
    Podcast Summary

    • The Transformative Experience of Motherhood: Breastfeeding, Technology, and Social MediaMotherhood brings physical and emotional changes, breastfeeding presents challenges and technological advancements, social media offers support and potential dangers, and informed consent is crucial for technology use.

      Becoming a parent brings about a profound transformation, both physically and emotionally, that cannot be fully understood until experienced firsthand. The speaker, who recently became a mother, discusses the challenges and surprises of breastfeeding, the advancements in technology for breastfeeding and pumping, and the anxiety and relatability found in social media platforms like Instagram. She also raises concerns about the potential dangers and negative impacts of social media apps like TikTok, particularly on children and their development. Overall, the conversation highlights the unique and often overwhelming experience of parenthood and the importance of informed consent and awareness when it comes to technology use.

    • Creating and Monetizing Intimate Content in the Digital AgeContent creators face complexities when blurring lines between entertainment, intimacy, and monetization on platforms like OnlyFans. Authenticity and being true to oneself are crucial, despite financial incentives.

      The lines between entertainment, intimacy, and monetization have blurred in the digital age, particularly in platforms like OnlyFans. The speaker, who once posted content online for fun before such platforms existed, reflects on the complexities of creating and monetizing intimate content. She acknowledges the financial allure for content creators, especially those with large social media followings, but raises concerns about the potential impact on personal relationships and the explanation needed for children. She also shares her own experience of shifting away from creating and selling such content due to the entitlement of consumers and her own discomfort with the transactional nature of it. Ultimately, she emphasizes the importance of authenticity and being true to oneself, even in the face of financial incentives.

    • Impact of internet on sharing and consuming sexual contentExploring personal experiences and journalism can lead to new perspectives on sexuality and nudity, emphasizing the importance of open-mindedness and critical thinking.

      The internet and technology have significantly impacted the way people share and consume sexual content, leading to complex and evolving attitudes towards nudity and sexuality. The speaker shared her personal journey of posting nudes online, starting from sending pictures via email in her twenties, to creating a website, and eventually becoming a journalist covering related topics. She also discussed her experiences at a "free the nipple" event and how it changed her perspective. The speaker emphasized the importance of journalism in exploring new ideas and changing one's mind based on evidence and experiences. She also touched upon the biological utility of sexually attractive bodies and the role of evolution in shaping our attraction to certain features. Overall, the discussion highlighted the intricacies of human sexuality and the importance of open-mindedness and critical thinking in understanding it.

    • Home Births Carry Risks, Remembering the PastHome births have risks and idealizing the past can overlook these dangers. Focus on ensuring a safe and healthy birth experience for mother and baby.

      While some people may prefer the idea of a natural, home birth, the statistics show that a significant number of home births end up requiring hospitalization. Childbirth, although safer than it once was, still carries risks and it's important for women to be informed and prepared. The speaker shared her experience of being affected by a graveyard filled with babies and mothers who died in childbirth, reminding us of the progress made in making childbirth safer. The desire for a "natural" experience can sometimes lead to an idealized view of the past, but it's crucial to consider the potential risks and complications that come with it. Ultimately, every woman's birth experience is unique, and what matters most is the safety and well-being of both the mother and the baby.

    • Personal experience of VBAC and recovery challengesCore rehab is crucial for women after childbirth, especially after a C-section. Consider age when planning for a pregnancy as fertility declines for both genders.

      Childbirth, especially after a Cesarean section, can be a challenging experience with significant physical recovery required. The speaker shares her personal experience of undergoing a vaginal birth after a Cesarean (VBAC) and the difficulties she faced, including weakness in the lower abs and back issues. She emphasizes the importance of core rehab and encourages women to consider their age when planning for a pregnancy, as both men's and women's fertility declines with age. The speaker also highlights the inspiring example of Mick Jagger, who continues to tour and perform despite his advanced age, demonstrating that one can adapt and find a new normal even after experiencing extraordinary challenges.

    • Mick Jagger's energy and visual enhancements in live showsMick Jagger's passion and commitment to his art is evident through his captivating performances and integration of visually stunning screens and thought-provoking messages.

      The energy and vitality of Mick Jagger, even in his older years, continues to captivate audiences through his live performances. The integration of visually stunning screens and thought-provoking messages in the shows of artists like Mick Jagger and Roger Waters enhances the concert experience without feeling preachy. The dedication of these artists to perfecting their craft and continually upgrading their performances is a testament to their passion and commitment to their art. Additionally, the fusion of art and activism in contemporary performances adds depth and relevance to the music, making for a truly transcendent experience.

    • Focusing on meaningful activism instead of extreme actionsInstead of seeking attention through extreme actions, focus on meaningful activism like organizing beach clean-ups or addressing systemic issues. Ensure attention is given to root causes and potential solutions, while considering the ethical implications of the technology used to spread awareness.

      The current social media trend of seeking attention through extreme actions, such as gluing oneself to museum walls or throwing soup at art, can be seen as a symptom of the TikTok generation. These actions may gain attention, but they often lack substance and productivity. Instead, the speaker suggests focusing on meaningful activism, such as organizing international beach clean-ups or addressing systemic issues like slavery in the production of technology. The conversation around these issues is already happening, but it's important to ensure that attention is not just being given to the most sensational actions, but also to the root causes of the problems and potential solutions. Additionally, the speaker highlights the irony of the fact that much of the technology used to spread awareness and organize these actions is produced through unethical means, such as cobalt mining, which contributes to a significant amount of technological waste. Therefore, it's crucial to consider the full scope of these issues and work towards sustainable solutions.

    • Evaluating complex issues with trade-offsExploring solutions to environmental, ethical dilemmas requires considering trade-offs and complexities, such as plastic recycling vs. single-use plastic or electric cars vs. battery sourcing. Approach topics with an open mind and nuanced understanding.

      While there are solutions to environmental and ethical issues, there are often trade-offs to consider. For instance, the recycling of plastic from the Pacific garbage patch is a creative solution, but most single-use plastic isn't being recycled. Additionally, driving an electric car reduces emissions, but where do the batteries come from? It's essential to evaluate the complexities and trade-offs of various issues, such as abortion, rather than viewing them as binary good or bad decisions. Roe v. Wade changed the conversation around this issue, and while some may believe in a woman's right to choose, there are instances where late-term abortions raise ethical concerns. Ultimately, it's crucial to approach these topics with an open mind and a willingness to consider the nuances and complexities involved.

    • The ethics of abortion: Balancing individual freedom and the life of the unbornThe abortion debate raises complex ethical and moral dilemmas, with opinions varying on when it becomes morally reprehensible. Some support it in the first trimester but oppose it as viability increases. The legalization of abortion in the US has been linked to decreases in violent crime, but individual liberty and the life of the unborn must be balanced.

      The issue of abortion is complex and divisive, with opinions varying greatly on when it becomes morally reprehensible. Many people support it in the first trimester but opposition grows as viability increases. The recent Texas six-week ban was controversial and sparked strong reactions. The legalization of abortion in the US has been linked to decreases in violent crime, but the question of whether to force someone to have a child raises ethical concerns. Balancing the liberty of the mother and the life of the unborn child is a messy issue. Some argue that decisions should be left to individual states, reflecting the will of their people, while others fear potential dangers and seek options for self-governance. Overall, the abortion debate highlights the importance of individual freedom and the complexity of ethical and moral dilemmas.

    • Industrial Seed Oils vs Natural OilsIndustrial seed oils are harmful for human consumption due to their lengthy and harmful extraction process. Opt for natural oils like olive oil and avocado oil for better health.

      Industrial seed oils, which are highly processed and initially designed as industrial machine lubricants, are not good for human consumption. These oils, such as sunflower seed oil and grapeseed oil, require a lengthy and harmful extraction process. On the other hand, natural oils like olive oil and avocado oil are beneficial for health and can be consumed directly. A study suggests that regular consumption of fish, nuts, and certain polyunsaturated fatty acids can protect against age-related macular degeneration. It's important to be aware of the negative effects of seed oils and focus on incorporating healthy natural fats into your diet.

    • Industrial seed oils: Not as beneficial as once thoughtIndustrial seed oils, like soybean, canola, and corn, undergo extensive processing and contribute to inflammation due to oxidation. Limit their consumption.

      Industrial seed oils, such as soybean, canola, and corn oils, are not as beneficial for our health as previously believed. These oils, which are a recent addition to the human diet, undergo extensive heat and chemical processing, leading to oxidation and inflammation in the body. They are also commonly found in processed and high-sugar foods, making them a significant contributor to inflammation for our eyes and overall health. Some people may have adverse reactions to plant defense chemicals found in certain vegetables, but this is less common than some believe. It's important to be mindful of the sources of these oils in our diet and consider limiting their consumption.

    • Weight loss from cutting carbs, not dehydrationCutting carbs, especially bread and pasta, led to weight loss, sustained energy, and avoided diarrhea when fruit was added back. Fat intake, like tallow and bacon, is important and debunks the myth that meat is bad for the heart.

      The speaker's weight loss experience was not due to dehydration but rather from cutting out carbs, particularly bread and pasta. He felt sustained energy throughout the day and avoided diarrhea when he added fruit back into his diet. The speaker emphasized the importance of fat intake, using tallow and bacon, and debunked the myth that meat is bad for the heart. He criticized epidemiology studies that link meat consumption to heart disease and suggested that confusion about food and the prevalence of processed foods contribute to obesity. The speaker also mentioned the historical influence of the sugar industry on the misconception that fat is bad for health.

    • Funding by food companies can lead to biased research resultsBe cautious of food industry-funded studies promoting specific products, as they may have biased results and consider alternative, naturally derived sources of protein for healthier options.

      The food industry's funding of studies to promote certain products, like the Impossible Burger, can lead to biased research results. This was highlighted in the case of a study on the safety of SLH, a key ingredient in the Impossible Burger, which was funded by the company itself. The rat feeding study commissioned by Impossible Foods suggested potential health concerns with SLH, including weight gain, inflammation, and anemia. Despite these findings, the US Food and Drug Administration initially refused to approve the ingredient due to safety concerns. It's important to be aware of potential biases in food research and to consider alternative, naturally derived sources of protein for those who choose not to consume meat. The Impossible Burger, while popular, may not be the healthiest option.

    • Exploring the Complexities of Insect Consumption as a Sustainable Food SourceWhile insects offer high nutritional value and minimal resource requirements, cultural biases and unequal resource distribution make their promotion as a sustainable food source complex. The ongoing insect apocalypse calls for addressing declining insect populations before promoting consumption.

      There's a growing interest in eating insects as a sustainable food source due to their high nutritional value and the minimal resources required for farming. However, the speaker expresses uneasiness towards the idea due to cultural biases and the potential for unequal distribution of resources. The speaker also mentions the ongoing insect apocalypse and the importance of addressing the issue of declining insect populations before promoting insect consumption. The conversation also touches upon the various ways insects can be prepared and enjoyed, such as smelt and cicadas. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities and nuances surrounding the idea of insect consumption as a sustainable food solution.

    • Supplements like Alpha Brain and Neuro Gum improve memory and cognitive functionSome supplements containing neurotransmitter precursors and cognitive enhancers have shown to enhance memory and focus. Personal experiences and scientific studies support their effectiveness.

      Certain supplements, such as Alpha Brain and Neuro gum, which contain neurotransmitter precursors and other cognitive enhancers, have been shown in studies to improve memory and cognitive function. The speaker, who struggles with word recall and has noticed improvements in memory and focus after using these supplements, emphasizes their effectiveness and real science behind them. He also mentions his personal experience with quitting weed and the significant impact it had on his memory and dreaming patterns. However, it's important to note that individual experiences may vary, and further research is necessary to fully understand the potential benefits and risks of these supplements.

    • Recurring dreams about defending against Chinese soldiers and joking about Elon Musk as nemesis,The speaker critiques Twitter for suppressing conservative ideologies and creating ideological silos, expresses concern about the problem of discourse on Twitter, and believes Elon Musk's goal of restoring reasonable exchange of ideas is important but rare for someone of his wealth.

      The speaker has been having recurring dreams about defending against Chinese soldiers in her grandmother's house, and she's been jokingly calling Elon Musk her nemesis in an ongoing bet with her husband. The speaker finds Musk's accomplishments impressive yet amusing, and she criticizes Twitter for suppressing conservative ideologies and creating ideological silos. The speaker believes that Elon Musk's goal of bringing back reasonable exchange of ideas on Twitter is important, but it's rare for someone with his wealth to prioritize this. She also expresses concern about the problem of discourse on Twitter, where opposing viewpoints are often silenced, leading to echo chambers and a lack of productive dialogue.

    • Importance of face-to-face communicationText-based communication can lead to misunderstandings and hurtful exchanges, while face-to-face communication allows for real-time feedback and productive dialogue.

      While text-based communication like social media can be effective for sharing information quickly, it often leads to misunderstandings, projection of personal insecurities, and hurtful exchanges. Face-to-face communication, on the other hand, allows for real-time feedback and understanding that is essential for productive dialogue. The anonymity and amplification of voices on social media can also lead to harmful stereotypes and misinformation being spread, particularly against marginalized communities. It's important to be mindful of the potential harm caused by text-based communication and strive for open, respectful dialogue in person or through video conferencing when possible.

    • Impact of Tech Companies' Algorithms and Automated ToolsTech companies' algorithms and automated tools can significantly impact individuals' lives, from lost content and communication to more serious issues like impacting fundraising and digital identity. It's important to advocate for transparency and accountability in their use.

      Technology companies, such as Google, have the power to significantly impact individuals' lives through their algorithms and automated tools. This was highlighted in various examples discussed, including the experience of a YouTube channel that saw a significant drop in views after addressing certain issues, and the story of a father whose Google account was shut down due to an incorrect flagging of child abuse images. These consequences can range from lost content and communication to more serious issues like impacting fundraising and digital identity. It's important to be aware of the potential implications of data collection and the automated systems that companies use, and to advocate for transparency and accountability in their use.

    • Google's power over digital lives can lead to unintended consequencesGoogle mistakenly disabled a man's account due to flagged images, leaving him without access to his digital life. Highlights need for tech companies to clear innocents and respect individuals' digital rights.

      Technology companies, like Google, have significant power over individuals' digital lives, including access to personal photos, messages, and internet searches. This power can lead to unintended consequences, such as wrongful account terminations, which can be devastating for individuals. In the case discussed, a stay-at-home dad in San Francisco had his Google account disabled due to flagged images of his son's groin area, which were mistakenly identified as harmful content. Despite being cleared of any wrongdoing by the police, Google refused to reinstate his account, leaving him without access to his digital life. This incident highlights the need for technology companies to have robust processes for clearing and reinstating innocent individuals who are mistakenly flagged, and for individuals to be cautious about the amount of personal information they store with these companies. The incident also raises questions about privacy and the balance between protecting children and respecting individuals' digital rights.

    • Tech companies scanning user data for child sexual abuse materialGoogle and Apple are using technology to scan user photos for potential child sexual abuse material, raising concerns about privacy and potential misidentification of innocent content.

      Technology companies, such as Google and Apple, are increasingly scanning user data, including photos, for potential child sexual abuse material. This raises concerns about privacy and the potential misidentification of innocent content. For instance, Google has been known to flag and remove accounts containing photos of sick children, which were intended for medical purposes. Apple, too, has implemented child safety features, but the most controversial one, which involves scanning users' photos, has been delayed. The debate around this issue highlights the need for clearer communication and transparency from tech companies regarding their data collection and usage policies. Additionally, the use of spyware like Pegasus, which can access all data on a phone, underscores the importance of secure messaging platforms that offer features like auto-deletion for enhanced privacy. Overall, these developments call for a critical examination of the balance between safety and privacy in the digital age.

    • Discussion on Privacy and Public Health in the Digital AgeThe Pegasus spyware can track various activities on a phone, raising privacy concerns. Younger generations may not prioritize privacy as older generations do. There's skepticism towards COVID-19 vaccine mandates and claims made by authorities and companies. New York City reinstated fired employees with back pay who refused the vaccine.

      In today's digital age, privacy is a concern as companies and governments have access to an unprecedented amount of personal data. This discussion specifically touched upon the Pegasus spyware and how it can track various activities on a phone, including emails, searches, and locations. The speaker also mentioned the younger generation's attitude towards privacy, as they may not value it the same way older generations do. Another topic that arose was the controversy surrounding COVID-19 vaccines and mandates, with the speaker expressing skepticism towards certain claims made by authorities and companies. The speaker also shared a recent development in New York City regarding employees who were fired for refusing the vaccine and were now being reinstated with back pay. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and controversies surrounding privacy and public health in the digital age.

    • Personal experiences vs public health guidelinesThe inconsistency between personal experiences and public health guidelines during the pandemic can lead to confusion and frustration, highlighting the need for adjusting to new data and considering all available information before making decisions.

      The inconsistency between public health guidelines and personal experiences during the pandemic has led to confusion and frustration for many people. The speaker shares an example of socializing with friends, wearing masks during the event but not afterwards, which they find contradictory and senseless. They also express concern for the children who have suffered developmentally due to school closures, feeling that the progressives who advocated for extended closures didn't consider the long-term consequences for these children. Furthermore, the speaker criticizes the one-size-fits-all approach to COVID-19 mitigation measures, pointing out that vaccines do not prevent transmission or infection, and that people who have recovered from COVID-19 have natural immunity that is more effective. They encourage adjusting to new data and being open to changing perspectives, rather than digging in heels and pointing fingers. The speaker concludes by reminding us that pharmaceutical companies have a history of misinformation and that it's important to critically evaluate information and consider all available data before making decisions.

    • Profits over Patient Wellbeing in HealthcareCorporations prioritize profits over patient wellbeing, with mental health and gender affirmation industries under scrutiny for marketing quick fixes instead of long-term solutions, and the importance of informed consent and fully developed prefrontal cortexes before making significant decisions.

      Corporations in the healthcare industry, particularly those dealing with mental health and gender affirmation, prioritize profits over patient wellbeing. The speaker criticizes the marketing of antidepressants as a solution for chemical imbalances, which has been debunked, and the rushed implementation of hormone blockers for gender dysphoric minors. The NHS's recent decision to reconsider its approach to gender affirming care is highlighted as a positive step towards prioritizing long-term health and wellbeing over quick fixes. The speaker emphasizes the importance of allowing individuals to identify their gender freely and without pressure to undergo hormonal treatments as minors, and the need for informed consent and a fully developed prefrontal cortex before making such life-altering decisions.

    • The Normalization of Transgender Identities: Complex FactorsScientific advancements, self-expression, social contagion, pharmaceutical industry, language usage, and societal acceptance contribute to the normalization of transgender identities, but potential health risks and societal opposition remain concerns.

      The rapid increase in gender affirming care and the normalization of transgender identities in society, particularly among young people, is a complex issue with various contributing factors. Some argue it's due to scientific advancements and individual self-expression, while others believe it's influenced by social contagion and the pharmaceutical industry. Institutional changes, such as language usage, also play a role. The use of hormones like testosterone during pregnancy raises concerns about potential health risks for the developing fetus. However, societal acceptance of transgender individuals, particularly men transitioning to women, is generally met with minimal pushback as they do not encroach on male spaces or dominance. Conversely, women transitioning to men and entering female spaces can face significant opposition.

    • The debate over gender identity and women's rightsCritics argue against ignoring or silencing concerns about potential risks in female spaces due to biological males, while some advocate for inclusion. Instances of backlash and violence against those speaking out continue.

      The debate surrounding gender identity and women's rights has become a contentious issue, with some arguing for the inclusion of trans women in female spaces and others advocating for the preservation of women-only spaces. The discussion highlighted concerns about the potential risks posed by biological males, particularly those with a history of predatory behavior, entering female prisons and spaces. Critics argue that this issue is being ignored or silenced, with those speaking out facing backlash and even violence. Institutionalized norms and big tech have also been criticized for punishing those who question or push back against these issues. J.K. Rowling and other prominent women have faced intense criticism and even legal action for their advocacy for women's rights. The conversation around gender identity and women's rights is complex and nuanced, and it is important for individuals to be informed and respectful of all perspectives.

    • Growing Concerns and Pushback on Societal IssuesConcerns over gender identity issues, fear of reprisals, and societal unease are leading to a shift in political allegiances, with silent majorities becoming more vocal and resonating with many.

      There is a growing concern and pushback against certain societal issues, particularly those related to gender identity and children. This includes the medical transitioning of minors, which some view as a form of "mutilation." There is also a fear of reprisals and being ostracized for expressing opposing views, leading to a silence on the matter. Additionally, issues like crime, handling of homelessness, and perceived disdain for taxpayers are contributing to a shift in political allegiances, potentially leading to a "red wave" in upcoming elections. Silent majorities are becoming more vocal, and their concerns are resonating with many, even among traditionally Democratic voter bases. The handling of these issues and the fear of speaking out against them is creating a sense of unease and frustration among many people.

    • Perception of criminal justice systems prioritizing criminals over taxpayersConspiracy theories fueled by bad policy and pandemic's impact on small businesses have led to a narrative of intentional city destruction by certain politicians and district attorneys, causing devastating damage to communities

      There's a perceived disconnect between criminal justice systems prioritizing criminals over taxpayers, leading to a narrative that certain politicians and district attorneys are intentionally destroying cities. This narrative is fueled by conspiracy theories, such as George Soros funding progressive politicians to let criminals out and institute unsafe laws. The destruction of small businesses during the pandemic, despite large corporations staying open, added to this sentiment. While some believe this is a grand orchestrated conspiracy, others view it as a byproduct of bad policy. Ultimately, the impact on small businesses and communities has been devastating, with many still trying to rebuild years later.

    • Natural disasters and violent incidents showcase the ease of destruction and long road to recoveryNatural disasters and violent incidents demonstrate the swift destruction but prolonged recovery process, while also highlighting unexpected vulnerabilities and the complexities of the current societal landscape.

      Destruction can come swiftly, but recovery and rebuilding take a long time. This was evident in the discussion about the devastation caused by natural disasters, such as the hurricane in Florida, and the recent violent incident involving Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband. The ease of destruction was also highlighted in the context of the divisive political climate and the opportunistic actions of some individuals. The conversation also touched upon the importance of security and the unexpected vulnerabilities that even powerful figures can face. Overall, the discussion underscored the complexities and uncertainties of the current societal landscape.

    • Frustration with Wealthy DemocratsWealthy Democrats criticized for perceived lack of action, constant fundraising, and exploiting the system while pretending to serve the public

      The speaker in this conversation is expressing frustration towards wealthy Democratic politicians for their perceived lack of action and constant fundraising requests, despite their significant wealth. The conversation also touches upon the issue of wealthy individuals exploiting the system and pretending to be public servants. The viral rant mentioned in the conversation further highlights this sentiment, with the speaker expressing anger towards those who have become rich by scamming the system and not delivering on their promises to help people. The overall tone is one of disillusionment and a call for change within the Democratic Party.

    • Politicians may change allegiance for personal gainPoliticians who once championed progressive causes may shift allegiance for personal gain, leading to policies that don't align with earlier promises.

      Those in power, including politicians, may publicly support causes they once identified with but privately comply with the system to advance their own success. This can lead to frustration and anger from those who feel they are being ignored or betrayed. For instance, some politicians, who were once considered progressive or working-class champions, may become part of the establishment and prioritize the interests of the investor class over the working class. This can result in policies and decisions that do not align with their earlier promises. It's important to be aware of this dynamic and advocate for transparency and accountability in politics.

    • Complex political process with special interestsThe political process in D.C. can be complex and problematic, leading to lengthy bills with unrelated matters that may not represent the people's needs. Solutions include limiting each bill to one issue, term limits, and greater transparency.

      The political process in Washington D.C. can be complex and problematic, with special interests often influencing legislation through lengthy bills containing unrelated matters. This results in a system that may not truly represent the needs of the people. The solution could involve passing laws limiting each bill to one issue, term limits for politicians, and greater transparency. The recent debate performance of a political figure raised concerns due to apparent cognitive decline, but the availability and context of the debate have been questioned. The situation highlights the importance of accountability and transparency in politics.

    • Senate Debate Criticizes Dr. Oz's Qualifications and ControversiesDr. Mehmet Oz faced scrutiny over past controversies, political positions, and his ability to effectively communicate in a Senate debate. Critics questioned his past promotion of a weight loss cure and his stance on product safety during a hearing.

      During a Senate debate, Dr. Mehmet Oz faced criticism over his qualifications, past controversies, and extreme political positions. Some argued that his 30-second response limit was insufficient for a potential Senator. There were discussions about his past promotion of a supposed miracle weight loss cure, which led to a Congress hearing and him being labeled as a fraudster. Despite this, Oz maintained that he wanted to bring civility and balance to the Senate, citing the need for bipartisan dialogue. The debate also touched on Oz's support for product safety and insurance during a hearing on false advertising in the diet weight loss industry. However, his stance was questioned during the hearing, with members of the subcommittee casting him in a different role. Overall, the debate highlighted the importance of truthfulness and transparency in public figures, especially those seeking political office.

    • Putting Pseudoscience on Trial: Dr. Oz Faces Scrutiny for Weight Loss EndorsementsDr. Oz faced questioning over endorsing weight loss supplements without solid scientific evidence, emphasizing the significance of evidence-based claims in the health industry and potential repercussions of unsubstantiated endorsements.

      During a hearing, Dr. Oz was grilled by members of a subcommittee for endorsing weight loss supplements like green coffee extract and raspberry ketone on his TV show, with some accusing him of making false claims. Oz defended himself by presenting scientific studies and context from his TV appearances. The hearing was seen as an attempt to put pseudoscience on trial, and Oz was the star witness. Despite being fined in the past for similar issues, Oz continues to promote these supplements, believing in their potential benefits even if they lack definitive scientific evidence. The discussion highlights the importance of evidence-based claims in the health and wellness industry and the potential consequences of making unsubstantiated claims.

    • Semaglutide: A Diabetes Drug with Weight Loss BenefitsSemaglutide, a diabetes drug, helps patients lose weight, with mean weight loss of 6% by week 12 and 12% by week 28. It aids in insulin release and sugar absorption, but continued use and diet changes are necessary for long-term success.

      Semaglutide, a medication used primarily for type 2 diabetes treatment and weight management, has shown significant weight loss outcomes in various studies. The drug, which includes brands like Wigovii and Ozempic, works by helping the pancreas release the right amount of insulin and aids in moving sugar from the blood into other body tissues for energy use. According to research, semaglutide has been effective in helping patients with obesity lose weight, with some studies reporting a mean weight loss of 6% by week 12 and 12% by week 28. However, it's important to note that weight loss outcomes may vary, and the drug is not a miracle solution. The study also suggests that the drug's applicability for treating patients with overweight or obesity is promising. While the drug's efficacy for weight loss is established, further research is needed to evaluate prolonged weight loss outcomes and the potential need for continued use in conjunction with a healthy diet and lifestyle changes.

    • Challenges of having a baby later in lifeLater motherhood brings unique challenges including longer recovery from C-sections, societal and workplace lack of support, and increased difficulties getting pregnant.

      Having a baby later in life comes with its challenges, both for the mother's health and career. The recovery from a C-section, for instance, can be more difficult in a woman's forties. Moreover, as women are waiting longer to have children due to focusing on their careers or not yet finding a partner, the societal and workplace support for new mothers is lacking. This can make it difficult for women to balance starting a family and maintaining their careers. Additionally, women in their late thirties and early forties face increased difficulties getting pregnant. Companies, particularly small businesses, may struggle to accommodate employees who want to take a year off to have a baby, leaving the business in a difficult position. While some larger corporations are offering more family-friendly policies, this is not yet the norm. Overall, the conversation highlighted the need for more support for women who want to have children later in life, whether that be from employers or society as a whole.

    • Discussing work-life balance and unique perksCountries offer varying parental leave lengths and funding, year-long sabbaticals are debated, and work-life balance and support systems are emphasized.

      Some workplaces offer unique and beneficial perks, such as noise-canceling meeting rooms, wellness spaces, and even on-site coffee and wine bars. However, the discussion also touched upon the idea of extended parental leave and its feasibility for small businesses and individuals. While some countries like Germany and Canada offer government-supported parental leave, the length and funding vary. The idea of a year-long sabbatical was also brought up, but the feasibility and cost implications for both employers and employees were questioned. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of work-life balance and the need for support systems, whether through company benefits or government policies, to help individuals manage their personal and professional lives.

    • Parental leave policies around the worldThe US offers unpaid leave for up to 12 weeks, while Finland provides 80% pay for 480 days. Comprehensive and accessible parental leave policies are essential for supporting new families, particularly during the first few months after a child's birth.

      Parental leave policies vary greatly in the US and around the world. In the US, most states offer unpaid leave for up to 12 weeks, while some federal employees are entitled to 12 weeks of paid leave. However, this is not the case for private businesses. Other countries, like Finland, offer more extensive paid leave, such as 80% of pay for 480 days, but it's unclear if this is mandatory for all businesses or just government employees. The importance of parental leave, particularly during the first few months after a child's birth, was emphasized. Many new parents face challenges during this time, including sleep deprivation and colic, which can be particularly difficult for single parents. The speaker shared her personal experience with her child's colic, which lasted for several weeks and involved hours of inconsolable crying. She expressed admiration for single parents and those who face these challenges without a partner. Overall, the discussion highlighted the need for more comprehensive and accessible parental leave policies to support new families.

    • Navigating the Emotional Challenges of New MotherhoodBecoming a parent brings unexpected emotional and psychological shifts, and it's important to listen to and learn from others' experiences during this transformative time.

      Becoming a parent brings unexpected challenges and significant shifts in identity, some of which can be emotionally and psychologically intense. The speaker shares her experience of feeling overwhelmed during the fourth trimester, a period of adjustment after giving birth, and the impact it had on her self-perception. She also reflects on how her perspective on various topics, such as sexuality, has evolved since becoming a parent. The speaker emphasizes the importance of listening to and learning from others' experiences, especially those who have gone through similar transformations. She concludes by expressing gratitude for the ways in which her experiences have influenced her writing and perspective on the world.

    • The sexual revolution's unintended consequencesThe sexual revolution brought freedom but left many women feeling empty and disillusioned, especially regarding the pill and smoking. Personal experiences and thoughtful conversations can lead to profound impact.

      The sexual revolution, while bringing about the unyoked sex and freedom from consequences for women, has left many feeling empty and disillusioned, especially when it comes to the combination of smoking and birth control pills, which can have serious health consequences. The speaker shares her personal experience of struggling with the pill and feeling like she was sold a lie, leading her to question the societal norms and expectations. She also emphasizes the importance of being able to have thoughtful conversations and space to process ideas, which she finds through writing and podcasting. The impact of her writing, as seen in the overwhelming response from readers, shows the profound effect it can have on people's lives and the importance of sharing personal experiences and perspectives. You can find Bridget's work on Substack under Bridget Fettissi, YouTube, podcasts, Twitter, and Instagram.

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    #2169 - Protect Our Parks 12

    #2169 - Protect Our Parks 12
    Shane Gillis, Mark Normand, and Ari Shaffir are stand-up comics, writers, and podcasters. Shane is the co-host of "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast" with Matt McCusker and one half of the sketch comedy duo "Gilly and Keeves" with John McKeever. Watch his new comedy series, "Tires," and special, "Beautiful Dogs" on Netflix. www.shanemgillis.com Mark is the co-host of the podcasts "Tuesdays with Stories" with Joe List and "We Might Be Drunk" with Sam Morril. Watch his latest stand-up special, "Soup to Nuts," on Netflix. www.marknormandcomedy.com Ari is the host of the "You Be Trippin'" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Ari Shaffir: Jew," is available now via YouTube. www.arishaffir.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer
    Tyler Fischer is a stand-up comic, actor, and filmmaker. His latest special, "The Election Special | LIVE at Comedy Mothership," is available now via YouTube. https://youtu.be/FmvJjMGX7hw?si=PyOsFVH4as8HMHBD www.tylerfischer.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh

    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh
    Noland Arbaugh is the first human recipient of Neuralink’s brain-computer interface implant: an innovative new technology that allows him to control digital devices with his thoughts. Noland Arbaugh: https://x.com/ModdedQuad Neuralink www.neuralink.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2166 - Enhanced Games

    #2166 - Enhanced Games
    Christian Angermayer and Dr. Aron D’Souza are the co-founders of the Enhanced Games, an upcoming Olympic-style event that brings together the world’s top athletes to compete without arbitrary bans on performance-enhancing substances.  www.enhanced.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2165 - Jack Carr

    #2165 - Jack Carr
    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2164 - Action Bronson

    #2164 - Action Bronson
    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross
    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Catch the live show every Sunday at 5 pm EST on @crazyjewishmom Instagram.

    Ep 42: Rediscovering Our Sexuality As Mothers

    Ep 42: Rediscovering Our Sexuality As Mothers

    Welcome to episode forty-two of the Honest Mamas Podcast! Today, Sophie speaks to Lacey Broussard about rediscovering our sexuality as mothers.

    Lacey works with people who want to experience better, more connected sex and satisfying relationships.

    She uses deep transformational tools and techniques based in modern coaching modalities, tantra, and Taoist practices to help liberate her clients’ innate multiorgasmic potential, discover their erotic genius, and experience deep intimacy, connection, and love for themselves and their partners.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    • How Lacey became interested in this line of work
    • What is the jade egg practice and how does it work?
    • Why mothers don’t feel like being sexually active after having a child
    • How society doesn’t value sexuality in women over 40
    • Ways in which mothers can find their way back to being erotic
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    Episode 18: The Importance of embracing every damn inch of who you are, how powerful your voice is and how not everyone is going to agree with what you have to say.

    Episode 18: The Importance of embracing every damn inch of who you are, how powerful your voice is and how not everyone is going to agree with what you have to say.

    Shannon Wooten and I discuss the importance of loving yourself in the now. We discuss how we aren't everyone's cup of tea. To not apologize for who we are and what we do, that we need to embrace every damn inch of ourselves. Shannon and I discuss infertility and her book - Infertility Sucks, You Don't - Available on Amazon. Shannon is such an incredible woman with a powerful message for women all over the world. Shannon Wooten is a Life Coach and writer. She is specifically a Mindset Coach for the Visionary entrepreneurs who are ready to trail blaze a path to wealth and intimacy. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wootenshannon  Instagram: @shannonwooten  Website: http://www.LifewithShannon.com/

    Taking Care of your Down There with Dagmar Khan

    Taking Care of your Down There with Dagmar Khan

    WOW. Dagmar blew me away with her wisdom and vulnerability.

    In this episode we dive deep on why pelvic health matters, preventing and treating incontinence, how to deal with scar tissue around C section and episiotomy incisions, and tools for restoring the vagina and cervix.

    You can access Dagmar Khan's Trifecta practice on how to use core pelvic floor breathing for healing stress incontinence, and becoming incredibly strong in the midline here: bit.ly/incontinencetrifecta

    It is a FREE TRAINING on how to use core pelvic floor breathing mechanics for COMPLETELY healing stress incontinence, and becoming incredibly strong in the midline. You can find the balls she recommends here: www.yogatuneup.com - the larger one is the Coregous ball and the small one is the yoga tune up ball.

    You can find more about Dagmar at www.dagmarkhan.com and on FB and instagram at Dagmar Khan.

    If you enjoyed this episode please subscribe to the Find Your Feminine Fire podcast and give a rave review. 

    You can find more about Amanda at www.amandatesta.com and to talk more about this episode and more join our amazing community on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/FindYourFeminineFire/