
    #164 - Shane Smith (Part 2)

    en-usDecember 06, 2011

    Podcast Summary

    • Connecting with admired figures leads to genuine conversationsPodcasting allows for meaningful interactions with admired figures, leading to authentic discussions and enjoyable experiences

      The ability to connect with admired figures and have meaningful conversations is an amazing experience. This was emphasized during a podcast recording with Anthony Bourdain, where the hosts discovered he wanted another beer but didn't ask directly. The relaxed atmosphere of their podcast allowed for genuine conversations instead of formal interviews. They also discussed inviting Terence McKenna's brother, Dennis, on the podcast due to his work in psychedelics and academia. The hosts expressed their excitement about the evolution of their podcast, which started in a simple office setup and is now located at the Ice House in Pasadena, allowing for easy transitions between podcasting and live performances. They also mentioned their network of podcasts under the Death Squad label and the unique setup of their podcast studio at the Ice House. Overall, the podcast has become one of the most enjoyable experiences for the hosts.

    • Discussing Urban Legends and Psychedelic Technology at Steve Renazizi's Comedy ShowFriends Doug Benson, Dom Irrera, and others discussed urban legends, pool, and potential uses of technology to induce psychedelic experiences, including the infamous Polybius urban legend and virtual reality.

      Doug Benson and his friends, including Dom Irrera, attended Steve Renazizi's comedy show in Vegas. They discussed various topics, including their shared love for pool and their dislike for certain seizure-inducing visuals in movies and urban legends. The urban legend they discussed was about a video game called Polybius, which supposedly gave players seizures and was allegedly used by the CIA for testing. The conversation then shifted to the idea of recreating psychedelic experiences through technology, such as virtual reality, and the potential implications of such a discovery. Previously, hackers had exploited phone systems to make free long-distance calls by using specific tones, and the speakers wondered if something similar could be achieved visually to induce psychedelic trips.

    • Immersive Technologies in Mental Health and Personal GrowthSkepticism towards using immersive technologies for mental health and personal growth, preference for introspection and creative outlets, and using attention-grabbing actions to promote media content, with a preference for podcast format over traditional TV shows.

      The use of immersive technologies like sound and potentially visuals, such as those used in brainwave entertainment or psychedelic experiences, could have potential applications in mental health and personal growth. However, the speaker expresses skepticism and discomfort with the idea, preferring to focus on his own introspection and creative outlets like podcasting and pranks. Another key point discussed was the idea of using embarrassing or attention-grabbing actions to promote media content, such as wearing red lipstick or getting on a reality show. The speaker also shared his preference for the podcast format over traditional TV shows, finding it more engaging and less restrictive.

    • A contrast between LA's Ice Houses and Vegas comedy scenesLA's Ice Houses offer a more inclusive and free comedy experience, while Vegas' economic downturn pushes people towards free webcam sites for adult content

      The Ice Houses in LA offer a unique comedy experience compared to traditional comedy clubs. Performers are friends and shows are often free or low-cost, creating a more welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. Contrastingly, the economy's impact on Vegas has led to a decline in tourism and revenue for industries like casinos and adult entertainment. Instead of paying for adult content through traditional channels, some individuals have turned to free webcam sites as an alternative. Overall, the Ice Houses represent a more community-driven comedy scene, while the economic downturn has affected traditional vacation destinations and industries.

    • Exploring Adult Entertainment on the InternetThe internet offers affordable and convenient access to adult entertainment, including virtual sessions with porn stars, but the blurred lines between work and personal life can lead to complex emotions and challenges.

      The internet provides access to various forms of adult entertainment, including virtual private sessions with performers, some of whom are famous porn stars. These sessions can be more affordable and convenient than traditional methods, like strip clubs. Performers use platforms that allow them to set their own rules and prices, and some even continue to maintain personal relationships outside of their work. However, the line between work and personal life can blur, leading to complex emotions and challenges. The anonymity and accessibility of these platforms can also lead to unrealistic expectations and distorted desires. Ultimately, the use of such platforms raises questions about the intersection of technology, sexuality, and human relationships.

    • Living near water brings peace and enjoymentDespite potential risks, living near water brings peace, enjoyment, and opportunities for relaxation and recreation.

      Living near a body of water, whether it's a lake or the ocean, brings a sense of calm and enjoyment for many people. The speaker shares his experiences of living in California, where the weather is warm even in December, and expresses his desire for a vacation home on a lake. He recalls his past experiences of power outages and the need for a generator, and imagines having a house on a lake with a dock, a boat, and the ability to fish for breakfast. The speaker also mentions the beauty of being on the water and the desire to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. However, he acknowledges the economic feasibility of living a little further away from the water and just having quick access to it. The speaker also shares stories of friends who have boats and use them for romantic dates and peaceful getaways. Despite the potential risks, such as tsunamis, the speaker's takeaway is the desire to live near water and experience the peace and enjoyment it brings.

    • Productivity and Risks in Louie's CareerDespite risks and challenges, staying productive, focused, and informed can lead to great success in one's career.

      Productivity and hard work can lead to great success, even with limited resources. This was evident in the conversation about Louie, a busy comedian who edits his own show on a laptop and writes a new hour every year. However, there are risks and challenges, such as piracy in certain areas, that can hinder progress. For instance, the conversation touched on the dangers of traveling to Africa due to pirate attacks. Despite these risks, the desire to explore new places and experiences, like Japan, can be strong. Ultimately, it's essential to be informed, prepared, and focused on your goals to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

    • Speaker's Preference for Japanese Culture and Asian WomenThe speaker expresses a preference for Japanese culture and Asian women, making stereotypical assumptions and revealing a lack of sensitivity and understanding towards different cultures and people.

      The speaker expresses a preference for certain cultural experiences and attractions, specifically referencing Japanese culture and Asian women. He shares anecdotes from his past experiences and makes stereotypical assumptions about Asian women being polite and beautiful, and mentions a perceived affinity for them due to his childhood friendship. The conversation also touches on racial stereotypes, including assumptions about physical attributes and intelligence. The speaker's words reveal a lack of sensitivity and understanding towards different cultures and people. It's important to remember that these views are not representative of all individuals and do not accurately reflect the diverse experiences and realities of Asian women or people of Asian descent.

    • Assumptions about others based on stereotypesPeople's assumptions about others based on their appearance can be inaccurate and misleading, leading to misunderstandings and incorrect judgments.

      People's perceptions and assumptions about others, particularly regarding their physical attributes, can be inaccurate and based on stereotypes. The discussion revolved around the assumption that large athletes must have large penises, and anecdotes were shared about individuals who defied these expectations. For instance, Jonathan Daniel Brown, a comic book guy and actor, was assumed to have a small penis based on his appearance but was revealed to have a large one. These assumptions can lead to inaccurate judgments and misunderstandings. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the idea that individuals' appearances and actions do not always align with their true selves or abilities.

    • Penis size and confidenceDiscussing penis size can affect self-confidence and satisfaction during sexual encounters. Some people may feel inadequate with smaller penises, while others may be amazed but concerned about the dangers of unsupervised teen parties.

      The size of a man's penis can impact his confidence and satisfaction during sexual encounters. Those with smaller penises may feel like they're not getting in enough or not making a significant impact. On a different note, the discussion also touched on the movie "Project X" and its wild party scenes. It was mentioned that some people may be amazed but also concerned about the potential dangers and consequences of leaving teenagers unsupervised during parties. Additionally, the speakers shared memories of high school parties and the varying degrees of parental involvement. Overall, the conversation covered a range of topics, from personal experiences to pop culture.

    • Rules for underage alcohol consumption at homeParents may allow underage drinking at home, but there's no legal clarity on the issue, and potential risks from technology use should also be considered.

      There is confusion regarding the rules around underage consumption of alcohol at home under adult supervision. The conversation revealed that while parents may allow their children to consume alcohol at home, there are no clear-cut laws or guidelines stating this is legal. The discussion also touched upon the complications of using technology and the potential risks of sharing personal information online. Additionally, the preference for Android phones was expressed, but the conversation ended on a humorous note with the mention of Siri being considered useless.

    • Privacy concerns with voice recognition technologyReports of voice recognition software logging and transmitting user data without consent have raised privacy concerns. The nature and danger of this data collection are unclear, but lawmakers have given tech companies a deadline to explain their practices. Android users have been particularly affected.

      Voice recognition technology, such as dictation and text-to-voice, is becoming increasingly common and convenient for performing various tasks, especially while driving. However, privacy concerns have arisen due to reports of certain software, like Carrier IQ, logging and transmitting user data, including texts and calls, to unknown databases. The exact nature and potential danger of this data collection are still unclear, but it has raised concerns among lawmakers, who have given tech companies a deadline to explain their practices. Android users, in particular, have been affected by this issue, as some carriers and phone manufacturers have been found to install this software without users' knowledge or consent. Apple has already taken steps to remove Carrier IQ from its devices, but the broader implications of this data collection remain to be seen.

    • Senator Franken's push for transparency in tech companies' data collectionDespite assurances, privacy concerns persist, and Senator Franken advocates for transparency and accountability in tech companies' data collection practices. However, the system is influenced by lobbyists, special interest groups, and corporate donations, making change challenging.

      Despite assurances from companies, there remains concern over privacy and data collection, as illustrated in the discussion about a tech company's use of randomized data. Al Franken, a senator known for his intelligence and patriotism, is pushing for transparency and accountability. The system, however, appears locked down with lobbyists, special interest groups, and corporate donations shaping politics. Ron Paul and others may not have a chance at the presidency given the current state of affairs, but change is possible, and public outrage could be the catalyst.

    • Electoral concerns and societal declineThe electoral system's vulnerability to manipulation and societal unease raise concerns, but economic challenges and potential recovery offer hope for rebuilding.

      The current electoral system, particularly the use of electronic voting machines, raises significant concerns about manipulation and deception due to their susceptibility to rigging. This issue was highlighted in the HBO documentary "Hacking Democracy," which demonstrated the ability for third parties to alter votes undetected. This distrust in the electoral process adds to the sense of unease about the state of democracy and the potential for a societal decline. Despite these concerns, there are also positive signs, such as the recent uptick in employment and the potential for individuals to create their own jobs in a free market economy. However, there are also significant economic challenges, such as the potential collapse of banks, commercial real estate, and the credit card market, which could lead to a prolonged period of hardship before recovery. Ultimately, the question remains whether such a period of hardship is necessary for a true rebuilding of society.

    • False accusation and brutal beating of a grandfather during Black Friday shoppingDuring Black Friday, a grandfather was falsely accused of shoplifting and brutally beaten by an off-duty officer. The incident was not recorded by all cameras, and the family is seeking legal help. This highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in law enforcement.

      During Black Friday shopping at a Walmart in Buckeye, a grandfather was falsely accused of shoplifting and brutally beaten by an off-duty police officer. Witnesses, including the grandfather's nephew, claimed that the old man was only holding a game for his grandson when he was attacked. The incident was captured on video, but five security cameras in the area did not record the incident. The police department defended the officer's actions, stating that the video only showed the end of the altercation. The old man suffered severe head trauma and was left unconscious with a bloody face. The family is seeking legal help, and the officer involved has been placed on administrative leave. The incident highlights the need for transparency and accountability in law enforcement, as well as the potential for excessive force during crowded shopping events.

    • Actions of law enforcement can be subjectiveDiffering accounts and lack of clear footage can make it difficult to determine the truth in chaotic situations, highlighting the importance of understanding the complexity of law enforcement decisions.

      The actions of law enforcement can sometimes be subjective and open to interpretation, especially during chaotic situations. The incident at Walmart involving the 54-year-old man, Gerald Newman, highlights this issue. Witnesses claimed he was trying to protect his grandson, while police accused him of shoplifting and resisting arrest. The lack of clear footage from the beginning of the incident and the differing accounts make it difficult to determine the truth. It's important to remember that officers have to make quick decisions, but these decisions can have serious consequences. The incident serves as a reminder that there's often more to a story than what meets the eye.

    • The Power of Community and ConnectionA friend's witnessing of police brutality led to community action and a pursuit of justice. Creating content from podcast rants can inspire and lead to new forms of media. The discussion also highlighted the dynamic of varying comedian salaries and its impact on morale.

      The power of community and connection was evident in a recent discussion on the Death Squad podcast. A friend of the hosts witnessed an incident of police brutality towards an elderly man and has since become a key witness in the case. The friend has been working tirelessly to help the family find a good lawyer and get justice for the victim. The podcast also highlighted the importance of creating content from podcast rants and turning them into videos or animations, which the hosts find inspiring. Additionally, the discussion touched on the interesting dynamic of comedians discussing their salaries, with some making significantly more per episode than others, leading to feelings of depression and perceived bragging. Overall, the podcast showcased the power of community, the importance of standing up for justice, and the creativity that can emerge from seemingly mundane conversations.

    • Podcast sponsor mentions: Onit's AlphaBrain, New Mood, and Shroom Tech SportListeners encouraged to explore Onit's supplements like AlphaBrain for cognitive enhancement, New Mood for natural anti-depressant, and Shroom Tech Sport for Cordyceps mushroom benefits during workouts. All come with a money-back guarantee.

      The podcast is coming to an end, but the host expressed gratitude to listeners and sponsors before signing off. One of the sponsors mentioned was Onit, the creator of supplements like AlphaBrain and New Mood. AlphaBrain is a cognitive enhancer, and New Mood is a natural anti-depressant containing 5HTP. The host also mentioned Shroom Tech Sport, a Cordyceps mushroom supplement for endurance and energy during workouts. All Onit products come with a 100% money-back guarantee. The host encouraged listeners to research these supplements and even suggested making their own if they think the Onit brands are too expensive. The podcast will be back next Monday, and until then, the host signed off with fond farewells.

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