
    12/14/21: Corruption, Budget Bill, Health Crisis, Student Debt, CNN Pedo, Fox News, Streaming Wars, Lucas Kunce, and More!

    enDecember 14, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Spring refreshes: shopping, skills, and savingsExplore opportunities for spring refreshes, from home and wardrobe updates to education and career changes, while saving money on wireless services and staying informed on politics and economic updates.

      There are various opportunities for spring refreshes, from shopping at dd's discounts for home and wardrobe items, to investing in skills and education for a career change, like Lisa Schneider's plan to start a dog rescue. Additionally, consumers can save money on wireless services with Consumer Cellular. Meanwhile, in the political sphere, Insider's deep dive revealed the extent of financial conflicts and lack of transparency among lawmakers and their staff. These issues highlight the need for greater accountability and disclosure. Stay tuned for updates on the Build Back Better plan, labor force statistics, and the Biden administration's decision to restart student loan payments. We'll also be talking to Lucas Kuntz about his progressive populist campaign for the Democratic primary in Missouri.

    • Congress members' financial interests clash with public dutiesCongress members have violated the STOCK Act or shown disregard for ethical standards, with significant investments in tech, energy, and finance industries, potentially influencing voting decisions

      Numerous members of the US Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, have been found to be in violation of the STOCK Act or have shown a disregard for ethical standards when it comes to their personal finances and public duties. Some of these violations involve investments in industries directly related to their legislative roles, such as COVID-19 vaccines, military contractors, and fossil fuel companies. The scale of these violations is significant, with some lawmakers having millions of dollars in trades and failing to disclose or comment on their activities. The sectors most commonly owned by Congress, including technology, energy, and finance, are heavily intertwined with government, making it difficult to ignore the potential impact of personal financial interests on voting decisions. The report "Conflicted Congress" exposes the many instances where lawmakers' actions and investments clash, undermining their claims of acting in the public interest.

    • Insider trading in Congress undermines trust and raises ethical concernsCongress needs stricter regulations and ethical guidelines to prevent insider trading, ensuring public trust and the public good are prioritized over personal financial gains

      The issue of insider trading among members of Congress, despite being bipartisan and pervasive across various sectors, undermines public trust and raises serious ethical concerns. The knowledge and information these individuals possess while in office create significant incentives for profiting off their investments, often in conflict with their public statements and supposed values. This not only contributes to the perception of corruption but also sets a precedent for self-interest over the public good. The lack of transparency and accountability further exacerbates the issue, as many violations go unnoticed and unaddressed. It is crucial for Congress to enact stricter regulations and ethical guidelines to prevent and deter insider trading, ensuring that those in positions of power serve the public interest above their personal financial gains.

    • Regulatory process for crypto ownership by Congress membersDespite calls for transparency and potential conflicts, there's a lack of action from lawmakers to change the status quo on crypto ownership. The Build Back Better bill is stalled, highlighting weakness in President Biden's leadership and need for greater accountability and effective governance.

      The regulatory process surrounding crypto ownership by members of Congress is a complex and time-consuming process. Despite calls for transparency and potential conflicts of interest, there seems to be a lack of action or interest from lawmakers to change the status quo. Meanwhile, in Congress, the Build Back Better bill remains stalled due to Senator Joe Manchin's objections, leaving the White House and Democratic leadership in limbo. Manchin's actions have highlighted the weakness of President Biden's leadership and left progressives looking foolish for their support of the infrastructure bill. Overall, these issues demonstrate the need for greater accountability and effective leadership in government.

    • Political considerations overshadow potential benefits of Build Back Better ActThe ongoing debate around the Build Back Better Act has been influenced by political considerations, causing some senators to oppose the bill based on cost estimates, while the media and public focus on political optics and donor interests overshadows the potential benefits for the American people.

      The ongoing debate around the Build Back Better Act has been influenced by political considerations, including concerns about the deficit, inflation, and donor interests, rather than the specifics of the bill. The latest CBO report, which estimated the cost of making the bill's provisions permanent, has been used as an excuse by some senators, like Joe Manchin, to oppose the bill. The sad reality is that our politics have become so partisan and tribal that the details of the bill often don't matter, and the media doesn't educate the public about what's at stake. As a result, the bill has become a "whose side are you on" game, and progressives have folded under pressure from the media and their own fears of criticism. Even some provisions that were initially seen as major steps forward, like universal pre-K, have turned out to be far from universal or sufficient. The situation is sad and pathetic, as the focus on political optics and donor interests has overshadowed the potential benefits of the bill for the American people.

    • Biden administration's handling of Build Back Better bill leads to stalemateDespite potential investments in climate change and preschool, the Biden administration's failure to pass the Build Back Better bill is seen as a political misstep, resulting in a stalemate with key senators and low approval ratings.

      The Biden administration's handling of the Build Back Better bill has been a major misstep, leading to the current stalemate with key senators like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. The administration could have acted decisively at the beginning of the pandemic to pass significant relief legislation, but instead, they allowed the bill to be bogged down by separate pieces and political pressures. As a result, they are now at the mercy of these senators who hold all the cards. The Build Back Better bill's approval rating has also suffered, with voters in states like New Hampshire expressing disapproval. The administration's inability to pass the bill, despite its potential investments in areas like climate change and preschool, is seen as a failure that may not matter much politically. The Democrats' inability to act urgently on issues they deem existential threats further underscores this perception. The ongoing labor shortage and resignation trend also highlight the need for effective government action to address pressing issues.

    • Health issues impacting the labor forceHalf of the currently unemployed Americans cite health problems, with mental health and obesity being major concerns. Simple lifestyle changes can improve both physical and mental health.

      The current labor force crisis is largely due to health issues, both physical and mental. According to a McKinsey survey, half of the currently unemployed Americans cite health problems as the primary reason for not working. This issue affects a significant portion of the population, with 37% of people reporting mental health issues or seeking treatment. Furthermore, the prevalence of obesity and overweight individuals has increased dramatically in recent decades, leading to a host of health problems. The pandemic has only exacerbated this issue, with young adults being particularly affected. The economic implications of this crisis are significant, but it's essential to recognize the personal toll it takes on individuals' health and well-being. The good news is that simple lifestyle changes, such as losing weight and exercising more, can have a profound impact on both physical and mental health. It's a reminder that taking care of ourselves is crucial, especially during challenging times.

    • Societal Health Concerns Amplified by the PandemicThe pandemic has worsened societal health issues, including mental health, chronic illnesses, and declining life expectancy, due to factors like lack of healthcare access, profit-driven systems, unhealthy food options, and sedentary lifestyles. Individuals can make small lifestyle changes and advocate for policy changes prioritizing public health.

      The current state of societal health is a cause for concern, with the pandemic adding to existing issues such as mental health problems, chronic illnesses, and declining life expectancy. These issues stem from various societal factors, including lack of access to healthcare, profit-driven healthcare systems, affordable but unhealthy food options, and sedentary lifestyles. The pandemic has only worsened these trends, leading to a population that is chronically ill and highly profitable to industries that don't prioritize their health. While individuals can make choices to improve their own health, it's important to acknowledge the larger societal issues at play. The situation calls for systemic changes, but in the meantime, individuals can make small improvements in their lifestyle and encourage policy changes that prioritize public health.

    • The Importance of Physical and Mental Health, Especially in Old Age and During Economic RecoveryGrip strength impacts recovery from falls and mental health is linked to financial stability. Student loan debt can have long-term consequences, but the economic recovery remains uneven, leaving many struggling. The Biden administration's decision to resume student loan payments without debt relief is a concern.

      Taking care of one's physical and mental health is crucial, especially as we age. Grip strength, a key indicator of overall health, can significantly impact our ability to recover from falls and prevent further health issues. Mental health, too, is deeply connected to financial stability, with student debt disproportionately affecting those of less means. The ongoing student loan debt crisis, which will resume payments on February 1st for many, can have devastating long-term consequences. Meanwhile, the economic recovery remains uneven, with a third of Americans reporting a decline in their financial situation over the past year. The Biden administration's decision to restart student loan payments without addressing the underlying issue of debt relief for all, regardless of socio-economic status, is a cause for concern. It's essential to prioritize personal well-being and advocate for policies that support the most vulnerable members of society.

    • Young people feeling neglected and economically strugglingThe current political climate and economic situation have left many young people feeling disillusioned and despairing, with serious issues like student debt and climate change receiving little attention.

      The current political climate and economic situation have left many young people feeling neglected and economically struggling, leading to a sense of disillusionment and despair. This is exemplified by the recent decision to resume student loan payments and the lack of serious attention given to issues important to younger generations like student debt and climate change. Additionally, there have been disturbing reports of child sex trafficking and abuse in media, as highlighted by the recent arrest of a former CNN producer. These issues underscore the need for greater representation and consideration of the unique challenges faced by younger generations in today's society.

    • Child sex trafficking is a serious issueDespite attempts to politicize it, child sex trafficking is a real issue affecting vulnerable children, as shown in recent cases and trials.

      The issue of child sex trafficking is a serious and real problem that should not be dismissed as a moral panic, despite some attempts to politicize it. The recent indictment of a man for attempting to engage in unlawful sexual activities with minors online, using apps like Kik and Google Hangout, is just one example of this disturbing trend. The trial of Ghislaine Maxwell on charges of running a child sex trafficking ring further highlights the urgency of this issue. It's important to remember that children from vulnerable backgrounds, such as those who are homeless or in unstable home situations, are most at risk. The numbers show that the issue is not a moral panic, but a real and pressing concern. It's disheartening to see how some people try to use the issue for political gain or downplay it when it implicates powerful individuals. The ownership of a major media outlet writing about a fake moral panic while hanging out with Ghislaine Maxwell is a concerning example of this. We should all be disgusted and outraged by child sex trafficking, regardless of political affiliations.

    • Fox News vs CNN: Contrasting Perspectives on Child Sex Trafficking Indictment and Better.com LayoffsCNN and Fox News presented contrasting views on a child sex trafficking indictment and Better.com layoffs, with CNN emphasizing the seriousness of the issue and Fox News justifying the layoffs and downplaying worker productivity

      The CNN story about the indictment of a depraved individual should not be used to downplay the issue of child sex trafficking or turn it into a cultural war. Meanwhile, the mass layoffs at Better.com, which affected around 900 employees, were met with a different perspective on Fox News. The host, Emily, justified the layoffs by claiming that the workers were only productive for two hours a day and needed to learn work ethic. However, this claim was disputed, as some of the employees had recently been praised for their work ethic and had even been promoted. The layoffs were not the fault of the workers but rather a result of poor planning and market conditions. The discomfort of the other Fox hosts highlighted the contrasting views on the issue, with some embracing the unfettered capitalism approach that allows for mass, capricious firings.

    • The celebration of job losses and disregard for those affectedThe system values success through sharpness, greed, and self-interest over kindness, generosity, and understanding, illustrated by the recent example of Better.com's CEO Vishal Garg.

      The celebration of job losses and the disregard for those affected is a reflection of a system that values success through sharpness, greed, and self-interest over kindness, generosity, and understanding. The recent example of Better.com's CEO, Vishal Garg, who has faced accusations of fraud and cruelty, yet still thrives in the meritocracy, illustrates this disturbing trend. Meanwhile, in the corporate media world, networks are pouring billions into the streaming wars, but the real value lies with independent news organizations that can compete on a relatively level playing field. The rigged nature of cable news, with its exclusive deals and high costs, makes it difficult for consumers to justify paying for the content.

    • The battle for authentic and meaningful streaming news is onConsumers demand authentic and meaningful content, leading to a shift from cable news to streaming news. Corporations may try to rig the platforms, but consumer preferences ultimately determine success.

      The streaming news industry is facing a major disruption as consumers increasingly demand authentic and meaningful content. The era of cable news, with its sensationalism and biased commentary, is coming to an end. The battle for streaming news will be similar to the one for the Internet, where corporations will try to rig the platforms in their favor. However, consumer preferences ultimately determine the success of a business, and the Internet has shown that it pushes us towards a place of consumer preference. The fight for authentic and meaningful streaming news is just beginning, and it will be a vicious war. But there is hope, as people are starting to wake up to the fake newsmongers of cable news and demanding better. Lucas Kuntz, a Democrat running for senate in Missouri, shares this sentiment and is running to fundamentally change who has power in the country and stop the stripping of communities for parts by those who buy off politicians.

    • People in Missouri feel powerless against corporate interests and the governmentMissouri residents believe their leaders have sold out to corporations, resulting in a loss of faith in political institutions and a feeling of powerlessness

      The current political climate in the United States, as represented by the low approval rating of President Joe Biden, is characterized by a sense of powerlessness among the general population. People feel that no matter who they vote for or what they do, they have no real influence over the system. This sentiment is particularly strong in Missouri, where the feeling is that government leaders have sold out to corporate interests, leading to the gutted economy and a loss of trust in political institutions. The infrastructure bill, while promising, is met with skepticism due to past experiences of wasted funds and a fear that the benefits will not trickle down to everyday people. The loss of faith in the Democratic Party, which was once seen as the party of working people, is a result of its focus on money and Wall Street over the needs of the average citizen. The example given in Missouri of Smithfield's acquisition of agricultural land and the subsequent loss of power for local farmers illustrates this dynamic. The system is seen as broken, and the normal people feel they have no power to change it.

    • Corporations buying off politicians to control essential goods and servicesCorporations manipulate the system to control essential goods and services, harming local communities and individuals, while politicians funded by corporate PAC money may not represent their constituents' interests.

      Massive corporations and monopolies have an outsized influence on people's lives, often buying off politicians to pass laws that benefit them at the expense of local communities and individuals. This was exemplified in a conversation with the owner of a health center in an all-black community in St. Louis, who lamented about how a corporation took over the provision of food for Medicaid recipients, forcing her to buy from them instead of locally, resulting in worse food and health outcomes for her community. This issue was not unique, as there were numerous examples given of corporations controlling essential goods and services, such as insulin, and manipulating the system to their advantage. The speaker identified as a populist, advocating for power returning to everyday people, rather than the elites controlling the system. In the political context, the speaker did not align with Joe Manchin, as they had fundamentally different approaches to fundraising and representing the interests of their constituents. The speaker's campaign was built on grassroots donations, unlike Manchin's, which was heavily reliant on corporate PAC money.

    • West Virginians value independence and populist policiesWest Virginians support candidates advocating for universal healthcare, a living wage, and free college, reflecting their desire for freedom and opportunities for all.

      The people of West Virginia are independent and willing to make significant political shifts if they believe a candidate can change the broken system. Trump's 17-point win in 2016 over Democrat Jason Kander demonstrates this. People in West Virginia want freedom and opportunities for all, as shown by their support for universal healthcare and a living wage. Lucas Kunce, a Democratic candidate, aligns with these populist values, advocating for Medicare for All, a minimum wage of $15, and free college. He believes these issues empower everyday people and give them the freedom to focus on their missions. His experiences, including growing up with financial struggles and serving in the military, have shaped his beliefs and commitment to making these opportunities available to everyone.

    • Financial struggles lead to payday loans, hurting individuals and communitiesSupport local businesses, financial stability for families, and reliable news sources to prevent relying on payday loans and maintain community revenue.

      The lack of financial stability for families can lead them to rely on high-interest payday loans, which not only harms individuals but also takes revenue away from local communities. Sharing personal experiences, Lucas Kunce recalled how his family had struggled financially and relied on checks being held by grocery store managers until the end of the month. Now, people turn to payday loans, leading to potential bankruptcy and loss of community revenue. It's crucial to support local businesses and financial stability for families to prevent such situations. Additionally, the importance of having reliable and trusted news sources, like The Economist, was emphasized, and listeners were encouraged to sign up for a free trial to stay informed. Rhodes Scholar was also mentioned as an opportunity for educational travel adventures for adults 50 and above. Lastly, the importance of having a strong financial mindset and setting financial goals was highlighted, with State Farm being a good neighbor that supports financial growth.

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    Looking for something specific in this show? Here you go!

    [00:00:22] Introduction:

    • Josh introduces the podcast and welcomes listeners to revolutionize their relationship with money.

    [00:00:41] Meet Dr. Disha Spath: 

    • Dr. Spath introduces herself as a full-time practicing internal medicine physician and shares her background in personal finance writing and podcasting.

    [00:01:08] Financial Journey Beginnings:

    • Dr. Spath talks about her limited money management knowledge growing up in a first-generation immigrant family and the financial choices she and her husband made early in their careers.

    [00:01:31] Reaching a Breaking Point:

    • Dr. Spath explains how they found themselves deep in student debt and unhappiness despite their apparent success, leading to a decision to take control of their financial situation.

    [00:01:48] Embracing Frugality and Mindful Spending:

    • Dr. Spath discusses their journey of paying off debt, starting with cars and student loans by adopting frugality and mindful spending practices.

    [00:02:34] Astonishing Results:

    • Dr. Spath shares the incredible outcome of their financial transformation in just five years through debt payoff and strategic investments.

    [00:03:00] Financial Freedom for All:

    • Dr. Spath emphasizes that financial freedom is possible for everyone, regardless of background, income, or profession, and highlights the importance of education and applying foundational money management principles.

    [00:03:39] Podcast Overview:

    • Dr. Spath introduces the eight-step strategy she will share in upcoming episodes to help listeners achieve financial health. She also mentions featuring interviews with experts in personal finance and wealth management.

    [00:03:47] Closing Remarks:

    • Reminder that listeners should seek personalized guidance from professionals such as accountants, financial advisors, and/or attorneys. 

    Please note: The content shared on the podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be considered individualized financial advice. It is essential to consult with professionals such as accountants, financial advisors, or attorneys to receive personalized guidance based on your specific needs.