
    17: With Friends Like These...

    enMay 20, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating the complexities of friendshipsFriendships require effort and communication to grow and thrive, it's normal for them to face challenges, and recognizing and addressing toxic behaviors is crucial.

      Friendships can be complex and challenging, especially as people grow older and live in different places. While some friendships can be strong and supportive, others may face conflicts or even toxic behavior. During a discussion on their podcast, "2 Hot Takes," hosts Morgan and Lauren shared their own experiences with friendships and the difficulties they encountered when trying to find positive, happy stories for the show. They acknowledged that friendships require effort and communication to grow and thrive, and that it's normal for friendships to face challenges. They also touched on the pressure some people feel to have solid friendships and the impact of toxic friendships and bullying experiences. A listener's story about her best friend's boyfriend making derogatory comments about her at a party resonated with one of the hosts, who identified as an expert on friendship trauma. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of recognizing and addressing the complexities of friendships and the need for open communication and support.

    • Supporting friends during uncomfortable situationsFriends should communicate and address hurtful actions, prioritize healthy relationships, and surround themselves with respectful people.

      Friends should have each other's backs and support one another, especially during uncomfortable situations. In the discussed situation, a friend did not defend the speaker when her partner made derogatory comments about her appearance and laughed along. This behavior is unacceptable and indicates a lack of respect and care for the friendship. The speaker expressed disappointment and uncertainty about the future of the 6-year friendship. It's important to communicate and address any hurtful actions or words, and if a friend continues to engage in disrespectful behavior, it may be necessary to put some distance between the two. Ultimately, friendships require effort and maintenance, and it's crucial to prioritize healthy relationships and surround oneself with people who value and respect you.

    • Strained relationships in social circlesConsider the impact of past relationships on current friendships, and make decisions based on what feels right for you, not as a petty act.

      It's important to consider the dynamics of social circles and the impact of past relationships on current friendships. The listener's situation involves her boyfriend's friend group, where she has a strained relationship with one of the members, Steph. Steph has made it clear that she dislikes the listener, and has threatened to end Jimmy and her friendship if the listener continues to interact with her. The listener is debating whether to attend Steph's wedding, as she doesn't want to be around her. While the listener may feel uncomfortable, it's important to remember that attending the wedding could be seen as supporting her boyfriend and maintaining a civil relationship with his friend group. Ultimately, the decision to attend or not should be based on what feels right for the listener, and not as a petty act. It's also important to remember that not everyone in a social circle needs to be friends, and it's okay to acknowledge and accept that some relationships may not be positive or healthy.

    • Communication and respect are crucial in relationshipsAddress disrespectful behavior in a respectful and open manner, no one can dictate friendships, and communication and respect are essential for strong relationships.

      Communication and respect are key in maintaining healthy relationships, whether they be romantic or platonic. In the discussed situation, Jane's behavior towards Jimmy's friend, OP, raised concerns due to her possessiveness and disregard for boundaries. While OP felt uncomfortable with her actions, it was ultimately Jimmy's responsibility to address the issue with his friend and set clear expectations for everyone involved. It's important to remember that no one can dictate who someone else can be friends with, but disrespectful behavior should be addressed in a respectful and open manner. Additionally, it's essential to recognize the importance of communication and respect in maintaining strong and healthy friendships and romantic relationships.

    • Friend helping friend in vulnerable situationHelping a friend in need, even in vulnerable situations, shows strength and caring, not sexualization.

      In a medical emergency, prioritizing someone's safety and wellbeing should always come first, regardless of the potential awkwardness or discomfort that may arise. In the given situation, a friend helped another friend who had fainted in the shower, and despite her initial embarrassment, she expressed gratitude for his assistance. However, her boyfriend became upset when he found out, leading the friend to question how to make things right. It's essential to recognize that helping someone in need, even if it involves seeing them in a vulnerable state, is a sign of a strong and caring friendship. It's crucial to remember that such situations are not about sexualization but rather about ensuring the person's safety and wellbeing. Age and personal insecurities may influence reactions to such events, but it's essential to communicate openly and honestly to address any misunderstandings or concerns.

    • Actions influenced by age, confidence, and insecuritiesEffective communication and understanding can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts in complex social situations

      People's actions and decisions are often influenced by their age, confidence levels, and insecurities. A situation was shared where a man defended a woman from harassment, but his girlfriend was upset with him for getting involved. The couple was in their late twenties, and the man felt he did the right thing, but communication and understanding were lacking. Another story involved a friend asking someone to cat sit and the sitter receiving a $25 HOA ticket for parking in the driveway. The sitter refused to pay, feeling no obligation to follow uncommunicated rules. In both cases, the individuals stood firm in their beliefs, but effective communication and understanding could have prevented misunderstandings and conflicts. Age, confidence, and clear communication are essential in navigating complex social situations.

    • Friendships and respecting boundariesClear communication and respecting boundaries are vital in friendships to prevent misunderstandings and maintain healthy relationships.

      Clear communication and respect for boundaries are crucial in maintaining healthy friendships. In the first situation discussed, a friend asked for help watching their cat but failed to mention they would be paid for it. When the speaker found out, they felt frustrated and suggested the friend should have disclosed this information upfront. In the second scenario, a friend got undressed in front of the speaker, making them uncomfortable. The speaker asked to leave the room, but later received a text message accusing them of being an ass. Both situations highlight the importance of open communication and respecting each other's boundaries to prevent misunderstandings and potential damage to the friendship. Furthermore, the discussion touched upon the topic of HOAs (Homeowners Associations) and their often high fees and strict rules. The speakers shared their frustrations with HOAs and the financial burden they can cause. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of clear communication, respect, and understanding in various aspects of life, from friendships to dealing with HOAs.

    • Respecting Friendship BoundariesFriends should respect each other's boundaries and communicate openly to avoid misunderstandings and maintain healthy relationships.

      Everyone has the right to set and respect their personal boundaries in friendships. The conversation revolves around a situation where a friend felt uncomfortable when another friend got naked in front of him. The friend in question was taken aback and expressed discomfort, but was accused of sexualizing the friend's body. However, it was clear that the friend had no intention of sexualizing the situation and was simply uncomfortable. The discussion highlights the importance of respecting each other's boundaries and avoiding assumptions or jumping to conclusions. It also emphasizes that friendships can be complex and require a level of comfort and understanding that can't be forced. In the end, it's crucial to communicate openly and honestly with friends to avoid misunderstandings and maintain healthy relationships.

    • The Importance of Respecting Personal Boundaries in FriendshipsClear communication, respect for personal boundaries, and understanding emotional impact are crucial for maintaining healthy friendships and preventing misunderstandings.

      Consent is crucial in all situations, especially when it comes to personal boundaries and friendships. The discussion revolves around a friend unexpectedly entering a room while another friend is changing. The friend who entered apologized for the intrusion, but the friend who was changing felt violated and angry. The situation escalated due to unspoken feelings and insecurities on both sides. In essence, the incident highlighted the importance of clear communication, respect for personal boundaries, and understanding the emotional impact of our actions on others. Both parties could have handled the situation better, and it's essential to acknowledge and learn from these situations to strengthen friendships and prevent misunderstandings. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the comparison between unwanted exposure to nudity and unsolicited sexual content, emphasizing that both are forms of harassment and violation of personal boundaries. Overall, the conversation underscores the significance of respect, consent, and open communication in maintaining healthy relationships.

    • Respecting boundaries in friendshipsMaintain open communication, prioritize safety, and respect each other's boundaries in friendships to ensure healthy relationships.

      It's important to respect each other's boundaries and prioritize safety in relationships. If someone is crushing hard on you but you're not reciprocating, it's crucial to evaluate if you want to continue the friendship. Respecting boundaries is essential, and if they're not willing to do so, it may be best to limit interactions. In another situation, if a friend is planning an unassisted home birth without proper prenatal care, it's understandable to feel uneasy about attending. While it's natural to want to support a friend during such a significant life event, prioritizing safety and avoiding potential liability is also essential. Ultimately, it's important to communicate openly and honestly with friends about concerns and boundaries.

    • Unassisted Home Births: Risks and Importance of Proper CareUnattended home births pose significant risks, increasing the chance of death for a baby by 300%. Proper medical supervision by trained professionals is essential for a safe birth experience.

      While some people may choose to have unassisted home births, it's important to recognize the potential risks involved and the importance of having trained medical professionals present. Home births attended by midwives or doulas have been shown to be safe when proper care and medical clearance are in place. However, attempting a free birth without any medical supervision is extremely risky and can lead to serious complications for both the mother and baby. A 2010 meta-analysis found that the risk of death for a baby during a free birth increases by 300%. It's crucial for friends and loved ones to have open and honest conversations about birth plans and to encourage responsible decision-making for the safety of all involved.

    • Sister-in-law's friend's behavior causing discomfort for wifeWife feels uneasy due to sister-in-law's friend's calculated actions and perceived flirting towards husband, requiring open communication and boundary setting to maintain relationship security.

      The dynamic between the sister-in-law, her friend, and the husband is causing discomfort for the wife due to perceived flirting and potential infidelity. The sister-in-law's history of clinginess and her friend's overtly friendly behavior towards the husband, along with the sister-in-law's pregnancy-related jabs at the wife, have raised suspicions. The age gap between the women is not significant, and the friend's behavior seems calculated to provoke jealousy and discomfort. The wife feels stuck and unsure of how to address the situation with her husband, fearing a potential confrontation or backlash. The situation is further complicated by the wife's pregnancy and her desire to protect her unborn child. It's essential for the wife to communicate openly with her husband about her concerns and feelings, and for them to work together to establish boundaries and ensure their relationship remains strong and secure.

    • Misunderstandings and hormonal tensions during pregnancyOpen communication and respecting boundaries are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships, especially during pregnancy. Avoid insensitive comments or actions towards pregnant wives to prevent unnecessary tension and insecurity.

      Making insensitive comments or actions towards a hormonal pregnant wife can create unnecessary tension and insecurity. The discussion also sheds light on the complex dynamics of family relationships and how past traumas can influence current behaviors. The husband's protective instincts and eventual acknowledgment of the situation served as a relief for the wife, but the situation escalated when the sister-in-law's behavior continued despite being confronted. The incident highlights the importance of open communication and respecting boundaries in relationships.

    • Husband defends wife against sister-in-law's accusations and boundary-crossing attemptsPartners should defend and protect their loved ones from toxic influences and set clear boundaries when necessary.

      Supportive partners defend and protect their loved ones from harmful behavior and toxic influences. In this discussion, the husband stood up for his wife against his sister-in-law's accusations and boundary-crossing attempts. The sister-in-law's behavior was not only disrespectful and rude but also dangerous, as she suggested dragging the pregnant wife to an abortion clinic. Her actions and words showed a level of instability and manipulation that was unacceptable. The husband's actions set clear boundaries and showed love and support for his wife and unborn child. It's important for partners to defend and protect their loved ones from toxic influences and to set clear boundaries when necessary.

    • Maintaining Healthy Relationships: Addressing Conflicts and Improving CommunicationAddressing conflicts early on and communicating effectively can help strengthen relationships and prevent future issues.

      Effective communication and understanding are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. In the discussed situation, the husband and wife had a disagreement due to the wife's sister making hurtful comments about their child. The wife felt defensive when her husband expressed his concerns and wanted to involve her in the conversation. After some time, the sister apologized, but the husband was unsure if he could forgive her. The couple considered couples counseling as a preventative measure to improve their communication and avoid future misunderstandings. The husband shared his regret about not going to therapy during his first marriage and the importance of addressing issues before they become unmanageable. Ultimately, the wife decided to speak with her husband about the situation and they agreed to try couples counseling together. The takeaway is that addressing conflicts early on and communicating effectively can help strengthen relationships and prevent future issues.

    • Lesson from a Friend's Engagement at My WeddingBe mindful and respectful during others' special moments to avoid taking attention away and causing unnecessary tension.

      It's important to respect the significance of others' special moments, especially during events like weddings. The speaker learned this lesson the hard way when her friend announced her engagement at the speaker's wedding, taking attention away from the bride. The friend didn't understand the issue until the speaker explained it from her perspective. Later, the photographer brought up the friend's engagement pictures taken during the wedding, leaving the speaker unsure of what to do. While it's the friend's fault for proposing at the wedding, the speaker recognizes that the issue lies between the two women. She advises keeping quiet about such events and not seeking out photographers for engagement shoots during someone else's wedding. The friend's sneaky behavior about the pictures suggests she knows what she did was wrong but is unsure of the consequences. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the importance of being considerate and respectful during others' special moments.

    • Friend's revenge plan at someone else's weddingBeing honest and open in difficult situations is key to maintaining healthy relationships.

      When faced with a difficult situation, it's often better to own up to your mistakes rather than trying to hide them or be sneaky. In the discussed scenario, a friend took photos at someone else's wedding and was asked to delete them. Instead of deleting them, the friend suggested charging the other person for the photos as a form of revenge. While some may find this solution petty, it allows the friend to stand up for themselves and sets clear boundaries. Additionally, it's important to communicate openly with your friends and significant others about important events and plans, such as proposals, to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

    • Prioritizing Personal Relationships and GoalsFocus on individual choices and creating a fulfilling life together, regardless of societal norms and judgments.

      Personal relationships and individual goals should be prioritized over societal expectations and judgments. The discussion revolves around the intimacy of a proposal and the unconventional role reversal of a house spouse and breadwinner in a relationship. The importance of having a supportive partner and creating a fulfilling life together, regardless of societal norms, was emphasized. The woman in the conversation shared her admiration for her husband's productivity and creativity in their home, which included gardening, canning, beekeeping, and soap making. She expressed her dream of sharing these experiences with him, and they could potentially turn it into a business. The conversation also touched upon the societal stigma surrounding gender roles and the judgments that come with them. The top comment encouraged embracing individual choices and focusing on what works for the couple, rather than catering to societal pressures and expectations.

    • Historical gender roles and societal norms impact views on women's financial independenceRecognize and challenge outdated beliefs about women's financial independence and support each other's personal growth.

      Societal norms and historical gender roles continue to influence perceptions and attitudes towards women's financial independence and men's roles as breadwinners. The discussion highlighted the fact that women were only allowed to open bank accounts and obtain credit cards without their husband's permission as recently as the 1970s. This historical context can impact how some people view and react to modern situations where women are successful and financially independent. The conversation also touched upon the importance of recognizing and challenging these outdated beliefs and societal norms. Additionally, the thread featured heartwarming stories of husbands supporting their wives' careers and the importance of cherishing precious moments with loved ones. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of understanding historical context, challenging societal norms, and supporting each other's personal growth and financial independence.

    • Maintaining Healthy FriendshipsSetting boundaries, communicating feelings, and creating distance are key to healthy friendships. Address hurtful behavior, build supportive friendships, and end toxic ones for emotional well-being.

      Maintaining healthy friendships requires setting boundaries, communicating feelings, and creating distance if necessary. It's important to address any hurtful behavior before it escalates and work on building other supportive friendships. If all else fails, it's okay to end toxic friendships. Life is too short for unhappiness or mistreatment. Remember, friends may do hurtful things, but it's essential to reflect on whether we're contributing to the situation. If we find ourselves being the "asshole," we should check ourselves and make adjustments. Overall, prioritizing positive relationships and self-care is crucial for emotional well-being.

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    171: Maybe Not So Obvious?

    171: Maybe Not So Obvious?
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    Two Hot Takes
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    170: Someone's Feeling Triggered..

    170: Someone's Feeling Triggered..
    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Michaela Okland! This week's episode has us responding to stories where someone is a bit peeved, upset, or triggered by the situations they're in. Whether it's a stepdaughter who won't stop singing, finding out your friends lied about your boyfriend, or your boyfriend's dad hitting on you.. these are all "triggering". Can't wait to hear your thoughts!!

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    enMay 23, 2024

    166: Trying to Have a Good Time.. Ft. Zane and Heath Unfiltered

    166: Trying to Have a Good Time.. Ft. Zane and Heath Unfiltered
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guests Zane Hijazi and Heath Hussar from Zane and Heath: Unfiltered! This episodes stories have people that seem to just want to have a good time.. but things are not going according to plan. Cue the YTA and NTA debates! We're going to need your help on these ones :)

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    Two Hot Takes
    enMay 19, 2024

    165: Wanna Be a Fly on the Wall.. Ft. LyssieLooLoo

    165: Wanna Be a Fly on the Wall.. Ft. LyssieLooLoo
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host ConcreteCrotchKiss aka LyssieLooLoo aka Alyssa Collins and Juni!! When you hear about people having drama do you ever wish you could be a fly on the wall to witness it all for yourself?! Well that's what these stories made me wish.. From someone's boyfriend cashing out his 401k to your cousin marrying an ex-fiance.. this is a wild ride.

    Checkout Alyssa's content!!

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    164: Cheating the System.. Ft. Charlotte Dobre

    164: Cheating the System.. Ft. Charlotte Dobre
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Charlotte Dobre!! CHEATING, AFFAIRS, OH MY. This episode is all about cheating the system or straying from the norms you may have agreed to. Whether that's being a good partner, or just answering your phone if a family member calls 30 times.. There are some tough ones this week that we could use your takes on too!

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    163: Anything but Perfect..

    163: Anything but Perfect..
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Richa!! I am so excited to introduce a new friend to the THT family! Show Richa some love for being brave enough to come on and address these stories that were anything but perfect.. From your SIL trying to borrow a symbolic family heirloom to finding out you have a brain tumor these OPs were going through it. And we're left with a lot of questions.. the biggest.. DO YOU TELL THEM?!

    Checkout Richa! https://www.instagram.com/richaanand/?hl=en

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    E439 Ask Nick - Help My Ex-Husband Start Dating

    E439 Ask Nick - Help My Ex-Husband Start Dating

    We are back with another episode of Viall Files: Ask Nick Edition! In this episode we bring on more callers to help them with their questions about the dating world and relationships in general. Our first caller brings on her ex-husband with the hopes that Nick can help give advice so that her ex can get laid. Now, Nick helps this man re-enter the dating world and helps the ex-couple talk about what they will do to explain to their new partners that their best friend is their ex. Our next caller poses the question of if you can be cheated on in a situationship where boundaries have not been defined. Now she must learn how to not give into her boredom and waste her time on a guy that thinks the term “situationship” sounds like a cool thing. Our last caller struggles with her relationship with her overprotective mother after getting new visible arm tattoos. Now, our caller wonders how to live her life on her terms and learn that your parents will always love you even if they don’t like you.

    “A pet peeve for everyone is someone else telling them who they are.”

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@kastmedia.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    Pre-Order Nick’s Book: https://www.abramsbooks.com/product/dont-text-your-ex-happy-birthday_9781419755491/

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    If you would like to get some advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@kastmedia.com with “Office Hours” in the subject line! 


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    The Ex Encounter

    The Ex Encounter
    Halloween Sunday scaries got you down? Well this mini is sure to bring you up. Father Cooper begins by discussing the difficulty of managing your time between your friends and your significant other. Is it wrong to want to spend all of your time with your boyfriend? Are your friends just jealous? All of my struggling Catholics out there - please stand up. Big Al explains how she overcame the strict ideals of sex imposed by the Catholic church and how she currently fucks and sucks guilt free.  So, you’re a virgin? Well if your name isn’t Mary we are dropping the V word all together. Father Cooper discusses what to say to someone if you are having sex for the first time. Are you obligated to tell them? Should you take the secret to your grave? As great as Big Al is at having sex, some may say she is even more skilled at avoiding it. Alex gives a play by play on how to stop a hookup from going all the way while still keeping the mood flirty and fun. SOS – I’m going to see my ex, what do I do?! In this episode, Father Cooper fully breaks down the ex-encounter…what to do, what to say, and one specific move we all want to add to our arsenal. Last, but certainly not least, a tale as old as time…sexting. Big Al discusses how to handle that sext that went a little too far and got a little too freaky. Happy Halloween and enjoy daddies! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices