
    Podcast Summary

    • Preacher Lawson's experiences with aging and datingPreacher Lawson, a comedian, shares his self-deprecating humor and insightful observations about growing older and navigating the entertainment industry, including being mistaken for older due to appearance, challenges in dating as a successful and older figure, and appreciating the humor of diverse audiences.

      Preacher Lawson, a comedian, had an engaging and humorous conversation about his experiences with aging, appearance, and dating. He shared that he's often been mistaken for being older than his actual age due to his size and appearance. Lawson also discussed the challenges he faces in dating as a successful, older, and well-known figure. He mentioned that he feels more comfortable performing in places where his audience is more diverse and less glamorous, as he believes his humor resonates better with regular people. Lawson also expressed his appreciation for the sense of humor of Latino audiences and acknowledged that they take jokes well and don't easily take offense. Overall, Lawson's conversation was filled with self-deprecating humor and insightful observations about growing older and navigating the entertainment industry.

    • Comedian's Observations on Audience DemographicsComedian finds varying reactions from audiences based on demographics, appreciates audiences who understand comedic intent, and values supporting local black-owned businesses.

      The comedian's experience with audience demographics and reactions varies greatly depending on the location and cultural background. The comedian shares that Latino audiences seem to understand the comedic intent better than some white audiences, who may take jokes too seriously and get offended on behalf of absent parties. The comedian also mentions that they've had positive experiences with black-owned businesses and audiences, despite not specifically targeting them. Ultimately, the comedian asserts that they just want an audience that appreciates their humor, regardless of demographics. Additionally, the comedian reflects on their experiences in Atlanta, sharing that they initially disliked the city but found joy in supporting local black-owned businesses.

    • Discovering Joy in Unexpected PlacesThe speaker found joy in Memphis despite initial apprehensions, highlighting their ability to adapt and find happiness in new environments. Their nomadic upbringing and preference for solitude shaped their perspective on the world.

      Despite initial apprehensions and unfamiliarity with certain areas, the speaker found joy and good food in Memphis, which didn't feel as threatening as other places they had been. The speaker's preference for running alone and avoiding crowds was also highlighted, as well as their nomadic upbringing and lack of connection to a specific place. The speaker shared their experiences of feeling uneasy in Durham, where they made a wrong turn and found themselves in a questionable area. They contrasted this with their time in Memphis, which they found to be unusual but ultimately enjoyable. The speaker also discussed their upbringing as a military kid, moving frequently and being the only black student in their school in Oregon. They mentioned that their mother had moved to Oregon without their father, who served in the military. Despite not having a relationship with their father, the speaker did express a desire to connect with him when they were younger. Overall, the speaker's experiences of feeling both uneasy and comfortable in different places, as well as their nomadic upbringing, contributed to their unique perspective on the world.

    • Growing up without a father: Preacher's storyUnderstanding everyone's unique struggles and the importance of empathy, resilience, and supportive figures in their lives.

      Everyone has their own unique experiences and challenges in life that shape who they become. Preacher, a comedian, shared his story about growing up without a father due to his incarceration. He expressed feelings of rejection and confusion but came to understand that everyone deals with their own issues. Preacher acknowledged the impact of his stepfather who raised him and the importance of being a supportive figure in a child's life. He also discussed his past struggles with alcohol and how he's grown and learned to move forward. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of empathy, understanding, and resilience in the face of adversity.

    • Struggling with Uncontrollable Drinking HabitsRealizing the negative impact of excessive drinking led the speaker to quit, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and control in our relationships with substances.

      The speaker's relationship with alcohol was not just about enjoyment, but had become a problematic habit that he struggled to control. Despite feeling in control while drinking and remembering everything, the consequences were often unexpected and embarrassing. The turning point came when he blacked out at a comedian's wedding and woke up in an Airbnb, not remembering what had happened. This experience made him realize the negative impact of his drinking habits and led him to quit. He now understands that everyone's relationship with alcohol is different, and it's important to learn to temper and control it as we age. The speaker also mentions that his physical and mental health were at their worst when he was drinking excessively. He respects those who enjoy activities like jujitsu, but prefers to avoid them due to personal preferences.

    • Personal preference keeps speaker away from jujitsuSpeaker avoids jujitsu due to discomfort with sweat and potential injury, not related to phobia or homophobia.

      The speaker has a strong aversion to physical contact, particularly in the context of sports like jujitsu, due to a combination of discomfort with sweat and potential injury. This aversion is not related to any particular phobia or homophobia, but rather a personal preference. The speaker has tried other sports like Muay Thai and boxing, but the issue of sweat and contact remains. This discomfort has led the speaker to stop practicing jujitsu for an extended period of time, although they may consider trying it again in the future. Additionally, the speaker shares a past struggle with germs, but this does not seem to be a significant factor in their avoidance of jujitsu. The speaker remains passionate about stand-up comedy and plans to continue pursuing that career, possibly expanding into television or film.

    • Navigating the Challenges of Being a ComedianBeing a comedian involves more than just telling jokes. It requires resilience, adaptability, and the ability to navigate various aspects of life, both on and off the stage.

      Being a comedian involves more than just telling jokes. The travel and the process of creating new material can be exhausting. For instance, a comedian mentioned filming their second comedy special, which they did despite the challenges of the pandemic and their personal circumstances. They also discussed the misconception that they have an easy life with women throwing themselves at them. However, they pointed out that everyone faces challenges in finding a partner and that their preference for a vegan partner is not a deal-breaker for them. Overall, being a comedian requires resilience, adaptability, and the ability to navigate various aspects of life, both on and off the stage.

    • Women's accommodating nature towards trying new things in relationshipsDespite the risk of secret meat consumption, the speaker remains optimistic about finding a vegan partner due to the large number of vegan women in the US. Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle doesn't require significant changes as protein can be obtained from plant sources.

      Women are more accommodating and likely to try new things, including being in a relationship with a vegan, according to the speaker's experience. However, there's a risk they might secretly consume meat behind their partner's back. The speaker believes this behavior is due to women's tendency to lie to make their partners happy. Despite this, the speaker remains optimistic about finding a vegan partner, given the large number of vegan women in the United States. The speaker also shares that transitioning to a vegan lifestyle doesn't require significant changes in daily habits, as protein can be obtained from plant sources. The speaker expresses frustration over not being able to connect with vegan women on dating apps and attributes it to potential intimidation or dating someone else. The conversation also touches on the topic of lab-grown meat and sex robots. The speaker expresses a preference for organic meat over lab-grown meat but acknowledges the potential benefits of the latter. The conversation ends with a discussion on the importance of human touch and intimacy for overall well-being.

    • The Importance of Human ConnectionSexual pleasure and procreation aren't the only reasons for human connection. Research shows absence of sexual pleasure negatively impacts mental health, while social interaction and emotional connection are essential for our overall well-being.

      Human connection, whether through physical touch or emotional interaction, is essential for our overall well-being. While sexual pleasure and procreation are aspects of this need, they are not the only reasons for it. Scientific research suggests that the absence of sexual pleasure can negatively impact mental health. Furthermore, social interaction and emotional connection are crucial components of our existence as social creatures. The discussion also touched upon the simplicity and fun of engaging in fantasy sports through Prize Picks, as well as the convenience and accessibility of online therapy with BetterHelp. Ultimately, the importance of prioritizing our mental and emotional health, as well as maintaining social connections, cannot be overstated.

    • Personal Journey to Better Health and Well-BeingQuitting drinking and exploring veganism led the speaker to better health and well-being. He believes in complete abstinence for alcohol and weed, but authenticity and avoiding rejection guide his social media use. The speaker advocates for making veganism more appealing and inclusive.

      The speaker shares his personal journey of making choices to improve his health and well-being, including quitting drinking and exploring veganism. He expresses his belief that moderation is key for some things like weed and alcohol, but for him, complete abstinence works best. He also discusses his experiences with social media algorithms and the influence they can have on our lives. The speaker mentions his preference for authenticity and avoiding rejection, leading him to avoid certain apps and experiences. He also touches on the perception of veganism and suggests ways to make it more appealing and inclusive to a wider audience. Throughout the conversation, the speaker's tone is candid and open, providing insights into his thought process and motivations.

    • The Persistence of Beliefs and Annoying BehaviorBeliefs, whether veganism or religion, can lead to persistent behavior and annoy others. Finding balance between respecting others and standing firm in one's own convictions is essential.

      People, including vegans, can be persistent in their beliefs and may come across as pushy or annoying to others. This is especially true when the belief system represents a significant lifestyle change, like veganism. The speaker in this conversation shares how they felt militant and preachy when they first became vegan, and how they used to eat meat but changed their mind after getting a dog and learning about animal intelligence. They also discuss how some people may find the vegan lifestyle an alternative and isolating choice, leading to a desire to prove themselves and influence others. The speaker compares this behavior to new Christians, who can be overzealous in sharing their faith. However, they suggest that if vegans were more accepting of others' choices, it could reduce the annoyance factor. The conversation also touches on the topic of mortality and the desire to live a fulfilling life, even if it means dealing with the challenges and stresses of one's career. Overall, the takeaway is that people's beliefs and lifestyles can be sources of annoyance or inspiration, and it's essential to find a balance between respecting others' choices and standing firm in one's own convictions.

    • Money can't buy happinessFocusing on self-care and internal happiness, not just wealth, leads to true success and fulfillment.

      Money does not guarantee happiness or peace. Many wealthy individuals have found that things like becoming a vegan, putting away vices, starting a family, investing in charity, or finding personal passions bring them more happiness than the wealth itself. However, money can provide opportunities to pursue these sources of happiness. Contrary to popular belief, one does not have to constantly strive for more income streams or wealth to be successful or happy. Instead, focusing on physical and mental self-care is crucial. Additionally, the pressure and stress that come with wealth can even lead to negative outcomes, such as higher suicide rates among wealthy individuals. Ultimately, finding balance and happiness comes from within and not from external sources like wealth.

    • Performing under the influence: A complex relationshipComedians have used intoxication for performance enhancement, but studios mitigate risks with car services

      Comedy greats like Ed McMahon and possibly others have used intoxication, specifically alcohol and marijuana, to help them perform on live television. The speaker shares her own experience of performing high for her first comedy special, which she believes added to the energy and fun of the performance. However, she also notes that studios have historically provided car services for talent to avoid liability in case of intoxication-related incidents. This discussion sheds light on the complex relationship between performance enhancement and potential risks in the entertainment industry.

    • Rap beef between Kendrick and Drake feels misplacedThe speaker values authentic competition and talent, but feels the current rap beef between Kendrick and Drake is unfair, unappealing, and out of place.

      The rap beef between Kendrick and Drake feels out of place and desperate compared to the authentic and organic nature of past hip hop beefs. While some may find it entertaining, it's a mismatch as they're not even in the same playing field, and it comes across as petty. The speaker reminisces about the real beefs from their youth, which had a tragic end but were beautiful in their intensity and fueled by talent and competition. The speaker believes that if the artists were on the same level, a feud could be exciting, but the current situation feels unfair and unappealing. The speaker also shares a personal story about a high school fight, which, despite its unfairness, was an exciting topic of conversation. Overall, the speaker values authentic competition and talent, and the current rap beef feels misplaced and unsatisfying.

    • Two instances of getting into physical fightsFighting can lead to physical harm and emotional guilt, it's best to avoid confrontations whenever possible.

      Getting into a physical fight is an experience that causes significant pain and discomfort, both during and after the encounter. The speaker recounted two instances where he found himself in fights, one in college and another more recently. In the college fight, they were outnumbered and suffered severe injuries. In the more recent incident, the speaker felt a sense of power and control when he was able to overpower his opponent, but felt guilty and bad about the experience afterwards. The speaker also shared an experience where he was threatened with a gun by a bicyclist, but it turned out to be a false alarm. Overall, the speaker emphasized that fighting is not worth it and can lead to physical harm and emotional guilt.

    • Encountering careless gun handlingOpenly carrying a gun doesn't guarantee competence or responsibility, but it might indicate some familiarity with weapons.

      Carrying a gun openly does not necessarily indicate competence or responsibility with the weapon. The speaker shares an experience of encountering someone who was careless with a gun and expressed a lack of trust towards such individuals. However, the speaker also acknowledges that open carry may indicate a certain level of familiarity with guns. The speaker expresses a personal preference for shotguns and shares a story of receiving a gun when moving into a new place, leading to a change in his perspective on gun ownership. The conversation also touches upon the idea that one may feel more confident with a gun over time. The speaker expresses a desire to shoot shotguns and shares a childhood memory of going to shoot with his father. The conversation does not provide clear evidence of the speaker's current gun ownership or usage.

    • Challenges of Modern Young Adults and VegansModern young adults' use of technology and dating apps can lead to a lack of commitment and investment in relationships, making them seem unapproachable to some. Vegans, however, are not annoying.

      Modern 24-year-olds, according to the speaker, face unique challenges that make them seem annoying or unapproachable, particularly in matters of communication and relationships. Vegans, on the other hand, are not annoying, and the speaker has many vegan friends. The speaker reflects on their own experiences when they were younger and poorer, and contrasts it with the current generation's use of technology and dating apps. The speaker argues that these apps lead to a lack of commitment and investment in relationships, as people have too many options and can easily move on to the next potential partner. The speaker also shares a personal story of attempting to connect with someone in person but ultimately being ghosted. The speaker concludes by expressing a preference for "regular fine" people, those who are attractive but not overly so, and who have experienced some hardships or imperfections.

    • Preacher Lawson encourages fans to reach out after watching his specialPreacher Lawson emphasizes the importance of taking action and engaging with fans in the present

      Preacher Lawson, a comedian known for his unique sense of humor, encourages his fans, particularly vegan females, to reach out to him after watching his special. He shares his past experiences with fans who contacted him after watching his content and expressed their interest. Lawson also shares his upcoming tour dates and encourages listeners to attend his shows. He ends the conversation with a quote, "Never do tomorrow what you can do today," emphasizing the importance of taking action in the present. Throughout the conversation, Lawson maintains a light-hearted and humorous tone, making it clear that he values engagement with his fans.

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    Sasza was recently interviewed by Stella Stephanopoulos as a guest on the Everyday Endorphins podcast. We received so much positive feedback from it that we decided to reshare it here on the BBXX podcast! 

    Stella interviews Sasza about building a deeper understanding of ourselves and how the relationship with ourselves is the pathway towards creating deeper, more intimate, relationships with others. They explore why many people tend to find romantic partners when they least expect it, what it means to date intentionally, the role of patience and timing, and how Sasza manifested her partner through a love letter. They also discuss self care as a form of self respect and how we all embody yin and yang energy in different ways.  


    46: Decoding Unconscious Patterns in Love Relationships w Dr Tari Mack

    46: Decoding Unconscious Patterns in Love Relationships w Dr Tari Mack

    Dr. Tari Mack is a licensed clinical psychologist, relationship coach, speaker, and author. She has spent many years working with amazing, beautiful humans who have had the courage to be vulnerable and tell the truth about who they are. She’s passionate about helping others lead more conscious, accountable, and joyful lives while learning to harness the power of the Universe along the way. If you want to decode how you can break your unconscious patterns in dating and love relationships then listen in to today's episode. Dr. Mack shares how the Universe (Law of Attraction) can support you in this process. www.nicoleburgesscoaching.com/ep46