
    #119 Sheriff Mark Lamb - Fixing the Border Crisis & Defending the Constitution

    en-usJuly 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Open border issues, cartel tunnelsReligious and community-focused Sheriff Mark Lamb is deeply concerned about open border issues leading to influx of unvetted individuals and drugs, specifically fentanyl, and the cartels' extensive tunnel systems posing significant threats to national security and rule of law

      Sheriff Mark Lamb, a religious and community-focused leader, is deeply concerned about the pressing issues affecting law enforcement and communities, particularly in relation to the open border situation and the resulting influx of unvetted individuals and drugs, such as fentanyl. He believes these issues pose significant threats to national security and the rule of law. Additionally, the cartels have built extensive tunnel systems to funnel in drugs and potentially launch attacks against America, and these tunnels are a continuous concern for law enforcement. Sheriff Lamb, who runs for the 2024 U.S. Senate seat in Arizona and is the founder of the American Sheriff Foundation, is committed to bridging the gap between communities and law enforcement through service. He offers truth and common sense in his message and aims to give listeners accurate information about these pressing issues.

    • Underground border tunnelsTransnational criminal organizations construct sophisticated tunnels under the US-Mexico border to facilitate drug and human smuggling. The cartels use various methods to locate and access US properties and the extent of these tunnel networks may be underestimated due to limited resources for detection and successful conventional entry methods.

      Transnational criminal organizations, such as drug cartels, have sophisticated smuggling operations that include the construction of tunnels under the US-Mexico border to facilitate the illegal movement of drugs and people. These tunnels can be complex and fortified, with some large enough for grown men to walk through. The cartels use various methods to locate and access businesses or residences on the US side, and the construction of these tunnels is just one aspect of their extensive criminal enterprises. The US may not fully know the extent of these tunnel networks due to the overwhelming volume of illegal activity and limited resources for detection. Additionally, the cartels are currently experiencing great success with more conventional methods of entry, such as exploiting gaps in the border fence and areas without walls. Understanding the depth and complexity of these criminal organizations is crucial for effective law enforcement and policy making.

    • Family business, moving, and historical eventsGrowing up in a family business and experiencing unexpected events led the speaker to move multiple times and emphasized the importance of being prepared and gaining fundamental knowledge, as demonstrated through their experience of living through Operation Just Cause at a young age.

      The speaker grew up in a family business involving scrap metal, but their experiences in the Philippines didn't go as planned, leading them to move back to Arizona and later to Panama. In Panama, they witnessed historical events such as Operation Just Cause and the tensions between Noriega and the American government. The speaker emphasized the importance of being prepared and learning fundamental knowledge, encouraging listeners to check out Hillsdale College's free online courses. They also shared their experience of living through Operation Just Cause at the age of 17, which included watching military action from their apartment building and guarding it with other residents.

    • Personal experiences shaping perspectivesPersonal experiences, even chaotic ones, can deepen appreciation for home country's stability and shape values like self-reliance, adaptability, and faith sharing.

      Personal experiences, even those filled with chaos and uncertainty, can shape our perspectives and deepen our appreciation for the stability and security of our home country. The speaker's account of surviving a military invasion in Panama at the age of 17 and later becoming a missionary in Argentina taught him to value the peace and safety that America provides. These experiences also showed him the importance of being self-reliant and adaptable, as well as the impact of sharing one's beliefs with others. While the church plays a role in determining mission assignments, the speaker's experiences showed him that every day presents opportunities to connect with people and share a message of faith.

    • Personal growth through commitmentCommitment to a significant life goal can lead to personal growth, spiritual experiences, and valuable lessons. Treat everyone with kindness and respect as you never know who may be a vessel for the divine.

      Having the commitment and discipline to follow through with a significant life goal, such as serving a mission, can lead to personal growth, spiritual experiences, and valuable lessons. The speaker shared an experience where helping an seemingly insignificant person led to an encounter with the divine. This experience taught him to see past appearances and treat everyone with kindness and respect, as you never know who may be a vessel for the divine. This commitment to his faith and service helped shape his perspective on life and continue to guide him through challenges.

    • Establishing a strong relationship with GodDespite life's challenges, prioritize a strong relationship with God and personal growth. Discover and live out your beliefs through experiences and actions.

      Despite the challenges and hardships we face in life, such as bills, family problems, jobs, and politics, the most important aspect is to establish a strong relationship with God and develop as a person. This process is shaped by our experiences. Some people may discover their faith early in life, while others may find it later. Regardless of the timing, it's essential to put faith into action and live a life that reflects one's beliefs. The speaker shared his personal journey of growing up with faith, serving a mission, and continuing to deepen his understanding of his beliefs through experiences and actions. He emphasized the importance of staying true to one's beliefs and living a life that aligns with them, even if it means making difficult decisions or sacrifices.

    • Asserting BoundariesAsserting boundaries can lead to unexpected outcomes, but maintaining a positive attitude and seeing opportunities in challenges can lead to growth and success.

      Sometimes, standing up for oneself and asserting boundaries can lead to unexpected outcomes. The story shared involves a man who, after being disrespected, ended up knocking out his brother-in-law in a heated argument. This incident led him to start a paintball store, but ultimately, the business was impacted by external factors beyond his control, leading him to declare bankruptcy. However, during a low point, he shifted his mindset and chose to see the world as working for him rather than against him, which led to a turnaround in his fortunes. So, asserting oneself and standing up for what one believes in can have consequences, but maintaining a positive attitude and seeing opportunities in challenges can lead to growth and success.

    • Unexpected experiencesUnexpected experiences can lead to personal growth and fulfillment, encourage self-reflection, and not dwelling on the past can help us move forward and learn from our experiences.

      Looking back on our lives, we may not appreciate the significance of certain experiences at the time, but they can ultimately lead us to where we need to be. The speaker shares how his journey into law enforcement was unexpected but necessary for his personal growth and fulfillment. He encourages us not to dwell on the past and instead focus on moving forward and learning from our experiences. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and taking responsibility for our own lives. Tragically, the speaker's father, who would have been proud of his accomplishments, passed away before he could see them. Despite this loss, the speaker found solace in his new career and the belief that law enforcement is the backbone of America.

    • Rule of Law vs. Mob RuleUpholding the rule of law is crucial for a constitutional republic to function effectively and reduce crime, but politicians' actions can undermine it, leading to dangerous consequences.

      The United States is a constitutional republic, not a democracy. While democracies allow for mob rule and the loudest voice to dictate, constitutional republics operate under the rule of law and the consent of the governed. The importance of upholding the rule of law was highlighted during the speaker's experience as a law enforcement officer on a reservation, where they were able to significantly reduce drive-by shootings by targeting and holding gang members accountable. However, the speaker expressed concern about the current state of affairs, as they believe politicians are undermining the rule of law and creating a dangerous rift between law enforcement and communities. This, in turn, can lead to the election of politicians who promise to hold the police accountable without holding all individuals accountable, further eroding the rule of law.

    • Determination and resilienceOvercoming initial doubts and challenges through determination and resilience can lead to great accomplishments, as demonstrated by the speaker's successful run for sheriff despite the odds.

      Determination and resilience, even in the face of adversity, can lead to great accomplishments. The speaker shared his personal journey of moving to a new county with the intention of running for sheriff, despite initial doubts and challenges. He spent years building up the necessary resources and courage to run for office, eventually winning against the odds. The speaker emphasized the importance of challenging oneself and finding one's greatness, drawing inspiration from Governor Bradford's quote that "all great accomplishments are accompanied with great difficulties, and both must be entered into with answerable courage." The speaker's success as sheriff can be attributed to his business approach, embracing social media, and creating a positive work environment that attracts top talent. Ultimately, his story serves as an inspiration for anyone looking to make a difference in their community and overcome obstacles.

    • Trust building in law enforcementConsistent efforts and deposits of goodwill are necessary for building trust within an organization and with the community. Accountability, respect, and dignity are crucial in law enforcement to attract residents to the community. Address external challenges like drug trafficking and border issues with a long-term perspective, making small deposits of trust and goodwill along the way.

      Building trust within an organization and with the community is a long-term process that requires consistent efforts and deposits of goodwill. Trust is especially important in law enforcement, where it can help mitigate the impact of major incidents or crises. The speaker shared their experience of earning the trust of their agency and community in Penau County, starting from the line level and working up. They emphasized the importance of accountability, respect, and dignity in law enforcement, which in turn attracts residents to the community. The challenges the speaker faced were not only internal, such as budget issues and morale, but also external, like drug trafficking and the border. The cartels' business model has changed significantly, from selling drugs within the country to exploiting the open borders for human trafficking and global expansion. The cartels now have vast resources, turning them into military-like organizations. The speaker highlighted the importance of addressing these issues with a long-term perspective, making small deposits of trust and goodwill along the way.

    • Mexico Cartels, Human TraffickingMexico cartels profit from human trafficking and smuggling across U.S.-Mexico border, charging fees and using debt bondage, leading to increased crime and exploitation. Unaccompanied minors, some estimated to be 100,000 annually, are used for hard labor and sex trade. Cartels use NGOs and American teenagers as accomplices, and U.S. taxpayer dollars fund some charities aiding trafficking.

      The cartels are making significant profits from human trafficking and smuggling across the U.S.-Mexico border. They charge fees for individuals to cross the border, and those who cannot pay are forced into debt, leading to increased crime and exploitation. The cartels have an army of people to ensure that only those who have paid are allowed to cross, and they use NGOs and even American teenagers as accomplices. The U.S. has become the largest consumer of child pornography, and the cartels cater to this demand. The situation is dire, with approximately 150,000 unaccompanied minors entering the country annually, and an estimated 100,000 of them unaccounted for. The cartels use these children for hard labor and the sex trade. The cartels' control over the border and human trafficking is facilitated by the flow of money, with taxpayer dollars funding some of the charities that aid and abet in human trafficking.

    • Border exploitation by cartelsCartels exploit Americans to transport illegal immigrants and drugs, making it difficult for law enforcement to combat the issue and changing America's demographic and societal stability

      The current border situation in the United States is a complex issue that requires immediate attention. The cartels are exploiting Americans by hiring them to transport illegal immigrants and drugs across the border, making it difficult for law enforcement to combat the issue. This trend not only undermines the rule of law but also changes the demographic of America and destabilizes society. The closure of checkpoints and the use of apps like CBP1 have made it easier for the cartels to traffic people and drugs into the country. The consequences of these actions are overwhelming law enforcement, who are in triage mode and unable to focus on the source of the problem. The severity of the issue, including the violence and addiction it brings, is not fully grasped by Americans. Immediate action is needed to secure the border and protect the integrity of the country.

    • Human Trafficking in USDespite being a significant issue in the US, human trafficking, especially of women and children, remains underrecognized and underaddressed, with many victims hidden in plain sight in various industries, including sex trade and forced labor, and insufficient resources and energy dedicated to their rescue

      Human trafficking, particularly women and children, is a pervasive issue in the United States, with many victims being exploited in the sex trade and forced labor. Traffickers utilize various methods, including brothels, massage parlors, and nail salons, to facilitate their criminal activities. Chinese nationals have been identified as a significant demographic among these traffickers. Furthermore, children are also at risk, with many ending up in factories or the sex trade. The scale of this issue is vast, and it is essential for Americans to recognize their role in addressing it, regardless of its direct impact on their lives. Unfortunately, many victims are left undiscovered or neglected by authorities, and the resources and energy devoted to saving them are insufficient. It is crucial for governments and law enforcement agencies to prioritize this issue and work towards dismantling these criminal organizations.

    • FBI priority shiftThe FBI's focus on investigating American citizens over national security threats, such as drug cartels, is concerning given the high mortality rate from fentanyl poisoning and the limited capabilities of law enforcement to combat cartels effectively.

      The FBI, under the leadership of a lawyer without practical investigation experience, appears to prioritize investigating American citizens over national security threats, such as drug cartels and terrorism. This shift in focus is concerning, especially since the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 18 and 45 is fentanyl poisoning, which is largely facilitated by these cartels. The speaker argues that labeling these cartels as terrorists would allow for more effective military intervention, as law enforcement lacks the necessary capabilities to combat them. The speaker also shares his personal experience of being labeled a domestic threat by a DHS official, despite his dedication to protecting the country.

    • Border security, cartelsSecuring the border, declaring cartels as terrorists, disrupting their income, and restoring border programs can help reduce influx of people and drugs, increase drug prices, and improve law enforcement interception efforts.

      Enforcing the rule of law and eliminating the sources of income for cartels are essential steps to regain control of the border crisis. The cartels thrive on the influx of people and drugs into the country, and by securing the border and declaring them as terrorists, we can disrupt their operations and reduce their income. This approach would increase the price of drugs and make it easier for law enforcement to intercept them. Additionally, stopping the funding of NGOs and restoring the remain in Mexico program can help deter people from making the dangerous journey to the border. Ultimately, showing strength and resolve in dealing with the cartels is crucial to protecting American lives and securing our borders.

    • Border instabilityThe current border situation benefits cartels, neglects American taxpayers and veterans, and requires addressing the root cause of the problem rather than temporary solutions

      The current situation at the border is benefiting those involved in illegal activities and creating instability, while American taxpayers and veterans are being neglected. The cartels thrive on the chaos and profit from human trafficking and drug sales. The proposed solution is to use propaganda and covert operations to turn these cartels against each other, creating instability and reducing the influx of people into the country. However, this approach could potentially lead to negative consequences for America as well. The root cause of the issue is the money being made from exploiting humans and drugs. The current policies, including federal funding and sanctuary cities, are exacerbating the problem. To effectively address the issue, resources should be directed towards fixing the source of the problem at the border rather than applying bandaid solutions.

    • Money and self-interestMoney and self-interest can obstruct progress in solving societal issues and it's crucial to address root causes rather than just treating symptoms

      Money and self-interest can hinder progress in addressing complex societal issues, such as the opioid crisis and government funding. The speaker shared a personal story about the consequences of drug addiction and how it led him to run for Senate, emphasizing the importance of addressing the root causes of problems rather than just treating the symptoms. He also criticized the incentives of certain organizations to continue focusing on the symptoms instead of the actual issues. Despite personal tragedies, the speaker and his family found the motivation to move forward and make a difference.

    • Perseverance in the face of adversityBelief in one's cause and passion are crucial for overcoming challenges and staying committed to goals despite criticism and opposition. Gratitude and resilience are important in dealing with hardships rather than anger towards God or the world.

      Passion and the belief in one's cause are essential for overcoming challenges and adversity, even in the face of criticism and opposition. The speaker shares his personal experiences of running for office and losing loved ones, emphasizing the importance of freedom and the risks that come with it. He encourages resilience and gratitude in the face of hardships, rather than anger towards God or the world. The process of running for office involves gaining signatures and raising funds, and the speaker shares his experiences of facing opposition but staying committed to his goals. Ultimately, the speaker encourages staying true to one's values and beliefs, even when faced with adversity and criticism.

    • Political authenticityStaying true to values and focusing on experience/qualifications is crucial for political authenticity. Remaining positive and focused on goals is important, even in the face of pressure to engage in negative campaigns or switch races.

      During a political campaign, staying true to one's values and focusing on one's experience and qualifications can help navigate challenges and maintain authenticity. The speaker in this conversation shared his decision to run for Senate with a friend, Kerry Lake, who later decided to run against him. He emphasized the importance of remaining positive and staying focused on his goals, even when faced with pressure to join negative campaigns or run for a different race. He also highlighted the importance of standing up for what one believes in, even if it means going against the wishes of powerful figures in DC. Ultimately, the speaker's message was that in politics, Americans are looking for authenticity and a calm, cool temperament, and that the process requires extreme courage to address the issues and fix the country.

    • Impact of local politics on national levelA former official, despite facing challenges, felt compelled to run for office on a national level to address issues they couldn't solve locally, emphasizing the significance of electing good local politicians.

      The interviewee, a former official, testified to the truth during the election process and did not have evidence of large-scale material fraud. Despite personal attacks and challenges, they felt compelled to run for office on a national level to address issues they couldn't solve locally. They believe that local politics have a significant impact on everyday life and emphasized the importance of electing good local politicians. The interviewee expressed concern for their replacement in their previous role and their own election, but felt compelled to try and make a difference in restoring the Constitution and turning DC around, despite doubts about its current state.

    • Political influences on criminal justicePolitical pressures and lack of accountability in the criminal justice system are leading to increased chaos and disincentivizing law enforcement, resulting in more crime and instability.

      The criminal justice system is facing significant challenges due to political influences and a lack of accountability, leading to increased chaos and disincentivizing law enforcement. The conversation highlighted the story of a father whose daughter was a victim of a drive-by shooting, but the police did not take action due to political pressures and a lack of resources. This issue is not isolated to St. Louis, as it is a nationwide problem fueled by the election of progressive prosecutors and the removal of qualified immunity for police officers. These changes create an environment where criminals are released back onto the streets, leading to more crime and instability. This trend weakens the rule of law and creates a need for government intervention, which can ultimately lead to more harm than good. The defund the police movement is an intentional effort to restructure law enforcement, demoralize current officers, and bring in a new wave of personnel. It's crucial for leaders to stand up for what is right and uphold the law, regardless of the consequences.

    • Defending Rights and FreedomsStand up for rights and freedoms, even against popular opinion or government overreach, using the metaphor of a lion's teeth and claws to defend oneself and others.

      It's crucial to stand up for one's rights and freedoms, even if it means going against the status quo or popular opinion. Using the metaphor of the lion from the ASAP fable, one should never give up their "teeth and claws," or the ability to defend oneself and others. This applies to various aspects of life, including politics and law enforcement. Sheriffs, as the last line of defense for freedom, are encouraged to stand up for what is right, even if it's difficult, as they hold significant power in protecting their communities from government overreach and bad policies. Ultimately, it's important for individuals to have the courage and fortitude to defend their country and its values, especially during times of crisis.

    • Unity during adversityDuring challenging times, individuals and communities should come together, and sheriffs play a crucial role in protecting people and standing for what's right. Unity, fueled by spiritual belief, can help navigate difficult waters and bring people together despite differences.

      During challenging times, it's essential for individuals and communities to come together and support each other, acting as a united front against adversity. Sheriffs play a crucial role in protecting people and standing up for what's right. The current wave of spiritual belief and unity is a powerful force that can bring people together despite differences in race, gender, or politics. This unity is the true power and can help people navigate the difficult waters of life, as each person has a unique role to play and a responsibility to contribute their authenticity and hard work towards a common goal. Ultimately, individuals must learn to surrender the outcomes they cannot control and focus on their attitudes and actions to make a positive impact.

    • Mindset and work ethicHaving the right attitude and putting in hard work, including uncomfortable tasks, leads to happiness and success in various aspects of life. Surrendering the outcome and trusting the process can enhance fulfillment.

      Having the right attitude and putting in hard work are key to being happy and successful in various aspects of life, whether it be personal or professional. Authenticity and being willing to do uncomfortable work are important components of this. Additionally, surrendering the outcome and trusting the process can lead to greater fulfillment. Mark and Sheriff's insights remind us that our lives are defined by our attitudes and actions, not external circumstances. It was an honor to have them share their wisdom and experiences in this interview. I encourage everyone to check out their books and campaigns for more inspiration. Remember, the journey to success is not always easy, but with the right mindset and effort, it is definitely worth it.

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    #112 Vivek Ramaswamy - The Truth Behind the Campaign Trail & Government Lies

    #112 Vivek Ramaswamy - The Truth Behind the Campaign Trail & Government Lies
    Vivek Ramaswamy is a former Presidential Candidate and American entrepreneur. As a Harvard graduate, he founded Roivant Sciences, a wildly successful biotech company. He also co-founded Strive Asset Management, an investment firm that positions itself in opposition to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). Vivek fought a fierce battle on the campaign trail in 2024 and has returned to the Shawn Ryan Show to share his experience and what he believes is next for America. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://shopify.com/shawn https://zippixtoothpicks.com - USE CODE "SRS" Vivek Ramaswamy Links: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/vivekgramaswamy Twitter - https://twitter.com/VivekGRamaswamy Campaign - https://www.vivek2024.com Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 23, 2024

    #111 John Burke - What Happens When We Die?

    #111 John Burke - What Happens When We Die?
    John Burke is the New York Times Bestselling author of No Perfect People Allowed, Imagine Heaven and Imagine the God of Heaven. He founded and pastored Gateway Church in Austin, Texas. He's also the president of Gateway Leadership Initiative (GLI), a nonprofit organization. As an international speaker, Burke has addressed thousands of people across more than a dozen countries. He has spent the last several years investigating and documenting the near death experiences of people from all walks of life. Burke has worked tirelessly to analyze these experiences and share the truth behind these extraordinary stories with the world. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://helixsleep.com/srs https://mypatriotsupply.com https://trueclassictees.com/srs https://drinkhoist.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner John Burke Links: Books - https://imagineheaven.net Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/johnburkeofficial | https://www.facebook.com/imagineheavenbook IG - https://www.instagram.com/johnburkeofficial Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 20, 2024