
    #1237 - Sebastian Maniscalco

    en-usFebruary 04, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Learning Styles and Retaining InformationBoth the speaker and guest emphasize the importance of expanding knowledge but have unique approaches to absorbing and retaining information, highlighting the individuality of learning styles.

      Both the speaker and the podcast guest have unique approaches to learning and retaining information. The speaker expresses difficulty in retaining information he's not interested in and prefers to recall stories rather than write them down. He also mentions his preference for audiobooks over reading for better retention. The podcast guest, on the other hand, mentions his recent efforts to read more and his preference for audiobooks as well. Both acknowledge the importance of being well-read and the benefits of expanding knowledge, but they have different methods for absorbing and retaining information. The conversation highlights the individuality of learning styles and the importance of finding what works best for each person.

    • Balancing Preparation and Spontaneity in ComedyComedian Jim Gaffigan plans his opening and closing bits but leaves the middle open for improvisation during live shows. He maps out entire Netflix specials but keeps material fresh by rotating old bits with new ones and constantly refining performance.

      Comedian Jim Gaffigan approaches his comedy performances with a mix of preparation and spontaneity. He plans his opening and closing bits but leaves the middle open to improvisation. Even during filming, he stays loose and ad-libs to keep the shows feeling fresh. However, when it comes to Netflix specials, he maps out the entire performance. Gaffigan also believes in keeping his material fresh by not retiring old bits entirely but rotating them with new ones. He feels that constantly evaluating and refining his material leads to better performances over time. Ultimately, Gaffigan's approach emphasizes the importance of striking a balance between planning and flexibility in comedy performance.

    • Refining comedy material through consistent effortConsistently write and reflect on your material, draw inspiration from life, and embrace silence for effective comedy delivery.

      Successful comedy writing involves consistent effort and reflection. The speaker shares his personal process of writing one hour every night after shows, listening to his sets in the car, and refining his material through voice notes. He also emphasizes the importance of living experiences and drawing inspiration from everyday life. The speaker acknowledges that everyone's writing process is unique and praises comedians like Seinfeld and Jenny for their mastery of timing and delivery. He believes that embracing silence and allowing jokes to breathe can enhance the comedic experience for both the performer and the audience. Overall, the speaker's insights highlight the importance of dedication, reflection, and creativity in the craft of comedy writing.

    • Finding Comfort in Familiar Tools for Late-Night TV PerformancesComedian Bert Kreischer uses a microphone comfortably from years of stand-up, admires Conan O'Brien's natural couch handling, leverages social media for career boost, values privacy, and adapts to each platform's unique demands.

      Comedian Bert Kreischer finds comfort in using a microphone during late-night TV performances, as he's used to it from years of stand-up comedy experience. He admires fellow comedians like Conan O'Brien for their natural ability to handle the couch and make it seem like a casual conversation, even with cameras present. Bert has also used social media to his advantage, such as participating in challenges like "Sober October" and sharing glimpses of his personal life, which helped boost his career. However, he values privacy and limits his social media use. Bert's success in comedy and media is a result of his unique approach to each platform, whether it's a live audience or a digital one.

    • Social media pressure to be constantly funny can be overwhelmingDespite the pressure to be entertaining on social media, remember there are other ways to engage and share content online. Like mastering the art of cooking with a pellet grill, focus on sharing knowledge and value rather than just being funny.

      Social media pressure to be constantly funny can make users feel intimidated and discouraged, leading some to wean off these platforms. However, it's essential to remember that social media is not the only aspect of one's online presence. Comedians, in particular, face this pressure acutely, but they also have other outlets like podcasting or commentating. A different example given was the art of cooking and the use of pellet grills. The process of using a pellet grill involves using wood pellets, which are made from sawdust and compressed, ensuring no chemicals or additives. The grill works by feeding pellets into a heating element, which ignites them, allowing for the meat to be cooked entirely on the grill. The key to a perfect cook is cooking it slowly, and the end result is a delicious, wood-fired meal. In essence, the pressure to be funny on social media can be overwhelming, but it's crucial to remember that there are other ways to engage and share content online. The example of pellet grilling demonstrates that there are various methods to master and share knowledge, and the focus should not solely be on being entertaining.

    • Different types of wood impact meat flavorUsing smoky hardwoods like hickory, maple, or cherry enhances meat flavor. Avoid chemicals for natural wood taste. Try dry-aged steak for an extreme flavor.

      The use of different types of wood, whether it's from a smoker or a grill, can significantly impact the flavor of cooked meat. Smoky hardwoods like hickory, maple, or cherry add a little extra something to the dish, creating an aromatic and rich taste. On the other hand, using chemicals like lighter fluid or charcoal briquettes can negatively affect the food's flavor. Instead, opt for lump charcoal or use a chimney starter to light the charcoal for a more natural wood flavor. For those who prefer a more extreme flavor profile, you might want to try a 380-day dry-aged steak, which has a unique taste that's unlike anything you've ever had before. It's important to remember that everyone has different preferences when it comes to food, so what works for some might not work for others. Experimentation and trying new things can lead to discovering new favorite dishes.

    • Cooking with Family and Prioritizing HealthThe interviewee cherishes learning cooking techniques from family, yet emphasizes the significance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise like Pilates and swimming.

      The interviewee values the improvisational nature of learning cooking techniques from family members, but recognizes the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. He has struggled with weight gain in the past and is now focusing on diet and exercise, specifically Pilates and swimming, with the help of a personal trainer. The interviewee admires individuals who prioritize physical fitness, even while traveling, and finds motivation in having a trainer and varied workout routines. He also acknowledges the benefits of soccer as a full-body workout and is impressed by the agility and footwork of soccer players.

    • Discovering the Joy of Pickleball with a FriendPickleball is a fun, low-impact activity that provides a good workout, is easier on the body than tennis, and is gaining popularity due to its accessibility and health benefits.

      Pickleball is a fun, low-impact activity played in a gym or small court setting, similar to tennis and ping pong. It's enjoyed by people of all ages, including older adults, and provides a good workout without being as hard on the body as tennis. Fred, a friend of the speaker, introduced him to pickleball and has been a significant help in his health and fitness journey. Pickleball is a great alternative for those looking for a fun, calorie-burning activity that is easier on the body than tennis. It's a net game where players use paddles to hit a small ball back and forth, and it's gaining popularity due to its accessibility and health benefits. The speaker met Fred over 20 years ago while doing extra work on the set of Days of Our Lives and they have been close friends ever since. Fred has been instrumental in helping the speaker focus on his health and fitness, and they even travel together with their meals prepared to ensure they maintain a healthy lifestyle on the road.

    • Exploring the Art of SushiSushi is an art form requiring dedication, science, and sustainable practices for perfect taste and sustainability

      Sushi is more than just fish and rice. It's an art form that requires dedication and science. Soy sauce, a key component, contains sodium that enhances the flavors. Sushi chefs, like Jiro in the documentary "Jiro Dreams of Sushi," put immense effort into creating the perfect taste. Aging fish, a common practice, softens and enhances the flavor. However, overfishing and endangered species are concerns. Sustainable farming and release of farmed fish into the wild could be solutions. Overall, sushi is a complex culinary experience that goes beyond the surface.

    • Discussion on fishing regulations in international watersRegulations for fishing in international waters are lacking, leading to potential overfishing and environmental concerns. Effective measures for enforcement and population size determination are needed for conservation efforts.

      While there are regulations for hunting and fishing in territorial waters, international waters lack such restrictions, leading to potential overfishing and environmental concerns. The discussion highlighted the case of fishing, particularly for expensive species like tuna and the lack of official standards for labels like "Sushi Grade" or "Sashimi Grade." The conversation also touched upon the challenges of enforcing regulations in international waters, using the example of Japan's continued whale hunting under the guise of research. The overall sentiment was that while regulations are crucial for maintaining populations of hunted species, effective measures for international waters are yet to be implemented. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the importance of determining population sizes for effective conservation efforts.

    • The power of irrational and unnecessary memoriesJoe shared his forgettable yet memorable experiences, including a specific Italian restaurant, celebrity sightings, and performing at Madison Square Garden, emphasizing the importance of cherishing unique and meaningful moments in life.

      Memory can be an odd and unreliable thing, and sometimes the most memorable experiences are the ones that seem irrational or unnecessary. Joe mentioned his difficulty remembering distances and the sadness of the rhino horn myth, but also fondly recalled a specific Italian restaurant and celebrity sightings. Performing at Madison Square Garden was a challenging but rewarding experience due to the diverse audience. The conversation also touched on the immigrant experience and the broad appeal of comedy. Despite the forgettable details, these memories stood out to Joe, highlighting the importance of cherishing the interesting and meaningful experiences in life.

    • Learning to Say No for Optimal PerformanceHigh achievers must prioritize their time to perform at their best, even if it means saying no to opportunities. Overcommitting can lead to subpar work and burnout.

      It's important for performers and high achievers to learn when to say no and prioritize their time in order to perform at their best. The interviewee shares how they used to overwork themselves in their comedy career, spreading themselves too thin and not operating at an optimal level. They attribute this work ethic to their upbringing and feeling the need to constantly be productive. However, they've come to realize that in order to do their best work, they need to be clear-headed and not overcommit themselves. This is a common challenge for those who have a lot to offer and a strong desire to please their fans and audience, but it's essential to remember that there are only so many hours in a day and it's important to protect your energy and focus for the projects that truly matter.

    • Balancing Personal and Professional CommitmentsExperimenting with schedules and adapting to new situations are crucial for achieving balance between personal life and professional commitments.

      Finding the right balance between personal life and professional commitments requires experimentation and adjustment. The speaker shares how scheduling podcasts after intense yoga classes left him drained, and how catering to different audiences in various platforms can lead to unexpected encounters. He also discusses his journey from being a UFC post-fight interviewer to stepping back due to financial reasons, only to return when the company started gaining popularity. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of adapting to new situations and understanding that pleasing everyone is an unrealistic goal.

    • How Joe Rogan Became a UFC CommentatorDana White discovered Rogan's knowledge of Japanese fighters and convinced him to try commentating for one UFC show, leading to his unique and popular commentary style.

      Dana White discovered Joe Rogan as a commentator for UFC fights after Rogan expressed his knowledge of Japanese fighters to White. Rogan initially resisted, preferring to just watch the fights and get drunk. However, White convinced him to try it out for one show, and Rogan's unique commentary style quickly gained popularity. Rogan developed his commentary skills on his own, with occasional help from friends in the industry. There are only a few high-level MMA commentators, and many fighters are now transitioning into commentary roles due to their expertise in the sport.

    • Pauli's Passions: Fighting and EntertainingPauli excels in fighting and entertaining, creating enjoyable atmospheres and making guests feel taken care of.

      Pauli Malinadji's natural ability and technical knowledge make him an exceptional fighter. His awareness of subtle cues and ability to entertain make him stand out. Hospitality and entertaining others are my passions, and I strive to make guests feel taken care of. In the entertainment industry, anticipating guests' needs and creating an enjoyable atmosphere are crucial. While I may not have traditional hobbies, I find joy in making others happy. My home is designed for entertaining, with an open layout and indoor-outdoor spaces. I believe in bringing interesting people together and creating meaningful conversations. However, transitioning from a childless couple to parents can be challenging, as new obligations and schedules make it difficult to connect with like-minded individuals. It's important to be intentional about seeking out new friendships and avoiding those who may not contribute positively to the experience.

    • Emphasizing authenticity, daily routine, and personal relationshipsJoe Rogan values staying true to himself, maintaining daily routines, and prioritizing family and friend connections, while being mindful of fans' needs and respecting personal boundaries.

      Maintaining connections to everyday life experiences and staying approachable to fans are important values for Joe Rogan. He emphasizes the significance of living an authentic life, keeping a daily routine, and engaging with family and friends. Rogan also shares his experiences with unwanted interruptions and the feeling of being a burden to fans, especially when he's with his family. He highlights the importance of respecting personal boundaries and being mindful of the impact on children when interacting with fans. Overall, Rogan's perspective encourages finding a balance between staying true to oneself and being accessible to fans while prioritizing personal relationships and experiences.

    • Discovering the joy of parenthood and its impact on relationshipsParenting brings immense joy and transforms perspectives, constructive feedback from loved ones aids growth, and supportive relationships lead to a fulfilling life

      Having children brings an indescribable love and joy that was previously unknown. This feeling of parenthood can transform one's perspective on life and relationships, including the bond with one's own parents. Honesty and constructive criticism from loved ones can help individuals grow and improve, both personally and professionally. Surrounding oneself with supportive and honest people, including a partner with a similar sense of humor, can lead to a fulfilling and comedic life. Ultimately, the responsibility of parenthood can be overwhelming but rewarding, as it's not just about the parents, but about providing the necessary attention and support for the child's success in life.

    • The Comedy Store inspires and fuels the speaker's creativityThe Comedy Store provides the speaker with valuable friendships, laughter, and motivation, inspiring him to improve and be around successful individuals.

      The comedy store is a special and inspiring community for the speaker. He cherishes the friendships and laughter he experiences there, and is inspired by the talent and hard work of his fellow comedians. The environment fuels his creativity and drives him to improve. Additionally, the speaker is motivated by the success and achievements of others, whether it be in comedy or other areas of life. He aspires to be around and join the ranks of those who have accomplished great things. The podcast, with its diverse and interesting guests, has also broadened his perspective and encouraged him to reconsider his own beliefs and goals. Overall, the comedy store and the people within it serve as a source of inspiration and joy for the speaker.

    • Embracing challenges as opportunities for growthReframing adversity as an opportunity for growth can lead to resilience, determination, and a more fulfilling life.

      Adopting a mindset of embracing challenges and viewing setbacks as opportunities for growth, rather than dwelling on negativity, can lead to significant personal growth and inspiration. David Goggins, a former Navy SEAL and motivational speaker, embodies this mindset and has inspired countless individuals to push beyond their limits. Jocko Willink, another Navy SEAL Commander, shares a similar perspective, encouraging individuals to find the good in difficult situations and keep pushing forward. By reframing adversity as an opportunity, individuals can continue to fight and find motivation in the face of challenges. This perspective, as shared by Goggins and Willink, can lead to resilience, determination, and a more fulfilling life.

    • The power of supportive relationships in achieving successSuccess requires support from loved ones and finding inspiring figures, staying focused on the present, and embracing opportunities as they come.

      Success in life and career doesn't come easily, and it often requires the support and encouragement of those around us. The speaker shares his experience of having a highly successful career as a stand-up comedian, reaching sold-out shows at Madison Square Garden, and credits his family and friends for their unwavering support throughout his journey. He also mentions the importance of finding people who inspire and motivate us, like the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt and podcast host he admires. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of staying focused on the present and not setting rigid goals, but rather allowing opportunities to come to us. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of resilience, determination, and the power of supportive relationships in achieving success.

    • Working on 'The Irishman' with legendsInterviewee shares excitement of working on Scorsese's 'The Irishman' alongside De Niro, Pacino, and Pesci, feeling a sense of belonging after initial nerves.

      The interviewee finds acting in different mediums, such as stand-up comedy and films, fulfilling in unique ways. He shared an exciting experience working on the movie "The Irishman" alongside acting legends De Niro, Pacino, and Pesci under Scorsese's direction. The anticipation and nervousness leading up to the first scene with these icons turned into confidence and a sense of belonging once the scene was completed. The interviewee was amazed by the transformation of Gotham Comedy Club into the Copa Cabana for the film and was thrilled about the casting choices, particularly Jim Norton as Don Rickles. Overall, this experience was a significant milestone for the interviewee, working with such esteemed actors and directors in a Scorsese film.

    • The transformative power of iconic actor performancesIconic actor roles are deeply connected to the actors who originated them, making it challenging to recast these parts. Robert De Niro's performances in 'Taxi Driver' and 'Cape Fear' are examples of this phenomenon.

      Certain actors become synonymous with specific roles, and trying to recast those parts with others can be met with skepticism and resistance. The speaker passionately expressed this idea when discussing the iconic roles of Robert De Niro, particularly in films like "Taxi Driver" and "Cape Fear." He emphasized that these performances were so transformative that no other actor could truly replicate them. The speaker also shared anecdotes from his own experience working with De Niro on a film, highlighting the actor's professionalism and influence on set. Ultimately, the speaker's perspective underscores the importance of recognizing the unique contributions of individual performers to iconic roles.

    • Joe Rogan and Sebastian Manasalva's shared journey in comedyComedians Joe Rogan and Sebastian Manasalva discussed their experiences and growth in comedy, highlighting the importance of staying true to one's craft and the significance of supportive relationships in the industry.

      The journey of comedy and personal growth was a shared experience between two comedians, Joe Rogan and Sebastian Manasalva. Rogan expressed his excitement and pride in witnessing Manasalva's rise to success, recalling their early days at the Comedy Store and acknowledging the struggles and experimentation that came with finding one's voice in the comedy world. Manasalva, in turn, appreciated Rogan's support and recognition, acknowledging the significance of Rogan's podcast platform and the importance of staying true to one's craft. The conversation was filled with mutual respect and admiration, highlighting the camaraderie and perseverance that are essential in the world of comedy.

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    Chapter Markers:

    00:00:00 - HARDCORE PARKOUR 🐿️

    00:02:42 - FU: The Penultimate Peril (Cut Scene) 🎥

    00:09:03 - Thoughts of the Week 🧠

    00:10:41 - Victual: Word of the Week 📕

    00:13:51 - Joke Time! 😆

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    01:06:33 - Car Chases and High School Musical 🚓

    01:11:18 - Goodbyes 👋


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    Rocket to Anywhere on Twitter

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