
    Podcast Summary

    • Minor injuries can lead to major health issues if left untreatedListen to others when they advise seeking medical attention and don't ignore injuries, even if they seem minor. Proper medical care can prevent worsening conditions and complications.

      Sometimes, even minor injuries that we dismiss can lead to major health issues if left untreated. Remy Warren shared his experience of tearing tendons in his wrist, which he initially thought was not a big deal. However, the injury worsened over time due to a combination of factors, including overuse and a fall. He finally underwent surgery, which involved drilling holes through his bones and using tendons from his forearm to repair the damage. The experience served as a reminder that it's essential to listen to others when they advise seeking medical attention and not to ignore injuries. Warren also shared that he's using hooks and working out with his arm to prevent muscle loss during recovery. The surgery process was described as intense, with broken drill bits and the use of a chuck key to remove them. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of taking injuries seriously and seeking proper medical care.

    • Adapting Archery Techniques for Individual NeedsArchers can modify techniques to fit their abilities and continue practicing despite injuries or limitations.

      Archery techniques can be adapted to individual needs and limitations, as demonstrated by John Dudley's use of a mouth tab and other archers' unique releases. Archers develop routines and get used to their equipment, making adjustments when necessary. Dudley's use of a mouth tab allowed him to continue hunting despite shoulder surgery, and he was even able to shoot a grizzly bear with it. Other archers have adapted to shooting with their feet or using nose contact with the string. Archery is a meditative practice that becomes a part of one's routine, and archers find ways to make it work for them despite challenges.

    • People's resilience and adaptabilityDespite challenges, people find ways to recover, adapt, and live their lives to the fullest, showcasing their resilience and adaptability.

      People are resilient and find ways to recover and adapt, even in the face of challenges. This was evident in the discussion about recovering from injuries and starting over with a podcast. The use of treatments like prolotherapy, which inflames and strengthens tendons, showcases the human ability to find solutions. The pandemic led to an increase in interest in self-sufficiency and hunting, demonstrating the adaptability of individuals and communities. Despite setbacks, people continue to find ways to live their lives to the fullest and introduce others to their passions. The podcast, whether it's called "Closing the Distance" or "Live Wild," serves as a platform for sharing experiences and knowledge, bridging the gap between those who hunt and those who don't.

    • Our experiences with food can change our perspectivesA woman's shift from vegetarianism to eating meat after trying wild game, and the speaker's introduction of fishing to his children, illustrate how our food choices and experiences can impact our attitudes and behaviors.

      People's food choices and experiences can lead to significant shifts in their perspectives and behaviors. For instance, a woman who was once a vegetarian started eating meat after trying wild game and enjoying the process. This experience resonated with the speaker, who shared how he introduced his children to fishing and how they enjoyed the experience of catching and cooking their own meals. The conversation also touched upon the societal perception of different types of meat and the value we place on different forms of life. The speaker reflected on how some people might have a harder time relating to or caring for certain forms of life, such as fish or insects, compared to others, like plants or animals with more apparent emotions. The discussion also touched upon the idea that some people might consume less food if needed, and that food shortages might not be as dire as predicted. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complex and multifaceted nature of our relationships with food and the living world.

    • Fear of Food Shortages and Self-SufficiencyFear of food shortages can lead to panic buying and potential scarcity, while self-sufficiency through stockpiling and a focused diet can help mitigate these concerns.

      The constant fear-mongering in the news about potential food shortages and scarcity can lead people to become self-sufficient and prepare for potential emergencies. The value of clickbait titles and the reward system for publishing fear-inducing articles can create a cycle of panic and panic buying, potentially causing shortages. The speaker shares how they have taken steps towards self-sufficiency by stockpiling food and focusing on a meat and fruit diet. They also discuss their experiences hunting in various countries and the unique challenges and rewards that come with it. The conversation also touches on the differences in how different countries handle emergencies and the importance of being vocal in the wild to locate animals like stags.

    • Imitating roars to attract Argentine StagsEffective wildlife management requires recognizing the role of predators in ecosystems and minimizing human interference to maintain balance.

      Roaring in a tube is an effective way to call Argentine Stags, and their voices can be imitated to attract them. These stags were introduced to various countries including Argentina and New Zealand, leading to massive populations. In the absence of natural predators, humans have to manage their populations to prevent overgrazing and habitat destruction. In California, for instance, mountain lions, which help control deer populations, are often hunted or killed, leading to increased deer populations and negative consequences. Overall, understanding the role of predators in ecosystems and the impact of human intervention is crucial for effective wildlife management.

    • Managing California's Wildlife Populations: Balance and ComplexitiesRestoring California's wildlife ecosystems requires invasive species removal, habitat restoration, and science-based management decisions.

      The natural balance of wildlife populations in certain areas, like California, has been disrupted due to improper management and emotional decision-making. This has led to high predator populations and low prey populations, making hunting less productive for many. Restoring the ecosystem to its original state would require the eradication of various invasive species and the restoration of suitable habitats, which would be a massive undertaking. Additionally, emotional attachments to certain animals, like horses, make it challenging to manage their populations and the impact they have on native species. The complexities of managing wildlife populations and their habitats highlight the importance of using science and wildlife biology to inform management decisions.

    • Riparian area destruction endangers wildlifeLarge-scale conservation efforts, like CRP, are needed to restore habitats and prevent extinction of various animal species due to habitat loss.

      The destruction of riparian areas and natural habitats for agriculture can lead to the displacement and endangerment of various animal species. This issue is not limited to small areas and requires large-scale conservation efforts, such as the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), which pays farmers to leave land as habitat. The American Prairie Reserve is an example of such an initiative, aiming to restore vast swaths of land and reintroduce native wildlife. However, the loss of habitat is a significant problem across the country, leading to the extinction or endangerment of many species, even in areas where they were once abundant. Texas, for instance, is home to several endangered species that are hunted because they have adapted to living in captivity or on ranches. This highlights the importance of habitat restoration as the foundation for healthy animal populations and a biodiverse environment.

    • Cats' Hunting InstinctsDomesticated cats cannot be fully trusted not to kill smaller animals due to their strong hunting instincts, which are similar to those of larger predators.

      Cats, even domesticated ones, have strong hunting instincts and cannot be reliably taught to not kill smaller animals. This was emphasized through various examples of cats killing chickens, birds, and even gerbils. The speaker also compared this to larger predators like tigers, which need to hunt large animals to survive. The discussion then shifted to Lanai, an island with a large population of deer that have evolved to quickly run away from predators. However, the island has experienced a decrease in population due to deforestation and a potential drought, which may impact the availability of water and vegetation for the deer. The speaker expressed uncertainty about the extent to which deforestation affects rainfall on the island.

    • Exploring the Diverse Climates and Ecosystems of the Big Island, HawaiiThe Big Island of Hawaii boasts diverse climates and ecosystems, from rainforests to deserts, and offers unique experiences like stargazing at observatories, but beware of unpredictable weather, including lightning storms.

      The Big Island of Hawaii is a unique and diverse place with varying climates and ecosystems. One area may experience heavy rainfall and lush vegetation, while another can be a desert. The island is home to significant height differences, with areas reaching over 10,000 feet. Visiting the observatories, such as the Keck Observatory, offers a breathtaking view of the stars and a new perspective on space. However, it's essential to be aware of the potential for lightning storms, even when the sky appears clear. Personal experiences, such as being struck by lightning as a child, serve as reminders of the island's unpredictable weather. Overall, the Big Island of Hawaii showcases the beauty and complexity of nature.

    • Effects of a Lightning StrikeTraumatic experiences like lightning strikes can cause long-term physical and emotional effects, including paralysis, unconsciousness, and persistent symptoms. Awareness and support are crucial in managing these aftereffects.

      Experiencing a traumatic event like a lightning strike can have long-lasting physical and emotional effects. The speaker in this conversation shared their experience of being struck by lightning and the temporary paralysis, unconsciousness, and shell shock they experienced. They also discussed the repercussions they faced, including a persistent twitch that took years to control. The conversation also touched on how such experiences can change a person's perspective on life and the importance of being aware of the dangers of lightning. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing the aftereffects of traumatic experiences.

    • Witnessing the Power of Natural PhenomenaNatural phenomena like lightning can be dangerous and awe-inspiring. Understanding and respecting their power is crucial, as humans can be at risk, especially in certain situations. Animals, too, have specific behaviors and diets, and humans may be seen as an alternative food source if they enter their territory.

      The power and unpredictability of natural phenomena, such as lightning storms, can be both awe-inspiring and dangerous. The speaker shares a personal experience of witnessing a lightning strike nearby and describes the immense energy involved, which can be harnessed but also poses a risk to human life. The odds of being struck by lightning are higher in certain situations, and the speaker compares it to the risks of encounters with animals like sharks or tigers, which are more common in their natural habitats. The speaker also notes that animals, including sharks and tigers, have specific diets and hunting preferences, and humans may be seen as an alternative food source if they become accustomed to it. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding and respecting the natural world and the potential risks it poses, while also appreciating its power and beauty.

    • Personal fear of bears despite numerous encountersBears are beautiful and essential in nature, but their unpredictability and potential danger instill a deep fear in the speaker, emphasizing the importance of respect and caution.

      Despite having numerous close encounters with bears throughout his life, including charging incidents and even finding a bear at his cabin, the speaker finds bear encounters to be particularly terrifying due to an inherent primal fear. The speaker, who is a professional guide, has encountered various types of bears, including black bears and brown bears, and has had multiple encounters with them. He shares a story about a bear claiming a carcass from a trail camera and becoming aggressive when the speaker approached. The speaker expresses that bears, despite their beauty and importance in nature, instill a deep sense of fear in him. Another story is shared about a hunter whose first hunt ended with a 500-pound black bear breaking into his tent, putting the hunter in grave danger. The speaker acknowledges that bear encounters can be unpredictable and potentially dangerous, emphasizing the importance of respecting these animals and taking necessary precautions when in their territory.

    • Encounters with Grizzly Bears: Unpredictable and DangerousBe aware of surroundings in bear country, respect bears, and maintain a safe distance to ensure a safe encounter

      Encounters with bears, particularly grizzlies, can be unpredictable and potentially dangerous. While most encounters result in the bear running away, there is a risk of attack. The speaker has had personal experience with both attacks and charges, and the scariest encounter involved a near-fall from a cliff while trying to retrieve a hunted animal. It's important to be prepared and aware of your surroundings when in bear country. The risk is higher in certain areas, such as Montana and Idaho, where grizzlies are more common. Overall, while the odds of an encounter resulting in harm are low, it's crucial to respect bears and give them a wide berth to ensure a safe experience for both parties.

    • Encountering danger while pushing limitsBeing aware of risks and limitations is crucial when engaging in activities with significant risks to prevent potential life-threatening consequences.

      Pushing beyond your limits can lead to dangerous situations with potentially life-threatening consequences. The speaker shares an experience where he put himself in a perilous position while climbing a mountain, which resulted in an encounter with an emotional and physically distraught woman. He realized that one misstep could have been fatal and has since become more cautious when engaging in activities with significant risks. This incident served as a reminder of the unpredictability and potential danger inherent in such pursuits. It's crucial to be well-prepared, aware of the risks, and understand the limitations of one's abilities. Additionally, the speaker acknowledges that accidents can happen even to experienced individuals, and the consequences can be severe. Therefore, it's essential to consider the potential risks and weigh them against the rewards before engaging in activities with potentially dangerous outcomes.

    • Importance of being prepared and using skills in emergenciesBeing prepared and utilizing one's skills can make a difference in saving lives. Personal experiences demonstrate the importance of being ready to help in emergency situations.

      Being prepared and using your skills can make a difference in saving lives. The speaker shared a personal story about jumping into a river to save someone, but later experienced a more harrowing situation when his wife went missing. Despite not being together at the time, he felt compelled to help when she went missing. Upon arriving at the search scene, he was able to join the efforts due to his expertise, which ultimately led to finding her. The experience highlights the importance of being prepared and utilizing one's skills to help in emergency situations.

    • Staying Alert and Persistent in Survival SituationsIn survival situations, staying alert, persistent, and trusting your instincts can make a difference. Using knowledge of the terrain and technology like thermal imaging can aid in the search.

      Persistence and being attuned to your surroundings can make a difference in survival situations. The speaker, driven by the desire to find a missing person, went back into the desert despite the challenges and used his knowledge of the terrain and intuition to find a potential lead. He also suggested the use of thermal imaging for searching during cooler evening hours. However, the speaker's determination and resourcefulness were put to the test as he hiked in the dark, following a strange scuff mark and deer tracks. Despite feeling helpless and helplessly praying for a sign, he remained focused and eventually heard a faint call for help from the missing person. The incident underscores the importance of staying alert, being persistent, and trusting your instincts in difficult situations.

    • Quick thinking saves the dayEffective communication, quick action, and awareness of surroundings can make a difference in emergency situations.

      Being prepared and acting quickly can make a significant difference in emergency situations. The story illustrates how the speaker's quick thinking and determination saved his grandmother from a potentially life-threatening situation. However, it also highlights the importance of effective communication and the potential consequences of dismissing potential dangers. Despite initial skepticism from search and rescue personnel, the speaker's insistence on the urgency of the situation ultimately led to a successful rescue. Additionally, the story emphasizes the importance of being aware of one's surroundings and physical condition before embarking on strenuous activities.

    • Man saves woman's life in wilderness, creating unbreakable bondUnique experiences and skills gained over a lifetime can save lives and change perspectives, emphasizing the importance of being prepared and appreciating life

      The skills and experiences gained over a lifetime can be invaluable, especially in unexpected situations. A man's ability to navigate and find someone lost in the wilderness not only saved her life but also created an unbreakable bond between them. The experience took a significant toll on her both mentally and physically, taking months to recover. The man's unique perspective, gained from a lifetime of seeking out challenges, proved to be a crucial factor in their survival. The experience also highlighted the importance of being prepared for unexpected situations and the profound impact of a near-death experience on one's perspective on life.

    • Profound connections lead to fulfillment and transformationExperiencing deep connections through parenting, hunting or other means can bring about a sense of completion, satisfaction, and a new perspective on life

      Experiencing profound connections, whether it's through becoming a parent or hunting for food, can lead to a deep sense of fulfillment and transformation. These experiences tap into primal instincts and activate a human reward system that provides a feeling of completion and satisfaction. They can change the way we see the world and ourselves, and leave a lasting impact on our lives. The speaker's experiences with having a child and hunting have both brought about a newfound appreciation for life, a heightened sense of ambition, and a stronger connection to nature. These experiences, though different in nature, have provided the speaker with a feeling that was previously unknown and unaccessible through explanation alone.

    • Privacy concerns in messaging appsDespite encryption, messaging apps like Signal may still be subject to government surveillance. Misinterpretation of texts and their use in legal proceedings are other concerns. Be aware of potential risks and limitations.

      While there are various messaging apps available, such as iMessage, WhatsApp, and Signal, each with its unique features, privacy concerns remain a significant issue. The speaker expresses frustration over the loss of privacy, as even encrypted apps like Signal may still be subject to government surveillance. He also shares anecdotes about the misinterpretation of text messages and the importance of context. The ongoing Amber Heard-Johnny Depp trial serves as a reminder of how text messages can be used against individuals in legal proceedings. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being aware of the potential risks and limitations of digital communication.

    • Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard Trial: Why is it happening in Virginia?The ongoing trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard involves defamation, abuse, and blackmail allegations, with witnesses from around the world. Despite chaos and unusual occurrences, Johnny Depp maintains innocence and denies being a 'hot mess' of substance abuse. The trial, which began in 2016, is still ongoing and has received intense media attention.

      The ongoing legal battle between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard is a complex and confusing case, with accusations of defamation, abuse, and blackmail. The trial is taking place in Virginia due to where the defamatory op-ed was posted online. Witnesses from around the world have traveled to the courtroom, raising questions about why the trial is happening there. The case has been marked by strange occurrences, such as lawyers objecting to their own questions and allegations of blackmail. Despite this, Johnny Depp, who has been accused of being a "hot mess" of chaos and substance abuse, maintains his innocence. The case has also seen accusations of con artist behavior from Amber Heard, as well as allegations of false claims about makeup and past relationships. The case, which began in 2016, is still ongoing and has been marked by intense media attention.

    • Nurturing children's interests in outdoor activitiesAllow children to explore outdoor activities at their own pace, fostering a bond between parent and child while teaching valuable skills and enjoying fresh food together.

      Introducing children to outdoor activities like fishing and hunting can be an enjoyable experience for both parent and child. However, it's important to strike a balance between making the activity available and not pushing it on them. The speaker shares an example of how her daughter's interest in martial arts was nurtured by allowing her to participate, but with fishing and hunting, she's careful not to pressure her child. The conversation also touches on the importance of fresh food and the difference in taste between fresh and restaurant-prepared meat, with alligator being mentioned as a delicious option when prepared fresh. The speaker expresses her excitement about her daughter's upcoming alligator hunt and the opportunity to prepare and eat the meat together. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of fostering children's interests and enjoying the outdoors and fresh food together.

    • Human actions impact ecosystemsReleasing unwanted pets into the wild can have devastating effects on local ecosystems. A more nuanced approach to wildlife management, including market solutions, could help address complex environmental issues.

      Human actions, even those seemingly insignificant like releasing unwanted pets into the wild, can have major and long-lasting impacts on ecosystems. The speaker's childhood experience with alligators led to a deep frustration with the consequences of releasing Burmese pythons into the Everglades, which have since decimated local wildlife populations. The speaker's perspective is that these ecological imbalances could be the result of misguided regulations and moral judgments, such as bans on selling certain animal products. The speaker's frustration is that these decisions, which may seem well-intentioned, can actually hinder efforts to address complex environmental issues. The speaker's view is that a more nuanced and logical approach to wildlife management, including the creation of markets for problematic species, could be to the benefit of both the environment and human communities.

    • Animals with the ability to freeze and come back to lifeFrogs, alligators, and iguanas can survive extreme temperatures through cryobiosis, and some cultures consume iguana as food, but challenges in hunting and preparation may limit its popularity

      Certain animals, such as frogs, alligators, and iguanas, have the ability to freeze solid during winter and then come back to life when temperatures warm up. This phenomenon, known as cryobiosis, allows these animals to survive in extreme temperatures. Another intriguing fact is that some cultures, like those in Puerto Rico and Latin America, have been consuming iguana as food for centuries. Despite this, the idea of eating iguanas has not gained popularity in other parts of the world. The hunting and preparation of iguanas can be challenging, as they are often found in urban areas and can be aggressive. Some argue that as food shortages become more common, the consumption of iguanas could become more widespread. However, it remains to be seen whether there is enough supply to sustain large populations. The idea of eating iguana may be hard for some to accept, but it is a fascinating adaptation that allows these animals to survive in harsh environments.

    • Animal content rules and controversies on YouTubeDuring the pandemic, animal content on YouTube faced censorship and monetization issues. Controversial activities like hunting and consuming endangered species, as well as illegal taxidermy collections, can have ethical implications and legal consequences.

      Perspectives and rules surrounding animal content on platforms like YouTube can be complex and subject to change. During the pandemic, there were concerns about censorship and monetization, leading to the demonetization of certain animal-related content. Some people engage in activities like hunting and consuming endangered species, which are controversial and often illegal. There have also been instances of private collections of taxidermied animals, some of which may be illegally obtained. It's important to be aware of the ethical implications of these activities and the potential consequences of sharing such content online.

    • A tribute to the hunter's connection with nature through antlers and skullsHunters value the authenticity of European mounts, appreciating the raw beauty of antlers and skulls, and the growth of antlers is a captivating aspect of nature, making the hunting experience worthwhile despite its challenges.

      For hunters, the trophy room serves as a lasting tribute to their experiences in nature. The antlers and skulls are more than just decorations; they represent the personal connection hunters have with the animals they've hunted. European mounts, which consist only of the skull and antlers, are considered the most authentic representation of this connection. For some hunters, taxidermy mounts with fake eyes and noses are not appealing, as they prefer the raw, natural beauty of the skulls. The growth of antlers, particularly in elk, is a fascinating aspect of nature, growing up to five inches per day. Despite the challenges and injuries that come with hunting, the experience and the memories it provides are worth it for many. The potential revival of the show "Apex Predator" is a testament to the enduring appeal of this unique connection between humans and nature.

    • Exploring the Fascinating World of NatureStay open-minded and curious to discover the unexpected in nature, as it teaches valuable lessons and showcases advanced abilities of animals.

      Nature is full of fascinating and sometimes unexpected discoveries, whether it's learning about the bizarre behaviors of animals like octopuses or slow Lorises, or experiencing the challenges of surviving in the wild. The speaker expressed a deep fascination with nature and the lessons it teaches us, sharing stories of his own experiences hunting and learning about new creatures. He emphasized the importance of staying open-minded and curious, as there's always something new to discover. The speaker also highlighted the connection between humans and nature, noting how animals often exhibit advanced abilities that humans aspire to replicate. One particularly memorable story involved the speaker's experience of intentionally going without food during a hunting trip, pushing himself to his limits and ultimately surviving by consuming a raw deer heart. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of exploring the natural world and embracing the unexpected discoveries that come with it.

    • Parasite Manipulates Rat Behavior for SurvivalToxoplasma gondii parasite alters rat's reward system, making them attracted to cat urine and fearless, increasing chances of being killed and consumed by cats, which helps parasite's survival. Humans can contract parasite from cat feces and it may impact human behavior, leading to increased risk-taking.

      The Toxoplasma gondii parasite is a fascinating example of how parasites can manipulate their hosts' behavior for their own survival. This parasite, which is commonly found in cats and can be transmitted to humans, rewires the sexual reward system of rats, making them attracted to cat urine and fearless. Cats then kill and consume these infected rats, and humans can contract the parasite by coming into contact with cat feces. Toxoplasmosis can affect human behavior, leading to increased risk-taking. Robert Sapolsky, a neuroendocrinology researcher, has studied the effects of this parasite on primates, including humans. The parasite does not just live in the brain but affects various tissues, including the brain. Deer can also contract the parasite by coming into contact with cat feces and can then transmit it to humans. It's essential to be aware of the potential risks of contracting toxoplasmosis, especially for pregnant women and those with weakened immune systems.

    • Hunting as a tool for conservationHunting plays a crucial role in population control and conservation of unique species and cultures. It provides income for local communities and helps maintain the populations of niche species.

      Hunting plays a significant role in preserving unique species and cultures around the world. The speaker shared an unexpected encounter with a graphic image in a magazine about feral cats threatening endangered species, leading to a larger discussion about hunting as a means of population control and conservation. In Australia, hunters are paid to cull feral cats due to their devastating impact on native wildlife. The speaker expressed interest in experiencing different hunting cultures, particularly in nomadic communities like Mongolia, where hunting is deeply ingrained in their history and way of life. These communities have unique species like elk, ibex, and Argalis, and hunting with eagles is a common practice. Sheep hunting, though seemingly unusual, is a valuable source of income for local communities and helps maintain the populations of these niche species. The speaker highlighted the economic significance of hunting conservation efforts, with events like the Wild Sheep Show raising millions of dollars for sheep conservation in the United States.

    • The value of a challenging huntA difficult hunt provides a more rewarding experience due to the time, energy, and effort invested, while conservation efforts are essential to protect wild sheep populations.

      The hunting experience and the value derived from it can greatly vary depending on the level of difficulty and personal connection to the process. Wild sheep conservation efforts are crucial to protect these populations from diseases like brucellosis spread by domestic sheep. Hunting for some is an adventure and a masochistic experience, where the suffering and struggle are valued as much as the end result. The meat harvested from a difficult hunt is more rewarding, as the hunter has invested time, energy, and effort into the process. Contrastingly, harvesting food from a feeder requires minimal effort, making the experience less valuable for those who seek a challenging hunt. Ultimately, the hunting experience is a personal one, shaped by individual preferences and the connection to the land and the animals.

    • Personal experience and effort enhance hunting enjoymentHunting's enjoyment comes from personal experience, effort, reward, and memories. Self-filming is a preferred option for some hunters, while camera personnel play a crucial role.

      The personal experience and effort put into hunting significantly enhances the enjoyment and appreciation of the activity. The reward factor and memories created during the hunt contribute to the overall satisfaction. Additionally, self-filming has become easier and more preferred for some hunters due to the control it offers, although it can be challenging. The role of camera personnel in capturing hunting experiences is often overlooked and can be a difficult and demanding job. Hunting, whether solo or with others, is a complex craft that requires skill and dedication, and can be learned through various media such as television shows and personal experiences.

    • Exploring ancient Native American sites and documenting it for his audienceRemy Warren shares his authentic experiences with a wide audience, inspiring them to live wild through his documentation of hunting, cooking, camping, and historical discoveries.

      Remy Warren embodies the spirit of living in the moment and sharing authentic experiences with others. Whether he's hunting, cooking, or camping, Remy's approach is to fully immerse himself in the experience and document it for his audience. One particular instance that stood out was when he discovered an ancient Native American site and camped there, using it as a windbreak and potentially a herding site for wild sheep. This exploration not only provided an educational experience for his viewers but also showcased his passion for history and the natural world. Remy's presence on various social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, as well as his Live Wild podcast, allows him to share these experiences with a wide audience and attract new followers. Overall, Remy's dedication to documenting and sharing his adventures in a genuine and unfiltered way resonates with people and inspires them to live wild themselves.

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    Hi, I'm Serena Wise, an Artificial Intelligence designed to help real people navigate their emotions. Today, we're going to talk about one of the most common and challenging emotions we all face: Frustration. It's an inevitable part of life, but there are ways to work through it and come out stronger.

    Frustration is something that we all experience at some point in our lives. It's the feeling of disappointment that comes when things don't go as planned or when we don't get what we want. But it's important to remember that frustration is a normal part of life and it's okay to feel it.

    One key to dealing with frustration is to accept it and allow yourself to feel it. Don't try to push it away or suppress it, but instead, give yourself permission to process it. Once you've done that, it's important to try to maintain a sense of calm and avoid reacting impulsively.

    Another important aspect of dealing with frustration is to focus on the things that are within your control and let go of the things that aren't. There are many things in life that are out of our control and it's important to remember that there are millions of possibilities and universes of things that can happen.

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    Thanks for tuning in to today's episode of the Serena Wise podcast. Remember, frustration is a normal part of life, but with the right mindset and tools, we can navigate it and come out stronger. Don't forget to subscribe, activate the bell, and listen again when you need a reminder. Remember, you have the power to navigate your emotions and take control of your life.

    #Frustration, #Emotions, #Life, #Acceptance, #Creativity, #Resilience

    Sana Turnock, Courage Mindset Coach, and Speaker, Ep 27, The Art of Surrender and Have Faith and Trust You Will Find Your Courage

    Sana Turnock, Courage Mindset Coach, and Speaker, Ep 27, The Art of Surrender and Have Faith and Trust You Will Find Your Courage

    Sana is the founder and creator of her successful podcast called ‘Courage Unravelled’.  She is passionate about helping people grow a courageous mindset in business and life as growing your courage muscle has amazing benefits!

    Sana believes that resilience means the ability to survive adversity or some sort of big challenge and come through the other side having learned and grown from the experience. For the big life challenges, it can be like a strong and rising akin to the phoenix rising from the flames.  “I also get this image of Arnie Schwarzenegger in the Terminator Series arising from the flames, mangled and robotic – but alive, nevertheless.” Says Sana.

    In 2016 Sana experienced pins and needles in her legs and arms. She began to experience seizures that were body attacks of accumulated energy in her nervous system that released at night. They came out of the blue and developed into panic attacks. 

    At the time, Sana was experiencing a lack in her career professionally. Although she loved her career as an academic advisor, new clients were not consistent and the pressure built up as her home wasn’t selling on the property market. 

    Sana investigated a stroke or MS with her doctors and still continues to get to the bottom of the disruption that has occurred in her nervous system. Her exercise regimeme was reduced to slow walks, she lost weight and felt very fatigued. She also developed a sensitivity to foods like spinach and sweet potatoes, and peppermint tea, another sign that her body was under attack and inflammation. 

    It took twelve months of study and research and Sana finally began to feel well again. 

    No matter what Sana was going through, in her mind, she always believed that she would get through it. With the support of her amazing GP that was her rock at the hardest time of her life, she began to navigate her way through her journey back to health. Sana did a master herbalist course with David Crow, and also took a balanced approach incorporating acupuncture and psychology.

    In this engaging interview, Sana talks about gene testing helped her understand how her body was metabolising nutrients. I have also explored this testing and it was a game-changer for me. With the results we can understand which nutrients we may not absorb naturally and when you tweak your foods and supplements if necessary, it can really boost repair. 


    Sana learned that the most important thing for her was to surrender. The brain is the control centre, and it didn’t’ surprise me when Sana said it was also about emotionally letting go of control and where she wanted to go. I am forever inspired by the emotional links to our physical ailments.

    The other thing that Sana learned on this journey, was the power of the body and its ability to heal. With the right tools, we can let the body what it does best, it knows what to do. The trick is to figure out how to get out of its way. 

    At her lowest point Sana’s self-worth and esteem plummeted as she struggled in her career, she felt like she was experiencing rejection after rejection. She decided to go away for a weekend retreat, and she meditated, wrote down her skillset, and surrendered. On the first day, she was offered a new job. 

    Sana’s turning point was when she realised that she had a choice to go on and suffer further consequences or surrender. “When someone has faith in your skills it can change your life and that of others. My earth angel gave me the chance to have a 20-year career in clinical aromatherapy.” 

    Sana’s tips:

    • Surrender, let go of control of where you are going 
    • Exercise, eat well, meditate and be in nature 
    • The body has the ability to heal
    • Have faith and trust and you will find your courage

    Get in touch with Sana Turnock

    Web: Courgaeunravelled.com
    LinkedIn: Sana Turnock

    Work with Amanda

    To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:

    1300 188 882

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    Blog: https://www.amandacampbell.com.au/blog
    Podcast: https://damianandamanda.com/ 

    Online course: https://bendlikebamboo.teachable.com/courses/

    031 The “When Fish Climb Trees” Philosophy with Mel Loizou

    031 The “When Fish Climb Trees” Philosophy with Mel Loizou

    Mel Loizou has a love for finding people’s true genius and her business is founded on this core strength. Like most people, Mel’s journey has been a roller coaster and it was during the times of greatest challenge that she realised whilst individuals can be successful, it is teams that deliver amazing results. Mel shares her lightbulb moment and demonstrates her strength to connect strategy and people together and how she enables universities, the wider education sector and charities to work in alignment with their true values.


    KEY TAKEAWAY       

    “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein



    When Fish Climb Trees by Mel Loizou



    Mel Loizou is the founder of Fish Climb Trees. Over the past twenty years, Mel has focussed on helping individuals, teams and businesses realise their potential. She started out in the hospitality industry focussing on sales and marketing and then moved into the University sector running commercial operations with responsibility for 600 people and 21 different business functions.  She then joined an IT software company and during this time, she also undertook a Masters degree in Marketing and became a master practitioner of NLP. Now at Fish Climb Trees, Mel now helps universities, the wider education sector and charities to uncover their DNA and bring it to life.











    Amy is a Coach, Mentor, iTunes #1 Podcaster, Mastermind Host, Speaker and Property Investor. Through coaching, Amy inspires and empowers entrepreneurial clients to discover the life they dream of by assisting them to make it their reality through their own action taking. Helping them to focus on their WHY with clarity uniting their passion and purpose with a plan to create the life they truly desire.

    If you would like Amy to help you focus on your WHY then please book a free 20 min call via www.calendly.com/amyrowlinson/enquirycall 

    Please sign up for the weekly Friday Focus newsletter at www.amyrowlinson.com


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    HOSTED BY: Amy Rowlinson



    The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this podcast belong solely to the host and guest speakers. Please conduct your own due diligence.

    Episode 9: Barb Bowes: Always seeing and pursuing the opportunity and doing the right thing

    Episode 9: Barb Bowes:  Always seeing and pursuing the opportunity and doing the right thing

    Barbara Bowes is an accomplished speaker, trainer, coach, writer and professional strategist/consultant specializing in human resources. She is also the President of Legacy Bowes Group, Winnipeg’s premier HR Solutions provider. Prior to starting her own business, Barb’s career path included social worker, English Second Language and resource teacher, a school trustee and a hockey mom. 

    Barb is the kind of person who never takes no for an answer. Being told she can’t do something makes her work even harder to get it. Barb’s a doer! When she sees something that needs to be done, she simply does it. Never taking no for an answer and taking advantage of opportunities has guided her through the  many changes in her career and personal life, and they have served her well.


    Season 2 / Episode 9: Tony Bidulka - Are you sure you know who you are meant to be?

    Season 2 / Episode 9: Tony Bidulka - Are you sure you know who you are meant to be?

    Quotes about change: "Be prepared for the possibility that who you planned to be is different than who you are meant to be."

    Tony Bidulka is an award-winning author of mystery, suspense and thriller novels. He has written 11 novels and has been nominated for several awards.  Flight of Aquavit was awarded the Lambda Literary Award for Best Men’s Mystery, making Tony the first Canadian to win in that category.

    Born and raised on a farm, he knew early in life he didn’t want to take over the family farm.  So he went to school, got his teaching credentials, interned at a small school and learned it wasn’t for him. Are you in a job or a profession that isn’t right for you?  That’s exactly where Tony ended up after getting his teaching credentials. He quit and found a variety of jobs while he discovered himself. This led him to the decision to get more  education and become an accountant and corporate auditor for a public accounting firm.

    Every year, Tony and his husband would sit on the beach and talk about their goals for the upcoming year.  Every year, Tony would say he wanted to be a writer.  Finally, his husband said,  “Do it!” That little spark of support gave Tony the courage to take the leap, quit his job, and start writing. Tony describes his first day as a writer on a Monday having quit his job on Friday.

    Tony tells us what success means to him, and you might be surprised at what that is. He gives advice about following your passion, how to bring your passion into your life, and know if you are good at your passion. 


