
    158. CULTS Part 2: How Intuition Can Save Us with Sarah Edmondson

    enDecember 08, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Addressing common industry problems with innovative solutions3rd Love tackles size exclusivity in bras, Pampers ensures gentle care for babies, recognizing harmful practices leads to freedom and healing.

      Both 3rd Love and Pampers provide solutions to common problems in their respective industries. For 3rd Love, it was addressing the issue of size exclusivity and uncertainty in finding a comfortable and well-fitting bra through their half cup sizes and virtual fitting room. For Pampers, it was ensuring gentle protective care for babies with their Swaddlers diapers and free and gentle wipes. Sarah Edmondson's story highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing nefarious practices, such as those in NXIVM, when beliefs and community no longer justify staying in a harmful situation. The clarity that comes from confronting the truth, even if it means facing difficult consequences, can ultimately lead to freedom and healing.

    • Questioning Leaders' IntentionsTrust instincts, seek help when something feels off, and never blindly follow leaders. Speak out against wrongdoing to protect yourself and others.

      Appearances can be deceiving, and it's crucial to question the intentions and true nature of individuals, even those in positions of authority. Sarah's experience with Keith, who turned out to be a manipulative and harmful leader, underscores the importance of trusting one's instincts and seeking help when something feels off. The branding incident was a turning point for Sarah, leading her to recognize Keith's true character and rally others to leave the organization. The escape was a challenging and stressful process, but ultimately necessary for their safety. The experience served as a stark reminder of the dangers of blindly following leaders and the power of speaking out against wrongdoing.

    • Branding for manipulation and control in NXIVMUnderstanding the true intentions behind branding is crucial to avoid manipulation and control, as seen in the NXIVM case.

      Branding, as used in the context of the NXIVM organization, is about assigning meaning and creating personal development, but it can also be used to manipulate and control individuals. Sarah Edmondson, a former member, was initially hesitant to reveal the truth about her branding, fearing repercussions. However, when she learned of the extent of the organization's abuse and manipulation, she decided to go public and expose the truth, despite the risks involved. This decision led to a New York Times investigation and the eventual downfall of NXIVM. The experience of Sarah and other members highlights the importance of understanding the true intentions behind branding and being aware of the potential for manipulation and control.

    • A woman's bravery leads to a cult investigation and #MeToo catalystSpeaking out against adversity can lead to significant change, and thorough research is essential when making important decisions like buying a home.

      Sarah's bravery in coming forward about her experiences in a controversial group led to significant change. Despite the personal risk and potential backlash, she chose to speak out, which ultimately resulted in an FBI investigation and the prosecution of a man accused of running a cult. This act of courage not only helped free those still trapped within the group but also served as a catalyst for the #MeToo movement. Sarah's story demonstrates the power of standing up for oneself and others, even when faced with adversity. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of thorough research and information when it comes to making significant decisions, such as buying a home. Homes.com was emphasized as a valuable resource for home shoppers, offering comprehensive information about neighborhoods, schools, and agents to help potential buyers make informed decisions.

    • The role of the #MeToo movement and media exposure in NXIVM's downfallThe #MeToo movement amplified allegations against NXIVM, but it was an admin's financial actions that ultimately led to the group's demise. Women involved felt empowered despite public judgment.

      The timing of the #MeToo movement played a significant role in bringing attention to allegations against NXIVM, a group that had been under investigation for years. The New York Times story was a major punch, but it didn't destroy the company. Instead, it was an admin who shut down members' credit cards and initiated chargeback requests that ultimately led to the company's demise. After the story broke, there were numerous media requests, and the public reaction was often dehumanizing and judgmental. Despite the challenges, the women involved in exposing NXIVM's alleged abuses felt a sense of empowerment and continued to speak out. The documentary series "The Vow" provides a raw and unfiltered look into their experiences.

    • The Vow's Impact: Understanding and SupportQuestion groups, seek knowledge, stay open-minded, and share experiences to make informed decisions.

      The Vow, despite initial skepticism, has turned out to be a source of understanding and support for the speaker. She acknowledges that high control groups, including the one she was involved in, can come in various forms and sizes, and it's essential to be aware of their potential dangers. The speaker emphasizes the importance of questioning and not blindly following any group or belief system, no matter how appealing it may seem. She encourages seeking knowledge and education about these groups and their histories, as well as being humble and open-minded in our conversations about them. The speaker's personal experience shows that it's possible to find positive aspects in seemingly negative situations, and that it's crucial to share these experiences to help others make informed decisions.

    • Maintain healthy skepticism when seeking spiritual growthAvoid blindly following experts, watch for red flags like love bombing and exclusive groups, and remember personal growth is a continuous journey.

      While seeking spiritual growth and wisdom from experts is valuable, it's essential to maintain a healthy skepticism and avoid being blindly drawn into potentially harmful situations. The line between an expert and a cult leader can be blurry, and red flags include love bombing, pressure to join exclusive groups, and a focus on belonging over individual growth. It's crucial to remember that no one has all the answers and that personal growth is a continuous journey. Be wary of invitations that seem too good to be true and always do thorough research before getting involved. The pursuit of spiritual growth should enrich our lives, not lead us into dangerous territories.

    • Understanding the difference between genuine connection and manipulative love bombingBe cautious of excessive attention and praise, which may be signs of manipulative love bombing, and look for authentic connection based on time and shared values.

      Genuine connection and kindness can be easily confused with manipulative behaviors like love bombing. Love bombing is an excessive showering of attention and praise, often used by manipulative individuals to control and isolate their victims. This can lead to a false sense of belonging and make it difficult for individuals to recognize unhealthy relationships. It's important to be aware of the signs of love bombing, such as isolation from the outside world and controlling behavior, and to remember that true connection requires time and authenticity. Additionally, businesses facing hiring challenges can turn to specialized recruiting professionals like Robert Half to connect with highly skilled talent.

    • Isolation and lack of accountability in cult-like environmentsLeaders in cult-like environments can manipulate perceptions and maintain their image by discouraging criticism, questioning, and speaking dishonorably, creating fear and ensuring harmful behaviors continue.

      Isolation and lack of accountability are major red flags in cult-like environments. Leaders who are not accountable to anyone and are surrounded by yes people can get away with anything, often being narcissistic and charming. Criticism or questioning is met with gaslighting, making people feel that their concerns have no merit. Additionally, speaking dishonorably is discouraged, allowing leaders to manipulate perceptions and maintain their image. These tactics create an environment where people are afraid to react or speak out, ensuring the continuation of harmful behaviors.

    • The Dangerous Cycle of Control and Manipulation in GroupsGroups can manipulate thoughts and emotions, suppressing self and deference to a higher authority, potentially causing harm. Emotions are valuable signals, not something to be suppressed.

      The dynamic of being part of a group, especially one that may be perceived as controversial or isolating, involves a significant control of both behavior and information. This control can lead to the manipulation of thoughts and emotions, often encouraging an abandonment of self and deference to a higher authority. The idea is that external events trigger emotions, and the meaning we attach to those emotions is a choice we make. However, in some groups, emotions are discouraged or even seen as a sign of weakness, leading to a dangerous cycle of control and manipulation. Glenn's conversation highlights the importance of understanding this dynamic and the potential harm it can cause, especially within families and relationships. Ultimately, it's crucial to recognize that our emotions are valuable signals, not something to be suppressed or overcome, and that change often starts with recognizing the need for it within ourselves and our institutions.

    • Understanding the complexities of emotional manipulationEmotional manipulation can be healthy or destructive depending on intentions and consistency. Be mindful of the impact on self-worth and reactions, and ensure consistency in beliefs.

      While some aspects of emotional manipulation, such as changing the meaning of symbols or breaking stimulus responses, can be healthy and beneficial, the intention behind the manipulation is crucial. Emotional manipulation becomes destructive when it's used to control people's self-worth and reactions, creating a paradox where individuals are held responsible for the negative experiences they encounter. Consistency in beliefs is also essential, as inconsistency can lead to confusion and harm. The importance of this lesson can be compared to the delicate care given to a baby, emphasizing the need to handle emotional manipulation with thoughtfulness and consideration. Additionally, individuals should be able to leave a group or community without facing shunning or negative consequences.

    • Consider red flags and leadership responses in evaluating groupsWhen joining a group, assess potential risks and how leadership responds to controversies. Embrace self-authority and personal growth for balanced community engagement.

      When evaluating a group or community, it's important to consider potential red flags such as lawsuits or allegations, and how the leadership responds to them. Additionally, people often leave groups due to the closeness and belonging they find there, even if it comes with potential risks. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-authority and questioning, and finding balance through personal growth and community support. The song "Closer" by The Indigo Girls symbolizes the journey of seeking answers and finding peace within oneself. Ultimately, the goal is to be "closer to fine," embracing the uncertainty and focusing on personal growth and self-belonging.

    • Engage with content that resonatesSupport creators by rating, reviewing, and following their content. Feedback, positive or negative, is valuable. Discover new content that aligns with your interests.

      Importance of supporting and engaging with the content that resonates with us. "We Can Do Hard Things," a podcast produced in partnership with Cadence 13 Studios, encourages listeners to rate, review, and follow the show on various platforms. These actions not only help the creators but also allow the content to reach a wider audience. Moreover, the hosts emphasized that feedback, whether positive or negative, is valuable. While expressing appreciation for the podcast can make a significant impact, it's also essential to remember that everyone has different preferences. If you didn't enjoy the podcast, there's no need to leave a review. Instead, focus on discovering other content that aligns better with your interests. In summary, actively engaging with the media that moves us is a simple yet powerful way to support creators and expand our horizons. So, take a moment to rate, review, and follow the podcasts you love, and continue exploring new content that inspires and challenges you.

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    We Can Do Hard Things
    enJune 13, 2024

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    Abby On Healing From Religious Trauma
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    Tegan and Sara Ask: Did We Do Enough?
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    What Amanda’s Learned About Life, Love & Community (Post Surgery Pt 2)

    What Amanda’s Learned About Life, Love & Community (Post Surgery Pt 2)
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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