
    Chris Hauth: Building Better Athletes, Training For Optimal Performance & Achieving Fitness For Life

    enNovember 14, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Listening to your body for optimal training, nutrition, and healthy livingBeing attuned to your body's signals can provide valuable insights for training and nutrition, enhance performance with quality products, and lead to health benefits from an alcohol-free lifestyle.

      Listening to your body is crucial for optimal training, nutrition, and overall healthy living. As Chris Hauth, a current age group Ironman world champion and top endurance coach, emphasizes, being present and attuned to your body's signals can provide valuable insights and answers from both a nutritional and training perspective. This skill, which Chris has honed through his own experiences and guiding various athletes, is essential for achieving peak performance and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, investing in high-quality products and apparel, such as Momentous' plant-based protein and On's premium fabrics, can significantly enhance performance and recovery. Lastly, embracing an alcohol-free lifestyle, as exemplified by Go Brewing's NA beer options, can lead to numerous benefits, including improved sleep, energy, and focus.

    • Insights from Chris Heath on Endurance Training and RacingEmphasize core strength, effective race planning, optimized recovery through sleep and nutrition, and mental and physical resilience.

      Chris Heath, a coach who has significantly impacted Rich Roll's athletic journey, shares valuable insights on endurance training and racing philosophy. Go Brewing, a company specializing in delicious alcohol-free craft brews, was also introduced, offering impressive small-batch options for those seeking healthier alternatives. During this conversation, Chris discusses his training methods and philosophies, which have evolved over the years. He emphasizes the importance of core strength, executing race plans effectively, optimizing recoveries through sleep and nutrition, and overcoming adversity through mental and physical fitness. For those interested in learning more about Chris, you can visit aimcoaching.com and follow him on Twitter at @aimcoach. As a token of appreciation, use the code "richroll" for a 15% discount on your first purchase at gobrewing.com. This conversation not only provides insights into endurance training but also highlights the importance of mentors and the growth that comes from shared experiences.

    • Endurance training requires a different mindsetTo succeed in endurance sports, focus on low-intensity, long-duration training to build an aerobic foundation and prepare mentally for the rigors of the event.

      The approach to training for endurance sports requires a different mindset and training methods compared to traditional high-intensity sports. Instead of focusing on going hard all the time, endurance athletes need to build an aerobic foundation through low-intensity, long-duration training. Aerobic training, which is based on using fat as an energy source, is essential for endurance events as it allows the body to work efficiently over long periods. Additionally, mental preparation is crucial in ultra endurance training, which can involve slow progression in volume to help the body and mind adapt to the rigors of the event. The key to success in endurance sports lies in understanding and embracing this different approach to training.

    • Building a healthy foundation for endurance trainingMaintain a healthy body to build load consistently, learn about your body, and progress without interruptions through effective communication, rest, nutrition, and self-discipline. Aerobic training enhances body efficiency and endurance by utilizing fat as fuel and increasing mitochondrial density.

      Successful endurance training relies on a healthy and injury-free body. This foundation allows athletes to build load consistently, learn about their bodies, and progress without interruptions. Communication between the athlete, coach, and body is crucial for understanding the body's needs and adjusting training accordingly. Progression isn't always about pushing harder; it also includes rest, nutrition, and self-discipline. Aerobic training focuses on body efficiency, utilizing fat as fuel, and increasing mitochondrial density, while understanding the differences in development rates between various body systems.

    • Training for Endurance Events: A Long-Term ApproachInvest in a long-term approach to endurance training, prioritize gradual progression, and seek coaching support to set realistic goals and adjust plans as needed. Utilize proper tools like heart rate monitors to enhance training experience.

      Training for endurance events requires a long-term approach that prioritizes gradual progression and adequate preparation for the body. Rushing into training without proper foundation can lead to injury and disappointment. Coaching plays a crucial role in helping athletes set realistic goals and adjusting plans as needed. The journey towards endurance sports is not just about the event itself, but also about personal growth and learning. It's essential to support athletes in their goals, even if they seem unrealistic at first, and help them discover their potential along the way. When starting a training program, investing in proper tools like heart rate monitors and understanding individual training zones can significantly enhance the training experience.

    • Balancing Data and Feel for Optimal Athletic PerformanceEffective training includes both structured data and unstructured feel to optimize athletic performance. Understanding your body and listening to it is crucial for new athletes, while tools like heart rate zones and power meters help prevent overexertion for some.

      Effective training for athletic performance involves a balance between structured training with tools like heart rate zones and power meters, and unstructured training that allows athletes to connect with their bodies and feel what's happening. Heart rate zones can be helpful for some athletes to prevent overexertion, but others may prefer to focus solely on feel and progress measurement through experience. For new athletes, understanding their bodies and learning to listen to them is an essential part of the process. While tools like Strava can be useful for tracking progress and connecting with others, they can also distract from the feel aspect of training and lead to disappointment if not used correctly. Ultimately, it's essential to find the right balance between data and feel to optimize athletic performance.

    • Understanding body and finding right balance for endurance trainingObserving progress, response to workouts, and paying attention to injuries and feelings can help determine the best approach to endurance training for injury-free and healthy performance.

      Effective training for endurance events requires understanding one's body and finding the right balance between volume and intensity. The speaker shares his personal experience of how he responded better to high volume, low intensity training compared to high intensity, shorter workouts. However, everyone is different, and determining which approach suits an individual requires observation of progress and response to workouts. Paying attention to injuries, feelings of sickness or soreness, and phases of feeling great can help identify if something is off. Ultimately, building a strong foundation through aerobic training is crucial for injury-free and healthy performance. Coaches and experts, like Simon Hill and Amanda de Cadenet, can provide valuable insights and guidance in this journey.

    • Building Base Fitness for Ultra Endurance EventsTo succeed in ultra endurance events, first focus on building a solid base fitness, then shift to event-specific training, and prioritize mental fortitude.

      For ultra endurance events, having the necessary base fitness is crucial before focusing on event-specific training. This base fitness ensures the athlete can handle the volume and come out healthy. Once the athlete can complete the distance, the focus shifts to making it faster. The training approach has evolved to be more balanced and feel-driven, with more emphasis on the athlete's input and understanding of their body. Additionally, mental training has become increasingly important in ultra endurance sports, where mental fortitude is key to overcoming adversity during long events. Embracing the challenges during training and building mental resilience can lead to success on race day.

    • Identifying and closing performance gaps during endurance eventsDuring endurance events, mental and physical exhaustion reveals areas for improvement, requiring confidence, adaptability, and mental resilience. Coaching, training, and recovery are ongoing processes.

      The real training and learning happen when we're physically and mentally exhausted during our endurance events. This is when we can identify the gaps between our potential and actual performance, and work to close that gap. It's important to have confidence in our fitness and our race plan, and to practice dealing with challenges and setbacks. Mindfulness techniques, meditation, and visualization exercises can also help build mental resilience for race day. Coaching and training are ongoing processes, and no two plans are ever the same. Recovery is crucial, with sleep being a top priority. Overall, it's essential to approach endurance events with a curious and adaptive mindset, and to trust the process of progressing and growing as an athlete.

    • The Importance of Proper Recovery for AthletesTimely nutrition, adequate sleep, and individualized diets are crucial for athlete health, injury prevention, and progress. Efficiency of fat burning in aerobic zone may depend more on training demands than specific foods consumed.

      Proper recovery, including timely nutrition after workouts and adequate sleep, plays a crucial role in the health, injury prevention, and progress of athletes. The conversation also touched upon the importance of individualized diets based on personal training needs and age, with a note of caution against drastic diet changes for ultra-endurance athletes who require consistent performance over long periods. The efficiency of fat burning in the aerobic zone was discussed, with the idea that training demands may have a greater impact on the type of fuel used than the specific foods consumed. The low carb, higher fat diet was mentioned as a potential tool, but its long-term applicability was questioned due to the unique demands of ultra-endurance athletics.

    • Understanding individual nutrition needs in ultra endurance eventsFind a balance between performance and overall health through individualized nutrition strategies, including fruits, vegetables, normal food, gels, and bars, and be adaptable to changing needs.

      Nutrition plays a crucial role in ultra endurance events, and it's essential to listen to your body to determine what works best for you. Fruits and vegetables can provide necessary carbs and sugars, and normal food is often the best fuel for long races. However, some athletes may not absorb processed foods well, and gels and bars have their place for quick energy boosts. The key is finding a balance between performance and overall health. Nutrition needs can change over time and with different conditions, so athletes must be adaptable and open to making adjustments. Elite athletes have experienced nutrition challenges, even at major events, highlighting the importance of ongoing experimentation and learning. Ultimately, the goal is to find a sustainable nutrition strategy that supports both short-term performance and long-term health.

    • The Importance of Mental and Physical Fitness in Overcoming AdversityMental and physical fitness are essential for effective decision making and handling adversity in high-pressure situations. SEALs emphasize the importance of both for success in their training, and an Ironman winner's experience highlights the impact of dehydration on performance.

      Maintaining both physical and mental fitness is crucial for overcoming adversity and making critical decisions, especially in high-pressure situations. This was evident in the story of an Ironman winner who suffered from dehydration during the race and in the training methods of SEALs. Despite their strength and special training, the SEALs emphasized the importance of mental and aerobic fitness for handling adversity effectively. For leaders, it's essential to be aware of their team's mental and emotional state and to help them develop mental and physical resilience. The ability to stay present and make informed decisions under stress can be the difference between success and failure, and even life and death in some cases. This concept of mind-body connection and the confidence it brings is crucial for anyone looking to excel in their field or personal goals.

    • Endurance athlete embraces mental challenges in ultra-distance racesEndurance athletes, like [Name], find unique self-discovery through mentally challenging ultra-distance races, despite physical pain and fatigue.

      Endurance athlete and coach, [Name], maintains his enthusiasm for athletics by embracing new challenges and the mental toughness required in ultra-distance races. Despite a successful career as a pro triathlete and Ironman competitor, he continues to push himself with events like the 100-miler. The latest challenge, Wasatch 100, tested his mental fortitude, but he hopes for a more mentally taxing experience in the future. The raw, mental challenge of enduring physical pain and fatigue is what draws him to these extreme events, providing a unique and valuable self-discovery experience.

    • Distinct differences between Ironman races and ultra runsIronman races are more tactical and competitive, while ultra runs rely on individual endurance and navigation skills. Masters athletes can adapt to unique challenges, emphasizing the importance of 'life fitness' in endurance training.

      Endurance events, such as Ironman races and ultra runs, while sharing some similarities, have distinct differences. Ironman races have become more tactical and competitive, pitting athletes against each other, while ultra runs still largely rely on individual endurance and navigation skills. Additionally, the level of endurance fitness built over years allows masters athletes to embrace unique challenges and experiences, demonstrating the importance of "life fitness." This flexibility to adapt and take on various challenges keeps endurance training engaging and invigorating, even on days when motivation is low.

    • The Importance of Community and Support in Endurance RunningTraining with a clear outcome, proper intensity on hard and easy days, and a supportive community are crucial for successful endurance running.

      Endurance running, such as completing a 100-mile race, is not just about the physical accomplishment for some athletes. It's about the adventure and the connections made with friends and fellow athletes. Chris, a coach and endurance athlete himself, emphasizes the importance of having a supportive crew and understanding the struggles and setbacks that athletes face. He believes in coaching with honesty and expects dedication from those he trains. A common mistake among athletes, according to Chris, is not training with a clear outcome in mind and not adhering to proper training intensity on hard and easy days. Additionally, taking excessive time off during the off-season can hinder progress and make it more challenging to regain fitness.

    • Consistent training and focusing on improvements are keyConsistent training and focusing on weaknesses leads to progress, not just yardage or race results. Cross training and listening to your body are important for overall fitness and injury prevention.

      Maintaining a consistent training routine and focusing on improving weaknesses, rather than just focusing on getting in yardage, are key to making the most of your fitness journey. It's important to remember that swimming, especially for triathletes, may not be the best use of your time if you're not seeing significant improvement. Additionally, signing up for events that aren't realistic in your current lifestyle can lead to frustration and anxiety. Cross training, such as strength training and yoga, can help improve overall fitness and prevent injuries. Remember, the goal is progress, not just yardage or a specific race result. It's important to listen to your body and adjust your training accordingly.

    • The Power of a Strong Core in Endurance SportsConsistently practicing core exercises leads to improved form, power generation, and injury prevention in endurance sports. Everyone can benefit from core workouts, regardless of fitness level or goals.

      Maintaining a strong core is essential for optimal performance in endurance sports and overall well-being. The speaker shared how they had neglected their core workouts for some time but noticed a significant difference in their form, power generation, and injury prevention when they consistently practiced core exercises. They also emphasized that everyone, regardless of their fitness level or goals, can benefit from core workouts. The speaker's personal journey in ultra-endurance sports led them to self-discovery and a newfound motivation to help others, but they acknowledged the challenge of finding a fitness routine that fits into their busy lifestyle. They shared how they've learned to prioritize their workouts and space them out to avoid injury and burnout. Ultimately, the importance of a strong core and the benefits of consistent exercise were key takeaways from their conversation.

    • Moving Beyond Past AchievementsRecognize growth and evolve, find new ways to serve and inspire, and prioritize self-care.

      Focusing on the past and trying to recreate past achievements in training or life can be a hindrance to growth. It's important to recognize how much we've grown and evolved since then and find new ways to serve and inspire others while also taking care of ourselves. The speaker, for instance, has moved beyond being just a plant-based endurance athlete and has become an advocate and a source of knowledge and inspiration for many. However, the speaker also acknowledges the challenge of balancing various responsibilities and finding the best way to serve the most people while also taking care of themselves. It's a reminder that serving others starts with taking care of oneself and that it's never too late to learn and grow.

    • Transforming Endurance Events into Personal AdventuresApproach endurance events as personal adventures, find balance, integrate growth, stay motivated with accountability, and enjoy the relationships formed along the way.

      Approaching endurance events as an obsession may not be sustainable or necessary for everyone. Instead, creating a self-styled adventure that integrates personal messages and growth can lead to a more fulfilling experience. This approach allows endurance events to become an integral part of one's life, rather than a dualistic experience. Additionally, having accountability through a coach or community can help individuals stay motivated and on track towards their goals. The ultimate prize goes to the person who slows down the least, but it's essential to find a balance between pushing oneself and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The variety of fitness and endurance activities can lead to new and exciting challenges, and the relationships formed along the way can be just as rewarding as the physical achievements.

    • Focus on consistency and progression, not perfectionDo something active daily, focus on gradual improvement, and don't get discouraged by setbacks. Set realistic goals and make fitness a part of daily life.

      Starting a fitness journey, no matter the size or the goal, requires consistency and progression over perfection. The speaker emphasizes the importance of doing something active every day, no matter how small, and focusing on gradual improvement rather than striving for perfection. He also mentions the importance of moving forward and not getting discouraged by missed workouts or setbacks. For those starting out, he suggests setting realistic goals and making fitness a part of daily life, focusing on the joy and fun of the experience rather than the end result.

    • Embrace the journey of fitnessFitness is a rewarding process of self-discovery and growth, beyond just health and longevity.

      Fitness is a journey of self-discovery and a way to feel alive, despite the challenges that come with it. The rewards go beyond the end goal of health and longevity; they are found in the process of embracing the journey and learning to enjoy the experience. Finding a challenge and making it happen is key to unlocking the full potential of one's body and mind. To connect with Chris, follow him on Twitter @aimpcoach or visit his website aimcoaching.com. He is always open to helping people move forward, regardless of their goals. Remember, it's not just about the finish line, but the process of learning and growing as an athlete, person, and human being.

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    Ozempic: Weight Loss Miracle Drug or Something Darker? Johann Hari on The Benefits & Risks

    Ozempic: Weight Loss Miracle Drug or Something Darker? Johann Hari on The Benefits & Risks
    This week, I’m joined by Johann Hari, New York Times bestselling author, journalist, and speaker, to explore his journey into the world of the new weight loss drug phenomenon: Ozempic. Johann shares his surprising firsthand experience injecting himself weekly with the drug for over a year, leading to dramatic weight loss but also complex side effects. We discuss the staggering potential of these “magic pills” to curb the global obesity epidemic, but also the alarming risks like thyroid cancer, pancreatitis, and muscle wasting. Johann provides a nuanced look at the bigger picture—examining the role of pharmaceutical profit, societal pressures around body image, and whether medicalizing thinness addresses root causes. His investigation stretches from the science labs of Iceland to the food culture of Japan. This discussion ultimately confronts sobering philosophical questions about the ethics of pharmaceutical shortcuts versus growth through struggle. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: InsideTracker: Use code RICHROLL at checkout and enjoy 10% OFF the InsideTracker Subscription and any plan 👉insidetracker.com/richroll Seed: Use code RICHROLL25 for 25% OFF your first order  👉seed.com/RichRoll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine, along with 20% OFF all of my favorite products 👉livemomentous.com/richroll Squarespace: Use the offer code RichRoll to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain 👉Squarespace.com/RichRoll  Peak Design: 20% OFF thoughtfully designed carry solutions 👉PeakDesign.com/RICHROLL SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 23, 2024

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    Episode 247: Resetting the Barometer of Success - The Right Goals for the Biggest Gains in 2023

    Episode 247: Resetting the Barometer of Success - The Right Goals for the Biggest Gains in 2023

    What does success look like to you in the coming year? For many athletes, the answer to that question is often anchored in a single metric: Speed.

    We all want success, hope to get faster, and want to improve, but without a focused approach, it’s easy to lose sight of what you’re trying to achieve and how to achieve it. The dogged pursuit of a faster finish can lead to frustration and even injury, but taking a step back to see the bigger picture can help accelerate your progress and unlock the right training recipe for you.

    With a new year looming, now is the time to reframe your goals and define success. In today’s episode, Matt outlines how to broaden your perspective in order to reset your barometer of success and identify the right goals for you to hit your biggest performance gains next season.

    (2:05) "When we think about training for something, it's natural for athletes to just get drawn into faster, faster, faster, qualification, podiums, wins, whatever the metric might be... But what if we broaden our perspective on what this journey is all about? How about we think about a different way of progression, one in which you can always feel rewarded, you can always get something out of the effort that you put in, you can feel like you're progressing? Oh, and on top of it, ultimately, you end up getting faster and faster and faster than you can probably ever imagine."

    In this episode, Matt discusses:

    • Building a Sustainable Training Recipe

    • Avoiding Injury

    • Upskilling Knowledge and Understanding

    • Improving Craft and Technique

    • Building Good Habits Around Nutrition and Recovery

    The purpose of this episode is to assist you in reframing your goals to help improve focus, energy, health, and happiness in sport and broader life.

    Episode Timestamps

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    Off-Season Fitness: Chris Hauth on Staying Engaged Through The Winter Months

    Off-Season Fitness: Chris Hauth on Staying Engaged Through The Winter Months
    Today, I am once again joined by Chris Hauth (@AIMPCoach) for another edition of Coach’s Corner focused on maintaining fitness with engaged enthusiasm as we navigate the winter months. For those new to the show, Chris is a sub-9 hour Ironman, former professional triathlete, two-time Olympian and one of the world’s most respected endurance coaches. In 2006, Chris won the Ironman Coeur D’Alene and went on to be the first American amateur & 4th overall American at the Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii. When he’s not training and racing, Chris runs AIMP Coaching, mentoring a wide spectrum of athletes ranging from elite professionals — including Ironman and Western States top finishers, Ultraman winners and Olympic Trials qualifiers — to first time half-marathoners. Under Chris’ tutelage since 2008, he deftly guided me through three Ultraman World Championships,EPIC5. and now Ötillö. A friend and mentor as much as a coach, Chris has been my personal coach since 2008, expertly guiding me through three Ultraman World Championships (’08, ’09 & ’11), EPIC5 in 2010 and the 2017 Ötillö Swimrun World Championships in Sweden this past September – which we raced together as a team. Today we discuss: * The importance of rest & taking a break from training; * eating and training with the season; * how to set goals and formulate a plan for the new year; * work-life-training balance; * sustainability — learning how to enjoy your fitness; and * bucket list events and what each of us is looking forward to in 2018 Enjoy! Rich

    Episode 236: KONA - Evolution of the Pro Performance (An IRONMAN Master Coach Insight)

    Episode 236: KONA - Evolution of the Pro Performance (An IRONMAN Master Coach Insight)

    With the Hawaii IRONMAN World Championships looming, one can’t help but wonder about the level of performance to expect from an ever-growing field of high-performance athletes whose athleticism seems to trend upward every year.

    Beyond Kona, professional triathlon has witnessed performance and endurance levels rise and the makeup of endurance athletes shift based on the growing demands and expectations of the sport.

    In today’s episode of the Purple Patch Podcast, IRONMAN master coach Matt Dixon uses his experience as both an athlete and coach to examine the shift over the past few decades in the athletic approach to training, nutrition, recovery, and all the elements needed to perform at the professional level in today’s triathlon landscape.

    Matt takes a look at the future of Professional Triathlon through the lens of its past by highlighting 6 main principles he has observed around the changing of the sport.

    • The Application of Science: Improved access and understanding of scientific data for optimal training and recovery.

    (34:03) "We have seen over the last five to ten years, a wonderful marrying of coaching, experimentation, research and applied research on the fly, or with a collaboration to accelerate learning of what truly works, and perhaps most importantly, what doesn't work. There has been a radical increase in the understanding of what it takes to achieve performance improvements."

    • Triathlon as a First Sport: Early exposure and focus on a multisport approach.

    (37:28) "In the last few years, we genuinely are starting to see athletes that grew up as triathletes. It was their first real elite experience. And with this, we started to see the average age of world-class being dramatically reduced."

    • Perceptions of Possibility: the elevation of athletic performance through breakthrough individual performances in all three disciplines.

    (39:58) "There is simply no place for being a weak bike rider. You cannot excel without being a great runner. And you also have to ultimately swim at or very, very close to the world-class level in swimming. It's a prerequisite now."

    • Evolving Nutrition and Fueling: The evolution of science and approach in stabilizing energy, predicting performance levels, and improving recovery.

    (44:41) "this has proved to be a genuine and serious performance paradigm shift, particularly in long course racing, those that are benefiting from it, they're bonking less and experiencing less gastric distress."

    • Advancements in Equipment Technology: The radical increase and optimization of technologically advanced triathlon equipment.

    (47:05) "Gimmicks are less dominant now. There's a smarter filter going on. And the access to all of this equipment is much more democratic."

    • Structure of the Sport: The shift in race format and approach by the Professional Triathletes Organisation.

    (49:29) "The race formats and the structure has elevated the required range of participating pros. And I predict that this is only going to accelerate over the next three, four, or five years. What it means to be a serious professional triathlete is going to change."

    The aim of this episode is to shape your expectations and performance levels based on an understanding of what it means, and what it takes, to deliver a world-class triathlon performance.

    Episode Timestamps

    00:00 - 03:38 - Welcome and Episode Introduction

    03:45 - Episode 236: Evolution of the Pro Performance - an IRONMAN Master Coach Insight

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