
    Find Your Feminine Fire

    Are you a high achieving woman ready to have more energy and sexual desire again, but feel stuck because you are too busy,  feel overwhelmed, and don’t want one more thing on your “to do” list? Congratulations brave one, The Find Your Feminine Fire podcast is for you. In this podcast, renowned Sex and Relationship Expert Amanda Testa shares what it really takes to have incredible sex, enjoy deeply connected relationships, and light yourself up from the inside out.  Over the years, Amanda has guided thousands on transformative journeys to heal their relationship with their sexuality, fully embrace pleasure without shame, own their electrifying confidence, and have epic relationships. Listen in to discover how to fan the flames of your Feminine Fire, fall in love with your sensual self again, and experience intimacy like never before - all in a way that feels really good to your system.  Ready To Get Your Feminine Fire Back? Head to www.amandatesta.com/thegoods for free goodies and your Free Sensuality Activation! Join my FB community here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FindYourFeminineFire
    enAmanda Testa286 Episodes

    Episodes (286)

    How To Leap Into The Epic Love Story You Desire

    How To Leap Into The Epic Love Story You Desire

    Tune in for a quickie pod on leaping forward into the love story you desire.   

    Discover what typically holds us back, and how to commit to expanding your love story with yourself, and your partner.  


    If you are a fan of the podcast, I'm curious if you would be willing to help me with something.... would you please be a part of my "Turn On Team" ?

    We are celebrating 6 YEARS of the Find Your Feminine Fire podcast in March, and I'm planning an epic relaunch to mark the occasion!!

    Here's where the magic happens, and you play the starring role.   What is the "Turn On Team" you ask?

    Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to sprinkle your love and sparkle on our upcoming posts about the launch. 

    What's in it for you? HUGE PRIZES!  By simply joining the team here, you're already in the running.  

    Keep an eye out for my upcoming announcements on how writing a review or engaging in other fun activities can multiply your chances to win!

    Your voice, your energy, and your support could truly make waves as we embark on this exciting journey together. Your contribution helps create the spark that sets the community ablaze with excitement and connection.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your unwavering support

    Much Love and Infinite Gratitude,



    Find Your Feminine Fire
    enMarch 01, 2024

    How To Get Your Partner On Board To Improve Your Relationship

    How To Get Your Partner On Board To Improve Your Relationship

    Today I'm re-releasing this powerful episode from 2021, as this is a question I often recieve from clients.

    How do I get my partner on board to improve our relationship?

    Listen into this episode where you'll discover the importance of personal growth for fostering deeper connections, strategies for effective and compassionate communication with your partner, the significance of aligning your actions with your inner values and desires, and the role of understanding and creating a safe emotional space for each other.

    I'll also share some journaling prompts you can use to when you want to discuss this with your partner, and how to have the conversation.  (grab the journal PDF with the show notes here)

    Time and time again, I have seen that when one person in a relationship makes changes in themselves, there is a ripple effect that happens that positively impacts the relationship.


    Listen below, or tune in via: Apple Podcasts,Stitcher or Spotify.


    Unleashing Your Goddess Voice And Freeing Your Expression With Sara Giita Flores

    Unleashing Your Goddess Voice And Freeing Your Expression With Sara Giita Flores

    If you’ve ever felt your voice was suppressed, or struggled to fully express your true self, our latest episode of Find Your Feminine Fire is an absolute must-listen. 

    In this week's podcast, I'm talking with trusted voice coach Sara Giita Flores around what it really takes to  heal the hidden blocks that keep you playing small. 

    Listen in to this week's episode to discover:

    - Why we as humans have a deep need to be seen, heard, and understood, and what stands in the way of this.

    - Exploring the 4 Voice Archetypes to Make Yourself Heard.

    - How to use your physiology to support your expression.

    - How to develop safety and confidence when sharing your voice.

    - What is your "Goddess Voice" And how to find it and express it.

    And much more!

    How To Go From Shut Down To Turned On With Amanda Testa

    How To Go From Shut Down To Turned On With Amanda Testa

    Are you longing to reignite your passion and enhance your intimate connections?

    In this week's Find Your Feminine Fire podcast episode, I'm revisiting my very first episode, from six years ago!

    In the premiere episode, I share more vulnerably about my personal journey from feeling disconnected and overwhlemed to sensually alive and deeply connected to myself and my relationship.

    Tune in to discover how to embrace your pleasure, heal your relationship with your sexuality, and step into your true, confident self.

    This enlightening conversation, hosted by my dear friend Rachel Rose,  is filled with practical tips and compassionate advice, guiding you to rekindle your inner flame.

    Whether you're feeling overwhelmed by life's demands or seeking to deepen your relationships, tune in and you'll gain a lot of inspo from this episode!

    Want to stay connected?  Join my email list for a very special sensuality activation practice HERE.

    Feng Shui Your Life + Transform Your Relationships with Marie Diamond

    Feng Shui Your Life + Transform Your Relationships with Marie Diamond

    Are you ready to transform your living space into a vibrant sanctuary that not only boosts your Feminine Fire but also rejuvenates your soul? This episode of the "Find Your Feminine Fire" podcast is an absolute must-listen, as we dive into the transformative power of Feng Shui with the renowned master, Marie Diamond.

    Marie Diamond, a Feng Shui Master, unravels the mysteries of this ancient Chinese energy system, explaining its principles in a way that's both enlightening and practical. She shares how your home, which she describes as a larger body around you, can influence your inner energy. By understanding and applying Feng Shui principles, you can create an environment that supports your wellbeing and personal growth.

    Tune in to Discover:

    ✨ What's possible when you change your surroundings, and how to overcome the obstacles in the way of changing your space.

    ✨ What makes Marie's approach to Feng Shui unique, and the science behind her method.

    ✨ Learn practical tips for your home and workspace- and what you should NOT be doing!

    How to use Feng Shui to manifest your desires, and inspring stories of transformation.

    ✨ How to make your bedroom a "Love Sanctuary", and the common thing we need to get out of the bedroom STAT for better connection.

    ✨ And much more!  

    This is just a glimpse into the treasure trove of insights Marie Diamond shares in the episode. Be sure to listen to the full podcast for a deeper dive into the world of Feng Shui and personal transformation! 


    How To Create A Recap + Intention Ritual For Your Relationship

    How To Create A Recap + Intention Ritual For Your Relationship

    Are you ready to transform your relationships in 2024?

    Whether it's deepening the bond with your partner, enriching your connection with yourself, or enhancing your role in the community, our latest podcast episode is your treasure trove of wisdom and insight.

    Listen in to discover:

    ✨How to create unique year-end rituals that can act as powerful catalysts for change and growth in your relationships.

    What it means to be a “Groundskeeper” in your life, and how to use it to reflect on your year, paving the way for a more mindful and intentional 2024.

    ✨Unearth the secrets to harnessing wisdom and power from your life’s traumas and challenges. This episode guides you through navigating these tough terrains to emerge stronger and more connected in your relationships.

    ✨Gain exclusive access to the personal prompts I use to envision and sculpt my relationship goals.

    Plus, delve into potent intention-setting tools designed to make your 2024 a year of profound connection and fulfillment.

    👉Download your 2023 Year in Review Journal HERE.

    Join the Planting Your Seeds of Desire Workshop for FREE! RSVP HERE.

    Reclaiming Your IntuWitchin With Mia Magik

    Reclaiming Your IntuWitchin With Mia Magik

    Looking to reclaim your inner magic and self trust?

    Get ready to ignite your intuWitchin and reconnect with nature’s wisdom in the latest episode of "Find Your Feminine Fire" podcast, where I dive deep into a captivating conversation with the extraordinary Mia Magik. 

    As a modern ambassador of ancient wisdom and author of "IntuWitchin", Mia shares her journey of embracing her intuition after years of ignoring her inner voice, leading to profound transformations and a deeper connection with the universe.

    Listen into this powerful episode to discover:

    ✨How Mia's intuitive abilities were present in childhood but got suppressed due to societal pressures, and why it can be hard to listen to your IntuWitchin. 


    ✨Mia's transformative experience in New York City that rekindled her connection to the Universe and her inner knowing.


    ✨The power of reconnecting with nature and the elements and concrete examples of interpreting signs from the universe and nature in everyday life.


    ✨How these principles of deepening your IntuWitchin can enhance both romantic and platonic relationships.


    ✨Exploring the link between physical ailments and emotional/spiritual needs.


    ✨Emphasizing a lifestyle that celebrates sensuality and joy in various forms.

    and much more!

    This episode is an invitation to step into a world where intuition, nature, and pleasure intertwine, leading to a life filled with magic, purpose, and deep fulfillment. Tune in and be inspired to awaken the magic within you!

    Creating Joyful Connections To Your Body with Thais Harris

    Creating Joyful Connections To Your Body with Thais Harris

    Have you ever wondered how your health and nutrition plays into your Feminine Fire?

    If you’re seeking ways to nourish your spirit, body, and mind, you’re in for a treat with our latest conversation.

    In this episode of the Find Your Feminine Fire podcast, I'm thrilled to sit down with Thais Harris, a board-certified holistic nutritionist who helps clients cultivate deeper self-love as the guiding principle in making dietary and lifestyle improvements.

    Thais's journey from the world of graphic design and acting to holistic nutrition is nothing short of inspiring, driven by personal health challenges and family experiences. It's a story that speaks to the transformative power of food and self-care.

    Together, Thais and I dive deep into the intricate connections between nutrition, stress, and overall well-being. We explore how our food choices can significantly impact our health, vitality, and even our emotional state.

    Thais shares eye-opening insights into the importance of traditional diets and the role of joyful movement in nurturing our resilience and vibrancy, and creating better relationships.

    Listen in to discover:

    ✨ Uncover how stress impacts health and learn strategies to combat its effects through nutrition.

    ✨ Conscious eating and practical tips on making mindful food choices that align with your body’s needs and your soul’s desires.

    ✨ Getting your family on board,  and how to guide your children towards nourishing food choices in a supportive, non-restrictive manner.

    ✨Embracing menopause and advice on using nutrition and self-love to navigate this transformative stage gracefully.

    ✨ How improved eating improves relationships, and much more!

    Grab your favorite beverage, find a cozy spot, and join us in this enlightening conversation. It's time to unlock the secrets to fueling your feminine fire through the power of nutrition and self-love.

    "Help, I've Lost My Libido, What Do I Do?" with Amanda Testa

    "Help, I've Lost My Libido, What Do I Do?" with Amanda Testa

    In the dynamic, often overwhelming whirl of life, it's not uncommon to find ourselves grappling with a lost sense of sexual desire. 

    In this week's episode of the Find Your Feminine Fire podcast, I'm delving into this delicate and profound topic, offering insights and strategies for those who find themselves whispering, “Help, I’ve lost my libido. What do I do?”

    Listen in to discover:

    ✨Understanding the nature of libido

    ✨The multi-pronged causes of diminished desire

    ✨ How lifestyle foundational affects libido

    ✨ Practical strategies for revival

     ✨ Why solving the problem doesn't happen overnight

    ✨ How to embrace the continual quest for pleasure


    and more!


    If you loved this episdoe, please share with a friend!

    Get your sensuality activation here.


    Stress Management For Challenging Times

    Stress Management For Challenging Times

    If you’re feeling overwhelmed with all that is happening in the world, listen in to this week’s Find Your Feminine Fire podcast to discover some tools to help support yourself.

    In this episode I’m sharing some simple yet powerful tools to find pockets of relative stability in these chaotic times.

    Tune in to discover: 

    ✨The Power of Resourcing: Learn what resourcing is and how it can be a game-changer in managing stress.

    ✨Crafting Your Support List: I'll guide you through creating a personalized support list, a practical tool for feeling more capacity to handle hard things.

    ✨Building Community and Connection: Understand why nurturing connections and community is essential, and learn how to cultivate these supportive networks, especially in times like these.

    Listen in on your fave pod player.

    Sending you much love,


    How To Feel Better During Perimenopause with Bria Gadd, AKA The Period Whisperer

    How To Feel Better During Perimenopause with Bria Gadd, AKA The Period Whisperer

    Feel like you’re riding the perimenopause roller coaster? 

    On this week’s podcast I'm talking with Bria Gadd, aka The Period Whisperer, an integrative nutritionist, holistic health coach, and certified personal trainer who specializes in female hormones. 

    We’re diving into the impact of perimenopause on our hormones, and how to feel better as you navigate what can feel like a chaotic time of life.

    In this episode you'll discover: 

    - The secrets to boosting your energy levels

    - How to regain control of your body when it feels so out of sync,

    - How to stay empowered and educated on what really happens with your hormones, 

    - How to keep your libido alive

    - and much more!

    Listen in, because this podcast is your ticket to an exciting, informative, and empowering journey through perimenopause!


    Love As A Daily Practice with Dr. Alexandra Solomon

    Love As A Daily Practice with Dr. Alexandra Solomon

    Want to enjoy deeper, more connected relationships, including the one with yourself? 

     If you’re looking to discover simple ways to help your relationship thrive, then this episode of the Find Your Feminine Fire podcast is a must listen.

    This week, I have the pleasure of speaking with none other than the legendary Dr. Alexandra Solomon!

    She doesn’t just understand love; she embodies it, champions it, and turns it into an art form with her powerful framework of Relational Self Awareness that's touched millions of lives across the globe.

    Now, if you’ve ever thought - 'How do I keep that spark alive, both with my partner and within myself?' or 'How do we bounce back stronger from those inevitable moments of disconnect?', then you, my friend, are in the RIGHT place.

    Dr. Solomon and I are diving deep into her latest masterpiece, "Love Every Day", shedding light on nailing conflict resolution, understanding relational self-awareness, and—this is a biggie—how to maintain that oh-so-essential sense of self in a committed relationship. We're not just talking love; we're talking a journey of self-love and self-awareness that translates into a richer, deeper connection with others.

    Get ready to find the answers and soak up a ton of wisdom on cultivating love that is as enduring as it is joyful. This is YOUR time to explore, learn, and most importantly, to love, every single day. 

    Let’s dive into all the juicy deets on this soulful episode of the Find Your Feminine Fire podcast - your catalyst for all things love, connection, and intimate partnerships. 

    Listen below, or tune in via: Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your fave pod player.

    Liked this episode? Please take a moment to rate and review, and share with a friend!

    Reclaim Your Turn-On: 3 Pathways to Rediscover Your Desire with Amanda Testa

    Reclaim Your Turn-On:  3 Pathways to Rediscover Your Desire with Amanda Testa

    In today's episode, we're diving straight into three potent ways to rekindle your desires and rediscover your inner spark. It's time to rev up your desire!

    As the seasons shift and we embrace the renewed energy of the back-to-school period, it's the perfect time to refresh our routines. Imagine you're the caretaker of your soul, tuning in and tending to its needs with intention and care.

    Life's challenges might occasionally overshadow our inner vibrancy. But through understanding and self-compassion, we recognize these moments and the growth they bring. And remember: deep within us is the power to make choices that truly align with who we are.

    Ready to reignite your passion and pave the way for a more connected, fulfilling life?   Listen in for 3 simple yet transformative steps to reconnect to your Feminine Fire, and feel your desire spark.


    Want support in REAL time to Reclaim your desire?

    Join us for the FREE 3 day Awaken Your Sensual Power event, learn more and RSVP Here.

    Money, Pleasure, And Self Worth with Amanda Testa

    Money, Pleasure, And Self Worth with Amanda Testa

    Often, in the myriad twists and turns of our life journey, we find ourselves compartmentalizing various aspects of our lives.  

    When we are working, we are working, when we are playing, we are playing. 

    We separate our passions from our responsibilities, our dreams from reality, and most critically, our pleasure from our money. 

    But what if I told you that there's an untapped reservoir within you, where your sensual desires and your financial aspirations intertwine seamlessly?

    In this week's pod, we explore the intimate dance between our self-worth, pleasure, and money.

    Our relationship with money isn't just about numbers in a bank account; it's an extension of our relationship with ourselves. It's about our desires, our fears, and our profound yearning for joy, connection, and satisfaction. 

    When we allow ourselves to truly embrace pleasure, not as an indulgence but as a necessity, we pave the way for an enriched understanding of our financial selves.

    As you listen in, I'll invite you to reflect on your own experience. 

    How do your sensual experiences shape your perceptions of worth? How has society's narrative on pleasure influenced your financial decisions? And most importantly, how can we collectively shift towards a paradigm where our pursuit of pleasure empowers our sense of worthiness, and financial growth?

    Lastly, if this topic resonate with you, consider deepening your exploration by joining our sacred sensual self care community,  "The Pleasure Foundation".

    This September, we're delving into the intricate dance of pleasure and money, and we'd love to have you with us.

    From Menopause to Intimacy: Exploring the Potential of Psilocybin for Women's Health with Jennifer Chesak

    From Menopause to Intimacy: Exploring the Potential of Psilocybin for Women's Health with  Jennifer Chesak

    In a world where traditional medicine often overlooks the unique needs of women, many are turning to alternative pathways to find the healing and support they deserve. One such pathway is through the intriguing world of psilocybin.

    Today, I am thrilled to be joined by Jennifer Chesak, an award-winning freelance science and medical journalist, editor, fact-checker, and the visionary author of "The Psilocybin Handbook for Women."

    If you've ever wondered about the intersection of psychedelics and women's health, or if you're curious to discover the potential of psilocybin as a tool in the quest for wellness, this episode is a must-listen. 

    Tune in as Jennifer and I dive deep into the science, the myths, and the promising  possibilities that lie in the heart of this fascinating subject.

    Some of the questions Jen addresses in the episode include:

    ✨Does psilocybin affect women differently?

    ✨Can psilocybin help with menstrual migraines, endometriosis, or premenstrual dysphoric disorder?

    ✨Will psilocybin boost my sex life?

    ✨Do hormones have an impact on the entourage effect?

    ✨What the heck is the entourage effect?

    And more!


    **Please Read Carefully Before Proceeding**

    The content shared in this episode is purely for educational and informational purposes only. It does not constitute medical, therapeutic, or legal advice. The views expressed by our speakers and guests do not necessarily reflect those of Amanda Testa LLC.

    Listeners are reminded:

    *To always consult with healthcare professionals for medical advice or concerns.
    *That psilocybin remains a controlled substance in many jurisdictions. Its use, possession, sale, or distribution might be illegal.
    *That using psilocybin carries potential risks, especially outside of a controlled setting.
    *That Amanda Testa LLC, its affiliates, hosts, and guests are not liable for decisions made based on this episode's content.
    *Any third-party links or mentions are for convenience and do not signify endorsement.
    Listeners are strongly encouraged to exercise discretion, seek professional guidance where appropriate, and conduct further research before making decisions based on the content of this episode.

    Revolutionize Your Sex Life with Dr. Saida Désilets And Aaron Michael

    Revolutionize Your Sex Life  with  Dr. Saida Désilets And Aaron Michael

    Are you feeling stuck in a mundane routine?

    Craving more excitement, connection, and fulfillment in your love life? If your answer is a resounding YES, then buckle up, because we've got something incredible for you.

    This week, I'm sitting down with renowned intimacy experts Dr. Saida Désilets and Aaron Michael. Together, we're about to delve deep into strategies that will not only revolutionize your self-care but also set your relationship on fire. 


    Listen in to discover:

    ❤️ Reframe Self Love: Discover why embracing self love is your hidden ticket to a life filled with joy and vitality.

    ❤️ Unlearn Shame: Learn how to let go of societal constraints and make empowering choices that celebrate YOU.

    ❤️ Embrace Embodied Love: Find the key to deeper, more meaningful connections with your partner, and understand what it means to embody love.

    ❤️ Awaken Sensation: If you've felt numb or shut down, we've got the magic tips to reignite those tantalizing sensations.

    ❤️ Suction Sex Unveiled: Get ready to have your mind blown as we discuss this revolutionary concept that can redefine pleasure in your intimacy.

    ❤️ Mismatched Libidos Explained: Uncover the truth and the myths, and learn how to sync up for a harmonious love life.

    ❤️Fun and Connection: Get your hands on grounded, real-world tips that promise more joy and playfulness in the bedroom. 


    This episode isn't just about spicing things up; it's about rediscovering love, passion, and the essential elements that make intimacy truly breathtaking.


    Tune in, and prepare to transform your intimacy into something extraordinary!


    How To Naturally Boost Your Sex Drive With Dr. Betsy Greenleaf

    How To Naturally Boost Your Sex Drive With Dr. Betsy Greenleaf

    If you're looking to find more desire, amplify your sexual health and personal vitality, then sit back, relax, and tune into this weeks podcast!

    It's a sad fact that countless women endure discomfort and confusion about their sexual health for years, assuming it's just a part of aging.   


    Join me as I talk with Dr. Betsy Greenleaf, a trailblazing leader in women's health, with over 20 years of experience in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery, as we delve into the intricacies of female sexuality, the importance of your microbiome, and the power of not accepting discomfort as your destiny. 

    Here are 3 key takeaways from our conversation:

    1️⃣ Don't accept discomfort as a normal part of aging: Many women mistakenly assume that discomfort is inevitable as they age. However, there are various options available to address and alleviate these issues.

    2️⃣ Women's sexuality is complex: It's crucial to understand that women's sexuality is different from that of penis-bodied individuals. There are multifaceted factors that influence women's sexuality, and simply taking a one-size-fits-all solution won't solve all problems.  Listen in for some ideas to help!

    3️⃣ Microbiome matters: The balance of our microbiome plays a vital role in our overall health, including our vaginal and gut health. 


    Join in this powerful conversation to find natural solutions to spice up your libido. 

    Love this topic and want more? Join Dr. Betsy's Happy Vagina Rally HERE to learn from over 40 experts and discover effective strategies to conquer the sexual health challenges you face during menopause.

    Making Time When There Is None with Amanda Testa

    Making Time When There Is None with Amanda Testa

    Your Ultimate Guide to a Pleasure-Filled, Stress-Free Summer

    Do you constantly find yourself wishing for more time?

    If yes, then this episode of the Find Your Feminine Fire podcast is your ticket to serenity amidst the summer frenzy. 

    🔸 Are you a  juggling summer camps, work commitments, and family fun time?
    🔸 Do you constantly feel swamped with a never-ending to-do list?
    🔸 Ever caught yourself longing for a quiet moment to yourself, or for some deep connection time with your loved ones?

    If you answered 'yes' to any or all of the above, then we have tailored this episode just for you! 

    Today, we dive into the art of time management and soulful connection.

    Because believe it or not, there is a way to squeeze in 'me-time' , without feeling guilty, to enjoy deep connections with your loved ones, and to still have a pleasure filled summer. 

    This episode reveals:

    1️⃣ Actionable tips and tricks for reclaiming your time, ensuring you get to spend it the way you desire. 

    2️⃣ A close look at why you might feel too busy and how you can break free from this cycle.

    3️⃣ Key steps to weave in connection in your realtionship for a summer that's fun, fulfilling, and surprisingly pleasurable.

    It's time to reclaim your summer! Let's make this one a stress-free season filled with deep connections, self-care, and plenty of joy.

    So, get your earphones ready, grab your favorite summer drink, and let's unravel the secret to a more balanced, fulfilling summer. 

    Listen in now, and let's start making some room for you in your schedule. We promise – it's not as impossible as you think.

    How To Date Like A Goddess with Allison Jayne

    How To Date Like A Goddess with Allison Jayne

    Are you finding it challenging to ignite your Feminine Fire within your dating life, or perhaps aiming to keep the magnetism alive within your existing relationship? If that resonates, then you're in the right place!

    In this week's pod, I'm delighted to be in conversation with Allison Jayne Ewing, a licensed clinical social worker and certified EFT practitioner. Together, we delve into the art of 'Dating Like A Goddess.'   

    Allison imparts her profound expertise on the transformative art of tapping. (she even guides us through a powerful tapping practice).

    We discuss the intriguing concept of polarity within relationships, transcending gender identification. She elucidates the integral roles of both masculine and feminine energies in weaving intimacy, as well as the ways we can channel our inherent energy to establish deeper bonds with our partners.

    Be prepared for some tantalizing tips from Allison for midlife dating, complemented by her discerning insights on the influence of modern society on our potential to truly embrace our femininity.

    Whether you're looking to amplify your intimate relationships, rekindle passion in your current partnership, or simply curious about the subtleties of tapping and its beneficial impact on you, this podcast episode is an absolute must-listen.

    Don't miss this enlightening conversation, abundant with authentic strategies to cultivate deeper connections, both with yourself and your significant other. 

    Allison is an  Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a certified EFT Practitioner, who is also a divorced and dating woman.  Allison's goal is to teach women how to use EFT Tapping to clear blocks and limiting beliefs around dating and finding an ideal partner.  Allison believes crisis creates opportunity and that, after the crisis of divorce, a whole sky full of stars of new potentials for your life becomes available! Allison feels that dating can be the greatest opportunity of self-discovery that you've ever experienced and this self-discovery draws miracles into your life.  Above all Allison wants to show you how to have FUN on this journey!


    *Want more easy ways to Find Your Feminine Fire and enjoy more pleasure filled relationships?  Get Amanda's Free Sensuality Activation HERE.

    Ignite and Inspire: Feminine Fire Success Stories with Allie Boyle

    Ignite and Inspire: Feminine Fire Success Stories with Allie Boyle

    Discover the magic that unfolds when you Ignite Your Feminine Fire in today's riveting episode.

    This week, we delve into a fascinating conversation with my esteemed former client, Allie Boyle.

    Witness firsthand the profound change this path offers, turning self-doubt into unwavering self-trust, and enhancing open hearted connection in her relationship.

    Listen in to discover:

    * The triggers that guided Allie, a triumphant businesswoman with impressive coaching, sales, and spiritual expertise, to seek the profound change that only specialized coaching support could provide.

    * The limitation of conventional coaching that merely brushes the surface, and the pressing need for in-depth healing and self-discovery.

    * The power of a trusted guide: See how partnering with Amanda enabled Allie to not just trust herself deeply, but also to embrace vulnerability in her relationships and unlock the doors to authentic self-expression.

    * The candid truth about the experience with a sex and relationship coach: A peek into what you can expect from this transformative journey.

    * The inevitable fears that creep in when contemplating an investment in coaching, and strategies to navigate these doubts.

    Our conversation shines a spotlight on the game-changing impact of the coaching experience, from heart-opening to fostering genuine connections, boosting self-trust, and so much more.

    Tune in to unlock insights about the life-altering possibilities that await when you dare to say YES to this transformative journey.

    Curious to explore if this work is right for you?  Connect with Amanda here for a heart to heart convo to see if her support is the right next step.

    Grab your free sensuality activation here!