
    Podcast Summary

    • A man's commitment to fitness and travel leads him to carry a kettlebell everywhereThrough dedication to weight loss and a symbol of progress, a man adapts a kettlebell as a constant companion, inspiring motivation and discipline, even during travel and cultural challenges.

      A kettlebell, for this individual, has become an essential and constant companion in his life, inspiring weight loss and motivation, and accompanying him on his travels around the world despite various challenges and cultural differences. The kettlebell's significance began when the man helped a client lose weight and pledged to carry a sandbag as a symbol of their progress. However, when traveling overseas, he encountered issues carrying the sandbag, leading him to adopt a kettlebell instead. Despite encountering obstacles such as TSA regulations and cultural differences, the man continued to carry the kettlebell with him, even going as far as having it placed in someone else's luggage in India. The kettlebell's presence in his life became a symbol of commitment and discipline, and during the pandemic, he used it to lead daily calls with his teams in various countries to keep them updated on the situation.

    • Japanese culture's emphasis on order and politenessThe Japanese culture's emphasis on order, discipline, and politeness led to significant changes in human behavior, including a cleaner, more efficient society and personal transformations.

      The Japanese culture's strict adherence to orderliness and politeness led to significant changes in human behavior, resulting in a cleaner, more efficient society. This is evident in their response to the coronavirus outbreak, where they quickly implemented strict measures to prevent the spread of the virus. The same mindset is reflected in their daily life, where simple things like not having visible garbage on the streets or strict gym rules encourage people to produce less waste and adopt healthier habits. The Japanese history of martial arts and focus on discipline also play a role in their innovative and masterful hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship. In the case of the man who lost over 400 pounds, a radical change in diet and lifestyle, including raw fruits and vegetables and long hikes, led to his weight loss. The Japanese culture's emphasis on order, discipline, and politeness significantly impacted his behavior and ultimately led to his transformation.

    • Unexpected lessons from an unlikely helperLooking beyond appearances and judging people by their actions and advice can lead to valuable lessons and unexpected opportunities.

      Helping others, even those who seem unlikely or even dangerous, can lead to valuable lessons and unexpected opportunities. The speaker shares an experience of being helped by a man involved in organized crime, who taught him important life lessons about responsibility, work ethic, and self-reliance. This encounter challenged the speaker's perceptions and changed his life, demonstrating that even those in "fucked up lines of work" can offer wisdom and guidance. This story highlights the importance of looking beyond appearances and judging people based on their actions and advice rather than their background or reputation.

    • Transformative experiences and influential figuresPersonal experiences and encounters with influential figures can significantly impact our commitment to health and wellness, inspiring us to adopt transformative lifestyles.

      Personal experiences and influential figures can significantly shape our health and wellness journeys. The speaker's mother, after losing her own mother to cancer, transformed her life through a chance encounter with a yogi in a health food store. This encounter led her to adopt a radical new lifestyle focused on raw fruits, vegetables, and yoga. Despite the speaker's initial embarrassment, this upbringing instilled in him a strong commitment to healthy eating and exercise. Later in life, the speaker helped a morbidly obese man adopt a similar diet, despite facing skepticism from medical professionals. The story highlights the power of personal determination and the influence of transformative experiences on one's approach to health and wellness.

    • Man's Unique Ability to Adapt and Lose Hundreds of PoundsThe body's ability to adapt and change is remarkable, but extreme measures like living off fat and IV vitamins aren't sustainable or healthy for everyone. Balanced diet and active lifestyle are key to weight management.

      The human body's ability to adapt and change is remarkable. The man in question was able to lose hundreds of pounds and have his skin shrink back to normal size after living off his fat and IV vitamin drips for a year. This phenomenon, while not scientifically proven, is believed to be unique to him due to his genetic makeup. The body's response to food and activity levels also plays a significant role in weight loss. The ancient practice of living off the land and limited food intake can lead to weight loss, but it's important to consider the long-term health implications. Fasting for an extended period may not be feasible or healthy for everyone, especially those who are significantly overweight or inactive. Ultimately, maintaining a balanced diet and active lifestyle is the most effective way to manage weight and overall health.

    • The Power of Discipline and Consistency in Health and WellbeingTo maintain a healthy lifestyle, seek out discomfort and make your mind enjoy challenging tasks by creating a schedule and gradually increasing difficulty. Discomfort and hard work should be a part of your routine, not something to be avoided.

      Discipline and consistency are key to making lasting changes in one's health and wellbeing. The individual who completed an intense 18-month program of raw fruits and vegetables and hiking demonstrated remarkable endurance and mental strength. However, once he left the program, he slipped back into old habits and gained weight. The speaker believes that people are naturally inclined to avoid discomfort, but to maintain a healthy lifestyle, one must seek out discomfort and make their mind enjoy challenging tasks. The best way to do this is to create a schedule and stick to it, gradually increasing the difficulty over time. Even without resources like a trainer or gym equipment, one can still give themselves a rigorous workout using bodyweight exercises. The ultimate goal is to make discomfort and hard work a part of one's routine, rather than something to be avoided.

    • Impact of Discipline and Preparation on Athlete's PerformanceDiscipline and preparation significantly impact athlete's performance. Slacking off can lead to last-minute scramble and subpar results, while staying disciplined and in shape enhances focus, confidence and success.

      The discipline and preparation level of athletes significantly impacts their performance. Some athletes, like Roberto Duran and Andy Ruiz, struggle to maintain their fitness and discipline between fights, leading to subpar performances. On the other hand, athletes like Bernard Hopkins demonstrate the benefits of staying disciplined and in shape throughout their careers. The Spartan paradox refers to the phenomenon where athletes may slack off when they don't have an imminent competition, leading to a last-minute scramble to prepare. The psychological aspect of fighting also plays a role, with discipline reinforcing confidence and focus, while a lack of discipline can lead to anxiety and self-doubt. Ultimately, the level of discipline and preparation an athlete brings to the table can make all the difference in their success.

    • Discipline and focus are key to successNatural talent and intelligence matter, but discipline and focus are equally important for achieving greatness in any field.

      Natural talent and intelligence are important in achieving greatness in sports or any field, but they are not the only factors. Discipline and focus are equally crucial. Some individuals may possess inherent abilities, but lack the drive and dedication to harness their potential. Others, despite not having natural talent, may work harder and develop a more well-rounded skill set to compensate. The unicorns in sports are those individuals who possess both exceptional talent and unwavering discipline. However, even those who may not fit this mold can still achieve success through determination and a refusal to give up. The story of two friends illustrates this idea, as one chose to party in Vegas while the other buckled down and eventually gained acceptance into college. While the former friend may have found a path that suited his personality, the importance of discipline and focus cannot be overstated.

    • Passion fuels obsession and expertiseFind what ignites passion and pursue it wholeheartedly for obsession, expertise and success

      People excel at things they are passionate about, even if they may not appear disciplined in other areas. Passion fuels obsession and drive, leading to expertise and success. The speaker's experiences with martial arts illustrate this concept. He was not disciplined in traditional academic or work settings but became obsessed with martial arts and excelled in it. The speaker suggests that this may be due to a "hunter-gatherer gene" that makes us naturally curious and interested in our environment, with intense focus when we find something engaging. The key is to find what ignites that passion and pursue it wholeheartedly.

    • Pursue Passion and PurposeKeep pushing for your passions despite uncertainty, avoid wasting time on unproductive activities, and stay focused on your goals.

      Individuals who crave non-conformity and find traditional office work unfulfilling should persist in their pursuits, even if they don't immediately find success or a clear career path. The speaker emphasizes the importance of finding passion and purpose, even if it means stepping outside the norm. He also warns against the dangers of wasting time on unproductive activities like video games, and encourages children to be inspired by successful role models and to work towards their goals. Ultimately, the message is to stay focused, adapt to changing circumstances, and never give up on your dreams.

    • Forcing kids to disconnect from tech at camp can meet resistanceCamp organizers must respect children's autonomy and communicate openly with parents to create a successful tech-free experience.

      Attempting to force children to disconnect from technology and embrace a rugged, military-style camp experience can lead to unexpected challenges and pushback from both the children and their parents. The speaker, who had good intentions of turning kids into "little soldiers" and getting them off their phones, faced constant resistance and had to deal with texts from concerned parents. Despite the initial struggles, the speaker had support from experts and was determined to see the camp through, believing that the experience would ultimately benefit the children. The experience taught the speaker a valuable lesson about respecting children's autonomy and the importance of open communication with parents.

    • Embrace challenges for personal growthAdapt and overcome adversity for personal growth and resilience, rather than relying on external factors to change the situation.

      Difficult experiences, even those that seem unbearable, can lead to personal growth and resilience. The father in this story encouraged his son to embrace the challenging situation he found himself in and learn from it, rather than trying to escape. The son's experience at the illegal camp was hard and dangerous, but it ultimately helped him develop a strong work ethic and a sense of determination. The father's message to his son was to find ways to adapt and overcome when faced with adversity, rather than relying on external factors to change the situation. This mindset, along with the support of his parents, helped the son turn things around and find success.

    • Impact of finishing tasks on brain developmentCompleting tasks boosts brain development, leaving unfinished tasks with physical gaps, and physical activities enhance mental fortitude.

      Challenging ourselves with hard tasks and finishing what we start, whether as children or adults, significantly impacts brain development and mental strength. Neurosurgeon findings suggest that unfinished tasks leave physical gaps in the brain, while completing them creates train tracks for better cognitive abilities and an advantage over competitors. Physical pursuits like sports are particularly beneficial for kids as they build mental fortitude and teach the mind to control the body. CT Fletcher, an inspirational figure who has undergone heart surgery and continues to push himself in workouts, exemplifies the importance of mental and physical strength.

    • From Wall Street to Farming: Following PassionsPassions can lead to significant life changes, even if it means stepping out of comfort zones and facing new challenges.

      Sometimes, people's desires and dreams lead them to make significant changes in their lives. The speaker in this conversation shares his personal story of leaving a successful business career on Wall Street to buy a farm in Vermont. He was drawn to the idyllic image of rural life, despite having no prior experience with farming. Along the way, he acquired various animals, including Scottish Highlander cows and chickens, and even had to learn how to handle excavation work during the hunting season when he couldn't find available labor. The story highlights the importance of following one's passions and desires, even if it means stepping out of one's comfort zone and facing new challenges.

    • The unpredictability of lifeEven small decisions can lead to unexpected and chaotic consequences, highlighting the importance of communication and trust in relationships.

      Even the most seemingly insignificant events can lead to unexpected and chaotic consequences. In this story, the speaker's decision to kill a deer instead of burying it led to a series of events that involved his neighbors, the general store, and even a car service. The situation became more complicated when the Slovakian workers discovered the deer and took it for themselves. The speaker's attempts to cover up his actions only added to the confusion, leading to a humorous yet chaotic situation. This story illustrates the unpredictability of life and the importance of being prepared for the unexpected. It also highlights the importance of communication and trust in relationships, as the speaker's secret ultimately came to light despite his best efforts to keep it hidden.

    • An Unusual Hunting Story and Vermont PoliticsThe speaker shared a puzzling hunting story and discussed Vermont's divided opinions on Bernie Sanders and earning a living wage versus excessive government support.

      The speaker shared an unusual hunting story involving a deer, a Turkish guy, and a hand saw, which left everyone involved in the situation puzzled. The incident raised questions about the motivations and actions of the individuals involved. Another topic that emerged during the conversation was the divided opinions in Vermont regarding Bernie Sanders and the concept of earning a living wage versus the potential drawbacks of excessive government support. The speaker expressed his belief that people should work for a living and earn a fair wage, but acknowledged that there can be negative consequences when the pendulum swings too far in the other direction. Overall, the conversation touched upon a range of intriguing topics, from the bizarre to the political.

    • Discovering oneself through challenging experiencesPersonal growth comes from pushing beyond perceived limits, leading to self-discovery and improved health.

      Personal growth and achievement come from earning experiences and pushing oneself beyond perceived limits. The speaker, Joe De Sena, shared his journey from feeling overweight and out of shape to discovering the Transcendence Run, which inspired him to start the Spartan Race series. He found that participating in these challenging events allowed him to discover himself, improve his health, and feel alive. The struggles he faced in growing the business, including competition with Tough Mudder, forced him to become a better entrepreneur. Now, the company he built, Spartan, aims to provide various events as "boxing matches for people," allowing them to choose their preferred challenges and push their boundaries.

    • The Complex Relationship Between Self-Care and CreativityWhile extreme self-destructive habits may have fueled creativity for some, a balanced approach to self-care and discipline is essential for most to thrive in creative and personal pursuits.

      While discipline and hard work are essential for personal growth and success in many areas of life, the relationship between self-care and creativity is more complex. Some creatively brilliant individuals throughout history have achieved great works despite, or even because of, their self-destructive habits. Their indulgences, though not healthy, have fueled their unique energy and led to spectacular results. However, this is not a rule, and it's crucial to remember that most people cannot sustain such extreme lifestyles without detrimental consequences. Ultimately, finding a balance between discipline and indulgence is the key to maximizing potential in both creative and personal endeavors.

    • Balancing Personal Health and Professional SuccessPrioritize health span, focus on essential nutrients for optimal health, and strive for a fulfilling life by balancing personal health and professional success.

      Prioritizing both personal health and professional success is crucial for a fulfilling life. The speaker shares his concerns about individuals who focus solely on their businesses, neglecting their health, and achieving success at the cost of their well-being. He encourages considering health span, or feeling good throughout one's entire life, as an essential goal. The speaker also discusses the importance of having proper nutrition, including essential vitamins and minerals, for overall health and longevity. While there is debate on specific diets and nutritional requirements, the speaker emphasizes the importance of ensuring nutritional bases are covered for optimal health.

    • Our diet and nutrient needs have evolved based on environment and resourcesThroughout history, our diets have adapted to our surroundings, from relying on vegetarian or vegan diets in plant-rich areas to heavily relying on meat in animal-rich environments, and even resorting to cannibalism in extreme situations. Our bodies have also adapted to produce more melanin in colder, cloudier climates for vitamin D absorption.

      Our diet and nutrient needs have evolved based on our environment and availability of resources. In colder, cloudier climates, the body produces more melanin as a survival mechanism for vitamin D absorption. Our diets have also adapted to our surroundings, with people in plant-rich environments preferring vegetarian or vegan diets, while those in animal-rich environments relying heavily on meat. In extreme situations, people have resorted to eating whatever was available for survival. Our ancestors, including primates, were a significant part of some cultures' diets. The discussion also touched upon the prevalence of cannibalism in certain historical contexts, which may have been driven by necessity rather than pleasure. Overall, our nutritional needs and food choices have been shaped by our evolution and the environments we have inhabited throughout history.

    • Applying Comanche tactics to modern lifeSwift action, inspired by Comanche tactics, is crucial for success, but finding the right balance between action and planning is essential.

      The ability to take swift action, inspired by the Comanche tactics of fighting on horseback and utilizing resources efficiently, can lead to success. However, it's essential to find the right balance between action and thoughtful planning. Overthinking and procrastination can hinder progress, while taking too many things on at once can lead to being spread too thin. In the context of the discussion, the speaker emphasized the importance of testing and safety precautions during the pandemic, despite some initial misunderstandings. The Comanche way of "fire ready aim" can be applied to various aspects of life, including business and personal endeavors, but it's crucial to consider the potential consequences and take necessary precautions.

    • Origins of COVID-19 and its impact on societyThe COVID-19 pandemic originated in a lab in Wuhan, China, and exposed weaknesses in health and financial systems. Protests against racial injustice contributed to the second wave due to large crowds and lack of social distancing. Balancing public health and economic considerations is crucial, and individual behaviors also play a role in the spread.

      The COVID-19 pandemic may have originated from a lab in Wuhan, China, and could potentially be used as a weapon by civilizations to infect each other. The rapid spread of the virus and its impact on the world, particularly the United States, exposed various weaknesses, including health and financial systems. The protests against racial injustice, despite being outdoors, contributed to the second wave of the virus due to large crowds and lack of social distancing. The speaker believes that a balance must be struck between public health and economic considerations, and that individual behaviors, such as not wearing masks and attending large gatherings, can also contribute to the spread of the virus.

    • Navigating the Challenges of Hosting Events During a PandemicOrganizers like Joe have successfully hosted safe events by implementing strict protocols and social distancing measures, but these measures limit attendance and profitability. Sweden's approach of focusing on individual health and cultural norms may offer an alternative solution to the pandemic crisis.

      The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on the events industry, with over 50,000 events around the world being shut down. Despite this, some organizers, like Joe, have managed to put on safe events, such as a race in South Carolina, by implementing strict protocols and social distancing measures. However, these measures limit the number of attendees and make it difficult for organizers to make a profit. Sweden, with its smaller population and cultural norms of social distancing, has seen lower infection and death rates, leading some to suggest that the virus may work its way through the population without the need for a vaccine or lockdowns. Ultimately, Joe believes that the only way out of the crisis is to get on with our lives and focus on individual health, despite the lack of emphasis on this issue from governments.

    • Balancing freedom and public health during a pandemicFind a way to give people freedom to make choices while ensuring their health and the planet's health, considering regulations and unconventional solutions like stricter factory farming rules and promoting healthier food options.

      Achieving both freedom and public health during a pandemic is a complex issue. While freedom leads to innovation and personal choice, it can also result in unhealthy habits and the exploitation of animals in factory farming. The pandemic has highlighted the need for regulations to protect public health, but these regulations may limit individual freedoms. Balancing these competing interests requires an open-minded approach and a willingness to consider unconventional solutions, such as stricter regulations on factory farming and the promotion of healthier food options. Ultimately, the goal should be to find a way to give people the freedom to make choices while also ensuring their health and the health of the planet.

    • Revitalizing impoverished areas with military retireesDiscussed the potential of repurposing military retirees to help revitalize impoverished areas, but raised ethical concerns about using military force for enforcement. Emphasized the importance of education and dialogue around healthy eating habits.

      The rising cost of food and poverty in certain neighborhoods is a significant issue, and solutions to address these concerns are complex. One idea suggested was repurposing military retirees to help revitalize impoverished areas. However, the use of military force to enforce order raises ethical concerns. Another issue discussed was the violent nature of some protests and the lack of productive dialogue around important topics, such as nutrition and its impact on health. The conversation also touched upon the importance of education and dialogue around healthy eating habits, which is often overlooked. The overall discussion highlighted the complexity of various societal issues and the need for thoughtful, informed solutions.

    • The Importance of Nutrition Education in Healthcare and Underserved CommunitiesOur healthcare system overlooks nutrition education, worsening health issues in underserved areas with limited access to healthy food and prevalent fast food. Systemic change and a holistic approach are needed.

      Our current healthcare system places little emphasis on nutrition education for doctors and the public, despite it being the root cause of many diseases. This is particularly problematic in underserved communities where access to healthy food is limited and fast food is prevalent. The food industry, with its addictive and deceptive advertising, further complicates the issue. While some individuals have managed to overcome these challenges and prioritize their health, systemic change is needed. The comparison of cigarette and junk food advertising regulations raises questions about individual freedoms and the role of the government in promoting public health. Ultimately, a holistic approach that addresses the root causes of health issues, rather than just treating symptoms, is essential.

    • Better yourself for a better worldRegular exercise, humility, and openness to learning can lead to personal growth, reduced conflict, and a positive impact on the world.

      Personal growth and self-improvement can lead to a better world. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being a good person and interacting positively with others. He uses the example of regular exercise as a simple way to improve both physically and mentally, leading to less conflict and better overall health. The speaker also highlights the humility and peacefulness that can come from challenging oneself and learning from others, as exemplified by martial arts. Ultimately, the goal is to constantly seek improvement and be open to learning from others, creating a positive ripple effect in the world.

    • Discussing the pros and cons of mandatory services or rites of passageWhile mandatory services foster community and personal growth, they can limit individual freedom and lead to negative consequences. Facing challenges and building personal resilience is crucial.

      While there are benefits to having a mandatory service or rite of passage in society, such as fostering patriotism, building community, and promoting personal growth, there are also concerns about individual freedom and the potential for negative consequences. The discussion also touched upon how people who have never been challenged or tested can struggle during times of heightened stress, like a pandemic, and may turn to social media to judge others instead of reflecting on their own lives. Ultimately, the importance of facing challenges and developing personal resilience was emphasized.

    • The importance of discipline and community in personal developmentDiscipline and consistency are crucial for long-term goal achievement. Community and accountability enhance personal development efforts, whether in-person or virtually.

      While motivation can help initiate change, discipline and consistency are key to achieving long-term goals. The power of community and accountability, as provided by events and group activities, can significantly enhance the effectiveness of personal development efforts. However, during times when physical gatherings are not possible, virtual events and online accountability systems can still make a difference. The speaker emphasized the importance of creating a sense of commitment and urgency, even in a virtual setting, to encourage consistent progress towards goals. He also expressed his belief that the current global situation has highlighted the importance of personal freedom and flexibility, which can be found in less densely populated areas.

    • Small towns vs large cities: Unique advantages and challengesSmall towns offer potential for a better quality of life, but come with the downside of everyone knowing your business. The COVID-19 pandemic brings uncertainty and debate over asymptomatic individuals' contagiousness. Stand-up comedy requires testing material in front of a live audience, but adapts to virtual platforms with potential benefits.

      Both large cities and small towns have their unique advantages and challenges. The speaker expressed his preference for small towns due to the potential for a better quality of life with fewer people, but acknowledged the downsides such as everyone knowing your business. He also mentioned his experience with uncertainty regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and the debate over the contagiousness of asymptomatic individuals. In the realm of entertainment, the speaker shared his experiences with stand-up comedy and the importance of testing material in front of a live audience. He acknowledged the challenges of adapting to virtual platforms but also saw potential in them. Overall, the conversation touched on themes of population size, the uncertainty of the current health crisis, and the art of stand-up comedy.

    • Creating transformative experiences for young kidsInspiring hard work, discipline, and purpose in young kids through camp activities and structured routines, away from technology, fosters their personal growth and prepares them for success in life

      Providing transformational experiences to young kids can have a significant impact on their lives. Joe, who runs a camp for kids, shared how he's seen 21 or 22-year-olds from wealthy families struggle to change, but making an impact on younger kids is rewarding. He structures the camp with a focus on hard work, discipline, and purpose, drawing inspiration from Russian wrestling techniques and mountain warfare. The kids wake up early, hike, carry rocks, and eat healthy meals. They're kept away from technology for extended periods, which allows them to focus on their experiences. The camp includes activities like wrestling and a "fight club," where kids learn self-defense and build confidence. The camp's structure and activities aim to challenge and transform the kids, setting them up for success throughout their lives.

    • Managing Communication Channels EfficientlyPrioritize and filter incoming messages by using channels like websites, social media, or designated contacts to make it difficult for unwanted messages to reach you.

      When it comes to managing communication channels, it's important to prioritize and filter incoming messages effectively. Joe DeSenna, during a podcast interview, shared his experience of dealing with thousands of emails daily and advised against giving out personal email addresses publicly. Instead, he suggested using other channels like websites, social media, or designated contacts to manage messages efficiently. The idea is to make it difficult for unwanted messages to reach you, while still being accessible to those who truly need to get in touch. This approach can help save time, reduce distractions, and maintain focus on important tasks.

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    Samantha Rose, cover star of the latest Slimming World magazine, signed up for a 12-week countdown just after Christmas 2020. But by week 10, she'd already smashed her target weight loss of 2 stone! Now a target member, life is a little more balanced than the yo-yo diet binges of her past. Food Optimising and Body Magic have been adopted into her and her family's everyday habits. Plus, exercise is a big part of helping Sam stay on track.
    So armed with a hula hoop, a few ping pong balls and a tissue box, Sam joins Anna and Clare to remind us that movement should and can be fun - no matter where you're starting from.

    Presented by Clare Freeman and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. Always check with your consultant or a health professional when following a weight loss plan.

    138: 2021 Reality Check

    138: 2021 Reality Check
    There are 179 days left in the year...Let's face it, it's been a tumultuous last six months. So let's pause and reflect on whether we're carrying over some of the guilt of any lockdown gains. Are we relying on old habits and 'that's just the way I've always done it' or 'it worked before' limited beliefs? With so many people restarting their journeys in 2021, now seems a good point in the year to stop and make sure we're steering our ship in the right direction - without the guilt of yesteryear journeys. Get the journals ready for Anna and Clare's five step question and answer reflection exercise.

    Presented by Clare Freeman and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. Always check with your consultant or a health professional when following a weight loss plan.

    Help It's Series Infinity… And Beyond!

    Help It's Series Infinity… And Beyond!
    William Hanson and Jordan North return for Series Infinity of the podcast as they vow to never take another series break ever again. There are mispronunciations, dodgy accents and a tale of a plastic bag, a broken toilet… and something in between the two. So settle down and pour yourself a G and D: unless you’re doing Dry January, in which case you can have a nice cup of ice.

    Join Sexted Extra and laugh along to William Hanson and Jordan North helping you navigate the challenges of modern life ad free at https://plus.acast.com/s/sextedmyboss.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.