
    184. When You’re Glad Your Mom Died with Jennette McCurdy

    enFebruary 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Innovative solutions in bra industry and diaper protection3rd Love innovated bras with half cup sizes and virtual fitting room, Pampers offers gentle diaper protection with Swaddlers and wipes

      Both 3rd Love and Pampers offer innovative solutions to common problems in their respective industries. 3rd Love revolutionized the bra industry with their half cup sizes and virtual fitting room, ensuring a comfortable and stylish fit for all. Meanwhile, Pampers provides gentle and effective diaper protection with their Swaddlers diapers and wipes, keeping babies' skin healthy and dry. Jennette McCurdy's memoir, "I'm Glad My Mom Died," showcases her exceptional storytelling abilities as she shares her personal struggles and triumphs. Her unique voice and raw honesty make her work not only entertaining but also healing for readers. In her journey from acting to writing, McCurdy has transformed the way she shares her stories, moving from performing others' words to using her own. Her experiences growing up in a unique family dynamic, including her Mormon upbringing, serve as the foundation for her compelling narratives.

    • Childhood experiences shape identity and emotional developmentGrowing up in chaotic environments or dealing with a parent's illness can significantly impact a person's emotional development and sense of self.

      Childhood experiences, including homeschooling, living in a chaotic environment, and dealing with a parent's illness, can significantly impact a person's emotional development and sense of self. The speaker grew up in a chaotic household with a hoarding mother and felt responsible for keeping her happy due to her erratic behavior. Additionally, her mother's fixation on her cancer diagnosis led her to view her own developing body as a cause for concern and potential illness. These experiences contributed to the speaker's anxiety and hypersensitivity, but she now views these traits as useful tools. The bond between the speaker and her mother was intense and focused on keeping the mother's identity centered around her illness, which may be relatable to others in different ways. Overall, childhood experiences can shape a person's identity and emotional landscape in profound ways.

    • A mother's manipulation leads to childhood eating disorderParental influence on child's self-image and eating habits can have harmful effects, disguised as love and support.

      The speaker's mother manipulated her into calorie restriction during her childhood, leading to an unhealthy eating disorder, under the guise of helping her look younger and succeed in her acting career. The speaker felt special and close to her mother during this secret bond, but the situation eventually became harmful and damaging to her health and self-image. The mother's behavior was disguised as love and support, but in reality, it caused a significant rift in their relationship and had long-term negative effects on the speaker's mental and emotional wellbeing. The speaker's denial and trust in her mother continued until after her mother's death. The situation highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing unhealthy patterns and the potential harm that can come from a parent's influence on their child's self-image and eating habits.

    • Understanding Harmful RelationshipsRealizing the truth about relationships can be painful, but it's important to acknowledge harmful behaviors and seek support to move forward.

      Our relationships can shape us in profound ways, and sometimes, realizing the truth about those relationships can be a painful process. The speaker in this conversation shares her experience of working closely with an actress who became jealous and aggressive when the speaker started gaining attention. The speaker describes how this experience helped her understand that they were not the same person, and she discusses the concept of betrayal blindness, which can cause individuals to ignore the reality of harmful situations in order to preserve their attachment to the person causing the harm. The speaker also reflects on her own experiences of anorexia and how she was able to begin recovering once she felt strong enough to face the truth. Additionally, the conversation touches on the importance of comprehensive information when making significant decisions, such as buying a home, and the role of supportive relationships in helping us confront difficult realities.

    • Understanding the depth of emotional struggles in recoverySelf-awareness, self-compassion, and questioning extreme thinking patterns are crucial for successful recovery.

      Recovery work is a common experience for many people, and it often involves overcoming hyper-vigilance, extremes in thinking, and a need for validation due to past experiences. The speaker was particularly moved by Glennon Doyle's raw and real story in the book, as it helped her understand the depth of Glennon's struggle with her eating disorder. She related to Glennon's intense emotions and the need for self-compassion, which she found challenging. The speaker also shared her own experience of losing a newspaper and the intense emotional reaction it triggered, which she saw as a reflection of her own inner voice and need for validation. The speaker was fascinated by Glennon's experience of mistaking her OCD voice for the Holy Spirit and the importance of asking questions to clarify internal experiences. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of self-awareness, self-compassion, and the need to challenge extreme thinking patterns in the recovery process.

    • Recognizing Body AutonomySpeaker experiences BFRBs during high-pressure situations, recognizes body's autonomy after a kissing scene, and acknowledges challenges in understanding origins and triggers but strives for acceptance

      The speaker experiences Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs), such as twirling, touching, and ritualistic actions, particularly during high-pressure situations. These behaviors may stem from past experiences and a lack of individuation. Another significant moment in her life was when her body rejected acting against her will during a kissing scene, which marked a turning point where she recognized her body's autonomy. This realization was a departure from her previous ability to control her body through anorexia. The speaker acknowledges the challenges of understanding the origins and triggers of her behaviors but tries to maintain a sense of humor and acceptance.

    • Listening to our bodies and forgivenessUnderstanding forgiveness is complex and focusing on personal growth is key. Listen to your body's needs and accept situations as they are.

      Sometimes it's important to listen to our bodies and let them guide us, even if it goes against our initial plans or expectations. The speaker shares an experience of trying to force herself to write instead of listening to her body's need for rest and relaxation. This disconnect between mind and body caused discomfort but also led to a significant therapeutic breakthrough when she realized she had been focusing on forgiving her mom for her own sake, rather than for her mom. This realization allowed her to accept the situation and let go of the need to force forgiveness. Another key point is the speaker's struggle to understand the concept of forgiveness and how it applies to different situations. She questions whether forgiveness means having good feelings towards someone or not being angry anymore, and wonders if it's even possible to truly forgive. Ultimately, she concludes that the meaning of forgiveness may be elusive and that it's important to focus on our own growth and well-being rather than trying to force a specific outcome. In the context of education, the speaker's experience of no longer being able to help her children with their homework is addressed through the use of online learning resources like IXL Learning, which provide helpful feedback and support for students.

    • Effective educational tool for students across ages and subjectsIXL Learning helps students excel in school and IXL's founder encourages personal growth through recognizing motivations and seeking challenges

      IXL Learning's advanced algorithm, backed by research, consistently helps students perform better in school across various ages and subjects, making it a valuable resource for 95 of the top 100 school districts in the US. Additionally, the speaker shared her personal experience of feeling trapped by childhood success and the pressure to continue pursuing it, emphasizing the importance of not doing something just because one is good at it or because others might want it. Instead, she encourages people to consider their own desires and motivations. The speaker also reflected on her past experiences of overcoming nervousness and the importance of challenges in life. In summary, IXL Learning is an effective educational tool, and personal growth involves recognizing one's motivations and seeking experiences beyond comfort zones.

    • The cost of acting as a coping mechanismActing as a crutch for emotional pain can lead to disconnection from self, pressure to conform, and difficulty quitting despite lack of fulfillment or authenticity. Embracing self-discovery and authenticity can lead to a more meaningful life.

      Acting as a coping mechanism for emotional pain can lead to a disconnection from one's true self. The pressure to perform and conform to character psychology can be all-consuming, especially when personal identity is intertwined with acting. For some, reaching a point of physical and emotional health can reveal the unhealthiness of continuing to act and the importance of understanding and honoring one's own thoughts and feelings. This realization may come with the realization that acting is no longer fulfilling or authentic, and quitting can be a difficult decision met with self-doubt and resistance from others. However, the journey towards self-discovery and authenticity can ultimately lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

    • The Power of QuittingEmbrace quitting as a means to prioritize mental health and well-being, rather than a sign of weakness or failure.

      Sometimes making a difficult decision, even if it's something we needed to do, can also be the worst mistake of our lives. This was the case for the speaker, who had to quit acting due to its detrimental impact on her mental health and bulimia. However, she encourages embracing the idea of quitting rather than glorifying resilience. The speaker believes that quitting, or walking away from things that don't serve us, should be celebrated, not stigmatized. She also shares her experience with the title of her book, "I'm Glad My Mom Died," which was met with skepticism but ultimately resonated with her editor and readers, allowing them to discuss the complexities of grief and loss. The speaker's message is that it's essential to prioritize our mental health and well-being, even if it means making tough decisions and going against societal expectations.

    • The Power of Support and Constructive FeedbackA strong support system and constructive feedback can lead to personal and professional growth. Embrace the importance of stable relationships while navigating life's complexities.

      Having a strong support system, whether it's a mentor, a partner, or a therapist, can significantly enhance personal and professional growth. The speaker's experience of working on a book project with a supportive editor demonstrated the power of constructive feedback and collaboration. Additionally, acknowledging and addressing the internal desire for chaos or excitement in relationships can lead to healthier and more functional connections. The speaker's journey of self-discovery and growth illustrates the importance of embracing the boredom and simplicity of a stable relationship while continuing to navigate the complexities of the human experience.

    • Exploring the Complexities of Human Experiences and Coping MechanismsOur past experiences can shape our behaviors and desires, with some seeking chaos to solve and others finding calmness through practices like art and self-care. Embrace calmness as a whole experience and find healthy ways to cope with challenges.

      Our past experiences, whether it be with food, work, or relationships, can shape our behaviors and desires in various ways. For some, creating chaos and then solving it can bring a sense of power and euphoria. However, finding comfort and calmness can also be a valuable experience. The speaker shares how she used to deal with urges and tension through bulimia, but now finds solace in art and self-care practices like yoga. She encourours embracing calmness as a whole experience, rather than just the absence of chaos. The conversation also touches on the importance of embodiment and grounding oneself in the present moment. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities of human experiences and the importance of finding healthy ways to cope with challenges.

    • Supporting what matters to usBy following, subscribing, rating, and reviewing, we help creators continue their work and ensure we never miss valuable content. Believe in yourself, embrace individuality, lean on support, and find resilience through community.

      Learning from this podcast episode is the importance of supporting the things that matter to us, whether it's a podcast or a friend. By following, subscribing, rating, and reviewing, we not only ensure we never miss out on valuable content, but we also help the creators continue to produce and share their work. The speakers, Jennette and Brandi, emphasize the significance of believing in oneself and continuing to move forward, even during difficult times. They encourage listeners to embrace their individuality, be open to new experiences, and lean on the support of others to find their way back home. The podcast, "We Can Do Hard Things," produced in partnership with Cadence 13 Studios, is a testament to the power of resilience, self-love, and the importance of community.

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    Early Detection, Mammograms & Breast Cancer Care with Dr. Rachel Brem
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    What Amanda’s Learned About Life, Love & Community (Post Surgery Pt 2)

    What Amanda’s Learned About Life, Love & Community (Post Surgery Pt 2)
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    Amanda Returns Post Surgery: Here’s What She Wants You To Know

    Amanda Returns Post Surgery: Here’s What She Wants You To Know
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    I hope you've enjoyed today's discussion and that it's ignited a fire within you to pursue your dreams and embrace your true potential. (If it was helpful, share it with someone you think could benefit.)

    If you're hungry for motivation, personal development, and career insights, be sure to subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform. I try to have a diverse lineup of guests, each with their own unique stories and experiences to share.

    Remember, this podcast is all about you—the dreamers and the doers. I'm here to provide a platform where your voice can be heard, where you can find inspiration, and where you can learn from the journeys of others who have dared to chase their dreams.

    If you are interested in being a guest, reach out.

    I appreciate your support, let's connect on social media. Follow us on Instagram (@gettingafterit_) to stay updated on new episodes and behind-the-scenes content.

    Remember, your dreams are within reach. You just have to decide to Get After It.

    EP21: Music Edition: Filling my Musical Bucket List w/ DMB!!

    EP21: Music Edition: Filling my Musical Bucket List w/ DMB!!

    I LOVE music!!!
    It certainly soothes the savage beast within me, and I imagine it does the same for many of ya'll as well ;)
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    In this episode you'll hear about the musical experience that became the first item added to AND checked off my newly created Bucket List ;)
    Whether or not your a fan of this particular band, I gently suggest that you envision YOUR favorite band and remind yourself that YOU TOO can have a similar experience, should you decide it's important enough. 
    That being said, what's more important than allowing yourself some time to truly experience some of what this life has to offer? 
    AND if music in general is not your thing, than I heavily suggest that you replace music with whatever ARE your bucket list desires and get busy checking off items :)
    ROCK ON!!

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