
    #1440 - Fortune Feimster

    en-usMarch 12, 2020
    What notable example is highlighted from Tom Segura's comedy specials?
    Why did Tom Segura refuse makeup for his Netflix special?
    How did the woman reevaluate her health and lifestyle?
    What challenges did the woman face while maintaining her diet on the road?
    How does popular media depict weapons and survival themes?

    Podcast Summary

    • Tom Segura's Fluency in Spanish Adds Twist to His PerformancesTom Segura's ability to fluently speak Spanish allows him to release English and Spanish comedy specials, adding an interesting twist to his performances. However, he faced an issue when a Netflix special's makeup artist altered his appearance without consent, leading him to prefer a raw and authentic image in his UFC commentator role.

      The comedy world is experiencing an unprecedented number of special releases, with Tom Segura's latest English and upcoming Spanish specials being notable examples. Segura's ability to fluently speak Spanish adds an interesting twist to his performances. In the world of entertainment, appearances can be deceiving, and sometimes, makeup artists can overstep boundaries, altering an artist's image without their consent. This was the case for Tom Segura, who was made up for a Netflix special without his approval, resulting in an unflattering appearance. The UFC broadcast host shares a similar sentiment, refusing to wear makeup while commenting on fights, preferring to maintain a raw and authentic image. The UFC itself is a unique sport where fights can end abruptly, often within minutes, adding to the excitement and unpredictability of the event.

    • Exploring the unpredictable world of comedyComedy events can be thrilling yet challenging, with early wake-ups and uncertain audience sizes. Past shows and figures like Howard Stern and Anna Nicole Smith have left lasting impacts on pop culture, and adapting to new industry trends is crucial.

      The comedy world, especially live events, can be unpredictable and exciting, but also comes with its challenges such as early wake-up calls and uncertain audience sizes. The conversation touched upon various topics including past comedy events, the allure of attending live shows, and the evolution of media consumption. The speakers also reminisced about the unique appeal of radio shows like the Howard Stern Show and Anna Nicole Smith's reality TV show, highlighting the impact of these figures on pop culture. Additionally, the conversation hinted at the importance of adapting to new trends in the industry and the potential appeal of live, unrecorded shows.

    • Melting Permafrost and Overpopulation: Potential Health CrisesAncient bacteria from melting permafrost and overpopulation can lead to new diseases, highlighting the importance of awareness and precautions.

      The world is facing various potential health crises due to various factors, including the melting of permafrost and overpopulation. One theory suggests that ancient bacteria could be released when the permafrost melts, which could lead to new diseases since humans may not have immunity to them. Overpopulation can lead to the emergence of new diseases as well, as seen with COVID-19, which is believed to have originated from a wet market in China, where various animals are kept in close quarters. These markets can serve as ideal environments for the creation of new diseases due to the close contact between different species. China's heavy population and unique eating habits, such as consuming exotic animals, further increase the risk of disease outbreaks. The discussion also touched upon the size of some animals consumed in certain parts of the world, with some bats being significantly larger than those found in other regions. Despite the potential dangers, some people continue to consume these animals due to food scarcity or cultural practices. It's important to remain aware of these potential health risks and take necessary precautions to minimize their impact.

    • Discussing Dogs and Gun SafetySharing stories about beloved pets and their protective roles, while also emphasizing the importance of gun safety and respecting its consequences.

      Having loving and protective companion animals, like dogs, brings joy and security. While discussing their dogs, the speakers shared stories about their pets' endearing qualities and their role as guards. The conversation then shifted to guns and gun safety, with one speaker sharing her surprising proficiency and the other expressing a desire to learn. The discussion also touched on the importance of respecting gun safety and the potential consequences of negligence. Despite the serious topic, the conversation remained lighthearted and filled with anecdotes.

    • Complexities and risks of home invasionsHome invasions present dangers for all involved, with ethical debates over self-defense and unrealistic media portrayals adding to the complexity.

      Home invasions are a dangerous situation where the risks are high for both parties involved. The discussion also touched upon the ethical dilemma of gun ownership for self-defense. The idea of a world without weapons was explored, leading to the conclusion that it would have its own set of challenges. The conversation then shifted to the portrayal of weapons and survival in popular media, specifically "The Walking Dead," and the unrealistic depiction of weapons and their effects. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and risks associated with home invasions and the role of self-defense in our society.

    • Josh's journey from stand-up comedy to disappearing from the scene and potential return as Bill HicksDespite disappearing from the comedy scene, Josh's fans remain dedicated and believe he could excel as Bill Hicks. His unique style and intense fan following make him a valuable asset to the industry.

      Josh, a talented stand-up comedian, impressed the speaker during an open mic contest at the Tempe Improv and ended up working with them for the week. Josh was known for his stand-up comedy but later went off the radar due to the intense fan following, which was too much for him. He tried acting and even played a role in New York. Despite his disappearance from the comedy scene, Josh could still excel as Bill Hicks in a movie. His fans were so dedicated that they were always looking for him on social media, but he had to step back due to the overwhelming attention. The speaker also shared their experience of seeing Josh at a wedding where he had a mullet, which was a punchline for many, but Josh owned it and embodied it. The conversation also touched upon the topic of accessorizing and how some people can pull off certain styles, while others cannot. The discussion ended with the speaker expressing their concern about the ongoing pandemic and how even wearing a ring didn't help in preventing it.

    • COVID-19 Causes Mass Event Cancellations, Elon Musk Weighs InElon Musk tweets freely despite event cancellations and financial consequences, emphasizing privilege. Importance of hand washing and avoiding crowds to minimize infection risk.

      The ongoing COVID-19 outbreak is causing widespread cancellations of public events, including concerts and festivals, due to the risk of transmission through close contact with others. This includes high-profile acts like Pearl Jam and the potential postponement of major events like Coachella. Elon Musk, known for his active social media presence, has weighed in on the situation with his characteristic humor. Despite the potential financial consequences, Musk continues to tweet freely, demonstrating the privileged perspective that comes with significant wealth. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the importance of hand washing and avoiding crowded places to minimize the risk of infection. Musk's memory for trivial information, as well as the challenges of engaging in conversation with him, were also topics of conversation.

    • Comedians' Use of Notes on StageSome comedians prefer no notes, while others use them as a safety net. Personal preference and performance style are crucial factors.

      Comedians approach their performances differently when it comes to using notes on stage. Some comedians, like Bill Maher, prefer not to use notes at all and instead rely on memorization and the flow of the show. Others may bring notes as a safety net but end up putting them aside once the performance begins. Comedians like Jeremiah Watkins even engage in crowd work and Q&A sessions to generate new material on the spot. The use of notes can be a personal preference, but it's essential to remember that each comedian's style is unique and evolves over time. The key is to find what works best for you and adapt to the situation on stage.

    • Refine your comedy writing with dedicated timeEffective comedy writing involves both on-stage experimentation and off-stage reflection, with dedicated writing time allowing comedians to refine their bits, identify weak areas, and hone their storytelling skills.

      Effective comedy writing involves a combination of on-stage experimentation and off-stage reflection. While some comedians may find success by solely relying on their instincts during performances, the most successful writers recognize the value of dedicated writing time. By sitting down and scrutinizing their material, comedians can refine their bits, identify weak areas, and hone their storytelling skills. This meticulous approach may require more time and effort, but the end result is a polished, engaging performance that resonates with audiences. So, whether you're a seasoned comedian or just starting out, remember that the most memorable jokes often come from a thoughtful, deliberate writing process.

    • Preference for Lenovo ThinkPad keyboards for productivity and comfortUsing a high-quality keyboard, like Lenovo ThinkPad, can reduce errors and improve typing comfort, leading to increased productivity. The speaker also finds Windows to be a functional and user-friendly operating system.

      The choice of hardware, specifically a keyboard, can significantly impact writing productivity and accuracy. The speaker shares his preference for Lenovo ThinkPad keyboards due to their superior design, including key travel and curvature, which leads to fewer errors and a more comfortable typing experience. He also mentions that he has grown past the stigma of using Windows and finds it to be a functional and user-friendly operating system. The conversation also touches on the importance of a good keyboarding foundation and the evolution of language and terminology.

    • Discussing Modern Relationships and LanguageThe use of terms like 'partner' and rethinking traditional marriage contracts demonstrate the evolving nature of relationships and language. However, financial motivations in relationships remain a contentious issue.

      Language and relationships are evolving, and people are constantly seeking more inclusive and accurate ways to express themselves. During a conversation, the speaker discussed the use of the term "partner" instead of "husband" or "wife," and how some find the term "fiancé" pretentious. The speaker also mentioned the concept of a marriage contract with an expiration date, which some view as a practical solution for those hesitant to commit long-term. The conversation then shifted to the topic of gold diggers and relationships driven by financial gain, using examples such as Anne and Nicole Smith and Donald Sterling. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the complexities and nuances of modern relationships and the ongoing debate around language and its impact on our perceptions.

    • Understanding Diverse Preferences in Relationships and SexualityRespect individual differences in relationship and sexual preferences, including openness to partner's activities, textures, and origins of terms.

      People have varying desires and preferences when it comes to relationships and sexuality. Some may be open to their partner engaging in sexual activities with others, while some may find the idea of their partner taking pictures with them disturbing. The origins of certain terms, like "cock hold," may have surprising meanings. Additionally, people's textural preferences can also be quite diverse, with some finding certain foods unappetizing due to their texture. Ultimately, it's important to respect each other's boundaries and preferences in any relationship.

    • New relationship leads to health reevaluationAfter feeling uncomfortable with engagement photos, a woman adopted an elimination diet, learned about nutrition, and made significant weight loss. However, she found it challenging to maintain healthy habits while traveling or after shows. She emphasized the importance of structure and intentional choices for long-term health.

      A woman shared her experience of being in a new relationship, enjoying life together, but then feeling horrified when viewing their engagement photos, leading her to reevaluate her health and lifestyle. She adopted an elimination diet, learned about nutrition, and made significant weight loss. However, she found it challenging to maintain her new habits while on the road or after shows. She emphasized the importance of structure and healthy food choices, even when tired. She also shared her experience of eating at Joe Beef, a favorite restaurant in Montreal, where she unintentionally consumed horse meat. Overall, her story highlights the importance of self-care, education, and intentional choices in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    • Exploring unexpected paths through food and lifestyle choicesOur choices in food and lifestyle can lead us to new experiences, like homesteading and raising rabbits, but it's important to consider the value of socialization and education in various learning environments.

      Our food choices and lifestyle preferences can lead us down unexpected paths. A discussion about eating habits led to exploring the world of homesteading and raising rabbits for meat and fertilizer. This rabbit farmer's self-sufficient lifestyle, including homeschooling, sparked a conversation about the importance of socialization and education. While some may argue the benefits of homeschooling, the social aspects of traditional schooling were highlighted as crucial for developing essential skills. College was also touched upon, with the acknowledgement that while some learn valuable skills, others may focus more on socialization and ideology. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of various learning experiences and the value of adapting to different situations.

    • Misunderstanding of StereotypesStereotypes, even positive ones, can be misunderstood and perceived as offensive. It's crucial to consider intent and context before labeling something discriminatory.

      Stereotypes, even if they are positive, can still be misunderstood and perceived as offensive. During a conversation in the 90s, the speaker defended a seemingly innocuous joke about Jews buying a bar, but was accused of anti-Semitism. The accuser didn't have a clear answer as to why the joke was offensive, leaving the speaker confused. The speaker argued that the joke was a positive stereotype and compared it to the stereotype about Italian grandmas being good cooks. However, the accuser felt that the joke was discriminatory, while the speaker saw it as just a fun joke. This conversation highlights the importance of understanding the intent and context behind stereotypes and recognizing the difference between harmless fun and discriminatory language. Additionally, the speaker shared that they started their comedy career in the early 2000s at a time when shows were not well-attended, but the scene turned around in 2014 due to the return of comedians and the rise of podcasts.

    • A time of change for the Comedy Store in LAThe Comedy Store in LA went through a rough patch from 1994 to 2011, but new comedians and returning veterans helped revitalize the scene. Performing there pushed comedians to improve and the club's reputation for discovering talent remained strong.

      The Comedy Store in Los Angeles went through significant changes between 1994 and 2011. During this period, the club saw a decline in quality with many underpar performances and comedians working the same material for years. This was due in part to the absence of influential figures like Andy Kaufman and the vacuum left after the departure of Sam Kinison. However, the arrival of new comedians like Adam Sandler and the return of veterans like Joe Rogan and Paul Rodriguez helped revitalize the scene. Despite the challenges, performing at the Comedy Store during this time pushed comedians to improve and hone their craft. Additionally, the club's reputation for being a place where up-and-coming comedians could be discovered remained intact, with notable figures like Jordan Peele and Whitney Cummings getting their starts there. Overall, the Comedy Store during this era was a unique and formative time for many comedians, marked by both struggles and successes.

    • Hard work and persistence in comedyStarting out in comedy requires dedication, performing late and unpaid can lead to recognition, stage experience is crucial, and staying focused on your craft can lead to a successful career

      Persistence and hard work pay off in the comedy world. The speaker shared their experience of starting out in comedy and the importance of getting recognized and showcased by the right people. They mentioned how they had to work hard and put in their time, performing late into the night as a non-paid regular, before eventually becoming a paid regular. The speaker also highlighted the significance of having stage experience before transitioning to stand-up comedy and the importance of staying focused on their craft, even when faced with challenging experiences like reality TV shows. Ultimately, their dedication and perseverance led to a successful career in comedy, with tours and television appearances.

    • Experiences with Bill and Jessalyn: Two Successful ComediansTwo comedians, Bill and Jessalyn, have unique approaches to their craft but are respected for their sharp wit and ability to tackle dark subjects. Bill releases specials slowly, while Jessalyn follows a consistent cycle. Both comedians are dedicated to their craft and humble despite success.

      Comedy is a respected art form with many successful comedians, each with their unique approaches to their craft. The speaker shares her experiences with two such comedians, Bill and Jessalyn, who have different working styles but are highly regarded in the industry. Bill, known for his down-to-earth humor and humility, takes his time to release specials, while Jessalyn follows a more consistent cycle. Both comedians are respected for their sharp wit and ability to tackle dark subjects with confidence. The speaker admires their dedication to their craft and their humility despite their success. The conversation highlights the diversity and creativity within the comedy scene, where comedians are now achieving arena-level success, just like rock stars once did. The speaker reflects on the differences between touring as a comedian versus a musician, and the unique challenges and joys of each.

    • From TV to Stand-up: Anthony Bourdain's Risky Career ChangeAnthony Bourdain took a risk and left a stable TV career to pursue stand-up comedy, leading to great success and artistic freedom.

      Anthony Bourdain's career choices were driven by his passion for comedy and exploration, despite the risks and challenges. His friends encouraged him to pursue stand-up comedy, but he found success on television with the Travel Channel, which came with its own limitations and conflicts. However, Bourdain's decision to bet on himself and eventually transition to stand-up comedy led to great success and artistic freedom. The podcast he started as a hobby became a crucial support mechanism throughout his journey. It all began when he was let go from a job and was feeling depressed, leading him to find his own outlet in comedy and storytelling. It took courage to leave the stability of a television career, but the potential rewards were worth the risk.

    • From living room podcast to successful careerStarting small with a laptop and answering questions live, a comedian turned his living room podcast into a successful career despite fear and the unknown.

      Finding peace and escaping the pressures of big crowds led a comedian to start a podcast from his living room, which eventually became a successful career. Altitude's impact on pregnancy and the dangers of living at high altitudes inspired him to make a change. Starting small with a laptop and answering questions live, they eventually uploaded it to iTunes. Fear often holds people back from taking risks, but this comedian took the leap and never looked back. His unique journey from working at a comedy store to headlining on the road and eventually a Netflix special was accelerated by his improv background and dedication to performing. Thirteen years in stand-up may seem like a long time, but for this comedian, it was just the beginning.

    • Netflix expands reach for performersNetflix provides a platform for comedians to connect with new audiences and continue creating content, inspiring creativity through unique experiences.

      The performer's experience with Netflix has significantly expanded their reach and audience, allowing them to connect with fans who may not have known about their stand-up comedy background. The performer has been able to tour and perform new material while still incorporating fan favorites. They also shared an experience of a unique and hilarious weed dinner that inspired a new wave of creativity. Despite the challenges of constantly coming up with new material, the performer is excited about the creative process and the opportunity to continue making people laugh.

    • Approaching Marijuana with Caution and ResponsibilityStart with a small amount, be aware of potential reactions, and prioritize safety and wellbeing when trying marijuana or other substances.

      While some may find enjoyment and relaxation in the use of substances like marijuana, it's important to approach it with caution and responsibility. The speaker in this conversation shared their own experience trying to help a friend understand how to use marijuana for the first time, emphasizing the importance of starting with a small amount and being aware of potential reactions. They also shared stories of people who had had negative experiences, including some who may have experienced schizophrenia-like symptoms after using high-potency substances. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of being informed and mindful when trying new substances, and of looking out for the wellbeing of others.

    • Understanding the Complex Relationship Between Edibles and Mental HealthEdibles' legality, production, and effects vary greatly, and it's crucial to approach them with caution due to individual body chemistry and potential risks.

      The legality and production of edibles have changed significantly over the years, and while some people may find relief or enjoyment from them, it's important to remember that everyone's experience and tolerance levels are different. The effects of edibles can vary greatly depending on factors like dosage, individual body chemistry, and the quality of production. Furthermore, the lack of a definitive way to measure emotional states means that it's crucial to approach edibles with caution and respect for the potential risks involved. While some people may find significant benefits from using edibles, others may not respond positively, and it's essential to recognize that everyone's experience is unique. The goal should be to promote understanding, empathy, and open dialogue around the complex relationship between mental health, substances, and individual experiences.

    • Understanding the complex relationship between substances and brain chemistryGenetics and environmental factors influence unique reactions to substances, and research is hindered by legal restrictions, but technological advancements offer hope for addressing addiction and mental health issues.

      While different substances like amphetamines, marijuana, and even prescription drugs can have profound effects on individuals, the line between normal use and harmful addiction or mental health episodes can be blurry. The lack of adequate research due to legal restrictions has hindered our understanding of these issues. Some people may be genetically predisposed to certain reactions, and environmental factors like stress can also play a role. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize that everyone's brain chemistry and response to substances are unique. The discussion also touched on the complex relationship between behavior and chemistry, with some people being more prone to addictive behaviors. The potential for future technological advancements, like targeted brain stimulation, offers hope for addressing these challenges.

    • Exploring the Brain's Ability to Heal and Enhance FunctionThe brain's ability to heal from injuries and potentially gain new skills is a testament to its adaptability. Ethical questions arise when considering intentional brain enhancement.

      The brain is a complex and fascinating organ that has the potential to heal and even develop new abilities after injuries. While there are ongoing efforts to help people heal from brain injuries, the idea of enhancing brain function to make someone smarter is intriguing but still a work in progress. Our brains are unique, and each person perceives the world differently. It's essential to understand and appreciate the differences in how people think and communicate, as no two brains are exactly alike. The potential for brain injuries to result in new skills or abilities is a testament to the brain's adaptability. However, the idea of intentionally enhancing brain function raises ethical questions about standardizing thought and individuality. Ultimately, it's crucial to continue exploring the mysteries of the brain and respecting the unique perspectives that come with it.

    • Combining Positive Thinking with Factual Knowledge and Evidence-Based PracticesA balanced approach that integrates positive thinking, factual knowledge, and evidence-based practices leads to optimal health and wellbeing outcomes.

      While maintaining a positive mindset is important, it's crucial to recognize physical limitations and the role of science and evidence-based practices in addressing health and wellbeing. Positive thinking and belief can have a placebo effect, but it's essential not to disregard the importance of factual knowledge and evidence in making informed decisions. Homeopathy, for instance, lacks substantial scientific evidence to support its effectiveness as a medical treatment. Similarly, while some people may find comfort and energy in beliefs or practices, it's essential to be skeptical and ensure they are backed by credible evidence. In essence, a balanced approach that combines positive thinking with factual knowledge and evidence-based practices can lead to the best outcomes.

    • Manipulative Tactics in Televangelism FundraisingTelevangelists have faced accusations of exploiting people's faith and generosity through manipulative fundraising tactics, making false promises, and living lavish lifestyles.

      The exploitation of people's faith and generosity through manipulative fundraising tactics, especially by certain televangelists, has been a contentious issue throughout history. These individuals have been accused of targeting the last remaining dollars of their followers, promising divine rewards in return, and living lavish lifestyles themselves. Some have even gone as far as selling false cures or making outlandish claims, leading to legal consequences. Despite this, some continue to preach and amass followers, raising ethical concerns and fueling public skepticism.

    • Exploring the Impact of Cosmetic Procedures on Society and HealthSociety's focus on physical appearance and cosmetic procedures raises concerns about individuality and health risks. Normalization of extreme body modifications, potential health issues, societal pressure to conform, and future technology advancements were discussed.

      Our society's obsession with physical appearance and the ease of making drastic changes through cosmetic procedures raises questions about what makes us unique and the potential risks involved. The discussion touched upon the normalization of extreme body modifications, the potential health issues associated with surgeries, and the societal pressure to conform to trends. The conversation also highlighted the potential for future advancements in technology that could further blur the lines between natural and altered appearances. Additionally, the speakers expressed concern over the unpreparedness and underfunding of healthcare systems in dealing with global health crises like the coronavirus pandemic.

    • Reframing diseases as demonsWe should prioritize healthcare funding by recognizing diseases' destructive power and the need for a comprehensive response. Considering life as a simulation could also influence scientific research.

      We should reframe how we view diseases and prioritize healthcare funding. The speaker argues that we should treat diseases as demons, recognizing their destructive power and the need for a comprehensive and urgent response. This perspective could lead to increased resources and attention being devoted to fighting diseases and improving overall public health. Additionally, the conversation touched on the idea of life as a simulation, with Elon Musk's belief in this theory and the idea that scientists consider it a more probable explanation than not. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of questioning our assumptions and considering new perspectives in understanding the world around us.

    • Exploring the Future of Virtual Reality and Human CultureVirtual reality technology holds immense potential for creating indistinguishable digital realms, but its realization depends on overcoming geopolitical tensions and self-destruction. Human culture and language offer a rich contrast to the simplicity of technology.

      Virtual reality technology is in its infancy but has the potential to create indistinguishable digital realms in the future. The speaker compares the current state of VR to the early days of cinema, suggesting that improvements will be significant. However, the realization of this technology depends on humanity's ability to overcome various challenges, such as geopolitical tensions and self-destruction. The speaker also reflects on the significance of names and their relationship to culture. Ultimately, the speaker expresses optimism about the future of technology and humanity, despite the obstacles that lie ahead. Additionally, the speaker shares anecdotes about the names of people and places, noting the contrast between long, culturally rich names and simpler, more common names. They also discuss the challenges of learning new languages as an adult and the complexity of some symbols in certain writing systems. In essence, the speaker explores the potential of virtual reality technology and the richness and diversity of human culture and language.

    • Exploring the intricacies of Asian languagesAsian languages offer a complex and rewarding learning experience due to their unique symbols and challenges, contrasting English's straightforward relationship between letters and pronunciation.

      Asian languages, with their unique symbols and directions, present a fascinating contrast to our familiar English alphabet. These languages, such as Chinese, are written with symbols that, when put together, form meaningful language, even if they appear as mere lines and squiggles to the uninitiated. Furthermore, the challenge of deciphering handwriting in these languages, which is often taught less frequently than English, adds to their intrigue. The beauty of languages like Spanish, which have a more straightforward relationship between letters and pronunciation, lies in their accessibility. However, the value of multilingualism, as seen in countries like Italy and Spain, where it's more common, may contribute to a more artistically sophisticated culture. Ultimately, the complexity and depth of Asian languages, with their unique symbols and challenges, offer a rich and rewarding learning experience.

    • Starting young can lead to exceptional mastery of certain skillsEarly practice and dedication in learning skills like languages, music, martial arts, and communication can result in exceptional mastery and become intertwined with one's identity and development

      Developing certain skills, especially those that require a strong foundation early in life, can lead to exceptional mastery. The ability to learn languages fluently, for instance, might be a combination of natural aptitude and dedicated practice. Similar to learning music or martial arts, starting young can provide an advantage, as the skills become intertwined with one's identity and physical development. This concept is evident in various domains, such as singing or "talking shit," where early exposure and practice can help build resilience and refine communication skills.

    • Childhood challenges shaped comedian's resilienceOvercoming early setbacks in life helps comedians develop resilience and improve through feedback and failure.

      Growing up with brothers and facing challenges early on, such as being sent to the principal's office for using inappropriate language, helped shape the comedian's resilience and perspective on failure. Bombing on stage or receiving criticism on social media is a valuable learning experience, as it pushes comedians to improve and refine their material. The equalizing nature of stand-up comedy allows even the most successful comedians to start from scratch and experiment with new material, creating a unique and ongoing learning process. The importance of receiving and giving feedback, as well as the value of failure, are essential elements in the development of a successful comedian's career.

    • Exploring the Complexity of ComedyComedy is a dynamic art form that requires constant refinement from performers and engagement from audiences. The live experience enhances its magic.

      Comedy is a complex art form that requires constant learning and refinement, both from the performer's perspective and the audience's. The performer needs to experiment, listen to their recordings, and adjust their delivery based on feedback to make their material resonate with the audience. Meanwhile, the audience brings their unique perspective and communal energy to the performance, enhancing the comedic experience. However, watching comedy recorded or on streaming platforms can only provide a ghost of the live experience, making the comedian even funnier in person. Ultimately, comedy thrives on the connection between the performer and the audience, and the live experience is an essential part of its magic.

    • Emphasizing the importance of performing at the Comedy StoreContinuously improve your craft by performing at diverse venues, try out new material, and learn from audience responses to build a successful comedy career.

      A successful comedian's routine involves performing at various comedy clubs and venues to reach a diverse audience and continuously improve their craft. Comedian Doogie, who has been in the industry for 13 years, emphasizes the importance of performing at the Comedy Store, despite the challenges, to appeal to a broader audience and hone their skills. He also highlights the value of trying out new material at these shows and learning from the experience, even if the audience response isn't always positive. Doogie's professional attitude and commitment to growth have helped him build a successful career in comedy, with a theater tour, Netflix special, and a large following on Instagram.

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    115-Your Mom's House with Christina Pazsitzky and Tom Segura
    KaBOOM! It's Friday which means more jeans. We recap the latest episode of Gigolo's because Brace puts on a performance of a lifetime. So many amazing Bracisms, hope you can handle it. Which Gigolo would Christina hire??? Secrets revealed! THEN, it's the return of Top Dog! This is a call unlike many others - less brown, more bush! You will feel so much closer to Top Dog after this one. Also, did you know 7-11 has great coffee too!?! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    589 - Your Mom's House with Christina P and Tom Segura

    589 - Your Mom's House with Christina P and Tom Segura
    SPONSORS: - Go to https://www.stamps.com/ click on the Microphone at the top of the homepage and type in MOM to get a 4-week trial PLUS free postage and a digital scale. - Get started with PeacockTV for FREE at https://www.peacocktv.com/ and start streaming today. - Go to https://www.squarespace.com/MOM for a free trial and use the offer code MOM to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. - Go to https://omaxhealth.com/ today and enter code “MOM” to get 20% off CryoFreeze Sport and sitewide! - Go to https://www.freshly.com/MOM to get $40 off your first two orders. - Go to https://www.getquip.com/MOM to get a FREE plastic dispenser with any refill plan. - Go to https://www.forhims.com/mom and get your first visit absolutely free! - Go to https://www.theragun.com/MOM and get your Gen 4 Theragun today. GOOD MORNING JEANS ABOVE 18!! Tom Segura and Christina P start off this episode of Your Mom's House with a video of a woman crying because she browned herself at work. They also watch a crying Trump supporter, Senator Chuck Schumer's Freudian slip on the Senate floor, Js getting yelled at by a boat captain, a batch of Christina's TikToks, and a doctor who explains that male on male relations aren't necessarily gay. The Main Mommies then chat with the "Video Message Cool Guy" himself, Elliott. Elliott provides more context for his infamous video and gives some behind the scenes details on the making of it. Jean and Jean then proceed to compare Elliott's video with video message all-stars Charles and Joe. Todd and Crystal wrap up by remembering some of their worst dating mishaps. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    519-Ian Edwards-Your Mom's House with Christina P and Tom Segura

    519-Ian Edwards-Your Mom's House with Christina P and Tom Segura
    "I now pronounce you, high and tight. You may kiss the jeans." Today's episode starts with a very sentimental Mommy wedding. SOO WOO! We have a bit of a "home here now" situation with everyone's favorite REAL Blood. Tom had a very great, surreal weekend and Christina learned new sayings. Plus, have you ever given the Piledriver? There's one woman on 90 Day Fiance who might be looking for your services. Ian Edwards is a stand-up comedian who has a new special out on Comedy Central, "Bill Burr Presents: IanTalk - Ideas Not Worth Spreading." Ian comes from an international background which excites The Master of Accents. Christina's heater becomes a topic of discussion as her an Ian share a love of warmth. Ian also tells some stories about comics like Tony Woods and more. Plus we show Ian some real cool guys and gals, and we get to hear a joke Ian has forgotten, but the Mommies have not. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    304-Your Mom's House with Christina Pazsitzky and Tom Segura

    304-Your Mom's House with Christina Pazsitzky and Tom Segura
    JEANS ARE ON AGAIN! What's better than a news lady screaming cause of an animal bumping her over? Listening to it on a loop of course! Tommy had a blast in Seattle thanks to Mom's like you. Plus we have a new favorite song, know what I'm sayin? Hell to the naw naw naw. A new movie idea just came to T Bunz, Will ChristJeansa like it? Hope So! The moms really meow down on this one, ENJOY! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    336-Your Mom's House with Christina Pazsitzky and Tom Segura

    336-Your Mom's House with Christina Pazsitzky and Tom Segura
    There's something about those jeans of yours. They're so...high and so...tight. They're PERFECT. We bring the ultimate dad laugh to the table on this one. It rivals Top Dogs famous dad laugh, no seriously, it does.  Plus we have Locs doin his thang and stuff like that and Tommy doin his thang back and stuff like that. Shout out to everyone all over the world.  Do you know Bryan Silva? You will now. Maybe you can help FREE him. And then, you know what I'm sayin, we count some new you know what I'm sayins. We learn about an evil sushi operation in NorCal and SO MUCH MORE. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices