
    189. The King's Speech, performative cruelty, and Argentina

    enNovember 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Argentina's democratic elections generate interestHistoric democratic elections in multiple countries, including Argentina, with past apologies influencing societal attitudes

      Next year will be a historic year for democratic elections, with over 2 billion people set to vote in various countries including the US, Europe, and Argentina. This year, Argentina is holding its democratic elections, which have been generating significant interest. The King of England's recent trip to Kenya and his apologies for British colonial atrocities during the Mau Mau conflict received less attention than expected in the media, indicating a shift in societal attitudes towards acknowledging past mistakes. The King's apologies were done privately and with sensitivity, contributing to public acceptance. Additionally, Rory and Alice discussed the upcoming King's Speech and speculated whether the King would wear the same white suit as last year.

    • The King's speech announces government's program and legislationThe King's speech, delivered by the monarch, announces the government's program and legislation, orienting the media and marking a significant moment for a new government, despite potential pushback on political matters.

      The King's speech, delivered by King Charles III in the near future, will announce the government's program and legislation going forward. The monarch does not write the speech, but the government does. This traditionally important event, along with the budget and conference speeches, orients the media and is a significant moment for a new government. However, there may be pushback from the monarchy on political matters. The speech is delivered in the House of Lords, and parliamentarians make speeches in response. While it may not be a barnstorming speech, Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister, will likely try to craft a dynamic narrative. The first Queen's speech that the speaker remembers vividly was in 1997, where the Queen announced the national health service, which was a significant moment for the new Labour government.

    • Government's focus on crime and justiceLonger sentences, mandatory prison terms, concerns over prison overcrowding, political positioning on issues, and tensions with big tech companies.

      The King's speech revealed the government's focus on crime and justice, with plans for longer sentences and mandatory prison terms for certain offenses. However, there are concerns that these measures could lead to overcrowding in prisons, creating a dilemma for opposition parties like Labour who don't want to appear soft on crime. Additionally, the government's approach to issues like tobacco restrictions, oil and gas drilling, and leaseholds seems aimed at political positioning rather than effective problem-solving. The speech also highlighted tensions between the government and big tech companies over security features on phones. Overall, the King's speech underscored the government's election-year focus and raised questions about its ability to deliver meaningful reforms.

    • UK Government's Policies and Cultural DebatesThe UK government, under Suella Braverman, is pushing regulations for football industry, addressing drip pricing in airports, and sparking controversy with comments on homelessness, all while focusing on major policy changes and smaller consumer initiatives.

      The UK government, under the leadership of Home Secretary Suella Braverman, is pushing forward with various policies aimed at regulating industries and addressing consumer issues, while also stoking cultural debates. One proposed regulation is the creation of a football regulator to oversee the industry and enforce the "fit and proper person test." Another issue is the implementation of drip pricing in airports, which has been identified as a consumer irritant. Meanwhile, Braverman's comments on homelessness and the use of tents have sparked controversy and criticism. In the political landscape, the government seems to be focusing on both major policy changes and smaller consumer-focused initiatives, while also engaging in cultural debates.

    • UK Home Secretary's Private vs Public Persona DebatedProfessor Rana Mitter discusses Suella Braverman's contrasting public image and private character, expresses concern about her potential extremist views, and praises Labour and Andy Burnham's efforts to address rough sleeping. The conversation also highlights Canada's cash-giving approach as a transformative solution.

      Suella Braverman, the UK Home Secretary, is being criticized for her harsh stance towards refugees and asylum seekers, particularly her suggestion to consider arresting those who display Palestinian flags. Rana Mitter, a professor at Oxford University, argues that Braverman's public persona is a stark contrast to her private character, which is described as mild-mannered, European-educated, and Buddhist. Mitter also expresses concern about Braverman's potential extremist views and believes that her non-white background makes it harder for people to call her out. Another topic discussed was the effective solutions to address rough sleeping. Labour and Andy Burnham were praised for their efforts, and the example of Canada's experiment of giving unconditional cash to rough sleepers was highlighted as a radical and transformative approach. The conversation also touched upon the lack of implementation of the promised mental health act in the 2019 manifesto. Overall, the discussion emphasized the need for a preventive approach to social issues and encouraged listeners to take action, such as giving cash directly to rough sleepers.

    • Canada's radical approach to homelessnessCanada's focus on rehabilitation, mental health support, and cash transfers for homeless individuals yields remarkable results at a lower cost than UK's mentoring and wraparound support.

      Addressing the homeless crisis requires a radical approach, such as the one implemented in Canada, which focuses on rehabilitation, mental health support, and providing direct cash to individuals. This approach, which costs a fraction of the expensive mentoring and wraparound support in the UK, has yielded remarkable results. The emphasis on cash transfers allows individuals to access the specific support they need, and mental health issues, which are prevalent among homeless people, can be effectively addressed. The success of this approach may be controversial for some charities, but the evidence from Canada is compelling. Additionally, the Summit on AI was a significant event, with notable AI leaders in attendance, including Elon Musk, who had a memorable interview with Rishi Sunak. Despite some criticisms of the interview format, it was generally seen as a good thing for the prime minister to engage with such influential figures.

    • AI Summit: Musk's Remarks Didn't Dampen Focus on AI's ImpactPolitical leaders emphasized AI's potential impact and the need for action, despite Elon Musk's negative comments. Progress on climate change and renewable energy was also highlighted.

      The AI Summit, despite some unexpected comments from Elon Musk, did not harm the event as a whole. Musk's unpredictability and bold statements about job destruction were met with negative reactions, but the summit as a whole demonstrated political leaders' increasing focus on AI and its potential impact. Additionally, progress on climate change and environmental policies is happening faster than anticipated, with countries like Norway and the US making significant strides towards electrification and renewable energy. Joe Biden's executive order on AI was also highlighted as a significant development. Mark Carney's optimism about climate change and the progress being made was contrasted with the belief that humans tend to wait until crises occur before taking action. Rishi Sunak's announcement of the UK's focus on AI was seen as a positive step in this regard. Overall, the summit and related developments underscored the importance of political leadership and action in addressing technological and environmental challenges.

    • Networking can lead to unexpected opportunitiesAnthony Scaramucci's donation to Obama led to White House access, highlighting the importance of building relationships and networking.

      Building relationships and networking can lead to unexpected opportunities and benefits. Anthony Scaramucci shared a personal story about doubling his donation to then-Senator Barack Obama in 2007, which led to attending more White House events during the Obama administration than during the Trump administration. The podcast, The Rest is Politics US, aims to provide insights into the inner workings of the Biden and Trump administrations and their impact on the US and global economy. Regarding the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, it seems that a ceasefire may not be imminent, and politicians' influence on the situation is crucial. The direction of that influence remains to be seen, as some question the extent to which Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu will listen to international leaders. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of relationships and the potential impact of political decisions on global affairs.

    • Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Clashing Narratives and Disproportionate ForceThe Israeli-Palestinian conflict escalates with conflicting narratives and disproportionate force from Israel, resulting in over 10,000 deaths, including 40% children. Israeli communications strategy aims to discredit Palestinian voices and deflect blame to Hamas, despite criticism and growing public sympathy.

      The Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues to escalate, with each side presenting conflicting numbers and narratives. The Israeli military's aggressive communication style, which denies the validity of Palestinian claims and refuses to acknowledge any nuance or complexity, has been a point of contention. The Israeli government's calculus includes elements of revenge and deterrence, leading them to respond with disproportionate force. The death toll in Gaza is reportedly over 10,000, with 40% being children. Hamas is accused of using civilians as human shields, but the Israeli response has been met with skepticism and criticism for its lack of empathy and recognition of the human cost of the conflict. The Israeli communications strategy aims to discredit any Palestinian voice and deflect blame back to Hamas, despite international pressure and growing public sympathy for the Palestinian cause.

    • Complex political dynamics in Israel-Palestine conflictIsraeli government's aggressive communication style during bombardments causes concern, Arab and Muslim voter support for Biden drops, young people undereducated, deeper understanding and open dialogue needed for peaceful resolution

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine involves complex political dynamics and differing perspectives, with Israeli political parties holding varying views on the two-state solution and the use of military force. The Israeli government, under Netanyahu, has adopted an aggressive communication style during recent bombardments, refusing to provide clear explanations for military logic and causing concern among international observers. Additionally, support for U.S. President Biden has dropped among Arab and Muslim voters, and young people in general are undereducated about Middle Eastern history. These factors contribute to a volatile situation, with Trump gaining ground in key swing states despite ongoing legal issues. Overall, the situation requires deeper understanding and open dialogue to address the underlying issues and find a peaceful resolution.

    • Different Perceptions of Cost of Living Crisis Handling Between Labour and Tory PartiesWhile both Labour and Tory leaders share similar public stances on the cost of living crisis, their parties have vastly different opinions on their handling. Labour voters disapprove of Keir Starmer's approach, while Tory voters approve of Rishi Sunak's. Economic instability significantly influences voter decisions.

      Despite similar public positions from Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak, there's a significant difference in how their parties view their handling of the cost of living crisis. This was evident in a recent poll where only 27% of Labour voters approved of Starmer's handling, compared to 72% of Tory voters approving of Sunak's. The composition of the parties plays a role in this divide. In the case of Burnley Council, Labour candidates who have been advocating for cost of living issues are now facing a difficult political argument. Starmer faced criticism for his response to the Israeli water and electricity situation, which took him several days to clarify. Meanwhile, in Argentina, the presidential election produced two surprising final candidates. Sergio Massa, the economy minister who presided over a 140% inflation rate, outperformed his rival Javier Millet in the first round of voting. Millet, who is compared to Trump and Bolsonaro, has taken a radical right stance and picked fights with the pope during the campaign. The Argentine election system requires a candidate to receive 45% of the votes in the first round, or it goes to a runoff. Both candidates will face off in the runoff on November 19th. This election highlights the importance of every word in political discourse and the impact of economic instability on voter decisions.

    • Argentine Primaries: Massa, Millet, and Bullrich's PerformancesMassa led with 36%, Millet followed with 30%, Bullrich got 24% in Argentine primaries. Millet is known for cloning his dog and referencing Milton Friedman, proposing dollar adoption. Peronism's influence and Argentina's economic history add complexity to the political scene.

      In the Argentine primaries, Massa secured over 36% of the votes, Millet got around 30%, and Bullrich, a conservative, received only 24%. Millet's famous for having cloned his large dog, Conan the Barbarian, and often references Milton Friedman in his speeches. Millet's economic policies include replacing the Argentine currency with the dollar. While this might seem appealing given Argentina's currency instability, it could limit the country's flexibility in adjusting exchange rates. Argentina's history includes the influential political philosophy of Peronism, led by Juan Peron in the late 1940s and 1950s, who was known for his charisma and populist approach. Argentina was once an economic success story but later faced significant challenges. Understanding these political and historical contexts can provide insight into the current Argentine political landscape.

    • Argentina's European Immigration and Economic BoomArgentina's European immigration wave led to a rapid economic boom, making it similar to Canada and Australia. Peronist party's emphasis on family, religion, and national pride has dominated politics since 1946. However, Argentina has faced significant corruption scandals and debt crises, shifting from military rule to neoliberalism and left-wing populism.

      Argentina, unlike many Latin American countries, experienced a significant European immigration wave, predominantly Italian, which led to a rapid economic boom in the late 19th century. This made Argentina feel more like Canada or Australia in terms of its relationship between immigrants and the local population. Argentina became one of the world's largest economies, and its Peronist political party, which emphasizes family, religion, and national pride, has won the majority of elections since 1946. However, the country has also faced significant corruption scandals, with allegations of billions of dollars being embezzled. Argentina's recent political history can be understood as a shift from military rule and debt crises in the late 20th century to a neoliberal period in the 1990s and a left-wing populist era fueled by commodity booms in the early 2000s, which was marked by significant corruption. The current election in Argentina is a significant event as the Peronist candidate, Alberto Fernandez, is running against the incumbent, Mauricio Macri, and the outcome could have significant implications for the country's future.

    • Argentine Election: Politics, Corruption, and Public PerceptionDespite corruption allegations against frontrunner Sergio Massa and a critical judiciary, he maintains popular support due to his good looks and political skills. Argentina faces high inflation and a challenging economic situation for the next president.

      The political landscape in Argentina is marked by allegations of corruption against various politicians, including the current frontrunner in the presidential race, Sergio Massa. Massa served as finance minister under the controversial Kirchner administration, during which over $160 million in bribes were recorded. Christina Kirchner, the former president, and her associates, including ministers, have had their assets frozen due to corruption investigations. However, the Argentine leftist populist politicians often dismiss these charges as politically motivated. The judiciary in Argentina is also criticized for its role in the timing of corruption cases. Despite these challenges, Massa has managed to garner significant support, with his good looks and political acumen being cited as key factors. Argentina is currently grappling with high inflation, and the next president will inherit a difficult economic situation. Overall, the Argentine election is a fascinating case of politics, corruption, and public perception.

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    Jamie Raskin, U.S. Representative from Maryland, joins Michael Isikoff and Daniel Klaidman on "Skullduggery." On New Year's Eve, Raskin learned that his son had taken his own life. While grieving, Raskin, a constitutional law professor and member of the House Judiciary Committee, was determined to do his duty to uphold American democracy. He helped draft two resolutions that passed the House this past week. One to invoke the 25th Amendment. And the other, to impeach President Trump for violating his oath of office.

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