of God's arm reaching into our world, revealing only a slice of God's greater reality. This Messiah is first depicted as suffering to pay for humanity's wrongs, and later resurrecing. This concept, written about 780 years before Jesus' birth, is just one big piece of historical evidence among many in the Bible. For the skeptical engineer, near-death experiences are a gateway to understanding this historical evidence and the idea of God as more mysterious, beautiful, powerful, and relatable than we can imagine. The commonalities between near-death experiences and psychedelic therapy, such as the presence of loved ones and a feeling of unity or oneness, may hint at the idea of heaven as a "wormhole" to God's expanded dimensionalities. As a pastor, it's important to consider the potential benefits of psychedelics in understanding these concepts, while acknowledging the risks and seeking guidance from medical professionals.

    • Life-changing experiences through psychedelic therapyPsychedelic therapy can lead to significant transformations, including the cure of addictions, anxieties, and even traumatic experiences. It's distinct from near-death experiences and challenges the belief that the brain is our identity.

      Psychedelic therapy, such as that derived from DMT and other psychedelic drugs, has been reported to bring about remarkable transformations in individuals' lives. These transformations include the cure of addictions, anxieties, and even traumatic experiences, such as sexual assaults, rapes, and wartime incidents. A friend of the speaker had a life-changing experience after undergoing therapy, becoming cane-free and no longer needing sunglasses due to light sensitivity. However, it's important to note that these experiences are distinct from near-death experiences, as the vividness and reality of psychedelic therapy are of a different order of magnitude. While some may argue that psychedelic drugs act as gateway drugs, historical evidence, such as the work of Dr. Walter Penfield in the 1950s, suggests that there is a conscious entity within us that can observe our brain activity separately. This discovery challenged the belief that the brain is our identity and led to the realization that there is a separate observer.

    • Exploring altered states of consciousness with psychedelicsPsychedelics can offer unique experiences of consciousness, but come with risks. Trauma survivors may benefit, and responsible use is key.

      Psychedelic drugs, such as psilocybin, can provide altered experiences of consciousness or awareness, possibly even leading to encounters with other dimensionalities. However, these experiences come with risks, as one may encounter good or evil entities without protection. Trauma survivors, in particular, may benefit from these substances in controlled settings, as they can help reintegrate traumatic memories with new thoughts and perspectives through the neocortex. Yet, the use of psychedelics remains a controversial topic within the Christian community, with some viewing it as a sin or forbidden fruit. As with any substance, the key is to use it responsibly, in a controlled environment, and with the right intent.

    • Exploring the therapeutic benefits and potential risks of mind-altering substancesSome substances have therapeutic benefits but also risks, requiring careful consideration and medical supervision. Personal experiences can vary greatly, and it's essential to approach these topics with an open mind and caution.

      While certain substances like ketamine, ibogaine, and psychedelics have the potential for abuse, they also hold therapeutic benefits when used under medical supervision and in a controlled environment. Some individuals believe that these substances have spiritual significance and may have been omitted from certain religious texts. Personal experiences with these substances can vary greatly, ranging from healing to hellish. The long-term effects and potential for addiction should be carefully considered. It's essential to approach these topics with an open mind and a willingness to listen to those who have had positive experiences, while also recognizing the potential risks. For instance, a friend of the speaker is undergoing trauma therapy using Ketamine in a medical setting. Additionally, studies suggest that substances like Ibogaine can have remarkable healing properties, such as restoring brain function in individuals with traumatic brain injuries. Ultimately, it's crucial to approach these substances with caution, guidance, and a clear understanding of their potential risks and benefits.

    • A near-death experience can lead to a profound sense of connection with the divineNear-death experiences can result in feelings of connection to the divine, even for non-believers, and can bring about a sense of joy, acceptance, and encounters with loved ones and a welcoming committee.

      A near-death experience can lead to a profound sense of connection with the divine, even for those who were not strong believers beforehand. Mary, a surgeon who went through such an experience while kayaking in Peru, described feeling physically held by Jesus during her moment of desperation. Despite her initial hesitation, she knew without a doubt that it was a divine encounter. During her experience, she also reported a sense of joy and acceptance, as well as an encounter with loved ones and a welcoming committee. This experience transformed her perspective on life and her belief in the afterlife. The feeling of bottomless kindness and compassion that she described in Jesus aligns with the accounts of other near-death experiencers and neuroscientists who have reported similar experiences in the presence of the divine.

    • Near-death experiences and spiritual awakeningsNear-death experiences can lead to profound spiritual awakenings, inspiring faith and belief in an afterlife. Mary and Thomas' stories show how these experiences can transform skepticism into belief.

      Near-death experiences can lead to profound spiritual awakenings, as seen in the story of Mary, a materialistic doctor who had a near-death experience and was later told that her son would die young. Despite her initial reluctance to return to the physical world, she eventually came back and tried to disprove her experience. However, she eventually accepted its reality and found comfort in her faith during her son's death. Thomas, another disciple, also had doubts about the resurrected Jesus, but was given the opportunity to touch his wounds and believe. Jesus praised Thomas for his faith despite not having seen the resurrection. The experiences of both Mary and Thomas illustrate the transformative power of faith and the belief in an afterlife. Additionally, those who have had near-death experiences often report a thinning of the veil between worlds, allowing them to have premonitions of future events.

    • Near-death experiences involve encounters with unknown people and eventsNear-death experiences provide evidence for an afterlife through encounters with loved ones and accurate descriptions of unknown people and events

      Near-death experiences (NDEs) often involve encounters with people or knowledge of events that the individuals could not have known beforehand. This was illustrated in the story of Colton Burpo, a 4-year-old boy who described details of his encounter with Jesus, his father's prayer session, and his deceased sister, all of which were unknown to him before his NDE. These types of experiences, which include encounters with loved ones and accurate descriptions of people and events, provide evidence supporting the belief in an afterlife. Additionally, God appears to value family connections, as many NDE accounts involve reunions with loved ones, both living and deceased.

    • Encounters with loved ones in near-death experiencesDuring near-death experiences, people often meet loved ones, including pets, and receive messages of forgiveness and acceptance from God.

      During near-death experiences, people often report encountering loved ones, including pets, who welcome them into the afterlife. This was the case for Karina Martinez, who upon dying, was greeted by her husband and her deceased dogs. This experience reinforces the idea that our relationships and connections with people and animals carry over into the afterlife. Another intriguing aspect of near-death experiences is the realization of one's worthiness and the importance of seeking forgiveness and love from God. Despite feeling unworthy and deserving of condemnation, Karina was encouraged by Jesus and ultimately accepted into the afterlife. This experience underscores the power of forgiveness and the importance of acknowledging one's worth in the eyes of God. Overall, these encounters highlight the profound impact of human connections and the transformative power of forgiveness and love in the afterlife.

    • People from diverse backgrounds report encountering a divine light in the afterlifeBlind individuals, among others, consistently describe a divine light in the afterlife, which is not explained by earthly experiences and echoes religious texts.

      Despite coming from diverse backgrounds and experiences, people who have had near-death experiences, including those who are blind from birth, consistently report encountering a divine light in the afterlife. This light is described as emanating from everything in the environment, including people, trees, and birds. This phenomenon is not explained by earthly experiences, as blind individuals have never seen light emanating from objects on earth. This shared experience is echoed in religious texts, such as the prophet Isaiah's description of God as the light of heaven, and John's vision of the city of God in Revelation. The implications of these shared experiences suggest a universal and transcendent aspect of the divine.

    • Encounters with Jesus in Near-Death ExperiencesPeople report transformative near-death experiences involving Jesus and otherworldly phenomena, despite challenges to share them. Research suggests common themes like out-of-body experiences, visits to other realms, and timelessness.

      Near-death experiences, as described in various accounts, often involve encounters with otherworldly phenomena and beings, including Jesus. Swadik's story illustrates this, as he recounts his experience of meeting Jesus in a hellish place after his death, and being told to spread the word of his salvation. Despite the challenges and dangers of sharing such experiences in certain contexts, many people report these events as the most real and transformative experiences of their lives. Research on near-death experiences suggests common themes, such as out-of-body experiences, encounters with loved ones, and visits to beautiful, otherworldly realms. Additionally, time may not function in the same way in these experiences, with some reporting a sense of timelessness or all events happening simultaneously. These accounts challenge our understanding of reality and offer intriguing insights into the nature of consciousness and the afterlife.

    • Near-death experiences and the multidimensional understanding of timeNear-death experiences challenge our linear understanding of time and suggest a multidimensional perspective where each moment contains all of time. Veridical experiences and commonalities reported by survivors suggest these experiences transcend the physical realm.

      Near-death experiences (NDEs) may not be fully explainable by current scientific understanding, particularly the concept of time experienced during these events. The speaker suggests that NDEs may involve a multidimensional understanding of time, where each moment contains the potential for experiencing all of time. This idea challenges our linear understanding of time and offers a new perspective on the nature of existence. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the veridical nature of NDEs, which cannot be fully explained by brain activity or chemical responses alone. The commonalities reported by NDE survivors, such as encounters with loved ones and a sense of divine presence, further support the idea that these experiences transcend the physical realm.

    • Near-death experiences involve a life reviewIndividuals report reexperiencing their entire life from God's perspective during a life review, gaining a new perspective on their past and the role God played in it.

      Key takeaway from the discussion about near-death experiences is that they often involve a life review, which is described as the most life-altering experience apart from being in the presence of God. During this review, individuals report reexperiencing their entire life, not just certain portions, from God's perspective. They feel, think, and remember everything as if they were reliving it in the moment. The life review is unique to each person, as God shows them specific aspects of their life. Some individuals report that God was with them throughout their entire life, even during suffering, providing comfort and companionship. The reliving of one's life in this way is a deeply emotional and transformative experience, as individuals gain a new perspective on their past and the role God played in it. Despite the fear some people have of facing their past, many report that the life review is a valuable and enlightening experience.

    • Near-death experiences reveal God's love and compassionNear-death experiences reveal God as a loving, compassionate being, contrasting the common perception of God as a judgmental or condemning figure.

      God, as revealed in near-death experiences, is not a judgmental or condemning figure, but rather a loving and compassionate being who cares for us infinitely. This contrasts with the common perception of God as an authority or disciplinarian. Near-death experiencers often describe God as a source of joy and the giver of all good things, including love, adventure, and pleasure. These experiences show that God's love is both gentle and powerful, capable of washing away fear and worry. This perspective aligns with the character of God revealed in scripture and challenges the limited view of God as a cosmic cop or disciplinarian.

    • Discovering the Benefits of Functional MushroomsSpeaker's personal experience led him to invest in Performance Mushrooms for energy balance and mental cognition. Near-death experience survivors reported mixed experiences, highlighting the importance of self-care.

      The speaker's personal experience with psychedelic treatment and functional mushrooms led him to discover the benefits of taking care of both his body and brain. He became passionate about finding the finest functional mushroom supplement and eventually became a shareholder in Performance Mushrooms by Laird Hamilton and Gabby Rees. The speaker strongly believes in the product's benefits for energy balance and mental cognition. Additionally, he mentioned that a significant percentage of near-death experience survivors reported having negative or "hellish" experiences, emphasizing the importance of taking care of one's physical and mental well-being. The speaker encourages listeners to check out Performance Mushrooms at Lairdsuperfoods.com and use the promo code SRS for a 20% discount.

    • The consequences of our actionsOur choices shape our future, leading us towards redemption or despair. Humility and prayer can help us overcome ego and find peace.

      Our actions and choices in this life have consequences, some of which may be unforeseen and far-reaching. The man in the story, Howard, discovered this when he was transported to a dark and terrifying place after leading a selfish and cruel life. In this place, he was confronted by beings who were like him, but who had spiraled down into unimaginable darkness. Despite being in a hellish situation, Howard struggled to accept God and pray for help, but his ego continued to resist. Ultimately, he was left alone to contemplate his life and the reality that he had become the very thing he despised. The experience taught Howard that truth is absolute and that what we put into the world comes back to us. It also underscored the importance of humility and the power of prayer in overcoming the ego and finding redemption.

    • A transformative encounter with the divine in dark momentsEven in despair and doubt, people can have transformative encounters with the divine, leading to forgiveness, redemption, and a deeper understanding of God's presence in life.

      Even in the darkest moments of despair and doubt, people can experience a transformative encounter with the divine. Howard, a tenured college professor and atheist, went through such an experience during a near-death encounter. He realized that God wanted him to take responsibility for his actions and reconcile with those he had hurt. After his encounter with Jesus, he left his secure professorship to become a Christian pastor, despite facing rejection from his family. In his life review, Howard felt the pain he had inflicted on others and experienced the joy God felt when he showed kindness. This experience showed him that God is present in every aspect of life and understands our experiences intimately. While the specifics of near-death experiences may vary, the message of forgiveness, redemption, and the presence of the divine in our lives remains a powerful and universal theme.

    • Near-death experiences and the sense of presenceNear-death experiences can lead individuals to feel a profound sense of presence and judgment, regardless of their religious beliefs, emphasizing the importance of reflection and gratitude for life.

      People who have encountered near-death experiences often report feeling a profound sense of presence and judgment, regardless of their religious beliefs beforehand. Paulo Haida, a former cocaine addict, described falling into a dark abyss and feeling the presence of God, despite his past transgressions. Jim Woodford, a commercial airline pilot, had a similar experience and realized the importance of thanking God for his life before it was too late. These stories challenge our perceptions of the afterlife and suggest that there may be elements beyond our comprehension. Regardless of whether one believes in demons or angels, these accounts underscore the importance of reflection and gratitude for the life we have been given.

    • God's love and redemption towards skepticsDespite doubts and challenges, God's love and forgiveness extend to all, as shown in the story of the man mocking Jesus on the cross.

      God's love and presence are unconditional, even towards those who doubt or challenge Him. The man mocking Jesus on the cross received a promise of paradise, despite his disbelief. This theme of redemption and forgiveness, even in the face of skepticism, is a common thread in near-death experiences. Another commonality is the existence of otherworldly beings, such as angels and demons, which are described in various ways by those who have had such experiences. These beings, whether good or evil, are believed to be creations of God and exist in dimensions beyond our understanding. The existence of these beings and the experiences of those who have encountered them provide evidence for some that there is more to the universe than what we can perceive with our senses.

    • Suffering as evidence of God's existenceThe inherent human response to suffering indicates a moral order, possibly from a divine being, and the concept of hell as a place of rebellion against God may further support this belief.

      The existence of suffering and our opposition to it may actually argue for the existence of God. According to the discussion, if there is no God, then suffering would just be a natural part of existence, and it wouldn't bother us. However, humans and even angels have an inherent sense that something is not right when faced with suffering. This sense could be seen as evidence of a moral order, which some believe can only come from a divine being. The concept of hell, as described in the discussion, is a place where God's will is not done, and it is inhabited by beings who have chosen to rebel against Him. The experiences of hell, as described in near-death accounts, can vary, but they often involve a sense of emptiness or being trapped in one's desires and attachments. Ultimately, the discussion suggests that suffering and the desire to avoid it may be evidence of a moral order and a God who establishes that order.

    • Near-death experiences describe a concept of hellEvil is constrained on earth due to God's spirit and laws, but when these are removed, it causes immense suffering. Despite facing unimaginable evil, there's hope for redemption, and God's mercy and love are always present.

      According to various near-death experience accounts, there exists a concept of hell, which is characterized by darkness, fire, and torturous creatures. These experiences suggest that evil is only constrained on earth due to God's spirit and laws, but when these are removed, evil evolves and causes immense suffering. Interestingly, many people who have had hellish experiences have reported crying out for God's forgiveness and being rescued. This indicates that even in the face of unimaginable evil, there is hope for redemption. Ultimately, these experiences emphasize that only we can keep ourselves separated from God, and that God's mercy and love are always present, even in the midst of suffering.

    • Encounters with God's GraceGod's love and goodness transcend human understanding and reach all people, even those who don't deserve it. God's presence is increasingly evident in the world, especially during challenging times.

      God's love and goodness transcend human understanding and reach all people, regardless of their background or beliefs. The speaker shares personal experiences and near-death accounts that describe encounters with a divine being, emphasizing that even those who don't deserve it can experience God's grace. The speaker also believes that as evil increases in the world, God is giving increasingly clear evidence of his existence and love for all people. This concept is rooted in biblical prophecies, such as the regathering of the Jewish people, which the speaker sees as a sign of God's enduring love and commitment to his people. Ultimately, the speaker encourages an openness to the idea that God is real and active in the world, regardless of one's beliefs or understanding.

    • Significant biblical prophecies fulfilled in Jewish historyThe Jewish people's historical events, including their scattering and the establishment of Israel, fulfill ancient biblical prophecies, demonstrating God's care for all nations and His promise to bring back His people.

      The historical events of the Jewish people being scattered and the establishment of Israel as a nation in 1948 are significant signs fulfilling prophecies mentioned in the Bible thousands of years ago. These events, as mentioned in Isaiah and Jesus' teachings, demonstrate God's care for all nations and His promise to bring back His people. The generation that witnessed these events may have seen the end of certain biblical prophecies, but the concept of a generation can vary, and the end times continue to unfold. Additionally, the experiences of those who have near-death experiences can lead some to seek spiritual understanding and conversion to faith. Overall, these stories serve as powerful reminders of God's faithfulness and His plan for all nations.

    • Near-death experiences from diverse backgrounds reveal similar encounters with the afterlifeIndividuals from various backgrounds have reported similar near-death experiences, including encounters with a divine light, otherworldly structures, and visions of heaven and hell.

      Near-death experiences, as shared through global communication in the modern age, have allowed individuals from diverse backgrounds to share their profound and similar encounters with the afterlife. One such individual, Santosh, grew up in India with a Hindu background and described his near-death experience as encountering a divine light, falling in love with it, and traveling through tunnels to a place of unparalleled beauty and otherworldly structures. His description mirrored that of John in Revelation, who described a city with 12 gates, angels outside, and a high platform overlooking a vision of heaven and hell. Santosh, who had never read the Bible, was surprised to find such similarities and was shown a vision of hell as a dark, hopeless abyss. These shared experiences challenge our understanding of the afterlife and the role of religious texts in shaping our beliefs.

    • Individuals encounter God in unique ways through sincere relationshipsCuriosity, obsession, and openness lead individuals to unique encounters with God, emphasizing the importance of sincere relationships over specific religious practices.

      God's presence and message can manifest differently for various individuals, and the path to connecting with Him is through sincere and honest relationship rather than adherence to specific religious practices. This was evident in the experiences of Santosh, BB, and Tehran, who each encountered God in unique ways and were given individual instructions to deepen their connection with Him. Santosh, a Hindu man, was shown compassion and forgiveness by what he believed to be the Christian God, who emphasized the importance of daily surrender and relationship over religious rituals. This revelation led Santosh to become a devoted follower of Jesus. The common thread among these individuals was their curiosity, obsession, and openness to experiencing God's presence in their lives, which ultimately led them to a deeper understanding of their faith and purpose.

    • Exploring the Accessibility of God's Love to AllGod's love is available to all, regardless of imperfections or religious beliefs. Faith, forgiveness, and unique love are essential aspects of God's character.

      God's love is unconditional and available to all, regardless of religious beliefs or imperfections. John, the guest on the podcast, shared stories of people from various faiths and backgrounds who felt deeply loved by God despite their imperfections. He emphasized that none of us perfectly adheres to our religious or moral codes and that God's forgiveness is a fundamental aspect of His character. John wrote his book, "Imagine the God of Heaven," to help skeptics understand this concept and to encourage them to trust in God through faith. He explained that faith is a form of trust, essential for building a relationship with God, and that God communicates with us through thoughts and inner guidance. The book also emphasizes that God loves each person uniquely and that His love is not limited to any particular group or nation. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of faith, forgiveness, and the accessibility of God's love to all.

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    #117 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - CIA Propaganda & Information Manipulation

    #117 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - CIA Propaganda & Information Manipulation
    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an author, attorney, activist and 2024 Presidential Candidate. Kennedy is known for his family's long history of public service and his dissenting opinions that circle the rigid "Left" and "Right" view points. Kennedy has spent many years "fighting corrupt government agencies" and corporations alike. He has won environmental cases against dozens of municipalities and corporate giants like General Electric and ExxonMobil. Kennedy also co-founded the WaterKeeper Alliance, the world's largest nonprofit devoted to clean water, protecting 2.7 million miles of waterways. He is now running for President in 2024 and pledges to "end the forever wars, clean up government, and increase wealth for all." Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://meetfabric.com/shawn https://helixsleep.com/srs https://trueclassictees.com/srs https://blackbuffalo.com https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Links: Campaign - https://www.kennedy24.com X - https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr IG - https://www.instagram.com/robertfkennedyjr FB - https://www.facebook.com/rfkjr TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@teamkennedy2024 YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4ewc5vQcMpLticvqPDcSQw Store - https://merch.kennedy24.com Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usJune 17, 2024

    #116 Sarah Adams (AKA Superbad) - CIA Targeter Tracks Down #1 Enemy of Benghazi Attacks

    #116 Sarah Adams (AKA Superbad) - CIA Targeter Tracks Down #1 Enemy of Benghazi Attacks
    Sarah Adams (call sign: Superbad) is a former CIA Targeting Officer and author of Benghazi: Know Thy Enemy. Adams served as the Senior Advisor for the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Benghazi. She conducted all-source investigations and oversight activities related to the 2012 Libya terrorist attacks and was instrumental in mitigating future security risks to U.S. personnel serving overseas. Adams remains one of the most knowledgeable individuals on active terrorism threats around the world. Get Sarah's intel briefing via the newsletter: https://shawnryanshow.com/pages/newsletter Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://babbel.com/srs https://shopify.com/shawn https://ziprecruiter.com/srs https://drinkhoist.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Sarah Adams Links: LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahadams IG - https://www.instagram.com/askarimediagroup Website - https://askarimediagroup.com Book - https://www.amazon.com/Benghazi-Know-Enemy-Sarah-Adams/dp/B0BHMV2Q8S Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usJune 10, 2024

    #115 Tucker Carlson - Revolution, World War 3, WTC Building 7 and Supernatural Phenomenon

    #115 Tucker Carlson - Revolution, World War 3, WTC Building 7 and Supernatural Phenomenon
    Tucker Carlson is an American journalist, commentator and host of the Tucker Carlson Network. He is most widely known for his 2016 - 2023 stint as host of Tucker Carlson Tonight, an extremely popular political Fox News show. Carlson's long career in media is marked by both critical acclaim and criticism. His expression of alternative view points shook the industry and mesmerized viewers. Carlson continues to carry on his mission with the Tucker Carlson Network, which aims to "build an alternative to legacy media...that empowers us to do our job without fear." Tucker and his team pull no punches in stating "It’s time they stopped hiding the truth from you. We’ll expose them together." Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://helixsleep.com/srs https://hillsdale.edu/srs https://betterhelp.com/shawn https://drinkhoist.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Tucker Carlson Links: Network - https://tuckercarlson.com X - https://x.com/TuckerCarlson IG - https://www.instagram.com/tuckercarlson FB - https://www.facebook.com/tuckercarlsonTCN Store - https://store.tuckercarlson.com Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usJune 03, 2024

    #114 Tim Parlatore - The Weaponization of 3 Letter Agencies

    #114 Tim Parlatore - The Weaponization of 3 Letter Agencies
    Tim Parlatore is a former Naval Officer and founder of Parlatore Law Group. He has represented Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher and President Donald Trump, among many other high profile cases. In this episode, Shawn and Tim discuss the falling recruitment rates of the U.S. Military and the current outlook for the armed forces as a whole. They also discuss the weaponization of the FBI and DOJ and how the country will look post the 2024 election. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://meetfabric.com/shawn https://expressvpn.com/shawn Tim Parlatore Links: Website - https://parlatorelawgroup.com Twitter/X - https://twitter.com/timparlatore IG - https://www.instagram.com/parlatorelawgroup Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 30, 2024

    #113 Admiral Tim Gallaudet - Underwater Alien Base, UFO Psyops and Weather Weapons

    #113 Admiral Tim Gallaudet - Underwater Alien Base, UFO Psyops and Weather Weapons
    Tim Gallaudet is a retired Navy Admiral and Oceanographer. Gallaudet's afloat tours included Oceanographic Unit 5 aboard USNS Harkness, USS Peleliu, and USS Kitty Hawk. During these tours, Gallaudet served in Operations Southern Watch, Provide Promise, Sharp Guard, Deny Flight, Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. He also led management of the nation’s fisheries, coastal resources and waterways, weather satellites, weather services, and environmental research as Deputy Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Today, he is the CEO of Ocean STL Consulting, a firm that is enabling public and private entities to explore USOs (unidentified submerged objects) and the ocean at large. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://shopify.com/shawn https://meetfabric.com/shawn https://ziprecruiter.com/srs https://bubsnaturals.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Tim Gallaudet Links: LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/rear-admiral-tim-gallaudet-phd-us-navy-ret-b18185149 Ocean STL Consulting - https://www.oceanstl.com X - https://x.com/gallaudettim IG - https://www.instagram.com/gallaudettim Podcast - https://www.coastalnewstoday.com/curator/adm-tim-gallaudet Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 28, 2024

    Shawn Ryan - A Memorial Day Message | SRS Special Release

    Shawn Ryan - A Memorial Day Message | SRS Special Release
    This is a special Memorial Day weekend message from Host Shawn Ryan. God Bless our fallen heroes and God Bless the United States of America. Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 24, 2024

    #112 Vivek Ramaswamy - The Truth Behind the Campaign Trail & Government Lies

    #112 Vivek Ramaswamy - The Truth Behind the Campaign Trail & Government Lies
    Vivek Ramaswamy is a former Presidential Candidate and American entrepreneur. As a Harvard graduate, he founded Roivant Sciences, a wildly successful biotech company. He also co-founded Strive Asset Management, an investment firm that positions itself in opposition to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). Vivek fought a fierce battle on the campaign trail in 2024 and has returned to the Shawn Ryan Show to share his experience and what he believes is next for America. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://shopify.com/shawn https://zippixtoothpicks.com - USE CODE "SRS" Vivek Ramaswamy Links: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/vivekgramaswamy Twitter - https://twitter.com/VivekGRamaswamy Campaign - https://www.vivek2024.com Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 23, 2024

    #111 John Burke - What Happens When We Die?

    #111 John Burke - What Happens When We Die?
    John Burke is the New York Times Bestselling author of No Perfect People Allowed, Imagine Heaven and Imagine the God of Heaven. He founded and pastored Gateway Church in Austin, Texas. He's also the president of Gateway Leadership Initiative (GLI), a nonprofit organization. As an international speaker, Burke has addressed thousands of people across more than a dozen countries. He has spent the last several years investigating and documenting the near death experiences of people from all walks of life. Burke has worked tirelessly to analyze these experiences and share the truth behind these extraordinary stories with the world. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://helixsleep.com/srs https://mypatriotsupply.com https://trueclassictees.com/srs https://drinkhoist.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner John Burke Links: Books - https://imagineheaven.net Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/johnburkeofficial | https://www.facebook.com/imagineheavenbook IG - https://www.instagram.com/johnburkeofficial Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 20, 2024

    #110 Tu Lam - Call of Duty & The Way of Rōnin

    #110 Tu Lam - Call of Duty & The Way of Rōnin
    Tu Lam is a former Army Special Forces Green Beret and CEO of Rōnin Tactics. Tu Lam escaped communist rule in Vietnam as a child and would ultimately immigrate to the United States and serve in Special Operations for over 20 years. Today, he continues to run Rōnin Tactics and is widely known for his appearances in the hit video game series Call of Duty. Most recently, Tu Lam has authored The Way of Rōnin, an incredible chronicling of his life and work. The book is available now to preorder. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://mypatriotsupply.com https://betterhelp.com/shawn https://drinkhoist.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" Tu Lam Links: Preorder The Way of Rōnin - www.harpercollins.com/pages/way-of-ronin Train - https://www.ronintactics.com IG - https://www.instagram.com/ronintactics X - https://twitter.com/ronintactics FB - https://www.facebook.com/people/Ronin-Tactics/100064816893518 YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGbWCJCruG_3HlRlMaIq6xA Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 16, 2024