
    Podcast Summary

    • Chicago's Unique Black Comedy SceneChicago's Midwest background and unique black culture contribute to a diverse and distinct comedy scene, producing comedians like Gary Owen, Hannibal Buress, and Godfrey.

      Chicago produces some of the strongest and most unique comedians in the black community, with each comedian bringing their own distinct vibe and point of view. This is due in part to the city's Midwest background and the unique cadence of its black culture, which sets it apart from other comedy scenes like Atlanta. Comedians such as Gary Owen, Hannibal Buress, and Godfrey are just a few examples of the diverse talent that Chicago has to offer. Despite being often overshadowed by other comedy scenes, Chicago's comedians have a distinct voice that sets them apart and makes them a force to be reckoned with in the comedy world.

    • Celebrity fanbases and their complexitiesCelebrity fanbases can be diverse and multifaceted, with some individuals having followings that differ from their own backgrounds. Factors like ticket purchasing behaviors, cultural differences, and earlier media exposure can influence fanbase demographics.

      The entertainment industry and fanbase demographics can sometimes be complex and multifaceted. The discussion highlighted how some celebrities, like Gary Owen, have fan bases that are different from their own backgrounds. For instance, Owen's fanbase is predominantly composed of individuals who are not African American, despite him being an African American comedian. This phenomenon was attributed to various reasons, including ticket purchasing behaviors and cultural differences. Furthermore, the conversation touched upon the idea that some celebrities, such as Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle, have a more significant following among white audiences. This was suggested to be due to their earlier success and wider exposure in the media. Additionally, the conversation revealed that some individuals, like Tom Segura, may claim affiliations to places they haven't lived in extensively, while others, like Chris Rock, are deeply connected to their roots. In essence, this conversation underscores the importance of recognizing the diversity and intricacy of fanbases and the various factors that contribute to their formation. It also highlights the significance of cultural nuances and their impact on entertainment and celebrity status.

    • Understanding Different Approaches to PreparationRespecting individual approaches to preparation can lead to more enjoyable experiences for all involved.

      People have different approaches to preparing for events or travel, and these approaches can significantly impact their experience. Some people, like comedian Andy, prefer to arrive early to secure the best spots and avoid stress, while others are more laid-back and take a more last-minute approach. This discussion also touched upon the financial implications of private travel and the sacrifices some artists make to balance their careers. Ultimately, it's essential to understand that everyone has unique ways of managing their time and resources, and respecting these differences can lead to more enjoyable experiences for all involved.

    • Preference for Commercial Flights over Private JetsSpeaker prefers commercial flights for comfort, consistency, and affordability, despite the perceived status symbol of private jets.

      While flying privately can offer convenience and exclusivity, it may not always be a desirable experience for everyone due to its high cost and potential discomfort during turbulence. The speaker, who has had the opportunity to fly privately a few times, prefers commercial flights, especially first class, as they provide more comfort and consistency for a lower price. The speaker also mentions that seeing comedians and other celebrities frequently use private jets online can create a perception of it being a status symbol, but in reality, it may not be worth the expense for most people. Overall, the speaker values the experience of flying privately, but prefers the reliability and affordability of commercial flights.

    • Audience chooses artists, not vice versaOrganic audience growth can lead to unexpected demographic shifts, requiring artists to adapt to maintain fanbase and success.

      Artists don't choose their audience, but rather the audience chooses them. The speaker emphasizes that once an audience connects with an artist, it can grow organically and limit the artist's reach in other audiences. He uses the example of Bobcat Goldthwait, who had to change his comedy style to cater to a new audience when his old one shifted. The speaker also mentions his own experience with military audiences discovering his comedy through social media. This organic growth of an audience can lead to unexpected demographic shifts, and artists may need to adapt to maintain their fanbase. Additionally, the speaker highlights the importance of understanding and adapting to the changing preferences of audiences to remain successful.

    • Refining Stand-Up Material: Connecting with a Broader AudienceComedian Andrew Schulz discusses the importance of evolving as a comedian, connecting with new fans while maintaining his brand, and finding humor in everyday experiences, like a taxi fare incident in the Navy.

      Comedian Andrew Schulz discusses the process of refining his stand-up material, focusing on the importance of connecting with a broader audience while maintaining his brand. He shares an example of an hour of material he worked on, which delves deeper into his personal experiences and observations, aiming to attract new fans without alienating his existing base. Schulz also talks about his time in the Navy and how he hasn't heavily addressed this part of his life in his comedy, despite it being a significant experience. He shares a story about a taxi fare incident that occurred while he was in the Navy and how he handled it, demonstrating his ability to find humor in everyday situations. Overall, Schulz emphasizes the importance of evolving as a comedian and sharing new perspectives while staying true to one's audience.

    • Unexpected opportunities from personal connectionsBeing open and friendly to strangers can lead to unexpected opportunities and positive outcomes. Cultural differences can also broaden our perspectives and challenge our assumptions.

      Personal connections and experiences can lead to unexpected opportunities and positive outcomes. The speaker shares an experience of picking up a drunk passenger and receiving a generous tip, emphasizing the importance of being open and friendly. He also discusses how cultural differences can influence perceptions of food and drink, using examples from his experiences with Australians and an English friend. These anecdotes illustrate how our biases and assumptions can be challenged when we encounter new people and situations, leading to new discoveries and appreciation for diversity.

    • The Impact of Youth Experiences on Personal GrowthRecognizing and cherishing youth experiences, whether through music, drinks, or places, shapes us and often leads to new opportunities and realizations. As we grow older, our priorities may shift, but the importance of these experiences remains.

      The experiences and connections we make during our youth, whether it be through music, drinks, or places, hold a significant impact on our lives. These experiences shape us and often lead us to new opportunities and realizations. The speaker in this conversation reflects on the brief popularity of a specific drink, Hypnotic, in the black community and how it parallels his own experiences with drinking and performing comedy. He also shares how Phoenix, Arizona, played a pivotal role in his comedic career and personal growth. The rush and excitement of performing and socializing eventually gave way to a desire for stability and comfort. The speaker now finds joy in simpler experiences, like exploring coffee shops and appreciating the beauty of his surroundings. This introspective conversation highlights the importance of recognizing and cherishing the experiences that shape us, even as we grow older and our priorities shift.

    • The power of belief and supportBelieving in yourself and having supportive people around you can lead to unexpected success, even after a long period of hard work and perseverance.

      Believing in yourself and having support from others can lead to unexpected success. The speaker shared a personal experience where he doubted his ability to sell tickets for his comedy shows, but was surprised by the large turnout and was encouraged by his manager's belief in him. This experience led him to continue working hard and eventually discovering new talent, like a young comedian named Sean, who he helped get started in the industry. The speaker emphasized that success often comes after a long period of hard work and perseverance, and that it's important to surround yourself with supportive people and take advantage of opportunities when they arise.

    • Starting from the basics: Open mics help comedians growOpen mics provide early experiences for comedians, helping them find their voice, build confidence, and adapt to different audiences. Growth continues with new challenges, offering opportunities for learning and progression.

      While success may come quickly for some, it's important to start from the basics and put in the work, especially in the form of open mics. These early experiences help comedians find their voice, build confidence, and learn to adapt to different audiences. The excitement and anxiety that come with performing, especially in front of new crowds, can remind us that we're still in the game and growing as artists. However, as we progress, new challenges may arise, such as performing for unfamiliar audiences or taking on projects outside of our comfort zone. While these experiences can be nerve-wracking, they also offer opportunities for growth and learning. Overall, the journey of a comedian involves a mix of hard work, dedication, and a willingness to take risks and adapt to new situations.

    • Daniel Day-Lewis's Immersive Performance in 'Lincoln'Daniel Day-Lewis's dedication to his craft resulted in staying in character even off-set, inspiring awe and admiration from those around him. Squarespace and Mando were also discussed as valuable tools for entrepreneurs and personal hygiene.

      Daniel Day-Lewis, an acclaimed actor known for his immersive performances, reportedly stayed in character even off-set during the filming of "Lincoln." This dedication to his craft was so profound that he continued speaking in character, even when the director called for a break. This anecdote highlights Day-Lewis's commitment to his roles and the impact it had on those around him. Furthermore, the speaker in the conversation shared his excitement about potentially working with Day-Lewis and mentioned his admiration for the actor. This discussion also touched upon Squarespace, a website creation platform, and Mando, a full-body deodorant. The speaker emphasized the ease of use and customization of Squarespace for entrepreneurs and creators, while praising Mando for its effectiveness and safety. In essence, the conversation revolved around the admiration for an exceptional actor's dedication to his craft and the promotion of useful tools for various aspects of life.

    • Working with Famous Actors: John Cena, Channing Tatum, and MoreGinger Gonzaga shares stories of working with stars like John Cena and Channing Tatum, highlighting their professionalism and the importance of a good work ethic. Mando's deodorant, recommended by Gonzaga, offers a pleasant scent and health benefits.

      Actor and podcast host, Ginger Gonzaga, shared her experiences working with famous actors like John Cena and Channing Tatum, as well as her preference for Mando's powerful and long-lasting whole body deodorant. The deodorant, created by a doctor, not only smells good but is also beneficial for the body. Cena, whom Gonzaga described as a "man of the people," was a standout for his openness and malleability during filming, making the experience enjoyable and productive. Despite his fame, Cena was respectful of others' space and never caused any issues on set. In contrast, Gonzaga mentioned working with other actors who were difficult and caused production issues. The biggest stars she's worked with, in terms of scale and box office worth, were Cena and Tatum, but her most memorable experience was working on an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm with Larry David. Overall, Gonzaga emphasized the importance of a good work ethic, a positive attitude, and a respectful approach to collaborating with others in the entertainment industry. Try out Mando's deodorant using the code "whiskey" for a discount.

    • Unexpected Encounter with Eddie Murphy Leads to Movie Role with Jamie FoxxAn unforgettable encounter with Eddie Murphy led to a surprise audition and role in a movie with Jamie Foxx, illustrating the collaborative and welcoming nature of the film industry during that time.

      The speaker had an unforgettable encounter with Eddie Murphy, which led to an unexpected opportunity to audition for and eventually star in a movie with Jamie Foxx. The experience was marked by surprise, excitement, and camaraderie, as they were both young, successful, and relatively unknown at the time. The speaker was impressed by Murphy's recognition of his comedy and the ease with which they connected. The audition process was unexpected and involved a phone call from Foxx to inform the speaker of his casting. The overall experience was a defining moment in the speaker's career, and it highlighted the welcoming and collaborative nature of the film industry during that time. However, the speaker noted that not all sets are as open and inviting as the one they experienced, and the industry has become more accessible due to technology.

    • Acting: A form of 'dress up' with pressure to performEmbrace acting experiences, stay loose, and don't put too much pressure on oneself during auditions

      Acting, whether it's on stage or on screen, is a form of "dress up" where we get to play different roles and express various emotions. However, it's not always easy, and the pressure to perform can be immense, especially during auditions. The speaker shared stories of his own experiences, including feeling nervous and underprepared, and even getting cast in one role only to bomb during another audition. Despite the challenges, he emphasized the importance of staying loose and not putting too much pressure on oneself. He also shared an anecdote about working with Queen Latifah on a TV deal and learning about table reads for the first time. Overall, the conversation highlighted the ups and downs of acting and the importance of embracing the experience, even when things don't go as planned.

    • Misunderstandings in HollywoodAvoid assumptions and ask questions to prevent misunderstandings and potential setbacks in the entertainment industry.

      Assumptions can lead to misunderstandings and missed opportunities in the entertainment industry. In the shared anecdote, a few actors misunderstood the purpose of a table read, leading to confusion and miscommunication. The actor, Gary Owen, assumed he needed to memorize his lines when he was supposed to read them off the script. This misunderstanding led to him being replaced in the show, but he went on to have a successful career nonetheless. The experience taught him that Hollywood can be unpredictable and full of surprises. It's essential to clarify any doubts and ask questions when in doubt to avoid misunderstandings and potential setbacks. Additionally, DoorDash offers great deals on alcohol orders, making it a convenient option for celebrations or unexpected gatherings.

    • Endorsements for Rabbit Hole Distillery's Bourbon, Rye, and Magic MindThe speaker recommends Rabbit Hole Distillery's Bourbon and Rye for their high-quality aging process using small barrels, and Magic Mind as a delicious and effective mind booster. Listeners can use promo codes for discounts.

      The podcast episode features endorsements for Rabbit Hole Distillery's Kentucky Bourbon and Rye Whiskeys, and Magic Mind, a mental performance shot. The speaker expresses his admiration for Rabbit Hole Distillery, which uses small barrels for aging and produces high-quality whiskeys. He also praises Magic Mind for being a delicious and effective mind booster. The speaker encourages listeners to try both products and offers discounts for Rabbit Hole Distillery and Magic Mind using specific promo codes. He also shares a personal anecdote about the uncertainty and disappointment that comes with being "clipped" during auditions, emphasizing that it's not always a reflection of one's talent.

    • The energy of a live audience can make or break a comedy performanceComedians experience varying reactions to their jokes based on audience engagement and relevance, constantly refining their material to connect with crowds.

      The energy and vibe of a live audience can significantly impact the experience of a comedy performance. The comedian in this conversation shared how he's seen the same jokes receive vastly different reactions from crowds, emphasizing the magical feeling when everyone is in sync. Additionally, he discussed his approach to crafting new material, keeping some old jokes while retiring others based on their relevance to his life and the audience's response. Lastly, the comedian touched upon the exhaustion of socializing and his preference for more intimate settings, using the Irish goodbye as a clever way to slip away unnoticed.

    • Building comedy traditions in specific venuesComedian Rick Gutierrez has made a tradition of hosting successful comedy shows in specific venues, bringing big headliners for multiple nights and packing out shows, despite losing his domain name, he continues to promote his comedy dates through his website and encourages fans to check for upcoming dates and see him live.

      Comedian Rick Gutierrez values tradition and has built successful comedy shows in specific venues over the years, including the Pearl Theater inside the Palms in Las Vegas for New Year's Eve and the Keswick Theatre in Philadelphia in July. He has made these venues a tradition by bringing big headliners for multiple nights and packing out shows. Despite losing his domain name in a divorce, he continues to promote his comedy dates through his website, garyowen.com. Rick has spent decades in the comedy industry and has a busy performance schedule, but he appreciates the opportunity to appear on podcasts and connect with fans. He encourages listeners to check his website for upcoming dates and come see him live.

    • Online asset disagreements during divorceClear boundaries and separation of online assets are crucial to prevent misunderstandings and potential harm during sensitive life transitions like divorce.

      Communication and trust are essential in maintaining online assets, especially during sensitive life transitions like divorce. In the discussion, a listener shared an experience where he and his estranged wife had a disagreement over website ownership. They both had shared access to the site, but when the relationship soured, she took control and started posting false content. The listener learned the hard way that having clear boundaries and separation of online assets is crucial. The conversation ended with a light-hearted note, but the underlying message was clear: protect your digital property and maintain open lines of communication to avoid misunderstandings and potential harm.

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    Dan St. Germain—a master of wit with a flair for the absurd—has been cracking up audiences with his sharp humor and larger-than-life personality. Catch his latest comedy special, out now on YouTube, where he tackles life's chaos with his signature edgy punchlines and unapologetic style. Don't miss out on the laughs! DAN ST. GERMAIN'S NEW SPECIAL! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWafzY7HERs #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino #danstgermain ================================================= Sponsor Whiskey Ginger: https://public.liveread.io/media-kit/whiskeyginger SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS SQUARESPACE Get that site up and running now! 10% off your order https://squarespace.com/whiskey BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey RABBITHOLE $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://rabbitholedistillery.com/buynow USE PROMO CODE: RABBIT ETHOS Affordable Life Insurance ONLY $10 A MONTH https://ethoslife.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Yannis Pappas & John Stamos
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    Gary Owen

    Gary Owen
    Gary Owen, a master of laughter, brings a unique blend of humor that resonates across diverse audiences. Known for his sharp wit and relatable stories, Gary's journey from sailor to stand-up sensation showcases his ability to connect with everyone from small comedy clubs to large theaters. His appearances in films and TV, alongside his acclaimed specials, mark him as a comedic force who turns everyday observations into comedy gold. #garyowen #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS SQUARESPACE Get that site up and running now! 10% off your order https://squarespace.com/whiskey MANDO $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://shopmando.com USE PROMO CODE: WHISKEY DOORDASH PROMO CODE: WHISKEY25 For 25% OFF YOUR ORDER DOWNLOAD THE APP! RABBITHOLE $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://rabbitholedistillery.com/buynow USE PROMO CODE: RABBIT MAGIC MIND SPECIAL OFFER https://magicmind.com/whiskeyginger ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Preacher Lawson

    Preacher Lawson
    Preacher Lawson lights up the stage with his infectious energy and unmistakable charm. Known for his hilariously physical comedy and vibrant storytelling, he’s not just a stand-up comedian—he’s a showstopper. From dazzling audiences on 'America's Got Talent' to touring globally, Preacher turns every performance into a laugh riot with his boundless enthusiasm and unforgettable jokes. http://preacherlawson.com #preacherlawson #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS PRIZEPICKS DEPOSIT MATCH UP TO $100 PROMO CODE: WHISKEY DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/WHISKEY BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Episode 105 Dobie Maxwell "Bank Robberies & Comedy"

    Episode 105 Dobie Maxwell "Bank Robberies & Comedy"

    Dobie Maxwell is 30 year plus comedian veteran and had to testify against his best friend who robbed a bank (twice) in a money suit. He tells us how he almost started a riot in Cleveland, his revenge against the biker comedy club owner in Milwaukee and how growing up his Grandpa "Scared him Straight" so he wouldn't end up like his biker dad. Check out www.funnieryou.com for some one on one comedy tutoring. We also talk Jeffery Daumer, I check out a homeless chick and we watch clips the old North Hollywood Bank Robbery shootout. 

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    If you want record a podcast in the Chicago land area reach out to my producer from "The People of Comedy Network" James Webb:














