
    169. Why We Love the Way We Love: Attachment Styles with Dr. Becky Kennedy

    enJanuary 17, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Revolutionizing industries with innovative solutions3rdlove transformed bra shopping with half cup sizes and virtual fitting rooms, while Pampers ensured baby comfort with gentle diapers and wipes. Dr. Becky highlighted the importance of attachment theory for personal growth.

      Both 3rdlove and Pampers offer solutions to common problems in their respective industries. 3rdlove revolutionized the bra industry by introducing half cup sizes and a virtual fitting room to help women find bras that truly fit and suit their styles. Pampers, on the other hand, provides gentle and effective diaper and wipe solutions, ensuring babies' skin stays healthy and protected. Additionally, both brands offer resources and educational materials to help consumers make informed decisions. In the realm of self-improvement and parenting, Dr. Becky, a renowned expert, emphasizes the significance of understanding attachment theory and its impact on our relationships and self-perception. By examining our past and the adaptations we made during childhood, we can gain insights into our behaviors and work towards healing and growth.

    • Understanding our past influences our parentingRecognize the impact of past experiences on our parenting, gain clarity, and make conscious choices to input new, healthier patterns.

      Our behaviors and reactions, including those as parents, are influenced by the coding we've acquired throughout our lives. This coding isn't necessarily bad or our fault, but it may not be serving us or our children well. By understanding the origins of our coding, we can make conscious choices to input new, healthier patterns. This doesn't mean excusing past hurts or poor treatment, but rather gaining clarity that can help us move beyond blame and self-criticism. Parenting is an opportunity for growth, not just for our children, but for us as well. Understanding our attachment styles and internal family systems can provide valuable insights into why we behave the way we do and help us foster empathy and compassion for ourselves and others. It's important to remember that everyone, including parents, were once children, and our experiences shape us in profound ways. By embracing this perspective, we can build stronger, more understanding relationships with ourselves and those around us.

    • The importance of love and connection for survival and developmentOur caregivers' actions during our formative years shape our understanding of love and attachment, impacting our relationships later in life. We're wired for attachment from birth, and experiences during this time can influence our emotional and relational health.

      Attachment theory emphasizes the importance of love and connection as essential to our survival and development, just like food, water, and shelter. During our formative years, when our brains are wiring for what to expect in the world, we are utterly dependent on our caregivers for these basic needs. The way our caregivers showed up for us shapes our understanding of love and attachment, which can impact our relationships later in life. If we feel unseen, unheard, or unknown in our relationships, it can trigger a primal panic, much like someone who is starving. Real intimacy and attachment are crucial for true connection and growth. We are wired for attachment from birth, and our experiences during this time can have long-lasting effects on our emotional and relational health.

    • Understanding the influence of past experiences on present behaviors and relationshipsRecognizing and addressing past patterns can lead to healthier, more fulfilling relationships and professional success.

      Our past experiences significantly influence our present behaviors and relationships, often unconsciously. This concept is particularly relevant when it comes to understanding attraction and attachment patterns. Even if we don't remember specific memories, our reactions and behaviors can serve as evidence of past experiences shaping our present. In therapy, this connection between the past and present is crucial for growth and healing. In the hiring world, the struggle to find qualified candidates is a present-day issue. Robert Half, with its specialized recruiting professionals and AI technology, helps bridge the gap between businesses and skilled talent. The discussion also emphasized the importance of recognizing the role of past experiences in our present attractions and relationships. Sometimes, these patterns can be detrimental, leading to unhealthy relationships or repeating past mistakes. Being aware of these patterns can help us make more informed choices and avoid repeating the past in our present. In essence, understanding the connection between our past and present is essential for personal growth and professional success. By recognizing and addressing these patterns, we can create healthier, more fulfilling relationships and build a better future for ourselves.

    • Our past shapes our present attractionsUnderstanding past experiences and patterns can help make more conscious choices in relationships

      Our past experiences significantly influence our present attractions and attachments. The body, seeking familiarity, is often drawn to what it has learned to be good at, creating a cycle that reinforces our patterns. This can lead to the "rich get richer" phenomenon in relationships, where individuals who have experienced emotional availability and validation in the past tend to attract similar experiences. However, if one aims to create a different type of relationship, it's essential to acknowledge and process the loss of the familiar pattern. Attraction is not solely based on gender but is influenced by what masculinity or femininity represents to us in relation to our original family dynamics. Sexuality and connection are intertwined, and intense experiences may serve as a coping mechanism for unmet emotional needs. Ultimately, understanding these patterns can help us make more conscious choices in our relationships.

    • Understanding the impact of relationships on personal growthGrowing up in a family with scarce attention led the speaker to seek out unhealthy relationships, but meeting someone who showed unconditional love required her to rewire her brain and acknowledge her resilience

      Our relationships and experiences shape us deeply, and understanding these patterns can lead to personal growth. The speaker grew up in a family where attention was scarce, leading her to seek out relationships with people who were aloof or mean. But when she met someone who showed her unconditional love, she had to rewire her brain to accept it and acknowledge the importance of the resilient part of herself that helped her survive difficult times. In psychology, theories like attachment theory emphasize the relational nature of human development, and understanding these concepts can provide valuable insights into our own relationships and behaviors.

    • Early attachment experiences shape our relationships throughout lifeResearch shows that secure attachment in infancy leads to confidence in exploring the world and forming secure relationships, while different attachment styles like anxious and avoidant can impact our trust and ability to form healthy bonds.

      Our early experiences of attachment with our caregivers shape our ability to form secure relationships and explore the world throughout our lives. Researcher Mary Ainsworth discovered that when infants feel they have a secure base, they can confidently explore and take risks, knowing they have a reliable source of comfort and support when they return. However, not all infants display obvious signs of distress when separated from their caregivers. Ainsworth found that even those who didn't cry had elevated cortisol levels, indicating significant stress. This discovery led to the identification of different attachment styles, including secure, anxious, and avoidant. Individuals with anxious attachment struggle to trust that their partners will provide comfort and safety, leading to a constant need for reassurance. Understanding attachment styles can help us develop healthier relationships and build a stronger sense of self.

    • Attachment styles formed in childhood shape adult relationshipsUnderstanding attachment styles, rooted in childhood experiences, can help navigate relationships effectively and promote healthy attachment

      Our attachment styles, formed in early childhood based on our experiences with caregivers, significantly impact our adult relationships. When our attachment is threatened, we react instinctively based on our attachment style - anxious or avoidant. Anxious individuals may become clingy and desperate for comfort, while avoidant individuals shut down and withdraw. These reactions stem from our evolutionary need for survival and the importance of proximity to a caregiver. As children, we learn what behaviors are met with closeness and what are met with distance, shaping our attachment patterns. For instance, a child who is consistently ignored when crying may grow up to be an avoidant adult, while a child who is consistently comforted may become an anxious adult. Understanding this dynamic can help us navigate our relationships more effectively and promote healthy attachment.

    • Parents' responses to children's discomfort in social situations impact attachment developmentValidating children's feelings and allowing them to make decisions fosters trust and acceptance, while pressuring them to conform can lead to self-doubt and insecurity.

      The way parents respond to their children's hesitations and feelings of discomfort in social situations can significantly impact their child's attachment development. When parents validate their children's feelings and allow them to make their own decisions, children learn that it's safe to trust their instincts and that they are worthy of closeness and acceptance. Conversely, when parents pressure their children to join in activities despite their reservations, children may learn that their feelings don't matter and that they should conform to social expectations, even if it goes against their intuition. These lessons can have lasting effects, shaping how children view themselves and their relationships with others in the future. The power of repair lies in the parent's ability to acknowledge their mistakes and make amends, creating a safe space for their child's attachment system to grow and develop.

    • Repairing past relationship mistakesHealing past hurts through therapy, communication, and self-reflection can change the impact of negative memories on our lives

      Repairing misalignments and mistakes in relationships, whether it's between parents and children or friends and romantic partners, is crucial for healthy development and growth. According to Dr. Becky, repair allows us to go back to past memories and reshape them by surrounding negative experiences with positive ones. This can be done through therapy, open communication, and acknowledging our own imperfections. By bringing up past hurts and addressing them, we have the power to rewrite the ending and change the impact of those memories on our lives. Even if others may not participate in this process, we can still repair our own relationships with ourselves and our past. It's important to remember that everyone has hardships in their past, and we have the ability to go back and heal those wounds as adults. Repair is a powerful tool for creating understanding, safety, and coherence in our memories.

    • Easier home buying process with detailed informationAllowing children to express individuality builds self-confidence and positive relationships

      Homes.com provides comprehensive home shopping information all in one place, including detailed neighborhood guides, school reports, and agent directories. This makes the home buying process easier and more informed for consumers. Another important takeaway from the discussion was the value of allowing children to express their individuality, even if it means breaking social norms. From an attachment perspective, this behavior can instill a strong sense of self and empowerment in children, setting them up for positive relationships and self-confidence in the future. However, it's important to note that children may face criticism and negative feedback from others, but the attachment bond and positive self-image instilled by parents can help them navigate these situations and build resilience.

    • The Importance of a Secure Home EnvironmentProviding a secure and loving home can help children build resilience and self-confidence, allowing them to face challenges and explore the world with confidence.

      Providing a secure and loving environment at home can help children, especially those who may face challenges or criticism outside, develop a strong sense of self and resilience. This secure base allows them to explore the world and face adversity with confidence, knowing they have a safe place to return to. Chelsea's actions in supporting her daughter serve as an example of this, allowing her child to grow and thrive despite potential external challenges. This concept, often referred to as the "secure base," is essential for children's emotional development and can help them navigate the complexities of the world.

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      Regularly engaging with your favorite podcasts by rating, reviewing, and following them on various platforms significantly contributes to their growth and success. Your feedback and support help the show reach a larger audience, improve its content, and maintain its position in podcast rankings. Remember, if you enjoyed an episode, taking a few minutes to leave a positive review is a simple yet powerful way to show your appreciation. Conversely, if the content didn't resonate with you, moving on without leaving a review is perfectly fine. Your listening experience is valuable, and your engagement makes a difference.

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    I strongly believe that social and emotional support if vital for modern parents. Find yours today! Don’t be alone with the challenges of parenting.




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    3. Ask, "what is it you're needing from me today?"

    Learn where you are at the "Window of Tolerance" and much, much more in the episode and in the rest of the show notes HERE


    Want to hear more from Julie? Check out her Instagram page with nearly 1 million followers & in these places:

    and find me, Jen Hardy, at HardyMom.com and on instagram https://www.instagram.com/thejenhardy
    Sharing is caring! Please share with someone who'd enjoy it, thanks!

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