
    Brian Simpson

    enMay 24, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding People Beyond StereotypesSelf-awareness is crucial for building connections. Preconceived notions can cloud judgement, but meeting people in person can change perceptions. Focus on respecting others instead of seeking everyone's approval.

      Success and self-awareness go hand in hand. Brian Simpson, a successful comedian, shares his experiences of meeting new people and recognizing their self-awareness, or lack thereof. He reflects on how hate and dislike can stem from preconceived notions and how meeting people in person can change perceptions. Brian also mentions that he's learned to not care about being liked by everyone and instead focuses on respecting others. The discussion highlights the importance of understanding people beyond stereotypes and the power of self-awareness in building connections.

    • Focusing on others' opinions and comparisons can lead to stress and unhappinessInstead of comparing ourselves to others and seeking validation, focus on being content with our accomplishments and unique paths.

      Focusing on the opinions of others and comparing oneself to peers can lead to unnecessary stress and unhappiness. Comedian Joey Diaz shares his perspective on this, emphasizing that once we've achieved our goals, it's essential to be content with what we have and not get bogged down by the things we don't have or the perceived successes of others. He also mentions that the current generation of comedians is less competitive and more supportive of each other compared to older generations. Diaz encourages us to focus on our own lanes and not worry about what others are doing, as everyone has their unique paths and journeys. Ultimately, it's important to recognize that we've already "beat the game" by making a living doing what we love and to be happy with what we've accomplished.

    • Comedy career delays adult experiencesComedians may prioritize their career over marriage and children, leading to delayed adult experiences. Importance of physical health beyond sexual performance.

      Comedy as a career may delay the usual adult experiences and responsibilities, such as marriage and having children, due to the focus on entertaining audiences and the unpredictable nature of the profession. This was discussed in the context of how the speaker's friends who had children earlier in life had to grow up faster, while many comedians tend to have those experiences later or not at all. Additionally, the speaker shared an experience of being out of shape for a 5k race due to lack of cardio training, which highlighted the importance of taking care of one's physical health beyond the ability to perform sexually. The conversation also touched on the pressure to perform for audiences and cameras, and the speaker's personal preference for alternative forms of cardio exercise due to injury.

    • Friend's ability to party and stay healthyFriend's philosophy of staying healthy enables him to enjoy indulgences, inspiring the interviewee's appreciation.

      The interviewee admires a friend who can drink heavily and party hard, but still maintain his health and composure. He appreciates his friend's philosophy of staying healthy to enjoy these indulgences. The interviewee also reflects on how the comedy scene and his relationship to it have changed since his rise to fame, noting the crowds' different reactions and the store's transformation into a hub for young comics. Despite the changes, he cherishes the experiences and the energy of the festival. Additionally, he expresses a sense of humor and acceptance towards the new regime's rules and the humid climate of Austin during the festival.

    • Living with Bugs and Comedy in TexasDespite bugs and industry fluctuations, Texans find pride and joy in their unique challenges, with dedicated comedians thriving through hard work and focus.

      Living in Texas means dealing with various types of bugs all year round, which is a unique challenge for residents. However, this constant presence of bugs has created a sense of pride among Texans, who find solace in the fact that it could always be worse. The comedy scene in Texas is also subject to fluctuations, with the success of certain comedians and clubs influencing its growth. Despite these challenges, those who are dedicated and able to weather the downsides can thrive and be part of the next generation of comedians. The current boom in comedy, with ticket sales reaching unprecedented levels, may soon face a downturn, but those who continue to work hard and focus on their craft will likely survive and rise again. Ultimately, it's all about making the most of the situation and finding joy in the challenges that come with living in Texas.

    • Navigating Relationships and Convenient DeliveriesTrust instincts, value honesty, communicate timely, and enjoy convenient services like DoorDash for alcohol delivery and Squarespace for website creation.

      People's opinions and experiences in relationships can be unpredictable and inconsistent, making it essential to trust one's instincts while also considering the advice of trusted friends. The speaker in this conversation expresses her past experiences of falling in and out of love easily, which often leaves her questioning her judgment. She also mentions the importance of honesty and timely communication in relationships, as well as the potential hurt feelings when friends withhold their true feelings. Furthermore, the conversation touches upon the topic of alcohol delivery through DoorDash, offering a convenient solution for hosting events or enjoying a night in without leaving the house. The speaker expresses her appreciation for DoorDash's alcohol delivery service and the convenience it brings to her social gatherings. Lastly, the conversation includes a brief mention of Squarespace, highlighting its user-friendly interface and beautiful templates for creating websites. The speaker shares her personal experience of using Squarespace for creating her sites due to its simplicity.

    • Create unique online presences with SquarespaceSquarespace offers a flexible platform with SEO tools, customizable layouts, monetization options, and simplified checkout process for individuals and businesses to build websites and connect with audiences.

      Squarespace offers a flexible and brand-tailored platform for creating unique online presences, complete with SEO tools, professionally curated layouts, and styling options. It also provides various ways to monetize content, sell merchandise, and grow audiences through email campaigns, AI, and analytics. Additionally, Squarespace simplifies the checkout process with various payment options, including credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, Afterpay, and Clearpay. Overall, Squarespace is an excellent choice for individuals looking to build a website and connect with their audience in a meaningful way. The platform's user-friendly interface, powerful features, and customizable options make it an ideal solution for creators, instructors, artists, and entrepreneurs alike. So, if you're planning to launch a website, consider trying out Squarespace for a free trial and save 10% off your first purchase using the code "whiskey."

    • Embrace Authenticity and Self-CareLearn to communicate boundaries, prioritize personal happiness, and avoid uncomfortable situations for a fulfilling life.

      It's essential to be true to oneself and prioritize personal comfort and happiness, even if it means saying no to certain opportunities or experiences. The speaker shares that they've learned to communicate their boundaries early on to avoid regret and disappointment later. Additionally, they mention that being around famous people doesn't necessarily add value to their life and that they prefer being alone rather than being in uncomfortable situations. The speaker also shares their observations about Montreal, Canada, and how the locals' confidence and discipline resonate with them. Overall, the key takeaway is the importance of authenticity and self-care in navigating life's experiences.

    • A Comedian's Journey: Love and Hate for CitiesA successful comedian shares his experiences traveling for performances, expressing love for some cities like Denver, Philly, and Madison, and dislike for others like San Francisco and Houston. He also discusses the challenges and rewards of performing in larger venues and taking a friend on the road.

      The speaker in this conversation is a successful comedian who has traveled extensively for performances. He shares his experiences with various cities, expressing his love for some and his dislike for others. He mentions that he does particularly well in cities like Denver, Philly, and Madison, but dislikes cities like San Francisco and Houston. He also mentions that he's starting to perform in larger venues and is taking a friend or crew member with him on the road. Despite the challenges of being on the road, he remains committed to his career and his audiences. He also shares some humorous anecdotes about the cities he's visited, highlighting the unique characteristics of each place. Overall, the speaker's experiences and reflections on his career and travels provide a glimpse into the life of a successful comedian and the ups and downs of performing in various cities.

    • Hard work and likability are essential in comedy industry successPut in effort and be likable for comedy industry success, even with obnoxious personalities. Adapt to change and embrace authenticity for long-term success in any field.

      Hard work and likability are key factors in succeeding in the comedy industry. The speaker shares his experiences of observing comedians and notes that those who put in the effort and are likable, even if they may have obnoxious personalities, tend to make it big. He also mentions the rise of OnlyFans as a new industry and the importance of adapting to change. However, he warns against looking down on those who support your content and emphasizes the importance of being authentic and embracing all aspects of oneself. Ultimately, the speaker encourages persistence and a willingness to adapt in order to succeed in any field.

    • A Proposed Reset of the Internet for Young People's BenefitThe speaker proposes a reset of the Internet to help young people learn essential social skills and cope with discomfort, promoting personal growth.

      The Internet, filled with social media and endless information, can be overwhelming for young people who didn't grow up with the same experiences of face-to-face interactions. The speaker suggests a "reset" of the Internet, erasing all posts and social media to give everyone a do-over and a chance to learn how to use it more carefully. He believes this would help young people develop important social skills and learn to be comfortable with discomfort, which is essential for personal growth. Additionally, the speaker promotes Rabbit Hole Distillery's high-quality whiskeys and mentions his past financial struggles and how Kickoff helped him improve his credit.

    • Improve your credit score with Kickoff appBuild credit easily with Kickoff, see average 30-point increase in first month, user-friendly, no credit check, autopay and alerts, over 100,000 positive reviews, special offer for new premium customers

      Improving your credit score is a simple and attainable goal with the help of tools like Kickoff, a credit building app. This app offers users the opportunity to build credit with no catch, no credit check, and no hidden fees. Users with credit under 600 have seen an average increase of 30 points in their first month. The app is user-friendly, allowing you to sign up in minutes from your phone and start building credit right away. With features like autopay and alerts for upcoming payments, you can build credit while you sleep and never worry about missing a payment. With over 100,000 positive reviews on the App Store and a special offer for new premium customers, it's the number one credit building app out there. As for hobbies, the speaker suggests trying new things, like golfing, without committing fully until you've given it a chance. The competition and social aspect of the hobby can be enjoyable, but the cost can be a deterrent. However, there are ways to make it more affordable, such as playing at municipal courses. Ultimately, it's important to seize opportunities and not let fear or doubt hold you back. Whether it's improving your credit score or trying a new hobby, the potential rewards are worth the effort.

    • Passion leads to connections and opportunitiesGolf demonstrates how our passions open doors to new relationships and experiences. Fitness is increasingly important in golf, with modern golfers prioritizing physical health over previous generations.

      The things we love and are passionate about naturally lead us to the people and opportunities we need. Using golf as an example, the speaker shares how being part of this community opened up new connections and experiences. He also emphasizes the importance of physical fitness in golf, with golfers like Tiger Woods and Bryson DeChambeau being known for their impressive physiques. The older generation of golfers didn't prioritize fitness, but the new generation recognizes its benefits, leading to a shift in training habits. The speaker concludes by sharing how our favorite conspiracy theories can be entertaining, even if we don't believe them.

    • Conspiracy theories surrounding JFK and RFK's deaths persist due to hidden filesDespite the passage of time, crucial files regarding JFK and RFK's deaths remain hidden, fueling conspiracy theories and speculation about high-ranking officials' involvement.

      There exist numerous conspiracy theories surrounding the deaths of notable political figures like President John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy. Despite the passage of time and the death of those involved, some crucial files regarding these incidents remain hidden from the public. Some theories suggest that high-ranking officials, such as vice presidents, may have been involved in these deaths. Another intriguing theory revolves around RFK's claim of having a worm in his brain that caused health issues and memory loss during a divorce proceeding. However, the validity of these theories is often questioned, and the lack of concrete evidence makes it challenging to draw definitive conclusions. Overall, the persistent refusal of presidents to release related information fuels the intrigue and speculation surrounding these tragic events.

    • Frequently forgetting important itemsModern life's demands and multitasking can lead to forgetfulness and misplacement of items, possibly due to ADHD or an overloaded brain. Effective strategies include offering rewards to friends and questioning the necessity of physical documentation.

      Constant multitasking and the demands of modern life can lead to increased forgetfulness and misplacement of important items, potentially due to ADHD or an overloaded brain. The speaker shares his personal experience of frequently forgetting keys, phones, and even a car key, which was unlike his previous behavior. He believes that offering rewards to friends to find lost items is an effective strategy, but acknowledges the potential for misuse. The speaker also questions the necessity of physical documentation like passports and social security cards in today's technology-driven world. He suggests that these items serve primarily as data collection tools for governments, and raises concerns about privacy and potential misuse.

    • Food connects people through shared experiences and memoriesFood connects strangers and strengthens relationships through shared experiences and memories, regardless of personal preferences.

      Food connects people and brings joy in unexpected ways. The speaker discovered a great Italian sandwich at Domingo's Italian Deli, shared his enthusiasm with a stranger, and learned about the stranger's love for turkey pastrami. They bonded over their shared appreciation for delicious food, despite their different preferences. The speaker also shared his late-night eating habits, revealing his love for soup and ramen, and reminisced about his childhood memories of eating tomatoes and bacon like an apple, inspired by his Southern roots. These shared experiences and food memories created a meaningful connection between the speaker and the stranger.

    • Personal backgrounds shape food preferencesUnderstanding and appreciating diverse food traditions is important, as personal experiences and cultural backgrounds greatly influence our food choices

      Food preferences and experiences are deeply rooted in personal backgrounds and cultural traditions. The speaker shares his love for collard greens but expresses disdain for certain parts of the pig, attributing his experiences to his southern upbringing. He also shares stories of his father's unusual food choices, some of which are unhealthy, but holds fond memories of his grandmother's unique cooking methods. The conversation also touches on the topic of wild and unconventional foods, such as thistle and canned oysters, which some people find delicious despite their unappealing appearance or unusual taste. The speaker's experiences illustrate the importance of understanding and appreciating the diverse food traditions and experiences that make up our world.

    • The Past and Modern Sandwich PracticesAppreciate self-sufficiency and traditional food practices, as the past generation's ability to hunt, prepare, and eat their own food brought them closer to nature, unlike our modern trends of using food processors and air fryers to make sandwiches.

      Our past generations were more self-sufficient and capable of surviving in harsh conditions compared to us. They were able to hunt, kill, and prepare their own food, which brought them closer to nature. The speaker admits that they wouldn't be able to do the same and would rather be vegetarian or vegan. The invention of the sandwich was born out of practicality and gluttony, and it's a shame that modern trends are moving away from the original concept. The speaker also expresses their dislike for modern conveniences like air fryers and the trend of turning sandwiches into mush through food processors. They prefer the traditional way of making and eating sandwiches. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of self-sufficiency and the appreciation of traditional food practices.

    • Food and MemoriesFood evokes strong emotions and memories, while live music venues provide opportunities for discovery and connection.

      Food holds a significant emotional connection for people, bringing back memories and evoking strong feelings. The speaker shares his fondness for various sandwiches, from his go-to BLT to his indulgent pastrami, and how these meals transport him back to different moments in his life. Additionally, the importance of live music venues as spaces for discovery and connection is emphasized. The speaker reminisces about his experiences seeing up-and-coming artists at the Hotel Cafe and looks forward to continuing his career in comedy, with upcoming shows in Phoenix and Los Angeles.

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