
    Podcast Summary

    • The Influence of Corporate Interests on Healthcare and Public HealthDecades of corporate manipulation of healthcare and public health information led to misinformation, harmful practices, and significant impacts on health, such as over-prescription of statins and ongoing denial of sugar's harms.

      The healthcare industry and public health have been influenced by corporate interests for decades, leading to misinformation and harmful practices. This was evident in the long-standing debate between Ansel Keys and John Yudkin over the causes of heart disease, with the sugar industry suppressing evidence against sugar and promoting the blame on saturated fat. The consequences of this misinformation, such as the over-prescription of statins, have had significant impacts on public health. It took nearly 50 years for the harmful effects of smoking to be acknowledged and regulated, and similar delays in acknowledging the harms of sugar are still ongoing. The speaker's activism aims to expose and challenge these biased and corrupted sources of information to promote better health for the public.

    • Corporate manipulation of health informationCorporations have a history of manipulating health information to protect profits, as seen in the tobacco industry's denial of nicotine addiction and lung cancer caused by smoking, and in the realm of diet and health with the spread of misconceptions about saturated fat and the underreporting of statin side effects.

      Corporations have a history of manipulating information and scientific research to cast doubt on health issues and protect their profits. This was evident in the tobacco industry's denial of nicotine addiction and lung cancer caused by smoking. Similarly, in the realm of diet and health, there have been misconceptions and misinformation spread about the role of saturated fat in heart disease and the effectiveness of statins. The side effects of statins, which include muscle aches and fatigue, have been underreported in clinical trials due to the exclusion of participants who experience these side effects before the trial begins. This history of deception and manipulation highlights the importance of critically evaluating information and being aware of potential biases in scientific research and corporate interests.

    • Significant under-reporting of side effects from statin drugs75% of US patients stop taking statins due to side effects, emphasizing the importance of transparency in reporting and a balanced perspective on risks and benefits

      There is a significant under-reporting issue in clinical trials regarding the number of people experiencing side effects from statin drugs, which are commonly prescribed to reduce the risk of heart disease. The term "non-compliance" is often used to describe people who drop out of trials due to side effects, but in reality, many of these individuals may have stopped taking the medication due to adverse reactions. A study revealed that 75% of people prescribed statins in the US stop taking them within a year due to side effects. John Abramson, a researcher from Harvard, published a piece in the BMJ around the same time, arguing against expanding statin use to people at low risk of heart disease due to the negligible benefit and high risk of disabling side effects. Despite this, there was pushback from proponents of statins, who emphasized the proven benefits of the drugs. The discussion highlights the importance of transparency in reporting side effects in clinical trials and the need for a balanced perspective on the risks and benefits of statin use.

    • Challenging the status quo in heart health researchSpeaking up for what you believe, despite opposition, can lead to significant change in the scientific community.

      Standing up for what you believe in, even when faced with powerful opposition, can lead to significant change. The speaker, a cardiology fellow, shared his experience of challenging the long-held belief that saturated fat causes heart disease. He faced pushback from a prominent figure in the scientific community, but remained committed to the truth. The situation escalated, leading to an investigation by the General Medical Council, but the speaker's calm and respectful demeanor ultimately led to a shift in the other person's perspective. The incident gained media attention, and the conversation around the role of butter and saturated fat in heart health continued to evolve. The speaker's actions not only challenged the status quo but also inspired him to become a more assertive and influential figure in the medical community. The trillion-dollar statin industry, with its vast influence and financial incentives, presented a formidable opposition, but the speaker's unwavering commitment to the truth ultimately prevailed.

    • Challenging the belief of high cholesterol as a major heart disease risk factorGenetics play a significant role in cholesterol levels, and total cholesterol may not be a strong predictor of heart disease. Lower cholesterol levels in older adults might even increase mortality rates.

      The association between high cholesterol and heart disease, a long-held belief, may not be as straightforward as once thought. The speaker, a cardiology fellow, discussed how his public critique of the importance of statins based on the Framingham Study's data led to professional consequences. He emphasized that 80% of cholesterol levels are genetic, and total cholesterol levels were not a strong predictor of heart disease when looking at the entire Framingham Study dataset. The speaker also mentioned that once people reached 50, lower cholesterol levels were associated with increased mortality rates, a fact not widely publicized. William Castelli, a co-director of the Framingham Study, further clarified that an LDL cholesterol level above 7.8 millimoles per liter (approximately 300 milligrams per deciliter) is necessary for predicting heart disease in isolation. These findings challenge the common belief that high cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease and suggest a more nuanced understanding of the role of cholesterol in cardiovascular health.

    • The relationship between cholesterol and heart disease is weaker than believedStatins have minimal impact on preventing heart attacks and strokes, despite lowering cholesterol levels.

      The association between cholesterol and heart disease is weaker than commonly believed, and the benefits of statins, which are primarily prescribed to lower cholesterol levels, are quite marginal. A study published in BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine in 2019 found no clear correlation between lowering LDL cholesterol and preventing heart attacks and strokes through randomized control trial data. While statins do have some benefits, such as anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting properties, the real impact on preventing heart attacks and strokes is minimal, especially for those at low risk of heart disease. For those who have had a heart attack, the benefit of taking statins for five years is only a 1% reduction in the risk of having another heart attack or a 1 in 39 chance of preventing a further heart attack. These statistics may be underwhelming, but it's important to understand the true impact of statins to make informed decisions about their use.

    • Challenging medical beliefs can lead to backlashDespite facing criticism and calls for retraction, Abramson and Malhotra stood firm, advocating for evidence-based, ethical practices and ultimately prevailed.

      Challenging established medical beliefs can lead to intense backlash and scrutiny. The case of Abramson and Malhotra's papers on statins is a prime example. After publication, they faced criticism from prominent figures in the medical community, leading to calls for retraction. The ensuing media attention was damaging, and both researchers were put on trial, so to speak. However, they stood their ground and continued advocating for evidence-based, ethical medical practices, focusing on lifestyle changes as alternatives to heavy reliance on medication. Despite the challenges, they ultimately prevailed, with the articles being cleared of any need for retraction. This experience underscores the importance of open communication and the resilience required when challenging established medical norms.

    • Lessons from a public health advocate's careerPublic health advocacy can face opposition from industries and biased research, highlighting the importance of transparency and awareness of conflicts of interest to ensure accurate information and effective recommendations.

      Truth and transparency in public health advocacy can face intense opposition from industries and ideological groups. Professor Simon Chapman, a leading Australian public health advocate, learned this lesson during his 38-year career, particularly in his fight against tobacco control. He also encountered this issue in his campaign against biased research on statins, where he discovered significant conflicts of interest that influenced the research and its dissemination. The researcher in question, Professor Rory Collins, was promoting the safety and efficacy of statins while also co-inventing a genetic test to detect statin side effects and receiving substantial financial gains from it. This situation highlighted the need for increased transparency and awareness of conflicts of interest in research and its impact on public health recommendations. The revelations led to a shift in the medical community, with doctors and organizations pushing back against financial incentives to prescribe statins to low-risk patients.

    • Pharmaceutical Industry's Priorities: Profit Over Public HealthThe pharmaceutical industry's focus on profits can lead to compromised research, lack of informed consent, over-medication, and a public health crisis due to side effects, making it the third leading cause of death globally. Industry influence extends to academia, doctors, and medical journals, compromising scientific integrity and patient safety.

      The pharmaceutical industry's primary goal is not public health, but making exorbitant amounts of money. This can lead to compromised research, lack of informed consent, and over-medication. The business model relies on getting as many people taking as many drugs as possible for as long as possible. This can result in a public health crisis due to avoidable side effects from prescribed medications, making it the third most common cause of death globally. The industry's influence extends to academic institutions, doctors, and medical journals, which collude for financial gain. This lack of transparency and accountability can compromise scientific integrity and patient safety.

    • The drug industry's focus on profits can harm patients and societyThe drug industry's disregard for patient and societal wellbeing, demonstrated through illegal marketing, hiding data, and manipulating results, has led to negative effects on society, including wasted resources and harm to patients.

      The drug industry's focus on maximizing profits for shareholders, as described by psychologist Dr. Robert Hare, can result in callous disregard for the wellbeing of patients and society as a whole. This has been demonstrated historically through illegal marketing practices, hiding data on drug harms, and manipulating results, which often lead to more profits than fines. Moreover, a significant portion of approved drugs in the last two decades have been found to be copies of old ones with little therapeutic benefit or even harm. The overall net effect of this industry on society has been negative, contributing to a waste of resources and harm to patients. This is particularly concerning given that medicine is an applied science, constantly evolving, and subject to change. As a doctor, it's crucial to question why our patients are getting sicker despite our best efforts according to the best available evidence. By recognizing the potential psychopathic determinants of health in the drug industry, we can begin to address these issues and prioritize the wellbeing of patients and society.

    • Personal journey to getting vaccinated during the pandemicDespite initial concerns, it's important to critically evaluate information from multiple sources and consult medical experts to make informed decisions about health matters, including getting vaccinated.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, there were valid concerns about the vaccines, but the speaker initially trusted the medical experts' assurances of their safety. However, after experiencing conflicting opinions and emotions, he eventually decided to get vaccinated. The discussion also highlighted the importance of addressing chronic health issues during the pandemic, as obesity and other conditions increase the risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes. Ultimately, it's crucial to critically evaluate information and consult multiple sources to make informed decisions about health matters.

    • Historical mistrust drives vaccine hesitancy among ethnic minoritiesUnderstanding reasons behind vaccine hesitancy, acknowledging past wrongs, and addressing concerns with empathy can help build trust and encourage vaccination among ethnic minorities.

      Vaccine hesitancy, particularly among ethnic minorities, is driven by historical mistrust of the government and the drug industry. The speaker, who is a doctor, emphasized the importance of understanding the rational reasons behind vaccine hesitancy and acknowledged the historical fraud committed by the drug industry. He also shared his personal experience of experiencing depression and other health issues after getting vaccinated, which he believes may be related to the vaccine's spike protein causing direct toxic effects or autoimmune reactions in various organs. The speaker suggests that these issues may be underreported and that the WHO recognizes psychosis as a potential side effect of the vaccine. He emphasizes the importance of addressing vaccine hesitancy through understanding and empathy rather than judgment.

    • The importance of open communication during strugglesOpen dialogue between loved ones can save lives, especially during health concerns. Ignoring symptoms and refusing to acknowledge issues can lead to dire consequences.

      Open communication between loved ones, especially during times of struggle, can be crucial for both emotional and physical wellbeing. The speaker shared a personal experience of overcoming clinical depression, only to find himself in a life-threatening situation when he tried to reach out to his father about his health concerns. Unfortunately, his father, also a doctor, downplayed the symptoms and refused to call for emergency help. The speaker's quick thinking and knowledge from his professional background ultimately saved his father's life when two neighboring doctors intervened. This incident underscores the importance of acknowledging and addressing potential health issues, as well as the significance of open dialogue between family members.

    • A father's tragic death reveals hidden delays in ambulance response timesDoctors' silence on critical ambulance delays endangers patients' lives, prioritizing transparency and public welfare is crucial

      During the lockdown, a well-known doctor, the speaker's father, had a fatal cardiac arrest despite being only a short drive from the hospital. The speaker organized a postmortem and discovered that two of his father's major arteries were critically narrowed. However, they also learned that ambulances were not reaching their targets for treating heart attacks or cardiac arrests, but the government had withheld this information. The speaker, in an attempt to bring transparency, worked with a journalist to expose this issue, which led to a BBC news story. The speaker contacted a cardiologist about the situation, but was advised against making the information public. The speaker believed that their duty was to the public and patients, but the cardiologist prioritized avoiding enemies. The speaker's father could have survived if they had known about the delays, and the speaker was determined to make the issue visible. The post-mortem findings further confirmed the critical need for action. The takeaway is that when doctors cannot speak the truth, medicine loses its integrity, and it is essential to prioritize transparency and the well-being of patients over personal consequences.

    • Reports of increased heart attack risk following mRNA vaccinationReports indicate a potential link between mRNA vaccines and increased heart attack risk due to inflammation markers and artery inflammation.

      There have been reports of increased heart attack risk following mRNA vaccination, as indicated by studies showing a significant increase in inflammation markers in the blood and inflammation of the arteries of the heart. This risk may be particularly concerning for individuals with pre-existing heart conditions or mild cardiac issues that may not have caused symptoms for years. These findings have come to light through various sources, including a cardiologist friend's research, unexplained increases in heart attacks in hospitals, and a whistleblower from a prestigious UK university. While more research is needed, these reports suggest that further investigation into the potential link between vaccination and heart health is warranted.

    • Doctor questions mandatory vaccinations for UK healthcare workersA doctor challenged the unprecedented mandate for healthcare workers to get vaccinated during the pandemic, citing evidence that the vaccine may not prevent transmission or infection, and expressing concerns for their own protection. The BMA acknowledged his thorough evaluation of the evidence and did not support the mandate.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a push for mandatory vaccinations for healthcare workers in the UK, which was unprecedented. Dr. Rajat Malhotra, a doctor and advocate for public health, questioned this mandate based on evidence that the vaccine may not prevent transmission or infection, and that healthcare workers were primarily protecting themselves. He voiced his concerns in mainstream media interviews and even called the chair of the British Medical Association (BMA) for a conversation. The BMA chair acknowledged that Dr. Malhotra had critically appraised the evidence more thoroughly than most in health policy, and that the mainstream media significantly influenced people's decision-making, even for those who should have better information. The BMA did not support the mandate, and Dr. Malhotra was one of the few campaigning against it. The incident highlights the importance of critically evaluating evidence and the potential impact of the media on public health decisions.

    • Healthcare professional challenges vaccine mandate, saves jobsA dedicated professional's advocacy and research led to the overturning of a vaccine mandate, preserving jobs and questioning industry influence in research.

      A healthcare professional was able to challenge and overturn a vaccine mandate for NHS workers through advocacy and publishing a research paper. Despite facing opposition from medical bodies and being a vaccinated individual himself, the professional's persistence led to the recognition of new data and evidence that the mandate was not scientific or ethical. The professional's commitment to disseminating truthful information, even if it went against the prevailing narrative, ultimately resulted in saving tens of thousands of jobs and raising important questions about the role of industry influence in medical research.

    • New Analysis Questions Vaccine SafetyA new analysis of Pfizer and Moderna's clinical trials reveals higher serious adverse event rates from mRNA vaccines than COVID-19 hospitalization risk, potentially questioning their approval.

      A reanalysis of Pfizer and Moderna's original clinical trials, published in the highest impact medical journal for vaccines, revealed that the rate of serious adverse events from the mRNA vaccines is higher than the risk of being hospitalized with COVID-19. This means that it's likely that these vaccines should never have been approved for use in the first place. The rate of serious adverse events, at least 1-800 per 1 million people, covers only the first two months after vaccination, and the risks may increase with additional doses. The UK government's data shows that to prevent one severe hospitalization with the vaccine, thousands of people need to be vaccinated, depending on age. This non-randomized data, which suggests an exaggerated benefit, needs to be balanced against the harms. The informed consent issue arises because most people would not take the vaccine if presented with this information. Traditionally, vaccines are considered completely safe, but the figure of 1-800 is very high, and other vaccines have been withdrawn for less. For instance, the 1976 swine flu vaccine was pulled due to its association with Guillain-Barre syndrome in about 1 in 100,000 people.

    • Willful blindness and fear in COVID-19 pandemic and rotavirus vaccinePeople's fear and willful blindness led to exaggerated response to COVID-19 and acceptance of a controversial vaccine despite its risks, exploited by authorities to control population and inhibit critical thinking.

      The psychological phenomenon of willful blindness and fear have played significant roles in the public's response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the widespread administration of the rotavirus vaccine, which was pulled in 1999 due to causing bowel obstruction in kids in 1 in 10,000 cases. People turned a blind eye to the truth to feel safe, avoid conflict, and protect their egos. The authorities exploited this fear to control the population and inhibit critical thinking. The public had a grossly exaggerated fear of the virus, leading to a massive difference in hospitalization risks based on lifestyle factors. Understanding the numbers involved is crucial to avoid exploitation by political and commercial interests. The future will likely view this as a cautionary tale, and the profits made from the vaccine and the pandemic are unprecedented for pharmaceutical companies.

    • COVID-19 Vaccine Debate: Balancing Benefits and RisksTransparency, unbiased info, and public trust are crucial for vaccine decision-making. Addressing root causes of vaccine concerns requires systemic changes.

      The COVID-19 vaccines have been a subject of intense debate due to concerns about their benefits and harms, particularly for vulnerable populations and those with compromised immune systems. While some argue that the benefits outweigh the risks, others point to high rates of adverse events and questionable informed consent processes. Additionally, there have been concerns about corporate influence and the suppression of alternative treatments. The lack of transparency around liability and the psychological manipulation of the public to end the pandemic have further fueled distrust in the vaccines. Moving forward, it's crucial to ensure that information about medications, including vaccines, is transparent, unbiased, and accessible to the public. This will help build trust and confidence in the healthcare system and promote informed decision-making. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize that this situation highlights the need for systemic changes to address the root causes of these issues and ensure that public health decisions are made in the best interests of the population.

    • Historical economic policies impact healthcare and health policiesUnderstanding historical economic influences on healthcare and policies is essential to address unreliable research, inappropriate practices, and the need for critical appraisal skills. Focusing on holistic well-being beyond the absence of disease is crucial for optimal mental and physical health.

      The current state of healthcare and health policies are deeply influenced by historical economic policies and funding sources, leading to unreliable research, inappropriate healthcare practices, and a lack of critical appraisal skills among healthcare professionals. This situation is exacerbated by the conditioning in medical education and the societal focus on pharmaceutical solutions. Furthermore, social conditions, including psychological stress, significantly impact our health. To create optimal mental and physical health for everyone, we need to address issues like wages, job conditions, and the societal emphasis on well-being beyond the absence of disease. The World Health Organization's definition of health as a state of complete mental, physical, and social well-being provides a holistic framework for understanding and improving health. The vaccine injury situation is complex and evolving, and it's crucial to continue the conversation about creating the conditions for everyone to live healthy lives.

    • Lack of resources and research for vaccine injury recoveryWhile some lifestyle changes can aid vaccine injury recovery, resources and research are limited due to vaccine injury dismissal. Observing the potential benefits of drugs like ivermectin continues.

      While implementing lifestyle changes like eating real food, doing moderate activity, and managing stress levels can help some individuals recover from vaccine injuries, there is a lack of resources and research due to the dismissal of vaccine injuries by the establishment. The use of drugs like ivermectin, which may help alleviate damage from the spike protein, is an area of ongoing observation. However, the deep-rooted indoctrination on vaccine safety makes it challenging for people to acknowledge vaccine injuries, leading to a lack of consideration for potential vaccine factors in adverse health events. The reluctance to blame vaccines for adverse effects is pervasive, even in the face of mounting evidence, and the emotional trauma of changing one's mind can make it a difficult conversation to have. Despite the challenges, it's essential to confront the facts and move forward constructively, acknowledging the systemic failures and corruption surrounding vaccine injuries. The unwillingness of some individuals, including journalists, influencers, and celebrities, to change course and acknowledge vaccine injuries is a concerning development.

    • The vaccine debate has turned into a tribal issue in the USPeople's ideological inclinations make it difficult for them to admit being wrong about the vaccine, but speaking the truth and letting go of the outcome is essential for living virtuously.

      The vaccine debate has become more than just a medical issue, it's turned into a tribal issue in the US, with people's ideological inclinations playing a significant role. This has made it difficult for those who may have been wrong about the vaccine to admit it and change their minds due to fear of being attacked or ostracized. It takes courage to admit being wrong, but it's essential for living virtuously. The school of thought that values evidence and change could benefit from prominent figures speaking out about their concerns, as seen in the Harvey Weinstein scandal. Private messages and conversations reveal that many famous people share these concerns but are hesitant to speak out publicly. The scale of the vaccine issue should not be underestimated, but it's crucial to keep speaking the truth and letting go of the outcome.

    • Comparing COVID-19 vaccines to the fight against apartheidStay vigilant and ensure proper investigations and transparency to protect public health amidst growing concerns over long-term effects of COVID-19 vaccines

      The challenges surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines and their potential long-term effects are far greater than what was initially perceived, according to South African elder and former trade union leader Jay Naidu. He compares the issue to the fight against apartheid, emphasizing the vast scale and the significant financial involvement in the industry. The removal of the original vaccine in the US and the suspension of its use in Europe are signs that similar situations to past drug scandals could potentially occur. It's crucial to remain vigilant and aware of the potential consequences and to ensure that proper investigations and transparency are maintained to protect public health.

    • Transparent info dissemination crucial during crisesDiscovering vaccine risks led to media impact, highlighting need for open platforms to combat biases and ensure public access to accurate info.

      The importance of transparent and unbiased information dissemination in the healthcare sector, particularly during a global health crisis, cannot be overstated. The speaker shared his experience of discovering the potential cardiovascular risks associated with the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, which was being used in India under the name Covishield, despite being suspended in European countries due to similar adverse events. He managed to bring this issue to the mainstream media in India, which led to a significant impact on a pending defamation case. However, he also highlighted the challenges of getting the truth out through traditional media, as they have been accused of being economical with the truth and suppressing information. The speaker emphasized the need for platforms like yours to facilitate open conversations and the dissemination of diverse perspectives to combat biases and misinformation, ultimately ensuring that the public has access to accurate and unbiased information to make informed decisions.

    • Personal experiences and surveys suggest vaccine injuries and fatalitiesDespite unverified evidence, personal experiences and surveys indicate a significant number of vaccine injuries and fatalities in the US in 2021, highlighting the importance of open and honest conversations about vaccine safety and addressing cultural issues that hinder trust and truth.

      Anecdotal evidence from individuals about vaccine injuries and fatalities, although unverified and not definitively causally linked, should be taken seriously in the context of medical diagnosis and public health discussions. The speaker's personal experiences and the survey published in BMC Infectious Diseases suggest a significant number of vaccine-related injuries and fatalities in the US in 2021. The retraction of the paper raises concerns about transparency and trust in the medical establishment and society as a whole. It's crucial to encourage open and honest conversations about vaccine safety and to address the cultural issues that hinder progress towards trust and truth. The power of speaking the truth, even in the face of potential consequences, cannot be underestimated.

    • Erosion of trust in medical establishment due to vaccine concernsEstimates suggest half of UK's excess deaths since 2021 may be vaccine-related, with concerns over increased cardiovascular events and out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. Long-term consequences on public health and trust in medical establishment uncertain.

      The erosion of trust in the medical establishment due to their perceived subservience to corporate entities and ignoring the potential harm caused by vaccines is a significant concern. The increase in overall mortality, particularly in the form of cardiovascular heart attacks and strokes, is a pressing issue that warrants further investigation. While the exact proportion of excess deaths attributable to the vaccines is uncertain, estimates suggest that half of the excess deaths in the UK since 2021 may be related to the vaccines. The increase in out-of-hospital cardiac arrests after vaccine rollouts is also concerning, with some countries experiencing significant increases. However, the situation is not uniform across all regions, and countries like Sweden, which have high vaccination rates but lower excess deaths, raise interesting questions. The long-term consequences of these trends on public health and trust in the medical establishment remain to be seen.

    • Addressing vaccine harm through information, education, and regulationClear info, education, and regulations can mitigate vaccine harm and improve health outcomes for vulnerable populations.

      The mechanism of harm from vaccines involves increasing inflammation in the body systemically for several months. This can worsen health issues for those with chronic inflammation, making them more vulnerable to vaccine injuries. Socioeconomic factors, such as larger wealth gaps and impoverished communities, also contribute to ill health and vulnerability. To address these complex issues, a three-pronged approach is suggested: disseminating clear and truthful information, empowering individuals to educate each other, and engaging in political involvement to enact laws protecting the public from harm. Success stories include the campaign against sugar, which resulted in a tax on sugary drinks in the UK, and the public smoking ban in Helena Montana, which led to a 40% decline in heart attack admissions within six months. These public health interventions demonstrate the significant impact of regulations and education on improving health outcomes.

    • Impact of Public Health Interventions on Health OutcomesPublic health interventions like smoking bans and taxing unhealthy foods significantly affect health outcomes, contributing more to increased life expectancy than modern medicine.

      Public health interventions, such as smoking bans and taxing unhealthy foods, can have a significant impact on health outcomes. For instance, the rescinding of smoking bans led to an increase in heart attack levels, while implementing them resulted in decreases in Scotland. Similarly, taxing ultra-processed foods and making healthy options more affordable could potentially reduce heart disease deaths. However, there's a socio-cultural perception that modern medicine is the primary contributor to increased life expectancy, but in reality, public health interventions have played a larger role. These interventions include safe drinking water, seat belts, and smoke-free environments, among others. To address this, we need to have conversations about the limitations of modern medicine and the importance of lifestyle changes for managing chronic diseases. This can be achieved through disseminating information through various media channels and exploring the origins of effective dietary practices, like the Mediterranean diet. Ultimately, a strong sense of community and regular physical activity also contribute to healthy, long lives.

    • Exposing the truth about health risks and corporate deceptionChronic stress is a major heart disease risk, and truthful storytelling can lead to policy changes and public awareness

      Chronic stress is a significant risk factor for heart disease, equal to that of being a type 2 diabetic or a smoker, yet it often goes unaddressed. The filmmakers behind a documentary on lifestyle factors and their impact on health chose to crowdfund their project to maintain creative control and expose the truth about sugar and big corporations. Their efforts led to a book, political influence, and even policy changes like a sugary drinks tax. Now, they're creating a new documentary, "First, Do No Harm," to expose pharma industry deception and give individuals tools to improve their health. The power of truthful storytelling can lead to significant changes in public perception and policy.

    • Perception vs. Reality of Myocarditis during COVID-19Initial data suggesting a significant increase in myocarditis from COVID-19 may have been inflated due to overdiagnosis. Stricter diagnostic criteria found no significant difference compared to other viruses.

      During the first year of the pandemic, there was a perception that COVID-19 caused a significant increase in myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, compared to other viruses. However, the data used to support this claim may have been inflated due to an overdiagnosis of myocarditis. Some researchers were not strict with their diagnostic criteria, relying heavily on troponin levels, which can also increase due to other infections or stress. When more thorough clinical assessments were used, no significant increase in myocarditis was found compared to other viruses. It's important to note that myocarditis can be a serious condition, and my speaker has personal experience with it. However, the data suggests that the risk of myocarditis from COVID-19, if it exists, is likely minor. Furthermore, the vaccine-induced myocarditis and viral myocarditis are not directly comparable, as the severity and long-term consequences can vary greatly. Ultimately, the question of whether or not the vaccine protects against or increases the risk of myocarditis is still unclear, and more research is needed.

    • Personal choice and vaccine skepticismIndividuals should have the autonomy to make informed healthcare decisions, and transparency and trust are crucial in the pharmaceutical industry.

      The speaker shares a personal experience of being offered the Johnson & Johnson vaccine during a UFC event but chose not to take it due to concerns about potential side effects and transparency of data regarding vaccine safety. The speaker's decision was influenced by past experiences with deceptive practices in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as observations of friends' experiences with the vaccine. The speaker's decision was met with criticism from media outlets and celebrities, but they remained uncertain and skeptical. The speaker's account highlights the importance of individual autonomy in healthcare decisions and the need for transparency and trust in the pharmaceutical industry.

    • Media's Power to Shape Public OpinionThe media can manipulate public opinion through selective reporting and deception, often dismissing alternative treatments and promoting expensive, patented solutions instead.

      The media and certain influential figures can wield significant power in shaping public opinion through selective reporting and deception. Joe Rogan shared his experience of being mocked and shamed for taking ivermectin to treat COVID-19, despite its good safety profile and affordability. He noted that the media focused on mocking him for taking this medication, while dismissing other treatments and ignoring potential alternatives. Rogan also pointed out that this behavior is part of a larger corporate playbook, where expensive, patented solutions are promoted, while generic and off-label treatments are dismissed. The media's distorted understanding of the landscape and their failure to consider alternative perspectives led to a lack of nuanced discussion and a focus on mockery and shame instead. This incident highlights the importance of critical thinking and questioning the sources of information, particularly in the context of health and medical treatments.

    • Questioning the validity of scientific researchBe vigilant in examining scientific findings, challenge narratives, and advocate for transparency to ensure accurate information and prevent potential biases from influencing research.

      The scientific community and the publishing of research findings are not infallible, and financial interests can influence the validity of research. The discussion highlighted the example of the Lancet's publication about hybrid immunity, which was later proven to be misleading. The speaker emphasized the importance of questioning the narrative and being courageous in exposing potential biases and inaccuracies in the scientific community. The COVID-19 vaccine saga was used as an example of the need for transparency and accountability in science, and the speaker expressed gratitude for individuals like the interviewee who are not afraid to challenge the status quo and advocate for the truth.

    • Open conversations on vaccine controversies and upcoming documentariesExpert insights from Dr. Assim Alhatra on the importance of documentaries exposing healthcare corruption and providing solutions, featuring interviews with John Abramson, Rita Redberg, and Jay Badacharya.

      Despite controversies surrounding certain individuals and their views on vaccines, it's essential to have open conversations and consider all perspectives, especially when they come from experts with significant contributions to the field. Dr. Assim Alhatra, a lifestyle medicine doctor, shared his thoughts on the importance of upcoming documentaries that aim to expose commercial corruption in healthcare and provide solutions. Notable figures like John Abramson, Rita Redberg, and Jay Badacharya will be interviewed. Dr. Alhatra emphasized the significance of these documentaries and encouraged everyone to stay informed. He is active on social media, and his website is DrAssim.com.

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    Christian Angermayer and Dr. Aron D’Souza are the co-founders of the Enhanced Games, an upcoming Olympic-style event that brings together the world’s top athletes to compete without arbitrary bans on performance-enhancing substances.  www.enhanced.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2165 - Jack Carr

    #2165 - Jack Carr
    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2164 - Action Bronson

    #2164 - Action Bronson
    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross
    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Watch on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2vg6l3-bret-and-heather-173rd-darkhorse-podcast-livestream.html



    In this 179th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we discuss the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.


    We begin this episode by discussing the hazards of mind-reading: Does disagreeing with a Day of Absence mean that you are racist? Does being hesitant about Covid vaccines mean that you don’t think Covid is a serious disease? Does not wanting trans-identified men in women’s shelters and prisons mean that you think that at all trans people are dangerous? Then we discuss shenanigans in Covid vaccine efficacy analysis, which would make even a placebo look like it was effective treatment. And we discuss RFK Jr and Rogan’s recent conversation, and responses to it. Is Ivermectin effective against Covid? Are childhood vaccines dangerous? How would we know? Do we have the information that we need in order to figure it out?




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    Fast Growing Trees: Healthy, happy trees delivered to your door, with 30 day Alive and Thrive Guarantee. Go to www.FastGrowingTrees.com/DarkHorse to get 15% off your entire order.


    Mindbloom: at-home ketamine therapy. Use code DARKHORSE at www.Mindbloom.com to receive $100 off your first six session program.


    Sundays: Dog food so tasty and healthy, even husbands swear by it. Go to www.sundaysfordogs.com/DARKHORSE to receive 35% off your first order.




    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at


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    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com


    Find more from us on Bret’s website (https://bretweinstein.net) or Heather’s website (http://heatherheying.com).


    Become a member of the DarkHorse LiveStreams, and get access to an additional Q&A livestream every month. Join at Heather's Patreon.


    Like this content? Subscribe to the channel, like this video, follow us on twitter (@BretWeinstein, @HeatherEHeying), and consider helping us out by contributing to either of our Patreons or Bret’s Paypal.


    Looking for clips from #DarkHorseLivestreams? Check out our other channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAWCKUrmvK5F_ynBY_CMlIA


    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.




    Mentioned in this episode:


    Fenton & Neil 2023: The illusion of vaccine efficacy revisited: https://wherearethenumbers.substack.com/p/the-illusion-of-vaccine-efficacy


    Rogan #1999 with Robert F. Kennedy Jr: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3DQfcTY4viyXsIXQ89NXvg


    Prasad 2023: What RFK Jr. Gets Right—and What He Gets Wrong: Dr. Vinay Prasad fact-checks the presidential candidate on vaccines, regulatory capture, and more. https://www.thefp.com/p/what-rfk-jr-gets-rightand-what-he


    FDA: Why you should not use ivermectin to treat or prevent Covid-19: https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/why-you-should-not-use-ivermectin-treat-or-prevent-covid-19


    Marinos dismantles some Ivermectin claims: https://twitter.com/alexandrosM/status/1671412921816203266

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