
    #1101 - Chris & Mark Bell

    en-usApril 09, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Weightlifting with Artificial HipsSpeaker continues weightlifting post hip replacement surgery for bone density and overall well-being, inspired by powerlifter Ed Cohen, and has adapted well to demands of weightlifting

      Despite having artificial hips, the speaker continues to prioritize and engage in weightlifting, specifically squatting and deadlifting, due to its benefits for bone density and overall well-being. This passion for weightlifting, which began in his youth, has become a deeply ingrained part of his identity. The speaker shares that he was inspired by the great powerlifter Ed Cohen, who also has artificial hips but continues to lift impressive weights. The speaker's positive experience with hip replacement surgery and the ease of recovery after having one hip done at a time further reinforces his commitment to weightlifting. Additionally, the speaker's body seems to have adapted well to the demands of weightlifting, making it a natural and essential part of his life.

    • Backgrounds and identities shape experiencesUnderstanding how our backgrounds and identities impact our perceptions and experiences is crucial for personal growth. Prioritize self-care, especially regarding health concerns, to overcome challenges and societal expectations.

      Our backgrounds and identities can shape our perceptions and experiences in unexpected ways. The speaker's mother's strength and Polish heritage, as well as his own misconceptions about his ancestry, have influenced his perspective on toughness and identity. Additionally, the physical toll of wrestling and the importance of taking care of one's health, especially in regards to the neck and sleep, were recurring themes in the conversation. The speaker's experiences with athletes like Kurt Angle and Pat Miletich, and their neck issues, highlight the importance of addressing health concerns and prioritizing self-care, even in the face of adversity or societal expectations.

    • Proper breathing and tongue position during sleep aid headaches and restfulnessBalanced diets with phytonutrients and plant fiber promote wellness, extreme diets require rational thought and moderation.

      Proper breathing during sleep is crucial for avoiding headaches and feeling well-rested. A mouthpiece that keeps the tongue from falling backward can be helpful for some people. Weight loss can also alleviate issues related to neck fat. Regarding diets, the speaker believes in balance and the importance of phytonutrients and plant fiber. He acknowledges potential issues with extreme diets like the carnivore diet and emphasizes the need for rational thought and moderation. The speaker shares his personal experience of trying the carnivore diet after being inspired by Sean Baker and experiencing positive results. He also mentions his past struggle with addiction and sobriety as a significant dietary intervention.

    • Impact of Diet on Health and Individualized NeedsExploring individualized dietary needs, the speaker found that fruit, when consumed with protein, doesn't significantly raise blood sugar levels and can be beneficial for health, even on a ketogenic or carnivore diet.

      A person's diet can significantly impact their health, and what works best can vary from person to person. The speaker in this discussion had been dealing with arthritis and was following a ketogenic diet, but felt they weren't getting enough protein for muscle growth. They also struggled with being fully fat-adapted and craved fruits, which they believed could help them. After researching, they discovered that fruit, especially when consumed with protein, doesn't raise blood sugar levels as much as previously thought due to the presence of phytonutrients and fiber. The speaker is currently experimenting with a carnivore diet, which includes fruit, and has seen improvements in their health based on recent blood work. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of individualized dietary needs and the potential benefits of incorporating a variety of whole foods, even those that were once considered off-limits on certain diets.

    • Blood work results are influenced by factors beyond our controlUnderstand that blood work results can change based on diet, exercise, and other factors. Consider the quality of your food, like grass-fed beef, and remember that regular tests provide a snapshot in time.

      While regular blood work can provide valuable insights into one's health, it's essential to remember that it's just a snapshot in time. Factors like diet, exercise, and even the time between eating and getting tested can significantly impact the results. For instance, the speaker mentioned their C-reactive protein levels, which are markers for inflammation, were high during a particular test, but after changing their diet from keto to carnivore, their levels went down. Another important consideration is the quality of the food one consumes. The speaker emphasized the importance of eating grass-fed beef when possible due to its higher omega-3 content but acknowledged that it can be expensive. They also noted that Costco offers high-quality, affordable meat. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of considering various factors when interpreting blood work results and making dietary choices.

    • Discovering the Pros and Cons of Grass-Fed MeatThough grass-fed meat offers nutritional benefits, cost and taste can influence the decision. Understanding the role of various nutrients and maintaining a balanced diet are crucial for fighting obesity and diabetes.

      While grass-fed meat may be more nutritious due to higher omega-3 fatty acids, the cost and taste can be a significant factor in the decision. The speaker shares his personal experience of finding grass-fed meat from Whole Foods to be tough and not edible, while Costco's meat tastes better and is more affordable. The discussion also touches upon the importance of understanding the role of different nutrients in the body and how they interact. For instance, saturated fat is not inherently bad, but when consumed with high levels of refined carbohydrates and sugars, it can lead to health issues like obesity and diabetes. The conversation emphasizes the importance of finding a balanced diet and controlling cravings as key factors in fighting obesity and diabetes.

    • Understanding Individual Dietary Needs and VariationsRecognize unique body types and dietary requirements, debunk nutrition myths, and consider external factors for personalized dietary plans.

      There are significant individual differences in dietary needs and responses, and general nutritional advice cannot be applied universally. The discussion highlights the variations in body types and dietary requirements among different species, including humans. The conversation also touches upon the shifting trends in nutrition and the debunking of myths around post-workout carb intake and the necessity of six meals a day. The importance of considering individual differences and the potential influence of external factors on dietary needs was also emphasized.

    • Proper Nutrition for Multiple WorkoutsAthletes and individuals with multiple workouts need carbohydrates for energy and recovery. Post-workout shakes or meals can help, but managing hunger can be challenging. Intermittent fasting, ketogenic diet, and carnivore diet are options, but individual needs vary.

      Proper nutrition, specifically the utilization of carbohydrates, is crucial for athletes and individuals engaging in multiple workouts per day. Post-workout shakes or carb-rich meals can be beneficial for refueling and recovering. However, the commitment to eating and digesting meals can be challenging, especially during intense workouts. Intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet can help manage hunger and improve relationship with food, but individual dietary needs and preferences may vary. For some, a carnivore diet consisting solely of meat may be effective, while others may include fruits and vegetables. Overall, finding the right balance and understanding the unique needs of one's body is essential for optimal performance and overall health.

    • Maintaining a high-protein diet requires careful planning and controlCelebrate in moderation and find healthy alternatives to support a sustainable and nutritious high-protein diet.

      Maintaining a high-protein diet, especially an all-meat diet, requires careful planning and control to avoid overeating and potentially harmful celebratory cheats. The speaker, who eats about four pounds of meat a day, emphasizes the importance of hitting protein goals and the psychological appeal of indulging in salty, fried foods like French fries or cheesy burgers. However, these cheats can lead to cravings and hinder progress towards weight loss or other health goals. Instead, the speaker suggests celebrating in moderation and finding healthy alternatives, like avocado oil dressings or wild game with mayonnaise, to support a sustainable and nutritious diet.

    • Nutritional deficiencies from consuming only lean meatsLean meats lack essential fats, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies. A balanced diet with healthy fats, carbs or proteins is recommended for optimal health and efficiency.

      While lean meats like rabbit or wild game can be a part of a healthy diet, they may not provide enough fat for optimal nutrition and can lead to nutritional deficiencies. For example, rabbit starvation is a rare but real condition caused by a complete absence of fat in a diet. Even if one can survive on lean meats alone, adding some healthy fats and a few carbs or proteins can help improve overall health and efficiency. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying in ketosis, but notes that it may not be necessary to go out of one's way to consume excessive amounts of fat to achieve this state. Instead, focusing on reducing carbohydrate intake and making sure to get enough protein and healthy fats from a variety of sources may be sufficient. The speaker also mentions that for him, inflammation is a major issue when consuming a high carbohydrate diet, and that eliminating carbs and focusing on a high fat, low carb diet helps him feel more efficient and energetic throughout the day.

    • The Importance of Balanced Diets and Mindful ChoicesA well-balanced diet, whether ketogenic or not, is crucial for good health and managing weight. Informed choices and mindfulness towards food's impact are key, along with consuming real, whole foods and limiting refined sugars and processed carbs.

      A well-balanced diet, whether it's ketogenic or not, plays a significant role in maintaining good health and managing weight. The speaker shares his personal experience of losing weight through the ketogenic diet, but also acknowledges the benefits of occasional indulgences in foods like bread or pasta. He emphasizes that it's not about completely eliminating certain food groups, but rather making informed choices and being mindful of the impact different foods have on the body. The speaker also highlights the importance of real, whole foods, and the negative effects of excessive refined sugars and processed carbohydrates on health. He cites examples of people overcoming health issues through dietary changes, specifically a meat and greens diet, and warns against ideological approaches to health and wellness.

    • Exploring Different Perspectives on Diet and NutritionA balanced diet, incorporating a variety of whole foods, is likely the ideal approach for overall well-being. However, the quality and context of food consumed are crucial factors often overlooked. Finding a sustainable diet that supports overall health is the goal.

      There is ongoing debate about the health benefits of various diets, with strong opinions on both sides. Some argue that meat and saturated fat are essential for good health, while others swear by plant-based diets. However, the quality and context of the food consumed are crucial factors that are often overlooked in studies. A balanced diet, incorporating a variety of whole foods, is likely the ideal approach. Many people struggle to maintain a healthy balance due to convenience and hectic lifestyles, leading them to make unhealthy choices. Ultimately, the goal should be to find a sustainable diet that supports overall well-being. The documentary aims to explore different perspectives on diet and nutrition and encourage viewers to consider the importance of balance and making informed choices.

    • Approach health and nutrition with an open mindConsider various perspectives, gather info, think critically, respectful dialogue, complex dietary needs, potential benefits and drawbacks of different approaches, and the role of industrialization in modern health issues.

      It's essential to approach health and nutrition with an open mind and a willingness to consider various perspectives. The speaker emphasizes the importance of gathering information and thinking critically before making conclusions. They also highlight the complexity of dietary needs and the potential benefits and drawbacks of different dietary approaches, such as veganism. The speaker advocates for respectful dialogue and collaboration rather than dismissal or isolation. Additionally, they discuss the role of industrialization in the proliferation of modern health issues, particularly those related to refined carbs, sugars, and vegetable oils.

    • Impact of Diet on Health and Unhealthy SourcesUnderstanding the influence of diet on health and being aware of hidden harmful ingredients, such as sugary drinks and unhealthy fats, can lead to personal health improvements and helping others.

      Our diet significantly impacts our health, and often, we're unaware of the hidden sources of harmful ingredients. For instance, sugary drinks and refined carbohydrates contribute to tooth decay. Even low-carb diets can include unhealthy fats like soybean oil. The motivation to improve one's diet can stem from personal health benefits and a desire to help others. Addiction plays a role, as seen in the speaker's experience with drug rehab and the ketogenic diet's cognitive benefits. Veganism, which started as a religious practice, can also influence dietary choices. The speaker emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and being mindful of what we say and consume.

    • The origins of veganism and its importanceUnderstand the nutritional requirements of a balanced diet, focusing on eliminating unhealthy foods, increasing vegetable intake, and obtaining protein from various sources, including meat and plant-based options.

      The origins of veganism can be traced back to the Church of Seventh-day Adventists in the late 1800s. While veganism has merits such as reducing participation in factory farming and promoting animal welfare, it's essential to recognize that humans are omnivores and our complex dietary needs cannot be met solely by plant-based sources. The human diet requires objective analysis, focusing on eliminating sugar and refined carbohydrates, increasing vegetable intake, and obtaining bioavailable protein from various sources like meat, eggs, hemp, quinoa, and peas. It's possible to live a healthy life on a vegetarian or vegan diet, but it's crucial to understand the nutritional requirements and not be swayed by ideological extremes. Furthermore, it's important to avoid shaming others for their dietary choices and focus on promoting healthy, balanced lifestyles.

    • The debate between veganism and carnivore dietsConsider individual health needs and lifestyle choices when making dietary decisions, rather than societal pressure or public posturing.

      There is a heated debate surrounding the health benefits of veganism versus carnivore diets, with each side having its advocates and detractors. Some people, like Chris Cresser and the owners of The Something Cafe, have switched from veganism to carnivore diets due to health reasons, only to face backlash from the vegan community. The conversation around dietary choices often goes beyond just nutritional needs and turns into a moral and ethical debate. It's essential to consider individual health needs and lifestyle choices when making dietary decisions, rather than succumbing to societal pressure or public posturing. The debate around veganism and carnivore diets is complex, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Ultimately, the most important thing is to listen to your body and make choices that support your health and wellbeing.

    • From Diet to Wellness: Inspiration and Deliberate ChoicesInspired by Joe Rogan's healthy lifestyle, the speaker emphasizes the importance of preparation, planning, and deliberate choices to prioritize health and wellness through diet, including incorporating omega-3 rich foods and avoiding unhealthy habits while traveling.

      Making a significant shift towards a healthier lifestyle, particularly in terms of diet, can have a profound impact on one's overall well-being and longevity. The speaker shares how meeting Joe Rogan and witnessing his dedication to healthy eating inspired him to make similar changes. He emphasizes the importance of preparation and planning, such as stocking up on healthy snacks when traveling, to avoid falling into unhealthy habits. The speaker also mentions the benefits of incorporating omega-3 rich foods, like salmon, into one's diet, but expresses reservations about taking fish oil supplements due to concerns about processing and preservation. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of finding inspiration and making deliberate choices to prioritize health and wellness.

    • Nutrient-rich organs like beef liver valued by animals and humansBeef liver, a nutrient-dense organ meat, is valued by animals and humans for its essential nutrients. Despite taste preferences, its benefits make it a worthwhile addition to diets.

      Beef liver, considered a superfood, is packed with essential nutrients. This organ meat is highly valued by animals, including wolves, who establish dominance by consuming it first. Despite its nutritional benefits, many people don't like the taste or texture and opt for supplements or alternative forms like liverwurst. Organ meats, including liver, kidneys, and hearts, are the most nutritious parts of an animal. Historically, humans may have consumed these parts for both nutritional and taste reasons. Animals, like wolves, are drawn to the nutrient-rich organs and will often go for them first. The practice of consuming organ meats for nutrition is not new, but the reasons behind it have evolved. Today, we understand the importance of these nutrient-dense foods and the benefits they provide.

    • Discovering the Health Benefits of Liver and Organ MeatsLiver and organ meats can improve autoimmune issues, but initial taste aversion can be overcome by trying it cooked well or forcefully introducing it to your palate. Building a strong immune system in children through healthy foods and traditional fermentation methods is also important.

      Despite the initial aversion to the taste of liver, especially in supplement form, it can provide significant health benefits. Many people, including Chris Kresser, have reported improvement in autoimmune issues after incorporating liver and other organ meats into their diet. For those who can't stomach the taste, finding a restaurant that cooks liver well or forcefully introducing it to one's palate could lead to eventual liking. Additionally, introducing healthy foods like kimchi and probiotics to children from a young age can help build a strong immune system and make them more resilient to illnesses. The importance of maintaining a healthy gut microbiome cannot be overstated, and traditional methods of fermenting foods like kimchi can be effective interventions. Overall, making conscious dietary choices and setting personal standards for health and fitness can lead to significant improvements in self-esteem and overall well-being.

    • Weight's impact on martial arts performanceOptimal weight is crucial for martial arts performance, with weight loss potentially increasing speed and agility, but finding the right balance is essential to avoid negative impacts.

      Weight plays a significant role in martial arts performance, particularly in striking arts like boxing or Muay Thai. Losing weight can lead to increased speed and agility, making movements more efficient. However, it's essential to find the optimal weight for each individual, as too much weight loss can negatively impact performance. Additionally, there's a need for more weight classes in MMA to better accommodate various body types and ensure fair competition. For instance, the gap between middleweight (185 lbs) and light heavyweight (205 lbs) is substantial, and some fighters may struggle to perform optimally in these weight classes due to their size or muscle composition. Ultimately, finding the right weight and maintaining it is crucial for peak performance in martial arts.

    • Size and heart matter in MMA, but technique and wrestling experience are crucial too.Skilled and efficient martial artists like Volkov with wrestling experience set them apart. UFC could benefit from longer fights for larger fighters and determination's transformative power.

      Size and heart are crucial factors in mixed martial arts (MMA), but technique and wrestling experience are also essential. Francis Ngannou, a heavyweight contender, has incredible size and heart, but his lack of wrestling experience was noticeable in his last training camp. Volkov, another heavyweight, is a skilled and efficient martial artist with a well-rounded game, and his wrestling experience sets him apart. The UFC could benefit from a heavier weight class with longer fights to accommodate larger fighters like Volkov and Ngannou. Additionally, the success stories of fighters like Ngannou, who came from humble beginnings and faced adversity, demonstrate the transformative power of determination and hard work in MMA.

    • Unexpected moments and exceptional athletes in MMAMMA showcases human resilience and skill, revealing a fighter's true potential in the heat of the moment, regardless of rankings or past experiences.

      The world of mixed martial arts (MMA) is full of unexpected moments and exceptional athletes. From next-level strikes that leave us in awe, to fighters who defy expectations and prove their worth in the octagon, the sport is a testament to human resilience and skill. The rankings and past experiences may shape the narrative, but they don't always tell the whole story. Sometimes, a fighter's true potential is revealed in the heat of the moment, and it's essential to recognize and appreciate their efforts. Whether it's a seasoned veteran or an up-and-coming contender, every fighter brings something unique to the table, and their determination and dedication are what truly matter. From Tyron Woodley's lightning-fast punches to Al Iaquinta's tenacity, the MMA world is filled with inspiring stories of grit and greatness.

    • UFC Fighter Zabit and Pro Wrestler Kurt Showcase World-Class SkillsUFC's Zabit and pro wrestler Kurt demonstrate impressive athleticism and skill, leaving audiences in awe and opponents questioning their abilities.

      UFC fighter Zabit Magomedsharipov put on an impressive clinical performance against David Bochniak, showcasing a variety of striking techniques despite Bochniak's resilience. The fight was worth the price of admission alone, with both fighters demonstrating world-class abilities. Nirmal Menon, another fighter, also leaves a lasting impression with his high-level standard techniques that leave world-class opponents questioning their place in the sport. Pro wrestling, while often dismissed as entertainment rather than a sport, requires immense athleticism and takes a significant toll on the body. An example of this is Kurt Angle, who won an Olympic gold medal with a fractured neck. The physical demands of pro wrestling are often underappreciated.

    • Neck Training and InjuriesWhile neck training tools can improve neck strength, over-reliance can lead to injuries and potential long-term damage. Be cautious with prescription drugs, as they can lead to addiction and negative health consequences.

      While neck training tools like the iron neck can be beneficial for grapplers and athletes, over-reliance on the neck during training and matches can lead to injuries and potential long-term damage. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the dangers of prescription drugs, particularly opioids, and how they can lead to addiction and negative consequences on one's health and life. The speakers shared personal experiences of friends and family members who have struggled with addiction and the challenges of helping them get sober. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of prioritizing neck health and being cautious about relying too heavily on prescription medications.

    • Personal stories of addiction to prescription painkillersBeing aware of the potential for addiction and seeking alternative methods for pain relief are crucial.

      Addiction can easily take hold of anyone, even those who seem strong-willed and healthy. The speaker shares his personal experience of watching his cousin struggle with addiction, which began after receiving prescription painkillers following a surgery. The ease of access and normalization of these medications led to addiction, and despite efforts to help, his cousin was unable to overcome it until his friends intervened. The speaker also discusses his own experience with addiction to painkillers and how he was able to break the cycle by learning about the negative effects of ibuprofen on the gut microbiome. The conversation underscores the importance of being aware of the potential for addiction and the importance of seeking alternative methods for pain relief.

    • Discussion on Kratom's classification and consumer safetyListeners urged the DEA against a Kratom ban, highlighting the need for reputable sources and third-party testing to ensure consumer safety. Kratom's potential benefits include stress relief and mental health improvement, but it can also act as a stimulant or opioid depending on the dose.

      The use of Kratom, a natural supplement, has become a contentious issue due to mislabeling, lack of regulation, and potential contamination. A podcast episode featuring a discussion on Kratom led to over 24,000 comments from listeners to the DEA, preventing a ban on the substance. The FDA's recent classification of Kratom as an opioid is a response to concerns over its potential dangers, particularly when it comes to untested and contaminated products. It's crucial for consumers to purchase Kratom from reputable sources that conduct third-party testing to ensure safety. In the right doses, Kratom can act as a stimulant, but in higher doses, it can be more relaxing. It's important to note that not everyone uses Kratom for pain relief, but rather for anxiety, stress, and other mental health conditions.

    • Marketing regulations limit communication of Kratom benefitsRegulations can hinder understanding of potential benefits and risks of natural remedies like Kratom, making recovery more challenging. Offer support and never give up on those struggling with addiction.

      Marketing regulations, specifically those enforced by the FDA, can limit the way companies communicate the potential benefits of certain natural remedies like Kratom. This can make it difficult for those struggling with addiction or other health issues to fully understand the potential benefits and risks. Personal experiences with addiction can be isolating and frustrating, but it's important to remember that recovery is possible and that support from loved ones is crucial. Despite the challenges, it's essential not to give up on those struggling with addiction and to offer help whenever they're ready.

    • The Power of Support and CommunitySupporting and helping others can bring fulfillment and lead to their success, while reaching out for help when needed is crucial for personal growth.

      Supporting and helping others can make a significant impact on their lives, and in turn, can bring fulfillment to the helper. The speaker shared his experience of helping his brother get back on track in his life by providing a supportive environment and encouragement. The brother's motivation and determination, coupled with the speaker's support, led to his success in overcoming addiction. The speaker also emphasized the importance of reaching out for help when needed and acknowledged that everyone needs other people to thrive. The speaker's experience highlights the power of community and connection in helping individuals overcome challenges and improve their lives.

    • Substances like Ibogaine and psychedelics show promise in treating addiction and mental health issuesIbogaine, psilocybin, and MDMA have shown success in treating addiction and mental health issues. Ibogaine can reportedly end long-term heroin addiction, while psilocybin and MDMA are under clinical trials for PTSD and trauma.

      Certain substances like Ibogaine and psychedelics such as psilocybin and MDMA have shown remarkable success in treating addiction and mental health issues. Ibogaine, a substance found in Africa, can reportedly turn around long-term heroin addiction in a matter of days with medical supervision. Dr. Deborah Mash, a top researcher on Ibogaine, supports its use but opposes the legalization of Cratum, another substance with potential for addiction treatment. Psilocybin and MDMA, which are currently under clinical trials, have shown significant benefits for soldiers with PTSD and others dealing with trauma. Aubrey, who is deeply involved in this field, can provide more information on the mechanisms behind how these substances work and their potential impact on addiction and mental health.

    • Exploring the therapeutic benefits of psychedelic substancesPsychedelic substances, like mushrooms and MDMA, have therapeutic benefits beyond mood enhancement, and can help people feel more energized and capable.

      Psychedelic substances, like mushrooms and MDMA, have both recreational and therapeutic benefits. These substances, which can induce euphoria, have been stigmatized and even made illegal in some cases due to their association with illicit drug markets. However, they have the potential to provide valuable insights and improve well-being. For example, MDMA, which comes from the bark of a rare tree, has been used for creativity and even as a treatment aid. The speaker personally uses it before working out and for creativity. The benefits of these substances extend beyond just mood enhancement, as they can also help people feel more energized and capable, similar to getting out of a hot tub. Despite the potential benefits, these substances remain controversial and face challenges due to their association with illicit drug markets and the fear of encroaching on traditional drug markets like opium.

    • Incorporating Hill Running and Sprints for Fitness BenefitsHill running and sprints offer numerous benefits, including muscle building, fat burning, and improved cardio. They are less pounding on joints and can be done with alternatives like weighted sleds.

      Incorporating hill running and hill sprints into your fitness routine can provide numerous benefits, especially for individuals over 40 or those with joint issues. Running up hills not only builds muscle around the hips and ass but also slows down the intensity, making it less pounding on the joints. Hill sprints, in particular, can be effective for fat burning and improving cardio, requiring only short bursts of energy with ample rest in between. Even famous athletes and trainers, such as Walter Payton, Greg Jackson, and Mike Winklejohn, have utilized hill sprints to build endurance. While running with bad hips might not be possible, alternative exercises like pushing a weighted sled can still provide a challenging workout. Overall, incorporating hill training into your fitness regimen can lead to significant improvements in strength, endurance, and overall fitness.

    • Embracing challenges and new experiencesContinuously pushing through challenges and trying new things, even when difficult, leads to progress and improvement in various aspects of life. Proper nutrition and consistent exercise are essential for long-term health.

      Pushing through challenges and trying new things, even when it seems difficult, can lead to progress and improvement. The speaker shares an experience of training with someone who often expressed doubts about his abilities during workouts. However, when encouraged to try different variations, he eventually gave it a shot and saw results. This mindset of not giving up and continually seeking new challenges applies not only to physical fitness but also to overall health and well-being. Another significant takeaway is the impact of diet on long-term health. The speaker believes that had he adopted a healthier diet earlier in life, he might have avoided hip replacement surgeries and other joint issues. He emphasizes the importance of taking care of one's body through proper nutrition and consistent exercise as we age. Lastly, the speaker shares his experience of seeking solutions to pain and health issues outside of traditional medical routes when doctors were unable to provide adequate help. He emphasizes the importance of self-research and taking an active role in managing one's health.

    • Effective communication in healthcareClear communication between patients and doctors, accurate terminology, and understanding unique situations are crucial for proper diagnosis and effective treatment. Perseverance and lifestyle changes, like yoga and proper warm-ups, can help manage chronic conditions and improve overall health.

      Communication between a patient and their doctor is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment. In the shared experience, a tissue box incident highlighted the importance of using accurate terminology and understanding a patient's unique situation. The doctor's dismissive attitude led to misdiagnosis and worsening of the patient's condition. However, the patient's determination to improve their health through lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, eventually led to significant progress. Hot yoga and proper warm-ups were suggested as potential solutions to help manage pain and improve mobility. The patient's admiration for a courageous overweight woman who attended yoga classes despite her challenges served as an inspiration to keep pushing through the daily struggles of living with osteoarthritis. In summary, effective communication, accurate terminology, and perseverance in the face of challenges are essential for managing chronic conditions and improving overall health. Additionally, incorporating practices like yoga and proper warm-ups can help alleviate pain and improve mobility.

    • Prepare for workouts with upper body exercisesWarm up effectively with upper body exercises to increase heart rate and prevent injuries during workouts

      Proper warm-up is crucial before engaging in heavy workouts to prevent injuries. The easiest and fastest way to warm up is through upper body exercises, which help increase heart rate and prepare the body for more strenuous activities. Additionally, low-impact activities like walking or using an elliptical machine can also be effective. Bodyweight squats, such as Hindu squats, can also help warm up the legs. While some exercises, like wall sits, can be challenging, they are still important for overall fitness. Remember, taking the time to warm up can make a significant difference in your workout experience and help prevent injuries.

    • Early Days of MMA: Dangerous and RawThe documentary 'Smashing Machine' portrays the early MMA days with fear, substance abuse, multiple fights in a night, and potential long-term health issues for fighters.

      The documentary "Smashing Machine" about Mark Kerr, one of the earliest and scariest MMA fighters, showcases the dangerous and raw early days of the sport. Kerr, despite his fear and substance abuse issues, became a champion, but his body took a toll. Fighters in those days often fought multiple times in a night, leading to injuries and potential long-term health issues. The documentary also highlights the adversity Kerr faced in his personal life, adding to his compelling story. Overall, "Smashing Machine" is a must-watch for anyone interested in the history of MMA and the incredible stories of those who helped shape it.

    • UFC's Origin Story Detailed in John Wertheim's BookThe UFC's history is explored in depth in John Wertheim's book, offering fans a must-read insight. Documentary filmmakers face profitability challenges and unfavorable distribution deals, but taking risks for compelling stories can lead to significant rewards.

      The UFC's origin story is detailed in a highly regarded book written by John Wertheim of Sports Illustrated. The documentary about the nutrition movie they're working on is expected to come out soon, possibly on iTunes first, but the profit margins for documentaries can be slim, especially when compared to food documentaries. The success story of Icarus, a documentary about doping in the Olympics, was largely due to its groundbreaking subject matter and the risks taken by the filmmaker, even if it felt reckless to some. Wertheim's book provides an in-depth look into the UFC's history, making it a must-read for fans. Documentary filmmakers often struggle with profitability, and the distribution deals can be unfavorable, with most of the money going back to investors. The risk of putting oneself or subjects at risk for the sake of a compelling story can lead to significant rewards.

    • Suspicions of State-Sponsored Doping in OlympicsSpeaker raises concerns about Russian doping scandal, potential involvement of other countries, and the failure of WADA and IOC to address the issue

      The discussion revolves around the issue of doping in sports, specifically in relation to the Olympics. The speaker expresses his suspicion towards the involvement of certain individuals and countries, including the Russians, in state-sponsored doping programs. He mentions Don Catlin, an American doping control officer, who was believed by experts to have knowledge that could potentially "crumble the sports world." However, Catlin denied having such knowledge when interviewed by the speaker. The speaker also touches upon the collusion between the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and their failure to punish the Russians for their doping activities. The documentary "Icarus" by Bryan Fogel, which exposed the Russian doping scandal, is mentioned as a game-changer in the Olympics. The speaker expresses his belief that doping is not limited to Russia and that other countries, including the US, may also be involved. The speaker also discusses the low-carb, high-fat diet trend and the need for comparative studies on various diets.

    • Diet effectiveness depends on individual adherence and scientific principlesAdhere to scientifically backed principles for effective diets, not just personal beliefs or experiences

      The effectiveness of a diet depends on individual adherence and adherence to scientifically backed principles, not just the creator's personal experiences or beliefs. The study mentioned in the discussion compared various diets, including the Atkins diet, and found that the Atkins diet led to the most weight loss and health marker improvement. However, the creator of the Atkins diet himself was overweight and had a history of heart disease at the time of his death. The cause of his death was unclear, and it's important to note that personal anecdotes or rumors may not always provide accurate information. Ultimately, it's crucial to approach dietary advice with a critical and informed perspective, considering both scientific evidence and individual circumstances.

    • Focus on improving quality of life through dietConsider a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting for longevity and quality of life, but prioritize whole foods and consider the impact on overall health.

      While there is ongoing debate about which diet leads to the longest life, the focus should be on improving quality of life. A person weighing 258 pounds may not live as long or enjoy their life to the fullest. The speaker recommends a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting as a personally effective approach, but emphasizes the importance of sticking to whole foods, even in the context of other dietary plans. The speaker also mentions the importance of considering the impact of various dietary choices on overall health and well-being. The conversation also touched on the potential drawbacks of certain diet plans, such as the Atkins diet and its associated products, which may not be as beneficial as advertised. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of making informed choices about diet and prioritizing both longevity and quality of life.

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    Shane Gillis, Mark Normand, and Ari Shaffir are stand-up comics, writers, and podcasters. Shane is the co-host of "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast" with Matt McCusker and one half of the sketch comedy duo "Gilly and Keeves" with John McKeever. Watch his new comedy series, "Tires," and special, "Beautiful Dogs" on Netflix. www.shanemgillis.com Mark is the co-host of the podcasts "Tuesdays with Stories" with Joe List and "We Might Be Drunk" with Sam Morril. Watch his latest stand-up special, "Soup to Nuts," on Netflix. www.marknormandcomedy.com Ari is the host of the "You Be Trippin'" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Ari Shaffir: Jew," is available now via YouTube. www.arishaffir.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer
    Tyler Fischer is a stand-up comic, actor, and filmmaker. His latest special, "The Election Special | LIVE at Comedy Mothership," is available now via YouTube. https://youtu.be/FmvJjMGX7hw?si=PyOsFVH4as8HMHBD www.tylerfischer.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh

    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh
    Noland Arbaugh is the first human recipient of Neuralink’s brain-computer interface implant: an innovative new technology that allows him to control digital devices with his thoughts. Noland Arbaugh: https://x.com/ModdedQuad Neuralink www.neuralink.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2166 - Enhanced Games

    #2166 - Enhanced Games
    Christian Angermayer and Dr. Aron D’Souza are the co-founders of the Enhanced Games, an upcoming Olympic-style event that brings together the world’s top athletes to compete without arbitrary bans on performance-enhancing substances.  www.enhanced.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2165 - Jack Carr

    #2165 - Jack Carr
    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2164 - Action Bronson

    #2164 - Action Bronson
    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross
    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts.

    BGMT #12 Royler Gracie

    BGMT #12 Royler Gracie
    Brought to you by http://www.stayroasted.com/bgmt https://www.facebook.com/badguymuaythai http://instagram.com/officialbgmt http://www.pinterest.com/badguymuaythai/ https://www.youtube.com/OfficialBGMT https://twitter.com/officialBGMT http://badguymuaythai.tumblr.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royler_Gracie http://www.roylergracie.com/site/ From wikipedia In this episode we talk about coming up in the gracie family, metamoris, eddie bravo, the gracie diet, and what is coming up in the world renowned Royler Gracie lifestyle! From wikipedia As son to the late Grandmaster Helio Gracie, Royler is a member of the Gracie family. He holds a 7th degree red/black belt in the style pioneered by his family, Brazilian jiu-jitsu.[11] Prior to his retirement, Royler competed in the black-belt ranks for 20+ years. Royler is also a four-time World Jiu-Jitsu Champion in the Pena/Featherweight Black Belt Category and has placed in the Absolute Division. Royler has a professional mixed martial arts record of five wins, five losses and one draw. His retirement fight came on September 14, 2011 at the age of 45 when he lost to Masakatsu Ueda via split decision.[12] Royler Gracie had a highly anticipated rematch against Eddie Bravo on March 29, 2014 at Metamoris III in a submission only competition format. Despite a tight calf slicer submission attempt and multiple groin stretch attempts by Eddie, Royler did not tap and the match concluded as a draw.

    An Interview with Human Movement Specialist Rocky Snyder

    An Interview with Human Movement Specialist Rocky Snyder

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    This episode of Addicted to Fitness is sponsored by the Perform Supplement from The Amino Company. The Perform supplement increases peak strength and endurance levels during exercise, 3x more effective on a gram-for-gram basis than any protein source, improves cognitive function, focus, and concentration, and decreases recovery time by quickly rebuilding muscle tissue. The 100% science back, clinically proven products from The Amino Company are keto-friendly, soy-free, vegetarian, gluten-Free, and Non-GMO. Visit aminoco.com/ATF to read more about the benefits of Heal & other ATF approved products from The Amino Company AND take advantage of our 30% discount by entering ATF at checkout.

    Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast. Give it a listen and let us know what you think by leaving a rating & review in Apple Podcasts. Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts.