
    #142: The Science of Mating and Dating With Geoffrey Miller

    enSeptember 29, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the Psychology of Dating and RelationshipsLearn research-backed tips on attracting women, developing authentic traits, and improving your romantic life based on evolutionary psychology principles.

      Relationships, particularly those in the context of dating and mating, significantly impact our happiness and well-being. However, there's a lack of guidance on how to have a successful dating and relationship life. Evolutionary psychologist Jeffrey Miller, author of several books on the topic, argues that this lack of advice sets many people up for unhappiness and failure. Miller teamed up with Tucker Max to write the book "Mate," which provides research-backed tips on how men can become more attractive to women and develop authentic traits for a happy, long-lasting relationship. The book also covers the traits women look for in men and what men should look for in a woman depending on their relationship goals. The book even explores how the place you live can affect your dating chances and offers suggestions on how to change that. Whether you're single or married, the insights from the psychology of relationships can help improve your romantic life. Miller and Tucker's unusual partnership came about when Miller discovered that Tucker, known for his fratire books, was well-versed in evolutionary psychology. They met in 2012 and bonded over their shared interests and concerns about the current state of dating advice for young men. They launched a website before the book's release, which is filled with valuable information.

    • Lack of resources for young men to improve dating skillsThe authors of 'Mate' provide evidence-based advice and research on building confidence for dating success, including topics like social intelligence, physical fitness, and emotional intelligence.

      There is a significant lack of resources and education for young men when it comes to improving their dating and mating skills. This is due to cultural taboos, the rapid advancement of technology, and the exploitation of young men's insecurities by scammers and pick-up artists. The authors of "Mate: Become the Man Women Want" have addressed this issue in their podcast series, "Made in Grounds," and their book. They argue that building confidence is crucial for success in both dating and life. Confidence can be domain-specific, meaning that improving it in one area may not automatically translate to dating, but it can help. The authors provide evidence-based advice and research on various topics, including social intelligence, physical fitness, and emotional intelligence, to help men build their confidence and improve their dating lives.

    • Understanding Women's Concerns for Long-term ConfidenceAcknowledge and address women's fears of physical and sexual safety and reputation to build sustainable long-term confidence in romantic relationships.

      Building sustainable long-term confidence around women requires understanding women's perspectives and addressing their fears and anxieties. Confidence is not just about temporary tricks or dominance, but about making women feel safe and relaxed in your presence. Women have unique concerns, such as fear of physical and sexual safety and reputation, which men often overlook. By acknowledging and addressing these concerns, men can create a strong foundation for a successful romantic relationship. The Mate Book emphasizes the importance of self-improvement and empathy towards women, providing practical advice on how to understand and connect with them.

    • Evolutionary Attraction: 5 Primary Traits Women Find Attractive in MenImprove physical and mental health, intelligence, willpower, and the tender defender trait to increase attractiveness to women

      From an evolutionary perspective, women find five primary traits attractive in men: physical health, mental health, intelligence, willpower, and the tender defender trait. These traits can be improved through various interventions, such as getting enough sleep, eating right, exercising efficiently, and demonstrating self-discipline. Women do not require their partners to be in perfect shape or shredded, but they do want them to take care of themselves and not be sexually repulsive. Willpower, a trait closely related to conscientiousness, is also attractive as it shows ambition and a commitment to self-improvement. Overall, focusing on these traits and their associated interventions can help men increase their attractiveness to women.

    • Signaling attractive traits in datingWomen find agreeableness, warmth, and the ability to protect attractive. Striking a balance and displaying these traits authentically and reliably is key to attracting a potential partner.

      Demonstrating a balance of agreeableness, warmth, and the ability to protect and defend is attractive to women. This concept is referred to as the "Tinder Defender" trade. Signaling theory explains that animals, including humans, display attractive traits to potential mates and rivals. In the context of dating, it's essential to display these traits in a credible and reliable way to make an impact. Agreeableness, warmth, and the ability to protect are attractive traits, but going too far in any direction can be a turnoff. For instance, excessive conscientiousness can border on obsessive compulsive disorder or workaholism. On the other hand, being too wimpy or lacking the ability to defend can be unattractive as well. Women are instinctively drawn to men who exhibit both tenderness and the ability to protect. Dominance is also attractive but only in certain situations, such as during competition with other men or when facing external threats. Overall, it's crucial to strike a balance and display these traits authentically and reliably to attract a potential partner.

    • Signs of desirable traits in potential matesWomen are attracted to traits that lead to wealth, like intelligence, willpower, and ambition, rather than the wealth itself. Social proof, such as a large social network, also demonstrates attractive traits.

      The attraction of material wealth in potential mates is not a recent development, but rather a sign of deeper, desirable traits. During prehistory, women looked for signs of a good provider, such as a skilled hunter or high social status, but they couldn't rely on wealth as we know it today. Instead, modern women are attracted to the traits that lead to wealth, such as intelligence, willpower, and ambition. Material proof, like having a good job or financial stability, is attractive because it shows these traits, not because of the money itself. Additionally, having a large social network is an effective form of social proof. It demonstrates the ability to build and maintain relationships, a skill that is valuable in both friendships and romantic relationships. Overall, focusing on developing attractive traits is a more direct and effective way to increase one's mating potential than solely chasing after wealth or material possessions.

    • Building strong social connections increases attractiveness to womenImprove chances of attracting women by surrounding yourself with friends and relatives, who can vouch for your attractiveness and provide a sense of safety. Understand the concept of mating and overall mate value, including physical, social, intellectual, and social success, to increase attractiveness.

      Building strong social connections is crucial for attracting women. In prehistoric times, women sought safety and security in tribes with strong social networks, making it unlikely for them to leave for a lone man. Modern men can improve their chances by surrounding themselves with friends and relatives, who can vouch for their attractiveness and provide a sense of safety. The authors of the book also aimed to help young men improve their lives in general, using the motivation of attracting women as a catalyst. The concept of mating, or the idea that people are attracted to those with similar traits, is an essential understanding in the dating world. Overall mate value, which includes physical, social, intellectual, and social success, is a significant factor in pairing up. Additionally, specific traits such as intelligence, political and religious values, and personality traits also tend to match in couples.

    • Beyond physical attractiveness: Considering compatibility in online datingUnderstand compatibility beyond looks for successful online dating. Look for mental, moral, and personality traits. Avoid red flags for short-term relationships, prioritize intelligence, emotional stability, agreeableness, and kindness for long-term relationships.

      Successful online dating relies on compatibility beyond physical attractiveness. While match percentage systems can help guide individuals towards more compatible partners, it's essential to consider mental, moral, and personality traits when selecting a potential partner. For short-term relationships, it's crucial to avoid red flags such as signs of personality disorders. For long-term relationships, traits like intelligence, emotional stability, agreeableness, and kindness become increasingly important. These traits can impact various aspects of life, including career success, money management, and conflict resolution. Ultimately, understanding what women find attractive in men is only part of the equation; men must also consider what traits they value in a potential partner to build a successful and lasting relationship.

    • Study Finds: Kindness and Intelligence are Most Desired Traits in RelationshipsThe study conducted by the bus company in 1989 and replicated in over 50 cultures found that kindness and intelligence are the most desired traits in relationships across different cultures.

      While physical attractiveness is important in relationships, kindness and intelligence are the most desired traits in both men and women across different cultures. This was a key finding from a study conducted by the bus company in 1989, and it has been replicated in over 50 cultures since then. Additionally, the concept of mating markets, which analyzes strategic interactions between partners in the dating scene, can significantly impact one's dating life. Factors such as the sex ratio, age distribution, and social norms can influence the dynamics of different dating markets. For instance, New York City, with a high ratio of college-educated women to men, can be an advantageous mating market for men due to the high demand for good partners. Understanding these factors can help individuals make informed decisions about their dating lives.

    • Gender balance impacts mating market dynamicsIn areas with more women, men have more casual options but struggle with long-term commitment. In areas with more men, women have more choices and can be more selective.

      The balance of genders in a particular area significantly impacts the mating market dynamics. In places with a higher ratio of women to men, such as Sarah Lawrence College or New York City, men may have more opportunities for casual relationships but may struggle to find a long-term partner due to overwhelming choices. Conversely, areas with a higher ratio of men to women, like San Jose, California, can create a difficult mating market for women, who have more options and can be more selective. Regarding dating, research indicates that it is still the man's responsibility to make the first move and pay for the date. Despite subtle signals of interest from women, it is ultimately up to men to initiate and invest in the relationship.

    • Handling rejection in romantic pursuitsAdopt a learning mindset, focus on improving skills, and remember rejection doesn't define worth. Continuously cultivate traits to strengthen long-term relationships.

      Rejection in romantic pursuits is a natural part of the process, and it's essential for men to adopt a learning mindset and focus on improving their skills rather than fixating on the outcome. Rejection doesn't define a man's worth; it's merely an indication that the particular woman and he don't align in terms of preferences and goals. This perspective can help men handle rejection more gracefully and continue to grow in their interactions with women. Additionally, the principles discussed in the podcast can benefit married men as well, as they must continue to put effort into courtship and attraction within their long-term relationships. The same traits that initially attract women to men keep them interested sexually and emotionally throughout marriage. By focusing on cultivating these traits, married men can strengthen their connections with their wives and maintain a fulfilling relationship. To learn more about these concepts and access valuable resources, visit madeingrounds.com.

    • Explore further resources on Mating Grounds and Art of Manliness PodcastAccess over 1700 references, suggested readings, and 200 podcast episodes for deeper insights into the science of attraction and relationships.

      Jeffrey Miller, co-author of the book "Mate," has compiled an extensive collection of resources related to the research behind the book. This includes over 1700 references and suggested readings, available on the website Mating Grounds (with the code TH in front of it). Additionally, they have over 200 podcast episodes that delve deeper into the topics covered in the book. The website and podcast offer a wealth of free information for those interested in the subject matter. To learn more and access these resources, be sure to check out Mating Grounds and the Art of Manliness Podcast.

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    302: Abused/Battered women, Obsessed with a competitor, Overpopulation & Mental health

    302: Abused/Battered women, Obsessed with a competitor, Overpopulation & Mental health

    In today's episode, Dr. Lisle and Dr. Howk discuss the following listener questions:

    1. How do you square the notion that there is "no 1 mate" (or job, friend etc) with the jealousy/abuse/ stalking (and worse) that happens in relationships. What type of general education on this concept could be offered to attempt to mitigate such costly stone age behavior.  Related, can u talk about the treatment of battered women in your practice, how they do or don't escape?  Buss claims one contributing cause of such behavior is patriarchal culture and institutionalized male dominance.  Any truth to that or is this just genetic like everything else?
    2. I have a frenemy (that is, a friend who was really an enemy) who I’ve long lost touch with, but whom I still irresistibly stalk on social media. She was very competitive with me in college, although I drastically outperformed her at the time (I was the dux and she was upper-middling). Nevertheless, she went on to similar feats as me, getting her PhD from Yale (again, the same as me). I see her subtweeting things about me occasionally and I wonder why, after not being friends for so long, we both harbour a malevolent obsession about each other? What is the evolutionary good of this? Neither of us stands to gain anything from this and we’ve both achieved what we wanted, showing that it wasn’t the zero-sum game we might’ve thought during our early college years. She has become a tenure-track professor while I started a very successful company and am now a millionaire. Why do we ruminate so much about enemies/frenemies, and how can be finally move on from them?
    3. I was wondering what over population does to a society. I understand nothing is changing genetically but was curious how lived experiences differ between populated densely packed cities and villages/ towns. Is one better than the other for mental health?

    14: The Evolution of Relations in the Human Species

    14: The Evolution of Relations in the Human Species

    In terms of human history, how did the idea of "locking someone into a relationship" develop? Dr. Lisle discusses the evolution of relations in the human species eventually getting to why are people  winding up in a relationship that they feel they have to stay in.  There is a brief discussion about the book Sex at Dawn and the argument for polyamory.  

    We find out that the modern world brings modern dilemnas in dating but we still operate under the same psychology as that of our ancient ancestors. 


    Copyright Beat Your Genes Podcast

    Host: Nathan Gershfeld                              

    Interviewee: Doug Lisle, Ph.D.



    Intro & outro song: City of Happy Ones · Ferenc Hegedus

    04: Staying with a Man Who's Not Right For You

    04: Staying with a Man Who's Not Right For You

    As Dr. Lisle discusses the purpose of psychology, we begin with a discussion of thoughts, feelings, and behavior.    Some philosophers believe that we can think one thing and then feel something completely different but Dr. Lisle explains these seemingly conflicting thoughts & feelings explains how this relates to stress.  We discuss different models of psychology and some of the limits of learning theory.  For example,  do we learn our emotions during childhood?    

    Dr. Lisle discusses an example of a common "beat your genes" trap for women nowadays of staying with a man who's not right for her.   

    We continue on this topic for the remainder of the show and Dr. Lisle begins the explanation about differing mating strategies.

    Copyright Beat Your Genes Podcast

    Host: Nathan Gershfeld

    Interviewee: Doug Lisle, Ph.D.


    Intro & outro song: City of Happy Ones · Ferenc Hegedus

    11: Love, Sex, Dating, Relationships Part 3

    11: Love, Sex, Dating, Relationships Part 3

    Following up from last week's episode, Dr. Lisle continues to discuss the psychology of behavior through listener questions such as: 

    Why can people get so offended when told that human nature drives their behavior? 

    Can we improve our marketability in dating/relationships?

    How are men and women different from one another regarding relationships? 


    Copyright Beat Your Genes Podcast

    Host: Nathan Gershfeld                              

    Interviewee: Doug Lisle, Ph.D.



    Intro & outro song: City of Happy Ones · Ferenc Hegedus

    08: How to Get Along Without Going Along

    08: How to Get Along Without Going Along

    Ever have a pushy friend that's trying to get you to do something you don't want to?  

    It may seem like the only way to get them to understand "no" is to be rude or leave.  

    In this episode, Dr. Doug Lisle, PhD discusses how to get along without going along.  For a variety of scenarios it is in our best interest to get along with our friends, family members, and co-workers.  However, that does not mean that we have to just do everything they want us to.  

    Learn some unique tips and tricks for staying firm but remaining pleasant. 


    Copyright Beat Your Genes Podcast

    Host: Nathan Gershfeld

    Interviewee: Doug Lisle, Ph.D.



    Intro & outro song: City of Happy Ones · Ferenc Hegedus