
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the evolution of taste preferences for whiskey and other spiritsOur taste preferences don't always align with what's good for us, and it can take time to acquire a taste for something healthy or unhealthy, like whiskey. Our evolutionary past might influence our cravings for unhealthy foods.

      Our taste preferences may not align with what's good for us, and sometimes it takes time to acquire a taste for something, like whiskey. Kyle Dunnigan shared his experiences with whiskey and other spirits, recalling his first encounters and how they shaped his preferences. He also pondered why we might crave unhealthy foods despite their negative health effects, suggesting that our evolutionary past may play a role. Throughout the conversation, the hosts and guest shared their humor and personal stories, making for an entertaining and thought-provoking episode.

    • Disappointments in Social Life and Support for Law EnforcementThe speaker shares his feelings of isolation and frustration in social situations, from dating to attending events, and expresses support for law enforcement, acknowledging the challenges they face.

      The speaker expresses feelings of disappointment and frustration with certain aspects of his social life, including dating and attending social events. He shares his experiences of being surrounded by large families and feeling overlooked, attending parties and sex parties, and using dating apps without success. He also expresses his disdain for certain places, such as Cheesecake Factory, and shares stories of interacting with difficult individuals. The speaker also shows support for law enforcement, sharing his family background in the profession and acknowledging the challenges and dangers of the job. He suggests potential solutions to improve the experiences of law enforcement, such as therapy or meditation.

    • Childhood experiences shaping us differentlyReflecting on past experiences, some may seem unusual but shape us positively or negatively, while privacy concerns arise in the digital age, and setting healthy boundaries is essential.

      Everyone has unique experiences in life, and while some may seem unusual or even traumatic, they shape us in various ways. Joe shared his experiences of growing up with seemingly normal circumstances but recalled an incident from his childhood that was considered inappropriate by today's standards. He reflected on how it didn't negatively impact him but acknowledged that it could have given him a false sense of confidence. The conversation then shifted to the topic of privacy and the potential invasion of it through dating apps. Joe expressed his indifference towards privacy, which led to a discussion on the isolation felt in major metropolitan areas due to the abundance of options and the ease of moving on to the next person. The conversation ended with a reflection on the importance of boundaries and the balance between sharing and keeping some parts of ourselves private.

    • The internet and social media platforms collect user data to make moneyThe internet and social media collect user data for targeted advertising and product creation, raising privacy concerns but also offering personalized benefits

      The internet and social media platforms are constantly collecting data on users, and their primary motivation is to make money. This can lead to targeted advertising and even the creation of new products or services. While some people may be uncomfortable with this level of surveillance, others find benefits in the personalized recommendations and offers they receive. The speaker, Kyle Dunnigan, acknowledges that he is often the subject of this data collection due to his online content, which frequently includes political commentary and humor. Despite his reservations about privacy, he also sees the value in the targeted advertising he receives, such as discounts on hotels mentioned in his videos. Ultimately, the internet and social media have become integral parts of modern life, leading to both innovation and privacy concerns.

    • Bill Maher's reaction to an impression of himBill Maher was upset by an exaggerated impression of him, causing a rift between him and the impressionist Kyle.

      Bill Maher, a well-known comedian, had a negative reaction to an impression of him done by Kyle, a comedian on the Joe Rogan podcast. Kyle had done several non-offensive videos of Bill reading children's books in impressions, but during an episode where another impressionist poorly imitated Kyle's impression of Bill, Bill became angry and defensive. Kyle then pushed the boundaries with a more exaggerated impression, leading to Bill's displeasure. Despite sharing similar comedic views and having once vacationed together, the incident left a lingering tension between the two comedians.

    • Creating and Selling Products Online with SquarespaceSquarespace offers user-friendly tools for building professional websites, selling physical and digital products, and accessing valuable analytics, making it a go-to solution for businesses and individuals looking to establish an online presence. Birddogs provides comfortable and functional clothing for everyday use.

      Squarespace is a user-friendly platform for creating and selling products online. With its easy-to-use Fluid Engine design system and customizable templates, even those without technical skills can build a professional website. Squarespace not only offers tools for selling physical and digital products, but also services and ideas. The platform provides valuable analytics, making it easier for businesses to understand their audience and reach them effectively. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the comfort and functionality of Birddogs clothing, encouraging listeners to check out their website for a free tumbler with the promo code "whiskey." Bill Maher's appearance on the podcast led to a conversation about his condescending humor and the annoyance of bringing reusable bags to stores. The conversation ended with a discussion about what initially sparked success in their respective careers. Overall, the key takeaway is that Squarespace provides an accessible and effective solution for building an online presence, while Birddogs offers comfortable and functional clothing for everyday use.

    • Impact of Technology on Comedy IndustryThe comedy industry has evolved significantly due to technological advancements like the Internet and podcasting, making comedy more accessible to a wider audience and opening up new opportunities for comedians

      The entertainment industry, particularly in comedy, has undergone significant changes due to technological advancements like the Internet and podcasting. This was discussed during a conversation where the topic of the interviewee's career and a potential Kellogg Brothers movie came up. The interviewee shared that their experiences in sitcoms were not particularly memorable, and they found greater success with acting roles that required less preparation. They also mentioned their background, including attending a state school and struggling with reading. However, the most intriguing part of the conversation revolved around the evolution of the comedy industry, with the interviewee expressing that it was a turning point for them. This shift was driven by the Internet and podcasting, which opened up new opportunities and made comedy more accessible to a wider audience. The conversation didn't delve deep into the Kellogg Brothers movie, but it did touch upon the impact of technology on the entertainment industry.

    • Overcoming Adversity: A Speaker's JourneyThrough perseverance, self-care, and belief in one's potential, one can overcome challenges like poor reading skills, trauma, and sleep issues.

      Despite facing challenges like poor reading skills, trauma, and sleep issues, the speaker persevered and learned valuable lessons. The nun's belief in her potential inspired her to work hard and improve her reading level, even when progress seemed slow. The trauma from a childhood sexual assault may have contributed to her reading difficulties and sleep problems. The speaker's unhealthy bedroom habits and reliance on technology before bed worsened her sleep issues. After seeking professional help, she discovered the importance of limiting screen time before bed and reading instead to promote better sleep. Despite the challenges of a touring career, including long hours of solitude and excessive attention, the speaker learned to accept her sleep patterns and prioritize self-care. The toxic effects of technology and isolation on her mental health were significant, and she learned to manage them through simple, effective methods. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of perseverance, self-care, and the power of belief in overcoming adversity.

    • The Complexity of Human Thought and BehaviorPeople can hold contradictory beliefs and express hypocritical behaviors, highlighting the complexity of human thought and the importance of empathy and understanding.

      People can hold contradictory beliefs and engage in behaviors that may seem hypocritical or insensitive, especially when it comes to societal norms and personal insecurities. The speaker in this conversation expressed feelings of sadness and discomfort in simple situations, such as sitting in a small tub, and made lighthearted comments about various stereotypes, including height, red hair, and gender. While promoting acceptance and positivity, they also made derogatory remarks about certain groups, highlighting the complexity of human thought and behavior. It's essential to remember that everyone has biases and complexities, and understanding these nuances can help us build empathy and connection.

    • People's attachment to old ways hinders adoption of new technologiesPeople's emotional connection to traditional habits and technologies can prevent them from adopting more efficient alternatives, despite the advantages.

      People's attachment to traditional habits and technologies, like physical keyboards and gas-powered cars, can sometimes hinder their adoption of more efficient and convenient alternatives, like virtual keyboards and electric vehicles. The speaker shares his experiences with uncomfortable virtual keyboards and the inconvenience of charging electric cars, drawing parallels between these two seemingly unrelated topics. He argues that people's reluctance to change is rooted in their familiarity and emotional connection to the old ways, even if the new ways offer significant advantages. The speaker's passion for cars and the feeling of power they provide is a prime example of this attachment. Despite his reservations, he acknowledges the practicality and benefits of electric cars and the convenience of virtual keyboards. Ultimately, the speaker's message is that it's important to be open to change and to consider the long-term advantages of new technologies, even if they don't offer the same sensory experiences as the old ones.

    • The Debate Between Cars and Electric VehiclesCars offer power and thrill, while electric vehicles are eco-friendly and convenient. The transition to electric vehicles may be slowed by misinformation, but their long-term benefits make them a crucial step towards sustainable energy.

      The fascination with power and speed, whether it's from horses or cars, has always been a part of human nature. For some, the raw power of an engine is a thing of beauty. However, there are downsides to cars, such as environmental concerns and traffic. The debate between cars and electric vehicles comes down to personal preferences and long-term sustainability. While cars offer instant torque and the thrill of driving, electric vehicles are more environmentally friendly and offer features like autopilot for convenience. The transition to electric vehicles may be slowed down by misinformation, but the long-term benefits, including the reusability of batteries, make it an important step towards sustainable energy. Ultimately, it's about finding the right balance between power, convenience, and sustainability.

    • Ethical concerns in the mining industry for cobaltCorporations like Tesla are addressing ethical sourcing of cobalt, but concerns of slave labor and unethical practices remain in the mining industry. Consumer electronics, including iPhones, rely heavily on this mineral. Demand transparency and accountability from corporations and support ethical sourcing initiatives.

      While major corporations like Tesla are making efforts to ensure ethical sourcing of materials such as cobalt, there are still concerns about the use of slave labor and other unethical practices in the mining industry. The mining of cobalt, a key component in batteries, has been identified as a major issue. Although Tesla is moving towards reducing the use of cobalt in batteries, the production of consumer electronics, including iPhones, continues to rely heavily on this mineral. It's important to be aware of the ethical implications of our consumer choices and to question corporations' claims of ethical sourcing. The gun industry also faces similar issues with lobbying and profits outweighing concerns for safety and ethical practices. Ultimately, it's crucial to demand transparency and accountability from corporations and to support initiatives that prioritize ethical sourcing and sustainable production.

    • The speaker's first-time gun shooting experienceThe speaker felt a mix of fear, power, and unease during his first gun shooting experience. He found the experience thrilling yet unsettling, and compared it to the temptation of pushing a forbidden button.

      The speaker's experience shooting a gun for the first time raised complex emotions for him, including fear, power, and unease around strangers. He found the experience both thrilling and unsettling, and was relieved when it was over. The speaker also made a comparison between the allure of a gun and the temptation to push a forbidden button, suggesting a desire for control and power. Additionally, the speaker shared his observation of Elon Musk's laugh, finding it robotic and lacking authenticity. Overall, the discussion touched on themes of fear, power, and the human desire for control.

    • The Socially Uncomfortable Elite of Social Media and EntertainmentTrue talent and hard work should be recognized, not just fame and popularity, in industries like acting and basketball.

      The people in charge of our social media and entertainment industries, including award shows, are often the most socially uncomfortable individuals. Despite their power to shape public opinion and influence culture, they may not necessarily be the most skilled or deserving in their respective fields. The concept of brilliance is overused, and true talent and hard work should be recognized regardless of fame or recognition. The gap between the best and the rest in industries like acting or basketball can be vast, but everyone has unique skills and value. The entertainment industry could benefit from reframing awards and recognitions to emphasize the importance of hard work and authenticity, rather than just fame and popularity.

    • Improv skills lead to unexpected connectionsEmbracing improvisation and pretending can create unique bonds and memorable experiences, even in challenging situations

      The power of improvisation and pretending can lead to unexpected connections and memorable experiences. The speaker shares a story about working with a woman, whose improv skills were impressive, and they formed a bond despite initial difficulties. Her natural humor and ability to adapt to situations made their collaboration enjoyable and authentic. The speaker was fascinated by her lisp and incorporated it into their scenes, leading to a unique and favorite character. The power of pretending and adapting to situations can create a sense of respect and trust, even if it involves a struggle like a lisp. The speaker also shares a humorous story about pranking a piano teacher, highlighting the importance of spontaneity and the power of group dynamics. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of embracing the unexpected and using creativity to build connections.

    • Reflecting on Past Actions and IdentityEncountering a traumatized veteran caused the speaker to question their existence and ponder the complexities of identity and reality, raising philosophical questions about past actions and their impact on present emotions.

      The speaker's encounter with a Vietnam War veteran named Burt led them to reflect on their past actions and consider the complexities of identity and reality. Burt, who had a traumatic past and was easily triggered, caused a flashback in the speaker's former classmate, leading to chaos. The speaker, who was present but not the instigator, felt guilty and began to question the nature of their existence. They mused about the possibility of living multiple lives and being part of a simulation, with the shared birthday of Goose Gosselin adding to the strange sense of connection. The conversation ended with the speaker and Burt discussing the significance of music on their respective birthdays, further emphasizing the interconnectedness of their experiences. Overall, the conversation highlighted the impact of past experiences on present emotions and the intrigue of philosophical questions about identity and reality.

    • The Significance of Triangles in the Universe and Human LifeThe smallest building blocks of the universe have a cultural significance as triangles, which may stem from our early experiences and fascination with this shape.

      The smallest building block of the universe, beyond quarks, is the Planck length. This fundamental length sets the limit for the existence of matter. Interestingly, three of these smallest elements form a triangle, which is a significant shape deeply embedded in human biology and history. The speaker shares a personal anecdote from kindergarten about struggling to draw a triangle, leading to feelings of embarrassment. This experience, he suggests, may have influenced his fascination with triangles and their cultural significance. The speaker also expresses admiration for the creativity and originality of a content creator named Kyle, encouraging listeners to check out his work. In a hypothetical conversation, the speaker discusses the concept of retiring and the amount of money required to live comfortably for the rest of one's life. He mentions a figure of 20 million dollars but acknowledges that taxes would need to be considered. The episode ends with the speaker expressing his enjoyment of having the guest on the show and expressing his own fandom.

    • Focus on the present and give your bestPaying attention to detail and pouring energy and passion into your work leads to better outcomes

      The importance of attention to detail and passion in creating a high-quality product. The speaker, while preparing a drink, emphasized the need to whisk consistently and thoroughly. Similarly, in the world of entertainment, giving one's best and putting in effort can make all the difference. The speaker's fondness for gingers was a light-hearted moment, but it also highlighted the importance of appreciating the small things. The discussion didn't provide any concrete information about the creature in the Ginger, but it did offer a reminder to focus on the present moment and give our best in whatever we do. Whether it's whisking a drink or creating content for a camera, the outcome is significantly better when we pour our energy and passion into it.

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    Jason Kelce
    Jason Kelce, the powerhouse center for the Philadelphia Eagles, recently hung up his cleats after a legendary career. Off the field, he continues to engage fans with his podcast "New Heights," where he dives into sports, culture, and life alongside his brother Travis Kelce. He's on the show with his pal Santino to sip on some of the good stuff and share some stories and some laughs. Enjoy!! #jasonkelce #andrewsantino #whiskeyginger #podcast #newheightsshow ================================================= Sponsor Whiskey Ginger: https://public.liveread.io/media-kit/whiskeyginger SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS SQUARESPACE Get that site up and running now! 10% off your order https://squarespace.com/whiskey BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey RABBITHOLE $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://rabbitholedistillery.com/buynow USE PROMO CODE: RABBIT ETHOS Affordable Life Insurance ONLY $10 A MONTH https://ethoslife.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Yannis Pappas & John Stamos
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    Gary Owen

    Gary Owen
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    Preacher Lawson

    Preacher Lawson
    Preacher Lawson lights up the stage with his infectious energy and unmistakable charm. Known for his hilariously physical comedy and vibrant storytelling, he’s not just a stand-up comedian—he’s a showstopper. From dazzling audiences on 'America's Got Talent' to touring globally, Preacher turns every performance into a laugh riot with his boundless enthusiasm and unforgettable jokes. http://preacherlawson.com #preacherlawson #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS PRIZEPICKS DEPOSIT MATCH UP TO $100 PROMO CODE: WHISKEY DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/WHISKEY BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    "Artificial Intelligence"
    This episode is probably one of the funniest ones yet. Cinco de Mayo is approaching fast! What do you do for it? Crystal was supposed to go to Vegas, but that fell through, while, Kevin & Sully dont have much planned except engorging themselves in tacos. Who doesn't love come tacos????

    Then, Kevin, Sully and Crystal discuss Artificial Intelligence and whether it's going too far or a great asset to society. Some people may think it can be very intrusive on people's right to privacy while others my use it daily for purchasing items and other things as it may make life easier. Sex dolls have vastly improved over time, and it appears the company "Realbotix" has been a game changer in that realm. They can have programmed personalities according to what you "like" and more. But does AI go too far? Do you think police agencies or government may use it to invade your privacy? Some people fear that AI may jam them up for certain small things, like speeding tickets, or even just knowing where you are all the time.... Even though your cell phone already does that. But any way....

    We hope you enjoy this episode. If you listen on iTunes, please throw us some stars and a review!
    Thank you!