
    143. Stop Waiting, It’s You Ft. Kalena Bruce

    enSeptember 23, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Getting Involved in Making a Positive ImpactIndividuals can make a difference by working together, protecting freedoms, and challenging injustices. No one person can do it alone, and it's important to use resources and platforms to make a positive impact.

      It's important for individuals to get involved in making a positive impact on their communities and society as a whole. Andy Priscilla, the host of the show, encourages listeners to stop waiting for others to take action and instead, work together to address issues. He emphasizes that no one person can do it alone and introduces Colina Bruce, a guest who is running for Missouri State Congress, as an example of someone making a difference. Additionally, Priscilla emphasizes the importance of protecting the freedom and soil of freedom with civic duties and respects those who choose to take action, even if opinions differ. The show also highlights the need to challenge and speak out against injustices, such as racial profiling, and to use one's platform and resources to make a difference.

    • Advocating for your industry is crucialJoin organizations that align with your values, put personal interests aside, and take action to make a difference in your industry.

      Getting involved in advocacy for your industry is crucial, especially during times of overregulation. The speakers, who are farmers, started advocating for their industry and eventually got involved with the American Farm Bureau Federation at a national level. They emphasized the importance of being a member of organizations that align with your values and advocating for your industry, even if it means sacrificing time and resources. They also stressed the urgency of waking up those who are willing to take action and make a difference, as convincing those who are unwilling to change may be a lost cause. The speakers believe that the most noble thing someone can do right now is to put their personal interests aside and focus on contributing to a bigger cause.

    • Recognizing the potential dangers of socialism and communismYoung people must get involved in politics to ensure their values are represented, as historical apathy towards politics has left many feeling unrepresented. Recognize the potential dangers of socialist and communist ideologies and take collective action to protect individual freedoms.

      The current political climate in America is causing concern for many individuals, including young couples, about the freedoms their children will have in the future. People are becoming increasingly aware of the potential loss of freedoms and the need for collective action. The conversation highlighted the importance of recognizing the potential dangers of socialism and communism, and the need for young people to get involved in politics to ensure their values are represented. The speakers emphasized that it's not a matter of individual convenience or timing, but a collective responsibility to take a stand and make a difference. They also noted that historical apathy towards politics has left many feeling unrepresented, and encouraged young people to get involved and advocate for their values before it's too late.

    • Getting involved in politics is crucial for the younger generationBe informed voters, volunteer, financially support, recognize your voice, and start having conversations to make a difference

      Getting involved in politics and supporting a candidate whose values align with yours is crucial, especially for the younger generation. This requires not just being informed voters, but also actively volunteering and financially supporting the candidate. The lack of engagement from the younger demographic is a major reason why we haven't seen candidates who truly represent us. Additionally, it's important to recognize that you have a voice and the power to make a difference through individual conversations. Building a movement or a business is a result of many one-on-one interactions, so start having those conversations now. Don't underestimate your impact, and remember that it's never too early to get involved.

    • Starting small to make a big differenceEveryone can make a difference, starting small and growing exponentially with determination and leadership, despite criticism or rejection.

      Every individual has the power to make a difference, no matter the size of their audience or the challenges they face. This can start with a single point of impact, leading to exponential growth and the building of a movement. Fear of criticism or rejection should not prevent one from taking action and making a difference in their community. The soil for growth may not always be fertile, but with determination and leadership, it can be cultivated. Remember, even the harshest critics can become supporters in the end. So, don't let fear hold you back – take that first step and watch as your impact grows.

    • Finding common ground and addressing foundational issuesRecognize the real divide between freedom supporters and communism advocates, focus on what truly matters for societal betterment

      Productive conversations and unity are essential for progress, but the current polarized climate has made it difficult for people to come together. Haters and opposing viewpoints can actually fuel growth and progress, rather than being a hindrance. The focus should be on finding common ground and addressing the foundational issues that matter to the country, rather than getting bogged down in social issues and identity politics. The real divide is not between left and right, but between those who support freedom and those who advocate for communism. It's crucial for individuals and leaders to recognize this and focus on what truly matters for the betterment of society.

    • Addressing Domestic Issues vs. ImmigrationFocus on domestic issues, understand immigrant perspective, and take tangible actions to make a difference.

      There's a belief that political parties are trying to replace the black vote with new immigrants, and some argue that resources should be focused on addressing domestic issues like homelessness and poverty before prioritizing immigration. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of understanding the perspective of immigrants and the potential consequences of alternative systems like communism. Additionally, there's a call to action for individuals to educate themselves and take tangible steps towards making a difference in their communities instead of just protesting for social media clout.

    • Speak up for personal growth and integrityChoose to speak up for beliefs despite potential backlash, as social media freedom is precious and at risk.

      Having the confidence to speak out on social media, despite potential backlash, is essential for personal growth and the preservation of individual integrity. Social media, particularly among the younger generation, holds immense power, but fear of disapproval or being paid to say something can hinder one's voice. It's a critical time to make a personal choice – either speak up for what you believe in now or risk losing your freedom in the future. Success is not about material possessions but the freedom to make choices in life. The freedom we have in this country is precious, and it's at risk. Don't let the fear of likes or shares hold you back from addressing the genuine issues at hand.

    • Speak up about important issuesIndividuals, regardless of age or following, can make a difference by using their platforms and voices to speak up about important issues, inspiring action and building a loyal brand.

      It's essential for individuals, regardless of their following or age, to use their platforms and voices to speak up about important issues. The current generation, surrounded by scripted reality and social media, is often disconnected from the temperature of the audience and may receive less attention for their silence. It's crucial to educate and inspire action in the community, as even small steps can lead to significant movements. Historically, older generations have been the ones to run for office, but now it's the responsibility of the younger generation to step up and make a difference. Silence and inaction may lead to missed opportunities, and even those with minimal followings can make an impact by standing for a cause. In a time where people are starving for authenticity and a free America, those who speak up can earn loyalty and build a brand.

    • Be authentic and clear about your valuesLeaders who are confident and clear about their values, even if controversial, will attract a passionate following and build a strong brand. Authenticity fosters respect and unity, even among those who disagree.

      Authenticity and standing for what you believe in are crucial for building a strong brand and community. The speaker emphasizes that people will respect a leader who is confident and clear about their values, even if they don't agree with them. He also mentions that trying to please everyone and avoiding controversy can hinder growth and prevent the creation of a passionate following. Instead, leaders should focus on attracting those who are most likely to align with their beliefs and create a sense of security and unity within their circle of influence. Even those who disagree can still offer respect and support for the leader's conviction. Ultimately, the key is to be authentic and unapologetic in expressing who you are and what you stand for.

    • Responding to Controversial Topics with Respect and Open DialogueRespond to controversial topics with respect and open dialogue, question discrepancies, and protect individual freedoms. Don't accept information at face value and engage in critical thinking to promote understanding and unity.

      Open dialogue and respectful communication are key in addressing disagreements and misunderstandings, even if the topic is contentious. The speaker shared an experience where they encountered hateful comments after posting statistics on FDA approvals, but instead of engaging in a debate, they responded with respect and provided resources for further information. The unexpected result was an increase in engagement and interest from the audience. The speaker also emphasized the importance of questioning discrepancies and not accepting information at face value, using the example of COVID-19 restrictions and mask mandates. They encouraged people to stand up for their beliefs and protect individual freedoms, warning of the potential for a divide between the elite and the rest of the population. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of critical thinking, open communication, and protecting individual freedoms in the face of conflicting information and societal pressures.

    • Power not accountable to people, new world orderPeople feel frustrated by lack of transparency and accountability, must stay informed, question sources, and not be swayed by headlines.

      We are living in a time where those in power are not accountable to the people, but rather to a new world order. This is evident in the way government leaders and authorities are being installed, often without public consent or involvement. People are becoming increasingly frustrated with the lack of transparency and accountability, feeling that they are unable to connect the dots and understand what is happening. Those in power are well-organized and resourced, making it difficult for the average person to stay informed. Many people prefer to be left alone and trust that things will work out, but it is important to recognize that every event and development is calculated and part of a larger plan. The current state of affairs is not a surprise, but rather the result of deliberate design. To truly understand what is happening and take action, it is crucial to stay informed, question sources, and not be swayed by headlines alone.

    • Unity is needed to address the worsening state of affairsPeople must unite and demand change before future dependency on government and uneducated children becomes reality.

      Individuals across the country need to come together and stand up against the current state of affairs, as the future is being taken away from them unnoticed. This isn't just an issue for one person or one state, but a collective problem that requires unity and leadership. The situation has been gradually worsening for some time, and people need to wake up and realize they are being manipulated and used for an agenda. The consequences of inaction could lead to a future where people are dependent on the government, and their children are intentionally kept uneducated. It's important to remember that history is being rewritten, and the current state of education is part of a larger plan. People must take a stand and demand change before it's too late.

    • The Importance of Quality Education and American HistoryThe value of a quality education and understanding of American history is being overlooked, leading to concerns about future generations' knowledge and cultural understanding. Prioritize personal education and evaluation of historical truths.

      The value of a quality education and understanding of American history is being overlooked and eroded, leading to an increase in private school enrollment and a potential loss of cultural and historical knowledge. The speaker shares personal experiences of receiving a well-rounded education in the past, including learning the Constitution, and expresses concern that current education systems may not be providing the same opportunities for future generations. The speaker also criticizes the current climate for prioritizing certain perspectives over historical truths and suggests that people should take responsibility for their own education and evaluation of their situation rather than relying on external validation. The speaker's passion for preserving American history and ensuring future generations have access to a quality education is clear throughout the conversation.

    • Reclaiming Your Sense of SelfDon't let societal pressures dictate who you are. Focus on living by your core values and finding happiness from within.

      In today's world, people are becoming overly reliant on social media attention and validation, leading them to lose touch with their true selves. This phenomenon is particularly prevalent among younger generations, who have grown up in an era where everyone is encouraged to be accepted and praised. However, this constant pursuit of likes and validation can hinder personal growth and confidence, and even compromise one's moral values. It's important to remember that true success and happiness come from within, and that material possessions or external validation should not be the focus of our lives. Instead, we should strive to identify and live by our core values, and not let societal pressures dictate who we are. It's time for individuals to wake up and reclaim their sense of self, and not let the allure of social media define them.

    • The removal of logic and acceptance of conflicting values can cause harmHistorically, disregarding logic and accepting conflicting values has led to confusion and unproductive conversations, causing significant harm. We must find common ground and agree on fundamental principles while respecting individual beliefs and lifestyles.

      The removal of logic and the acceptance of conflicting values without consequence can lead to confusion and the inability to have productive conversations. This tactic, rooted in Marxist and communist ideologies, has historically caused harm on a massive scale. It's essential to protect the cultural values of America and have open discussions, but it's also crucial to find common ground and agree on certain fundamental principles. We need leaders who can guide us towards this goal while respecting individual beliefs and lifestyles. Ultimately, we must strive for a society where we can all agree on certain essentials, ensuring a more cohesive and tolerant America.

    • Recognizing and standing up for traditional valuesRecognize societal distortions, challenge misrepresentations, take action, and connect with like-minded individuals to preserve and shape a better future.

      Understanding and standing for what you believe in is essential for building a strong culture. The current societal landscape can be likened to a fun house, where values and traditions are distorted and devalued. It's crucial to recognize and challenge misrepresentations of traditional values, such as the redefinition of family and gender roles. To make a difference, taking the first step towards action is vital, whether it's getting involved in local politics or supporting those who are. Colina Bruce, as an example, is making a significant impact by putting her beliefs into action and inspiring others to do the same. By supporting and connecting with individuals like Colina, we can collectively work towards preserving our values and shaping a better future.

    • Embrace the power of personal actionEveryone has the ability to make a positive impact, regardless of age or fear, by reflecting on values, taking a stand, and stepping out of comfort zones.

      Each individual has the power and responsibility to make a positive difference in their community and country, despite feelings of nervousness or fear. This involves reflecting on personal values, taking a stand, and not being afraid of potential backlash. The speaker encourages everyone to step out of their comfort zone and get involved, emphasizing that it's never too late to make a difference and avoid regrets in old age. The importance of personal action is a common theme, as the speaker expresses his own commitment to standing up for what he believes in and encouraging others to do the same.

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