
    195. "I Swam Without Stopping For 500KM In Deadly Waters..." - Extreme Athlete, Ross Edgley

    enAugust 27, 2024
    What does Ross Edgley emphasize about mental and physical fitness?
    How did Ross's experiences during long swims affect his perception?
    What challenges did Ross face while swimming long distances?
    Why are athletes aged 38 to 48 more successful in endurance events?
    How can failures be viewed as opportunities for growth according to Ross?

    Podcast Summary

    • Challenges and self-improvementEmbrace challenges, test ideas, and learn from failures for continuous self-improvement. Physical fitness contributes to mental and emotional well-being.

      Ross Edgley, a world-renowned swimmer and record-breaker, shares his journey of constant self-improvement and exploration through various challenges. From testing his primitive abilities in a boxing ring to swimming around Great Britain, Ross's story highlights the importance of having ideas, testing them, and embracing failures as opportunities for growth. He also discusses the impact of physical fitness on his mental and emotional well-being, emphasizing the importance of balance between mind and body. Ultimately, Ross's story inspires us to step out of our comfort zones, embrace challenges, and continually strive for self-improvement.

    • Energy SystemsIn high-intensity situations, mental preparedness and effectively using each energy system (ATP, anaerobic, aerobic) can make the difference between success and failure, while physical strength is important for endurance events to prevent injuries.

      Understanding energy systems and having mental preparedness are crucial in both sports performance and real-life situations. The human body has three energy systems: ATP (adenosine triphosphate), anaerobic, and aerobic. ATP provides energy for short bursts, anaerobic for moderate-intensity activities, and aerobic for long-duration activities. In a real fight or high-intensity competition, you have about seven seconds before your first energy system, ATP, depletes. Therefore, being mentally prepared and knowing how to use each energy system effectively can be the difference between success and failure. Additionally, having a robust, physically strong body can be an advantage in endurance events, as it can help prevent injuries, which are a significant threat in such activities.

    • Genetics and Mental Factors in EnduranceGenetics and mental factors both play crucial roles in an individual's ability to endure and recover from physical challenges. Unique physical traits, such as high bone marrow activity, can result from genetics, while mental resilience can be influenced by cultural practices like ritualistic circumcision.

      The human body's ability to endure and recover from physical challenges can be influenced by both genetic and mental factors. Ross Edgley's unique bone marrow, which glows during scans, indicates high bone marrow activity, potentially due to a high need for stem cell repair and regeneration. This trait, coupled with his mental resilience, has contributed to his remarkable endurance feats. Furthermore, there is evidence that certain cultures practice forms of ritualistic circumcision to selectively breed mentally and physically strong individuals. This process, which involves enduring pain in front of an entire village, has led to the production of exceptional long-distance runners in some communities. These findings highlight the complex interplay between genetics, mental fortitude, and environmental factors in shaping human capabilities.

    • Shark sensesSharks use advanced senses like electroreception and smell to navigate their environment, and humans can minimize conflicts by respecting their habitat and understanding their behavior

      Sharks have advanced senses, particularly the Ampullae of Lorenzini, which allow them to detect electrical impulses and sense their environment in unique ways. Hammerhead sharks use this ability to scan the seabed and understand their surroundings, while tiger sharks rely on their sense of smell to locate prey. Interactions between humans and sharks often result from misunderstandings or mistaken identity, and shark attacks are usually not deliberate attempts to hunt humans. Instead, humans can manage shark encounters by understanding their behavior and avoiding provocative actions. Sharks are highly intelligent and sensitive to human emotions and intentions. Additionally, the absence of fish and a calm, quiet environment can indicate the presence of sharks. By respecting their habitat and understanding their behavior, we can minimize human-shark conflicts and appreciate these magnificent creatures.

    • Endurance swimming, human survivalEndurance swimmer Ross Edgley's 56-hour swim in the Yukon River challenged the Central Governor Theory by ignoring self-preservation instincts and consumed boiling hot porridge to stave off hypothermia, setting a new record of 510 kilometers with the support of his team.

      Endurance swimmer Ross Edgley pushed the limits of human survival during his attempt to swim non-stop for 56 hours in the Yukon River. Faced with hypothermia and other challenges, he ignored self-preservation instincts and consumed boiling hot porridge to stave off hypothermia. His experience challenges the Central Governor Theory, which suggests the brain signals the body to stop when it's depleted. Despite this, his team had to intervene to prevent further harm. The swim covered 510 kilometers, setting a new record. Despite the difficulties, Edgley's determination and the support of his team led him to complete the swim. This shows the power of mental fortitude and the importance of having a strong support system during extreme challenges.

    • Endurance hallucinationsEndurance challenges can cause hallucinations and test mental and physical strength, emphasizing the importance of a strong support system and mental preparation

      Endurance challenges, such as long-distance swimming, can lead to hallucinations and extreme mental and physical challenges. During Ross's attempts to swim the length of Loch Ness and Tres Amino, he experienced hallucinations, including seeing the silhouette of the Titanic in the tree line and the seven dwarves building a log cabin. The extreme temperatures and conditions added to the mental and physical strain, making the swims a test of determination and resilience. Despite the challenges, Ross's experiences showed the importance of having a strong support system and being mentally prepared for the unexpected. The cost of completing such challenges can vary, with some teams covering only the basics, while others require significant financial resources. Ultimately, the experiences are unique and often transformative, pushing individuals to their limits and beyond.

    • Motivation, purposeA deep, meaningful motivation, such as a personal goal or sense of purpose, can help individuals overcome obstacles and persevere, even in the face of adversity.

      Having a deep, meaningful motivation is essential for completing challenging endeavors. Whether it's the memory of a loved one, a personal goal, or a sense of purpose, this inner drive can help push individuals to overcome obstacles and persevere. As Ross Edgley shared in his story, the memory of his father, who was always by his side during his athletic adventures, became his guiding force even after his father's passing. The idea that purpose is more important than money or fame was echoed by philosophers like Viktor Frankl and Jordan Peterson. Having a clear sense of purpose can help individuals find meaning and motivation in even the most difficult circumstances.

    • Motivation stylesIntrinsic motivation leads to enjoying challenges, while extrinsic motivation views them as obstacles. Identify your motivation style and leverage it for success, also having a strong support system is crucial during challenges.

      Understanding your motivation, whether intrinsic or extrinsic, can significantly impact your approach to challenges. The story of the endurance runner illustrates this well. While some people may see challenges as burdens, those who are intrinsically motivated view them as opportunities for enjoyment. Even in the most difficult conditions, they remain excited and ready to face the challenge. On the other hand, those who are extrinsically motivated may view challenges as obstacles that need to be endured. The key is to identify which motivation style works best for you and leverage it to your advantage. Additionally, the story highlights the importance of having a strong support system during challenging times. Even when faced with grueling conditions and potential dangers, the runner's team remained dedicated to helping him complete his goal.

    • Mental resilience in ultra-endurance eventsMental fortitude and adaptation to unexpected challenges are crucial for athletes in ultra-endurance events, with age and experience playing a role in better performance. Unexpected challenges, such as tongue erosion, require unique coping mechanisms and food cravings.

      Ultra-endurance events, such as long-distance swimming, present challenges far beyond the physical realm of conventional sports science. These events require mental resilience and experience, with athletes aged between 38 to 48 often performing better due to their extensive background and ability to endure hardships. One surprising experience during a stage swim was the erosion of the swimmer's tongue due to the saltwater absorbing its moisture, leading to an altered sense of taste. The athlete's body adapts to these extreme conditions, making them crave different foods and develop unique coping mechanisms. The importance of mental fortitude and adaptation to unexpected challenges cannot be overstated in ultra-endurance events.

    • Carb assimilation during endurance challengesHumans can only absorb around 120 grams of carbs per hour and must prioritize hydration and consume calorie-dense, easily digestible foods to maintain energy during endurance challenges.

      The human body can only assimilate around 120 grams of carbs per hour, and consuming more than that can lead to digestive issues and energy surpluses. During endurance challenges, the ability to eat and maintain energy intake is crucial, as demonstrated by Ross Edgley's ability to consume large quantities of food during his swims. Sharks, known for their massive appetites, can consume up to 25,000 calories in a single bite, but humans cannot match this consumption rate. Instead, humans must prioritize hydration and consume a variety of calorie-dense, easily digestible foods to maintain energy levels during prolonged challenges. Additionally, the body's primal response to food scarcity can lead to cravings for hyper-palatable, high-calorie foods. Understanding these nutritional and physiological responses can help athletes and adventurers prepare for and succeed in endurance challenges.

    • Food and athletic performanceUnderstanding the context and benefits of different foods for athletic performance and considering genetic factors is crucial for optimal nutrition.

      Our relationship with food, particularly sugar, can be complex. While some foods, like energy gels, can be beneficial for athletes due to their easy digestion and high carb content, other foods, like donuts, can be detrimental if consumed in excess or at the wrong time. However, the context matters – a cheat meal could be beneficial before a long run or marathon, but not before a sedentary day. Additionally, our bodies process different foods differently based on genetics, so it's essential to understand how nutrition interacts with our unique genetic makeup. Ultimately, it's about finding balance and understanding the context in which we consume different foods.

    • Fat and Carb Adaptation for Endurance AthletesEndurance athletes should train their bodies to use both fat and carbs efficiently for optimal performance. Fasted runs can increase fat adaptation, but carbs are necessary for high-intensity efforts. Training the digestive system to handle carbs efficiently is also crucial, especially during competition in unfamiliar environments.

      Endurance athletes can benefit from a combination of fat and carb adaptation for optimal performance. The body has a vast supply of stored fat, and fasted runs can encourage its use, making an athlete more fat-adapted. However, carbs are essential for high-intensity efforts and should not be entirely avoided. Training the digestive system to handle carbs efficiently is also crucial. When competing in unfamiliar environments, bringing familiar foods can help maintain performance and avoid potential digestive issues. The key is finding the right balance and understanding the body's unique needs.

    • Body AdaptabilityAdaptability is crucial for optimal performance as athletes. Biohacking methods like caffeine intake or pushing through discomfort can help, and experience performing in less than ideal conditions builds mental resilience.

      Being adaptable to various conditions and not being too strict on yourself are crucial for optimal performance as athletes. The human body is a complex biochemical organism, and our neurochemistry can be manipulated. Sometimes, we need to biohack our bodies to perform at our best, even when we don't feel great. This can be achieved through methods like caffeine intake or pushing through discomfort. Additionally, having experience performing in less than ideal conditions can help build mental resilience for future challenges. The importance of adaptability was highlighted through the example of elite athletes who can handle foreign substances in their diet due to a robust gut biome and the resilience of raw marines who can perform at their best despite adverse circumstances.

    • Mechanotransduction and Strength TrainingIncorporating strength training into your routine before high-impact activities or endurance training can reduce injury risk and improve robustness through the process of mechanotransduction. Periodizing your training and maintaining discipline can further enhance these benefits.

      Incorporating strength training into your fitness routine, especially before engaging in high-impact activities or endurance training, can significantly improve your body's robustness and reduce the risk of overuse injuries. This is due to the process of mechanotransduction, where ligaments and tendons respond to stress and stimuli, making them stronger and more resilient. Periodizing your training, focusing on strength training at the beginning of the year, can ensure your body is prepared for the demands of your chosen activity. Additionally, developing discipline and getting up and getting your workout done, even when you don't feel motivated, can lead to positive changes in both your physical and mental health.

    • Embracing ChallengesContinually seeking out challenges and enduring discomfort are crucial for personal growth and self-improvement. Reflecting on past experiences and using them as tools for future challenges is essential.

      Continually pushing your limits and sharpening your skills is essential for personal growth. The speaker's experience in the Yukon taught him the importance of staying savage and being willing to endure discomfort. He emphasized the need to reflect on past experiences and use them as tools for future challenges. The speaker also expressed his passion for taking on new challenges for worthy causes and finding unique adventures that resonate with him personally. He encouraged everyone to seek out their own challenges, no matter how big or small, and to embrace the adversity that comes with growth. The speaker's admiration for individuals like David Goggins and Captain Webb, who have pushed the boundaries of what is possible, further emphasizes the importance of embracing challenges and continually striving for self-improvement.

    • Extreme ChallengesPhysical and mental fortitude, adaptability, and tough decision-making are crucial for surviving extreme challenges. Unexpected circumstances and encounters with nature can pose the greatest risks.

      Enduring extreme challenges requires a combination of physical and mental fortitude, as well as the ability to adapt to unexpected circumstances. This was evident in the stories of Shackleton, Amundsen, and modern-day adventurers like Chip. Shackleton's survival in the Antarctic required him to make tough decisions, such as using his dogs as food, while Amundsen's Norwegian efficiency played a crucial role in his success. Modern adventurers, like Chip, face their own unique challenges and must find their own "Akugaki," or personal pilgrimage, to push through. The closest brushes with death often come in unexpected ways, such as encounters with hidden predators or unexpected obstacles. For example, Chip's encounter with a female minke whale during his swim around Great Britain was both awe-inspiring and a reminder of the vulnerability of humans in the natural world. Another harrowing experience was his encounter with a jellyfish in the Corio-Vecan whirlpool, which left him writhing in pain and unable to see. Despite these challenges, Chip and other adventurers continue to push themselves to their limits, driven by a desire for personal growth and a deep connection with nature.

    • Matt's lake experienceMatt shared a unique and powerful lake experience, feeling pulled diagonally by the Hag goddess, scary yet amazing. Check out his YouTube channel for more stories and content.

      The unique and powerful experience Matt had while swimming in a lake, feeling as if he was being pulled diagonally by the Hag goddess. He described it as both scary and amazing. Matt also shared that he has a YouTube channel where he posts videos, including one about his trip to Italy which will be released this Sunday. To catch that video, viewers should check out Matt's YouTube channel. Overall, Matt's stories and experiences were a pleasure to hear and added depth to the conversation. Make sure to check out his YouTube channel for more exciting content.

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    The Fellas
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    The Fellas
    enSeptember 03, 2024

    195. "I Swam Without Stopping For 500KM In Deadly Waters..." - Extreme Athlete, Ross Edgley

    195. "I Swam Without Stopping For 500KM In Deadly Waters..." - Extreme Athlete, Ross Edgley

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    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    The Fellas
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    The Fellas
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    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    The Fellas
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    The Fellas
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    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    The Fellas
    enJuly 23, 2024

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    AND NOW... Him and his team are heading to one of the last truly wild places on earth. Suriname, The Amazon.

    An incredible guest and our first to ever appear on Joe Rogan!

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    The Fellas
    enJuly 16, 2024

    188. Italian Bach & ArthurTV Talk KSI’s BAD Sense Of Humour & CRAZY Fan Girl Experiences!

    188. Italian Bach & ArthurTV Talk KSI’s BAD Sense Of Humour & CRAZY Fan Girl Experiences!

    These guys are a tough tough listen... Arthur & Bach return, this time together! Arthur reveals the secret brainrot group chat that he set up & what it's like dealing with their fan girls.

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Fellas
    enJuly 09, 2024