
    Podcast Summary

    • Clarifying Compensation Policies for Art ContestTim Dillon prioritizes authenticity and loyalty from fans, and is transparent about compensation policies during art contests to build a strong fan base.

      Tim Dillon values loyalty and authenticity from his fan base. During a recent art contest for his podcast's new Apple Podcast art, Dillon clarified that he would only compensate artists if their work was used, and that sending art did not guarantee free tickets. However, he emphasized that he wanted a dedicated fan base who would support him for the long term. Dillon also addressed accusations of taking advantage of artists, explaining that he would not use art for merchandise without the artist's permission and compensation. Overall, Dillon's priority is to build a strong and authentic fan base, and he is not afraid to be upfront about his expectations and compensation policies.

    • Exploring the Dark Side of Long IslandA morgue worker's unique experiences and friendships emerged from the dark and controversial aspects of his job, despite industry disapproval.

      The speaker, who worked at a morgue and a mosquito lab on Long Island, shared stories of his experiences that were considered controversial and not suitable for the comedy industry. He described tasks such as taking fingerprints, moving bodies, and even cutting open a rib cage with a bolt cutter. He also mentioned encountering disturbing scenes like a dead baby in a freezer on Christmas Eve. Despite the dark nature of his work, he found these stories fascinating and befriended a colleague over their shared experiences. The speaker expressed a desire for others to understand the reality of Long Island, which he saw as more complex than just bagels and obnoxious customers. However, the comedy industry did not find his stories appealing, and he was not allowed to discuss them on air.

    • Social Dynamics and Unwanted AttentionSocietal expectations and personal desires can lead individuals to behave in ways that make others uncomfortable, especially in public spaces. It's important to respect others' boundaries and recognize the complexities of social dynamics.

      People can become overly competitive in public spaces, sometimes leading to uncomfortable situations. The speaker recounts an experience where he found himself attracted to a young lifeguard at a beach club, causing some awkwardness. He reflects on how societal expectations and the desire to be attractive can lead individuals to behave in ways that may make others uncomfortable. The speaker also touches upon the idea that those who are considered attractive often receive unwanted attention, and questions why this isn't reciprocated for those who are not. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities of social dynamics and the importance of respecting others' boundaries.

    • The Complexity of Masculinity and Being OggedMen deserve to experience appreciation, masculinity comes in various forms, and joy and self-expression are essential.

      Society's perception of masculinity and the way men are treated, particularly in regards to being ogled or appreciated, is a complex issue. The speaker argues that men deserve to experience being ogled, as it is a natural human behavior, and that traditional masculinity is often under attack. He also notes that men come in all shapes and sizes, and that those who don't fit the typical mold may find themselves being appreciated in unexpected ways. The speaker also touches on the idea that cynicism and negativity are not the only ways to approach life, and that it's important to find joy and express oneself, even if it's not what others might expect. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of recognizing and celebrating the diversity of experiences and expressions of masculinity.

    • Focusing on experiences and connections instead of exclusivityAppreciate experiences for what they are and don't focus on taking leftovers or hoarding them for later

      In life and relationships, you have to earn what you want, including intimacy and experiences. The speaker shares an anecdote about being excluded from high society events and instead, focusing on building connections and enjoying good food at a steakhouse. However, the evening was marred by a friend's insistence on taking leftovers home, which the speaker found distasteful and representative of a mindset they didn't appreciate. The conversation then shifted to the topic of doggy bags and the speaker expressed their disdain for the concept, associating it with a lack of appreciation for the experience and a focus on frugality. The speaker concluded by reflecting on the importance of enjoying the moment and not treating experiences as something to be hoarded or taken home.

    • Hurricane Sandy's Impact on Long Island: A Tale of Suffering and OpportunismHurricane Sandy brought both suffering and opportunism to Long Island, with some genuinely affected and others exploiting the situation

      During and after the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, people on Long Island, especially those affected, displayed a range of reactions. Some genuinely suffered, while others saw it as an opportunity to profit. The speaker shared his experience of living in a challenging situation with numerous issues, including lack of door, bed bugs, and a shared kitchen with a shower. He found solace in his love for comedy and stand-up, but the hurricane brought chaos, with friends huddled with guns and no power for a week. FEMA offered financial aid, but the speaker was accused of fraud, leading to a revelation of a potential scam by the county. This incident underscores the cultural entitlement on Long Island, where people feel entitled to a house despite having no education or marketable skills, and some went as far as exploiting the situation for personal gain. The speaker's story highlights the complexity of human nature, where some people genuinely suffer, while others see crises as opportunities for personal gain.

    • A receptionist's perspective on dealing with difficult bosses and finding balanceDespite challenging bosses and hardships, the speaker found herself drawn to the 'crazy people' she encountered, reflecting on her own values and eventually leaving New York for a less ideal but necessary alternative.

      The speaker, who works as a receptionist at a massage parlor despite not being a doctor, shared her experiences of dealing with difficult bosses and the mentality of coping with their wealth and hardships. She discussed how this mentality is not hidden, but openly talked about among certain communities, and how she found herself drawn to the "crazy people" she encountered, despite the insanity often outweighing any benefits. The speaker also reflected on her own values and her decision to leave New York and the depressing living conditions behind, acknowledging that the alternative, while not ideal, was also necessary to keep things in balance. Ultimately, she realized that the hustle and chaos of her life, while sometimes boring in reality, held a certain romantic appeal for her.

    • The importance of growth and authenticityPeople's lives can be unfulfilling without growth and self-improvement. The speaker critiques hypocrisy and inconsistency in those who claim to be moral arbiters or revolutionaries, while emphasizing the importance of seeking authenticity and growth in ourselves and others.

      People's lives, no matter how exciting or chaotic they may seem from the outside, can ultimately be sad and unfulfilling if those individuals never grow or evolve. The speaker in this conversation acknowledges the humor and freedom in resisting convention, but also laments the lack of accountability and self-improvement in some individuals. They also express frustration with the hypocrisy and inconsistency they observe in those who claim to be moral arbiters or revolutionaries, but live contradictory lives. The speaker's comments on Robert Mueller and the FBI illustrate this theme, as they highlight the complexities and contradictions in the actions and motivations of those in positions of power. Ultimately, the speaker seems to be suggesting that it's important to look beyond surface-level appearances and seek out genuine growth and authenticity in ourselves and others.

    • Political Investigations and Legal LimitationsBelief in Trump's guilt but acknowledging political implications, importance of focusing on issues, potential impact of Epstein scandal, and criticism of media focus on high-profile figures.

      The discussion revolves around the ongoing investigations into potential wrongdoings by high-profile political figures, specifically Trump and Clinton, and the legal limitations regarding charging a sitting president. The speaker expresses a belief in Trump's guilt but acknowledges the political implications and the importance for Democrats to focus on issues rather than engaging in mudslinging. The Epstein scandal is also mentioned as a potential game-changer, with the possibility of revealing numerous high-profile names. The speaker also criticizes the media for focusing on Trump, Clinton, and Epstein, suggesting that it may lead to a sense of apathy among the public. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities of politics and the need for a balanced approach.

    • Impact of misinformation on politicsMisinformation and manipulation in politics can sway voters and distort public perception, as seen in the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth's attacks on John Kerry during the 2004 presidential race. Fact-checking and critical thinking are crucial to combating false narratives.

      The use of misinformation and manipulation in politics can significantly impact elections and public perception. During the 2004 presidential race, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a group with questionable connections, launched attacks against Democratic nominee John Kerry's military record. The false accusations, which included claims of cowardice and dishonor, were spread widely and influenced many voters. This incident highlights the power of propaganda and the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking in the political arena. Additionally, the discussion touches upon the media's role in uncovering the truth and the public's susceptibility to sensationalized stories.

    • Allegations of Depraved Acts by the Ruling ClassDespite disbelief, it's possible some ruling class members engaged in depraved acts like MK Ultra, mind control, and ritual abuse. Power and wealth might drive such behavior, but protection due to influence could hinder accountability. Epstein case illustrates this complexity.

      The discussion revolves around the allegations of depraved acts involving certain members of the ruling class, particularly regarding MK Ultra, mind control, and ritual abuse. The speaker expresses disbelief yet acknowledges the possibility that some of these claims could be true. They also touch upon the idea that wealth and power might drive some individuals to engage in such activities, but also suggest that those involved may be protected due to their influence. The speaker brings up the case of Jeffrey Epstein and the possibility that powerful figures like Clinton and Trump could be implicated, but questions whether they would be held accountable given their status and power. The speaker also touches upon the role of intelligence agencies in potentially protecting these individuals. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and controversies surrounding power, wealth, and allegations of heinous acts.

    • Technology and the dark side of connecting victimsThe use of technology can help victims connect and corroborate stories, but also exposes them to potential danger from powerful individuals and organizations. It's important to acknowledge the system's corruption and address societal issues to prevent such horrors.

      The use of technology and the internet has made it easier for victims of sexual abuse and exploitation to connect and corroborate their stories, but it also exposes them to potential danger from powerful individuals and organizations. The discussion touched upon the involvement of intelligence agencies in such matters, the potential manipulation of pedophiles, and the desensitization of society to such horrors. It's important to acknowledge that there are good people in law enforcement and other organizations, but the system can be corrupted and those in power can get away with heinous acts. The discussion also highlighted the need for a change in society's approach to dealing with such issues and the importance of addressing the root causes rather than just the symptoms. It's crucial to remember that these are not just isolated incidents, but rather a reflection of deeper societal issues that need to be addressed.

    • Frustrations with the current state of comedy and high cost of livingThe speaker laments the lack of authenticity and critique in comedy, and the financial struggles of living in expensive cities, while expressing a love for performing and making people laugh.

      The cost of living in cities like New York can be prohibitively high, leaving many struggling to make ends meet. The speaker expresses frustration with the current state of comedy, which he sees as overly supportive and lacking in authenticity. He feels that the industry caters to "theater kids" who lack confidence and are unwilling to be critiqued or challenged. The speaker also touches on the theme of automation and job loss, mentioning Andrew Yang and the potential impact of AI on industries like trucking. Ultimately, he expresses a love for performing and making people laugh, but a disdain for the current cultural climate in the comedy world.

    • The comedy scene: outdated and dishearteningThe future of comedy without gatekeepers is uncertain, with a risk of saturation by unfunny performers. Value authenticity and talent, and avoid empty validation from unfunny people.

      The comedy scene, particularly in certain clubs in the Midwest and Northeast, can feel outdated and disheartening. The speaker notes the prevalence of older comedians clinging to the past and resenting the rise of digital platforms. Talent is abundant but often overshadowed by those who crave attention and validation. The speaker expresses concern about the future of comedy without gatekeepers, fearing a saturation of unfunny performers. They advocate for genuine appreciation and support of comedy, rather than a mindless pursuit of fame. Additionally, they caution against surrounding oneself with unfunny people who offer empty validation. The comedy world, like other art forms, risks becoming a sea of mediocrity if we don't value authenticity and talent.

    • Survivalist mentality in competitive industriesIn competitive industries, a survivalist mentality can lead to disconnection and a lack of authenticity. Embrace your true self and value others for who they are.

      In certain environments, people may adopt a survivalist mentality where everyone is seen as a potential threat or "rat." This mentality can be particularly prevalent in competitive industries like comedy, where success can be elusive and cutthroat behavior may be perceived as necessary. However, this mindset can lead to a lack of authenticity and connection with others. The speaker expresses a desire to leave behind this culture and find a place where individuals are valued for who they are, even if it means starting over in a new place. Additionally, the speaker criticizes the focus on image and superficial success in modern society, urging people to embrace their true selves and live authentically.

    • Attempts to recreate authentic communities fall shortDespite efforts to replicate unique experiences, the absence of history and diversity can hinder authenticity. Los Angeles' Hollywood lacks the raw, gritty charm of historically diverse communities like Queens, New York.

      While some communities strive to recreate a soulful and raw experience, they may fall short and fail to truly create something new. For instance, the attempt to recreate a specific community in Los Angeles lacks the authenticity of places like Queens, New York, which holds a rich history and diverse population. The speaker expresses a deep connection to this community and the experiences it offers, which he will miss when moving away. The hustle and grime of places like Hollywood in Los Angeles have faded, replaced by a more polished and Disney-like atmosphere. The speaker acknowledges that the truly dishonest and morally bankrupt individuals have moved into offices, but their impact is still felt. The speaker's podcast, "Comp," can be found anywhere podcasts are available, and he will be touring various comedy clubs across the country. The final episode of "Tim Dillon's Go to Hell" podcast will change its name to "The Tim Dillon Show," as the speaker has experienced the "hell" he set out to explore.

    • Long Island culture through the lens of the Tim Dillon showThe Tim Dillon show offers a unique perspective on Long Island culture, connecting with audiences through their honest and often critical portrayal of the area. Hosts face criticism but plan to continue authentic production, seeing humor in everyday experiences and connecting with fans through relatability and authenticity.

      The hosts of the Tim Dillon show have a unique perspective on Long Island culture, and they've found an audience who connects with their honest and often critical portrayal of the area. Despite facing criticism and being driven out of New York, they plan to continue producing their show and maintaining their authenticity. The hosts believe that Long Islanders are often misunderstood and lack charm or redeeming qualities in the eyes of outsiders, but they see the humor and truth in the everyday experiences of their community. Their connection to their audience comes from their shared experiences and their ability to poke fun at the flaws of Long Island culture while still appreciating it. The hosts are not afraid to speak their minds and call things as they see them, and their loyal fans appreciate their authenticity and relatability.

    Recent Episodes from The Tim Dillon Show

    397 - Presidential Debate Reaction

    397 - Presidential Debate Reaction
    Tim examines the presidential debate, White people who drink wine, nasty retail workers, the death of malls, finance bro summer and your passion finding you.

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://punchup.live/TimDillon


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    Helix Sleep
    Go to HelixSleep.com/TimD for 20% off all mattress orders AND two free pillows with code: HELIXPARTNER20.

    Morgan & Morgan:
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    Liquid Death
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usJune 29, 2024

    396 - Rodent Men & Justin Timberlake

    396  - Rodent Men & Justin Timberlake
    Tim examines the rat men phenomenon, the pride flag, Justin Timberlake's arrest, summer abortions, cartels’ immigration packages, the most American city and happy dictators.

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://punchup.live/TimDillon


    Morgan & Morgan
    For more information go to forthepeople.com/tim

    Get 20% off your first order plus a free THC pre-roll at
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    Shady Rays
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usJune 22, 2024

    395 - Celebrity Home Invasions & Costco

    395 - Celebrity Home Invasions & Costco
    Tim talks about Caitlin Clark, what he would do at a home invasion, an Amazonian tribe battling the Internet, buying in bulk, networking and the easy way out.

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://punchup.live/TimDillon


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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usJune 08, 2024

    394 - Donald Trump & Cracker Barrel

    394 - Donald Trump & Cracker Barrel
    Tim examines President Trump’s conviction, a Jaws screening gone awry, the failed Congolese coup, fun dads, Cracker Barrel’s reimagining and restaurants as museums.

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://punchup.live/TimDillon


    Go to Hims.com/TIM for your personalized ED treatment options.

    Shady Rays
    Head to shadyrays.com and use code: TIMD for $20 off polarized sunglasses.

    Morgan & Morgan
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usJune 01, 2024

    393 - Kevin Spacey's Soup & AI Saints

    393 - Kevin Spacey's Soup & AI Saints
    Tim talks about Logan Paul’s Prime lawsuit, the multimillionaire middle class, Kevin Spacey’s return to the spotlight, Taiwan, the latest saint and being a Boeing baby.

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://www.timdilloncomedy.com/


    Helix Sleep
    Go to HelixSleep.com/TimD for 20% off all mattress orders AND two free pillows with code: HELIXPARTNER20.

    Shady Rays
    Head to ShadyRays.com and use code: TIMD for $20 off polarized sunglasses.

    Mack Weldon
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usMay 25, 2024

    392 - Eurovision & Jerry Seinfeld's Pop-Tart Movie

    392 - Eurovision & Jerry Seinfeld's Pop-Tart Movie
    Tim examines watching atrocities in a grocery store, finance guys being overworked, the Pop-Tart movie, Gaza influencers, Eurovision and the collapse of the restaurant industry. 

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://www.timdilloncomedy.com/


    Liquid Death
    Go To LiquidDeath.com/TIM For Free Shipping

    Blue Chew
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    Morgan & Morgan
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usMay 16, 2024

    391 - Boomer Bashing & Campus Protests

    391 - Boomer Bashing & Campus Protests
    Tim talks about visiting one of the college campus protests, a boomer YouTube video targeting him, the royal family’s jam, Saturday not being being for the boys and why everything’s a casino now.

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://punchup.live/TimDillon


    Aura Frames
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    #TimGivesBack #timdillon #timdillonpodcast

    390 - Harvey Weinstein's Overturned Conviction & TikTok Ban

    390 - Harvey Weinstein's Overturned Conviction & TikTok Ban
    Tim talks about the TikTok ban, not asking questions, Harvey Weinstein’s conviction being overturned in New York, an Italian ice cream ban and why it’s not cool to brag about adult parties.

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://punchup.live/TimDillon


    Go To MackWeldon.com & Get 20% Off Your First Order With Promo Code: 'TIM'


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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    #TimGivesBack #timdillon #timdillonpodcast

    389 - Iran, Israel & The Cool Aunt

    389 - Iran, Israel & The Cool Aunt
    Tim talks about Israel’s strike on Iran, the Columbia University protests, being gay in the Middle East, Plus Size Park Hoppers and what makes aunts cool but tragic.

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://punchup.live/TimDillon


    Get 20% off your first order plus a free THC pre-roll at
    hellomood.com with promo code TIM.

    Morgan & Morgan
    For more information go to forthepeople.com/tim

    Helix Sleep
    Go to HelixSleep.com/TimD for 20% off all mattress orders AND two free pillows with code: HELIXPARTNER20.

    Go to Hims.com/TIM for your personalized ED treatment options.


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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.


    388 - Mike Recine & Lizzo Be Quitting

    388 - Mike Recine & Lizzo Be Quitting
    Tim sits down with comedian Mike Recine about Lizzo calling it quits, the unreality of online, the border, Gen-Z doing trade jobs, old-fashioned cooking, call centers and Boston Market.

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://www.timdilloncomedy.com/


    Get Started At Robinhood.com/Boost

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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.


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    053 - Preparing for Fatherhood with Ryan Pope

    053 - Preparing for Fatherhood with Ryan Pope

    A few years ago I received a phone call that would change my life forever.

    Nardia was away in Sydney presenting a workshop. I was at home on the Gold Coast with a friend planning for a huge event we were putting on for men. My focus was deep in planning and ideation.


    The phone rang, I saw Nards’ name on the screen and almost didn’t answer because I was so in deep focus mode.

    I answered thinking something must be up seeing as she didn’t just message a little update after her workshop ended.


    She spoke two words: “I’m pregnant”.

    Well, fuck me if that didn’t pull me out of focus mode immediately!

    At that moment things came up and shifted in me - a process of change and evolution started.

    Not only was facing fatherhood but the birth, and before that, all the preparation leading into the day our child came into the world.


    I’m fortunate to have spent time on my own awareness, in growth, and have good people and men around me, so I was able to prepare myself for these moments and experiences and shifts.

    But most men don’t have this, we don’t have support - truly - for becoming a father, for the actual birth experience and supporting our partner, and for the lead up to that day.


    Well, now we do.

    On today’s podcast, I am speaking to a friend of mine Ryan Pope, whose partner, Amber Hawken from Episode ) recently gave birth to their son.

    In this episode:

    Ryan has since gone on to create a program and experience for men to prepare for these three stages: the pregnancy stage, the birth itself, and then stepping into fatherhood.

    I am pumped to talk about his own journey and how this process is formed.

    In this episode, we dive into all of that.

    While everyone’s experiences are different, the stages we men go through and are asked to step into to become fathers have many consistent throughlines. Ryan and I explore that in this episode.


    I hope and trust you’ll gain something from this episode, including - I estimate - a bunch of further questions. If so - good. Questions, when followed with curiosity, allow answers. Answers allow options.

    When it comes to living a better life - options are important. Dive in. share. Rate and review - I appreciate your support in getting this in front of more men.


    Ryan’s Bio

    Ryan Pope is a chiropractor, breathwork instructor and holistic health and lifestyle coach. He is the CEO of Powerhouse Mind Body Chiro, a multidisciplinary wellness centre on the Gold Coast in Australia and Becoming The Mountain, a mentoring and events business focused on preparing men physically, mentally and emotionally for their rite of passage into fatherhood.

    Ryan facilitates mindfulness, and men's work and co-facilitates at Alchemy, a multi-modality healing and transformational retreat for men and women. His focus is on creating balance and harmony in self, life and relationships through nervous system regulation, acceptance and commitment therapy, self-reflection and mastering daily practices.

    Find him here: 

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