
    Podcast Summary

    • Find the most comfortable running shoes for minimal injury riskComfort is key for injury prevention, try on various models, consider cushioning based on personal needs, aim for bent knee foot plant, and optimal foot strike varies per individual

      Finding the most comfortable running shoes for you is crucial for minimizing injury risk. Comfort is the key indicator for low injury risk. Try on various models and find the one that feels best for you. However, the level of cushioning depends on your specific needs. If you're dealing with lower leg pain or injury, consider something more cushioned. But if you're dealing with issues in your knees or hips, opt for less cushioning to keep a precise foot plant and reduce impact forces in those areas. The bent knee is essential for proper foot plant absorption, so aim to land with your foot under a bent knee. The history of running shoes includes a shift towards high heel cushioning, but optimal foot strike (heel, midfoot, or forefoot) depends on individual runners' mechanics.

    • Running form and individual body structure impact injury prevention and performance in endurance eventsOptimizing running form and addressing individual body structure can prevent injuries and enhance performance in endurance events. Records can be broken by focusing on training and nutrition tailored to the athlete's needs.

      Running form and individual body structure play a significant role in injury prevention and optimal performance in endurance events. While there are general guidelines, such as avoiding heel striking and pigeon-toed posture, the nuances can vary greatly from person to person. Regarding the discussion about breaking world records, an impressive feat was achieving two world records in one event by running 100 miles in 11 hours, 19 minutes, and 13 seconds, and then continuing to run for an additional 4 hours and 25 minutes to cover a total of 104.88 miles within the 12-hour time frame. The athlete's diet, which includes a high consumption of animal products, was also mentioned as a topic of interest, with the clarification that the athlete does not strictly adhere to a carnivore diet and adjusts nutrient intake based on training demands.

    • Periodize nutrition for optimal elite athlete performanceElite athletes should match their nutrition to training intensity and duration for enhanced performance, with a possible 2:1 glucose-to-fructose ratio during high-intensity workouts.

      Elite athletes like Zach, who periodize their training, should also periodize their nutrition for optimal performance. During high-intensity workouts, a two-to-one ratio of glucose to fructose can enhance performance by maximizing carbohydrate absorption. However, the frequency of using such a ratio depends on the intensity and duration of the workout. For instance, a 60-90 minute easy run may not require carbohydrate intake to make it feel easier since the perceived effort is low. The science behind this concept, known as "train low, race high," is gaining momentum, and researchers like Dr. Mark Bubbs, author of the book "Peak," are exploring its implications. It's essential to understand that this information primarily applies to elite athletes, as the needs of casual exercisers may differ significantly.

    • Training for ultra marathons: Frequent, lower-intensity workouts and ample recoveryElite ultra marathon runners prioritize frequent, lower-intensity workouts and recovery to build strength and reduce injury risk, while focusing on race-specific training as the event approaches.

      Training for endurance events, such as ultra marathons, requires a specific and progressive approach. Unlike the average person running for fitness, elite athletes have different objectives and priorities, including intense training and focusing on race-specific workouts as they get closer to the event. The concept of "micro stressing" or building volume in a sustainable way is crucial to getting stronger and reducing the risk of injury. Elite athletes like Pavel Tsatsouline advocate for frequent, lower-intensity workouts with ample recovery time in between. The benefits of this approach include maintaining strength and endurance even during extended breaks from training. Additionally, race pace in ultra marathons can sometimes be faster than easy runs in training, making the importance of specific and progressive training even more critical.

    • Majority of effort in marathons should be at sub-race paceFocus on endurance training and maintain a sub-race pace during marathons to avoid physical stress and mistakes, using heart rate and perceived exertion as tools to ensure proper intensity.

      During endurance events like marathons, the majority of your effort should be spent at a sub-race pace. This is because the event duration is long, and running too fast can lead to physical stress and potential mistakes that could negatively impact your performance. Marathons require a delicate balance between intensity and sustainability, and even a small mistake in pacing can have significant consequences. When training for a marathon, it's essential to avoid overtraining and instead focus on building a solid base of endurance. Additionally, using a combination of heart rate and perceived exertion can help ensure that you're training at the right intensity and can serve as a reliable compass during the race. Newer running watches, like the Coros Apex, offer user-friendly features that make it easy to track and analyze training data, including heart rate, pace, and perceived exertion.

    • Understanding Perceived Exertion during WorkoutsLogging workout details, preparing adequately for major races, and doing VO2 max workouts can improve perceived exertion understanding, prevent injuries, and enhance overall performance.

      Understanding perceived exertion during workouts can be challenging and subjective, but it's an essential aspect of endurance training. Keeping a training log, including detailed notes, can help athletes learn their body's responses and improve their understanding of perceived exertion. For major races, such as a 100-mile run, athletes should allow adequate time for preparation based on their current fitness level and previous experience. VO2 max workouts, while not directly related to race pace, can help improve overall aerobic efficiency and form. Proper training and preparation can help prevent injuries, such as a stress fracture, which can occur when form is not efficient during high-impact running.

    • Difficulty diagnosing sacrum stress fracturesSubtle symptoms and imaging make sacrum stress fractures hard to diagnose. Rehabilitation exercises may help protect the area and enable continued running.

      A stress fracture in the sacrum, a bone in the lower back, can be difficult to diagnose due to its subtle symptoms and appearance on imaging. The patient in this discussion initially believed they had a sciatic issue and underwent active release therapy and mobility work. However, the pain persisted during running, leading to an MRI that initially showed no signs of injury. It was only after the patient resumed running that the stress fracture was discovered. The mobility and strength work the patient had been doing during their rehabilitation may have played a role in protecting the area and allowing the patient to resume running without pain. The AirDine air runner treadmill, which requires the user to propel the machine with their own effort, can provide additional benefits by making regular running feel easier and improving overall fitness without adding the risk of injury associated with weighted training.

    • Using specialized equipment and training in extreme heat can enhance performance and reduce strainSpecialized equipment like the Atlas pack and extreme heat training in hot yoga or hot environments can improve endurance and overall fitness by distributing weight evenly and stressing the body

      For intense training, particularly for activities like mountaineering or long-distance running, using specialized equipment like the Atlas pack can help distribute weight more evenly and efficiently, improving performance and reducing strain on the back and hips. Additionally, training in extreme heat, such as in hot yoga or high temperatures like in Phoenix, can provide similar benefits to training at altitude by stressing the body and raising core temperature. While there is ongoing research on the specific effects, the general consensus is that these types of training can improve endurance and overall fitness.

    • Staying Hydrated in Hot Desert ClimatesRunners need to plan their routes based on water sources, carry water, and be mindful of hydration needs in hot desert climates.

      Staying hydrated is crucial during runs in hot desert climates, where thirst comes on quickly and frequently. Runners like knowing the location of water sources and planning their routes accordingly. Hydration methods include carrying water in a pack or using smaller flasks, and drinking from public water fountains with caution. Long runs on an indoor track with easily accessible water can make hydration easier. For trail running, carrying a pack with water is necessary for longer distances without potential stops. Overall, being mindful of hydration needs and planning accordingly is essential for running in hot desert environments.

    • Staying Hydrated: Importance of Electrolytes During Physical ActivityStaying hydrated is essential for optimal performance during exercise, especially in hot conditions. Listen to your body and drink when thirsty, but consider using electrolyte supplements, such as Hydro-X, to maintain proper electrolyte levels without overdoing it. Salt your food for additional electrolyte intake.

      Staying hydrated is crucial for optimal performance during physical activity, especially in hot conditions. Neglecting hydration during one session can lead to unpleasant experiences and potential issues in the next session. The speaker recommends listening to one's body and drinking when thirsty, but also using electrolyte supplements, especially in the heat. The speaker uses Hydro-X as his preferred electrolyte supplement, and he emphasizes the importance of maintaining proper electrolyte levels without overdoing it. He also mentions that he salts his food to ensure adequate intake of electrolytes. The speaker has not undergone extensive testing to monitor his electrolyte levels, but he maintains that his levels have always been within normal ranges. The conversation also touches on the debate surrounding the need for electrolyte supplementation during exercise, with some people advocating for salting food instead. The speaker expresses a preference for sea salt, specifically Redmond's Sea Salt, and shares some beliefs about the potential benefits of inland sea salt.

    • The world is ever-changing, as seen in Utah's geological history and the misnomer of Himalayan sea salt.Understand that the world is constantly evolving, and adapt to new information, even if it challenges previous beliefs.

      The world is constantly changing, and nothing is permanent. This was exemplified in the discussion about the geological history of Utah, where areas that are now dry land used to be underwater. Similarly, the name "Himalayan sea salt" is misleading, as the salt does not come from the Himalayan mountains or a sea, but rather from Pakistani rock salt deposits that were once underwater. The discussion also touched upon the benefits of Himalayan salt and the use of a Traeger pellet grill for cooking. Despite the misnomers, both the salt and the grill offer unique advantages. The discussion highlighted the importance of adaptability and the ever-evolving nature of the world around us.

    • Enhance tenderness and flavor of meats with reverse sear and sous videReverse sear and sous vide cooking methods significantly improve meat's tenderness and flavor, particularly wild game. They ensure even cooking and prevent overcooking, offering unique advantages for perfectly cooked meals.

      Cooking methods like reverse sear and sous vide can significantly enhance the tenderness and flavor of meats, particularly wild game. The reverse sear method involves bringing the meat up to temperature slowly from the inside, while sous vide uses a vacuum-sealed bag and precise temperature control to cook the meat evenly. Despite concerns about plastic and potential health risks, both methods are considered safe and widely used in the culinary world. Sous vide is particularly beneficial for preventing overcooking and ensuring consistent results. However, it may feel unusual to cook food in a plastic bag. Ultimately, these methods offer unique advantages for achieving perfectly cooked, tender, and flavorful meals.

    • The ocean faces the threat of large-scale exploitation, similar to past market hunting in North AmericaThe ocean, largely unregulated, faces the threat of depletion of marine life due to large-scale exploitation, echoing the devastating impact of market hunting on North American wildlife in the past.

      The current state of overfishing in the ocean echoes the devastating impact of market hunting on North American wildlife in the past. The ocean, being largely unregulated, faces the threat of large-scale exploitation, leading to the depletion of marine life. The conversation around this issue left the speaker feeling alarmed about the future of the ocean, as the damage inflicted over the past century is comparable to the damage done at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries in North America. Despite the parallels, there seems to be a lack of concerted effort to reintroduce and protect marine life, unlike the steps taken to regulate hunting and reintroduce animals in North America. The ocean, being a connected yet unregulated world, requires urgent attention and action to prevent further damage.

    • Revisiting protein requirements and farming practicesOngoing research explores revising protein RDAs, especially for athletes and elderly, and the impact of regenerative farming practices on soil health and carbon footprint, with mixed results.

      There is ongoing research suggesting that our current Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for protein may need to be revised, particularly for athletes and elderly individuals, as protein plays a more significant role in bone health than previously thought. Additionally, the debate continues on the impact of regenerative farming practices, such as adaptive multi-paddock grazing, on soil health and carbon footprint. While some studies suggest a net carbon neutral or even negative footprint, others present mixed results. It's essential to critically evaluate various sources to gain a clearer understanding of the effectiveness of these practices. Ultimately, the complexity of these issues highlights the need for ongoing research and a nuanced approach to understanding the role of nutrition and farming practices in promoting health and sustainability.

    • Exploring the potential of regenerative farming to sequester more carbon than emittedStudies on specific farms show promise for carbon sequestration, but scalability and replicability in various environments are uncertain. Sustainable farming practices are essential for future generations, regardless of dietary preferences.

      While there are examples of regenerative farming practices, such as the one at White Oak Pastures, that sequester more carbon than they emit, it's important to consider if these results can be replicated on a larger scale and in various environments. The study on White Oak Pastures was initiated by General Mills after they acquired Epic Bar, one of the farm's buyers, who claimed their products were regenerative. The study showed that the farm had a net carbon sequestration, but it's unclear if this can be achieved in other areas due to differences in soil quality and farming practices. Additionally, hydroponic agriculture, which doesn't use soil, is being explored as a potential solution to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture. However, the scalability of this approach is uncertain, as it currently represents a small percentage of the overall agricultural production in the US. Overall, it's crucial to continue researching and implementing sustainable farming practices to ensure we have quality soil for future generations, regardless of dietary preferences.

    • Exploring historical practices and learning from each otherThrough open-minded conversations, we can learn from those with different beliefs and broaden our understanding of nutrition, recognizing that humans are omnivores capable of deriving nutrients from various sources.

      Despite the challenges of adopting a new approach to nutrition, it may be necessary to revert to historical practices and explore what worked before. The speaker's experience with Sean, a polarizing figure in the nutrition world, began with mutual interest in each other's approaches to nutrition, despite their differences in athletic backgrounds and dietary choices. Sean's open-mindedness and curiosity drive their podcast, where they seek answers and ask questions. The speaker acknowledges Sean's tendency to provoke vegans but emphasizes that their interactions are a learning experience. The speaker also shares their skepticism towards extreme diets, like fruitarianism, and the futility of online debates about human nutrition. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes that humans are omnivores, capable of deriving nutrients from various sources, and that our ability to use tools and adapt to our environment sets us apart.

    • Adapting to Different Food Sources and Cooking MethodsThroughout history, humans have adapted to various food sources and cooking methods for survival. Our ability to learn and pass down these discoveries has been crucial to our evolution.

      Human beings have adapted to various food sources and cooking methods throughout history to ensure survival. While some foods can be consumed raw, many require cooking to make them safe and nutritious. For instance, cassava produces cyanide but can be safely consumed after cooking and straining. Similarly, some indigenous tribes have discovered ways to extract nutrients from poisonous potatoes by using clay. These discoveries were made through trial and error and passed down from generation to generation. The ability to adapt to different food sources and cooking methods has been crucial to human survival and evolution. The idea that humans are supposed to be herbivores based on our inability to eat meat with our teeth is a misconception. Humans have learned to use tools to hunt and kill animals, and our bodies have adapted to this diet. The key takeaway is that human nutrition is complex, and it's essential to understand the unique properties and benefits of different foods rather than labeling them as good or bad across the board.

    • Understanding Complex Dietary ChoicesConsider biological variability, historical practices, ethical concerns, sustainability, and long-term commitment when making dietary choices. Explore lab-created meat as an alternative to address ethical concerns and sustainability.

      Dietary choices are complex and influenced by various factors including personal health, ethical considerations, and environmental impact. The discussion highlighted the importance of considering biological variability among humans and the historical use of clay consumption for detoxification. The conversation also touched upon the limitations of current dietary trends and the potential role of lab-created meat in addressing ethical concerns and sustainability. It's important to remember that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to diets, and the key lies in finding a balanced and sustainable solution that works for individuals and society as a whole. Additionally, the conversation emphasized the high dropout rate for vegan diets, which raises questions about long-term commitment and the importance of exploring alternative options.

    • Reconsidering food production and waste managementConsider allowing animals to access food waste and embrace composting to minimize waste and maximize nutrient acquisition

      We need to reconsider our approach to food production and waste management. The discussion highlighted the potential of lab-created meat as a viable alternative to large-scale animal agriculture, but also emphasized the importance of minimizing waste in our current food system. The speaker mentioned a study that found significant amounts of human nutrition are wasted in processing a single deer. However, the concept of waste is relative; if we allow animals to access and utilize what's left, it becomes part of the natural cycle. Instead, we often package and dispose of food waste in landfills, contributing to methane emissions and an unnatural process. To maximize nutrient acquisition and minimize waste, we should consider allowing animals to access food waste and embrace composting as a natural part of the food cycle.

    • Embracing sustainable practices like compostingEncourage children to learn composting, gardening, and other sustainable skills to promote healthier and happier lives, reduce waste, and foster deeper satisfaction and fulfillment.

      Our current ways of handling waste, particularly food waste, and our educational systems could greatly benefit from embracing more sustainable and regenerative practices, such as composting. Instead of following the industrialized cycle of working long hours, consuming excessively, and disposing of waste carelessly, we should encourage children to learn and engage in alternative ways of living that promote healthier and happier lives. This includes teaching them about composting, gardening, and other skills that allow them to connect with nature and cultivate their own food. By doing so, we can help break the cycle of frustration and dissatisfaction that many people experience and foster a deeper sense of satisfaction and fulfillment through working on something they enjoy.

    • Discovering what truly fulfills youExplore unique interests and abilities, find what genuinely fulfills you, and lead a happier life, even if it's unconventional or unprofitable.

      Finding something you enjoy and excel at, rather than focusing solely on making money, is the key to a happier life. Schools and societal norms often push for a one-size-fits-all approach, but everyone has unique interests and abilities. The speaker, an ultra marathon runner, emphasizes the importance of exploring these possibilities and encourages people to seek out what genuinely fulfills them, even if it's unconventional or unprofitable. He believes that by opening up to a wider range of options, we can help people find their passions and ultimately lead happier lives. It's never too late to try new things and discover what truly makes you happy and successful.

    • Exploring personal interests and pushing through challengesExploring personal curiosities and pushing through initial reluctance can lead to feelings of gratitude, satisfaction, and overall improvement.

      Exploring personal curiosities and pushing through challenges, whether it's through coaching, podcasting, or physical training, can lead to feelings of gratitude, satisfaction, and overall improvement. The speaker shares how he finds joy in helping others, podcasting, and pushing past the initial reluctance to work out. He also discusses the importance of developing the habit of pushing through difficult periods and trusting in the process to feel better afterwards. During training, he finds that focusing on specific activities and increasing intensity can lead to significant progress and a sense of flow. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying committed and trusting in the process to reap the rewards.

    • Periodized approach to endurance training for long racesGradually build up fitness through various workouts, maintain aerobic base, allow for rest and recovery, approach long runs as training tools, and recognize peak fitness level for optimal performance

      Effective endurance training for long races, such as a 100-mile event, involves a periodized approach. This means gradually building up fitness through various types of workouts, starting with shorter, faster intervals and gradually moving towards longer, slower workouts that are more specific to the race. It's important to maintain a good aerobic base year-round but also allow for periods of rest and recovery to avoid burnout. Long runs, while important, should be approached as training tools rather than all-out races. The length of a long run can vary, but for a 100-mile race, runs up to 8 hours may be beneficial. Recognizing one's peak fitness level and knowing when to back off is also crucial for avoiding overtraining and ensuring optimal performance during the race.

    • Ultra marathoning: The World of Dedicated RunnersUltra marathoners like Jim Walmsley and Jared Hazen push their limits with rigorous training, setting impressive records on challenging courses. Inspiring feats include the 3,100-mile San Francisco to New York route.

      Ultra marathoning showcases the extraordinary abilities of dedicated runners like Jim Walmsley and Jared Hazen, who have set impressive records on challenging courses. Walmsley, considered one of the best ultra marathoners in North America, trains rigorously, sometimes reaching 150 miles a week with 30,000 feet of climbing and descending. His training partner, Hazen, is often overlooked but has impressive achievements, finishing second to Walmsley in the Western States 100 race and pushing him to break the course record. Ultra marathoning offers a wide range of challenges, from 50k races with steep climbs and descents to six-day events on a 400-meter track. Aspiring ultra marathoners might be inspired by these athletes and their records, such as the 3,100-mile route from San Francisco to New York, which has been completed by notable runners like Pete Kohnick. Preparation for such a feat requires extensive planning and dedication.

    • Endurance Running: The Power of Mental and Physical Preparation and Team SupportMental and physical preparation, along with team support, are crucial for endurance running success. Inspiration can be drawn from individuals like Eddie Izzard, who completed marathons with determination despite lack of proper training.

      Endurance running, especially over long distances, requires a tremendous amount of mental and physical preparation, as well as the support of a strong team. Mitch, who aims to finish a marathon in under 4 hours 59 minutes, expressed his apprehension about a potential ultra-marathon due to his lack of experience. Eddie Izzard, a comedian known for his impressive feats of endurance running, serves as an inspiration. Izzard completed multiple marathons in a short time frame, often without proper training, demonstrating the power of sheer will and determination. Mitch plans to give back by participating in a sponsored run, recognizing the community aspect of endurance sports and the importance of having a support system.

    • An Inspiring Life Dedicated to Helping OthersJustin Ren's story of overcoming personal challenges and continuing to make a difference inspires us to be selfless and committed to helping others, despite our own obstacles.

      Justin Ren is an exceptional individual who dedicates his life to helping others, despite facing significant personal challenges. His inspiring story of overcoming bullying and continuing to make a difference despite health issues serves as a powerful example for those seeking to make a positive impact on the world. Despite his selflessness and determination, Ren remains under the radar, and it is crucial to spread awareness of his work with wells, farms, and anti-bullying initiatives. His unwavering commitment to helping others, without any ulterior motives, sets him apart as a potential role model for leadership in today's climate. When we encounter individuals like Ren, it becomes clear that their stories and actions can provide valuable guidance and motivation for those seeking to make a difference.

    • Friend Justin's selfless impact despite personal strugglesSelflessness, resilience, and determination can lead to remarkable impacts on the world, even amid personal health challenges. The power of kindness and compassion can inspire change and create positive ripple effects.

      Selflessness and resilience can lead to remarkable impacts on the world, even in the face of personal hardships. The discussion revolves around a friend of Joe Rogan's named Justin, a world-class mixed martial artist from the Congo, who despite dealing with health issues and the unknown effects of a parasite, continues to dedicate his time and resources to helping those in need. His story serves as a reminder of the power of kindness, compassion, and determination, especially in the face of adversity. Moreover, the conversation highlights the complexities of the human body and the unintended side effects of antibiotics. It's a fascinating exploration of the interconnectedness of our health and the ecosystems within which we live. The discussion also touches upon the importance of community and the ripple effect of positive actions, as evidenced by the alliance between Justin and Cash App, which has raised significant funds for building wells in the Congo. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of focusing on the greater good, even when faced with personal challenges, and the transformative power of turning pain and hardship into opportunities for growth and giving.

    • Running records and human enduranceA friend's record-breaking run faces weather challenges, but stories of determined runners like Pete Kosling inspire us to push beyond limits

      Humans are capable of extraordinary feats when it comes to physical endurance. A friend of the speaker is planning to break the record for running from San Francisco to New York, but the biggest challenge is finding the optimal timeframe to avoid extreme weather conditions. The speaker shares the story of Pete Kosling, who not only holds the record for running from San Francisco to New York, but also ran from Alaska to Florida with a baby stroller. Pete averaged 50 miles a day and documented his journey on Strava. The speaker admires Pete's determination and resilience, and it serves as a reminder that people are capable of more than we think. The ideal timeframe for the record-breaking run is late summer or early fall, as it allows for moderate temperatures and avoidance of winter and the worst part of summer. The speaker plans to reach out to Pete for insights and inspiration.

    • Planning a Transcontinental Walk: Determination, Perseverance, and Proper NutritionPlanning a transcontinental walk involves logistics, resources, and personal commitments, showcasing determination and perseverance. Cheating and verification issues persist, necessitating innovative solutions like video recording. Proper nutrition, especially on strict diets, is essential for endurance.

      Planning and preparing for a transcontinental walk is a significant undertaking that requires careful consideration of logistics, resources, and personal commitments. The historical context of long-distance walking as a spectator sport highlights the determination and perseverance required to complete such a journey. Helga and Clara's story illustrates the challenges of proving one's accomplishment and the importance of documentation. Modern-day walkers face similar issues with cheating and verification, making innovative solutions like video recording essential. Additionally, proper nutrition plays a crucial role in endurance events, and a strict ketogenic or zero-carb diet may impact one's ability to burn exogenous glucose. Overall, embarking on a transcontinental walk requires extensive planning, dedication, and a solid understanding of one's nutritional needs.

    • Ultrarunner Zach Bitter plans 72-hour zero-carb runAn ultrarunner aims to complete a 72-hour run on a zero-carb diet, recognizing the benefits of fat-adaptation for low-intensity events, but acknowledges potential challenges and seeks expert advice.

      The body's ability to utilize glucose can be downregulated during a prolonged low-carb or ketogenic diet, making it difficult to consume large amounts of exogenous glucose during endurance events. Zach Bitter, an ultrarunner, is planning to attempt a 72-hour run on a zero-carb diet to raise awareness for a charity. He believes that being as fat-adapted as possible would be beneficial for his low-intensity run, and he plans to consume a lot of fat and protein. However, he acknowledges that he may need to adjust his plan along the way. Dom Daugascino, a scientist and power athlete who is also ketogenic, could be a valuable resource for Zach's attempt. The record for the longest treadmill run on a zero-carb diet is 70 miles, and Zach plans to target a 12 to 14 hour window each day to refuel and sleep. He is open to sharing his social media channels for support.

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    There are some people who absolutely love running, and others who flee screaming from it. They hate how it feels, and they think it's a poor form of exercise because it overly stresses the body, causes tons of injuries, and doesn't even help you lose weight. Right?
    Are these objections accurate? Today I talk with competitive runner Jason Fitzgerald to get his answers. Jason is a USA Track and Field certified coach and has finished in first place in marathons and obstacle course races across the country. He’s also the owner of Strength Running.
    Today on the podcast, Jason and I discuss some of the myths about long-distance running that keep people away from the sport, why runners often neglect strength training (but shouldn't), and what programming should look like when first starting out with running, as well as when you want to get more competitive.

    Small changes that have a big impact on your running performance

    Small changes that have a big impact on your running performance

    There’s a lot of information out there about how to improve your running performance, but it can be overwhelming trying to figure out what to trust and how to fit this all in with your busy lifestyle.

    It would be great if we could spend the whole day training and recovering like the elites but for most of us, the reality is that we need to fit training around other priorities such as jobs, family, social obligations, and more. 

    That’s why we’ve brought on two of our expert coaches, Alex and Andie, to chat with showrunner Cory about what small changes you can make that have the biggest impact on running performance. 

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • The workouts and strategies that serve as the foundation for optimal training
    • The nutrition tweak that has the biggest impact on performance
    • The single most important recovery tool that you should never skip
    • And a recap of the other variables that have the biggest impact on performance relative to the time and effort required 

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    This week’s show brought to you by:


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    Chris Hauth: Building Better Athletes, Training For Optimal Performance & Achieving Fitness For Life

    Chris Hauth: Building Better Athletes, Training For Optimal Performance & Achieving Fitness For Life
    This week marks the highly anticipated return of Chris Hauth to the podcast. A sub-9 hour Ironman, Chris (@AIMPCoach) is the current Age Group Ironman World Champion, a former Olympic Swimmer and one of the world's most respected endurance coaches. In 2006, Chris won the Ironman Coeur D’Alene and went on to be the first American amateur & 4th overall American at the Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii. When he's not training and racing, Chris expertly coaches a wide spectrum of amateur and elite professional athletes across a variety of disciplines, including Ironman and Western States top finishers, Ultraman winners and myriad swimmers towards age group nationals and Olympic Trials. My relationship with Chris began in 2008. A coach/athlete mentorship turned friendship that profoundly and forever altered the trajectory of my life. Brilliantly guiding me through three Ultraman World Championships ('08, '09 & '11) as well as EPIC5 in 2010, my debt of gratitude for Chris' tutelage cannot be overstated. Simply put, I could have never achieved the level of athletic success I have enjoyed without his deft counsel, which has been instrumental in maximizing my potential as an athlete and bettering me as a human being. Today I am pleased to share his wisdom with you. This is a general conversation about Chris' evolving philosophy on training, racing and life. It's also a granular and technical masterclass on optimal training protocols, the common mistakes most athletes make, the approach and mindset required to break the glass ceiling on potential, and how to effectively balance performance goals against general health and well-being. But at it's core, this is a conversation about multi-sport as a crucible for self-awareness and growth. Endurance sports as metaphor for life.  We cover a lot of ground in this conversation, including: * Chris’ training & racing philosophy * aerobic vs. anaerobic training * the benefits of calculated progression * pros & cons of external monitors/trackers * race plan execution * prioritizing core strength * strategies for optimizing recovery  * the facts on fad dieting and fitness nutrition * striking the proper balance between performance & general health * overcoming adversity through mental & physical fitness, and * the imperative of fitness for life I have an inkling this episode will leave you wanting to hear more about Chris' story and philosophy. If so, check out RRP #21 — our first podcast exchange back in the early days of the program. Then check out his website AIMPCoaching and let him know what you think on Twitter at @AIMPCoach. Still have questions for Chris? Shoot him an e-mail at chris@aimpcoaching.com (Chris – you might regret sharing your e-mail here!) I sincerely hope you enjoy the exchange. Peace + Plants, Rich

    Episode 236: KONA - Evolution of the Pro Performance (An IRONMAN Master Coach Insight)

    Episode 236: KONA - Evolution of the Pro Performance (An IRONMAN Master Coach Insight)

    With the Hawaii IRONMAN World Championships looming, one can’t help but wonder about the level of performance to expect from an ever-growing field of high-performance athletes whose athleticism seems to trend upward every year.

    Beyond Kona, professional triathlon has witnessed performance and endurance levels rise and the makeup of endurance athletes shift based on the growing demands and expectations of the sport.

    In today’s episode of the Purple Patch Podcast, IRONMAN master coach Matt Dixon uses his experience as both an athlete and coach to examine the shift over the past few decades in the athletic approach to training, nutrition, recovery, and all the elements needed to perform at the professional level in today’s triathlon landscape.

    Matt takes a look at the future of Professional Triathlon through the lens of its past by highlighting 6 main principles he has observed around the changing of the sport.

    • The Application of Science: Improved access and understanding of scientific data for optimal training and recovery.

    (34:03) "We have seen over the last five to ten years, a wonderful marrying of coaching, experimentation, research and applied research on the fly, or with a collaboration to accelerate learning of what truly works, and perhaps most importantly, what doesn't work. There has been a radical increase in the understanding of what it takes to achieve performance improvements."

    • Triathlon as a First Sport: Early exposure and focus on a multisport approach.

    (37:28) "In the last few years, we genuinely are starting to see athletes that grew up as triathletes. It was their first real elite experience. And with this, we started to see the average age of world-class being dramatically reduced."

    • Perceptions of Possibility: the elevation of athletic performance through breakthrough individual performances in all three disciplines.

    (39:58) "There is simply no place for being a weak bike rider. You cannot excel without being a great runner. And you also have to ultimately swim at or very, very close to the world-class level in swimming. It's a prerequisite now."

    • Evolving Nutrition and Fueling: The evolution of science and approach in stabilizing energy, predicting performance levels, and improving recovery.

    (44:41) "this has proved to be a genuine and serious performance paradigm shift, particularly in long course racing, those that are benefiting from it, they're bonking less and experiencing less gastric distress."

    • Advancements in Equipment Technology: The radical increase and optimization of technologically advanced triathlon equipment.

    (47:05) "Gimmicks are less dominant now. There's a smarter filter going on. And the access to all of this equipment is much more democratic."

    • Structure of the Sport: The shift in race format and approach by the Professional Triathletes Organisation.

    (49:29) "The race formats and the structure has elevated the required range of participating pros. And I predict that this is only going to accelerate over the next three, four, or five years. What it means to be a serious professional triathlete is going to change."

    The aim of this episode is to shape your expectations and performance levels based on an understanding of what it means, and what it takes, to deliver a world-class triathlon performance.

    Episode Timestamps

    00:00 - 03:38 - Welcome and Episode Introduction

    03:45 - Episode 236: Evolution of the Pro Performance - an IRONMAN Master Coach Insight

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