
    Podcast Summary

    • The Kyle Rittenhouse trial: Not a black vs. white issue, but a chaotic event with criminal records involvedThe Kyle Rittenhouse trial was not about race, but about criminal records and the chaotic nature of the event leading to unexpected revelations

      The Kyle Rittenhouse trial has become a topic of intense debate, with many people framing it as a race issue from the beginning. However, as the trial progressed, it became clear that the individuals Rittenhouse shot were not black protesters, but white Antifa rioters with criminal records. The case took an unexpected turn when it was revealed that one of the men, Joseph Rosenbaum, had a history of sexual assault against children. The trial also highlighted the chaotic nature of the event, with multiple people trying to speak at once during a podcast recording that went viral, attracting over a million viewers. Despite the chaos, the accidental gathering of influential figures led to a lively and engaging discussion.

    • The Kyle Rittenhouse case: More complex than media portrayalsFact-checking is crucial to avoid spreading misinformation, especially during heated debates, as some media outlets reported inaccuracies about the Kyle Rittenhouse case.

      The Kyle Rittenhouse case, which involved a teenager defending businesses during unrest, was not as simple as some portrayed it to be in the media. Rittenhouse, who was 17 at the time, was legally carrying a rifle under Wisconsin's exemption for rifles and shotguns. Witnesses testified that he acted in self-defense when he shot men who attacked him. However, some media outlets reported inaccuracies about the case, including claims that Rittenhouse illegally carried a gun or that he shot unarmed men. These inaccuracies fueled misunderstandings and heated debates. It's essential to fact-check information and seek out reliable sources to avoid spreading misinformation.

    • Media Bias and MisinformationMedia organizations risk losing moderates and creating extremes by prioritizing clicks and revenue over journalistic integrity, leading to misinformation and biased narratives.

      Some media organizations have been criticized for perpetuating biased narratives, particularly against certain political figures and groups, to retain their core audience and generate revenue. This approach, however, risks losing moderate viewers and creating a niche audience with extreme ideological views. The speaker expresses concern that the motive for spreading misinformation or omitting facts is driven by clicks and revenue rather than journalistic integrity. The speaker also shares their personal experience of encountering misinformation and lies in news reporting, which further underscores the importance of factual reporting and ethical journalism.

    • Instances of misinformation about Ivermectin for COVID-19 treatment and false accusations against Brian Stelter and Sanjay GuptaMisinformation about Ivermectin and false accusations against journalists can have harmful consequences. It's essential to fact-check information and approach it with a critical and informed mindset.

      There have been instances of misinformation and coordinated efforts to spread false narratives, particularly regarding the use of Ivermectin for COVID-19 treatment. Witnesses have claimed that Brian Stelter was caught on camera consuming a corrosive battery chemical, but this was later debunked. Sanjay Gupta, a medical correspondent, was also falsely accused of promoting horse dewormer as a COVID-19 treatment. These incidents highlight the importance of fact-checking and the potential consequences of spreading misinformation. The use of Ivermectin for COVID-19 treatment is a complex issue, with some studies suggesting it may stop viral replication, but the evidence is not definitive. The misinformation campaigns against Stelter and Gupta were not only harmful but also coordinated and seemingly intended to intimidate or discredit them. It's crucial to approach information with a critical and informed mindset and to be aware of the potential for misinformation, especially during times of crisis or uncertainty.

    • Discrediting Ivermectin and Downplaying Remdesivir's Side EffectsMedia misrepresents Ivermectin advocates and focuses on discrediting the drug, while downplaying Remdesivir's potential kidney damage side effects. It's crucial to critically evaluate sources and fact-check information to distinguish between accurate and misleading information.

      There seems to be a campaign to discredit Ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment, while downplaying the potential side effects of Remdesivir, which includes kidney damage. The speaker shares his personal experience of being misrepresented as a "far-right" figurehead for Ivermectin, while the media focuses on discrediting the drug rather than discussing the potential risks of Remdesivir. The speaker emphasizes the importance of critically evaluating sources and fact-checking information, as it can be difficult to distinguish between accurate and misleading information. The speaker also shares his personal experience with COVID-19 and the various treatments he received, including monoclonal antibodies, NAD+, and IV vitamins, but the media only focuses on his use of Ivermectin. The speaker concludes by expressing concern over the potential kidney damage caused by Remdesivir, which he believes is a more significant issue that deserves attention.

    • Personal Experiences with Controversial COVID-19 TreatmentsSharing personal experiences and exploring controversial treatments, even without FDA approval, can lead to significant improvements in COVID-19 symptoms. Individualized care and open dialogue between patients and healthcare providers are crucial.

      During a conversation about COVID-19 treatment options, the speaker was told that Ivermectin, a controversial drug, could potentially help but was not prescribed due to the FDA's approval status. The speaker then experienced a severe worsening of symptoms and sought treatment with monoclonal antibodies, NAD, vitamin drip, painkillers, and ibuprofen. After receiving the treatment, the speaker experienced a dramatic improvement, including clear vision and the ability to sleep. The speaker emphasizes the importance of sharing personal experiences and treatment methods during illness, even if they are controversial. The speaker also mentions that his girlfriend was inspired by a video recommending Joe Rogan as a source of information. Despite the controversy surrounding the use of Ivermectin and other treatments, the speaker's positive experience with the regimen he followed highlights the importance of individualized care and open dialogue between patients and healthcare providers.

    • Personal experiences and importance of early intervention in COVID-19 recoveryMaintaining good health and catching COVID-19 early can lead to quicker recovery. Legal issues and risks for companies enforcing vaccine mandates exist, and natural immunity should be acknowledged and recorded.

      Individual health and early intervention play crucial roles in recovering from COVID-19. The speaker shared his personal experience of falling ill, receiving treatment, and quickly recovering. He emphasized the importance of maintaining good health and catching the virus early. Additionally, the ongoing debate about vaccine mandates was discussed, with the speaker highlighting the potential legal issues and risks for companies enforcing them despite the OSHA suspension. The speaker also mentioned the case of Pete Peralta, a drummer who was fired from The Offspring due to his inability to get vaccinated, and the challenges performers face in the current climate. Lastly, the speaker touched upon the CDC's stance on natural immunity and the lack of recorded cases of re-infection transmission, emphasizing the importance of accurately recording and acknowledging such cases.

    • Historical vaccine mandates vs. current COVID-19 mandatesThe current COVID-19 vaccine mandates are unique due to their involvement of gene treatments, natural immunity recognition, pharmaceutical company influence, and overlooked safety concerns.

      While there have been vaccine mandates in history, the current mandates for COVID-19 vaccines are unlike those in the past. The Supreme Court case often cited for government's right to mandate medical procedures dates back to 1905, but it involved a small fine, not a vaccine. The speaker argues that the current vaccines, which are technically gene treatments, are different from traditional vaccines and that natural immunity is superior. However, natural immunity is not recognized in some places, leading to coercion and controversy. The speaker also raises concerns about the influence pharmaceutical companies have on politicians, leading to mandates and restrictions. Additionally, there are concerns about the safety of certain treatments like Remdesivir, but the focus on COVID-19 treatments has shifted, leaving some important information overlooked.

    • The profit motive and media bias can impact the dissemination of information about effective treatments like IvermectinProfit motives and media biases can hinder the dissemination of important information about effective treatments like Ivermectin for COVID-19, potentially limiting access to affordable and effective care.

      The profit-driven nature of the pharmaceutical industry can hinder the accessibility and promotion of effective and affordable treatments like Ivermectin. Merck, the original inventor and manufacturer of Ivermectin, no longer profits from it due to its generic status and low production costs. This lack of profit incentive can hinder the dissemination of important information about the drug. The media's role in reporting on the COVID-19 crisis and vaccines has also been questioned, with concerns about potential misinformation and sensationalism. The cases of soccer players collapsing and athletes experiencing heart issues after vaccination have raised concerns, and the response to athletes and individuals sharing their experiences has been met with criticism and even attacks. The situation highlights the importance of critically evaluating information and the potential biases that can influence reporting.

    • Vaccine mandates and individual rightsWhile vaccines are important, concerns about mandates and individual freedoms should be addressed. Seek legal recourse if necessary and consider alternative forms of protection.

      While vaccines are generally considered safe and effective, there are valid concerns regarding vaccine mandates and the potential for individuals to be forced into undergoing medical procedures against their will. The speaker suggests seeking legal recourse if an employer mandates the vaccine and offers to assume liability. The conversation also touched upon the evolving definitions of vaccines and anti-vaxxers, as well as the potential for alternative forms of protection like monoclonal antibodies. The speaker expressed frustration with the narrative that vaccines are the only solution and the influence of pharmaceutical companies and influential figures like Fauci and Gates. The discovery of smallpox-labeled vials in a lab further fueled suspicions and concerns about the motivations behind the push for vaccines. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of questioning the narratives presented and advocating for individual freedoms and rights.

    • Bill Gates' investment in BioNTech before COVID-19Bill Gates' early investment in BioNTech raised questions, ethical concerns over animal experimentation in research, and the need for transparency and disruptors in vaccine development.

      Bill Gates invested in BioNTech back in September 2019, just before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and now they are collaborating on HIV and tuberculosis programs. This investment raises questions about whether Gates had insider information. Additionally, the discussion touched on the ethics of animal experimentation in scientific research, particularly the NIH's maximum pain research on primates and beagles. The lack of public oversight and transparency in these experiments is a concern. The transition from traditional vaccine production to more advanced methods is a lengthy process, and there's a need for disruptive entities to speed up progress. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of transparency and ethical considerations in scientific research and vaccine development.

    • Controversial nature of COVID-19 vaccines: safety, distribution, and politicizationSpeakers emphasized disruptive solutions for vaccine production and distribution, acknowledged risks and side effects, questioned VAERS data, addressed politicization, and stressed the need for transparency and accurate information.

      The ongoing discussion revolves around the controversial nature of the COVID-19 vaccines and the concerns regarding their safety and distribution. The speakers emphasized the potential for disruptive and iterative solutions to address vaccine production and distribution, while acknowledging the risks and potential side effects. The VAERS report was mentioned as a source of data on vaccine-related deaths and injuries, but the accuracy and completeness of the data were questioned. The "scaling problem" was introduced as a way to put the numbers in perspective. The speakers also touched on the politicization of vaccine discussions and the role of social media in shaping public perception. Dave Rubin's decision to sell Locals to Rumble was used as an example of the complexities and potential controversies surrounding business decisions in the current climate. Overall, the conversation highlighted the need for transparency, accurate information, and careful consideration in the ongoing vaccine debate.

    • Decentralization as a means to protect free speechDecentralized technologies empower individuals to control their own software, preventing censorship by corporations or elites, and preserving the historical significance of free speech for all.

      During discussions about censorship and the need for free speech platforms, the importance of decentralized technologies was emphasized. The speaker, who identifies as a lefty, believes that giving people the power to control their own software and never be censored is more effective than relying on private enterprises. Decentralization is not exclusive to the left, but the speaker's perspective leans towards it as a means to prevent control by corporations or elites. The speaker also mentioned the historical significance of defending free speech for all, even for controversial figures, to ensure it remains available to everyone. The ongoing issue of censorship on platforms, such as Rumble, was discussed, with concerns about potential private centralization and the possibility of future changes in leadership or ownership leading to censorship. The speaker also shared a specific example involving James O'Keefe and a missing diary, highlighting the importance of investigating potential raids and respecting the principle of free speech.

    • FBI's Raid on Project Veritas: Potential Government Overreach and Suppression of Journalistic ActivitiesThe FBI's raid on Project Veritas and subsequent leak of their lawyers' communications raises concerns about government overreach and suppression of journalistic activities, fueling speculation of a preemptive strike to prevent sensitive information from being exposed.

      The FBI's raid on Project Veritas, a conservative investigative journalism organization, and the subsequent leak of their lawyers' communications to the New York Times raises serious concerns about potential government overreach and suppression of journalistic activities. The timing of the raid, following a whistleblower's revelation of the DOJ's use of counter-terror tactics against parents protesting critical race theory, and Project Veritas' investigation into FBI whistleblowers, has fueled speculation that the raid may have been a preemptive strike to prevent the exposure of sensitive information. The use of such tactics against American citizens is alarming and undermines the principles of transparency and freedom of speech. The ongoing legal battle between Project Veritas and the New York Times, who are accused of defamation, adds another layer of complexity to this issue.

    • Pattern of Controversy and Attacks towards Journalists and OrganizationsCertain journalists and organizations, like Project Veritas and James O'Keefe, face controversy and attacks when exposing information that powerful figures or organizations want hidden. Personal attacks and attempts to undermine credibility are common tactics used instead of addressing the substance of the revelations.

      There exists a pattern of controversy and attacks towards certain journalists and organizations, such as Project Veritas and its founder James O'Keefe, who expose information that powerful figures or organizations may not want made public. This pattern includes attempts to discredit these journalists as not being "real" or legitimate, despite the validity and importance of the information they uncover. Examples include Project Veritas' exposing of ABC News' suppression of the Epstein story and emails between high-profile individuals and Epstein. The consequences for those involved can be severe, leading to career damage, investigations, and even resignations. The tactics used to discredit these journalists often involve personal attacks and attempts to undermine their credibility, rather than addressing the substance of the information they reveal.

    • Fact-checking platforms impact on political discourse and electionsFact-checking platforms can limit the reach of certain influential figures and narratives, but they must be careful not to unfairly label individuals or organizations and respect individual freedoms and access to information.

      Fact-checking platforms can have a significant impact on political discourse and elections by limiting the reach of certain influential figures and narratives. During the 2016 election, Facebook fact-checkers reportedly banned accounts and content from individuals and groups, including Alex Jones, that could potentially sway voters. The distinction between freedom and white supremacy was also blurred in some instances, leading to the unfair labeling of individuals and organizations. The conversation also touched upon the expansion of gun rights in the US, with the number of constitutional carry states growing significantly since the 1980s. Despite the misinformation and manipulation that can occur, it's important to remember the value of individual freedoms and the potential consequences of limiting access to information and ideas.

    • Difficulty in obtaining concealed carry permits in certain statesNew York and New Jersey have strict concealed carry laws, making it challenging for average citizens to obtain permits due to may-issue policies and limited permits for specific groups. Ongoing Supreme Court cases argue for constitutional rights.

      In certain states with strict concealed carry permit laws, such as New York and New Jersey, obtaining a permit can be a lengthy process and is often difficult for the average citizen. The reasons for this include may-issue policies, where permits are only granted if applicants can provide a valid reason for carrying a concealed weapon, and the limited number of permits issued to specific groups, such as retired police officers or those with certain jobs. These states have been the subject of ongoing Supreme Court cases, as gun rights advocates argue that the New York and New Jersey laws violate their constitutional right to bear arms. The difficulty in obtaining concealed carry permits in these states highlights the importance of understanding the specific gun laws in one's area and the potential challenges faced in obtaining the necessary permits.

    • Understanding Self-Defense Laws During Chaotic SituationsDuring chaotic situations, self-defense laws like Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground provide clarity and protection for individuals. They allow the use of force to protect oneself and property without retreating, but the legal implications can be complex and uncertain.

      During chaotic situations, such as riots or home invasions, individuals may feel compelled to defend themselves, but the legal implications can be complex and uncertain. Some states, like New Jersey, have a duty to retreat law, meaning homeowners must attempt to escape before using force. However, this does not always ensure safety, and the use of lethal force may result in arrest and a lengthy legal process. Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground laws, which allow individuals to use force to protect themselves and their property without retreating, are crucial for providing clarity and protection during such uncertain times. The story of the Uber driver in Austin, who shot a protester pointing a gun at him, illustrates this complexity. The chaos and lawlessness of these situations can lead to poor decisions and a constant state of anxiety, further emphasizing the importance of clear self-defense laws.

    • Protests: Respecting Diversity of Tactics Creates Confusion and Allows Criminal ElementsProtests should promote peace and unity, but respecting diverse tactics can create confusion and allow criminal elements to cause destruction. Media selectively reporting on peaceful protests and ignoring violent actions contributes to this narrative.

      The call for respecting diversity of tactics in protests can create confusion and allow criminal elements to cause destruction. The example of the Rittenhouse trial highlights this issue, as some individuals involved in protests may have criminal records and violent intentions. The facilitators and organizers of protests may inadvertently make space for these individuals, as they are the enforcers of the far-left ideology. The media, such as CNN, can contribute to this narrative by selectively reporting on peaceful protests and ignoring the violent actions of some individuals. Chris Cuomo's statement on CNN about who should decide the nature of protests raises questions about whether he was following a script or expressing his own opinion. The use of the word "evil" to describe individuals like Chris Cuomo may be harsh, but it highlights the deception and manipulation that can occur in the media.

    • Media's Influence on Individual PortrayalsMedia can distort individual portrayals through sensational moments and deceptive narratives, often resulting in misrepresentations of facts and context.

      The portrayal of certain individuals in the media can be influenced by sensational moments and deceptive narratives, often driven by producers seeking dramatic content. For instance, the cases of Chris Cuomo and Kyle Rittenhouse were presented differently, despite similarities in their actions and backgrounds. The former was portrayed as a serious figure despite his controversial behavior, while the latter was labeled as evil for his involvement in a riot and bringing a gun to a violent situation. However, it was revealed that Rittenhouse's actions were not as straightforward as they seemed, and he had strong ties to the area where the incident occurred. Meanwhile, Cuomo's expunged felony conviction and deceptive radio show comments were downplayed or overlooked. These examples illustrate the importance of examining the full context and background of events and individuals in the media.

    • Prosecution withheld and manipulated evidence during Rittenhouse trialThe Rittenhouse trial raised concerns about fairness when the prosecution withheld and manipulated evidence, including using enhanced drone footage without informing the defense, potentially influencing the jury's decision.

      During the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, there was an issue regarding the withholding and manipulation of evidence by the prosecution. Both Rittenhouse and Grosskroitz, who were present at the protests, claimed they were providing medical assistance but had weapons. While Rittenhouse was providing aid, Grosskroitz's EMT certificate had expired. Rittenhouse tried to deescalate conflicts and even saved a rioter from drowning. However, the prosecution presented unclear drone footage that allegedly showed Rittenhouse pointing his gun at a man, which led to a jury instruction on provocation. The defense was given a low-resolution version of the video, unaware that the prosecution had an enhanced version. The prosecution used algorithmic software to enhance the video, creating false images that were presented in court. The defense argued against using CGI imagery in court but was unable to effectively explain this to the judge. The clear difference between the enhanced and regular versions of the video was later pointed out by a self-defense law expert, raising concerns about the fairness of the trial.

    • Technology in the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial: Manipulated Images and Advanced AnalysisThe Kyle Rittenhouse trial showcased the use of questionable evidence and advanced technology, with the prosecution presenting a potentially manipulated image and the defense using technology to argue its authenticity. The case raised larger issues about the role of technology in legal proceedings and the potential influence of politics and public opinion.

      The use of questionable evidence and technology in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse led to confusion and controversy. The prosecution presented a blurry and potentially manipulated image as evidence, which the defense argued was not from the night in question. The defense, on the other hand, used advanced technology to analyze the image and argue its authenticity. The trial also touched on larger issues, including the role of technology in legal proceedings and the potential influence of politics and public opinion on the outcome of the case. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the impact of violence and fear on public opinion and politics. The case serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and accuracy in the presentation of evidence in legal proceedings.

    • Concerns over voter fraud in 2020 electionDespite no evidence of widespread voter fraud, concerns fueled by isolated incidents led to skepticism about mail-in voting and its potential impact on democratic process.

      While there were concerns about voter fraud during the 2020 election, particularly in relation to mail-in ballots, there is no evidence to suggest that the election was stolen from Donald Trump. However, there were instances of irregularities, such as in North Jersey where large numbers of mail-in ballots were found to have issues with signatures and other information. These incidents fueled skepticism about mail-in voting and its potential for fraud, especially given the significant advantage it gives to Democrats due to population density. Ultimately, the belief that the election was stolen may have been more about destabilizing the political process than having any basis in fact. The exhausting nature of the debate over voter fraud and its impact on enthusiasm for the democratic process is a concern for many.

    • Electoral college system influences electoral votes based on illegal immigrantsThe electoral college system can potentially shift the balance of power in closely contested states due to illegal immigrants' presence, impacting electoral votes and influencing election outcomes.

      The electoral college system in the United States allows for the presence of illegal immigrants in a state to influence the number of electoral votes that state receives, even though they do not have the right to vote in the presidential election. This system can potentially shift the balance of power in closely contested states, leading to additional electoral votes for one party. It's important to note that this is a complex issue, and not all states may be actively encouraging illegal immigration for electoral gain. Additionally, most voters may not be aware of the intricacies of the electoral college system or the candidates running for office in their area. This lack of knowledge can lead to uninformed voting decisions. The case of a trans-Satanist anarchist winning a Republican primary in New Hampshire highlights the importance of being informed and aware of the candidates and their ideologies before casting a vote.

    • Politics, Power, and Controversial SituationsThe importance of transparency and truth in public discourse was emphasized as the discussion explored controversial situations involving late political registrations, the Free State Project, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Dr. Fauci's gain-of-function research funding.

      The lines between politics, power, and deception can blur, leading to controversial situations and public debates. The discussion revolved around a Republican candidate for Cheshire County Sheriff in New Hampshire who registered as a Republican late in the game due to the challenges of gathering signatures during the pandemic. The conversation then shifted to the Free State Project and the discovery of Ghislaine Maxwell in the woods. The topic then moved to the ongoing controversy surrounding Dr. Fauci and the funding of gain-of-function research. Critics argue that Fauci and other officials have misled the public about the nature of this research, while Fauci maintains that he has been truthful. The conversation also touched on the role of media figures like Lex Friedman and the importance of holding public figures accountable for their words and actions. Ultimately, the discussion underscores the importance of transparency and truth in public discourse.

    • Flexibility and Controversy in Public Health GuidelinesPublic health guidelines, such as mask use and vaccines, have faced criticism and controversy due to perceived inconsistencies and shifting advice from experts like Dr. Fauci. It's crucial to approach these issues with a critical and informed perspective, recognizing the complexities and nuances involved.

      The definitions and guidelines surrounding public health issues, such as masks and vaccines, have been subject to change and controversy. Dr. Anthony Fauci, a prominent figure in infectious diseases, has been a target of criticism for his shifting advice and perceived self-promotion. Some argue that these changes demonstrate the flexibility and progress of science, while others view it as deceptive or inconsistent. The mandates and recommendations surrounding masks and vaccines have sparked debates and tensions, particularly within marginalized communities who have a history of distrust towards the medical institution. Ultimately, it's important to approach these issues with a critical and informed perspective, recognizing the complexities and nuances involved.

    • Debates and Controversies Surrounding VaccinesOngoing debates question vaccine importance, leading to censorship and concerns over freedom of speech and access to information. Finding unbiased, comprehensive info is challenging.

      There are ongoing debates and controversies surrounding vaccines, with some individuals and communities expressing skepticism and hesitancy, while others advocate for their importance. These discussions can lead to heated debates and even censorship on social media platforms. For instance, some podcasts discussing vaccine alternatives or criticizing vaccine mandates have been demonetized or had episodes removed. This raises concerns about freedom of speech and access to information. Some argue that all information related to vaccines, including potential side effects and alternative treatments, should be openly discussed and analyzed. However, finding unbiased and comprehensive information can be challenging, as search engines and social media platforms may curate or suppress certain narratives. This complex issue requires thoughtful and nuanced discussions, with a focus on promoting open dialogue and transparency.

    • Concerns over information manipulation and censorshipSpeaker advocates for transparency, testing, and vaccination in workplaces to prevent COVID-19 spread, but emphasizes balanced approach as vaccinated individuals can still spread the virus.

      The responsibility for accurate information lies with the media and individuals themselves. The speaker expresses concern over being lied to and the manipulation of information, particularly in the context of political news. He emphasizes that there's no external influence dictating what he or others say on their shows. However, there are concerns about potential censorship and mandates in certain networks. The speaker advocates for transparency, testing, and providing treatment options in workplaces to prevent the spread of COVID-19. While vaccination mandates and testing are important, the speaker points out that vaccinated individuals can still spread the virus. Therefore, a balanced approach that prioritizes both vaccination and testing is crucial.

    • Managing COVID-19 risks in businessesRegular testing, open communication, and consideration for employee health can help mitigate COVID-19 risks in businesses.

      Conscientious business owners can effectively manage COVID-19 risks by providing regular testing for their employees, without infringing on individual rights. The speaker shares his experience dealing with COVID outbreaks and the importance of encouraging open communication about health status. He also emphasizes the importance of understanding the limitations of testing and the potential for asymptomatic transmission. Additionally, the speaker expresses concerns about certain medications like Ibuprofen and their potential negative effects on health. Overall, the key takeaway is that regular testing, open communication, and consideration for employee health can help mitigate the risks of COVID-19 in a business setting.

    • Adopting a low-carb, high-fat, high-meat diet leads to health improvementsA low-carb, high-fat, high-meat diet can bring about mental clarity, consistent energy, weight loss, but individual responses may vary and occasional indulgences are allowed.

      Eliminating grains, sugars, and processed foods, particularly those containing gluten, from one's diet can lead to significant improvements in overall health and well-being. This individual's experience of adopting a low-carb, high-fat, and high-meat diet, also known as the keto diet, resulted in increased mental clarity, consistent energy levels, and weight loss. However, it's important to note that everyone's body reacts differently to dietary changes, and some potential side effects, such as initial energy slumps or digestive issues, may occur. Additionally, occasional indulgences can still be enjoyed in moderation without negating the benefits of a mostly clean diet.

    • Understanding Food's Impact on Aging BodiesSome foods can benefit aging bodies after exercise, while individual responses to supplements like NAD may vary.

      Being aware of the impact of food on your body, especially as you age, is important. While some foods, like bread and pasta, are not ideal for everyday consumption, they can be beneficial after exercise due to their glucose restoring properties. Additionally, everyone's body reacts differently to supplements like NAD, and everyone may not experience the same effects. The speaker shared his experience of improved vision after taking NAD, but his girlfriend and others did not notice the same effect. Lastly, the speaker discussed his demanding podcasting schedule, which includes publishing multiple segments and hosting a live show daily. It's essential to manage the influx of information and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

    • Media's Influence on Public PerceptionMedia can shape public perception, potentially causing dangerous situations. Individuals' actions driven by anger and ideologies, not strong moral frameworks.

      The media's portrayal of certain events can significantly influence public perception and actions, leading to potentially dangerous situations. The speaker expresses concern over the responsibility the media has when painting a distorted perception of cases, which can result in riots or other forms of unrest. Additionally, the speaker believes that many individuals involved in such events are driven by anger and a desire to rage against perceived injustices, often fueled by ideologies rather than a strong moral or ethical framework. The speaker also touches upon the commercialization of social causes and the role of ideologies in shaping people's beliefs and actions.

    • Exploring the Unexpected: A Tech JourneyEmbrace new technology, stay open to unexpected advancements, and adapt to the ever-changing technological landscape.

      Technology continues to evolve, often in unexpected ways. The speaker shares his experiences with new tech, such as a foldable phone, and reflects on how it challenges our perceptions of the future. He also discusses the benefits and drawbacks of voice-activated devices like Alexa. Despite some concerns about intrusion, the speaker expresses excitement for the advancements technology brings. As he reflects on the past and the future, he acknowledges that it's impossible to predict all the breakthroughs and how they will shape our lives. Ultimately, he emphasizes the importance of staying open to new experiences and adapting to the ever-changing technological landscape.

    • The Past's Mystery vs Modern ConvenienceThe speaker reflects on the past's sense of wonder and mystery, contrasted with modern technology's convenience, acknowledging both limitations and benefits.

      While technology has brought about numerous conveniences and advancements, there's a sense of longing for the mystery and intrigue that came with living in a time before instant information. The speaker reminisces about the past, where news and stories were shared through word of mouth, and the unknown was a source of excitement and discovery. However, they also acknowledge the limitations and challenges of that time, such as the ease of spreading propaganda and the lack of modern conveniences. Ultimately, the speaker expresses a desire for a balance between the convenience of modern technology and the sense of wonder and mystery that comes with the unknown. The conversation also touches on the topic of music and the speaker's admiration for the raw energy and authenticity of classic rock bands, contrasted with the ubiquity of music on social media today. Additionally, the speaker shares their excitement about the latest technological advancements, such as the Tesla Model S Plaid, while also acknowledging the sense of nostalgia for simpler times.

    • Exploring Alternative Motorcycles and Less Populated AreasThe quiet electric motorcycle offers an affordable alternative to high-end models, but its silence poses a safety concern. Less populated areas can surprise with their friendly communities and good food, challenging stereotypes.

      The electric motorcycle discussed is a quiet, affordable alternative to high-end motorcycles like the Tesla, but its quietness poses a safety concern as it may not be noticed by other drivers. The speaker also shared his experiences with the documentary "White Lightning" about West Virginia and the good food and people found in less populated areas. Despite the stereotypes, the speaker found the community to be friendly and appreciative of personal responsibility. The conversation also touched on the changing meaning of political labels and the speaker's lighthearted interaction with a Trump supporter in his neighborhood.

    • Biden family corruption concernsSpeaker raises valid concerns about potential Biden family corruption, criticizes censorship of related info, and warns against cult-like thinking in assessing presidency

      The speaker believes there are valid concerns regarding potential corruption involving President Joe Biden and his family, particularly regarding his son Hunter's business dealings and alleged sharing of a bank account. The speaker also criticizes the censorship of information related to these allegations during the 2020 election by tech companies and the media. The speaker argues that this behavior is indicative of a cult-like thinking and rigidity in ideologies among partisan individuals, rather than a genuine assessment of Biden's presidency based on policies and their impact on the country.

    • Political divide on economy perceptionDespite significant differences in economic perception between Democrats and Republicans, the largest voting bloc, the 'stressed sideline,' leans center-right. It's essential to recognize tribalism's pitfalls and move towards a more centrist mentality.

      The current economic situation is perceived differently based on political affiliations. During the Trump presidency, Democrats considered the economy fairly good, but as it worsened during the pandemic, they saw it negatively. Republicans, on the other hand, have consistently viewed the economy negatively, regardless of who is in office. The political divide is so significant that Democrats and Republicans hold opposite views on various issues, including the economy. Interestingly, the largest voting bloc, the "stressed sideline," which includes moderates, independents, and libertarians, is center-right. This suggests that politicians and ideas leaning towards the right are more likely to appeal to this group. It's crucial for people to recognize the pitfalls of tribalism and move towards a more centrist mentality, as most people's beliefs are a mix of both sides.

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    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh

    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh
    Noland Arbaugh is the first human recipient of Neuralink’s brain-computer interface implant: an innovative new technology that allows him to control digital devices with his thoughts. Noland Arbaugh: https://x.com/ModdedQuad Neuralink www.neuralink.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2166 - Enhanced Games

    #2166 - Enhanced Games
    Christian Angermayer and Dr. Aron D’Souza are the co-founders of the Enhanced Games, an upcoming Olympic-style event that brings together the world’s top athletes to compete without arbitrary bans on performance-enhancing substances.  www.enhanced.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2165 - Jack Carr

    #2165 - Jack Carr
    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2164 - Action Bronson

    #2164 - Action Bronson
    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross
    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    In this 165th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we discuss the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.


    This week we discuss mis-, dis-, and mal- information, and terrorism, in light of testimony before Congress regarding the Twitter files and government interference in the exchange of information. We learn how the government would like us to quash narratives that it finds displeasing or inconvenient. We discuss the nature of respiratory disease and pandemics, and consider how much of the destruction that happened in the last three years might have been iatrogenic: caused by medical treatment (rather than by the virus). We consider what happened in 2018-2019, during the Spanish Flu, and the evidence that much of the damage then might have been iatrogenic—specifically from exceedingly high doses of aspirin. And we share the words of theologian Paul Tillich, who broadcast warnings and passion into Nazi Germany, his homeland, to reach the people and encourage resistance.






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    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at


    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com


    Find more from us on Bret’s website (https://bretweinstein.net) or Heather’s website (http://heatherheying.com).


    Become a member of the DarkHorse LiveStreams, and get access to an additional Q&A livestream every month. Join at Heather's Patreon.


    Like this content? Subscribe to the channel, like this video, follow us on twitter (@BretWeinstein, @HeatherEHeying), and consider helping us out by contributing to either of our Patreons or Bret’s Paypal.


    Looking for clips from #DarkHorseLivestreams? Check out our other channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAWCKUrmvK5F_ynBY_CMlIA


    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.




    Mentioned in this episode:


    Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government Hearing on the Twitter Files (3-9-23): https://www.youtube.com/live/i-Ip_MHYmkY?feature=share


    Anyone, at anytime, can spread malinformation (clip from DarkHorse Livestream #115, first aired 2-13-22): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTOWCZEkNiI


    Rumor Control Page Startup Guide: https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/2023-01/rumor-control-startup-guide_508.pdf


    The Greatest Lie Told During Covid, by gato malo, in bad cattitude, 3-8-23: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/the-greatest-lie-told-during-covid


    Starko 2009. Salicylates and pandemic influenza mortality, 1918–1919 pharmacology, pathology, and historic evidence. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 49(9): 1405-1410. https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/49/9/1405/301441?fbclid=IwAR0m4SSuPqedlg8

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    PayPal reinstates their intentions to monetarily punish those whom they deem to be spreading false information with a $2500 fine. This comes on the heels of those accusing Republicans of lying about the election and exposing the lies of 2020.

    Among the lies of the left are the people that support them. Take, for example, Beto supporters. Exactly what kind of people would vote for the left? Through personal experience Dustin Faulkner relates one voter to the rest who behave in the same manner.

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    The sick deterioration of California continues to encroach upon the quiet millions still hanging on to their lives in the state. As the midterms approach will they vote correctly? Those that created the issues like Mark Wahlberg have fled to pursue better lives in other states. Will the remaining reverse the damage?

    The DNC organized an all-expenses paid trip for young TikTok influencers to Washington D.C. As the nation suffers crushing inflation and paycheck to paycheck living the leftists continue to undermine them with ignorant rump shakers and paid shills. While Conservatives fight to change the damaging course with elections the DNC thugs Obama and Biden use idiots of TikTok to dismantle their efforts for future generations. Dustin cuts them in half verbally.

    Follow BFBN on twitter: @dloydfaulk @bf_frontline
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