
    Podcast Summary

    • Different Outcomes for Jack Dorsey InterviewsDespite similar interviews, timing and public scrutiny influenced outcomes, with Jack agreeing to revisit censorship issues in a follow-up podcast and Jamie wishing he had pressed harder.

      The interview between Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter and Square, and Jamie Barton on their respective podcasts resulted in different outcomes due to timing and the intensity of public scrutiny on Twitter's censorship policies. During Jamie's interview, he received significant backlash for perceived softball questions towards Jack, particularly regarding censorship and the inconsistent application of platform rules. Jack acknowledged this and agreed to return for a follow-up podcast to address specific instances of censorship. However, Jamie felt he could have pressed Jack more on these issues during their initial conversation. The timing of their interviews also played a role, as Jamie's interview preceded the Covington High School controversy, which put a fine point on the issues surrounding Twitter and journalism. Ultimately, both interviews provided valuable insights into Jack Dorsey's leadership and the challenges of managing a large-scale platform like Twitter.

    • Navigating Controversial Questions with DorseyDorsey acknowledged the need for transparency improvements, but evasive responses closed doors to further inquiry, raising criticism for stiff conversations.

      During a conversation with Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter and Square, it was noted that he skillfully navigated controversial questions about the company's policies and their seemingly disparate applications. Dorsey acknowledged the need for improvement in communicating the company's processes and transparency. The speaker expressed that Dorsey may not have been aware of every micro case, but it was unclear whether that was due to lack of knowledge or unwillingness to discuss certain topics. Dorsey's evasive responses often closed the door to further inquiry, but it was not seen as dishonest, as he took full responsibility for the company's shortcomings. The conversation was criticized for being stiff and lacking engagement, but Dorsey was invited without any prior agreement on off-limits topics.

    • Importance of transparency and authenticity in podcastingTransparency and authenticity are essential for building trust with podcast audiences. Lack of these qualities can lead to controversy and backlash. Different podcasting models prioritize transparency and authenticity differently, and understanding the consequences of choices is crucial.

      Creating and managing a podcast involves numerous decisions and consequences, and transparency and authenticity are crucial for maintaining trust with the audience. The speaker expressed frustration with the lack of transparency and authenticity in a particular podcast, which led to backlash. The podcast's sponsor, a business associate of the speaker, added to the controversy. The speaker acknowledged the differences in their podcasting models and appreciated the live, unedited approach but couldn't adopt it due to various reasons. The conversation also touched upon the evolving landscape of digital media, with companies like Spotify buying up podcasting platforms, and the role of comments and their management in podcasts. The speaker shared their experiences with comments being marked as spam and the potential influence of algorithms on comment propagation. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of authenticity, transparency, and understanding the consequences of choices in podcasting.

    • Focusing on audio content reduces exposure to negative feedback on YouTubeBy prioritizing audio content, podcasters can minimize exposure to negative feedback and potential conspiracy theories on YouTube, leading to a more positive and productive engagement experience.

      The decision to focus on audio content for a podcast instead of video can significantly reduce engagement with negative feedback on platforms like YouTube. The speaker in this conversation mentioned that they used to have a small percentage of listeners consuming video content, but it has now grown to almost 50-50. However, they don't engage with the YouTube platform, leading to a lack of awareness of the feedback and comments, which can be a cesspool of hate and negativity. YouTube's open forum for comments allows for more leeway for abusive behavior compared to other social media platforms. Additionally, the lack of clear sponsorship disclosure on YouTube can lead to conspiracy theories. The speaker also mentioned that they have moved away from using Patreon for monetization due to past incidents. Overall, the decision to prioritize audio content over video can help minimize exposure to negative feedback and potential conspiracy theories.

    • The future of digital content monetizationThe speaker advocates for a Netflix-like paywall model, emphasizes appropriate pricing, and accessibility for all, based on his experience with ad-misalignment.

      The monetization models for content creators, specifically in digital media, are evolving and present unique challenges. The speaker, who has had success with both ad-supported and support-based models, argues that the expectation of free content is a significant issue. He believes that the digital future should resemble more of a Netflix model with a paywall, rather than a Facebook model where users are the product and their attention is sold to advertisers. He also emphasizes the importance of creators setting prices appropriately and making content accessible to those who cannot afford it. The speaker's personal experience with ads not aligning with his platform and content led him to explore alternative monetization methods. The ongoing debate around these models and the future of digital content consumption is a complex issue that goes beyond podcasting.

    • The psychology of asking for support can overshadow the value of a podcastCreators need to balance offering free content and monetizing it to build a successful media business, focusing on the value provided to the audience rather than just costs.

      The expectation of free content can limit creators' aspirations and potential revenue streams. While the cost of producing a podcast may seem minimal compared to creating a television show or Netflix program, the psychology of asking for support can engage the philanthropy side of the brain, causing people to focus on costs rather than the value they receive. This can make it challenging for creators to build sustainable businesses. The transparency of a podcast's support model allows listeners to discover the value before deciding to contribute, but the focus on costs can overshadow the opportunity cost of time spent on the content. To build a successful media company, creators need to find a balance between offering free content and monetizing it in a way that aligns with their aspirations and the value they provide to their audience.

    • Joe Rogan's journey with monetizing contentFrom no ads to paywall, Rogan's experience shows the importance of balancing ethical considerations and consumer preferences in content monetization strategies

      The ethics and psychology of monetizing content through advertising versus a paywall can be a complex issue. Joe Rogan, in his podcast experience spanning over a decade, has gone from no ads to advertising, and now considering a paywall model. He initially resisted ads due to their potential impact on content, but later saw the benefits when advertisers like Fleshlight saw significant growth from the podcast exposure. However, the recent controversy surrounding Cash App's sponsorship led him to reconsider his approach. He now plans to offer ad-free content through a monthly subscription on an app. This model allows him to maintain creative control while providing value to those willing to pay for it, all while alleviating potential conflicts of interest. Ultimately, Rogan's journey highlights the importance of understanding the ethical implications and consumer psychology behind different monetization strategies.

    • Host prioritizes listening experience over ad revenuePodcaster values audience trust, maintains creative control, and prioritizes positive listening experience over ad revenue

      The podcast host values the listening experience over ad revenue and maintains creative control by carefully selecting and sometimes even criticizing the ads on his podcast. He has multiple sources of income, including sponsors, and is not overly reliant on any one source. He believes that his audience trusts him to recommend only what aligns with his brand and values, and he's willing to lose sponsors if necessary. He also recognizes the importance of preparing thoroughly for podcasts and ensuring a positive listening experience for his guests and audience. The host's philosophy is to prioritize the podcast experience over ad revenue and maintain creative freedom.

    • Navigating Unexpected Challenges in Podcasting and InterviewingBeing prepared is important, but also being flexible and able to adapt to unexpected challenges is crucial for successful podcasting and interviewing. Understanding a guest's communication style and working with them to create an engaging conversation is key.

      Creating a successful podcast or interview involves navigating unexpected challenges and adapting to the unique dynamics of each guest. The speakers in this conversation shared their experiences with hosting podcasts and working with high-profile guests like Elon Musk. They discussed the importance of being prepared, but also being flexible and able to adjust when things don't go as planned. The conversation also touched on the importance of understanding a guest's communication style and being able to work with them to create a productive and engaging conversation. Despite the challenges, the speakers emphasized the value of persevering and finding ways to make the most of each interview opportunity.

    • Impact of live vs recorded interviewsLive interviews can lead to unexpected reactions and consequences, illustrating the complexities of forgiveness and redemption in society, while recorded interviews offer more control over image and message.

      The distinction between live and recorded interviews can significantly impact how individuals present themselves and the reactions they elicit. The Liam Neeson controversy serves as an example, where his candid confession during a live interview led to severe backlash, despite his genuine remorse. This incident highlights the complexities of redemption and forgiveness in society, particularly in the era of social media where past actions can resurface and have long-lasting consequences. The inconsistency between supporting redemption for criminals and demanding public shaming for perceived wrongdoings presents a paradox that requires thoughtful consideration.

    • Discussing the line between instrumental violence and racismWhen someone specifically targets a particular race, it's racism. Thoughtful and nuanced conversations are important to avoid jumping to conclusions based on limited information.

      The line between instrumental violence and racism can be blurry, but when someone specifically targets a particular race, it is racism. The discussion revolved around a man's admission of wanting to seek revenge against a black person for a crime committed against a member of his family. While the man argued it was not about race but the "tribe," others disagreed, stating that the salience of the tribe was what he was reacting to. The conversation also touched on the role of social media and outrage culture, where people can quickly jump to conclusions and shame others based on incomplete information. It was noted that even reputable news outlets like the New York Times have gotten things wrong in the past and that acknowledging mistakes is important. In the end, it's crucial to have thoughtful and nuanced conversations about sensitive topics and to avoid jumping to conclusions based on limited information.

    • The intoxicating nature of social media and its impact on conflict and misinformationSocial media can fuel heated exchanges and the spread of misinformation, leaving users feeling unheard and leading to conflict. It's important to practice mindfulness and consider the impact of our words online.

      Social media platforms like Twitter can be intoxicating for users, allowing them to express their opinions instantly and anonymously, often leading to heated exchanges and the spread of misinformation. The speaker shares his personal experience of getting caught up in a scandal online and the backlash he faced, despite trying to play fair and apologize for mistakes. He also touches upon the issue of people feeling unheard and the medium's lack of differentiation between opinions, making it a breeding ground for conflict. The speaker also mentions the potential for more invasive technologies in the future and how releasing a meditation app has given him a new perspective on the importance of living a more mindful life amidst the constant distractions of technology.

    • The power of authentic intent and connecting with an appreciative audienceAuthentic intent and understanding diverse perspectives can lead to positive connections despite controversy and negativity.

      Creating content with authentic intent and reaching an audience who appreciates it can be a refreshing and rewarding experience. The speaker shares how one of his projects, despite being met with controversy and negativity in other areas of his work, was received positively and allowed him to connect with his audience on a deeper level. He also reflects on the importance of understanding different perspectives and the potential consequences of words and actions, especially in the context of online discourse. The speaker's experience highlights the power of intentional communication and the potential for positive connections in a world that can often feel divisive and toxic.

    • Left vs Right: Complex Political LandscapeThe left and right face unique challenges: left's self-scrutiny vs right's identity politics, with 2020 campaign crucial for determining centrist vs divisive leadership.

      The political landscape is characterized by an asymmetric war between the left and right, with each side having distinct ideologies and tendencies. The left, represented by more open-minded, supportive individuals, has a history of self-scrutiny and free speech. However, it now faces a challenge of totalitarian resistance to speech, leading to concerns about a potential leftist uprising. Meanwhile, the right, which can be less open to self-criticism, has seen figures like Trump capitalize on identity politics issues. The 2020 campaign could be decisive, with centrist figures like Tulsi Gabbard and Michael Bloomberg being favored for their ability to challenge Trump's business acumen and ethics. The left's focus on identity politics may not resonate with a significant portion of the electorate, who are not motivated solely by racism but by economic and social concerns. Ultimately, understanding these complexities is crucial for making informed political decisions.

    • The impact of internet on political climate and perception of immigrationThe internet can skew perception of mainstream issues like immigration through siloing and amplification of extreme voices, requiring a balanced approach and acknowledgement of benefits and challenges.

      The current political climate, particularly around issues of identity and immigration, is shaped significantly by the way information is disseminated and consumed through the internet. The siloing effect and the amplification of extreme voices can lead to a skewed perception of what represents the mainstream. On the issue of immigration, there's a need for a balanced approach that acknowledges both the benefits and challenges, while avoiding labeling concerns as inherently racist. The left faces a more pressing issue with the influence of extreme voices in tech, media, and academia, which can lead to a chilling effect on free speech and a distorted representation of the broader population. This can lead to a disconnect between the radicalized groups and the general public, further exacerbating the polarization.

    • The complex debate around gender identity and differences between men and womenThe debate around gender identity and inherent differences between men and women is a complex issue, leading to controversies and challenges in addressing these differences in a politically correct climate. Open and respectful dialogue is needed to foster understanding and promote equality for all.

      The debate around gender identity and differences between men and women is a complex and polarizing issue, leading to controversies in various sectors, including tech companies and social media platforms. For instance, James Damore's memo at Google caused an uproar and nearly led to a mutiny, as it touched on the topic of inherent differences between genders. The discussion also highlighted the challenges in addressing these differences, particularly in a politically correct climate, where certain viewpoints can lead to backlash and even censorship. The intersection of gender identity and sexual orientation further complicates the matter, as seen in the tension between transgender rights and gay rights. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the need for open and respectful dialogue on these topics to foster understanding and promote equality for all.

    • The line between joke and offense in comedyThe normative response to offensive behavior or actions in comedy is complex, with examples ranging from career-ending scandals to successful rehabilitation. Demonstrating growth and change is crucial.

      The line between joke and offense can be blurry, especially in the context of stand-up comedy. In the discussed incident, Daniel Tosh made a joke during a performance that some people found offensive, leading to a heated debate about rape culture and comedy. Jamie Kilstein, a fellow comedian, defended Tosh, arguing that he was just trying to deal with a heckler and his edgy persona. However, the incident highlights the toxic nature of online communication and the potential harm it can cause to both the perpetrator and the receiver. The normative response to mistakes or past actions that are deemed offensive or indefensible is a complex issue, with examples ranging from career-destroying scandals to successful rehabilitation after serving time for criminal offenses. Ultimately, it seems essential to find a way to demonstrate how one has grown and changed since the offensive behavior or action occurred.

    • Understanding Changing Standards of RacismTransparent apologies and demonstration of change can help individuals with problematic pasts, but the current political climate often rejects apologies and demands perfection, hindering redemption and learning from mistakes.

      Our understanding and perception of what is considered racist has evolved significantly over time, and it can be challenging to apply today's standards to past actions. For instance, dressing up as Mr. T in the 1980s might not have been perceived as racist then, but it could be viewed differently today. However, for individuals with problematic pasts, a transparent and sincere apology and demonstration of change can help in the process of redemption. Unfortunately, the current political climate often rejects apologies and demands perfection, making it difficult for individuals to make amends and learn from their mistakes. This trend is detrimental to both sides politically and requires a shift towards open dialogue and understanding. As individuals with the ability to take risks and engage in public conversations, it's crucial that we model this behavior and challenge the status quo on social media. While it may not be enough to stop the volcano of outrage, it's a step in the right direction towards fostering a more nuanced and empathetic society.

    • Anonymity and online behavior in academic and professional settingsAnonymity on social media can lead to less hospitable behavior and enforcing rigid, undebatable standards can have severe consequences for individuals.

      The norms of engagement on social media are influenced by the immediacy and anonymity of online interactions. Anonymity can encourage less hospitable behavior, as seen in cases where individuals have been publicly shamed and faced severe consequences for anonymous online posts. This trend is particularly prevalent in academic and professional settings, where individuals are expected to adhere to certain "wokeness" standards and face severe repercussions for deviating. The call-out culture and cancel culture that result from these expectations prioritize control and can lead to a slippery slope of undebatable, indefensible standards. It's important to recognize the potential consequences of anonymous online interactions and the dangers of enforcing rigid, undebatable standards on individuals.

    • The Power of Words: Norm Macdonald's Controversial InterviewChoose words carefully to avoid unintended consequences and controversy, as Norm Macdonald learned after an insensitive comment on the Howard Stern show led to a public apology and career damage.

      Comedian Norm Macdonald found himself in hot water during an interview on the Howard Stern show when he attempted to clarify a statement, but the wrong words came out, leading to a public apology tour and controversy over his use of insensitive language. Despite his intentions not being malicious, the backlash was severe, and he was even banned from appearing on Netflix. The incident highlights the importance of choosing words carefully and the potential consequences of insensitive remarks, even when unintended. Macdonald's career suffered, and he was seen as a maniac in the best sense of the word, known for his off-kilter humor and impulsiveness. The incident serves as a reminder of the power of words and the need for sensitivity and awareness in public discourse.

    • Understanding Free Will as Open SystemsPeople are open systems influenced by genetics, life experiences, and culture, challenging the notion of autonomous individuals directly controlling their actions and behavior.

      Our understanding of free will and personal responsibility is more complex than we may think. Gary Shanley's perspective challenges the notion of autonomous individuals directly controlling their actions and behavior. Instead, he suggests that people are open systems influenced by various factors, including genetics, life experiences, and culture. This perspective can lead to a more forgiving and patient approach towards understanding and responding to others' behavior. It's important to remember that everyone is shaped by their past and present influences and that change can come from unexpected sources. This perspective can help us shift away from feelings of vengeance and towards a more nuanced and compassionate understanding of human behavior.

    • Understanding Behavior and MoralityAdvancements in neuroscience may change our perception of 'evil' actions as diseases or injuries, leading to a more compassionate response.

      Our understanding of human behavior and the causes of "evil" actions can greatly impact how we view and respond to them. The example of a mistreated circus elephant being lynched by humans highlights the moral dysfunction of taking agency away from an animal. Punishment makes sense when it deters dangerous behavior, but not for things beyond human control. With advancements in neuroscience, conditions like psychopathy, which are currently considered evil, could be treated as diseases or injuries, altering our perception and response to them. Understanding the underlying neurophysiology of behavior can lead to a more compassionate and understanding view of human actions, recognizing the role of luck and causation in shaping individuals. The randomness of behavior does not equate to free will, and a more scientific perspective can open the door to a more ethical and tolerant approach to human failings and frailties.

    • Embracing past mistakes for growthInstead of shaming, give individuals a chance to express regret and growth. Focus on the underlying issues rather than the end of their career.

      Instead of shaming and judging people for their past mistakes, we should give them an opportunity to express their regret and growth. Liam Neeson's revelation about his past actions is a prime example of this, as he voluntarily shared his past to encourage a conversation about the darker aspects of human consciousness. Unfortunately, the focus has shifted to the end of his career instead of acknowledging the importance of discussing the underlying issues. The sheer volume of voices in today's media landscape makes it challenging for individuals to navigate the backlash, making it crucial to foster empathy and understanding towards those who have evolved from their past mistakes.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Celebrity Scandals and Personal TransgressionsMental health and mental training are crucial for individuals to develop emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and resilience. The lack of societal norms and resources around mental health perpetuates destructive behaviors and calls for a more compassionate and nuanced understanding of individuals and their experiences.

      The public discourse surrounding celebrity scandals, such as Liam Neeson's recent admission of past transgressions, can become a breeding ground for high levels of virtue signaling, anger, and jealousy. Neeson's case, in particular, is complex due to his personal tragedies and the role that trauma played in his actions. However, the inconsistency in public reactions to similar incidents committed by others highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of mental health and mental training. The case of Mike Tyson, discussed in the podcast, provides an insightful parallel. Tyson's violent behavior was a result of his upbringing and lack of mental training. The absence of a societal norm around mental health and mental training contributes to the perpetuation of destructive behaviors. Mental training, such as meditation, can serve as a powerful tool for individuals to develop emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and resilience. Unfortunately, there is a lack of societal norms and resources around mental health, leaving many individuals without the necessary tools to manage their emotions and navigate complex situations. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize the importance of mental health and mental training, especially in the context of public discourse surrounding celebrity scandals and personal transgressions. By fostering a more compassionate and nuanced understanding of individuals and their experiences, we can create a more empathetic and supportive society.

    • Mental training and physical training go hand in handMental training, specifically attention and managing negative emotions, is an essential part of physical training's evolution. It can help individuals respond effectively to negative emotions, improve emotional resilience, and reduce reaction time to anger.

      Physical training and mental training go hand in hand for overall well-being. The physical training landscape has evolved significantly over the years, and mental training, specifically the training of attention and managing negative emotions, is an essential part of this evolution. This form of training, rooted in ancient contemplative practices, can help individuals respond more effectively to negative emotions, such as anger, by recognizing and letting go of the underlying thoughts. The ability to do so can lead to improved emotional resilience and a reduced reaction time to anger. This training is not only beneficial for adults but can also be introduced to children at a young age to help them develop self-awareness and emotional intelligence. It's important to remember that this training is not about suppressing emotions but rather learning to respond to them in a mindful and intentional way.

    • The Importance of Emotional Regulation and Self-Awareness in Martial ArtsDeveloping emotional regulation and self-awareness at a young age can significantly impact our lives. Martial arts like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu offer controlled environments for pressure testing and confidence building, but it's crucial to remember that life's challenges are unpredictable, requiring adaptability and emotional intelligence.

      The ability to learn emotional regulation and self-awareness at a young age could make a significant impact on our lives. Just like learning to read, developing these skills can be a challenge, but the benefits are immense. Mike Tyson's story illustrates the importance of mental coaching and emotional intelligence, especially in high-pressure situations. In martial arts, there's a disconnect between training and real-life applications, leaving many practitioners uncertain about their abilities. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu offers a solution by allowing full-contact training within a controlled environment, providing confidence and pressure testing. However, it's essential to remember that life often involves unpredictable challenges, and it's crucial to be prepared for various situations, not just those within the boundaries of our training.

    • Understanding the Consequences of ViolenceWhile martial arts training can help in self-defense, prioritize avoidance to minimize legal repercussions. Most martial arts curriculums lack focus on avoidance techniques. Carrying a weapon can deter violence but comes with risks. Be aware of potential outcomes and strive for peaceful resolution.

      While martial arts training can be addictive due to the friendly community and sense of mastery, it's crucial to understand the potential consequences of violence. Many people who engage in physical altercations, even unintentionally, can face severe legal repercussions. Training in self-defense is important, but prioritizing avoidance is key. Unfortunately, most martial arts curriculums spend little time on avoidance techniques. Carrying a weapon, such as a gun, can serve as a deterrent to violence but also comes with its own risks and responsibilities. Ultimately, it's essential to be aware of the potential outcomes of violence and strive to avoid it whenever possible.

    • Recognizing the value of our intuitionsTrust your gut feelings to detect potential danger, as our instincts like gaze and body language can provide valuable information about others' intentions

      Our intuitions, especially when it comes to detecting potential danger from others, are worth paying attention to. Our instincts, such as gaze detection and body language, can provide valuable information about a person's intentions, even if we're not consciously aware of it. However, many people are trained to ignore these intuitions, leading to potentially dangerous situations. It's important to recognize the value of our intuitions, especially in self-defense situations, and to trust our gut feelings when they indicate potential danger. Additionally, understanding the evolutionary reasons behind our ability to detect dangerous individuals can help us appreciate the importance of listening to our intuitions.

    • Understanding Human Behavior: Micro Expressions and MicroaggressionsMicro expressions reveal subtle body language and emotions, while microaggressions are unintentional discriminatory comments or behaviors. Technology can uncover past mistakes, but forgiveness and empathy are essential for personal growth and relationships.

      Humans have an innate ability to detect subtle body language and micro expressions that can indicate deceit, stress, or even violent intentions. This ability goes beyond physical violence and can be used to identify manipulative individuals or liars. Micro expressions have been studied for decades, and some people are naturally better at detecting them. However, the understanding of this phenomenon is not well-explored, and there is ongoing debate about its implications. The discussion also touched upon the concept of microaggressions, which refers to subtle, often unintentional discriminatory comments or behaviors. The speaker expressed concern about the potential misuse of technology to uncover past mistakes and the need for a path to redemption for individuals who have made mistakes in their past. The speaker shared a personal story of collaborating with an individual who had a nefarious past but had since changed and became a friend. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior and the need for empathy and forgiveness.

    • People can evolve and collaborate despite past controversiesJoe Rogan's collaboration with Maajid Nawaz highlights the potential for transformation and the challenges of public perception. The conversation explored cancel culture, honesty, intent, and the use of the N-word in comedy, emphasizing open-mindedness and dialogue.

      People, even those with controversial pasts, can evolve and become valuable collaborators. Joe Rogan's collaboration with Maajid Nawaz, a former extremist, is a powerful example of this. However, the public's perception and acceptance of this transformation can be a challenge. The conversation around cancel culture and honesty versus intent was also discussed, using examples like Norm Macdonald and Megyn Kelly. The use of the N-word in comedy was explored, highlighting the importance of context and understanding. Ultimately, Rogan and Harris emphasized the importance of open-mindedness and dialogue in navigating complex issues. Rogan's podcast has played a significant role in bringing important conversations to the forefront, even if it's uncomfortable at times. It's an interesting time, with both positive and negative implications, and we're all on the front lines of this cultural shift.

    Recent Episodes from The Joe Rogan Experience

    #2171 - Eric Weinstein & Terrence Howard

    #2171 - Eric Weinstein & Terrence Howard
    Eric Weinstein holds a PhD in mathematical physics from Harvard University and is a member of the Galileo Project research team.  www.ericweinstein.org www.geometricunity.org Terrence Howard is an actor of stage and screen, musician, and researcher in the fields of logic and engineering. www.terryslynchpins.com www.tcotlc.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2170 - Max Lugavere

    #2170 - Max Lugavere
    Max Lugavere is a filmmaker, health and science journalist, author, and host of The Genius Life podcast. His debut film Little Empty Boxes is out now. http://littleemptyboxes.com www.maxlugavere.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2169 - Protect Our Parks 12

    #2169 - Protect Our Parks 12
    Shane Gillis, Mark Normand, and Ari Shaffir are stand-up comics, writers, and podcasters. Shane is the co-host of "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast" with Matt McCusker and one half of the sketch comedy duo "Gilly and Keeves" with John McKeever. Watch his new comedy series, "Tires," and special, "Beautiful Dogs" on Netflix. www.shanemgillis.com Mark is the co-host of the podcasts "Tuesdays with Stories" with Joe List and "We Might Be Drunk" with Sam Morril. Watch his latest stand-up special, "Soup to Nuts," on Netflix. www.marknormandcomedy.com Ari is the host of the "You Be Trippin'" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Ari Shaffir: Jew," is available now via YouTube. www.arishaffir.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer
    Tyler Fischer is a stand-up comic, actor, and filmmaker. His latest special, "The Election Special | LIVE at Comedy Mothership," is available now via YouTube. https://youtu.be/FmvJjMGX7hw?si=PyOsFVH4as8HMHBD www.tylerfischer.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh

    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh
    Noland Arbaugh is the first human recipient of Neuralink’s brain-computer interface implant: an innovative new technology that allows him to control digital devices with his thoughts. Noland Arbaugh: https://x.com/ModdedQuad Neuralink www.neuralink.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2166 - Enhanced Games

    #2166 - Enhanced Games
    Christian Angermayer and Dr. Aron D’Souza are the co-founders of the Enhanced Games, an upcoming Olympic-style event that brings together the world’s top athletes to compete without arbitrary bans on performance-enhancing substances.  www.enhanced.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2165 - Jack Carr

    #2165 - Jack Carr
    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2164 - Action Bronson

    #2164 - Action Bronson
    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross
    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Related Episodes

    09 - Get raving fans and increased sales with social media: Five Simple Strategies to help you grow your business and your podcast

    09 - Get raving fans and increased sales with social media: Five Simple Strategies to help you grow your business and your podcast

    In this episode, I give you five simple strategies to get raving fans (that free advertising!) and increase sales on social media.

    Remember to sign up for a free 20-minute consultation to grow your business here or monetize your podcast here.

    Feel free to give me feedback on this or any episode at listener@bonnielfrank.com.

    The #1 reason people have trouble getting raving fans and increasing sales is that they're trying to "do business" on personal social media accounts.

    • Businesses use business accounts on social media.
    • Business accounts offer free metrics (a.k.a. Analytics and Insights) that show you exactly who consumes your content, when they consume it, which posts drive the most traffic and much more!
    • It's easy to create business accounts or change a personal account to a business account (I detail how in the episode).

    You need to provide Calls to Action (CTAs).

    • CTAs are opportunities for your audience to connect with you and "get more" of you through things like free content, a consultation, joining a Facebook group, purchasing your products. 
    • I give two free CTAs in the beginning of the episode: Sign up for a free 20-minute consultation to grow your business and monetize your podcast
    • I then offer another free CTA to join my free Facebook group for more help and loads of free content to grow your business and your podcast.
    • CTAs drive traffic to your website and then your Google Analytics provides you the information about who visits your website, where they come from (search, direct link, podcast, social media, referral, ad, etc.), how they consume the content and more.
    • CTAs help you grow your email list, too.

    You need to provide the copy that compels your target audience to consume your content and take action on your CTAs.

    • You will know exactly what to say, how to say it and where to post when you truly know your Ideal Client Avatar (ICA) and Ideal Podcast Listener (IPL)
    • If your podcast isn't a hobby, your ICA and IPL are the same people. 
    • What words, verbs, phrases are you using?
    • Shorter vs. longer social media posts
    • Single Image vs. Carousel
    • Pre-produced video vs. Livestream
    • Polls vs. Questions in your stories

    You need to know your target audience's behaviors and post on social media when they're on social media.

    • Google Analytics and your social media insights will give you this information.
    • I detail how to do this in the episode.
    • Schedule your social media posts with Buffer, Hootsuite, Post Planner, etc.

    Transparency vs. Authenticity

    • Transparency: Easy to perceive, easy to detect your point of view, what you're like, etc.
    • You do NOT need to disclose your income in order to be "transparent."
    • Authenticity: Genuine, original, how YOU are being YOU.
    • Consistent branding, vibe, and content is part of authenticity.
    • Your authenticity will attract your target audience (as long as you know your ICA and IPL)
    • You need to be able to attract your target audience and convert them organically; putting ad spend behind content does not automatically mean you'll attract and convert your target audience. 

    This week's CHALLENGE: Choose one of the five simple strategies I detail in this episode to really reach out to your audience and deliver value,  get raving fans who advertise for you and increase your sales. It's much easier to increase sales when you're reaching exactly who you want to reach online.

    Are you ready for more business success?  Listen here.

    If you enjoy this week's podcast episode, I'd love it if you would do a few things:

    1. Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Stitcher.

    2. Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts.

    3. Share a screenshot on Instagram stories of you listening to the podcast and tag me @bonnie.frank or @businessfabulouspodcast

    Thank you so much for supporting me! 💕

    I hope you'll listen in and then hop on over and join our Facebook Group here where the discussion continues.

    Podcasts, Sick Days, & Viral Videos

    Podcasts, Sick Days, & Viral Videos
    Published on Feb 23, 2015

    #QOTD: I need a state of the union from you guys on the show. How are you feeling about it? What do you want to see from me? I’d also like a little banter. Accepted topics are the following: the Oscars, my Monday morning video, or being sick. 

    MONDAY VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=...
    SUBMIT A QUESTION: https://www.garyvaynerchuk.com/what-y...

    There is a lot of potential in podcasts. The only reason I'm not all in right now is because I'm too busy. Everybody has to decide their own opportunity costs. For me, I think I over-index on video. I perform better on video. I like video, I like this whole thing.

    But I want to still have a presence on their, so I'm taking the audio of this show and turning into a podcast. I think podcasting is a huge phenomenon. Obviously the smart phone has changed the dynamic; people can take it with them when they run or travel or work out. Other people are listening on their car over blue tooth. It has particularly exploded over the last twenty-four months, especially with Serial being such a big deal. It was big back in 04 and 05, and now it's having a comeback. 

    I'm all about podcasting in its traditional form as an audio experience. To me, there is a huge opportunity that is being missed for a long of people. Let's not forget that audio is much more accessible to a lot of people. Making a video takes a different dimension and skill set, one that I think I own; thus, I use this form to create two pieces of content. I take the audio and turn it into a podcast. Because video comes so naturally to me, that is what I default to. But I want to be aware of the podcast world, so I do what I can to make it work.

    If I had time to do two separate shows, I would. But right now I don't see the ROI of only doing audio in a world where I have so many projects happening. 

    And by the way, Podcast listeners (if you're reading this :) ), please give me your feedback. I want to make sure I'm hearing you and getting feedback.

    < --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

    This is Why You Should Start a Podcast With Katie Piper, Kevin Clifton & Jake Wood [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]

    This is Why You Should Start a Podcast With Katie Piper, Kevin Clifton & Jake Wood [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]

    Have you always wanted to start your own podcast but not sure where to start? Have you worried about whether it will be successful or if you’ll be able to get sponsors? Well, discover today how all this is possible as Rob is joined by three people whose podcasts regularly top the podcasts charts. Discover how they turned their hobby into an income and how you can do the same.



    • Develop your passions into something that can turn into a moneymaker. When you forget about what you think people want and what people will pay for and just do what you want then it will become really popular. If you have an interest in your topic this will come through in your content.

    • When you start your podcast, you may not think you are not very good at interviewing however the more practice you get, the better you will become. A good interviewer makes time for preparation for the guest, listens and gives people the space to talk.

    • Podcasting is an easy passive thing to do, you can listen to it whenever and wherever you like as a form of escapism. People are starting to use podcasts as an easy way to get their personal brand out there. It is an authentic version of reality as opposed to the scripted and structured reality seen on other platforms.

    • Many brands are yet to branch out into podcast advertising and sponsorships. It is about having connections and conversations with brands and not being afraid to be turned down or going back to them a month later with some new ideas. The more you do that, the tide will come and the sponsors will come to you.

    • Your job as a podcaster should be creating great content, getting really good guests and marketing your podcast in as many countries to as many listeners as possible as well as monetising your podcast.



    “Sometimes you're allowed to do your podcast for you.”

    “You get this little window into the casual person.”

    “He probably wouldn’t get the podcast done if it wasn’t for us.”


    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979



    Katie Piper is an English writer, activist, television presenter and model. In March 2008, she was attacked with acid by her ex-boyfriend and an accomplice, causing major damage to her face and blindness in one eye. Piper underwent pioneering surgery to restore her face and vision. Her experience was documented in the 2009 Channel 4 documentary Katie: My Beautiful Face part of the Cutting Edge series. It has subsequently been sold internationally.


    Podcast: Katie Piper’s Extraordinary People


    Jake Wood is an English actor, best known for his roles as Max Branning in EastEnders, as Rodney Trotter's assistant in Only Fools and Horses, and as Kill Crazy in Red Dwarf. In January 2018, Wood started hosting a new boxing podcast, Pound for Pound, with Spencer Oliver.


    Podcast: Pound For Pound (co-host Spencer Oliver)


    Kevin Clifton is an English professional dancer appearing on the BBC series Strictly Come Dancing. On 15 December 2018, Clifton won the sixteenth series of Strictly with his celebrity partner, Stacey Dooley. He announced on 6 March 2020 that he was leaving the show citing that he wanted to focus on “other areas of his career”. As well as taking part in various charity campaigns and visits in his role as a Strictly professional, Kevin is also a patron of the Wheelchair DanceSport Association[26] and the 2014 Dance Prom


    Podcast: The Kevin Clifton Show

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    Musical Theater Nerd Patient Advocates Unite: Jennifer "Jay" Palumbo

    Musical Theater Nerd Patient Advocates Unite: Jennifer "Jay" Palumbo

    On today's quirky show, I welcome Jen Palumbo, an epic human Energizer Bunny who takes a licking and keeps on ticking. Jen is a freelance writer, Forbes contributor, and women's health advocate, specifically for reproductive rights. In a spirited coincidence, it turns out we both went to the same college at the same time, were both Theater people, and have dozens of friends in common. We are ships in the night for sure. As fellow parents of IVF children, we bonded over the current state of the state. And as fellow Binghamton graduates, we bonded over Wegmans, being Theater nerds, and 1990s dorm life in the southern tier. Jen is a true Long Island: loud and proud. Let the hilarity, dark humor, and GenX Therapy begin. Enjoy the show.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Can I Skip A Website And Just Use My Facebook Page For Affiliate Income?

    Can I Skip A Website And Just Use My Facebook Page For Affiliate Income?
    Today’s question comes from Kevin, who asks if he can forgo his website and rely on Facebook for his affiliate income. You can bet I have opinions! Kevin’s site is http://soccerpracticevideos.com/. In this episode, I talk about my buddy, Chris Ducker: http://www.chrisducker.com/; Gary Vaynerchuck: http://garyvaynerchuk.com/; and Tim Ferriss: http://fourhourworkweek.com/podcast/. Do you have a question about Facebook? Record it at http://www.askpat.com/. Today's sponsor is Freshbooks. Go to http://www.GetFreshBooks.com and enter "Ask Pat" for more information. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.