
    Podcast Summary

    • Joe Rogan discusses his daily routine, COVID-19, and experiences with ediblesJoe Rogan encourages COVID-19 testing, shares conflicting info on smoking's impact, and prefers edibles over smoking for different effects.

      Joe Rogan, known for his podcast and MMA commentary, shares his daily routine of training and listening to podcasts, while also discussing his experiences with COVID-19 and his use of edibles. Rogan mentioned that he had just found out that comedian Doug Stanhope had tested positive for COVID-19 and encouraged everyone to get tested before shows. Rogan also discussed the conflicting information regarding the impact of smoking on COVID-19 and joked about his heavy use of cigarettes and alcohol. He shared a story about accidentally consuming too many edibles at a comedy show and the unexpected effects that followed. Rogan expressed his preference for edibles over smoking due to the different effects on his body and his dislike of the taste and coughing associated with smoking. He also mentioned his past use of mushrooms during a time of cancel culture and social media negativity.

    • Possible abortion law changes and medical tourismRoe v. Wade's potential reversal may lead to differing state abortion laws, causing medical tourism and concern for those in restrictive areas, especially those facing hardships.

      The potential overturning of Roe v. Wade could lead to varying abortion laws across different states, potentially resulting in medical tourism for those seeking the procedure. The speaker expresses concern for individuals in restrictive states, particularly those facing difficult circumstances such as rape or medical emergencies. The complexity of the issue, steeped in emotion and politics, was emphasized, with the speaker questioning where to draw the line regarding the rights of a fetus. The conversation also touched on the arbitrary nature of age milestones, such as the legal drinking age, and the impact of societal taboos.

    • Exploring the past through collectibles and historical mediaCollecting and reading old media offers a unique perspective and valuable insight into history

      Exploring the past through collectibles and historical media can provide a unique perspective and understanding of how life was different during various time periods. The speaker's passion for old muscle cars and vintage magazines transports him back in time, making him ponder about the experiences, beliefs, and access to information of people during those eras. The abundance of information available today can make it hard to imagine what life was like before the internet. Collecting and reading old media allows us to gain a firsthand account of history, providing a valuable and entertaining insight into the past.

    • Privacy concerns halt advanced body scanners at airportsDespite potential health benefits, privacy concerns halted advanced body scanners at airports, leaving safety concerns unaddressed. Legalization and regulation of drugs could lead to safer substances and reduce overdose deaths.

      Privacy concerns have led to the removal of advanced body scanners at airports that could potentially reveal intimate details, despite the ability to identify potential health or safety issues. The speaker recalls a specific instance of a man with an unusually large body part causing a commotion at security, but the validity of the story is uncertain. The conversation then shifts to the topic of fentanyl-laced drugs and the high number of drug overdose deaths in the US. The speaker expresses the belief that the illegal status of drugs contributes to the problem and suggests that legalization and regulation could lead to safer substances.

    • Recognizing Drug Use through Subtle SignalsDespite the illegality of certain substances, adults often have easy access to them. The speaker shares personal experiences of identifying drug use through subtle signals and reflects on how technology has evolved, leading to fascination with new gadgets and the passing of time.

      Despite the illegal status of certain substances, many adults have easy access to them. The speaker shares personal experiences of recognizing and communicating with others who use drugs like Coke through subtle signals. The speaker also reflects on how technology has evolved over the years, with a particular fondness for early GPS systems. The discussion touches on the fascination with new gadgets and the passing of time, whether through long drives or daydreams about history. Overall, the conversation highlights the speaker's experiences and observations of the world around them.

    • Money's Influence on Healthcare and Human BehaviorMoney can impact healthcare through potential overdiagnosis and unnecessary treatments due to financial incentives. It can also shape human behavior in unexpected ways, as seen in the story of Jenny Pentland, Roseanne Barr's daughter.

      People, including podcasters, promote products to their audience in various ways, even if it may come across as pushy or insincere. For instance, a podcast host might mention his love for Audible and his collection of books on the platform, leading listeners to assume he'll promote upcoming releases. This is a common marketing strategy, but it can sometimes be misconstrued as being insensitive or even manipulative. Another common theme discussed was the role of money in healthcare, with the speaker expressing skepticism about the potential for overdiagnosis and unnecessary treatments due to financial incentives. The speaker also shared an intriguing story about Jenny Pentland, Roseanne Barr's daughter, who grew up in mental institutions due to her mother's fame and wealth. The speaker reflected on how money can impact people's lives in unexpected ways and how some individuals, like the entertainer in question, seem to "skate through life" despite engaging in unhealthy habits. The conversation also touched on the concept of the nocebo effect, where the body reacts negatively to the belief that it has been exposed to a harmful substance. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complex relationship between money, healthcare, and human behavior.

    • The Impact of Stress on Our Health and LivesStress affects everyone differently, and its impact can be compared to harmful factors like cigarettes or a bad diet. Coping mechanisms and understanding its effects are crucial for overall well-being.

      Stress plays a significant role in our overall health, but it's not always easy to quantify or compare between individuals. The placebo effect demonstrated in the study shows how powerful the mind can be in causing physical symptoms. Stress can be compared to other harmful factors like cigarettes or a bad diet, but it's not as straightforward to measure. Some people may be more affected by stress than others, and it can have varying impacts on individuals. Understanding the impact of stress and teaching coping mechanisms could be crucial for overall well-being. The camaraderie and intense experiences shared in combat are another example of how significant stressors can shape people's lives and create strong bonds. Similarly, the struggles faced during the early days of a comedy career can be formative and unforgettable, even if they're not always desirable to revisit.

    • Wearing a suit on stage can hinder your performanceFocus on refining your material instead of relying on external factors like clothing to boost confidence on stage

      Dressing up as a comedian can be detrimental to your performance. The speaker shared an experience where he wore a suit and failed miserably on stage. This experience occurred during a time when he was going through personal struggles, including caring for sick grandparents, breaking up with a girlfriend, and dealing with a knee injury. Despite receiving advice from his manager to dress nicely, the speaker shared that it made him feel out of place and uncomfortable on stage. He then went on to praise the comedian Jim Brewer, who he worked with during the same week, and shared how Brewer's performance that night left him terrified and unable to follow. The speaker learned from this experience to focus on refining his material rather than relying on external factors like clothing to boost his confidence on stage.

    • Unexpected opportunities from pushing beyond comfort zonePushing past comfort zone can lead to stronger performances and unexpected opportunities. A supportive audience is crucial for validation and motivation.

      Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone can lead to unexpected opportunities and growth. The speaker shares a story from his early comedy career where he was unexpectedly forced to perform for 90 minutes instead of his planned 25. This experience pushed him to dig deeper into his material and ultimately led to him delivering a stronger performance. Additionally, the importance of having a dedicated and supportive audience was emphasized, as they can provide validation and motivation for comedians to continue refining their craft. The speaker also touches on the importance of staying competitive and constantly releasing new material to keep audiences engaged.

    • Unconventional comedy club owners fueled Houston's comedy sceneUnconventional club owners like Mark Babbitt played a pivotal role in nurturing Houston's comedy scene, shaping the careers of many comedians, and their impact is akin to that of teachers in education.

      The comedy scene in Houston thrived due to the dedication and support of unconventional club owners like Mark Babbitt, who ran the Laugh Stop. These club owners, despite their quirks and potential improprieties, played a crucial role in nurturing the careers of many comedians. The loss of such supportive figures led to a decline in the Houston comedy scene, but with the resurgence of events like Skankfest and the renewed appreciation for live comedy post-COVID, the scene is experiencing a renaissance. The importance of these figures in the comedy world is akin to that of teachers in one's education, and their impact should not be overlooked or forgotten.

    • The contrast between public persona and private struggles in comedyComedy offers creativity, connection, and camaraderie but can also lead to intense pressure, personal struggles, and tragedy. Empathy, understanding, and acceptance are crucial in the face of adversity.

      The comedy world, much like the entertainment industry as a whole, can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it offers opportunities for creativity, connection, and camaraderie. On the other hand, it can lead to intense pressure, personal struggles, and even tragedy. The story shared involves encounters with Dave Chappelle and Mo'Nique, as well as discussions about comedians who have taken their own lives. It highlights the contrast between the public persona and the private struggles of these individuals. Ultimately, it underscores the importance of empathy, understanding, and acceptance in the face of adversity. The comedy community, with its unique blend of humor and humanity, can be a powerful force for good, offering solace and support to those in need.

    • The subjectivity of humorDespite differences in humor, focusing on common ground and solutions is more important than polarization.

      Humor is subjective and what one person finds unfunny, another might find hilarious. The speaker shares his frustration with people who claim that something is not funny, period, when in reality, it might be funny to others. He uses the example of Larry the Cable Guy and the controversy surrounding his comedy. The speaker also acknowledges that people's hardcore beliefs and political stances can sell more tickets in today's polarized world. However, he emphasizes that the things we all agree on, such as safety, health, and the ability to live peacefully, are more important than our differences. The key takeaway is to focus on finding common ground and working towards solutions, rather than throwing rocks at each other and being polarized.

    • Finding common ground and forming connections despite differencesThrough compassion, understanding, and open-mindedness, we can form meaningful connections with people from all walks of life, even when we disagree on various issues.

      Despite our differences and polarized views, we can still find common ground and even form meaningful connections with people from all walks of life. The speaker in this conversation shares his experiences of engaging with fans from the Ukraine and Johnny Depp, showing how these interactions led to unexpected and sometimes humorous outcomes. These interactions also highlight the importance of compassion, understanding, and open-mindedness in our interactions with others, even when we disagree on various issues. The speaker's willingness to listen and engage with Dima, his Ukrainian fan, despite their differences, demonstrates the power of empathy and the potential for meaningful connections to form in unexpected places. Additionally, the speaker's willingness to share these experiences with the audience shows the importance of sharing our stories and finding humor in the everyday experiences of life.

    • Encountering the Hidden Struggles of a Charming ComedianPeople dealing with mental health issues can present differently in public and private, and it's essential to be understanding and sensitive towards their struggles.

      People, even those who appear charming and happy in public, can struggle with mental health issues and be completely different in private. The discussion revolves around the experiences of meeting and interacting with comedian Brody Stevens, who was known for his charming and funny persona on stage but was reportedly dealing with depression and anger off stage. The speaker shares how they were surprised to encounter a different side of Brody during a personal interaction, which made them realize the depth of his struggles. Another takeaway is the importance of understanding and being sensitive to individuals dealing with mental health issues, as their behavior can sometimes be misunderstood or misjudged. The speaker also mentions their own experiences with friends dealing with mental illness and how it can be challenging to comprehend the complexity of such conditions.

    • Regaining Access to a Locked Instagram AccountAccessing a locked or restricted social media account can be a lengthy process due to the large number of people and accounts involved in managing these platforms.

      Gaining access to a social media account that has been locked or restricted can be a challenging and lengthy process. The speaker, who has helped many clients with similar issues, was unable to regain access to an Instagram account for over two years despite trying various channels. He suggests that it may be due to the large number of people and accounts involved in managing these platforms. The speaker also discusses his personal struggles with quitting smoking and his preference for cigarettes over other nicotine delivery methods. He shares his experience trying different methods, such as nicotine pouches and vape pens, but ultimately returning to cigarettes due to preference. The conversation also touches on the speaker's upcoming plans for a smoke-free vacation and his appreciation for the aroma of cigars and pipes.

    • Borrowing and acknowledging inspiration in comedyComedians draw inspiration from various sources but must acknowledge and put their unique spin on it to create original content, while maintaining ethics and respect for creators.

      Creating a successful comedy act involves a combination of originality and borrowing from others. Comedians often hear funny lines or ideas from friends, fellow comedians, or even overheard in everyday life. These elements can be incorporated into their own acts, but it's essential to acknowledge the source and put your unique spin on it to make it your own. Ethics play a role in this process, as some comedians are more scrupulous than others about giving credit where it's due. The comedy world is a community where ideas and inspiration are constantly shared and built upon, making it crucial to maintain honesty and respect for the creators behind the jokes. Additionally, the importance of staying true to your voice and authenticity in comedy was emphasized, as the comedians discussed how they've evolved and grown in their careers.

    • Focus on unique perspective and experiences in comedyStay true to oneself and trust own sense of humor for comedy success. Comedy brings people together and makes them laugh hysterically while feeling warm and friendly.

      Comedians should focus on sharing their unique perspective and experiences instead of trying to please the crowd with what they think others will find funny. Comedian Steve Rowe shares his personal journey in comedy, from initially writing material that he thought others would laugh at to eventually trusting his own sense of humor and finding success. He emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and recognizing that comedy is about bringing people together and making them feel warm and friendly while laughing hysterically. Rowe also discusses the evolution of his comedy career, from being inspired by friends to performing on stage and dealing with hecklers. He encourages comedians to keep their passion for comedy alive and to continue learning and growing in their craft.

    • Comedian's altercation in a barComedian's reckless behavior led to altercation in a bar, head writer's quick wit escalated situation, potential consequences of actions despite health issues

      Sean Rouse, a comedian with a penchant for drinking and getting into trouble, once got into an altercation with a bouncer in a bar after biting a lady. Tom Giannis, the head writer of The Man Show at the time, was present and taunted the bouncer, leading to Rouse being physically removed from the bar in a dramatic fashion. This incident highlights Rouse's wild behavior and Giannis's quick wit, as well as the unfiltered nature of their interactions, even when they thought they were out of earshot. Additionally, the anecdote showcases Rouse's reckless lifestyle and the potential consequences of his actions, despite his arthritis and heavy medication use.

    • Understanding People Beyond Their Public ImagePeople's actions and words may not always align with their true nature. Getting to know individuals beyond their public persona can lead to valuable connections and a deeper understanding of their essence.

      People are complex and their actions or words may not always align with their true nature. The speaker shared stories about his experiences with Jimmy Kimmel and Tom Giannis, highlighting how their public personas or past incidents might not fully capture their essence as individuals. The speaker expressed admiration for both Jimmy and Tom, despite any misunderstandings or perceived wrongs, and emphasized the importance of getting to know people beyond their public image. He also shared stories about meeting other notable figures, such as Adam Corolla and Michael Bean, and the unexpected connections he made with them. Overall, the speaker's reflections underscored the value of empathy, understanding, and the power of personal connections.

    • Last-minute actor replacement leads to successAdapting to unexpected challenges and casting the right person can lead to a successful outcome

      During the production of a movie, unexpected challenges arose, and the team had to make quick decisions. When the lead actor, Michael Bean, dropped out, they turned to Bobcat Goldthwait for the role. Goldthwait, a legendary figure in the entertainment industry, not only agreed to take the part but also brought a unique energy to the production. The team was thrilled with his performance, especially in the horror genre where he starred in the best Bigfoot movie, "Willow Creek." Despite the last-minute change, the outcome was a success, demonstrating the importance of adaptability and the power of casting the right person for the role.

    • Remembering Don King and Past Experiences with SubstancesThe speakers shared stories about unexpected calls, past experiences, and the use of substances, including a memorable call from Don King and their experiences with DMT. They discussed the fear and uncertainty that came with the unknown, but pushed through to prepare for their show.

      The conversation between the speakers revolved around various topics including unexpected phone calls, past experiences, and the use of substances. A notable call was from Don King, who had passed away and for whom they had a memorial a week later. The speakers also discussed their past experiences with DMT and the fear and uncertainty that came with it. They also touched upon the spontaneous nature of their show and how they didn't advertise it, relying on word of mouth instead. Despite the uncertainty and the fear of the unknown, they pushed through and prepared for their show. The conversation also revealed the speakers' past experiences with substances and their impact on their lives.

    • Impact of near-death experience on perspective and workNear-death experiences can inspire personal growth and new opportunities, but also require adjusting to normal life and embracing unexpected challenges.

      The speaker's near-death experience significantly impacted his perspective on life and his approach to work. He felt a deep connection to the speaker who shared his experience and was inspired by the idea that life continues to move forward despite the supernatural or surreal moments that may occur. The speaker also recognized the importance of focusing on personal growth and not getting bogged down by the mundane aspects of life or work. Despite the challenges of transitioning back to a normal routine after such a profound experience, the speaker ultimately found value in the unique experiences and relationships that came from it. The speaker's experience also highlights the importance of embracing new opportunities and collaborations, even if they come with unexpected challenges.

    • Collaboration in Comedy: Balancing Creative Control and FreedomCollaboration in comedy requires a strong creative connection, but also comes with risks and benefits. Comedians value creative freedom, but networks might not extend the same privilege to unpredictable talent.

      Collaboration between comedians can be challenging, especially when it comes to creative control. The speakers in this conversation shared stories about working with other comedians and the importance of having a strong creative connection. They also discussed the risks and benefits of having the freedom to create without external influence. Additionally, they touched upon the idea that if they were running a network, they might not give that same freedom to unpredictable and potentially controversial comedians like themselves. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and nuances of collaboration in the comedy world.

    • Retirement Age and Unexpected Perks of AgingRules around retirement age have evolved, enabling earlier access to funds. Unexpected perks of aging include cultural exploration and new experiences.

      The rules around retirement age have changed significantly over the years, allowing workers to access their retirement funds earlier than before through provisions like the IRS Rule of 55. This topic was discussed in a lighthearted yet intriguing manner, touching upon the unexpected perks of aging and the fascination with unexplored cultures and traditions. The conversation also shed light on the complexities of certain tribal practices, specifically those of the Sambia tribe in Papua New Guinea, which involve the use of canes and semen consumption as part of the process of becoming a man. While these practices may be considered controversial or even inhumane in conventional terms, the Sambian people view them as integral to their understanding of manhood. Overall, the discussion provided a unique perspective on the changing landscape of retirement and the intriguing complexities of various cultural practices.

    • A Fan's Appreciation for Jamie Kennedy's Hidden Camera ShowThe speaker admires Jamie Kennedy's hidden camera show for its creativity and ability to elicit genuine reactions from unsuspecting participants.

      The speaker is a fan of hidden camera shows, specifically Jamie Kennedy's "Jamie Kennedy Experiment." He believes it to be the best hidden camera show ever made and has watched it numerous times. The speaker also mentions his appreciation for practical jokes and his willingness to participate in embarrassing and awkward situations for entertainment. He compares Jamie Kennedy's show to others, such as "Punk's Done It" and "Guys Gone Wild," and expresses his admiration for Kennedy's ability to execute hidden camera pranks. The speaker also mentions his friendship with Jamie Kennedy and his wife, and their shared enjoyment of Jackass.

    • Discussing Preferences: Bruno vs JackassBoth Bruno and Jackass provide entertainment through awkward and uncomfortable situations, with Jackass focusing on physical stunts and Bruno on discomfort-inducing antics.

      The hosts of the podcast had a lively discussion about their preferences between watching episodes of Bruno or Jackass, sharing stories of awkward and physical challenges they've faced or witnessed. Doug Sandhill brought up an episode where Johnny Knoxville was locked in a room with a bear, which left everyone in stitches. Knoxville, known for his commitment to his stunts, once had his dick broken during a Jackass prank. Sacha Baron Cohen's uncomfortable antics were also mentioned as a source of entertainment. The hosts agreed that both physical abuse and extreme situations can be funny, but Sacha Baron Cohen's discomfort is a unique brand of humor. They also discussed the fear factor in Jackass stunts, comparing it to public speaking as a common fear. Overall, the conversation highlighted the shared experience of finding humor in awkward and uncomfortable situations.

    • Brother's extravagant lifestyle and misadventuresDespite personal setbacks and financial strain, the speaker finds joy in reminiscing about past misadventures and the beauty of getting older

      The speaker's brother lived beyond his means and once caused significant damage to an expensive item belonging to his wife. The speaker, who values living within his means, refused to pay for the replacement. The speaker shared other stories of misadventures from their past, including one where a friend accidentally urinated on a laptop, thinking it was a toilet. The speaker also reminisced about a sold-out comedy show they had in 2012 and how it was a big deal at the time. However, since then, the speaker's life has taken a turn for the worse, with incidents including getting drunk and sleeping with a stripper, being sued, and his wife going into a coma. Despite these challenges, the speaker still finds humor in the situation and sees it as a beautiful way to get old.

    • Unexpected encounters and opportunities can lead to meaningful connectionsUnexpected meetings and chances can lead to valuable relationships and experiences, even with individuals who were previously only acquaintances or colleagues.

      Unexpected encounters and opportunities can lead to meaningful connections and experiences. The speaker shared a story about attending Dave Chappelle's after party, which he had not anticipated, leading to a reconnection with the comedian whom he had only worked with once before. Chappelle's fame and success were not yet established at the time, but the speaker was still impressed by his talent and composure. Later, they both started performing together during the COVID-19 pandemic, but the speaker's schedule never aligned with Chappelle's shows. Despite the differences in scale and venue, the speaker acknowledged that performing for a larger audience was not fundamentally different from performing for a smaller one, as long as the fans enjoyed the show. The unexpected encounter at Chappelle's after party led to a renewed appreciation for the comedian's talent and a desire to work together again.

    • Joe Rogan's Apprehension and Fondness for Old PostersJoe Rogan emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself, challenging societal structures, and finding happiness in the present moment, drawing on memories from the past through old posters.

      Our perspectives and experiences shape how we view the world around us. Joe Rogan expressed his apprehension about performing in arenas and his fondness for old posters, which brought back memories and gave him a sense of connection to the past. He also discussed the importance of being true to oneself and challenging societal structures, emphasizing that life is temporary and the only thing that truly matters is finding happiness and enjoying the present moment. Despite security concerns and the vast audience he reaches, Rogan continues to perform and share his thoughts, encouraging people to question the status quo and find joy in the simple things.

    • Growth and learning from comediansComedians, like everyone, grow and learn. Appreciate their jokes and ideas with an open mind.

      We are all growing and learning throughout our lives, and it's important not to be defined by our past mistakes or words taken out of context. The world is constantly changing, and we should strive to be better than we were yesterday. Comedy, in particular, has the power to expose us to new ideas and ways of thinking. Bill Hicks, for instance, influenced many people by combining humor with thought-provoking concepts. It's essential to remember that comedians, like everyone else, are on a journey of growth and self-discovery. We should approach their work with an open mind and recognize the value in both the jokes and the ideas they present.

    • Lenny Bruce: Challenging Cultural Norms in ComedyLenny Bruce paved the way for future comedians by speaking out against societal expectations and confronting taboo topics, inspiring ongoing debates and critiques in comedy and society today. Express truth honestly and objectively, fact-check before sharing information.

      Lenny Bruce was a trailblazer in comedy, challenging cultural norms and paving the way for future comedians. He was the first to speak out against societal expectations and confront taboo topics on stage. Bruce's influence can be seen in the ongoing debates and criticisms within comedy and society today. People are divided into factions, with some attacking and minimizing others' opinions, while others speak their truth and try to make the world a better place. It's important to express oneself honestly and objectively, as people will ultimately see through any hidden agendas. The conversation also touched on the topic of conspiracy theories and the importance of fact-checking information before sharing it. Bruce's impact on comedy and society continues to be felt, and his legacy serves as a reminder to challenge norms and speak truth to power.

    • Being misled and the importance of questioning informationBe aware of potential deceptions, especially from those in power. Strive to be good people and come together, but also be cautious and critical of information.

      It's crucial to question the information we receive and be aware of potential deceptions, especially when they come from those in power. The speaker shared personal experiences of being misled about various topics, from the moon landing to sex trafficking rumors. He emphasized that power and money can influence people to manipulate truth, and history is filled with examples of deception. He encouraged being open-minded and non-attached to ideas, while also emphasizing the importance of treating others with kindness and respect. The speaker's perspective is that we should all strive to be good people and come together on that foundation, but we must also be cautious and critical of the information we consume.

    • Understanding the complexities of cultural appropriationRespect other cultures, acknowledge historical context, and avoid exploitation, but recognize nuances and have open conversations.

      Cultural appropriation is a complex issue with a gray area, as discussed during Joe Rogan's podcast. While it's important to respect other cultures and avoid exploiting them, it's also crucial to recognize the historical context of certain cultural practices. For instance, hoop earrings have been used by various civilizations throughout history, not just Latina communities. The line is drawn when someone attempts to appropriate a culture they cannot truly be a part of, such as trying to be Babylonian. It's essential to have open conversations about these topics while acknowledging the nuances involved. Additionally, the podcast touched upon the use of psychedelics for mental health, with Elon Musk's experiences and the controversy surrounding it.

    • Balancing truth and speculation in conspiracy theoriesVerify the accuracy of conspiracy theories before sharing to maintain balance and avoid spreading misinformation

      While exploring conspiracy theories and sharing information can lead to uncovering truths, it's essential to maintain a balance and verify the accuracy of the information. Alex, as an example, has a habit of investigating conspiracies and often comes across bizarre information, some of which turns out to be true. However, his lack of a reliable filter and constant pursuit of such information can be problematic. It's crucial to distinguish between informed discussion and speculation, especially when dealing with sensitive topics. Additionally, it's important to acknowledge the limitations of one's knowledge and not base worldviews on unverified information. The responsibility lies in ensuring the credibility of the information before sharing it with others.

    • Misconception about JavelinasJavelinas, or peccaries, are not blind and are edible, but often mistaken for wild pigs due to their appearance. They rely on smell and movement to navigate and can be called in with distress sounds.

      Javelinas, although they may look similar to wild pigs, are a different animal. This misconception was highlighted in a conversation about a neighbor's encounter with both javelinas and a large, supposedly vicious dog. The neighbor, who had killed javelinas before, mistakenly believed them to be wild pigs due to their appearance. Javelinas, also known as peccaries, are not blind as commonly thought, but they do rely heavily on their sense of smell and movement to navigate their environment. Despite their reputation, they are considered edible and even delicious when cooked properly. The conversation also touched on the unique behavior of javelinas, which can be called in by making distress sounds, making them a callable animal in certain situations.

    • Respect and Understanding in Building Successful CollaborationsWait before performing out of respect for venue owners, clear communication, remember commitments, and appreciate unique personas and experiences.

      Respect and understanding are crucial in building successful collaborations. The speaker shared an anecdote about his decision to wait before performing in a specific location out of respect for the venue's owner, despite it being his biggest draw. He also highlighted the importance of clear communication and remembering commitments. Furthermore, the speaker expressed his admiration for comedian Roseanne Barr, discussing her impact on comedy and the challenges she faced due to a traumatic brain injury. He emphasized that her unique persona and creative output were a result of her experiences. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of respect, communication, and understanding in personal and professional relationships.

    • The unpredictability of the entertainment industryDespite challenges and personal quirks, resilience and human connection can help comedians navigate the ever-changing landscape of their industry

      The entertainment industry, particularly in the realm of stand-up comedy, can be unforgiving and unpredictable. Rosanne, a once successful comedian, faced unexpected cancellation and backlash, which led her to seek support and a new platform. The conversation also touched upon the importance of resilience and the human connection that can be found even in the most awkward situations. Despite past challenges and personal quirks, the bond between the two comedians remained strong. Ultimately, they found comfort in their shared experiences and the ability to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of their industry.

    • A memorable podcast recording experienceRegardless of disagreements or challenges, podcast recording experiences can be enjoyable and rewarding, and it's important to stay true to oneself throughout the process.

      Despite the chaotic and argumentative events that unfolded during a podcast recording, the experience was still enjoyable and memorable for those involved. The speaker expresses regret for not being able to listen to the recording again due to a disagreement, but acknowledges that the situation was out of their control. The podcast, which was initially exclusive to Audible, is now being released in hard copy format. The speaker also expresses appreciation for the guests and the overall experience, despite some challenges. They also share their admiration for Marilyn Manson and other figures involved in the podcast. The speaker reflects on the importance of staying true to oneself and expresses gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of the podcast. Overall, the experience was a unique and unforgettable one, filled with both challenges and rewards.

    • Staying Vigilant: An Unexpected EncounterUnexpected encounters can be dangerous, stay aware of surroundings and don't let your guard down, security personnel play a crucial role in keeping artists safe.

      Even in the midst of unexpected and potentially dangerous situations, it's important to remain vigilant and not let your guard down. Doug Stanhope shared an experience where he was approached by someone he thought was a fan, but it turned out to be one of his security team members. This incident left him feeling dejected and reminded him of the importance of being cautious, especially when alone and in unfamiliar surroundings. Additionally, Stanhope expressed gratitude towards his team of security personnel for keeping him safe and acknowledged the challenges faced by those managing social media platforms. Overall, the incident served as a reminder for listeners to be aware of their surroundings and to avoid jumping into unknown situations or vehicles.

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    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh
    Noland Arbaugh is the first human recipient of Neuralink’s brain-computer interface implant: an innovative new technology that allows him to control digital devices with his thoughts. Noland Arbaugh: https://x.com/ModdedQuad Neuralink www.neuralink.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2166 - Enhanced Games

    #2166 - Enhanced Games
    Christian Angermayer and Dr. Aron D’Souza are the co-founders of the Enhanced Games, an upcoming Olympic-style event that brings together the world’s top athletes to compete without arbitrary bans on performance-enhancing substances.  www.enhanced.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2165 - Jack Carr

    #2165 - Jack Carr
    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2164 - Action Bronson

    #2164 - Action Bronson
    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Related Episodes

    Mental Health Awareness Tips

    Mental Health Awareness Tips

    This week's episode is sharing Mental Health Awareness Tips so that you can:

    -Identify mental health issues
    -Understand behaviours and and spot common signs
    -Know how to converse with employees and understand needs
    -Have confidence to handle difficult conversations

    When pressure gets too much, outcomes are not positive – for the employee, their family, other team members and in your organisation as a whole. Therefore pro-active management of emotional health and wellbeing needs to be a priority so that it enables higher levels of performance – more easily.


    Listen in as I share some of the causes of stress and pressure.

    I advise you to think of a situation when you felt stressed or under pressure.  Then think about the areas impacted on how you were feeling.  What might it have been like for your line reports?  I cover some causes that might be helpful for you.


    Some of the signs of stress and pressure and poor mental health are covered too. Listen when I share some ideas of areas that indicate signs that you might see in your people.


    Mental Health struggles can produces a range of signs and symptoms and one person’s symptoms may differ greatly from another’s.  In recognising the impact, the focus is on changes in how the person usually is.  Symptoms can be categorised into physical, behavioural, psychological and emotional some of which are talked about on the podcast.

    Remember there’s still a stigma about mental health.

    It vitally important that you actively look out for opportunities to initiate a conversation with a team member, if you suspect that they may be struggling, so that you can start to offer support sooner.

    On the podcast I share key ways that you can start the conversation and handle it well.

    I share other key ways to support your people with 

    open questions

    active listening

    using silence

    providing reassurance

    Signposting without feeling the need to fix things.


    Talk to me if you want to know about my training on support individuals or managers on Mental Health or even stress awareness.

    Any questions on this, drop me an email at emma@emmalangton.com

    For further information on 1:1, group coaching or training get in touch.

    Please do make sure you hit ‘subscribe’ so that don’t miss an episode.  


    If you haven’t yet  left a review, please do go and find the little button to leave a review and let me know your thoughts, key take-aways and what you value from the podcast.


    Join my corporate leadership and wellbeing newsletter HERE



    Conquering Anxiety: Mantras for Strength and Resilience

    Conquering Anxiety: Mantras for Strength and Resilience
    Today's Affirmations:
    I am a warrior in my world, battling my anxieties, and I am winning.
    I am not my mistakes or my struggles, I am my ability to overcome.
    I let go of the illusion of control and surrender to the flow of life.
    I choose to embrace uncertainty as an opportunity for growth and transformation.
    I am grounded in the present moment, finding stability and strength in each breath I take.
    I am more than the sum of my anxieties, I am a being of resilience and courage.
    My anxiety is not a prison; it is a challenge I am capable of overcoming.
    I have faith in my ability to overcome obstacles and grow stronger from them.
    I release my worries and anxieties, allowing them to pass like clouds in the sky.
    I am more chill than a penguin on a snow day, no matter how many 'what ifs' my brain tries to throw at me.

    Growing Unstoppable Confidence After Hitting Rock Bottom with Stephen De Sede

    Growing Unstoppable Confidence After Hitting Rock Bottom with Stephen De Sede

    Stephen De Sede is the founder of the De Sede Mentoring and Coaching Academy, a Life and Business Strategist, Creator, and Elite Educator, who works from his studio In Sydney, Australia.


    He has developed courses in Personal Development, Mindset, and Mind Health, as well as Behavioural Marketing, Speaking, Telling Your Story, and Content Creation.


    He also runs weekly Live shows described by guests as ‘life-changing experiences’.   


    If that’s not enough, Stephen’s also running foundation work in the Philippines, feeding programs, De Sede Futures for children, and De Sede Mastery for local community leaders. 


    Stephen has it all, and it wasn’t always like this. 


    Yes, he was a multi-millionaire with eight homes and married to the love of his life, while having a career other people only dream of, with jet-setting around the world and mingling with big names. 


    Until one day, it all came crashing down and he lost everything… his money, his career, his wife, his homes… everything. 


    Feeling like a failure and that he had nothing left to live for, he attempted suicide by wrecking his car… and failed. 


    He felt so stupid that he couldn’t even get THAT right!


    Then he had a life-changing AHA that made him realize that he had survived for a reason.


    Listen to our episode to learn more!


    Topics Discussed:

    • Adversity is happening FOR us!
    • How to create unstoppable confidence from nothing


    Connect with Stephen De Sede

    Website: stephendesede.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stephendesededistinction/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stephendesede/

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephendesede/?originalSubdomain=au



    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/self-heal-with-dr-irene/id1561226627

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1pxldTJY5MZmneyz8IpSvm

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFTN-EU3umbz_0d0GFwk_Bw

    Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/selfheal-with-dr-irene

    TuneIn: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Health--Wellness-Podcasts/Self-Heal-(with-Dr-Irene)-p1421793/

    Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cDovL3NlbGZoZWFsaW5nLm1pbmRzaGFyZWNvbGxhYm9yYXRpdmUubGlic3lucHJvLmNvbS9yc3M

    Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/show/2461592


    Connect with us!

    Website: https://drirenecop.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drirenecop/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drirene.health180/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.irenec/?hl=en

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFTN-EU3umbz_0d0GFwk_Bw 

    Mantras for Inner Peace and Resilience: Finding Strength in Vulnerability

    Mantras for Inner Peace and Resilience: Finding Strength in Vulnerability
    Today's Affirmations:
    I have the strength to navigate the challenges life gives me.
    I cultivate mindfulness, nurturing a deep awareness of my thoughts and emotions.
    I am worthy of experiencing inner peace and serenity.
    I have the courage to face my fears and transcend them.
    I am a testament to strength and resilience, and my anxiety cannot change that.
    My value is not diminished by my struggles; it is magnified by my resilience.
    I trust in my intuition and the guidance it provides on my journey.
    I choose love, acceptance, and empathy, replacing fear, judgment, and insecurity.
    I choose to respond to my anxiety with understanding and patience, rather than fear.
    In my vulnerability, I find my greatest strength.



    Hello! Episode 7 of MOOD SWINGS in Isolation is here and my guest is body piercer and tattoo artist NATHAN HAGUE. We discussed Nathan's new studio UTOPIA BODY ARTS, the challenges of opening a business during lockdown, UFC and combat sports, Anthony Bourdain as well as discussing some conspiracy theories surrounding coronavirus! Thanks Nathan! 

    Instagram: utopiabodyarts

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/utopiabodyart