
    Podcast Summary

    • Media Misrepresentation and the Backlash Against a Company's MissionDespite media misrepresentation, companies have an ethical responsibility to engage with the media and correct any misunderstandings, especially when it comes to their mission and impact on the community.

      The conversation between the podcast hosts revolves around their experience with media representation, specifically regarding their company, and the backlash they faced from conservatives during a time when mistrust in mainstream media and government was high. Evan Williams, one of the hosts, shares his experience with being attacked by conservatives, which he found surprising as he had been open about his company for years. The New York Times article that labeled their company as the "Starbucks of the right" was a catalyst for this backlash. Williams decided to engage with the media to give them a true understanding of his company and its mission, which included employing over 220 veterans. Despite the article not fully representing the company's efforts towards the veteran community, Williams felt an ethical responsibility to use the earned media to shed light on important issues within the post-9/11 veteran community.

    • From scratch to success: The untold story of hard work and perseveranceSuccess isn't just about luck, it's the result of hard work, sacrifice, and perseverance. The full context and nuance of a story should be shared.

      Success is not just a matter of luck, but rather the result of hard work, sacrifice, and perseverance. The individual who shared his experience started a business from scratch, selling all his possessions and investing all his resources into it. He worked long hours and endured financial hardships, all while maintaining focus on his goals. The portrayal of his story in an article as merely a lucky occurrence was disappointing to him, as it overlooked the immense effort and personal sacrifice he put into making the business a success. The importance of sharing the full context and nuance of a story, rather than relying on simplistic narratives, was also emphasized.

    • Business owners' personal experiences and giving backBusiness owners' personal experiences can bring stress and anxiety, but giving back to causes they care about can provide fulfillment. Be mindful of context when sharing statements to avoid misunderstandings.

      The experience of risking one's own life and that of their family in business ventures brings about significant stress and anxiety, and the ability to give back to causes close to one's heart, such as veteran nonprofits, can be a source of personal fulfillment. However, media portrayals of such experiences can be misrepresentative, leading to misunderstandings and negative reactions. For instance, a business owner's statement about not wanting racist or anti-Semites to buy their coffee was taken out of context, leading to accusations of disrespect towards customers. It's essential to consider the full context and intent behind statements to avoid misunderstandings.

    • Misinformation and misunderstandings in the digital ageClear and consistent communication is crucial to mitigate misinformation and promote accurate narratives, especially during sensitive situations.

      In today's digital age, misinformation and misunderstandings can spread rapidly, often leading to heated debates and incorrect narratives. In the discussed situation, a factual statement made by a business owner about not sponsoring a controversial figure was twisted and shared as an alleged disavowal, leading to a backlash. The speed and volume of information consumption, combined with the lack of nuance and fact-checking, can result in a distorted understanding of the situation. It's essential for individuals and organizations to communicate clearly and consistently to mitigate the risk of misinformation and to promote accurate and enlightening stories, such as the incredible journey of Afghan refugees who fought alongside US troops and sought refuge in the US.

    • Acts of kindness and inclusion make a differenceInclusive actions and compassion can create meaningful change and inspire others, even in a divisive social media climate

      Acts of kindness and inclusion can make a significant impact on people's lives, especially those who have faced discrimination and adversity. Wally, a man who was being discriminated against in public housing in Baltimore, was brought into a veteran-owned company and given a new home, job, and opportunities for a better future. This company, known for its noble efforts to help first responders, military, and police, was falsely labeled as anti-American by some conservatives online. However, the company's reputation remained strong, showing that even in the toxic social media climate, positive actions and stories can shine through. The takeaway is that inclusivity, compassion, and standing up for what's right can create meaningful change and inspire others.

    • Misunderstandings and mistrust through misinformation on social mediaSocial media can spread misinformation, leading to misunderstandings and mistrust, particularly in sensitive situations. Seek out accurate information and consider full context before jumping to conclusions.

      The spread of misinformation through social media can lead to misunderstandings and mistrust, particularly in sensitive situations involving law enforcement. The empty baggie incident serves as an example of this, where a clip taken out of context led to widespread accusations of police misconduct. This highlights the importance of considering the full context and seeking out accurate information before jumping to conclusions. Additionally, the current societal climate of fear and isolation, exacerbated by the pandemic, can contribute to an environment where people are more likely to default to anger and connect negatively with each other through electronic devices. This disconnect can further perpetuate the spread of misinformation and fuel mistrust and misunderstanding.

    • Politicians and Social Media: Ineffective Communication and Lack of TrustDespite the importance of social media platforms like Twitter, they can lead to unproductive communication and misinformation, especially during complex issues. Trust in politicians to make informed decisions has been eroded, highlighting the need to focus on individual liberty and community revitalization through cultural initiatives.

      Twitter and similar platforms can often lead to unproductive and misinformed communication, especially when it comes to complex issues. Politicians, in particular, can make decisions that seem irrational or detrimental, and the pandemic has highlighted this issue. Instead of relying on these figures, it's essential to value individual liberty and question the need to forfeit freedom to those who cannot be trusted with even the most basic responsibilities. The pandemic has shown us that many politicians are incompetent and cannot be trusted with significant decisions. Instead, we should focus on revitalizing communities through cultural initiatives and giving artists and creatives a platform to showcase their talents. This approach will bring back the heart and soul of cities and allow for a more meaningful recovery.

    • Vaccination and the Evolution of Virulent StrainsMass vaccination could potentially allow for the transmission of less eradicated viruses and contribute to the evolution of more potent variants. It's essential to consider scientific, ethical, and political implications of vaccination policies.

      The vaccination status is becoming a politically charged issue, with some arguing that mass vaccination could potentially lead to the circulation and mutation of more virulent strains of the virus. This is based on scientific findings that vaccines which do not completely eradicate the virus can allow for its transmission and potentially contribute to the evolution of more potent variants. It is important to note that this is not a pro or con statement on vaccines, but rather a discussion on the potential implications of widespread vaccination. The concern is that those advocating for strict vaccination requirements may not relinquish this power, leading to a potential erosion of individual liberty. This issue is complex, and it is crucial to consider the scientific, ethical, and political implications of vaccination policies.

    • History of self-governance and individual freedom leads to great achievementsCaution against implementing restrictive measures like vaccine passports, as they can lead to a slippery slope towards dictatorship, and emphasize personal responsibility for health.

      The implementation of vaccine passports and other restrictive measures carries the risk of moving towards a more authoritarian society. The speaker argues that history shows that self-governance and individual freedom have led to great achievements, and imposing restrictions can lead to a slippery slope towards dictatorship. They also criticize the lack of emphasis on personal responsibility for health, such as weight management, and the pressure to get vaccinated despite its limitations. The speaker calls for skepticism towards authority and a focus on personal accountability.

    • Question authority and seek answers in complex narrativesThe importance of skepticism and open discussions, as seen in historical examples and modern complex issues, can help clarify conflicting information and maintain objectivity in news.

      It's essential to question authority and seek answers in complex narratives, drawing from history as an example. The late 1800s story of Native Americans being forced into reservations serves as a reminder of the importance of skepticism and healthy societal discussions. In today's world, conflicting information and politicized narratives can lead to confusion and frustration. However, having open and objective conversations between individuals with diverse perspectives, like Crystal and Sagar from the show "Breaking Points," can help clarify complex issues. Additionally, the idea of news being free and subsidized to eliminate sensationalization and maintain objectivity is worth considering.

    • Impact of News Reporting on Public PerceptionMedia outlets must strive for objectivity, accuracy, and responsibility in reporting. Individuals should be aware of potential manipulation and seek reliable information to make informed decisions.

      The way news is reported and consumed can significantly impact public perception and even influence events. The use of sensationalism, biased perspectives, and misinformation can lead to confusion, conflict, and dangerous actions. It's crucial for media outlets to strive for objectivity, accuracy, and responsibility in their reporting, without financial incentives or political biases. Furthermore, individuals must be aware of the potential manipulation and make informed decisions based on reliable information. The January 6th Capitol invasion is an unfortunate example of how the combination of misinformation, frustration, and a lack of clear leadership can result in violent and destructive actions. It's essential to respect and protect the right to peaceful protest while condemning violence and lawlessness.

    • Celebrating the Unique Qualities of the United StatesEmbrace the diversity and freedoms of the US, question power, and continue building on its foundation. Pride in accomplishments does not negate the need for improvement.

      Despite the challenges and controversies in the United States, it is important to appreciate and celebrate the country's unique qualities and freedoms. The speaker expresses pride in the United States' diverse landscapes, cultures, and history, as well as the ability to express opinions freely. However, it is also important to question power and evolve the system for the better. The speaker acknowledges the existence of negative narratives about the United States but emphasizes the importance of being proud of its accomplishments and continuing to build on its foundation. The freedom to express diverse opinions, even if they are critical of the country, is a testament to the United States' strength and resilience. Ultimately, the speaker encourages a positive and appreciative attitude towards the United States, recognizing that no one will universally love every aspect of it.

    • Freedom to Express Opinions: Importance and ConsequencesExpressing opinions is a right, but using violence is not a solution. Embrace diversity, understand the importance of freedom, and appreciate the sacrifices of veterans.

      Everyone has the right to express their opinions, even if they seem absurd to others. However, using violence to overthrow beliefs that differ from one's own is not a solution and can lead to dangerous consequences. Some people may feel disenfranchised and rebellious, but it's essential to understand that freedom allows us to be diverse and accept each other's differences. The speaker shares his experiences in the military, emphasizing the importance of understanding the true meaning of toughness and the sacrifices made by veterans to protect this freedom. Ultimately, it's important to appreciate the freedom we have and not take it for granted, as it allows us to be ourselves and express ourselves in various ways, even if they may seem ridiculous to others.

    • Embracing Challenges and Living Life to the FullestInvest in experiences that bring joy and fulfillment, don't be afraid to take risks and try new things, and embrace challenges to be true to yourself and make unique contributions.

      Living life to the fullest sometimes means stepping out of your comfort zone and pushing yourself to your limits. The speaker shares his experiences of taking risks and seeking adventure, even in dangerous situations. He emphasizes the importance of embracing challenges and being true to yourself, as everyone has unique talents and contributions to make to the world. The freedom to choose your path in life is a precious gift, and it's essential to invest in experiences that bring joy and fulfillment. So, don't be afraid to take risks, try new things, and live your life with passion and purpose.

    • Embracing Freedom to Hold Diverse BeliefsIndividuals should be free to hold diverse beliefs and perspectives, as it's essential to American values and protects individual freedoms.

      Freedom is the foundation of America, allowing individuals to find their unique paths in life. This freedom extends to various aspects, including political ideologies and social programs. The speaker, despite coming from a background of government assistance, identifies as both liberal, supporting social programs and progressive causes, and conservative, valuing discipline and authority. This complex identity highlights the importance of embracing the freedom to hold diverse beliefs and perspectives. Ultimately, it's essential to protect individual freedoms and be cautious of anything that threatens them, as it goes against the very essence of being American.

    • Feeling politically homeless: A desire for a more inclusive and diverse political landscapeMany people are disenchanted with the two-party system and yearn for representation. The exclusion of certain candidates and lack of accountability fuels frustration. A more inclusive and diverse political landscape is desired, where individuals can openly challenge the status quo.

      Many people feel politically homeless and disenchanted with the current two-party system in the United States. They want to align with candidates and ideas that resonate with them, but may not feel represented by the major parties. The conversation highlighted the frustration with the exclusion of certain candidates, like Tulsi Gabbard, from the debates and the lack of accountability from powerful politicians. The speakers expressed a desire for a more inclusive and diverse political landscape where individuals can openly challenge the status quo without fear of retribution. The challenge remains on how to break free from the two-party system and create a more representative and responsive political landscape for all Americans.

    • Respectful discourse and unity despite political differencesPolitely disagreeing and finding common ground is what makes America unique, as demonstrated by Tulsi Gabbard's ability to communicate with individuals on both sides of the political spectrum.

      Despite political differences, it's important to respect and communicate with those who hold opposing views. Tulsi Gabbard, a Democratic representative, was unfairly smeared during the impeachment proceedings. Her voting record, including her opposition to handing over veterans' medical records for firearm background checks, showcases her commitment to her constituents. Gabbard's ability to maintain friendships and complex discussions with individuals on both sides of the political spectrum exemplifies the American ideal of respectful discourse and unity. The extremes on both sides of the political spectrum often create a "purity test," but the majority of Americans, who value the country and their families, can politely disagree and find common ground. This ability to communicate and understand each other is what makes America so unique and incredible. Even in our own communities, we can find common ground on issues like preparedness and safety, despite our political differences.

    • Debate over Firearms: Protection or Unnecessary Risk?The pandemic fueled gun sales, with some viewing firearms as necessary protection. The debate over ARs centers on practicality vs. political/aesthetic factors. Opponents see them as dangerous, while proponents argue for effectiveness and personal enjoyment.

      The pandemic has led to an increase in gun sales and ownership, with some people viewing it as a necessary means of protection. The debate surrounding firearms, particularly semi-automatic rifles like ARs, often stems from political and aesthetic factors rather than practical considerations. Those opposed to ARs may view them as unnecessary or dangerous due to their military associations and large magazine capacities. However, proponents argue that they provide greater effectiveness and capacity in self-defense situations, and are a source of personal enjoyment and connection to their past. Ultimately, the decision to own a firearm is a matter of personal preference and perceived need, with some seeing it as a symbol of freedom and a means of protection in uncertain times.

    • The right to bear arms protects individual freedom and prevents government overreachThe right to bear arms is essential for protecting individual freedom and preventing government overreach, as demonstrated in Hong Kong and throughout history.

      The right to bear arms is not just about potential revolution against the government, but also about protecting individual freedom and preventing government overreach. The current situation in Hong Kong, where citizens are protesting against China's takeover without the ability to bear arms, highlights the importance of this right. Throughout history, civilizations have fallen, and it's crucial for individuals to have the power to protect themselves from potential infringements on their freedom. The current political climate, with politicians acting as autocrats during the pandemic, further emphasizes the importance of this individual power and the need for transparency and accountability from those in power.

    • Overcoming Biases: The Role of Charismatic Leaders in Multi-Party SystemsCharismatic leaders with wide appeal can challenge two-party systems, but face scrutiny from mainstream media. Podcasts provide new opportunities for alternative voices. Embrace complexity and resist negative dialogue.

      Establishing a third or fourth-party option in a two-party system requires a charismatic, impeccable, and dedicated leader who can resonate with a wide audience. However, the media landscape has shifted, with podcasts gaining more reach than traditional media, making it easier for alternative voices to be heard. The challenge lies in overcoming the biased coverage and scrutiny from mainstream media. Tulsi Gabbard is mentioned as a potential candidate due to her appeal to both left and right-wing audiences. The speaker acknowledges the complexities and contradictions of human nature, and the importance of recognizing nuance in people and issues. The media's role in distorting reality and exploiting tragedy is criticized, with a call to resist participating in negative dialogue. Ultimately, the human experience is messy and nuanced, and embracing this complexity is essential.

    • Focus on positivity and connectionRefuse negative interactions, spread positivity, and make a difference in people's lives, especially for those who have served in the military

      It's essential to focus on positivity and connection instead of engaging in negative interactions online. The speaker shares his personal experience of refusing to let negative people bring him down and instead focusing on his responsibilities, experiences, and impact on others. He emphasizes the importance of spreading positivity and making a difference in people's lives, especially for those who have served in the military and have faced physical and mental challenges. The speaker also acknowledges that many negative commenters are lost and in need of love and attention rather than further negativity. By focusing on positivity and connection, we can make a difference in our own lives and in the lives of others.

    • Learning from past mistakes and growingEmbrace mistakes, learn from them, take chances, be true to your word, don't take things personally, avoid making assumptions, and always do your best.

      Growth and learning from past mistakes are essential parts of the human experience. It's natural to make mistakes and say things we later regret, especially in our younger years. However, instead of dwelling on these mistakes, it's important to learn from them and continue growing. The speaker emphasizes the importance of taking chances, putting oneself out there, and being true to one's word. He also suggests not taking things personally, making assumptions, and always doing one's best. These principles, as outlined in the book "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz, can guide us in improving how we interact with life and other people. Ultimately, the key to success and living a fulfilling life is to keep learning, growing, and striving to do our best.

    • Emphasizing Importance of Connection and Making a Positive ImpactThis individual prioritizes family, friends, and community, draws inspiration from overcoming challenges, and sees himself as a 'capitalistic philanthropist' by turning profits into positive actions, particularly for those physically impacted by wars.

      Prioritizing what's important in life and making a positive impact are key focuses for this individual. He emphasizes the importance of being present and connected with family, friends, and community, drawing inspiration from those who have faced challenges such as war injuries. By focusing on making a difference in their lives and turning profits into positive actions, he sees himself as a "capitalistic philanthropist." The individual's drive comes from a deep sense of empathy and a desire to serve his community, with a particular passion for helping those physically impacted by wars.

    • Finding Fulfillment Through Giving Back and Authentic ConnectionsThis individual values making a positive impact on others, sees business as a means to give back, and encourages authenticity and respect for differing viewpoints, criticizing reductionist perspectives in media.

      For this individual, motivation and fulfillment come from making a positive impact on the lives of others and creating meaningful social connections. He sees his business not as a means to accumulate wealth or personal gain, but as a vehicle to give back and make a difference. He believes that media, including publications like the New York Times, can miss the mark by limiting perspectives and forcing issues into narrow boxes, instead of embracing the complexity and diversity of real life experiences. He encourages authenticity and respect for differing viewpoints. In a memorable example, he criticizes a question from the New York Times about a controversial scene in Game of Thrones, arguing that it is inappropriate to view actors and their performances in such a reductionist way.

    • Navigating Good and Evil Characters in MediaActors play complex roles, real life ethics differ from fictional characters, respectful conversations matter, and not all real-life law enforcement fit neatly into good or evil categories. Mentioned comedians: Dave Chappelle, Louis CK, Bill Burr.

      The line between good and evil characters in films and television shows is a complex issue. Actors must portray both to create compelling stories, but it can be challenging to discuss these roles without conflating real-life ethics and societal norms with fictional characters. It's essential to have respectful conversations about these topics, acknowledging the importance of fictional evil characters and recognizing that not all real-life individuals in law enforcement fit neatly into good or evil categories. Additionally, the top three comedians outside of the conversation were mentioned as Dave Chappelle, Louis CK, and Bill Burr.

    • Great comedians shaped by personal experiences and raw humorComedians' personal struggles, brain injuries, and unique perspectives shape their comedy. Legends like Joey Diaz, Sam Kinison, Richard Pryor, Bill Hicks, and Louis C.K. pushed boundaries with honest, raw humor. Current comedians like Chappelle, Bill Burr, and Louis C.K. continue to innovate and reflect society's human experiences.

      Comedy and the experiences of comedians can be shaped by various factors such as personal struggles, brain injuries, and unique perspectives. Joey Diaz and Sam Kinison are considered among the greatest comedians of all time due to their incredible live performances and honest, raw humor, despite their bodies of work not being as extensive as others. Richard Pryor's impact on comedy is undeniable, with his groundbreaking honesty and relevance to modern audiences. Comedians like Bill Hicks and Louis C.K. introduced complex topics to comedy and pushed boundaries. The human flaws and complexities of comedians contribute to their humor and make them relatable to audiences. The current generation of comedians like Chappelle, Bill Burr, and Louis C.K. continue to innovate and push the boundaries of comedy. Comedy is a reflection of society and the human experience, shaped by the unique perspectives and experiences of comedians.

    • Exploring the diversity of comedy genres and stylesMitch Hedberg and Brian Regan represent clean, relatable comedy, while Jerry Seinfeld operates in a narrow lane. The speaker values both wild and unexpected humor and brilliance of comedians like Seinfeld. Unannounced performances by famous comedians can bring excitement but also cause disruption.

      Comedy, like music, has various genres and styles that appeal to different people. Some prefer the wild and edgy, while others enjoy the clean and relatable. Mitch Hedberg and Brian Regan are examples of comedians who excel in the clean, relatable genre. Jerry Seinfeld, on the other hand, is a respected and brilliant comedian who operates in a narrow lane. The discussion also touched upon the controversial topic of famous comedians dropping in unannounced to perform, which can be both exciting for the audience and disruptive for the scheduled comedians. Ultimately, it's about respecting the process and the people involved. The speaker expressed a strong connection to the "blue collar" and relatable style of comedy, identifying with Mitch Hedberg and other comedians who can make their grandmother laugh. They enjoy the wild and unexpected, but also appreciate the brilliance of comedians like Seinfeld. The speaker also shared their perspective on the controversy surrounding famous comedians dropping in unannounced to perform, acknowledging the excitement it brings to the audience, but also the disruption it can cause for the scheduled comedians. The conversation highlights the diversity and complexity of the comedy scene, and the various ways in which people connect with and appreciate it.

    • The life of a comedian involves more than just performingSuccessful comedians respect others, plan ahead, and maintain balance between work and personal life.

      Being a successful comedian involves more than just performing on stage. It's important to respect other performers, plan ahead, and maintain a balance between work and personal life. Comedians like Seinfeld and Dave Chappelle have the luxury of showing up unannounced and taking the stage whenever they want due to their superstar status. However, for most comedians, communication and planning are crucial. Spending time with friends and loved ones, as well as being alone to think, are also essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Interacting with fans and dealing with their recognition can be challenging for children of comedians, but it's part of the job. Overall, the life of a comedian requires a unique blend of talent, professionalism, and personal balance.

    • Childhood experiences shaping adulthoodRecognize the impact of past experiences, prioritize relationships, and use hardships as motivation to be a positive influence

      Our past experiences, whether good or bad, significantly shape who we are and how we approach life. For the speaker, his lack of a consistent father figure growing up motivated him to be a present and engaged father to his own children. He recognizes the importance of cherishing relationships and never taking them for granted, especially in light of the experiences of those who have less. The speaker encourages prioritizing connections with loved ones and maintaining a healthy perspective on external validation. He emphasizes the power of acknowledging past hardships and using them as motivation to break negative cycles and be a positive influence. Ultimately, the speaker's perspective is one of gratitude and appreciation for the present and a commitment to making the most of every moment.

    • Performing in large arenas: Staying relaxed and focusedDo multiple shows to reduce tension and ensure a loose, authentic performance when performing comedy in large arenas, even if it means higher costs for filming.

      Performing stand-up comedy at large venues in front of thousands of people can be an overwhelming experience, but it's important for comedians to stay relaxed and focused on being themselves. Comedian Bert Kreischer shared his experiences of performing in arenas with audiences of up to 25,000 people, noting the immense volume and energy of the crowds. He emphasized the importance of doing multiple shows to reduce tension and make the experience feel more normal. Kreischer also mentioned that filming a comedy special adds an extra layer of pressure, so he recommends doing multiple shows to ensure a loose and authentic performance. The cost of filming multiple shows is higher, but Kreischer believes it's worth it to create a show that feels as normal and genuine as possible for the audience.

    • Reviewing performances to discover new materialComedians record and review their sets to capture ideas and refine their acts, driven by the passion and discipline required to perform and connect with large audiences.

      Successful comedians record and review their performances to discover new material and refine their acts. This practice, which was taught to the speaker by a mentor, allows comedians to capture spontaneous ideas and build on their existing material. The discipline and passion required to consistently perform and improve are essential for comedians, who make up a small percentage of the population, with fewer still achieving arena-level success. The feeling of connecting with a large audience and receiving their positive feedback is a unique experience that drives comedians to continue perfecting their craft.

    • Kevin Hart's Impact on EntertainmentKevin Hart's dedication to his craft and audiences led to record-breaking comedy tours, multiple businesses, voiceover work, films, and more.

      Kevin Hart is a highly ambitious and disciplined entertainer who has achieved immense success in the comedy industry and beyond. He has sold out arenas and football stadiums with record-breaking attendance, and his talent extends beyond stand-up comedy to include multiple businesses, voiceover work, films, and more. Hart's dedication to his craft and his audiences is evident in his constant involvement in new projects and his commitment to safety during the pandemic. Hart's partnership with Dave Chappelle has also led to memorable collaborations and innovative approaches to live performances. Overall, Kevin Hart's impact on entertainment is significant, and his work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit serve as an inspiration to many.

    • The Impact of The Chappelle Show on Military CommunitiesThe Chappelle Show's iconic lines influenced military communities in Iraq and Afghanistan, with comedians like Chappelle and Bill Burr inspiring audiences through their unique perspectives. Traditional talk shows may be outdated, and many immigrants have faced challenges in building new lives in America.

      The Chappelle Show, which aired around 2001, had a profound impact on the special operations community in Iraq and Afghanistan. The show, known for its quotable material, was shared and watched so many times that the lines became iconic. This led to a problem for Chappelle during his stand-up performances as audiences would shout out famous lines. Despite his fame, Chappelle was described as a kind, genuine person who was cool to hang out with. Another influential comedian mentioned was Bill Burr, who was compared to Chappelle for his ability to flip talk shows on their heads. The speaker also expressed his belief that traditional talk shows are an outdated form of expression and that people have not been around as long as we think, with many immigrants coming to America during difficult times with limited resources and knowledge of the country.

    • Exploring the Gap: Past Mass Media vs. Modern ExperiencesHistorical media provides a stark contrast to the present, with private experiences like relationships and sexuality fueling fascination. Being nice to each other is crucial for human evolution, driving us to understand and balance each other.

      The passage highlights the vast differences between the past and present, specifically in the context of mass media and human experiences. The speaker emphasizes the shocking nature of observing historical media, such as the Johnny Carson show, and how private human experiences, like relationships and sexuality, have always been a source of fascination. The passage also touches upon the importance of being nice to each other and the role it plays in the human race's evolution. The speaker suggests that the constant striving to understand and balance each other out, driven by our desire for companionship and pleasure, is what ultimately elevates the human race.

    • The Importance of Meaningful RelationshipsValuing and nurturing relationships brings joy, fulfillment, and human connection. Everyone deserves love and kindness.

      Meaningful relationships bring deep pleasure, satisfaction, and love into our lives. It's about wanting to be around someone who cares for us, giving and receiving companionship, and experiencing the joy of being hugged and touched. Unfortunately, some people never get to experience this kind of love and connection, leading to feelings of anger and loneliness. This discussion highlights the importance of valuing and nurturing relationships, recognizing that they bring significant joy and fulfillment to our lives. It's a reminder that everyone deserves to be loved and wanted, and that we should strive to be kind and caring towards others. Overall, this conversation underscores the beauty and significance of human connection.

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    Urban Bobby & The Gucci Gang

    Urban Bobby & The Gucci Gang
    New Merch: http://badfriendsmerch.com   Thank you to our Sponsors: https://betterhelp.com/badfriends & https://doordash.com code: badfriends2021 & https://upstart.com/badfriend & https://joinhoney.com/badfriends YouTubeAudio Subscribe: https://apple.co/31Jsvr2 Merch: http://badfriendsmerch.com  0:00 Welcome to Bad Friends ft. Doc Willis  4:26 Who is Taller Bobby or Doc?  5:48 Bobby apologizes to Doc for his practical jokes 11:11 Doc's Resentment Towards Bobby  14:25 Bobby's Hypothetical Intimate Scenarios with Doc  20:03 Andrew Arrives to meet Urban Bobby  24:44 What Kevin Hart said about Bobby  27:00 Black Holes  33:18 Doc's past life with the Gucci Gang   36:50 Doc's History at the Comedy Store  50:36 Bobby in Brooklyn  53:26 Doc does some voice acting  57:08 Doc's problem with Ahmed Ahmed and the parking fiasco  1:01:41 Bobby's therapeutic journey to let go of fear and resentment  1:05:55 Doc's Traumatic Past 1:19:15 Puerto Rican Themed Funerals More Bobby Lee TigerBelly: https://www.youtube.com/tigerbelly Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bobbyleelive Twitter: https://twitter.com/bobbyleelive Tickets: https://bobbyleelive.com More Andrew Santino Whiskey Ginger: https://www.youtube.com/andrewsantinowhiskeyginger Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino Twitter: https://Twitter.com/cheetosantino Tickets: http://www.andrewsantino.com More Bad Friends iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bad-friends/id1496265971 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badfriendspod Twitter: https://twitter.com/badfriends_pod Official Website: http://badfriendspod.com Opening Credits and Branding: https://www.instagram.com/joseph_faria & https://www.instagram.com/jenna_sunday Credit Sequence Music: http://bit.ly/RocomMusic // https://www.instagram.com/rocom Character Design: https://www.instagram.com/jeffreymyles Bad Friends Mosaic Sign: https://www.instagram.com/tedmunzmosaicart Produced by: George Kimmel & Bryce Hallock - 7EQUIS Podcast Producers: Andres Rosende & Pete Forthun Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


    Monty Franklin, Ellis Aych, William Montgomery, Hans Kim, Matthew Muehling, John Deas, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jules Durel, Yoni, Joe White, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 03/21/2022 Follow Tony: @TonyHinchcliffe Follow Yoni: @BestBarbecue To watch the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/KILLTONYYouTube Don’t forget to follow the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/KILLTONY If you like the show, tell people about it! You can text, email, post, or send this link:  https://bit.ly/KILLTONY To check out the show live in Austin, TX, go to: https://killtonylive.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    E47 Language, Communication, Cultural Appropriation and Social Boxes

    E47 Language, Communication, Cultural Appropriation and Social Boxes

    In this episode Sara and Jonathan talk about language and communication and how important it is for everybody. Sara and Jonathan discuss Cultural Appropriation and how ridiculous it is at times. They talk about the social boxes we all put people in and why, when certain things stand out of those boxes it catches us off guard. 

    KEY LIME PIE S*X GONE WRONG - Confession Corner

    KEY LIME PIE S*X GONE WRONG - Confession Corner

    Hey Besties! Ready for another wild ride in the Confession Corner? Violetta's got the juiciest stories for you. Ever been on a date where you had to do some quick thinking, maybe tell a little white lie? Trust me, you're not alone! We're diving into those hilarious and awkward moments as they take unexpected turns. 

    And, oh boy, get ready for some spice! We're talking about turning up the heat in the bedroom, and yes, it involves food. From a delightful encounter with key lime pie that leaves you questioning cleanliness to accidentally turning a passionate moment into a bit of a bloodbath – these stories are wild, unpredictable, and oh-so-relatable. You won't believe where these confessions lead, but one thing's for sure –  it's a rollercoaster of laughs and surprises. 

    If you want to be featured on the next episode, send an email to press@daddyissuesla.com or call Violetta at 424-278-4268 and leave an anonymous voicemail!

    Today’s Sponsors:

    • Lume - Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get $5 off off your Starter Pack (that’s over 40% off) with promo code ADULTING at https://lumedeodorant.com/ 
    • Nutrafol - Find out why over 4,000 healthcare professionals recommend Nutrafol for healthier hair. Visit https://nutrafol.com/ and use promo code ADULTING
    • Urban Outfitters - Shop https://www.urbanoutfitters.com/ and receive an additional 10% off when you use the code VIOLET10 at checkout

    What to Listen For:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 01:59 Story #1: He cut himself while opening my window on our first date
    • 05:20 Story #2: Eating key lime pie from her p*ssy
    • 10:14 Story #3: I scrapped his d*ck with my nails while I was about to clim*x
    • 17:57 Story #4: I was broken up by him through his mother

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