
    18: Age Gaps.. They're Not So Black And White

    enMay 27, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Age gaps in relationships: Balancing power dynamicsWhile age gaps can work, consider potential power imbalances and meet as adults on the same level.

      While age gaps in relationships can work, it's important to consider potential power imbalances. Morgan shared her perspective on feeling uneasy about significant age gaps when one partner is still in college and the other is well-established with a successful career. However, she acknowledged that not all age gaps are problematic. Morgan's parents, who had a 10-year age difference, had a long and happy marriage. The key is meeting as adults on the same level. A story shared from the "r/agegap" subreddit about a 22-year-old woman married to a 41-year-old man sparked a discussion on the complexities of age gaps and the potential judgment from others. It's essential to remember that people's relationships are their own, and age should not be the sole determining factor in the success or failure of a marriage. Anchor, a free platform for creating, recording, editing, and distributing podcasts, was also discussed as a useful tool for those interested in starting their own podcast.

    • Couple faces disapproval due to age differenceDespite legal age difference, societal prejudice and stigma can negatively impact relationships and individuals' well-being

      Despite having a significant age difference in their relationship, a couple faced intense criticism and disapproval from various sources, including the husband's family and even their own friends. The age difference, while legal, led to uncomfortable situations in public and negative assumptions about the wife's motivations and background. The mother-in-law's disapproval was particularly harsh, leading to her excluding the wife from family events and spreading negative rumors to her siblings. The couple's friends also distanced themselves due to the age difference, causing further isolation for the wife. Despite the challenges, the couple remained committed to each other, but the constant prejudice and stigma took a toll on the wife's mental and emotional well-being. The experience highlights the unfair and unreasonable societal judgments that can arise from relationships that don't fit the norm, and the importance of supporting and respecting individuals' choices and happiness.

    • Age gaps in relationships: More than just numbersAge differences in relationships shouldn't define compatibility or love. Focus on the connection and happiness between two individuals.

      Age gaps in relationships are not always a bad thing, despite common perceptions. The discussion revolved around a specific situation where a 22-year-old woman was in a relationship with a man older than her, and they faced criticism and disapproval from others. The conversation then shifted to the relationship between Chuck Lorre and his wife, who have a significant age gap but seem to have a strong and loving connection. The speaker acknowledged that everyone grows up differently and that some people may have to mature faster than others due to various circumstances. The age of getting married or starting a career was also brought up, as well as the importance of being self-aware and happy in a relationship. The thread on relationship advice was mentioned, where people were quick to judge age gaps but also shared stories of successful and happy relationships with significant age differences. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of focusing on the love and compatibility between two people, rather than societal norms or expectations.

    • Balancing concern and support in a loved one's age-inappropriate relationshipExpress concern, make them feel safe, and encourage end of relationship without pushing them away. Understand past actions and use empathy and non-judgmental approach.

      Addressing a loved one's dangerous and age-inappropriate relationship while maintaining a safe and supportive environment involves a delicate balance. The speaker's situation, where their 21-year-old daughter is engaged to a 36-year-old man they had raised since she was a child, presents unique challenges. The large age difference and the history of their close relationship make the situation even more complex. The speaker's initial approach of laying down the hammer and cutting off contact with both parties has proven to be detrimental, as it may put their daughter in more danger. Instead, it's crucial to find a way to express concern, make her feel safe, and encourage her to end the relationship without pushing her away. It's essential to understand that past actions, such as helping raise the man in question, may complicate the situation further. Communication, empathy, and a non-judgmental approach are key to addressing this sensitive issue.

    • Navigating Complex Family DynamicsEvery family situation is unique and requires careful consideration and communication to navigate complicated dynamics, especially when age gaps and inappropriate behaviors are involved.

      The dynamics of family relationships can be complicated and difficult to navigate, especially when age gaps and inappropriate behaviors come into play. The speaker shared her experience of encountering Chris D'Elia's grooming behavior towards underage girls, which was similar to how he had interacted with her. She felt betrayed by his actions towards his own daughter, whom he had raised as a father figure. In a separate situation, the speaker's own daughter was in a relationship with a much older man, and despite the speaker's concerns, the couple had become pregnant. The speaker and her wife had decided to support their daughter and grandchild, despite their reservations about the age difference and the timing of the relationship. The speaker's experiences highlight the complexities of family relationships and the challenges of drawing boundaries when dealing with difficult situations. It's important to remember that every situation is unique and requires careful consideration and communication.

    • Understanding Complex Relationships and Family DynamicsPeople's intentions can be unclear, and situations can be complex in relationships and families. It's essential to prioritize individuals' well-being and safety, communicate openly, and seek information to make informed decisions.

      The intentions of individuals are not always clear, and situations can be complex, especially when it comes to matters of relationships and family dynamics. In the discussed topic, there were concerns about a man's behavior towards his girlfriend and her family, including his past history and his desire for the girlfriend to leave her family to live with him. Some believed that he may have been a groomer, while others thought he had good intentions. Regardless, it is important to remember that people can grow and change, and a healthy and happy home does not necessarily require a traditional family structure. Ultimately, it is crucial to prioritize the well-being and safety of all individuals involved, especially children. The discussion also highlighted the importance of open communication and seeking information and understanding when faced with confusing situations.

    • Respecting each other's financial situationsIn relationships, it's crucial to be considerate of each other's income levels and reach a fair compromise on expenses.

      When two individuals with significantly different income levels are in a relationship, it's important for them to be considerate of each other's financial situations. The person with the higher income should not expect the other person to cover a disproportionate amount of expenses, especially if the lower-income individual is facing financial constraints. A fair compromise should be reached based on each person's income. For instance, if one person is going to graduate school and has limited funds, the other partner could cover a larger share of the expenses. The person with the lower income should communicate their financial limitations clearly and set boundaries. In the end, a good relationship involves mutual respect and understanding of each other's financial situations.

    • Communication is key in financial relationshipsEffective communication and understanding of financial situations are crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship. Demanding equality without considering individual circumstances can lead to conflict and potential relationship issues.

      Communication and understanding are crucial in a relationship, especially when it comes to financial matters. The speaker shares her experience of being asked to pay a significant portion of rent by her boyfriend despite his higher income and her recent graduation. The age gap between them and her pursuit of graduate school added to the complexity of the situation. The speaker advises that instead of demanding, the boyfriend should have communicated his expectations more delicately and considered his girlfriend's financial situation. If he still insists on splitting expenses equally, the relationship might not be worth continuing. The importance of being on the same page financially and respecting each other's goals and aspirations cannot be overstated.

    • The cost of higher education and financial compatibility in relationshipsCommunication and financial transparency are essential for maintaining healthy relationships. Consider reasonable tuition costs, share financial responsibilities, and be realistic about expectations to avoid excessive debt.

      Financial compatibility is crucial in relationships, and the cost of higher education, such as occupational therapy, can lead to significant debt that should be considered before making major life decisions. The speaker in this discussion learned the hard way that her boyfriend's unwillingness to share financial responsibilities was a deal-breaker for her. She also emphasized the importance of finding a graduate school with reasonable tuition costs to avoid excessive debt. Additionally, the speaker received valuable advice from commenters suggesting living within one's means and being realistic about financial expectations in relationships. Overall, this discussion highlights the importance of open communication and financial transparency in maintaining healthy relationships.

    • Communication and fair contributions in finances and relationshipsMaintain individual financial equity, avoid contributing to someone else's mortgage without ownership, ensure progress towards financial goals, and have open conversations about finances to build trust.

      When it comes to finances and relationships, especially when considering moving in together or buying a house, it's essential to establish clear communication and fair contributions. The discussion highlights the importance of maintaining individual financial equity and not contributing to someone else's mortgage without gaining any ownership in return. While it's natural to want to contribute and share expenses, it's crucial to ensure that both parties are making progress towards their financial goals and not one person is being taken advantage of. The concept of prenups, while not appealing to some, can provide a sense of security and transparency in dividing assets and liabilities in case of a separation. Ultimately, open and honest conversations about finances can help build trust and understanding in a relationship.

    • Respecting Boundaries in RelationshipsAvoid making assumptions or stereotypes about others' relationships. Respect personal boundaries and avoid hurtful comments, regardless of age differences.

      It's important to respect boundaries and avoid making unwarranted assumptions or stereotypes about others' relationships. Morgan, a 27-year-old woman, shares her experience of dealing with her 27-year-old cousin's intrusive behavior and offensive comments regarding her 6-year older wife. Despite the age difference, Morgan and her wife don't see it as significant, but Morgan's cousin does and implies that Morgan's wife may have been predatory. Morgan sets boundaries and asks her cousin to respect them, but her cousin continues to push and make hurtful comments. Morgan ultimately decides to cut off contact with her cousin due to her disrespectful behavior and unwanted intrusion. The situation raises questions about the appropriateness of age gaps in relationships and the importance of avoiding stereotypes and assumptions. Ultimately, it's crucial to respect others' relationships and personal boundaries, and to avoid making hurtful comments or assumptions based on age, gender, or other factors.

    • Age gaps in relationships and societal expectationsAge gaps in relationships can work if both parties connect and relate, but societal expectations can influence how people present themselves in age-gap relationships

      Age gaps in relationships can vary greatly and still work if both parties can connect and relate. The speaker shares her experience growing up with parents who had a 10-year age difference and never found it strange. However, she noticed the age difference when her sister dated someone the same age difference as her parents. The speaker also mentions that family situations can be tough, and age gaps should not be the only determining factor in a relationship. The topic of age gaps led to a discussion about the stereotype of older women dating younger men, and how societal expectations can play a role in how people present themselves. The speaker also shares her personal experience of only dating older men and the biggest age gap she has had being four years. She adds that women mature faster than men, which can make it challenging for younger women to find mature partners. The conversation also touched on the experiences of a 26-year-old man engaged to a 42-year-old man, and the challenges his family faces with the age difference. Overall, the conversation emphasizes that age gaps should not be the sole factor in determining the viability of a relationship.

    • Age gaps in relationships and external judgmentsCouples with significant age gaps can face criticism and opposition, but focusing on supporting each other and finding understanding can help them overcome challenges and remain committed to their happiness.

      Age gaps in relationships can be a source of tension, especially when dealing with external judgments. Lauren and Morgan, who have a 16-year age gap, shared their experiences of facing criticism and the impact it has on them. They also highlighted their growth as podcasters and their appreciation for constructive feedback. Another story involved a 26-year-old male who is engaged to a 42-year-old widower and faces opposition from his family due to the age difference. Both couples emphasized the importance of supporting each other and finding comfort and understanding in their relationships. Despite the challenges, they remain committed and focused on their happiness.

    • Respecting Adult Autonomy in RelationshipsWhile families should show concern, respect adults' autonomy and judgement in their relationships, especially when they've demonstrated ability to make informed decisions. Address concerns through open communication before drastic measures.

      While it's natural for families to be protective, it's important to respect an adult's autonomy and judgement in their relationships, especially when they've reached a certain age and have demonstrated the ability to make informed decisions. However, if there are valid concerns about potential abuse or manipulation, open communication and attempts at resolution should be prioritized before considering drastic measures like cutting off contact. Families may be concerned about large age gaps, but the length and quality of the relationship should also be taken into consideration. Ultimately, it's essential to balance familial love and concern with respect for individual autonomy.

    • Approaching age gaps in relationships with sensitivityRespect choices, offer support, and encourage open communication in age gap relationships.

      Age gaps in relationships are a personal matter and should be approached with sensitivity and care. While it's natural for loved ones to express concerns, it's essential to respect each other's choices and boundaries. In some cases, individuals in abusive relationships may not be ready to leave, and forcing the issue can push them further away. Instead, offering support and encouraging open communication can be more effective. Ultimately, everyone's experiences and perspectives are unique, and it's important to approach relationships with understanding and compassion.

    • Actions of adults can have embarrassing consequences for childrenAdults' actions, especially parents, can unintentionally cause embarrassment and long-term consequences for their children

      The actions of adults, particularly parents, can have unintended and embarrassing consequences for their children. The speaker shared an experience from high school where a senior's mother went on a spring break trip with them and ended up hooking up with one of their friends. This incident left a lasting impact on the speaker and the community, as the daughter was stigmatized and faced embarrassment. The speaker felt sympathy for the kids involved but also questioned the actions of the mother. The incident reminded the speaker of the movie "Rumor Has It" where Jennifer Aniston plays a character known as the "Missus Robinson." The speaker's recollection of the incident and the movie shows how the actions of adults can have far-reaching and unintended consequences.

    • Impact of Parental Actions on ChildrenParents' actions can significantly affect their children's lives, and it's crucial for them to provide adequate support and protection.

      Families can be complex and complicated, and the actions of parents can have lasting impacts on their children. In the discussion, a listener shared her experience of having a baby at a young age and dealing with child support from her baby's father. The speaker expressed her opinion that the father, who was much older at the time, should be grateful for not facing jail time and should pay more than the current child support amount. The conversation then shifted to the topic of a movie involving a sexual relationship between a grandmother, mother, and their respective partners. The speaker found it "crazy" that three generations were involved in the relationship. The discussion also touched on the listener's mother's blameful attitude towards her for getting pregnant at a young age. The speaker emphasized that the mother should have been more protective and supportive, especially since the listener was a child at the time. The conversation ended with the speaker encouraging the listener to consider taking legal action if her child support was not sufficient. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of parents providing adequate support and protection for their children, and the long-term consequences of their actions.

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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Richa!! I am so excited to introduce a new friend to the THT family! Show Richa some love for being brave enough to come on and address these stories that were anything but perfect.. From your SIL trying to borrow a symbolic family heirloom to finding out you have a brain tumor these OPs were going through it. And we're left with a lot of questions.. the biggest.. DO YOU TELL THEM?!

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    • The exact difference between reacting and responding
    • The deeper source of why you react to your partner when you don’t love what they’re saying
    • 6 examples of better ways to respond to your partner, so the conversation stay constructive rather than destructive


    Relationship Resources:

    1. Schedule a Couple’s Session with us HERE. You will finally overcome that recurring challenge in your relationship, so you can experience more joy and less frustration.
    2. Read our newest book, The Argument Hangover


    About Us:

    We’re The Freemans, your go-to couple for authentic and actionable relationship advice. Send us your relationship questions for the show with a DM on Instagram. As you listen to the episode, tag us on an IG story and let us know what you loved.