
    Podcast Summary

    • SNL Fans' Dedication Puzzles Tim DillonTim Dillon ponders over the fervor of SNL fans who sleep outside for auditions, expressing confusion and sharing past experiences with hate.

      Despite the intensity of fanbase and historic significance, Tim Dillon finds it hard to understand the dedication of people sleeping outside for Saturday Night Live (SNL) auditions. He acknowledges the importance of the show but expresses confusion over the fervor of the fans. He shares his experience of encountering a group of fans and being given the middle finger by one of them. Dillon also compares the intensity of the fans to his perceived indifference towards figures like OJ Simpson and Chris Benoit, despite their controversial pasts. He also shares his past experiences with receiving death threats and how he learned to laugh at the hate. Overall, Dillon's perspective sheds light on the disconnect between the intensity of the SNL fanbase and the perception of the performers.

    • Comedian Ahmed Ahmed values freedom of speech over moneyAhmed Ahmed prioritizes freedom of speech over financial gains and finds humor in public shaming, even when faced with threats and backlash

      Comedian Ahmed Ahmed values freedom of speech over money and finds humor in public shaming, even when faced with death threats and being thrown under the bus by fellow comedians. He finds that behind closed doors, everyone knows what's funny, but publicly, people may not be as accepting. Despite the backlash, Ahmed refuses to be silenced, recognizing that there might not be enough money to make him shut up. He has faced consequences for his words, including protests in Hong Kong that have nothing to do with the extradition treaty but are fueled by his podcast. Despite the potential harm caused, Ahmed feels ambivalent about the impact of his words, acknowledging that they have hurt people but also finding humor in the situation.

    • The unpredictable nature of comedy and entertainmentComedians face risks, push boundaries, and grow from each experience in the competitive entertainment industry

      Comedy and the entertainment industry as a whole can be unpredictable and subjective. Comedians put themselves out there, facing the risk of backlash or rejection. The audition process for high-profile gigs like Saturday Night Live is intense and pressurized, testing not only comedic abilities but also mental fortitude. The outcome can be influenced by various factors, including personal interpretation and timing. Despite the potential challenges, comedians continue to push boundaries and strive for success, knowing that each experience, whether it's a win or a loss, contributes to their growth. Ultimately, the process itself is a testament to their dedication and resilience.

    • Unexpected call to Saturday Night LiveUnexpected opportunities can lead to great experiences, but the entertainment industry can also be challenging with negativity and hostility.

      The entertainment industry can be an unpredictable and challenging journey. The speaker shares their experience of unexpectedly getting a callback for Saturday Night Live, which was initially not on their agenda. They emphasize that everyone they met during the process was great, making it a genuinely awesome experience. However, they also acknowledge that not everyone goes through such positive experiences, and the industry can be fractured and divisive. The speaker expresses frustration over the bullying and hostility they've encountered, both in person and online, and how it can hinder collaboration and growth. Despite the challenges, they remain hopeful and encourage focusing on one's craft and not getting bogged down by negativity.

    • The comedy scene's focus on morality and political correctnessThe comedy scene's emphasis on morality and political correctness can limit authentic, raw humor and ultimately bore audiences. Talented individuals may be overlooked or privately appreciate but publicly shy away due to scene's values.

      The comedy scene, particularly in New York, has become increasingly divided and insular, with some scenes, like the queer comedy scene, valuing moral correctness over raw humor. However, this focus on morality and political correctness can be limiting and ultimately boring for audiences. The speaker, who identifies as a comic and is not part of the queer comedy scene, feels misunderstood and overlooked by this scene due to his perceived "wrong opinions." He believes that the scene's focus on morality and political correctness has led to a lack of authentic, lowbrow humor and a fear of saying anything offensive, even if it's funny. The speaker argues that this focus on morality is ultimately uninteresting and that audiences want to be entertained, not preached to. He also notes that some talented individuals in these scenes may privately acknowledge his humor but are reluctant to publicly acknowledge it due to the scene's emphasis on morality. In essence, the comedy scene's shift towards morality and political correctness has led to a loss of authentic, raw humor and a fear of offending, ultimately making it less entertaining for audiences.

    • The Complexity of Human RelationshipsPeople can have both positive and negative qualities, and it's essential to understand the complexities of others, including their past experiences and preferences.

      People can be complex and multifaceted, as illustrated in the discussion about Lewis, who is described as a "shitty, good man." This term encapsulates the idea that individuals can have both positive and negative qualities. The conversation also touches upon the topic of appearances and labels, as Lewis is said to lean into any label or perception others may have of him. The discussion also reveals some anecdotes about Lewis's past experiences and antics, adding to the complexity of his character. Another theme that emerges is the acceptance and normalization of various lifestyles and preferences, such as Chris O'Connor's affinity for sex workers. Overall, the conversation highlights the intricacies and nuances of human relationships and the importance of understanding the complexities of others.

    • Navigating Censorship and Public Backlash in ComedyComedians shared experiences of criticism and cancellation, reflecting on the importance of authenticity, resilience, and learning from past mistakes in the volatile comedy industry. They also discussed the role of personal relationships and societal/political shifts.

      The entertainment industry, particularly comedy, can be a volatile and sensitive landscape, where jokes and past actions can be taken out of context and lead to public backlash. The speakers in this podcast discussion shared their experiences with being criticized and canceled, and how these experiences have shaped their perspectives on censorship and the power dynamics within the industry. They also touched upon the role of personal relationships and the impact of societal and political shifts on the comedy scene. Ultimately, they reflected on the importance of authenticity, resilience, and the ability to learn from past mistakes. Despite the challenges, they emphasized the importance of continuing to push boundaries and challenge norms through their art.

    • Comedians have a unique impact, but it's not as significant as we might thinkComedians provide constructive criticism, unexpected reactions, and a shared experience, but they're not world-changers. Embrace the ups and downs of comedy and remember to entertain and provoke thought.

      The perception of a comedian's importance can be inflated, and it's essential to remember that we're not as impactful as we may believe. Comedians, including legends like Norm Macdonald, can provide constructive criticism or unexpected reactions, which can be challenging but ultimately help us grow. The power of comedy lies in its ability to bring people together and provide a shared experience, even if some may find certain jokes offensive. Ultimately, comedians should not take themselves too seriously and embrace the ups and downs of their craft. The comedian's role is to entertain and provoke thought, not to change the world.

    • Surprising reactions to the 2016 presidential electionPeople reacted strongly to the 2016 presidential election, with some finding humor and others showing strong emotions. It's important to acknowledge and respect diverse perspectives, even if they differ from our own.

      The 2016 presidential election was a surprising and emotional event for many people, with some reacting strongly to the outcome, while others found humor in the situation. The speaker, who was on the road during the election, was surprised by the strong reactions from those in the entertainment industry, particularly when compared to their apparent lack of anticipation for a Trump win. The speaker also shared a personal story about the death of their grandmother, which occurred around the same time, and how her family reacted to her passing. Despite the differing reactions to the election and the death, the speaker emphasized the importance of acknowledging and respecting diverse perspectives and beliefs, even if they are not one's own. Additionally, the speaker expressed their belief that some individuals, such as Seth MacFarlane, may genuinely believe they are doing the right thing, even if their actions are perceived as mean-spirited or vindictive.

    • The speaker's opinions don't matter to him and comedy clubs are a place for diverse viewpointsThe speaker values comedy clubs as a space for free expression and understanding, and doesn't let others' opinions affect him.

      The speaker believes that people's opinions of him don't matter and that everyone coexists in a diverse country with varying viewpoints. He emphasizes that comedy clubs are a place where offensive jokes are told as long as they are funny, and people understand the context. The speaker also mentions that he didn't hold grudges against those who spoke out against him during a controversial situation, and that most of the hate messages he received were just people seeking attention. Lastly, he shares that his family, especially his parents, were supportive and understanding of his sense of humor.

    • Political differences in familiesDespite differing political views, humor can help navigate intense emotions and foster understanding between family members.

      Political differences within families can lead to intense emotions and misunderstandings. The speaker shared an experience where a joke about Trump led to concerns from his father that he was burning his last bridge. Despite their differing political views, the speaker's father was a strong Trump supporter, naming their dogs after notable liberal figures. The election night text from his father, expressing his excitement about Trump's victory, was met with surprise and humor by the speaker. The conversation also touched on the aesthetic appeal of Trump's speaking style and the divisiveness of political rallies. The speaker expressed acceptance of America's perceived decline but still found joy in college football and the uniqueness of political events. The conversation also highlighted the power of humor to navigate difficult conversations and the importance of understanding the perspectives of those with opposing viewpoints.

    • Potential of Social Media Influencers in PoliticsSocial media influencers, like Logan Paul, could become unexpected political leaders due to their large followings and ability to capture public attention.

      The line between entertainment and politics may continue to blur, with influential figures from the world of social media and YouTube potentially becoming serious contenders for political office. The speaker expresses his concern about the vitriol and hatred towards individuals, even those they once considered friends, and the potential for unskilled, yet highly influential figures to rise to power. He suggests that figures like Logan Paul, who have amassed large followings and have shown they can capture public attention, could be future political leaders. The speaker's musings on the topic highlight the potential for unexpected figures to enter the political arena and the impact this could have on the political landscape.

    • Exploring the Unexpected on Social MediaSocial media can be a powerful tool for making a splash in the entertainment industry, but it also comes with potential downsides like backlash for controversial statements.

      Social media, particularly platforms like TikTok, can be a source of unexpected and sometimes cringe-worthy content. The speakers in this conversation discussed their experiences with social media, including their encounters with controversial figures like Woah Vicky and Shane Gillis. They also reflected on the nature of comedy and the taboo nature of saying things that are not politically correct. Despite their reservations about social media, they acknowledged that it can be a powerful tool for making a splash in the entertainment industry. However, they also warned about the potential downsides, such as the backlash that can come with saying something controversial. Ultimately, they agreed that comedy pushes boundaries and sometimes says things that are not socially acceptable, making it an essential part of the entertainment landscape.

    • The importance of clear communication in relationshipsMisunderstandings can lead to discomfort, but acknowledging potential miscommunications and promoting open dialogue can strengthen relationships. Supporting creative endeavors also fosters positive connections.

      Communication is key in maintaining healthy relationships. The speaker's interaction with an acquaintance left him feeling unsure and uncomfortable, leading him to question the nature of their past encounter. Despite his confusion, he acknowledged the possibility that he may have misunderstood the situation and felt bad for any potential misunderstanding. The conversation then shifted to promoting their friend Mecki Leaper's work and sharing upcoming comedy tour dates. The speaker encouraged listeners to follow him and Shane on social media, attend their shows, and leave positive reviews. The speaker's producer, Ben, made a brief appearance to update listeners on Tim's whereabouts and shared his ongoing mission to sabotage Tim's career. Overall, the conversation showcased the importance of open communication and the promotion of creative endeavors.

    • Join the Patreon community to uncover potential controversies about TimListeners can access exclusive content, potentially uncovering damning material about a comedian, and engage in active consumption of content to avoid passive consumption and negative impacts of technology.

      The speaker is encouraging listeners to join his Patreon community to access exclusive content and potentially uncover controversial or problematic material about a comedian named Tim. He believes Tim is on the verge of becoming a big comedian and wants to "take him down." The speaker suggests listeners could find something damning in the extensive archive of content, which includes interviews, sketches, and personal updates. To incentivize joining, he offers a 30-minute teaser from a recent episode featuring Tim considering a presidential run. The speaker also discusses the popularity of YouTube content, suggesting potential success in creating mukbang videos or other unusual content. However, he expresses concern about the negative impact of technology and the potential for passive consumption of controversial material. Ultimately, he urges listeners to find hobbies and engage with content in a more active and thoughtful way.

    • The importance of hobbies for personal growthFinding engaging hobbies contributes to personal growth and well-being. Kindness towards loved ones is essential, even if they have quirks. Elderly hobbyists often have strong communities.

      Having hobbies is important for personal growth and well-being. The speaker shares his experiences with various hobbies, including stamp collecting and tennis, emphasizing that it's essential to find something that truly engages us. The discussion also touches upon the importance of being kind to our loved ones and ensuring they have their basic needs met. The speaker shares an anecdote about his landlord, an elderly stamp collector, who was abusive towards his son but still had a large community of collectors who cared for him. The conversation then shifts to the speaker's reflections on marriage, comedy, and politics, highlighting the importance of having a passion or goal that drives us. Overall, the conversation underscores the significance of hobbies and personal interests in our lives.

    • Joking about unconventional leadershipA relatable and down-to-earth leader who embraces the people's needs and isn't afraid to get dirty could make an effective president.

      During a conversation, Tim Dillon jokingly suggested that he would make a suitable president of the United States, comparing himself to a pig, embracing the mud and doing the bidding of the people. He proposed having Joe Rogan as National Security Advisor and Jesse Ventura for Defense. The conversation was filled with humor and sarcasm, but the underlying idea was that a leader should be relatable and willing to get down in the mud with the people. The conversation also touched on the idea of having a nickname as a political figure, referencing Trump's "The Donald" and "God Emperor" nicknames. Overall, the conversation showcased the duo's creativity and willingness to explore unconventional ideas.

    • Political Landscape: Uncertainty and RumorsRumors of Hillary Clinton's comeback, dissatisfaction with current agriculture secretary, potential impact of impeachment proceedings, and shifting political allegiances create an uncertain political landscape.

      The political landscape is filled with uncertainty and potential surprises. The speaker expresses dissatisfaction with the current agriculture secretary and suggests bringing in Andrew Yang to run private prisons instead. There are rumors about Hillary Clinton making a comeback, but it's unclear if she will enter the primary race. Fox News, once a staunch opponent of Trump, has shifted its stance. The speaker believes that Hillary might be considering a run due to the lack of a clear front-runner and her experience with healthcare reform. The ongoing impeachment proceedings against Biden could potentially harm his campaign, but it's uncertain if it will be enough to disqualify him. Overall, the political scene is volatile, and unexpected developments could significantly impact the outcome of the primary elections.

    • A Cynical View of Politics and the Current ClimateThe speaker expresses a pessimistic outlook on politics, believing that not much would change regardless of who's in office and that the country is in a stagnant state.

      The speaker expresses a cynical view of politics and the current political climate, using controversial and divisive language. They discuss various topics including past political figures, potential future elections, and the role of media and revolution. The speaker expresses the belief that not much would change if Hillary Clinton were in office and that the country is in a stagnant state, on the edge of realizing there's nothing they can do to change it. They also make derogatory comments about certain individuals and express a desire to date one of them. The conversation is filled with strong opinions and provocative statements, creating a sense of tension and intensity.

    • Speakers discuss climate change and New York CityDespite discussing serious topics like climate change and terrorism, the speakers found joy and humor in their conversation, emphasizing the importance of finding lightness in difficult situations. They also shared their love for New York City and its unique experiences.

      The conversation between the speakers in this text was filled with jokes and humorous banter, touching on various topics from love and seduction to guns, terrorism, and New York City. However, amidst the humor, they also discussed their concerns about climate change and its potential impact on the world. The speakers' dynamic showed a mix of silliness and seriousness, highlighting the importance of finding joy and humor even in difficult situations. They also shared their fondness for New York City and its unique experiences, emphasizing the magic and charm of the place. Overall, the conversation reflected the speakers' ability to find levity and connection in the midst of uncertainty and chaos.

    • Discussing the Pros and Cons of Moving to LA for a Writing JobDespite the allure of new opportunities, doubts about feasibility due to uncertainties and financial constraints persist when considering a move to LA for a writing job.

      The conversation revolves around the possibility of moving to Los Angeles for a writing job, but the speakers express doubts about the feasibility of the plan due to various uncertainties and financial constraints. The speakers also discuss their past experiences, including traveling and living in different places, and express a desire to explore new opportunities. The conversation also touches upon the perception of LA as a city of rich people and skyscrapers, but also acknowledges the existence of poverty and the affordability of certain areas. The speakers also mention their love for certain foods and places, such as New Orleans and its famous egg suisard. Overall, the conversation reflects a sense of curiosity and a desire for new experiences, tempered by practical considerations and financial realities.

    • Embracing discomfort and being authenticBeing true to oneself and not afraid to make others uncomfortable can lead to unique and memorable experiences. Step out of your comfort zone and embrace new adventures.

      Embracing discomfort and being authentic to oneself, even in unusual settings, can lead to memorable experiences. The speaker shares a personal anecdote about Mark Norman, who embodied this idea by being himself in New Orleans, making the waiter uncomfortable, and ordering butter with confidence. This story highlights the importance of being true to oneself and not being afraid to make others uncomfortable, as it can lead to unique and memorable interactions. Additionally, the setting of New Orleans adds an element of excitement and adventure, emphasizing the importance of stepping out of one's comfort zone and experiencing new things. Overall, the takeaway is to be authentic, embrace discomfort, and make the most of new experiences.

    Recent Episodes from The Tim Dillon Show

    397 - Presidential Debate Reaction

    397 - Presidential Debate Reaction
    Tim examines the presidential debate, White people who drink wine, nasty retail workers, the death of malls, finance bro summer and your passion finding you.

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://punchup.live/TimDillon


    Get a 60-day free trial at https://www.shipstation.com/timdillon

    Helix Sleep
    Go to HelixSleep.com/TimD for 20% off all mattress orders AND two free pillows with code: HELIXPARTNER20.

    Morgan & Morgan:
    For more information go to forthepeople.com/tim

    Get The Gametime App & Use Code: 'TIM'

    Liquid Death
    Go To LiquidDeath.com/TIM For Free Shipping


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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usJune 29, 2024

    396 - Rodent Men & Justin Timberlake

    396  - Rodent Men & Justin Timberlake
    Tim examines the rat men phenomenon, the pride flag, Justin Timberlake's arrest, summer abortions, cartels’ immigration packages, the most American city and happy dictators.

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://punchup.live/TimDillon


    Morgan & Morgan
    For more information go to forthepeople.com/tim

    Get 20% off your first order plus a free THC pre-roll at
    hellomood.com with promo code TIM.

    Shady Rays
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usJune 22, 2024

    395 - Celebrity Home Invasions & Costco

    395 - Celebrity Home Invasions & Costco
    Tim talks about Caitlin Clark, what he would do at a home invasion, an Amazonian tribe battling the Internet, buying in bulk, networking and the easy way out.

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://punchup.live/TimDillon


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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usJune 08, 2024

    394 - Donald Trump & Cracker Barrel

    394 - Donald Trump & Cracker Barrel
    Tim examines President Trump’s conviction, a Jaws screening gone awry, the failed Congolese coup, fun dads, Cracker Barrel’s reimagining and restaurants as museums.

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://punchup.live/TimDillon


    Go to Hims.com/TIM for your personalized ED treatment options.

    Shady Rays
    Head to shadyrays.com and use code: TIMD for $20 off polarized sunglasses.

    Morgan & Morgan
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usJune 01, 2024

    393 - Kevin Spacey's Soup & AI Saints

    393 - Kevin Spacey's Soup & AI Saints
    Tim talks about Logan Paul’s Prime lawsuit, the multimillionaire middle class, Kevin Spacey’s return to the spotlight, Taiwan, the latest saint and being a Boeing baby.

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://www.timdilloncomedy.com/


    Helix Sleep
    Go to HelixSleep.com/TimD for 20% off all mattress orders AND two free pillows with code: HELIXPARTNER20.

    Shady Rays
    Head to ShadyRays.com and use code: TIMD for $20 off polarized sunglasses.

    Mack Weldon
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usMay 25, 2024

    392 - Eurovision & Jerry Seinfeld's Pop-Tart Movie

    392 - Eurovision & Jerry Seinfeld's Pop-Tart Movie
    Tim examines watching atrocities in a grocery store, finance guys being overworked, the Pop-Tart movie, Gaza influencers, Eurovision and the collapse of the restaurant industry. 

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://www.timdilloncomedy.com/


    Liquid Death
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    Blue Chew
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    Morgan & Morgan
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usMay 16, 2024

    391 - Boomer Bashing & Campus Protests

    391 - Boomer Bashing & Campus Protests
    Tim talks about visiting one of the college campus protests, a boomer YouTube video targeting him, the royal family’s jam, Saturday not being being for the boys and why everything’s a casino now.

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://punchup.live/TimDillon


    Aura Frames
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    #TimGivesBack #timdillon #timdillonpodcast

    390 - Harvey Weinstein's Overturned Conviction & TikTok Ban

    390 - Harvey Weinstein's Overturned Conviction & TikTok Ban
    Tim talks about the TikTok ban, not asking questions, Harvey Weinstein’s conviction being overturned in New York, an Italian ice cream ban and why it’s not cool to brag about adult parties.

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://punchup.live/TimDillon


    Go To MackWeldon.com & Get 20% Off Your First Order With Promo Code: 'TIM'


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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    #TimGivesBack #timdillon #timdillonpodcast

    389 - Iran, Israel & The Cool Aunt

    389 - Iran, Israel & The Cool Aunt
    Tim talks about Israel’s strike on Iran, the Columbia University protests, being gay in the Middle East, Plus Size Park Hoppers and what makes aunts cool but tragic.

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://punchup.live/TimDillon


    Get 20% off your first order plus a free THC pre-roll at
    hellomood.com with promo code TIM.

    Morgan & Morgan
    For more information go to forthepeople.com/tim

    Helix Sleep
    Go to HelixSleep.com/TimD for 20% off all mattress orders AND two free pillows with code: HELIXPARTNER20.

    Go to Hims.com/TIM for your personalized ED treatment options.


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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.


    388 - Mike Recine & Lizzo Be Quitting

    388 - Mike Recine & Lizzo Be Quitting
    Tim sits down with comedian Mike Recine about Lizzo calling it quits, the unreality of online, the border, Gen-Z doing trade jobs, old-fashioned cooking, call centers and Boston Market.

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://www.timdilloncomedy.com/


    Get Started At Robinhood.com/Boost

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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.


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    Aron Cadeau is a Canadian businessman sitting on top of castleblack.com, selling Jamaican grown cannabis to the world. 

    Like so many active types in this field, Aron comes at this effort honestly through its medicinal abilities that aided someone close to him.

    It is fascinating to have shepherded a company on both sides of Canada’s legal-lies. Aron has insights on many of the players on both sides of the fence. 

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