
    Podcast Summary

    • Rick Flair's Impact Beyond the RingRick Flair's charisma, unique voice, and influential promo style have made him a human legend in professional wrestling.

      Rick Flair's impact on professional wrestling extends far beyond the ring. His charisma and unique voice, which he developed through years of driving and listening to Jerry Lewis, have made him a human legend. His influence is so significant that fans still react with awe when they hear his name. Rick Flair's art of the promo took the interview to a new level, making it fun and entertaining for audiences. He grew up watching wrestling and was inspired by figures like Joe Nemeth and Ken Patera. The development of his signature style was a result of his passion for the sport and his ability to connect with fans. Rick Flair's impact on wrestling history is undeniable, and his influence continues to be felt today.

    • Reflections on Elvis Presley's Life and LegacyElvis Presley's young fame brought both opportunities and challenges, leaving a lasting impact on fans and his own personal life.

      Fame at a young age can be both alluring and destructive, as exemplified by the life of Elvis Presley. The speaker reflects on the idea of meeting someone as a child and developing a relationship as they grow older, which was seemingly the case for Elvis and his manager. The discussion also touches on the awe-inspiring impact Elvis had on his fans, with the speaker sharing personal experiences of attending concerts and meeting the icon. Additionally, the speaker expresses admiration for Elvis's talent and charisma, despite his personal struggles. The conversation also includes a mention of Elvis's jet being for sale and the speaker's consideration of purchasing it for a podcast. Overall, the conversation highlights the enduring legacy of Elvis Presley and the continued fascination with his life and career.

    • Ali's surreal boxing match experience in North KoreaAli faced intense intimidation and injury during a goodwill boxing match in North Korea, but went through with it, trusting in his abilities and potential fame.

      The speaker had an unusual experience when he was invited to participate in a boxing match against a Japanese fighter named Antonio Enoki in North Korea during his career. The fight was part of a goodwill initiative aimed at promoting unity between North and South Korea and easing tensions between Japan and Korea, but the speaker was intimidated by the situation and felt trapped. Enoki used an unconventional fighting style, focusing on kicking Ali's legs, which left him with significant injuries. The speaker had never worked with an okay before and communicated primarily through a translator. The experience was surreal, with a massive crowd of 200,000 people in attendance, and the speaker was deeply concerned about the volatile political situation and the hostility towards Americans and Japanese. Despite the risks, the speaker went through with the match, trusting in his abilities and the belief that he could potentially be more famous as a result. The speaker expressed regret for not being able to find footage of the fight and shared the sense of danger and uncertainty he felt during that time.

    • Dennis Rodman's Unconventional North Korea VisitRodman's visit to North Korea resulted in him being kept beyond his intended stay and endorsing their capabilities against his will, showcasing the unpredictability and risks of international diplomacy.

      Dennis Rodman's experience in North Korea was a harrowing ordeal where he was kept beyond his intended stay and had to make a public statement endorsing North Korea's capabilities, despite his reservations. This incident involved being kept against his will for an additional three days and being accompanied by a water boy to ensure his behavior. Rodman's friendship with the North Korean leader is a testament to his unconventional personality and willingness to take risks. The situation highlights the unpredictability and potential dangers of international diplomacy.

    • Rodman's authenticity impacted speaker during childhoodRodman's genuine persona and resilience inspired the speaker, contrasting with perceived fakeness of others.

      Rodman's authenticity and ability to live his wrestling persona both on and off the screen made a significant impact on young fans, including the speaker. Rodman's genuine persona, which contrasted with the perceived fakeness of other wrestlers and teachers in his life, drew him in and kept him engaged. This authenticity was further emphasized by Rodman's willingness to live his gimmick, even if it wasn't always cost-effective. The speaker's encounter with Rodman during a wrestling match in North Carolina was particularly memorable, as it was during this time that Rodman survived a plane crash, an experience that further solidified his larger-than-life persona in the speaker's mind. Despite the injury, Rodman made a quick recovery and returned to wrestling, demonstrating his resilience and determination. Overall, Rodman's authenticity and ability to live his persona made a lasting impression on the speaker and likely many other young fans.

    • Long, grueling matches in professional wrestling required wrestlers to be in top shape and mentally focusedProfessional wrestling in the past involved physically and mentally demanding matches, with wrestlers like Ric Flair pushing through for hours without planned scripts or time off, despite the risks and injuries.

      Professional wrestling in the old days involved long, grueling matches that required wrestlers to be in exceptional physical shape and mentally focused to keep the crowd engaged. The WWF champion, Ric Flair, famously had hour-long matches for over 300 times in a row. These matches were often unplanned, and wrestlers had to adapt to the crowd's reactions. The physical toll on wrestlers was immense, with no time off and dangerous stunts that led to injuries. Despite the challenges, wrestlers like Flair pushed through, demonstrating their resilience and commitment to entertaining the crowds.

    • A wrestler's dedication to wrestling and fitnessMaintaining a grueling wrestling and workout schedule led to success and charisma for this individual, but the current climate makes it challenging to do so today.

      The individual discussed in this conversation had an exceptional work ethic and dedication to both wrestling and working out. He maintained a grueling schedule of nine hours of wrestling per week and made time every day for workouts, despite the demands of touring and partying. His commitment to physical fitness allowed him to thrive in this intense environment, and his charisma drew large crowds of fans to join him after matches. The current climate of social media and fewer opportunities for in-person interactions would make it challenging for someone to maintain this lifestyle today. However, the individual's energy and vitality, despite having gone through several surgeries, are a testament to his resilience and good fortune.

    • Personal responsibility for health is crucialIgnoring symptoms and overindulging can lead to serious health complications, prompt medical attention is essential.

      Excessive indulgence and self-medication can lead to serious health complications, as illustrated by this individual's experiences with multiple surgeries and life-threatening conditions. Despite the advances in medical care and company support, personal responsibility for one's health is crucial. The speaker's story serves as a reminder of the risks associated with ignoring symptoms and overindulging, and the importance of seeking medical attention promptly. Additionally, the evolution of societal norms and the impact of social media on younger generations have led to a more refined and team-oriented approach to sports and entertainment.

    • Ric Flair's dedication and determination fueled his wrestling careerRic Flair's unwavering commitment to wrestling and physical conditioning enabled him to overcome injuries and make multiple comebacks, leaving a lasting impact on the sport despite grueling touring schedules and extensive travel.

      Ric Flair's dedication to his craft and physical conditioning played a significant role in his successful wrestling career. Despite facing numerous injuries and being told he would never wrestle again, Flair's work ethic and determination allowed him to make a comeback and become the undisputed champion of the World Wrestling Federation. The discussion also highlighted the grueling touring schedule of wrestlers in the early years, with long hours and extensive travel. Despite the challenges, Flair's passion and commitment to the sport allowed him to leave a lasting impact on the wrestling world.

    • From fragmented territories to global empireVince McMahon revolutionized wrestling by consolidating control, creating iconic rivalries, and promoting larger-than-life characters, turning it into a billion-dollar industry

      Vince McMahon revolutionized the wrestling industry by buying out various territories and creating a unified, global entertainment empire. In the early days, wrestlers traveled extensively for small pay and performed in separate territories, each with its unique following. McMahon, starting from humble beginnings, transformed this fragmented industry into a billion-dollar business by consolidating control, creating iconic rivalries, and promoting larger-than-life characters. Despite controversies and scandals, McMahon's impact on wrestling is undeniable, making him a true industry legend. The recent acquisition of the UFC by Endeavor, a rival entertainment company, raises questions about the potential impact on the industry, but McMahon's legacy as a visionary and trailblazer remains uncontested.

    • Vince McMahon's long-term vision, storytelling abilities, and presence made wrestling massively popularVince McMahon's success in wrestling came from his long-term vision, storytelling skills, and ability to control every aspect of the show, even while injured, to keep audiences engaged and the production running smoothly.

      Vince McMahon's success in turning wrestling into a massively popular form of entertainment through the WWF was due to his long-term vision, storytelling abilities, and presence during live shows. He was known for making last-minute changes and improvising, even when injured, to keep the audience engaged and the production running smoothly. McMahon's investment in time and mental energy, as well as his ability to control every aspect of the show from behind the scenes, contributed to the WWF's record-breaking success. Despite criticism, McMahon saw wrestling as a form of sports entertainment, constantly pushing boundaries and challenging common taste.

    • Harley Race: The Unforgettable Wrestler with Raw Strength and Intimidating TacticsHarley Race, a legendary wrestler, overcame challenges including a near-fatal car accident and became known for extreme tactics, inspiring awe and respect for his unmatched strength and unforgettable performances, despite lawsuits and controversies

      Harley Race was a legendary figure in the world of professional wrestling, known for his raw strength and unconventional tactics. He started his career at a young age and faced numerous challenges, including a near-fatal car accident that left him with a metal rod in his arm. Despite these obstacles, he became a formidable force in the ring, earning a reputation for his brutal matches and ability to intimidate opponents. Some of his most notable feats included pulling out opponents' eyes and even biting their noses off. These extreme actions were a testament to his intense determination and fearlessness. Despite his tough exterior, Race was also known for his love of pool and his down-to-earth personality. However, his career was marked by numerous lawsuits and controversies, leading to him being put on a "short leash" by his wife and living a more reclusive life. Overall, Harley Race's legacy in professional wrestling continues to inspire awe and respect for his unmatched strength and unforgettable performances.

    • Professional wrestling's raw and volatile pastFrom physical altercations to a more controlled industry, professional wrestling has transformed over the decades, balancing entertainment and safety.

      During the late 80s and early 90s, professional wrestling was a much more raw and volatile industry than it is today. Fights and altercations were common both in and out of the arena, with wrestlers often engaging in physical altercations with fans and each other. The culture was one of toughness and machismo, with wrestlers expected to be in top shape and ready for a fight at any moment. The risks were higher, and the consequences more severe, but the thrill of the lifestyle was also unmatched. Today, the industry is much more controlled and regulated, with a greater focus on entertainment and safety. While some may see this as a positive development, others romanticize the old ways and lament the passing of an era. Regardless of one's perspective, it's clear that the professional wrestling landscape has undergone significant changes over the past few decades.

    • From Xanax to Cannabis: Rick Flair's Journey to SuccessRick Flair shares how cannabis replaced his Xanax prescription, leading him to success in the marijuana business. He admires Wiz Khalifa's dedication to fitness and discusses the trend of infused cannabis products.

      The speaker, Rick Flair, has found success in the marijuana business after struggling with anxiety and injuries, which led him to replace his Xanax prescription with cannabis edibles. He shared his experiences with fellow celebrities, including Mike Tyson and Wiz Khalifa, who also use cannabis for various reasons. The speaker expressed admiration for Wiz Khalifa's dedication to fitness and training, despite being a rapper. The conversation also touched on the growing trend of infused cannabis products and the various flavors and forms they come in. Overall, the discussion highlights the speaker's personal journey to find relief and success through cannabis use in the business world.

    • Ric Flair's Confidence Shaken by New BossEven successful people face challenges that can shake their confidence, but it's important to keep pushing forward and seek support when needed.

      Even successful people can encounter significant setbacks and challenges that can shake their confidence and lead them down unexpected paths. In the case of Ric Flair, he experienced this when a new boss wanted him to change his name and image against his will. This experience left him feeling anxious and lost, leading him to turn to medication to cope. It took time and effort to get off the medication and regain his confidence, but he eventually did so with the support of his new team and the launch of his own line of products. The experience served as a reminder that everyone faces challenges and that it's important to keep pushing forward, even when the road ahead seems uncertain.

    • Ric Flair's Career Struggles and RegretsDespite facing multiple divorces, financial burdens, and career challenges, Ric Flair's determination and resilience have allowed him to leave a lasting impact on the wrestling industry.

      Even the most successful people, like Ric Flair, have faced self-doubt and financial struggles. Flair discussed his multiple divorces and the financial burden of alimony payments, totaling over three million dollars. He also shared his regret about not retiring when he had the chance and the challenges he faced during his career before the Attitude Era. Despite these hardships, Flair remains a trendsetter and a legend in the wrestling industry. He expressed admiration for new entertainers, such as Logan Paul, who have found success outside of traditional channels. Flair's story serves as a reminder that everyone encounters obstacles, but with determination and resilience, one can overcome them and leave a lasting impact.

    • Mike Tyson's Intimidation Factor and Physical Abilities PersistAt 55, Mike Tyson continues to impress with his formidable strength and intimidation factor, as evidenced by his exhibition match against Roy Jones Jr. Both boxers' love for the game drives them to compete despite risks.

      Despite being 55 years old, Mike Tyson's physical abilities and intimidation factor remain formidable. His training under renowned trainer Havel Cordero, use of advanced technology, and natural talent keep him in shape and capable of causing damage in the ring. Roy Jones Jr., a legendary boxer himself, faced Tyson in an exhibition match and was visibly impressed, acknowledging Tyson's power and speed. The public's fascination with Tyson's return to the ring is a testament to his enduring impact on the sport. Despite the risks and potential for injury, both Tyson and Jones continue to compete out of a love for the game and the thrill of competition.

    • Mick Foley's Unique Ability to Handle PainMick Foley, despite numerous injuries, never relied on pain pills and had a successful career due to confidence boost from Vince McMahon, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, and other wrestlers. He could handle hits better to certain body areas, especially avoiding head hits with steel chairs.

      Despite enduring numerous physical injuries throughout his wrestling career, Mick Foley never had to take pain pills, making him a medical anomaly in the industry. Another key point is that Foley's confidence was boosted by Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Vince McMahon, and other wrestlers, leading him to have a successful career and legacy in wrestling. Furthermore, Foley shared that he could handle taking hits to certain areas of his body better than others, especially avoiding hits to the head with steel chairs. Despite the risks involved, Foley's determination and resilience allowed him to continue performing and entertaining audiences.

    • Breaking the Rules for Great SuccessRic Flair's unconventional methods, raw emotion, and unpredictability helped him stand out in wrestling and gain a large following, despite conflicts and challenges.

      During his wrestling career, Ric Flair used raw emotion and unpredictability to captivate audiences, often engaging in provocative actions and cutting promos without a script. This approach, which Flair developed through experience, helped him stand out in the competitive wrestling industry and gain a large following. However, Flair's unconventional methods also led to conflicts with executives, resulting in lawsuits and a period of unemployment. Despite these challenges, Flair's determination and talent eventually led him to continue wrestling into his seventies. The risks he took and the intensity of his performances show that sometimes, breaking the rules can lead to great success.

    • The role of physical conditioning and mental toughness in wrestling successPush through grueling workouts, learn from old-time wrestlers, adapt to new styles, and never quit for success in wrestling

      The importance of physical conditioning and mental toughness cannot be overstated in achieving success, especially in wrestling. The speaker shares his experiences of pushing himself through grueling workouts, including 500 free squats a day for 10 years, and how these routines helped him avoid injuries. He also talks about the influence of old-time wrestlers who emphasized conditioning and the role of mentors who pushed him to keep going even when he wanted to quit. The speaker also discusses the significance of mental toughness in enduring painful experiences, such as taking chair shots, and adapting to new styles of wrestling. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of perseverance and dedication to training in achieving success in wrestling and other physical pursuits.

    • The Use of Ropes in Wrestling vs. Early MMA MatchesRopes in wrestling add power and leverage, but also entertain, contrasting with early MMA matches which critics found boring. Crossing over from MMA to wrestling, Gracie's BJJ skills gave him an advantage, while opponents relied on ropes to escape.

      The use of ropes in professional wrestling provides an advantage by adding extra power and leverage, but it can also be entertaining and magical for the audience. This contrasts with early MMA matches, which some critics found to be boring due to the lack of action and submission holds. Ken Shamrock was one of the first MMA fighters to crossover into professional wrestling, and his rivalry with Royce Gracie could have been different if Gracie hadn't been able to use the ropes. Gracie's mastery of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gave him an advantage in submission holds, and his opponents often resorted to grabbing the ropes to escape, playing right into his hands. When it comes to attempting to learn MMA later in life, it's a significant challenge, especially if one doesn't have a background in martial arts. Despite this, some individuals, like CM Punk, have taken on the challenge and trained with top-quality MMA gyms to acquire the necessary skills.

    • The Impact of Early Martial Arts Training on MMA SuccessEarly martial arts training contributes to mastery of various techniques and abilities, potentially leading to greater success in MMA.

      Starting martial arts training at a young age can significantly impact an athlete's potential success in combat sports like MMA. For instance, had Brock Lesnar begun training in Muay Thai and submission moves earlier in life, he may have become an all-time great. John Jones' dominance in the sport is another example of the importance of starting young, as his mastery of various techniques and abilities set him apart from his competitors. The lack of progress in Kane Velasquez's pro wrestling career led him to attempt a crossover into MMA, but his stoic fighting style and lack of entertainment value made it a less successful transition compared to other athletes like Brock Lesnar and CM Punk. Overall, the discussion highlights the significance of early training and well-rounded abilities in achieving success in MMA.

    • Professional Wrestling and MMA: Blurred LinesThroughout history, athletes have crossed over between professional wrestling and mixed martial arts, showcasing their versatility and adaptability. Cultural experiences in Japan added to the allure, but language barriers and tough competition made it a challenging experience for some.

      The lines between professional wrestling and mixed martial arts have blurred throughout history, with many athletes crossing over between the two industries. Notable examples include Ronda Rousey, Bobby Lashley, Batista, and Matt Riddle. Some, like Dan Severn and Brian Eversite, even had successful careers in both Japan's pro wrestling scene and in MMA. The allure of pro wrestling in Japan was significant, with wrestlers like Brody and Hansen making substantial earnings in the 70s and 80s. The experience of going to Japan for wrestling engagements often included unique cultural experiences, from karaoke to bathhouses. However, the language barrier and tough competition made it a challenging experience for some, like Flair, who was not naturally tough. Despite the challenges, the crossover between professional wrestling and MMA continues to this day, showcasing the versatility and adaptability of these athletes.

    • Intense wrestling matches in Japan, resembling MMA fightsLanguage barriers limit communication, matches not always predetermined, Olympic athletes bring exceptional skills, safety concerns with brutal moves, elite wrestling crucial in MMA for control and takedowns

      Professional wrestling in Japan involves intense and brutal matches, often resembling MMA fights. Communication between wrestlers can be limited due to language barriers, and the outcome of matches is not always predetermined. Some wrestlers, like Harley Race, were Olympic athletes and brought exceptional skills to the ring. Safety was a concern, especially with moves like the German suplex, which required expertise to execute correctly. At the elite level, wrestling was considered the most important skill in MMA due to the ability to control bodies and threaten with takedowns.

    • Wrestling's Impact on MMA: Toughness and TechniquesWrestling's rigorous training, mental fortitude, and effective techniques make it a crucial foundation for MMA success.

      The rigorous training and mental fortitude developed in amateur wrestling makes wrestlers some of the toughest athletes in the world. This mindset and physical strength carry over into other combat sports like MMA. The respect and recognition in wrestling come from peers and those in the know. Techniques like top control and submissions based on this control are highly effective in MMA. The admiration for figures like Jordan Burroughs and Julianna Peña comes from their unyielding toughness and dominance in their respective weight classes. The behind-the-scenes dynamics of the UFC, with figures like Dana White and Ariel Helwani, add to the intrigue and excitement of the sport.

    • Understanding grappling and submission techniques in martial arts enhances MMA knowledgePhysical mastery of grappling and submissions offers unique insights into MMA and historical significance through strong, conditioned athletes like Billy Robinson and Josh Barnett.

      Having a physical understanding of martial arts, specifically grappling and submission techniques, provides valuable insights into MMA. The speaker expresses surprise at how many MMA fighters don't train in these areas and emphasizes the importance of experiencing it firsthand to truly understand the vulnerabilities and transitions. The speaker also highlights the historical significance of brutal grappling styles like catch wrestling, which originated from legit wrestling and produced some of the strongest and conditioned athletes in history. These athletes, such as Billy Robinson and Josh Barnett, transitioned these techniques into MMA and dominated the sport with their functional strength and conditioning. The speaker concludes by sharing his experience of teaching interview skills to college athletes in WWE's NXT program and acknowledging the high competition and low success rate in the industry.

    • Rousey and Lesnar transformed women's and men's wrestling with their athleticism and fearless performancesRousey revolutionized women's wrestling with her natural skills and fearlessness, while Lesnar brought raw power and wrestling experience to men's wrestling, creating captivating matches and drawing massive audiences.

      Ronda Rousey and Brock Lesnar revolutionized professional wrestling with their exceptional athleticism and fearless performances. Before Rousey's arrival, the "divas chant" was a disrespectful and poorly received part of women's wrestling. However, Rousey's natural wrestling skills and lack of fear towards her opponents transformed women's wrestling into captivating matches that drew massive audiences. Similarly, Lesnar, a UFC champion, brought his raw power and wrestling experience to professional wrestling, creating memorable matches that showcased the athleticism and entertainment value of the sport. Despite their success, both Rousey and Lesnar faced challenges and criticism from the wrestling community, but their dedication and talent ultimately earned them respect and admiration.

    • From Amateur Wrestling to Pro Wrestling: Unexpected CareersJack Briscoe's amateur wrestling record was perfect, but a pregnancy ended his career. He and his brother Gerald found success in pro wrestling, with Gerald helping put on the first AEW show featuring future stars. David Arquette also became involved in wrestling, reviving the Shock Master character.

      The world of professional wrestling is filled with intriguing stories and unexpected twists. Jack Briscoe, a wrestler with an impressive record of 31 and 0 in amateur wrestling, had his career cut short when he got a girl pregnant. Despite this setback, he and his brother Gerald went on to have a successful career in pro wrestling. Gerald, who was Vince McMahon's right-hand man, helped put on the first wrestling show at the Comedy Store, which featured many future AEW stars. Another notable figure in wrestling is David Arquette, who became seriously involved in the sport and even brought back the Shock Master character. The wrestling community is full of unexpected moments, from surprise partners to intense workouts, and the stories behind the scenes are just as captivating as the matches themselves.

    • Creativity and adaptability in actionUnconventional solutions can lead to legendary moments and career reinvention. Embrace creativity, adaptability, and resilience for success.

      Creativity and adaptability are key to success, even in the face of unexpected challenges. As illustrated by the story of Ric Flair's iconic entrance as the Shockmaster, sometimes the most memorable moments come from the most unconventional solutions. Despite the initial setbacks and the unexpected laughter from the man supposed to be doing the Shockmaster's voice, Flair's entrance became a legendary moment in wrestling history. Another important takeaway is the importance of resilience and reinvention in one's career. Flair's success in wrestling spanned decades, but he also found new opportunities in the cannabis industry, which provided him with a successful source of revenue and a new passion. Overall, the story of Ric Flair's Shockmaster entrance and his successful career serves as a reminder that creativity, adaptability, and resilience are essential qualities for achieving success.

    • CBD's potential health benefits and personal experiencesCBD may help alleviate health issues like arthritis and asthma. The speaker values CBD and alcohol, cherishes friendships, and learned to be careful with belongings.

      CBD has been reported by many people to help alleviate various health issues, including arthritis and asthma. The speaker personally enjoys both CBD and alcohol, finding fun in both, but prefers not to smoke CBD. The speaker has had numerous experiences with famous figures in wrestling and comedy, and values their friendships. The speaker has lost Rolexes in unusual circumstances and has learned to be more careful with his belongings. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the potential benefits of CBD and the importance of enjoying life and making meaningful connections with others. CBD products are available at legal hemp shops.

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    In 2016 Sana experienced pins and needles in her legs and arms. She began to experience seizures that were body attacks of accumulated energy in her nervous system that released at night. They came out of the blue and developed into panic attacks. 

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    In this engaging interview, Sana talks about gene testing helped her understand how her body was metabolising nutrients. I have also explored this testing and it was a game-changer for me. With the results we can understand which nutrients we may not absorb naturally and when you tweak your foods and supplements if necessary, it can really boost repair. 


    Sana learned that the most important thing for her was to surrender. The brain is the control centre, and it didn’t’ surprise me when Sana said it was also about emotionally letting go of control and where she wanted to go. I am forever inspired by the emotional links to our physical ailments.

    The other thing that Sana learned on this journey, was the power of the body and its ability to heal. With the right tools, we can let the body what it does best, it knows what to do. The trick is to figure out how to get out of its way. 

    At her lowest point Sana’s self-worth and esteem plummeted as she struggled in her career, she felt like she was experiencing rejection after rejection. She decided to go away for a weekend retreat, and she meditated, wrote down her skillset, and surrendered. On the first day, she was offered a new job. 

    Sana’s turning point was when she realised that she had a choice to go on and suffer further consequences or surrender. “When someone has faith in your skills it can change your life and that of others. My earth angel gave me the chance to have a 20-year career in clinical aromatherapy.” 

    Sana’s tips:

    • Surrender, let go of control of where you are going 
    • Exercise, eat well, meditate and be in nature 
    • The body has the ability to heal
    • Have faith and trust and you will find your courage

    Get in touch with Sana Turnock

    Web: Courgaeunravelled.com
    LinkedIn: Sana Turnock

    Work with Amanda

    To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:

    1300 188 882

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandacampbellspeaker
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/amandacampbell_speaker/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaC_health
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandacampbellau
    Blog: https://www.amandacampbell.com.au/blog
    Podcast: https://damianandamanda.com/ 

    Online course: https://bendlikebamboo.teachable.com/courses/

    031 The “When Fish Climb Trees” Philosophy with Mel Loizou

    031 The “When Fish Climb Trees” Philosophy with Mel Loizou

    Mel Loizou has a love for finding people’s true genius and her business is founded on this core strength. Like most people, Mel’s journey has been a roller coaster and it was during the times of greatest challenge that she realised whilst individuals can be successful, it is teams that deliver amazing results. Mel shares her lightbulb moment and demonstrates her strength to connect strategy and people together and how she enables universities, the wider education sector and charities to work in alignment with their true values.


    KEY TAKEAWAY       

    “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein



    When Fish Climb Trees by Mel Loizou



    Mel Loizou is the founder of Fish Climb Trees. Over the past twenty years, Mel has focussed on helping individuals, teams and businesses realise their potential. She started out in the hospitality industry focussing on sales and marketing and then moved into the University sector running commercial operations with responsibility for 600 people and 21 different business functions.  She then joined an IT software company and during this time, she also undertook a Masters degree in Marketing and became a master practitioner of NLP. Now at Fish Climb Trees, Mel now helps universities, the wider education sector and charities to uncover their DNA and bring it to life.











    Amy is a Coach, Mentor, iTunes #1 Podcaster, Mastermind Host, Speaker and Property Investor. Through coaching, Amy inspires and empowers entrepreneurial clients to discover the life they dream of by assisting them to make it their reality through their own action taking. Helping them to focus on their WHY with clarity uniting their passion and purpose with a plan to create the life they truly desire.

    If you would like Amy to help you focus on your WHY then please book a free 20 min call via www.calendly.com/amyrowlinson/enquirycall 

    Please sign up for the weekly Friday Focus newsletter at www.amyrowlinson.com


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    HOSTED BY: Amy Rowlinson



    The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this podcast belong solely to the host and guest speakers. Please conduct your own due diligence.

    Episode 9: Barb Bowes: Always seeing and pursuing the opportunity and doing the right thing

    Episode 9: Barb Bowes:  Always seeing and pursuing the opportunity and doing the right thing

    Barbara Bowes is an accomplished speaker, trainer, coach, writer and professional strategist/consultant specializing in human resources. She is also the President of Legacy Bowes Group, Winnipeg’s premier HR Solutions provider. Prior to starting her own business, Barb’s career path included social worker, English Second Language and resource teacher, a school trustee and a hockey mom. 

    Barb is the kind of person who never takes no for an answer. Being told she can’t do something makes her work even harder to get it. Barb’s a doer! When she sees something that needs to be done, she simply does it. Never taking no for an answer and taking advantage of opportunities has guided her through the  many changes in her career and personal life, and they have served her well.


    Season 2 / Episode 9: Tony Bidulka - Are you sure you know who you are meant to be?

    Season 2 / Episode 9: Tony Bidulka - Are you sure you know who you are meant to be?

    Quotes about change: "Be prepared for the possibility that who you planned to be is different than who you are meant to be."

    Tony Bidulka is an award-winning author of mystery, suspense and thriller novels. He has written 11 novels and has been nominated for several awards.  Flight of Aquavit was awarded the Lambda Literary Award for Best Men’s Mystery, making Tony the first Canadian to win in that category.

    Born and raised on a farm, he knew early in life he didn’t want to take over the family farm.  So he went to school, got his teaching credentials, interned at a small school and learned it wasn’t for him. Are you in a job or a profession that isn’t right for you?  That’s exactly where Tony ended up after getting his teaching credentials. He quit and found a variety of jobs while he discovered himself. This led him to the decision to get more  education and become an accountant and corporate auditor for a public accounting firm.

    Every year, Tony and his husband would sit on the beach and talk about their goals for the upcoming year.  Every year, Tony would say he wanted to be a writer.  Finally, his husband said,  “Do it!” That little spark of support gave Tony the courage to take the leap, quit his job, and start writing. Tony describes his first day as a writer on a Monday having quit his job on Friday.

    Tony tells us what success means to him, and you might be surprised at what that is. He gives advice about following your passion, how to bring your passion into your life, and know if you are good at your passion. 


