
    189. “The World’s Most Fearless Man” Talks Surviving Deadly Animals, Extreme Heat & Severe MALARIA…

    enJuly 16, 2024
    What records has Ashton achieved in his career?
    How did Mongolia influence Ashton's adventures?
    What are the threats to Suriname's environment?
    What challenges did Ashton face during his Mongolia expedition?
    Where can followers track Ashton's journey online?

    Podcast Summary

    • Adventure MonetizationDetermination and passion for adventure can lead to world records and online monetization, but financial gains may come slowly and require continued investment and pushing forward.

      Ashton is an extreme adventurer and athlete who has achieved three world first records over the past 14 years. He has taken on dangerous and often illegal expeditions around the world, and his adventures have grown into a full-time career. Mongolia was a catalyst for him, as he saw the potential to monetize his world-first record and document his adventures online. However, the financial gains were slow in coming, and Ashton had to continue pushing forward due to his passion and the investment he had already made. Ashton's adventures have taken him to some of the most wild and uncharted locations in the world, including the Amazon rainforest in Suriname, where he may encounter uncontacted tribes and undiscovered species. Despite the risks and challenges, Ashton's determination and love for adventure have driven him to continue exploring and pushing boundaries.

    • Mongolian expedition planningExtensive planning and preparation are crucial for self-reliant expeditions in Mongolia due to its remote, harsh conditions and long distances between water sources.

      Embarking on a self-reliant expedition across Mongolia, which is the second largest landlocked country, requires extensive planning and preparation due to its remote and harsh conditions. The journey, which spanned 78 days and involved crossing the Altai Mountains, the Gobi Desert, and the Mongolian step, required the explorer to pull a trailer carrying supplies for survival, as the distance between water sources was too long. The expedition was particularly challenging due to the extreme temperatures, with the explorer experiencing both heat stroke and freezing conditions in the desert. The explorer's motivation for the journey was driven by a desire to test himself in the elements and explore the country's unique culture and landscapes, which were largely unexplored by travelers at the time. The expedition required careful planning, including carrying enough water and food for the long journey, and the explorer faced numerous challenges, including starvation and delirium. Despite these challenges, the explorer persevered and completed the journey, demonstrating the importance of determination and self-reliance in overcoming adversity.

    • Extreme weather conditionsExtreme weather conditions can pose serious threats to the human body, potentially causing heat stroke or failure to regulate temperature, but with proper preparation and determination, survival is possible.

      Extreme weather conditions, whether it's freezing cold or scorching hot, can pose significant challenges to the human body. During his expedition in the Gobi Desert, the speaker experienced both hot and cold extremes, which led him to the brink of heat stroke and near-death experience. He emphasized that when suffering from extreme heat, the body can fail to regulate temperature and even shut down essential functions. The speaker also shared his experience of being alone in the desert, relying on his own motivation and limited resources to survive. Despite the difficulties, he emphasized that with proper preparation and determination, one can overcome such challenges. He also mentioned that in some countries like Mongolia, where extreme conditions are common, people have adapted to survive and are generally hospitable towards travelers.

    • Gender differences in Mongolian localsWomen showed compassion, men were aggressive; speaker faced numerous challenges but was surprised by acts of kindness from locals, including a memorable tea offer from a horseman; underestimated challenges of crossing mountains and went off radar for eight days

      During his journey across the Mongolian desert, the speaker encountered vastly different reactions from locals based on their gender. Women showed compassion and nurtured him, while men were more aggressive and demanded his trailer. Despite facing numerous challenges such as dehydration, starvation, and harsh terrain, the speaker never encountered any hostile locals and was surprised by acts of kindness from them. The most memorable encounter was with a horseman who offered him a takeaway tea without any words exchanged. The speaker also noted that he underestimated the challenges of crossing the mountains and was hit by dehydration, which caused him to be off the radar for eight days. Overall, the locals' reactions and acts of kindness stood out as a significant experience during his journey.

    • Breaking down challengesBreaking down seemingly insurmountable challenges into smaller, manageable goals can help one survive and recover, mentally and physically. Seeking advice from experienced individuals can also provide valuable insights.

      When faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges, breaking them down into smaller, manageable goals can be a life-saving strategy. The speaker's experience of surviving in the desert by focusing on short-term objectives instead of dwelling on the overwhelming nature of the situation highlights the importance of mental resilience and determination. Despite the physical and mental hardships, the ability to push forward and focus on the next step helped the speaker not only survive but also recover. Additionally, seeking advice and wisdom from those with experience can provide valuable insights and prepare one for potential dangers.

    • Encountering Challenges, Mental SwitchImagining an otherworldly figure for inspiration and mentally switching to keep pushing on despite achieving goals can help overcome challenges during solo expeditions.

      During his solo and unsupported expedition across Mongolia, the explorer encountered various challenges and moments of uncertainty. He drew inspiration from an otherworldly figure he imagined in his mind, which helped him push through difficult situations and continue his journey. The locals embraced his endeavor and even gave him the nickname "Lonely Snow Leopard." However, an unexpected and bizarre encounter with a Kazakh family led to an awkward situation, leaving the explorer questioning their intentions. Despite these challenges, he persisted and eventually reached the end of his journey, experiencing a surreal feeling of accomplishment despite still having miles to cover. The mental switch to keep pushing on despite having already achieved his goal in his mind was crucial to his success.

    • Enduring extreme challengesMental fortitude and adaptability are essential for overcoming physical hardships during long-distance hiking in remote and dangerous locations, resulting in unique experiences and untapped knowledge

      Enduring extreme challenges, such as long-distance hiking in remote and dangerous locations like Mongolia and Madagascar, requires mental fortitude and adaptability. These expeditions were filled with physical hardships, including dehydration, storms, and encounters with bandits. Despite these challenges, the finish lines were marked by moments of celebration, but not always with the expected fanfare. For instance, in Madagascar, the end was marked by the presence of a logistics manager, his driver, and three local children. The journey was filled with unexpected experiences and encounters with unique wildlife, making the exploration of these places a fascinating and rewarding experience. The vastness and diversity of these locations, often misunderstood, offer a wealth of untapped knowledge and adventure.

    • Wildlife Conservation, Community SupportExplorer's adventures revealed the significance of preserving rare wildlife and supporting communities impacted by climate change and conservation efforts.

      There are still undiscovered places and unique species in the world that require our attention and preservation. During his adventures, the speaker encountered rare wildlife, such as the Puchad duck in Madagascar, which he helped increase in population by reporting its location. He also raised funds for nomads in Mongolia to help them keep their livestock and avoid moving to the city due to climate change and smog. However, he also faced challenges such as bandits who stole cattle and caused destruction in villages. These experiences highlighted the importance of conservation efforts and the impact of climate change on communities and wildlife. The speaker's adventures also showed the importance of partnerships with local organizations and the need for cultural sensitivity and understanding.

    • Travel risksProper preparation and caution are crucial when traveling to unfamiliar territories to avoid potential health risks such as bubonic plague, malaria, and food poisoning

      Traveling in unfamiliar territories comes with inherent risks, and being prepared is crucial. In this account, the traveler encountered both the bubonic plague and malaria, which could have been fatal without proper precautions and medical attention. The bubonic plague was transmitted via flea bites and kept the travelers confined to their tent, while food poisoning from a suspect eel weakened the traveler's immune system, making him more susceptible to malaria. Despite having anti-malarial pills, the traveler's symptoms were severe due to the food poisoning. The experience taught the traveler to be more cautious and prepared, anticipating potential risks and taking necessary precautions. The consequences of reckless behavior could have been dire, as seen in the case of the bubonic plague and bushfires in Madagascar. Overall, the importance of preparation, attention to detail, and being aware of potential risks is a valuable lesson for any traveler.

    • Malaria ambassadorDespite facing malaria and other challenges in Madagascar, the speaker became an ambassador for Malaria No More UK and secured increased funding from the UK government, potentially saving millions of lives.

      Despite the unexpected challenges and dangers faced during his expedition in Madagascar, including contracting malaria, the speaker remained determined and used his experiences to become an ambassador for Malaria No More UK. He worked alongside Annie Lennox to secure increased funding from the UK government, which could potentially save millions of lives. The speaker's anticipation and acceptance of the risks he faced allowed him to push through and make a difference. It's important to remember that malaria, though preventable, still takes countless lives each year, and efforts to increase funding and awareness are crucial. The speaker's personal connection to the disease gave him a unique perspective and drive to make a difference.

    • Cultural SensitivityEncountering cultural differences requires sensitivity and understanding, especially when past experiences and isolation have fueled deep-rooted fears and beliefs.

      Traveling to unfamiliar places comes with unique challenges and cultural differences. In the context of the discussion, the group encountered a community that had a deep-rooted fear of white people due to past experiences with colonialism and brutality. This fear manifested in their suspicion and wariness towards outsiders, even if they meant no harm. The community's isolation and lack of exposure to modern technology further compounded their beliefs and superstitions. Crossing rivers infested with crocodiles was a common challenge, and the locals had developed methods to minimize encounters with these dangerous animals. The group had to adapt to these local practices and build trust with the community to ensure a safe and successful journey. Overall, this experience highlights the importance of cultural sensitivity and understanding when traveling to new places.

    • Expedition LeadershipLeading expeditions requires experienced team members to ensure safety and success, as inexperienced individuals can lead to dangerous situations.

      Leading expeditions comes with great responsibility, and allowing inexperienced individuals to join can lead to dangerous situations. The speaker learned this lesson the hard way during a river crossing in the cyclone season, where a team member nearly drowned. He now realizes that everyone must be prepared and experienced for the challenges they may face, as he discovered when leading the Mission Yangtze expedition and having to evacuate several people. The harsh realities of the expedition cannot be captured in Instagram photos, and it's crucial to understand one's own limitations and reactions to adversity before leading others through similar challenges.

    • Decision making, EmpowermentEmpowering others to make decisions, even in high-stakes situations, can lead to better outcomes and valuable lessons for everyone involved.

      Empowering others to make their own decisions, even in high-stakes situations, can lead to better outcomes for everyone involved. In the discussed scenario, the speaker gave a friend two options during a dangerous landslide situation and trusted him to make the right call. The friend made the wise decision to turn back, saving himself from a potential fatal accident. This approach not only respected the friend's capabilities but also allowed the speaker to learn valuable lessons for future adventures. The Yangtze River Challenge, another adventure, further emphasized the importance of trust and empowerment. The speaker's determination to hike from the true source of the Yangtze River, which had never been done before, required extensive planning, logistics, and political approvals. Empowering the team to make decisions and take ownership of their roles led to the successful completion of the challenge. Trusting others and giving them the freedom to make decisions not only benefits the individuals involved but also contributes to the overall success of the project.

    • Overcoming ChallengesDespite facing numerous obstacles, including impersonating a doctor and dealing with aggressive bears and Tibetan Mastiffs, the speaker's determination and willingness to embrace the unknown led him to discover new territories and gain a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

      Overcoming adversities and exploring the unknown can be a challenging and rewarding experience. The speaker recounted his journey to become an ambassador for a green development foundation, which led him to face numerous obstacles, including impersonating a doctor and dealing with aggressive bears and Tibetan Mastiffs. Despite these challenges, he persevered and learned valuable lessons about the importance of mindset and resilience. The dangers of the trek included altitude sickness, injuries, and encounters with bears, which tested the limits of both the speaker and his team. Ultimately, the speaker's determination and willingness to embrace the unknown led him to discover new territories and gain a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

    • Perseverance in the face of adversityDetermination and confidence, gained from past experiences, enable individuals to overcome challenges and achieve their goals despite setbacks. The digital media landscape offers greater freedom and reach for sharing experiences.

      Determination and confidence, born from previous experiences, can help individuals overcome challenges and achieve their goals, even when faced with adversity. This was exemplified in the speaker's account of his expedition to Bear County, where he faced numerous setbacks but ultimately persevered and completed the journey. Another key point is the shifting landscape of media consumption, with digital platforms offering greater freedom and potential reach for individuals to share their experiences and adventures, compared to traditional TV productions.

    • Digital PlatformsUnderstanding each digital platform's unique requirements and audience preferences is crucial for content creators to monetize work and expand reach. YouTube offers monetization opportunities, while Instagram and TikTok are effective for specific demographics. Authentic, engaging content tailored to each platform is vital for success.

      Mastering various digital platforms is crucial for content creators looking to monetize their work and expand their reach. Understanding each platform's unique requirements and audience preferences is essential for success. For instance, YouTube may offer the best monetization opportunities, but Instagram and TikTok might be more effective for reaching specific demographics. Additionally, producing authentic, engaging content tailored to each platform is vital. Proper training, preparation, and adapting to the platforms' trends can significantly increase chances of success. Ultimately, it's about investing time and effort into learning the ins and outs of each platform to maximize potential and stand out from the competition.

    • Overcoming ChallengesPersistence, a high pain threshold, enthusiasm, and a positive attitude are crucial for overcoming challenges and achieving success, even in the face of dire situations and obstacles.

      Persistence and a high pain threshold are crucial for overcoming challenges and achieving success, even when the situation seems dire. The willingness to push through discomfort and continue despite obstacles can make all the difference between failure and success. Additionally, enthusiasm and a positive attitude can help maintain morale and keep individuals going during difficult times. The story of being hunted by wolves in the wild highlights the importance of these qualities, as the individuals were able to keep going and ultimately outlast their pursuers. The encounter with Tibetan Mastiffs further illustrates the need for determination and quick thinking in the face of danger.

    • Amazon expeditionThe Amazon expedition involves navigating treacherous waters and dense jungle to discover the source of a remote river, setting world records, and facing dangerous wildlife while being completely cut off from civilization.

      The speaker's experience in the Yangtze River challenge was marked by intense challenges, adrenaline-fueled moments, and long periods of boredom. The next challenge, an expedition to the Amazon in Suriname, promises to be even more intense and uncertain as they aim to discover the source of a remote and uncharted river, while attempting to set multiple world records. The journey will involve navigating treacherous waters filled with dangerous wildlife and making their own tracks through dense jungle, all while being completely cut off from civilization. The speaker's determination and sense of adventure drive him to undertake these challenges, despite the risks and challenges involved.

    • Amazon Rainforest challengesThe Amazon Rainforest is a complex, dangerous ecosystem filled with undiscovered species and uncontacted tribes, requiring complete focus and respect from explorers, and posing significant dangers from wildlife and unpredictable elements.

      The Amazon Rainforest is a complex and dangerous ecosystem that requires complete focus and respect from explorers. It is a living, breathing entity with its own defense mechanisms and unpredictable elements. The jungle is home to an immense amount of life, much of which remains undiscovered. Uncontacted tribes and undiscovered species are just a few of the mysteries that await explorers. The jungle is vast, uncharted, and full of surprises. The size and power of the wildlife, from anacondas to falling trees, pose significant dangers. Despite the challenges, the allure of the Amazon's mysteries continues to draw explorers in. The experience of being in the Amazon and discovering its secrets is a priority, even beyond the pursuit of world records.

    • Amazon expedition connectionThe Amazon expedition is about forming a deep connection with nature and raising awareness for its preservation, while also showcasing its untouched beauty through social media.

      The upcoming Amazon expedition is not just about wildlife, but also about forming a deep connection with the natural world and feeling insignificant in the face of its vastness. Suriname, the country where the expedition will take place, is currently untouched but faces threats from gold mining and illegal logging. The goal is to showcase the beauty of nature when left alone and raise awareness to prevent further damage. The speaker, who has a history of documenting his travels, emphasizes the importance of experiencing a place firsthand and being open to unexpected discoveries. You can follow the journey on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok under the name Ashdikes.

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    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    The Fellas
    enSeptember 03, 2024

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    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    The Fellas
    enAugust 27, 2024

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    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    The Fellas
    enAugust 20, 2024

    193. Reviewing The WORST Olympics Ever & Why KSI’s Boxing Career Might Be Over…

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    BUY TICKETS: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-fellas-in-ireland-live-tickets-940501363897?aff=Audio

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    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    The Fellas
    enAugust 13, 2024

    192: Mat Armstrong on Buying Rashford’s CRASHED Rolls Royce & Surprising His Dad With a Ferrari!

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    FREEZY GOES HOME - OUT NOW: https://fellasloaded.com/video/0e721e23-34f8-466e-883a-9f8ed3b3ee0c

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    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    The Fellas
    enAugust 06, 2024

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    MAX FOSH TICKETS: https://www.maxfosh.co/

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    The Fellas
    enJuly 30, 2024

    190. What Came First... W*nking or S3X?!

    190. What Came First... W*nking or S3X?!

    Back with a solo after an incredibly insightful episode from Ash Dykes... This week we discuss one of life's most burning questions; what came first a w*nk or s*x? Proddy also has another daft moment but I feel we might need to let him cook on this one (it's definitely not him writing this description).

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

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    The Fellas
    enJuly 23, 2024

    189. “The World’s Most Fearless Man” Talks Surviving Deadly Animals, Extreme Heat & Severe MALARIA…

    189. “The World’s Most Fearless Man” Talks Surviving Deadly Animals, Extreme Heat & Severe MALARIA…

    Ash Dykes is quite frankly one of the most fearless men in British history... In 2014 Ash became the first documented person to undertake and complete a solo and unsupported trek across Mongolia. In 2016 he was the first documented individual to traverse the entire length of Madagascar. He entered the Guinness World Record book in 2019 for being the first ever person to walk 6400 km/4000 miles along the Yangtze River.

    AND NOW... Him and his team are heading to one of the last truly wild places on earth. Suriname, The Amazon.

    An incredible guest and our first to ever appear on Joe Rogan!

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

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    The Fellas
    enJuly 16, 2024

    188. Italian Bach & ArthurTV Talk KSI’s BAD Sense Of Humour & CRAZY Fan Girl Experiences!

    188. Italian Bach & ArthurTV Talk KSI’s BAD Sense Of Humour & CRAZY Fan Girl Experiences!

    These guys are a tough tough listen... Arthur & Bach return, this time together! Arthur reveals the secret brainrot group chat that he set up & what it's like dealing with their fan girls.

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

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    Join the Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FellasPodcast

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    The Fellas
    enJuly 09, 2024

    187. The Lost Technology that Built the Pyramids & Why McDonalds Is SECRETLY Healthy...

    187. The Lost Technology that Built the Pyramids & Why McDonalds Is SECRETLY Healthy...

    WATCH OUR FULL SOAP BOX RACE: https://fellasloaded.com/video/9e46bb6c-33d3-4c90-a346-7fb5aa43575a

    The boys dig deep on some Pyramid conspiracy theories this week, addressing history's biggest questions about the Pyramids. Freezy also reveals a new rather controversial opinion (shock) on why McDonalds is actually healthy?!

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Fellas
    enJuly 02, 2024