
    #113 Admiral Tim Gallaudet - Underwater Alien Base, UFO Psyops and Weather Weapons

    en-usMay 28, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • UFO hotspots, extreme environmentsRetired Rear Admiral Gallaudet suggests that UFO activity is not limited to California and Florida, but also occurs around hydrothermal vents and underwater volcanic activity, where some organisms are considered 'aliens' due to their extreme environments.

      Retired Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet, a renowned oceanographer and UFO community member, believes that there are documented hotspots for UFO activity around the globe, not just in California and Florida. He also mentioned that hydrothermal vents and underwater volcanic activity can have interesting effects on ocean temperatures, ocean currents, and marine life, and that some organisms in these extreme environments are considered "aliens." Gallaudet also shared his thoughts on the UFO whistleblower series and the recent DOD UFO office report, suggesting that the government may be deliberately withholding information and disseminating false information about UAPs. According to Gallaudet, this is likely due to the executive branch's policy on disclosure, with the DOD UFO office acting as the mouthpiece. He also mentioned his experiences working in the government and how policy is set at the top level.

    • U.S. Air Force disinformation campaignThe U.S. Air Force has historically spread disinformation to discredit researchers and prevent the public from understanding the existence of UAP studies, and this campaign continues today, stigmatizing credible researchers like Lou Elizondo.

      The U.S. Air Force, in the past, has planted disinformation to discredit researchers and prevent serious scientific study of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP). This disinformation campaign aims to stigmatize those investigating UAP as wackos and prevent the public from understanding the existence of a crash retrieval program and ongoing monitoring of UAP in our airspace and waterways. Today, this disinformation is still being spread overtly by certain individuals and offices, discrediting credible researchers like Lou Elizondo. The Galileo Project, led by astronomer Avi Loeb, is an initiative to scientifically study UAP using a network of observatories, telescopes, and sensors. With the vastness of the universe and the possibility of other technological civilizations, it's not far-fetched to consider that UAP could originate from other dimensions or parts of the universe beyond our current understanding.

    • Shopify features, personal journeyShopify offers user-friendly commerce features and resources for businesses of all sizes, while the speaker's personal journey highlights the importance of following one's passion, even in unexpected careers

      Shopify is a user-friendly global commerce platform that helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses by providing features like easy social media integration, blog capabilities, and a high-converting checkout system. The platform, which powers 10% of all ecommerce sites in the US, also offers resources for businesses at every stage, from startups to established enterprises. Meanwhile, the speaker's personal journey demonstrates the importance of following one's passion, as he pursued a career as an oceanographer in the Navy and later at the Pentagon, where he advised on ocean data collection and mapping. The ocean remains largely uncharted, with only 5% of its volume having been explored, and the speaker is currently collaborating with an explorer to investigate underwater features that may hold secrets related to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).

    • UAP investigation fundingRetired naval officer Tim McMillan is working to secure government funding for investigating unexplained underwater phenomena recognized as not belonging to known human or foreign technology, emphasizing the importance of continued research and interagency collaboration.

      A retired naval officer, Tim McMillan, identified an opportunity to investigate anomalous underwater phenomena using government data sets, including classified sources. He proposed this idea to the Naval Studies Board, who expressed interest, but now requires government funding for the study. McMillan, who had prior experience briefing the Naval Studies Board, is now working to secure this funding from various government agencies, including the Office of Naval Intelligence and NOAA. McMillan became involved in UAP research after encountering unexplained phenomena captured on video by military pilots, which he recognized as not belonging to any known human or foreign technology. Despite the potential safety implications and the existence of similar incidents, this information was not widely discussed within the military or aviation community due to career risks. McMillan's experience and determination to uncover the truth highlight the importance of continued investigation into unexplained phenomena and the potential benefits of interagency collaboration.

    • UAP transparencyLack of transparency and communication regarding UAP encounters within the government hinders scientific progress and potentially puts lives at risk, as illustrated by a submarine officer's encounter with an unknown underwater object in the 1980s

      There have been numerous encounters with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) in both the atmosphere and underwater, yet there is a significant lack of transparency and communication regarding these encounters within the government. Former military personnel and scientists, who have firsthand knowledge of these encounters, have been silenced due to over-classification issues. This not only hinders scientific progress but also potentially puts lives at risk. A submarine officer's account of an encounter with an unknown underwater object in the 1980s illustrates this issue, as the submarine had to dive to the dangerous depth of crush depth to avoid collision with the unknown object. Despite the potential danger and lack of explanation, the data from this encounter is archived at Johns Hopkins University, and the speaker is in the process of regaining clearance to access it. The speaker advocates for a more open and transparent discussion about UAP encounters, particularly in the water, to better understand their nature and potential implications.

    • Ocean explorationNew discoveries in ocean exploration include unknown species, geologic features, and sea life under ice. Mapping and exploring the ocean is crucial for national security and scientific research.

      The ocean, with its vast expanse and hidden depths, continues to surprise us with new discoveries. From unknown species, such as a new type of killer whale discovered in Antarctica, to geologic features and sea life under the ice, there's still much to learn. Furthermore, mapping and exploring the ocean is crucial for national security, as it provides tactical advantages similar to high ground in ground warfare. The US has made strides in mapping its exclusive economic zone, but there's still much to be done. Personal experiences, such as diving with great white sharks and discovering new species, highlight the importance and fascination of ocean exploration. Additionally, the ocean's role in scientific research, particularly in understanding apex predators and ecosystem health, underscores the significance of continued exploration and discovery.

    • Illegal fishing, UAP in oceanIllegal fishing harms economies and ecosystems, while UAP in the ocean remain a mystery with theories ranging from man-made to extraterrestrial or interdimensional.

      While the speakers enjoy their adventures in the ocean, encountering various shark species, they are also concerned about the threats to the ocean and its inhabitants, specifically the issue of illegal fishing, which can cause significant harm to economies and ecosystems. Another intriguing topic they touched upon was the presence of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) in the ocean. The nature and origin of these phenomena remain a mystery, with theories ranging from man-made to extraterrestrial or even interdimensional. The ongoing research and discussions surrounding this topic reflect the vastness and complexity of the ocean and the universe. Additionally, the speakers shared their experiences working in various roles, including serving in the same administration as former Secretary of Defense James Mattis, and their involvement in organizations that support oceanography and UAP research.

    • Underwater UFOs and advanced civilizationsDespite lack of concrete evidence, reports of underwater UFOs and alleged encounters with humanoid beings cannot be ignored. Governments and intelligence agencies have been known to cover up such information, but public discussions on potential implications for global security are necessary.

      The possibilities of advanced civilizations, be it ancient, interdimensional, or extraterrestrial, existing beneath the Earth's surface or in the depths of the ocean, cannot be ruled out. Despite the lack of concrete evidence and the stigmatization of such discussions, there have been reported encounters and investigations into underwater UFOs and their alleged occupants. One such well-documented case is the Canadian USO encounter in the 1960s, where divers claimed to have seen underwater discs and humanoid beings. The existence of these programs and encounters is often met with disinformation campaigns and cover-ups by governments and intelligence agencies. However, it is argued that the public should be involved in thoughtful public policy discussions regarding the potential implications of such discoveries for global security. The Soul Foundation, an organization dedicated to underwater UAP research, brings together experts from various fields to explore this phenomenon. Current research includes the study of historical accounts, technological advancements, and socio-cultural implications.

    • Unexplained aerial phenomena researchOngoing research includes potential remnants of ancient or extraterrestrial civilizations, such as the Galileo project's discovery of an interstellar object with unusual properties, leading to expeditions and further research into its origin and composition. Transparency and sharing of data are essential for advancing our understanding.

      There are ongoing efforts to scientifically study unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP), including potential remnants of ancient or extraterrestrial civilizations. For instance, the Galileo project is focused on discovering and studying such phenomena, having identified an interstellar object that impacted Earth and exhibited unusual properties. This discovery led to expeditions to recover fragments of the meteorite and further research into its origin and composition. While the search continues for potential technological findings, it's important to note that life beyond Earth, even if not in our familiar form, is a possibility. NASA, along with other organizations, is exploring this field, but transparency and sharing of data are crucial for advancing our understanding. Additionally, there are ongoing discussions about the possibility of ancient civilizations or even current life existing on the moon. The National Science Foundation is even hosting a workshop on UAP communications to further investigate these phenomena.

    • Government Cover-ups of Unusual DiscoveriesReported discoveries of unusual objects and potential alien materials, kept hidden from public and certain officials, include metallic fragments and non-human biologics. Their authenticity is supported by credible sources, but their true nature remains uncertain, raising concerns about transparency and accountability.

      There are reported discoveries of unusual objects and potential alien materials, some of which have been kept hidden from the public and even from certain government officials. These discoveries include metallic fragments and possibly non-human biologics. The authenticity of these findings is supported by credible sources, including individuals with insider knowledge and expertise in relevant fields. The handling of this information raises concerns about transparency and accountability within the government and military industrial complex. The true nature of these discoveries remains uncertain, with theories ranging from interdimensional phenomena to advanced technology from unknown origins. The ongoing investigation and scientific study of these phenomena are crucial for understanding their potential implications and removing the stigma surrounding UAP and potential alien life.

    • UAP stigma removalYounger generations are more open-minded towards UAP, leading to a shift in stigma and increasing scientific study, potentially with significant implications for humanity

      The stigma surrounding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) is gradually being removed as more credible people come forward to study and discuss the phenomenon. This shift is happening due to a generational change, with younger people being more open-minded towards UAP. The parallels can be drawn with the evolution of cockpit safety reporting in the aviation industry, which took 25 years for the stigma to be removed. Now, with the involvement of credible scientists, former authorities, and even the establishment of a master's degree program in UAP studies, the stigma is being challenged, and the scientific community is starting to take UAP seriously. The program will focus on cultural, anthropological, and societal issues surrounding UAP, as the implications for humanity could be significant if we are being visited by advanced civilizations. The possibilities range from nuts and bolts crafts to those related to consciousness or spirituality. Ultimately, the evolution of technology and human consciousness could lead to groundbreaking discoveries, potentially overlapping with religious studies.

    • Maritime UAP securityUAP in our oceans could compromise maritime security due to unknown behavior, necessitating increased research and resources to ensure readiness

      There are unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) reportedly appearing in our oceans, and their presence raises questions about our maritime security. Navy submarines strictly adhere to water space management protocols to avoid collisions and protect nuclear reactors. However, if the extent of UAP's behavior in the water space is unknown, it could potentially compromise our security, especially considering geopolitical tensions like the ongoing situation with China in the Western Pacific. It's crucial to explore the scientific and technological possibilities of UAP while also addressing the security implications. The U.S. government should consider making UAP research a national priority, using all available resources, including satellites and ships, to gather data and ensure our readiness for any potential challenges in our waters.

    • Underwater drone technology, UAP explorationThe rapid advancement of underwater drone technology offers a cost-effective and less intrusive alternative for exploring the ocean's depths and potentially discovering new UAP, but transparency about hidden technologies and their potential applications is crucial.

      While the potential use of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) technology in military conflicts is a topic of debate, the rapid advancement of underwater drone technology offers a promising solution for exploring the ocean's depths and potentially discovering new UAP. The industry's scaling up in response to the US Department of Defense's initiatives, making it a cost-effective and less intrusive alternative to using ships and satellites. However, the speaker also emphasized the importance of acknowledging and disclosing hidden technologies and their potential applications to the public and Congress, as withholding such information is wrong. Furthermore, the speaker shared insights about earthquake precursors and the ionosphere, suggesting that monitoring this electromagnetic field could potentially lead to an earthquake early warning system. The discussion also touched upon the possibility of advanced technologies being covered up or not being competently managed by the government.

    • Earthquake Prediction vs Holistic ApproachThe USGS focuses solely on studying the geology of earthquakes, refusing to consider a more holistic approach that considers the entire earth system. Potential for weather manipulation as a weapon and the need for further research are also discussed.

      Despite the devastating consequences of natural disasters like earthquakes, which can cause damage on par with a world war, the US Geological Survey maintains a rigid stance against predicting earthquakes, limiting their focus to studying the geology of the earth's crust. The speaker argues for a more holistic approach, considering the entire earth system, as seen in the advancements in weather forecasting. However, the USGS remains closed-minded to this idea. The speaker also touches upon the potential for weather manipulation and the possibility of using it as a weapon, highlighting historical examples where weather played a significant role in military conflicts. Despite advancements in technology, the speaker believes more research is needed before any experimentation is undertaken. The conversation also touches upon the potential of directed energy weapons and their increasing use. The speaker expresses a sense of urgency in exploring these technologies further, especially in the context of retrieving crashed UFOs.

    • Underwater UAP basesDespite debates over misleading Google Earth data, some believe in the existence of underwater UAP bases off the coast of California. Belief in non-human intelligence and communications with it is also expressed, with the diversity of life on Earth suggesting the possibility of a range of higher order extraterrestrial intelligences.

      The discussion revolves around the possibility of underwater UAP bases, specifically off the coast of California. Some believe that Google Earth data may be misleading and that features appearing man-made are actually natural. However, there are concerns about government disinformation and the removal of certain features from public view. The speaker expresses his belief in the existence of non-human intelligence and communications with it, citing various sources and personal experiences. The diversity of life on Earth suggests the possibility of a variety of higher order non-human intelligences in the universe. The speaker also mentioned his upcoming book on leadership.

    • Leadership, Connecting with PeopleEffective leadership involves inspiring and connecting with people, even in challenging circumstances. Storytelling and staying true to oneself are powerful tools for leaders.

      Effective leadership involves inspiring and connecting with people, even in challenging circumstances. The speaker, a retired Navy admiral and author, shared stories of meeting Miranda Cosgrove and representing the nation at a conference, demonstrating the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and finding common ground with others. He also emphasized the power of storytelling in leadership and the importance of staying true to oneself, even when following high-profile speakers. His upcoming book, "Holding Fast in Heavy Seas," shares these insights and more, providing valuable lessons for current and aspiring leaders.

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