
    166. Way Back Machine Ft. Billy Prempeh & Dan Fleyshman

    enNovember 05, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Importance of sharing good content and supporting political candidatesFirst-generation American Billy Prempa shares his inspiration to run for Congress, Dan Fleischman discusses societal issues, and they all stress the importance of sharing valuable content and making a difference through political service.

      The discussion revolved around the importance of sharing good content and supporting political candidates who represent the needs of regular people. Billy Prempa, a first-generation American running for Congress in New Jersey, shared his background and how he was inspired by President Trump to get involved in politics to improve his community, which has been controlled by Democrats and struggling despite its rich history. Dan Fleischman, a successful investor and entrepreneur, unexpectedly joined the show to discuss societal issues. They all emphasized the significance of sharing the show if it provided value and making a difference through political service.

    • A first-generation American's journey to CongressDetermination, authenticity, and creativity in politics can lead to success despite adversity and lack of party support.

      Determination and authenticity can lead to success in politics, even in the face of adversity and lack of support from established parties. The speaker, a first-generation American and Air Force veteran, was encouraged by an elderly supporter to run for Congress despite initial doubts. With no support from the party, he relied on digital campaigns and Facebook ads to get his message out during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the challenges, he managed to get on the ballot and even won his primary against a weak opponent. This story serves as an inspiration for regular people looking to get involved in politics, highlighting the importance of staying true to one's values and beliefs, and finding creative ways to connect with voters in a digital age.

    • Embracing the unknown for personal growthDive into unfamiliar territories, stay true to your values, and the courage to stand up for what you believe in can lead to unexpected impacts and personal growth.

      Taking a leap of faith and diving into unfamiliar territories can lead to unexpected impacts and personal growth. The speaker shares his experience of initially feeling intimidated by the depth of a particular issue, but once he committed, he discovered the far-reaching effects of his actions. He emphasizes the importance of standing up for what one believes in, even when it's not popular or easy, and the courage it takes to do so. Consistently creating content and staying true to one's values, even when swimming against the current, can lead to significant waves and the satisfaction of knowing that one was part of the OG crew when it wasn't cool yet. The speaker also acknowledges that he didn't expect to make as big of an impact as he has, but that his authenticity and passion for the subject matter resonate with others.

    • Running for Office to Address Social IssuesA passionate speaker shares his motivation to run for office to address deep-rooted social issues, particularly those affecting marginalized communities, and calls for a grassroots movement to challenge entrenched political power.

      The speaker is passionate about addressing social issues, particularly those affecting marginalized communities, and feels compelled to run for office due to the deep-rooted problems caused by long-term politicians. He believes that these politicians have taken advantage of communities for their own gain, and he wants to make a difference. The speaker also mentions his personal experiences with violence and crime in his neighborhood and how it has motivated him to take action. He emphasizes the need for a grassroots movement to challenge entrenched political power and bring about meaningful change.

    • Impact of 2022 elections on a political districtPotential redistricting, incumbent's health, addressing local concerns, education funding, and school choice are key issues in the 2022 elections for a political district.

      The 2022 elections could significantly impact a specific political district, with potential redistricting leading to a loss of Democratic voters and a possible Republican takeover. The incumbent's health and potential departure from the race could further complicate the situation. Another key issue discussed was the importance of addressing local concerns, such as education and job creation, to improve the district and potentially influence federal policies. The speaker also emphasized the need to address issues like CRT voting and underfunded police departments, and advocated for increasing funding for public schools and offering school choice to improve education overall.

    • Investing in education and community development for a win-win situationBusinesses and schools can partner to offer hands-on training for students, creating valuable skills and employment opportunities. Revitalizing buildings and offering tax incentives can stimulate economic growth and create high-value jobs in underprivileged areas.

      To address the growing skills gap in the workforce and the underutilization of resources in communities, schools should incorporate practical, hands-on training from local business owners. This could be achieved by offering tax incentives for business owners to teach in schools or hire teachers. This approach would equip students with valuable skills and provide opportunities for entrepreneurship or employment in traditional industries. Additionally, revitalizing derelict buildings through partnerships with corporations and offering tax incentives for hiring local workers could create high-value jobs and stimulate economic growth in underprivileged areas. The glorification of manual labor and skilled trades in society has waned, but there is a significant opportunity for a resurgence in these fields. By investing in education and community development, we can create a win-win situation for businesses and individuals.

    • Concerns over a potential shift towards a government and technology-based systemThe speaker raises concerns about a system that prioritizes power over human quality of life, leading to a potential loss of focus on education and student needs. Radical action is needed to challenge this status quo and address the root cause by removing those in power.

      There are concerns about a potential shift towards a government and technology-based system that could negatively impact human quality of life. This system could involve turning people into "pods," like in the Matrix, and could lead to a lack of focus on education and the needs of students. The speaker believes that those in power are prioritizing their own gain over the well-being of the community and that a radical, all-or-nothing approach is needed to challenge this status quo. The speaker also highlights the importance of addressing the root cause of the issue by getting rid of the person at the top of the hierarchy, who is seen as being responsible for rigging the system for their own benefit. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the need for Republicans to campaign in areas where they are less present and to challenge the narrative that being a Republican in certain areas is unwelcome.

    • Concerns of voting irregularities and potential manipulationConcerns persist about election results in certain areas, with calls for audits and investigations to ensure integrity.

      There are concerns about voting irregularities and potential manipulation of election results, specifically in New Jersey, where a significant shift in votes was observed in a short period of time. The speaker expresses his belief that the media is not accurately reporting on these issues and that the election results in certain areas do not match official records. He also expresses his opinion that some politicians, such as Phil Murphy, are out of touch and disrespectful towards the public. Despite claims that the 2020 election was the most secure in American history, the speaker and others are calling for audits and investigations to ensure the integrity of the results.

    • Distrust towards the political system and mediaThe speaker expresses deep distrust towards the political system and media, questioning the intentions of those in power and the authenticity of portrayals of politicians

      The speaker expresses a deep distrust towards the political system and the media, believing they may have allowed certain outcomes for manipulative reasons. He questions the intelligence or evil intentions of those in power, citing instances where tensions have calmed down after reaching a boiling point. The speaker also criticizes the way politicians are portrayed and perceived, believing they are out of touch with the average person. He finds it ironic that Democrats, in an attempt to discredit their opponents, may inadvertently strengthen their appeal. Overall, the speaker's perspective is shaped by a strong sense of distrust and skepticism towards the political establishment.

    • Political divisiveness overshadows real election issues and solutionsDespite the existence of secure blockchain technology for elections, political campaigns focus on anti-Trump sentiments and lack clear agendas, fueling distrust and uncertainty, while potential mobile voting could streamline the process with proper security measures.

      The focus on political divisiveness, such as anti-Trump sentiments, can overshadow the real issues and solutions. The discussion touched upon the campaigns of Phil Murphy in New Jersey and the controversy surrounding the Loudoun County election results. The concern is that these campaigns lack a clear platform or agenda to address pressing issues, instead relying on anti-Trump rhetoric. The technology to ensure secure and transparent elections through blockchain exists, but the reluctance to implement it may stem from concerns over losing control and potential efficiency gains. The persistent late-night election results and inconsistencies fuel distrust and uncertainty, which is not in line with American values. Additionally, the potential for mobile voting on a blockchain could streamline the process, but concerns over security and government biometrics need to be addressed.

    • Discussing the importance of voter ID to prevent election fraudVoter ID is essential for maintaining the fairness and legitimacy of elections, even in phone-voting systems, as it requires voter consent and biometric verification. Most countries around the world have some form of voter ID, making it a necessary measure to prevent potential election fraud.

      The implementation of voter ID is crucial to prevent potential election fraud, as discussed during a conversation between two individuals. The interviewee emphasized that it's impossible to cheat in a phone-voting system since it requires the voter's consent and biometric verification. However, they also acknowledged the need for voter ID to ensure the integrity of the voting process. The interviewee shared a personal experience where they had a conversation with an opponent's son about voter ID, and the issue of accessibility was brought up. The interviewee responded by mentioning that most countries around the world have some form of voter ID, including developing countries, and that it's a necessary measure to maintain the fairness and legitimacy of elections.

    • Understanding and Communication in the Face of DisagreementEffective communication and open-mindedness can help bridge disagreements and build relationships, even in the context of political discussions and differing social media usage.

      Effective communication and understanding are key to overcoming misunderstandings and building relationships, even in the face of strong disagreements. The conversation between the two individuals in the text highlights the importance of listening and being open-minded, as well as the potential for finding common ground despite differences. The discussion also touches upon the role of social media in politics and the importance of understanding how different demographics use it. Ultimately, the exchange demonstrates that even when people have vastly different perspectives, there is potential for connection and dialogue.

    • The Power and Harm of Social Media InteractionsSocial media amplifies voices and creates community, but can also harm and misunderstand. Empathy, understanding, and respect are essential for positive online interactions.

      Social media can be used as a tool for responding to threats and trolling, but it's important to remember that behind the screen are real people with emotions and experiences. The discussion highlights the power of social media in amplifying voices and creating a sense of community, but also the potential for harm and misunderstanding. For instance, Bunker Bill's threatening message was met with trolling and ridicule, but it also revealed deeper issues related to power dynamics, privilege, and the American dream. The speaker's encounter with Marine Corps Motivate, a first-generation American and Marine veteran, underscores the importance of diverse perspectives and experiences in politics and society. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the need for empathy, understanding, and respect in online interactions.

    • Disconnect between younger generation's drive to innovate and older generation's control over institutionsFor meaningful change, individuals with innovative solutions should be given opportunities, but with transparency and accountability. Address election integrity to ensure secure and accurate voting process.

      There's a significant disconnect between the younger generation's drive to innovate and solve pressing issues in America, and the older generation's control over major institutions like corporations and government. This disconnect has been highlighted during a time of great societal and economic upheaval. The speaker believes that for real change to occur, individuals with the ability to create solutions, like Elon Musk, should be given the opportunity to do so, but with transparency and accountability. However, there are concerns about the potential influence and corruption within these institutions, making it crucial to address the issue of election integrity and ensure that the voting process is secure and accurate in the upcoming elections. The speaker encourages the public to demand better candidates and solutions, and for political leaders to prioritize election integrity as a bipartisan issue.

    • Growing Tired of the Narrative of Racism and the Broken Electoral ProcessPeople are seeking change from solid Republican candidates and a secure blockchain voting system, but require a visionary entrepreneur like Elon Musk to lead the way

      The narrative of certain actions being racist has been overused and exhausted, and people are growing tired of it. The political landscape is in disarray, and many believe that solid, difference-making candidates from the Republican party could help put an end to the current state of affairs. The election process is seen as broken, and the solution to societal problems is believed to come from capitalists rather than politicians. A potential solution to the issue of trust in the electoral process could be the implementation of a secure blockchain platform for voting. However, it will likely require a visionary entrepreneur like Elon Musk to develop and fund this solution independently, as the current political parties are seen as equally corrupt.

    • Importance of individual voices in governmentRegardless of background or political affiliations, individual voices matter in government. Engage in issues independently and inspire others to do the same for a more representative and effective government.

      True representation in government comes from regular people, regardless of political affiliations or backgrounds. The speaker believes that the current power structure, represented by politicians, is oppressive towards the general population. He advocates for individuals to look at issues individually and not be swayed by party lines. The speaker's personal experience of inspiring others to run for office underscores the importance of having individuals with backbone and a commitment to the best interests of the country in government. The current divisive culture in politics needs to change, and the only way to do so is by having people like the listeners get involved.

    • The importance of term limits and reasonable compensation for effective representationTerm limits and reasonable compensation are essential to prevent self-interest and encourage effective representation. Unselfish individuals entering politics can lead to positive change.

      Term limits for politicians and limiting their self-interest through reasonable compensation are crucial for effective representation and maintaining the integrity of the political system. The speaker expressed optimism about the potential for change, citing the recent Virginia election as an inspiration. However, they also acknowledged the challenge of replacing long-term politicians and the potential for corruption if proper checks are not in place. The speaker emphasized the importance of unselfish, pro-America first individuals entering politics and advocated for term limits, anti-lobbying legislation, and reasonable compensation based on median district income. The goal is to encourage politicians to serve their communities and then return to their lives, rather than becoming career politicians.

    • Addressing corruption in politicsImplement term limits, restrict lobbying, and ensure transparency to purify politics. Individuals can inspire change and create jobs to tackle economic struggles.

      To address the issue of corruption in politics, it's essential to implement term limits, restrict lobbying, and ensure transparency in politicians' financial dealings. The speaker argues that hitting all three of these factors together would lead to the purest politicians. However, he acknowledges that loopholes may still exist. The conversation also touched upon the economic struggles caused by various policies and the importance of taking action rather than just arguing about issues. The speaker emphasized the need for individuals to inspire change and create jobs, rather than just talking about it. He believes that success comes from executing actions and not just discussing them.

    • Communicating truth for changeFocus on real solutions and facts, continue truth-telling and education to awaken those misinformed, and keep the conversation going despite opposition.

      Open and honest communication is essential for bringing about change and awakening people to the truth. The speaker in this conversation emphasizes the importance of focusing on real solutions and spreading facts, rather than getting bogged down in arguments with those who don't agree. He shares his personal experience of being canceled and called names for speaking out against certain issues, but ultimately gaining support from those who were previously misinformed. The speaker believes that the best way to get black America to wake up to the fact that the Democrats may not serve their best interests is through continued truth-telling and education. He encourages keeping the conversation going, even in the face of opposition, and using real-life examples to illustrate the issues at hand.

    • Black Lives Matter funding and agendaThe Black Lives Matter movement, while well-intentioned, can be manipulated by Marxist leaders and the funds raised may not be reaching those in need within the US. The movement's agenda includes promoting trans rights and dismantling the nuclear family, which some find controversial.

      The Black Lives Matter movement, while well-intentioned for some, can be manipulated by Marxist leaders who use the cause to further their own agenda. The speaker believes that the movement raises billions of dollars worldwide, but the funds do not seem to be reaching those in need within the US. Additionally, the speaker criticizes the movement for promoting trans rights and advocating for the dismantling of the nuclear family, which was previously stated on their website. The speaker also mentions that the US, like other countries, has a complex history of conquest and conflict, and questions the legitimacy of labeling it as "stolen land." The speaker emphasizes the importance of ensuring that any movement's funds are going towards the intended cause.

    • Appreciating American history and cultureCelebrate unique cultural contributions, acknowledge past successes, and foster unity through pride in American history and culture.

      The speaker expresses a deep appreciation for the American culture and history, and believes that all races and cultures should be celebrated for their unique contributions while not using race as a negative. He also mentions the Wayback Machine as a valuable resource to explore historical content and expresses a desire to bring back the unity and pride in the American flag that he experienced in the past. Additionally, he touches on the importance of understanding history and acknowledging the successes of various cultures in shaping the world.

    • Embracing Diversity and UnityFocus on unity and respecting differences, learn from natural consequences, and encourage a more respectful society

      We need to focus on unity and celebrating our differences instead of attacking each other based on race. The speaker emphasizes that America's strength lies in its diversity and that humor, when used respectfully, can bring people together. He also believes that we can learn to respect one another through natural consequences, rather than relying on movements to regulate behavior. The speaker reminisces about a time when jokes, even those that went too far, were met with physical responses or lack of laughter, and argues that this was a healthier way of dealing with disrespect. He encourages young people to stand up and make a change towards a more respectful and unified society. The speaker also acknowledges that every generation rebels against the previous one, but believes that the current generation has the potential to create a much different and better world.

    • Authentic connection and understandingPoliticians should engage in meaningful, respectful dialogue with communities and avoid superficial means like affected accents or insincere statements. Personal experiences and taking action are crucial for genuine engagement.

      Authenticity and genuine connection matter, especially when addressing sensitive issues. The speaker expresses frustration towards political figures who attempt to connect with certain communities through superficial means, such as using affected accents or making insincere statements. Instead, it's crucial to understand the complexities and nuances of various communities and to engage in meaningful, respectful dialogue. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of personal experiences and taking action to address issues, rather than just waiting for others to do so. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the need for genuine engagement and authenticity in political discourse and activism.

    • Taking Action is Key to Making Positive ChangesInvest time, energy, and resources into supporting entrepreneurs, volunteering, donating to causes, and getting involved in politics to make a difference, regardless of age or background.

      Individuals taking action is key to making positive changes, especially in politics. The speakers in this discussion commend those who are standing up for their beliefs and encouraging others to do the same. They believe that every community member has the power to make a difference, no matter their age or background. They emphasized the importance of investing time, energy, and resources into supporting entrepreneurs, volunteering, and donating to causes that align with one's values. They also acknowledged that there is no savior coming to fix the country and that it is up to the people to take action and make America great again. The speakers encouraged young people to get involved in politics and make their voices heard, as they have the potential to shape the future. Overall, the message is that courage and action are essential for creating positive change.

    • Getting Involved in Making a DifferencePay attention to social and political issues, make independent decisions, and take action through volunteering, hosting guests, running for office, or using social media to spread awareness.

      It's crucial for individuals to pay attention to social and political issues and get involved in making a difference, rather than just passively consuming information or engaging in online arguments. The speaker, Billy Prepett, emphasizes that this is a duty for those with the ability to discern right from wrong and make independent decisions. He believes that the country is under attack and that the only way to stop it is through collective action. This can take many forms, from volunteering and hosting guests to running for office or using a social media platform to spread awareness. So, if you believe in the American dream of equal opportunity for all, consider getting involved in some way. You don't have to be a politician to make a difference.

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