
    156: Should You Settle In Love?

    enMarch 12, 2022
    What is the paradox of choice in dating?
    How does technology influence modern relationships?
    What are universal fundamentals for thriving relationships?
    Why are personal fundamentals important in relationships?
    How can we appreciate individuality in our partners?

    Podcast Summary

    • The paradox of choice in modern datingDespite the convenience of technology and abundance of choices, the paradox of choice can make it hard to commit and be satisfied, focusing on building a strong connection with someone aligning with values and goals is key.

      The abundance of choices in modern dating can make it harder to commit and settle in a relationship, leading to analysis paralysis and lower investment in potential partners. Despite the convenience of technology and the vast number of potential matches, the paradox of choice can make it difficult to make a decision and be satisfied with the choice made. It's important to remember that no one is perfect and that compromises will need to be made in any relationship. Instead of focusing on finding the "perfect" partner, consider investing time and energy into building a strong connection with someone who aligns well with your values and goals. Don't miss the opportunity to join our virtual retreat, mhvirtualretreat.com, for transformational growth in love and relationships before registration closes on March 13th.

    • Focusing on a select few things to fully experience lifeRecognizing the limited time we have and focusing on building meaningful connections instead of trying to find the perfect one can lead to a more fulfilling life.

      In today's world of endless choices, we are less inclined to fully invest in any one person or experience due to the fear of missing out (FOMO) and the belief that we can do it all. However, this mindset can hinder our ability to truly enjoy life and form deep connections. Oliver Burkeman's book "4000 Weeks" emphasizes the importance of recognizing the limited time we have in life and focusing on a select few things to fully experience and enjoy. This concept can be applied to our love lives as well, where the desire to experience it all can make it difficult to commit to one person or relationship. Ultimately, optimization in the choosing process can become counterproductive, and it's essential to identify the fundamental qualities of a potential partner and focus on building a meaningful connection rather than trying to find the perfect one.

    • Universal and personal fundamentals in relationshipsRecognize and fulfill both universal and personal fundamentals for meaningful relationships, avoiding superficial desires that may not matter in the long term.

      Meaningful relationships require fulfilling both universal and personal fundamentals. Universal fundamentals, such as teamwork, kindness, and effective communication, are essential for any relationship to thrive. However, personal fundamentals, like the need for physical affection in some cases, can vary greatly from person to person. It's crucial not to mistake "nice to have" preferences for personal fundamentals, as these superficial desires may not matter in the long term once a deep bond is formed. By recognizing and evolving past our self-imposed limitations, we can open ourselves up to true happiness in relationships.

    • The pursuit of perfection in choosing a partner can be misleadingInstead of seeking a perfect partner, focus on good fundamentals like compatibility and teamwork to build a strong foundation for growth and self-actualization in the relationship.

      Optimization in choosing a partner can be a dangerous game beyond securing the fundamentals. The pursuit of perfection can lead us to overlook the value of good fundamentals and focus on minor imperfections, leading us to constantly search for the "fantasy partner." This mindset is problematic because no one can meet every box we have checked. Instead, we should shift our perspective from settling for someone to settling on someone, recognizing that the real self-actualization and growth come from the relationship itself, not just the initial choice. Good fundamentals, such as compatibility and teamwork, are crucial in forming a strong foundation for a successful partnership. Remember, the goal is not to find a perfect partner, but to find someone with good fundamentals and work together to bring out the best in each other. The true potential of a relationship lies in the growth and combined self-actualization of both partners.

    • Choosing to invest in a relationship makes it unique and valuableBy actively investing time and energy into a relationship, we can transform it from ordinary to extraordinary, creating a one-of-a-kind bond.

      Settling on someone in a relationship doesn't mean giving up or accepting less. Instead, it's about actively choosing to invest time and energy into making the relationship meaningful and valuable. The person may not have been "the one" initially, but through the effort put into the relationship, something unique and beautiful is created. This concept is similar to alchemy, where one takes something ordinary and transforms it into something extraordinary. Moreover, just like choosing a cuisine to satisfy our hunger, we cannot enjoy every potential relationship at once. We must focus on the one we choose and invest in, creating history and value in the process. By valuing what we invest in, we find meaning and fulfillment in the relationship. In essence, the relationship becomes one of a kind because of the investment we put into it. So, rather than waiting for the perfect person to come along, we can create our own perfection by choosing to settle on someone and investing in the relationship.

    • FOMO in Relationships: Don't Judge Based on AppearancesFOMO can lead to unrealistic expectations and focusing on superficial disqualifiers in relationships. Instead, we should focus on improving the fundamentals and appreciate the depth of the people in our lives.

      The fear of missing out (FOMO) in relationships isn't limited to those who are single. Even those in relationships can experience it and be tempted to imagine what could be on the outside. However, it's important to remember that what seems attractive from the outside may not necessarily be an upgrade in person. Instead of focusing on superficial disqualifiers, we should work on improving the fundamentals of our relationships. If we're single, we should also be mindful of our own disqualification criteria and recognize that we won't pass every potential partner's tests. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that everyone has unique qualities and that our perception of someone's worth may not align with others. So, before making hasty decisions, we should strive to understand and appreciate the depth of the people in our lives.

    • Discovering the depths of a person's characterInvesting time and energy into getting to know someone can reveal their unique story and challenges, leading to valuable friendships and relationships.

      Every person has a unique story and the potential to bring richness and beauty into our lives. We may not initially see this when we first meet someone, but as we invest time and energy into getting to know them, we can uncover the depths of their character and the challenges they've overcome. Our friends are a prime example of this – we didn't know everything about them when we first met, but over time we've come to appreciate their individuality and care about them deeply. The same can be true in our romantic relationships. It's important to remember that not everyone may be the right fit for us, but there are many people who can become valuable partners if we give them a chance. The true beauty lies not only in discovering the person, but also in the relationship we build with them.

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    >>> Follow Kimberly @_kimberlysnyder and @soulunabyks
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    Let's talk about greenlights.

    Here is the list of (15) Lessons From Matthew McConaughey's 'Greenlights' Book

    • Don't half a** it 
    • Leave 'your scent'
    • Don't stand there and be the 'cool guy'
    • Be Involved and relate
    • No pedistal
    • Freedom & travel
    • Don't need it. Want it.
    • Walk in like you own it.
    • Don't create drama.
    • Be "ok" with living
    • Shake on it. Keep your word.
    • Value your values
    • Don't be scared to start over.
    • Challenge > Ease
    • Put yourself in place to recieve it.

    Suggested Book:

    Greenlights - Matthew McConaughey


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