
    188. Italian Bach & ArthurTV Talk KSI’s BAD Sense Of Humour & CRAZY Fan Girl Experiences!

    enJuly 09, 2024
    What values are emphasized in the conversation about friendship?
    How do the friends bond over shared interests like anime?
    What topics related to autism are discussed among friends?
    How do tectonic plates relate to the concept of a young Earth?
    What are some man-made structures mentioned and their significance?

    Podcast Summary

    • Friendship and acceptanceFriendship values reliability and understanding, and acceptance of different communities and their unique struggles is essential for genuine connections.

      Friendship and reliability are important values, even if people have different quirks and schedules. The conversation also touched on the topic of autism awareness and acceptance, as well as the importance of understanding and respecting different communities and their unique struggles. The group of friends shared their experiences and humor, showcasing their bond and the unique dynamics that come with it. They also discussed their shared interests, such as anime and memes, highlighting the importance of finding common ground and enjoying wholesome content. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of acceptance, understanding, and the value of genuine connections.

    • Sexual acts in prison, online sharingFilming and sharing a sexual act in prison can lead to severe consequences for all parties involved, including potential legal charges and increased prison time for the woman, and damage to reputations and relationships.

      The actions of individuals, even in extreme circumstances like being in prison, can have serious consequences for themselves and others. In the discussed situation, two cellmates and a female prison guard engaged in a sexual act, which was filmed and later shared online. While the men may have seen it as a top-tier activity and a way to brag, the woman's life was significantly impacted as she faced charges and the potential for more prison time. The incident also highlights the risks and consequences of sharing private content online. The conversation also touched on the topic of prison escapes and the challenges of getting away undetected. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of considering the potential consequences of our actions and the ripple effects they can have on ourselves and others.

    • Capital punishment and societal acceptanceHistorical use of extreme punishments raises ethical concerns, societal acceptance varies, rehabilitation and better living conditions are preferable to harsh punishments

      The criminal justice system, particularly the use of capital punishment, is a complex issue with deep emotional and societal implications. The speaker expresses concerns about recidivism rates and the potential for an influx of crimes if harsher punishments are implemented. They also share their thoughts on the historical use of extreme punishments like hanging and beheading, and the societal acceptance of such practices in the past. The speaker acknowledges the emotional attachment to the idea of justice, but ultimately argues that society should strive for rehabilitation and better living conditions for all its members. The conversation also touches on the controversy surrounding the accuracy and ethics of portrayals of real-life figures and events in popular media.

    • Orca behavior, PTSDOrcas in captivity exhibit aggressive behavior towards humans due to boredom and frustration, while PTSD victims like Eddie Ray Ruth may struggle with controlling their actions, leading to dangerous situations.

      The world can present us with both fascinating and disturbing stories. Eddie Ray Ruth, a man with a reported 160 confirmed kills, was taken to a gun range by Chris Kyle, a war veteran, in an attempt to help him with PTSD. However, Ruth ended up killing the gun range instructor instead. The conversation then shifted to the documentary "Blackfish," which explores the behavior of orcas in captivity. Despite their name, there are no recorded deaths by killer whales in the wild. Instead, incidents of aggression towards humans are often attributed to boredom and frustration. The size disparity between the orcas' living conditions and their natural habitats was also discussed. The conversation then touched on the disappearance of Jay Slater, with theories suggesting drug involvement or a possible drowning in the sea. The discussion showcased the complexity and intrigue of various stories, as well as the importance of understanding the context behind them.

    • Ship of Theseus paradoxA completely renovated ship, made up of none of the original parts, can still be considered the same ship as long as there's a connection to the original, even if it's just a single part.

      Identity and continuity can be complex concepts, especially when it comes to objects or entities that undergo significant changes over time. Using the example of a ship in Greek mythology, the ship of Theseus, the discussion revolved around whether a completely renovated ship, made up of none of the original parts, could still be considered the same ship. The consensus seemed to be that it could, as long as there was some connection to the original, even if it was just a single splinter of wood. The conversation also touched upon the importance of context and perspective in shaping our understanding of such concepts. Additionally, the group shared their favorite topics discussed on their podcast, with religion and philosophy being popular themes.

    • Identity and ChangeDespite physical transformations, the essence or idea of something remains constant, but perception and context can influence our understanding of it.

      The essence or idea of something remains the same even if its physical form changes. Using the example of the Ship of Theseus, if significant parts are replaced over time, it's still considered the same ship because the idea or concept hasn't changed. Similarly, Big Ben is still Big Ben even if it's been renovated and the Elizabeth Tower is now in front of it. This discussion also touched on the idea that context and perception can alter our understanding of things. For instance, the girl's emotional reaction to seeing Big Ben for the first time or the debate over which person to eliminate in a hypothetical situation. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of recognizing the abstract concepts that define things, even as their physical forms evolve.

    • Deception and Man-made StructuresDuring our school years, we encountered deception online and in person, and debated about man-made structures, learning that our experiences and knowledge shape our perspectives and broaden our understanding

      During our formative years in school, we were exposed to various forms of deception and manipulation. Some individuals pretended to be someone they weren't online, while others made shocking confessions that were questionable. One person even claimed to have met an older woman while pretending to be a male prostitute. Another shared an embarrassing story about being exposed in public. Despite the uncertainty, we learned to navigate through these situations and move on. Another topic that emerged was the discussion about man-made structures and their sizes. The group debated about the heaviest man-made structure on Earth, with some suggesting the Great Wall of China, while others mentioned dams like the Hoover Dam. The conversation led to a fascinating exploration of various structures and their significance. Throughout the conversation, it became clear that our experiences and knowledge shaped our perspectives, and that there is always more to learn and discover. Whether it's about human behavior or the world around us, every interaction offers an opportunity for growth and exploration.

    • Length paradox, Tectonic platesThe discussion touched upon the fascinating topics of measuring the length of the Great Wall, the paradox of coastline length, and the movement of tectonic plates, challenging the belief in a young Earth.

      The world is full of fascinating and complex phenomena, from the length of coastlines to the movements of continents. During a discussion, the speakers touched upon various topics, including the Nimitz class aircraft carrier, the Palace of Parliament in Romania, the SSCB crane vessel, the Gulfach Sea installation, and the Great Wall of China. They also pondered the idea of measuring the length of the Great Wall and the paradox of the length of coastlines. The speakers also discussed the tectonic plates and how they contribute to the continents moving apart and eventually coming back together, a concept that challenges the belief in a young Earth. The conversation also touched upon the idea of young Earth creationism, a belief that the Earth is only 6,000 years old, which is a minority viewpoint in the scientific community. The speakers also mentioned the Book of Mormon, a play that satirizes this belief and has caused controversy due to its explicit content. The conversation was filled with intriguing ideas and thought-provoking questions, highlighting the importance of continued exploration and learning.

    • Science and ReligionDespite differences in beliefs about scientific facts and religion, respectful dialogue is crucial for understanding and learning from each other.

      While there are significant differences in beliefs regarding scientific facts like the Big Bang and religious beliefs, it's essential to approach discussions with respect and open-mindedness. Forty percent of Americans believe in a young Earth theory, but this is a minority viewpoint that faces challenges when compared to widely accepted scientific facts. Some people may feel strongly about their beliefs and find it difficult to engage in deep, respectful discussions. However, having opposing viewpoints on a podcast or similar platform can lead to interesting and enlightening conversations. It's important to remember that respectful dialogue is key to understanding different perspectives and learning from one another.

    • Humor and cultural differencesHumor is subjective and cultural differences can impact its reception. Be mindful of sensitivities and perspectives when using humor in diverse groups.

      Humor is subjective and not everyone will find the same things funny. This was evident in a story shared about an embarrassing experience at Red Bull where one person's attempt at humor did not land well with the group. Another important point raised was the cultural differences in humor and how some people may not be aware of the latest trends or platforms like TikTok. Despite the initial disappointment, there was a saving grace when the person's reaction video was well-received by some members of the group. Overall, the experience served as a reminder that it's important to be mindful of different sensitivities and perspectives when it comes to humor.

    • Comedic content on social mediaSpeakers appreciated comedic creators on TikTok and YouTube, but raised concerns about potential long-term consequences and generational divide in humor, while also discussing the possibility of automation and authenticity in viral sensations.

      The discussion revolved around the appreciation of various comedic content, particularly on social media platforms like TikTok and YouTube. The speakers expressed their enjoyment of certain creators and their unique humor, but also shared concerns about the potential long-term consequences of their online presence. They compared these creators to previous meme sensations and debated the generational divide in humor. The speakers also touched upon the possibility of automation in content creation and the authenticity of viral sensations. Overall, the conversation highlighted the evolving nature of internet culture and the impact it has on individuals and society.

    • Facebook's impact on viralityFacebook significantly influences content virality, especially for older demographics, and can help individuals become famous but also exposes them to harsh criticism

      Social media platforms like Facebook play a significant role in the virality of content, particularly for older demographics. This was highlighted through discussions of the "hot tour girl," Mason Ramsey, and the "cash me outside" phenomenon. These examples demonstrate how Facebook can help individuals become viral and even famous, especially for those who can appeal to the older generation. However, the platform can also be ruthless and unforgiving, with users often leaving harsh comments. To truly succeed on Facebook, it's crucial to understand its unique audience and tailor content accordingly.

    • Audience Understanding, Content AdaptationUnderstanding your audience's preferences and adapting your content accordingly is crucial for success. Authenticity and commitment are key elements in creating relatable and engaging content.

      Creating content for different audiences requires a deep understanding of what resonates with each group. The speaker shared his experience of transitioning from posting PE teacher skits to relatable content, which attracted a different demographic. He also mentioned the importance of fully committing to a skit for it to be funny and how challenging it can be to do so with an audience present. Additionally, he discussed the benefits of moving to London for content creation and growth opportunities, but also the potential challenges that come with it. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of adapting to audience preferences and being authentic in content creation.

    • Aging and friendshipsAs people age and careers progress, maintaining close friendships becomes more challenging due to geographical and work-related reasons, but it's important to make time for them and appreciate their value. Friend groups may also shift towards being more work-oriented.

      As people age and move on in their careers, it becomes more challenging to maintain close friendships due to geographical and work-related reasons. However, the speaker expressed gratitude for having a good group of friends, despite their busy schedules and different locations. He also mentioned that compared to five years ago, everyone in their friend group seems to be more work-oriented. The speaker also recommended listening to a specific podcast episode featuring Chris for those interested in their discussions on aliens and pyramids. Interestingly, the speaker mentioned that he enjoys discussing marine life and underwater adventures, and suggested having a podcast episode dedicated to that topic. The speaker also expressed a preference for recording episodes separately from his co-host. Overall, the conversation touched upon the importance of maintaining friendships, the changing dynamics of social circles, and the joy of exploring various topics through podcasting.

    Recent Episodes from The Fellas

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    196. How Chip Lost Money On YouTuber Karting Video & Undercover Police At Our Dublin Show...


    We're live from the RV in County Kerry, Ireland! This podcast was recorded mid road trip through Ireland. We discuss highs and lows of the trip so far & how we almost got arrested for making certain jokes at our live show... Oh yeah, and now Chip is in his 9th overdraft.

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    The Fellas
    enSeptember 03, 2024

    195. "I Swam Without Stopping For 500KM In Deadly Waters..." - Extreme Athlete, Ross Edgley

    195. "I Swam Without Stopping For 500KM In Deadly Waters..." - Extreme Athlete, Ross Edgley

    Ross Edgley is finally here! We've wanted to lock this man down for so long and it's finally happened. He's one of the UK's most fearless & athletic men, completed multiple Guinness World Records including the longest non-stop solo swim & swimming around the UK SOLO.

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    The Fellas
    enAugust 27, 2024

    194. Chip Gets ENGAGED & Taking The Ultimate Brain Rot Quiz…

    194. Chip Gets ENGAGED & Taking The Ultimate Brain Rot Quiz…

    Chip returns from his big road trip ENGAGED! Big congratulations to them both Chip & Sabina but more importantly the lads took the viral Brainrot quiz... These lads are cooked chat.

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

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    The Fellas
    enAugust 20, 2024

    193. Reviewing The WORST Olympics Ever & Why KSI’s Boxing Career Might Be Over…

    193. Reviewing The WORST Olympics Ever & Why KSI’s Boxing Career Might Be Over…


    BUY TICKETS: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-fellas-in-ireland-live-tickets-940501363897?aff=Audio

    WE'RE GOING TO IRELAND! On 22nd August we're going to be doing a LIVE SHOW in Dublin, Ireland at The Bernard Shaw. Tickets are limited so BE QUICK! Apologies for the lack of Chip, he'll be back next week but for now you're stuck with Cal & Prod... We discuss the best & worst of the Olympic games, what sports we'd get rid of & why KSI has sacked off his fight.

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

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    The Fellas
    enAugust 13, 2024

    192: Mat Armstrong on Buying Rashford’s CRASHED Rolls Royce & Surprising His Dad With a Ferrari!

    192: Mat Armstrong on Buying Rashford’s CRASHED Rolls Royce & Surprising His Dad With a Ferrari!

    FREEZY GOES HOME - OUT NOW: https://fellasloaded.com/video/0e721e23-34f8-466e-883a-9f8ed3b3ee0c

    Mat Armstrong likes fixing cars. A lot. So when Marcus Rashfords crashed Rolls-Royce came up for sale, he didn’t hesitate to get his hands on it. He also gives out some great tips for new drivers and talks about how he crashed his own Lamborghini.

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    The Fellas
    enAugust 06, 2024

    191. Max Fosh Ranks Best YouTube Videos Of All Time & How He Hired KILLER Grizzly Bear…

    191. Max Fosh Ranks Best YouTube Videos Of All Time & How He Hired KILLER Grizzly Bear…

    FREEZY GOES HOME - OUT NOW: https://fellasloaded.com/video/0e721e23-34f8-466e-883a-9f8ed3b3ee0c

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    MAX FOSH TICKETS: https://www.maxfosh.co/

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    The Fellas
    enJuly 30, 2024

    190. What Came First... W*nking or S3X?!

    190. What Came First... W*nking or S3X?!

    Back with a solo after an incredibly insightful episode from Ash Dykes... This week we discuss one of life's most burning questions; what came first a w*nk or s*x? Proddy also has another daft moment but I feel we might need to let him cook on this one (it's definitely not him writing this description).

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

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    The Fellas
    enJuly 23, 2024

    189. “The World’s Most Fearless Man” Talks Surviving Deadly Animals, Extreme Heat & Severe MALARIA…

    189. “The World’s Most Fearless Man” Talks Surviving Deadly Animals, Extreme Heat & Severe MALARIA…

    Ash Dykes is quite frankly one of the most fearless men in British history... In 2014 Ash became the first documented person to undertake and complete a solo and unsupported trek across Mongolia. In 2016 he was the first documented individual to traverse the entire length of Madagascar. He entered the Guinness World Record book in 2019 for being the first ever person to walk 6400 km/4000 miles along the Yangtze River.

    AND NOW... Him and his team are heading to one of the last truly wild places on earth. Suriname, The Amazon.

    An incredible guest and our first to ever appear on Joe Rogan!

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

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    The Fellas
    enJuly 16, 2024

    188. Italian Bach & ArthurTV Talk KSI’s BAD Sense Of Humour & CRAZY Fan Girl Experiences!

    188. Italian Bach & ArthurTV Talk KSI’s BAD Sense Of Humour & CRAZY Fan Girl Experiences!

    These guys are a tough tough listen... Arthur & Bach return, this time together! Arthur reveals the secret brainrot group chat that he set up & what it's like dealing with their fan girls.

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

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    The Fellas
    enJuly 09, 2024

    187. The Lost Technology that Built the Pyramids & Why McDonalds Is SECRETLY Healthy...

    187. The Lost Technology that Built the Pyramids & Why McDonalds Is SECRETLY Healthy...

    WATCH OUR FULL SOAP BOX RACE: https://fellasloaded.com/video/9e46bb6c-33d3-4c90-a346-7fb5aa43575a

    The boys dig deep on some Pyramid conspiracy theories this week, addressing history's biggest questions about the Pyramids. Freezy also reveals a new rather controversial opinion (shock) on why McDonalds is actually healthy?!

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Fellas
    enJuly 02, 2024