
    Do's and Dont's for New Year's Dieting

    enJanuary 02, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Appreciating the value of past experiencesPast experiences, even seemingly irrelevant or mundane, shape us and bring unexpected joy. Cherishing these moments and finding meaning in everyday tasks can bring happiness and fulfillment. A strong support system also plays a crucial role in getting through tough times and celebrating achievements.

      Life can be painful and monotonous at times, and we all have experiences that seem irrelevant or outdated. For instance, learning to wash dishes in large amounts of water might seem unnecessary in today's world with modern appliances. However, these experiences shape us and can bring unexpected joy, like a memorable vacation. As we move forward, cherishing these moments and finding meaning in seemingly mundane tasks can bring happiness and fulfillment. Additionally, having a strong support system, like a loving partner or a trusted friend, can help us get through tough times and celebrate our achievements.

    • Sharing stories of life experiencesAppreciate life's experiences, make improvements, and cherish deep connections with loved ones.

      Life experiences, whether it's having kids, realizing deep connections with loved ones, or going through challenging times, add depth and meaning to our existence. The speaker shared stories about the joy and chaos of raising children, the profound realization of his deep connection with his wife, and the ups and downs of the year. He also joked about his morning routine and God's advice for weight loss. Through these experiences, he emphasized the importance of appreciating life and making improvements, such as New Year's resolutions, to make the most of it.

    • Focus on losing 0.5-1% of body weight per weekAim for gradual weight loss of 1-1.5 pounds per week, rather than trying to lose too much too quickly

      When it comes to weight loss, aiming for a gradual and sustainable approach is key. Instead of trying to lose weight too quickly, which can lead to unsustainable results or even potential harm, focus on losing around 0.5 to 1% of your body weight per week. This equates to approximately 1-1.5 pounds per week for most individuals. It's important to remember that exceptions, like the person in a Nordic Track commercial who lost a significant amount of weight in a short period of time, are not the norm. Instead, set realistic and achievable goals based on your own body and lifestyle. Additionally, consider starting your weight loss journey at a convenient time in January, rather than feeling pressured to begin exactly on January 1st or 2nd.

    • New Year's resolutions are arbitraryDon't rush into new goals or resolutions on Jan 1st, prepare and start when ready for success

      The concept of a New Year's resolution and the pressure to start something new on January 1st is largely arbitrary. The idea that there's something magical or super special about starting something on this day is a cultural construct, and not based in reality. The speakers suggest taking a more relaxed approach, allowing yourself some time to recover from the holidays before starting a new goal or resolution. They also advise against rushing into things, as success often takes time and consistent effort. Using the example of a football game, they emphasize that the outcome of the game, or your life, doesn't depend on the date, but rather on the actions you take and the effort you put in. So, instead of feeling pressured to start something new on January 1st, consider taking some time to prepare, and starting when you're truly ready.

    • Focus on sustainable, long-term changes for weight loss successSmall, consistent steps towards eating more filling, nutritious foods can lead to significant weight loss progress over time.

      While the start of a new year can serve as motivation for many people to make changes, such as starting a new diet or fitness routine, the pressure to begin immediately can often lead to failure. Instead, focusing on making sustainable, long-term changes, such as eating more filling foods, can lead to greater success. The statistics show that many people quit their new habits just two weeks in. Therefore, it's important to understand that there's no need to rush and that small, consistent steps can lead to significant progress over time. Additionally, the availability and affordability of more filling, nutritious foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, proteins, and healthy fats, can help individuals meet their nutritional needs and reduce cravings, making their weight loss journey easier and more successful.

    • Considering the limitations of weight loss drugsInstead of relying on weight loss drugs, focus on healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes for sustainable weight loss and overall well-being.

      While there are various drugs available and upcoming in the market to help manage hunger and aid in weight loss, it's essential to consider the potential downsides and limitations. These drugs can be dangerous or expensive, and they may not be necessary if one focuses on eating healthier, more filling foods. So, before turning to drugs, consider adding more steps and making dietary changes first. A friend's experience of dealing with excessive female attention can be likened to the annoyance of having to go on numerous dates due to the effects of certain weight loss drugs. However, it's important to remember that everyone's experience and priorities are different. While some people may prefer the convenience of a drug, others may prefer the long-term benefits of a healthier lifestyle. Ultimately, the best approach is to find a balance that works for you and prioritizes both your physical and mental well-being.

    • Increase physical activity for weight lossAdding 1000-2000 steps daily is a manageable way to boost weight loss, increases energy levels, and curbs hunger.

      Increasing physical activity can be an effective and easier way to lose weight compared to cutting calories. The speaker suggests that adding 1,000 to 2,000 steps a day is a more manageable approach than reducing caloric intake significantly. Additionally, physical activity can help curb hunger and promote energy levels. The speaker also advises that people try to make adjustments to their lifestyle, such as increasing activity levels, before drastically cutting calories or food intake. The speaker uses the analogy of a persistent texter to illustrate the idea that subtle actions, like skipping texts, can lead to a desired outcome without causing a big disruption. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of finding sustainable and manageable ways to make lifestyle changes for weight loss.

    • Consistency and momentum are key to maintaining a healthy lifestyleStarting new routines is challenging but once you get going, momentum carries you forward. Social circles and supportive partners play a crucial role in achieving health goals.

      Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, whether it's losing weight or gaining muscle, requires consistency and momentum. Starting a new diet or exercise routine can be challenging, but once you get going, it becomes easier. However, stopping or slowing down can make it difficult to get back on track. Similarly, cleaning up your house or making positive changes in your life can be daunting at first, but once you start, the momentum carries you forward. Another important takeaway is the impact of social circles on health goals. Surrounding yourself with negative people can be a major obstacle, but finding like-minded individuals can make the journey easier. It's essential to learn to brush off the negative comments and focus on your goals. Lastly, having a supportive partner or spouse can make a significant difference in achieving your health goals. Their attitude and response can range from being fully supportive to indirectly sabotaging your efforts. Understanding these dynamics and responding appropriately can help you navigate the challenges and stay on track.

    • Set boundaries with unsupportive people during dietingDuring dieting, limit interactions with unsupportive people or set clear boundaries to minimize negative impact.

      During your dieting journey, you don't necessarily have to cut toxic or detrimental people out of your life completely. Instead, you can set boundaries and limit interactions with them, especially during the 12-week period. This can help minimize the negative impact on your motivation and diet. However, it's important to remember that not all parents or family members may understand or support your diet choices, especially those from older or more traditional cultures. In such cases, setting clear boundaries and having open conversations about your diet can help manage expectations and reduce conflicts. Remember, it's your journey, and you have the power to control who and what influences you.

    • Dealing with unsupportive people during a diet or lifestyle changeRecognize unsupportive behaviors, stay polite, patient, and true to goals, and maintain compassion for others' struggles.

      Dealing with unsupportive people during a diet or lifestyle change can be an additional challenge. This can manifest in various ways, from well-meaning but misguided suggestions to more deliberate attempts to sabotage progress. Immigrant families, in particular, may express their love and support in unconventional ways, which can feel like a lack of agency or autonomy. This dynamic is not exclusive to immigrant families and can occur in various contexts, including relationships and corporate settings. It's essential to recognize these behaviors for what they are and not take them personally. Instead, focus on staying polite, patient, and true to your goals while maintaining perspective and compassion for others' struggles.

    • People's opinions and actions are shaped by their own experiences, not oursStay focused on personal goals, set clear boundaries, seek out clear, concise advice, and don't let others derail progress

      It's important to remember that other people's opinions and actions often have more to do with them than with us. It's easy to let negative comments or situations get personal, especially when it comes to sensitive topics like diet and food. But often, people's behaviors and friendships are shaped by their own experiences and circumstances, and we can't control that. It's important to stay focused on our own goals and not let the opinions of others derail us. This can be especially challenging when it comes to family and children, as they may not understand our dietary restrictions or may pressure us to indulge. But by staying consistent and setting clear boundaries, we can maintain our focus and keep moving forward. Additionally, while it's important to seek out knowledge and advice from experts, it's also important to be mindful of the volume of information we consume and not get overwhelmed by too much at once. Instead, aim for clear, concise, and actionable information that we can apply directly to our lives.

    • Two types of one-star reviewersThe speaker no longer lets negative feedback hinder her growth, recognizing that some reviewers are constructive while others are unnecessarily mean-spirited.

      Receiving negative feedback, even in the form of one-star reviews, no longer bothers the speaker as much as it used to. She recognizes that there are two main types of one-star reviewers: those who genuinely want to help improve things, and those who are just being mean-spirited or have nothing better to do. The speaker admits that she can be annoying at times, but she refuses to change her personality to please every critic. She also shares a past experience of leaving a one-star review for a company that provided poor services, but now regrets her immature behavior. Overall, the speaker has learned to let go of negative feedback and focus on her own growth and improvement.

    • Unexpected expenses and their impact on businessesEvaluate the value of unexpected expenses before criticizing and focus on personal growth.

      Even if you encounter unexpected expenses from a business, it's essential to evaluate if the cost is worth it to you before making a negative judgment. In the speaker's experience, a seemingly simple repair job turned into a $300 bill due to additional fees. Although frustrated, the speaker decided not to spread negative word-of-mouth but instead considered whether the $150 service fee was worth the convenience. Businesses that fail to secure repeat customers are unlikely to survive in the long run. In the upcoming podcast episodes, they will discuss creating fitness challenges and training do's and don'ts. The speaker also mentioned that they may share personal stories and experiences during the podcast. Overall, the message is to consider the value of services before criticizing and to focus on personal growth.

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