
    135. Spanish politics explained and a deep dive into AI

    enMay 31, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • A lively discussion on various topics including Rafael Behr's book, AI, economy, inflation, Spain, and press regulationAlastair Campbell and Rory Stewart engage in a thought-provoking conversation about current issues, sharing insights from their personal experiences and perspectives.

      During this episode of The Rest is Politics podcast, Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart discussed various topics including Rafael Behr's book "Politics: A Survivor's Guide," artificial intelligence, the economy, inflation, Spain, and press regulation. Campbell expressed his disagreement with Stewart about Behr's book being named nonfiction book of the year instead of his own, leading to a light-hearted banter between them. They also delved into the topics of artificial intelligence, the economy, and press regulation, with Stewart sharing his insights from his time in Japan. Additionally, Campbell mentioned his recent court case appearance related to the investigation into a private investigation firm and the discovery of invoices related to the illegal acquisition of his mortgage and bank account details. Overall, the episode showcased the duo's engaging and insightful discussion on various current issues.

    • Discrepancies in witness testimonies vs. facts in the Leveson inquiry, AI advancementsThe Leveson inquiry highlights the importance of truthfulness under oath, while AI advancements, such as attention, predicting the next token, and embedding, make it more efficient, effective, and contextually aware.

      The ongoing Leveson inquiry has revealed significant discrepancies between witness testimonies given under oath and the actual facts of the case. Meanwhile, in a different context, the advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a topic of interest. The history of AI development dates back to the 1950s, with debates centered around logical modeling and learning through examples. The logical reasoning approach dominated for decades, but the breakthrough came with the learning through example approach, which gained momentum rapidly. Notable advancements include attention, predicting the next token, and embedding. Attention allows AI to focus on specific areas, making it more efficient. Predicting the next token enables AI to learn and understand context, while embedding creates complex maps that help establish relationships between various concepts. The latest developments in AI, such as the transformer paper from Google, have shown promising results in making AI more efficient and effective. However, it's essential to acknowledge that there is still much to learn and understand about this rapidly evolving technology.

    • Understanding the limitations and risks of large language modelsLarge language models like ChatGPT can make errors, including hallucinations, and require human oversight for safe and ethical use. Regulation is crucial to balance benefits and risks.

      While large language models like ChatGPT can learn and produce human-like text quickly, they are not perfect and can make errors, including hallucinations. These models are currently guardrailed and struggling to fully understand complex problems. They are not predicting the next word in a literal sense but rather filling in puzzles and constantly predicting the next word. However, as the amount of data these models are trained on increases, they become more accurate than humans in certain tasks but can still make errors. The goal is to use these models as assistants or copilots, with humans checking their work. Regulation is a pressing issue, with debates ongoing about how to ensure the safe and ethical use of these advanced AI systems. While they have the potential to make fewer errors than humans in certain areas, they can still pose risks, particularly in safety-critical applications like autonomous vehicles. It's essential to strike a balance between harnessing the benefits of AI and mitigating its risks.

    • The Critical Stage of AI Development: Balancing Opportunities and RisksWe must balance the opportunities and risks of AI development through international cooperation, scientific understanding, and ethical considerations.

      We are currently in a critical stage of development with artificial intelligence (AI), where the engineering is outpacing the science, leading to concerns about its potential impact on society. Some argue that we should proceed with caution and fully understand the implications before widespread implementation, while others believe we cannot afford to fall behind and must continue to innovate. The political and ethical implications of AI are significant, and international cooperation and the involvement of scientists and engineers in the discussion are crucial to ensure a responsible and beneficial development of AI. The potential for massive opportunities and risks makes it an urgent issue that requires a balanced approach.

    • Engineers should proactively explain potential AI risks and manageability to policymakersEffective collaboration between engineers and policymakers is crucial to ensure responsible AI development and implementation, addressing potential risks and harnessing benefits, while considering human biases in traditional systems.

      The conversation around AI risks and capabilities often leaves policymakers feeling confused and uncertain, leading to a need for clearer communication from the engineering community. Engineers should proactively identify and explain potential risks and their manageability, rather than dismissing concerns. Additionally, humans and AI have distinct strengths and weaknesses, with humans bringing empathy and understanding that machines lack. As AI continues to advance, it's crucial for both engineers and policymakers to work together to address potential risks and harness the technology's benefits. The discussion also highlighted the importance of understanding the role of human biases in traditional systems, such as the justice system, and considering how AI could potentially improve fairness and reliability. Ultimately, effective collaboration between experts in various fields and policymakers is essential to ensure that AI is developed and implemented in a responsible and beneficial manner.

    • AI's Impact on Mental Power and CreativityAI is revolutionizing industries with its ability to identify correlations and relationships, translate languages, and produce essays, but it's important to consider ethical implications and use it responsibly.

      Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly advancing and is poised to significantly impact our mental power in a way similar to how steam powered the industrial revolution. AI is already producing essays that score high on exams and generating creative responses, though it's not quite there yet in terms of originality and creativity surpassing humans. Some may be concerned about the potential for AI to replace human jobs and creativity, but there are also positive aspects, such as its potential to revolutionize fields like medicine by identifying correlations and relationships that humans might miss. For example, AI could notice that having kidney stones has an impact on life outcomes, leading to new discoveries. AI's ability to translate languages in real-time, as demonstrated by Google Translate, is another example of its potential to make our lives easier and more connected. While there are concerns about the potential risks and ethical considerations, it's clear that AI's positive potential is vast and could lead to significant advancements in various fields. It's important for us to be aware of these developments and consider how we can harness AI's power in a responsible and beneficial way.

    • Harry's Determination to Pursue Old Cases Against Media for Privacy InvasionsPrince Harry is challenging the media in court for past privacy invasions, despite the common argument that these cases are too old. He's determined to hold them accountable for criminal activity, regardless of the Leveson Inquiry's unimplemented recommendations.

      Prince Harry is determined to pursue his case against the media for alleged privacy invasions and criminal activity, unlike previous attempts at press regulation following the phone hacking scandal. Harry's case, which involves Ian Wright and others, is different from past cases as it did not result in any published information. The media's argument that these cases are too old to be pursued in court is being challenged by Harry, who insists on having his day in court. The history of the Leveson Inquiry and its unimplemented recommendations, as well as the culture of criminal activity within certain newspapers, highlights the importance of holding these organizations accountable for their actions.

    • Media ethics and accountability on trialThe ongoing court case against Harry and Meghan could expose widespread criminal activity within the media industry, leading to major settlements and increased scrutiny on media ethics and accountability.

      The ongoing court case against Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could potentially expose widespread criminal activity within the media industry, leading to massive settlements for those affected. The case goes beyond individual settlements and could force media outlets to come clean about their past actions. The speaker, Anthony Scaramucci, who has himself experienced media manipulation and made donations to political campaigns, emphasized the potential implications of this case for media culture. The speaker also discussed his experience giving evidence against the Mirror Group, which he had previously worked for, and the discrepancies between the facts as they were presented at the time and as they have since come to light. The case could potentially uncover a significant amount of information about media ethics and accountability.

    • Understanding Spain's Political LandscapeSpain, a European country with 50 million people, often goes unnoticed in political discussions despite its size and importance. Its Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, may be unfamiliar to many due to lack of media focus. Spain's political history, including figures like Felipe Gonzalez, provides context for current events like snap elections.

      Spain, a major European country with nearly 50 million people and significant connections to other European nations, often goes unnoticed in political discussions. Despite its size and importance, many people may not be familiar with its current political figures, such as Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, due to a lack of media focus. This situation became evident during the 2023 regional elections, which led to Sanchez calling for snap elections on July 23rd. To understand the significance of these events, it's essential to learn about Spain's political history, particularly the influence of figures like Felipe Gonzalez, who dominated Spanish politics from 1982 to 1996. By shedding light on Spain's political landscape, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of European affairs and the complexities of modern democracy. Tune in to The Rest is Politics US podcast for more in-depth discussions on Spanish politics and other global issues.

    • Spain's Political Landscape: More Complex and FragmentedTraditional parties remain strong, but far-left, centrist, and far-right parties have emerged, leading to a fragmented political landscape with a minority coalition and challenges from both the left and right.

      Spain's political landscape has become more complex and fragmented since the transition to democracy in the late 1970s. The traditional left and right parties have remained relatively strong, while far-left, centrist, and far-right parties have emerged. This is in contrast to some European countries where the traditional parties have collapsed. The current political situation is characterized by a minority coalition led by Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, who came to power with the help of far-left parties. Sánchez's coalition faces challenges from both the conservative People's Party (PP) and the far-right Vox party. The political instability is due in part to the lingering effects of the global financial crisis, which led to a housing crisis and banking issues in Spain. The emergence of Vox as a normalized part of the political landscape raises the possibility of it becoming the main party in the future. Overall, Spanish politics is more atomized and unpredictable than it has been in the past.

    • Spain's Complex Political Landscape: Right-wing Parties, Demographic Challenges, and Separatist MovementsRight-wing parties like Vox challenge Spain's political landscape due to immigration and national identity issues. Demographic challenges, including an aging population and heavy migration, fuel political tensions. Separatist movements in Catalonia and the Basque Country add complexity, with controversial parties attempting to participate in elections.

      Spain's political landscape is complex and evolving, with the rise of right-wing parties like Vox, whose stance on immigration and national identity differs from other European countries due to historical and cultural factors. The country's demographic challenges, including an aging population and heavy dependence on migration, add to the political tensions. Another complicating factor is the ongoing issues with separatist movements in Catalonia and the Basque Country. The recent regional elections in the Basque Country saw a controversial party, BILDU, with ties to the disbanded terrorist organization ETA, attempting to participate, causing a heated debate. Meanwhile, the judiciary's appointment process and the current political stalemate are adding to the instability. Overall, Spain's future political direction is uncertain, and the impact of demographic changes and ongoing social issues will continue to shape its political landscape.

    • Political deadlocks and judicial appointments causing issues in Spain and IsraelPolitical stalemates in Spain and Israel over judicial appointments are leading to backlogs and debates, impacting democracy's functioning. Brexit negotiations' impasse regarding Gibraltar's sovereignty could cause chaos. Spain, Italy, and Japan face significant population declines over the next 80 years, with potential economic and political implications.

      Political deadlocks and judicial appointments are causing significant issues in various democratic systems, such as Spain and Israel. The lack of effective judicial systems is leading to backlogs and debates, which in turn affects the functioning of these democracies. Additionally, Brexit negotiations continue to be a contentious issue, specifically regarding the sovereignty of Gibraltar and its relationship with Spain. The ongoing negotiations have resulted in a stalemate, causing potential chaos for the region. Furthermore, a UN report suggests that Spain, along with Italy and Japan, is among the countries that will experience a significant population decline over the next 80 years. These demographic shifts could have significant implications for the global economy and political landscape.

    • Political instability in Spain and UK's inflation and cost of living crisisDespite political instability in Spain and rising inflation and cost of living concerns in the UK, Slovakia's pro-Putin leader is a potential concern for Europe.

      The political instability in Spain continues, with a second vote scheduled for June 25th due to smaller parties refusing to form coalitions. Meanwhile, inflation and the cost of living crisis remain significant issues in the UK, with Jeremy Hunt signaling his support for raising interest rates to combat inflation, even if it could lead to a recession. Inflation, combined with stagnant wages, is a major concern for many Britons, with the UK currently experiencing high inflation rates, according to the Financial Times. The cost of living crisis is also having a significant impact on people's health, with NHS bosses warning of an impending health service crisis due to poverty. Elsewhere, Slovakia is a country to watch, as a pro-Putin leader currently holds a commanding position in the polls. Overall, these economic and political challenges are major concerns for many countries around the world.

    • Japan's Cultural Traditions: A 17-Generation LegacyJapan's rich history and traditions, passed down for generations, offer a unique and enriching travel experience. Preserving traditions and experiencing them firsthand is valuable.

      Japan's rich history and traditions, such as pottery and sweet-making, have been passed down for generations, making it an extraordinary destination for travelers interested in history and culture. The idea of continuing a family business for 17 generations is almost unimaginable in most parts of the world. If you're intrigued by this, Japan is highly recommended for a unique and enriching travel experience. Furthermore, the conversation touched upon the speaker's personal interest in pottery and her desire to learn the craft if she had the time. This shows how deeply Japan's cultural traditions can resonate with people, inspiring a sense of connection and appreciation for the past. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of preserving traditions and the value of experiencing them firsthand.

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    Not financial or tax advice. This channel is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This video is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

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    "Our Society Is Collapsing!" - Here's How To Get Ahead Of 99% Of People | Konstantin Kisin PT 2

    "Our Society Is Collapsing!" - Here's How To Get Ahead Of 99% Of People | Konstantin Kisin PT 2
    We continue part two of a really important conversation with the incredible Konstantin Kisin challenging the status quo and asking the bold questions that need answers if we’re going to navigate these times well.. As we delve into this, we'll also explore why we might need a new set of rules – not just to survive, but to seize opportunities and safely navigate the dangers of our rapidly evolving world. Konstantin Kisin, brings to light some profound insights. He delivers simple statements packed with layers of meaning that we're going to unravel during our discussion: The stark difference between masculinity and power Defining Alpha and Beta males Becoming resilient means being unf*ckable with Buckle up for the conclusion of this episode filled with thought-provoking insights and hard-hitting truths about what it takes to get through hard days and rough times.  Follow Konstantin Kisin: Website: http://konstantinkisin.com/  Twitter: https://twitter.com/KonstantinKisin  Podcast: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/konstantinkisin/  SPONSORS: Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://bit.ly/AG1Impact. Right now, Kajabi is offering a 30-day free trial to start your own business if you go to https://bit.ly/Kajabi-Impact. Head to www.insidetracker.com and use code “IMPACTTHEORY” to get 20% off! Learn a new language and get 55% off at https://bit.ly/BabbelImpact. Try NordVPN risk-free with a 30-day money-back guarantee by going to https://bit.ly/NordVPNImpact Give online therapy a try at https://bit.ly/BetterhelpImpact and get on your way to being your best self. Go to https://bit.ly/PlungeImpact and use code IMPACT to get $150 off your incredible cold plunge tub today. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you. Want to transform your health, sharpen your mindset, improve your relationship, or conquer the business world? This is your epicenter of greatness.  This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. * New episodes delivered ad-free * Unlock the gates to a treasure trove of wisdom from inspiring guests like Andrew Huberman, Mel Robbins, Hal Elrod, Matthew McConaughey, and many, many, more * Exclusive access to Tom’s AMAs, keynote speeches, and suggestions from his personal reading list * You’ll also get access to an 5 additional podcasts with hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, meticulously curated into themed playlists covering health, mindset, business, relationships, and more: *Legendary Mindset: Mindset & Self-Improvement *Money Mindset: Business & Finance *Relationship Theory: Relationships *Health Theory: Mental & Physical Health *Power Ups: Weekly Doses of Short Motivational Quotes  *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    BONUS Episode “Scary Smart” Artificial Intelligence with Mo Gawdat

    BONUS Episode “Scary Smart” Artificial Intelligence with Mo Gawdat

    You might have noticed over the last few episodes that I’ve been keen to discuss subjects slightly leftfield of nutrition and what I’ve traditionally talked about, but fascinating nonetheless. And I hope you as a listener, who’s time and attention I value so greatly, will trust me as I take you on a  bit  of a ride. Because ultimately, I hope you agree that the topics I share are always very important.

    Mo Gawdat, who you may remember from episode #91 Solving Happiness is a person who I cherish and with whom I had a very impactful conversation with, on a personal level. He was the former Chief Business Officer of Google [X], which is Google’s ‘moonshot factory’, author of the international bestselling book ‘Solve for Happy’ and founder of ‘One Billion Happy’. After a long career in tech, Mo made happiness his primary topic of research, diving deeply into literature and conversing on the topic with some of the wisest people in the world on “Slo Mo: A Podcast with Mo Gawdat”.

    Mo is an exquisite writer and speaker with deep expertise of technology as well as a passionate appreciation for the importance of human connection and happiness. He possesses a set of overlapping skills and a breadth of knowledge in the fields of both human psychology and tech which is a rarity. His latest piece of work, a book called “Scary Smart” is a timely prophecy and call to action that puts each of us at the center of designing the future of humanity. I know that sounds intense right? But it’s very true.

    During his time at Google [X], he worked on the world’s most futuristic technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.  During  the  pod he recalls a story of when the penny dropped for him, just a few years ago, and felt compelled to leave his job. And now,  having contributed to AI's development, he feels a sense of duty to inform the public on the implications of this controversial technology and how we navigate the scary and inevitable intrusion of AI as well as who really is in control. Us.

    Today we discuss:

    Pandemic of AI and why the handing COVID is a lesson to learn from

    The difference between collective intelligence, artificial intelligence and super intelligence or Artificial general intelligence 

    How machines started creating and coding other machines 

    The 3 inevitable outcomes - including the fact that AI is here and they will outsmart us

    Machines will become emotional sentient beings with a Superconsciousness 

    To understand this episode you have to submit yourself to accepting that what we are creating is essentially another lifeform. Albeit non-biological, it will have human-like attributes in the way they learn as well as a moral value system which could immeasurably improve the human race as we know it. But our  destiny lies in how we treat and nurture them as our own. Literally like infants with (as strange as it is to  say it) love, compassion, connection and respect.

    Full show notes for this and all other episodes can be found on The Doctor's Kitchen.com website

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.