
    Podcast Summary

    • Creating Comedy Clubs: Enhancing Performances and Engaging AudiencesWell-designed comedy clubs enhance comedic performances by providing proper acoustics, interaction with the crowd, and a more enjoyable experience, as emphasized by Joe Rogan and Tony Woods.

      Comedy clubs designed by comedians provide a better experience for both performers and audiences. Joe Rogan and Tony Woods discuss the importance of a well-designed space for stand-up comedy, emphasizing the need for proper acoustics and a stage that allows for interaction with the crowd. They share their experiences of performing in poorly designed clubs and how it affects the overall comedy experience. They also highlight the value of feedback from fellow comedians, such as Louie, who provided valuable advice for improving the club. Ultimately, this conversation emphasizes that a well-designed comedy club enhances the comedic performance and creates a more enjoyable environment for everyone involved.

    • Tony Woods' Personal Experiences with Gas Chambers, Experimental Drugs, and Dental Braces in the MilitaryMilitary training and healthcare practices can involve risky situations and choices, emphasizing the need for safety and informed decision-making to protect soldiers' health and well-being.

      The speaker, Tony Woods, shares his experiences with gas chambers and experimental drugs in the military. He explains the significance of wearing masks in gas chambers and how it exposes soldiers to potential chemical dangers. Tony also discusses his personal encounters with experimental drugs and the potential risks they pose to soldiers' health. The conversation then shifts to the topic of dental braces and the challenges of wearing them, including changes in speech patterns. Overall, the takeaway is that military training and healthcare practices can involve potentially risky situations and choices, highlighting the importance of safety and informed decision-making.

    • Debunking Conspiracy Theories: Unraveling the Truth Behind Canada's WildfiresWildfires in Canada are primarily caused by natural factors and human activity, not by intentional burning of toxic chemicals.

      The wildfires in Canada have sparked some conspiracy theories about the burning of toxic chemicals. While it may seem plausible due to the orange smoke and the strange timing of the fires, the idea of intentionally setting the forest ablaze to dispose of chemicals seems nonsensical. However, it is understandable why some people would connect the disappearance of chemicals with the wildfires. The reality is that wildfires in Canada are a combination of natural causes like lightning storms and human-caused factors. The fires have a significant impact, displacing thousands of people and causing severe environmental damage. It is crucial to stay informed about the true causes of wildfires rather than falling into unfounded conspiracy theories.

    • Unveiling the Bizarre World of Airport SecurityThis amusing conversation sheds light on the oddities and inconsistencies of airport security rules, prompting us to question the logic behind certain regulations.

      There is a humorous discussion about airport security and the arbitrary rules regarding what items can and cannot be brought on board. Joe Rogan and Tony Woods discuss the absurdity of being able to bring objects like skateboards and canes with potential for harm, while pool cues and lighters are often confiscated. They also jokingly mention the presence of swords in canes and throwing stars that were once available for purchase. This lighthearted exchange highlights the inconsistencies and questionable decisions made by airport security, inviting us to reflect on the sometimes illogical nature of certain rules and regulations.

    • Stand-up comedians share their unique experiences, travels, and unexpected encounters while touring and performing in the UK and beyond.Stand-up comedians navigate language barriers, perform in diverse venues, and encounter unexpected opportunities while entertaining audiences worldwide.

      Stand-up comedians like Tony Woods and Joe Rogan have had interesting experiences touring and performing in different countries, including the UK. They shared stories about performing in small towns, comedy chains, and various venues across the UK. Despite the language differences, the UK audience received their comedy well. They also discussed the Edinburgh Festival, which offers a wide range of shows for a month. The conversation took an unexpected turn when they talked about hanging out with the future president of Ukraine, who was a comedian at the time. The conversation then transitioned to discussing technology advancements like invisibility cloaks and clothes that can transmit images. Overall, the conversation highlights the unique experiences, travels, and unexpected encounters that come with being a stand-up comedian.

    • The Complexities of Big Game Hunting in Africa: Conservation, Thrill, and Man-eating LionsBig game hunting in Africa is a multifaceted issue involving conservation efforts, thrill-seeking hunters, and unique cases like the Sabo Man-eaters, showcasing the diverse factors and behaviors surrounding this activity.

      Hunting big game in Africa is a complex issue with both positive and negative aspects. While some hunters contribute to conservation efforts and support local communities by donating meat, others hunt purely for the thrill and prestige of killing exotic animals like lions. Additionally, the conversation delves into the case of the infamous Sabo Man-eaters, two male lions that hunted humans as prey. These lions were unique as they had no manes, which is believed to be due to the hot and dry climate of the Savo region. Overall, the discussion highlights the diverse factors at play in big game hunting and the fascinating behaviors of lions in different environments.

    • The Surprising Carnivorous Side of ChimpanzeesChimpanzees, closely related to humans, have been observed eating monkeys. This unsettling behavior highlights the interconnectedness of different species and reminds us of nature's fascinating yet disturbing aspects.

      Chimpanzees, despite being closely related to humans, have a surprising carnivorous side. The conversation starts with Tony Woods expressing his shock at the fact that chimps eat monkeys. Joe Rogan confirms this, sharing that he watched a documentary where the chimps were seen devouring live monkeys. They discuss the similarity between chimps and humans, and how witnessing a chimp eating a monkey can be disturbing. They further explore the topic of animals eating other animals, mentioning seagulls swallowing whole pigeons and rats. The conversation highlights the interconnectedness of different species and their dietary habits. It serves as a reminder that nature can be both fascinating and unsettling.

    • Exploring the Fascinating and Brutal Realities of the Animal KingdomThe animal kingdom is filled with both captivating behaviors and harsh realities, reminding us of the wild and unpredictable nature of our world.

      Nature can be both fascinating and brutal. From discussing the hunting behavior of dogs and rats, to the merciless attacks of hawks and eagles, Joe Rogan and Tony Woods highlight the raw instincts and lack of morality in the animal kingdom. They also touch upon the intriguing dynamics between different bird species, such as crows defending their babies against hawks, and the incredible speed and agility of falcons in flight. Furthermore, they share personal anecdotes about encountering large fruit bats in Australia and encountering terrifyingly large rats that resemble opossums. This conversation reminds us to appreciate the wild and unpredictable nature of the world we live in.

    • The Unpredictable and Strange Behaviors of AnimalsIt is fascinating how animals have adapted their behaviors for survival, but it is crucial to respect and appreciate the natural world, even in unexpected and comical situations.

      Animals can be unpredictable and sometimes even dangerous. From possums playing dead to coyotes pissing on their prey, we learn that nature has its own unique and strange ways. It's fascinating how animals have adapted their behaviors for survival, like burying their food or using urine as a marinade. However, it's important to remember that animals should be respected and not provoked, as Tony experienced with the aggressive goats. This conversation highlights the importance of understanding and appreciating the natural world, even if it means encountering some unexpected and comical situations along the way.

    • A Military Encounter with Bigfoot: Tony's Astonishing Experience in Nova ScotiaEncountering the unknown can be a powerful and intense experience, reminding us of the importance of keeping an open mind and considering possibilities beyond what we usually understand.

      Tony Woods had a fascinating encounter with what he believes was Bigfoot during his time in the military. While on a training exercise in Nova Scotia, Tony and his team heard strange sounds and witnessed animals fleeing in fear. Tony even saw a large object fly through the trees, which he believed was Bigfoot. Despite initially being skeptical, Tony's officer later admitted that their team had missed their markers and Bigfoot might have known their location. This experience left Tony in awe and wonder, emphasizing the power and intensity of encountering something unknown and unexpected. It also highlights the importance of keeping an open mind and being willing to consider possibilities beyond our usual understanding.

    • The Illusions of Reality TV and Phone Safety ConcernsReality TV shows are often misleading and create false narratives, while phone safety requires cautious decision-making to avoid theft and dangerous situations.

      Reality shows may not always represent true reality, as they often manipulate editing and create false narratives. Tony and Joe discuss various shows, such as those searching for Bigfoot or survival-based competitions, highlighting the lack of success and the potentially dangerous situations participants are put in. They also touch on the importance of phone safety, discussing different ways people carry their phones and the risks associated with each method. Ultimately, the conversation reminds us to be cautious and consider the convenience of certain choices, like putting all our eggs in one basket, and the potential for theft or dangerous situations that may arise.

    • The Importance of Toes and Fingers in Balance and FunctionalityOur toes and fingers are essential for balance, movement, and grip strength. Taking care of them is crucial for maintaining optimal physical function.

      Our toes, specifically the big toe and pinky toe, play a more significant role in our balance and overall functionality than we might realize. Both Tony Woods and Joe Rogan discuss their experiences with toe injuries and how it affected their movement and grip strength. They also highlight the importance of the pinky toe in maintaining balance. Additionally, the conversation touches on the potential impact of removing certain fingers on grip strength and mechanics. This conversation reminds us to appreciate the role our toes and fingers play in our daily activities and reinforces the need to take care of them to maintain optimal physical function.

    • The determination and resilience of athletes in intense physical activitiesAthletes in intense physical activities demonstrate incredible determination, but it is important to prioritize safety and seek medical attention for injuries to prevent recurring or worsening conditions.

      Injuries are a common occurrence in intense physical activities like fighting and bull riding. It is shocking to hear about individuals who are able to continue performing despite dislocated joints, twisted fingers, and destroyed shoulders. These athletes display incredible determination and resilience, often pushing through the pain to keep going. However, it's vital to prioritize safety and seek medical attention when needed. Sometimes, injuries can be recurring or worsen if not properly treated. While it may be entertaining to watch these feats on shows like Fear Factor or in movies like The Champions, it's essential to remember that these individuals put their bodies on the line for our entertainment, and their injuries should not be taken lightly.

    • Embracing new experiences and finding humor in unexpected situations.Life is full of surprises, so embrace new experiences and find the humor in unexpected situations, as they can lead to amazing adventures and beautiful memories.

      Tony Woods and Joe Rogan were discussing some unpleasant smells, including nasty French cheese and an intense smelling festival in Edinburgh. They also talked about accidentally taking ecstasy pills and experiencing unexpected side effects. Tony shared a story about being called "blackie" by a person at the festival, causing a commotion among the crowd. Despite the rain, they both agreed that the environment in Scotland was beautiful and the comedy club called The Stan in Glasgow was an amazing venue. Overall, they emphasized the importance of embracing new experiences and enjoying life's adventures, even in unexpected situations.

    • The Transformative Power of Stand-Up Comedy: Finding Healing and Joy Amidst Personal TragediesStand-up comedy offers therapeutic benefits, helping individuals navigate through good and bad times while bringing joy and healing to both performers and audiences, fostering a sense of unity.

      Stand-up comedy serves as a powerful outlet for emotions and a source of healing, even in the face of personal tragedies. Tony Woods emphasizes the therapeutic benefits of stand-up, comparing it to how Dave Chappelle described it - a way to get through both good and bad times. Woods shares his own experience of losing his son and finding solace in performing comedy. He also highlights the resilience of fellow veterans he encountered during a group therapy session, demonstrating how laughter can bring moments of joy and healing amidst adversity. This conversation highlights the transformative power of stand-up comedy and the important role it plays in bringing people together in shared experiences.

    • Overcoming Challenges and Finding Strength in Comedy and FamilyTony Woods' pursuit of comedy was driven by his passion and determination, even in the face of adversity. He draws strength from his family and emphasizes the importance of moderation for optimal health.

      Tony Woods was inspired to pursue stand-up comedy after witnessing a comedian's mishap on stage. Despite facing challenges and doubts, Tony's passion for comedy was fueled by his son, who reminded him of his ability to overcome any obstacle. Tragedy struck when Tony lost his son, but he found strength in his remaining children, refusing to let grief hold him back. Tony and Joe Rogan also touched on the topic of health, discussing the effects of certain foods and cleansing rituals. It was emphasized that while kale shakes may have their benefits, moderation should be practiced to avoid potential complications.

    • Exploring alternative methods for reducing prostate cancer risks and lowering PSA levelsCold plunges and a ketogenic diet may be a potential approach to lower PSA levels, but it's important to consult with a healthcare professional and monitor your body's response.

      There are potential alternative methods to mitigate prostate cancer risks and lower PSA levels. One approach discussed was combining cold plunges with a ketogenic diet, as it seemed to work for an individual who managed to significantly lower his PSA levels. The protocol involved daily 2-4 minute ice baths, fasting for 24 hours once a week, and cycling in and out of ketosis. However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of this protocol may vary for each individual, and it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before attempting any drastic changes. Additionally, it is crucial to be aware of the potential risks and to closely monitor one's own body's response to these approaches.

    • The Impact of Unhealthy Food Choices and the Importance of Mindful EatingBe mindful of what you eat as it affects both your health and the environment. Choose real, sustainable and ethical food options for overall well-being.

      There is a connection between our diet and the health of our bodies. Joe Rogan and Tony Woods discuss the impact of unhealthy food choices and the need for a more mindful approach to eating. They touch upon the negative effects of processed foods and the importance of consuming real food for our overall well-being. They also mention the issue of factory farming in the meat industry as a major concern. While they recognize that vegetarianism may not be the ideal solution, they emphasize the importance of sustainable and ethical practices in animal management. Overall, their conversation highlights the need to be aware of our food choices and their impact on our health and the environment.

    • Embracing Unexpected Opportunities and Staying True to One's PassionSuccess often comes unexpectedly, so it is essential to be prepared and open to new opportunities. Persistence and staying true to one's passions can lead to fulfilling and unexpected journeys.

      Sometimes success and opportunities can come unexpectedly. Tony Woods shares his experience of continuing to pursue comedy despite uncertainties and doubts. He recalls how he received a call while performing at a comedy club, activating him for a show. If he had not answered that call, he might not have had the chance to showcase his talent. This highlights the importance of being prepared and open to unexpected opportunities that may come our way. Tony's story also emphasizes the significance of persistence and staying true to one's passion, even when faced with crossroads and doubts. It is a reminder to embrace the journey and be ready for the possibilities that lie ahead.

    • The Transformative Power of Comedy and Alternative SolutionsComedy has the ability to shift our perspective and improve our outlook on life, while seeking alternative solutions can provide us with the remedies we need.

      Comedy can be a therapeutic tool to transform negativity into positivity. Tony Woods shares a humorous story about a challenging day that was made better through comedy. He emphasizes the power of laughter in changing perspectives quickly. Furthermore, Woods discusses the importance of finding solutions and seeking guidance when faced with difficult situations. He mentions his encounter with Joe Rogan, who provided him with helpful advice about the benefits of cold plunges for physical and mental well-being. Woods realizes that sometimes it takes external factors or interactions to remind us of the remedies available to us. This conversation highlights the potential of comedy and seeking alternative solutions to improve our overall outlook on life.

    • The Dangers of Snap JudgmentsDon't judge others based on appearances; taking the time to understand and know someone before forming opinions fosters empathy and avoids conflicts.

      It's important to approach situations with an open mind and not judge others based on preconceived notions or stereotypes. Tony Woods shares a story about a group of people running past him, causing him to feel angry and make assumptions about them. However, he quickly realizes that his anger was unwarranted when he turns around and sees a tiger behind him. This experience highlights the importance of not making snap judgments or generalizations about others, as appearances can be deceiving. It's crucial to take the time to understand and know someone before forming opinions about them. By doing so, we can avoid conflicts and foster greater understanding and empathy.

    • The Deadly Precision and Remarkable Abilities of Praying MantisesPraying mantises possess incredible strength and hunting skills, enabling them to overpower and kill small animals and even scorpions, showcasing the wonders of nature's power dynamics.

      Praying mantises are incredibly fascinating and powerful insects. They have the ability to kill hummingbirds and other small animals with their deadly precision. Their unique anatomy and exoskeleton design give them immense strength and leverage. Praying mantises have hooks for hands that allow them to snatch and hold onto their prey. They are even shown to overpower and kill scorpions during battles. The conversation also touches on the strange balance of nature and the power dynamics between different species. Overall, this discussion highlights the remarkable abilities and predatory nature of praying mantises, showcasing the amazing wonders of the natural world.

    • Uncovering the Wonders of NatureNature's intricacies and wonders, from intense animal battles to the manipulation of behavior by fungi, should be appreciated and provide us with valuable lessons.

      Nature is filled with fascinating and often horrifying phenomena that we often overlook or take for granted. From the intense battles between animals like scorpions and praying mantises, to the intricate strategies and communication methods of ants, the natural world is truly awe-inspiring. We should take a moment to appreciate the incredible adaptations and survival techniques that these creatures have developed. Additionally, the conversation highlights the power of certain fungi, like the cordyceps mushroom, to manipulate and control the behavior of their hosts. Nature is full of intricacies and wonders that we can learn from and marvel at if we open our eyes to them.

    • The Intricate Relationships Between Parasites and HostsParasites have developed sophisticated methods to manipulate the behavior of their hosts, often leading to behaviors that benefit the parasite's own survival and reproduction.

      There are fascinating and intricate relationships between parasites and their hosts in the natural world. We learn that mantises can be infected by a parasite that forces them to go into water so it can hatch, similar to how grasshoppers are manipulated by parasites to commit suicide. We also discover that toxoplasmosis, a parasite found in cats, manipulates rats to seek out and be killed by cats, in order for the parasite to reproduce inside the cat's gut. This conversation highlights the complexities of nature and the ways in which parasites can influence the behavior and survival of their hosts.

    • The Role of Diseases and Animals in World War 1Deadly diseases transmitted by fleas and lice, along with the presence of wolves hunting soldiers, had a terrifying impact on the war, highlighting the harsh realities faced by soldiers during that time.

      During World War 1, diseases and animals like fleas and wolves played a significant role in the high death toll. The analysis of DNA in skeletons from a mass military grave revealed traces of deadly diseases transmitted by fleas and lice. Cold weather and hunger also contributed to the deaths. The unsanitary conditions and the sheer number of bodies made it challenging to handle the situation. Additionally, the presence of wolves became so rampant that they started hunting soldiers, making them a primary food source. It is fascinating to learn about the terrifying impact these diseases and animals had on the war, and it serves as a reminder of the harsh realities faced by soldiers during that time.

    • Evolution of Movies and Cultural NormsThe conversation emphasizes the changing societal expectations in movies, from accepting violence towards women to questioning authenticity, demonstrating how cultural context shapes our perspectives and judgments.

      Movies and cultural norms have drastically changed over time. The speakers discuss an old movie in which violence towards women was accepted and even portrayed humorously. They also mention a movie with Sammy Davis Junior playing a trumpet, sparking a discussion about whether he was really playing or faking it. This highlights the shift in societal expectations and the advancements in movie technology. The conversation shows how perspectives and values evolve, with behaviors that were once deemed acceptable now being seen as inappropriate. It serves as a reminder that cultural context plays a significant role in shaping our views and judgments.

    • Exploring the World of Jazz and Personal Musical PreferencesMusic has the power to relax and create a calming atmosphere, regardless of whether it is instrumental or includes lyrics. Personal preferences in background music while working or writing vary, showcasing the diverse ways music can be enjoyed.

      Miles Davis is regarded as one of the best trumpet players in jazz. While there was some debate about whether Sammy Davis Junior actually played the trumpet, it is likely that sound engineering and editing were involved in his performances. The conversation also touched on the improvised aspect of jazz and the enjoyment of instrumental music without lyrics. Both Joe Rogan and Tony Woods discussed their preferences for background music while working or writing, with Tony mentioning healing chanting and binaural beats. These types of music can induce relaxation and create a calming atmosphere. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of musical talent and the different ways music can be enjoyed and appreciated.

    • The Powerful Impact of Music on Our EmotionsUsing specific sounds can help improve sleep and motivation, while incorporating soothing music into daily routines can enhance well-being.

      Music has a powerful impact on our emotions and can deeply affect the way we feel. Tony Woods explains how he uses specific sounds to help him fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed and motivated. He describes the sensation of sinking into the music and how it creates a sense of comfort and relaxation. Joe Rogan reflects on the intense effect that music has on people and how it can change our emotions and physical state. This conversation highlights the potential benefits of incorporating soothing sounds into our daily routines, whether it's for sleep, meditation, or simply enhancing our overall well-being.

    • Embracing Unexpected Moments: Authenticity in Performances and Language as a ToolDespite distractions and language barriers, performers should stay focused, trusting their own authenticity. Understanding English can also be advantageous, but media limitations and biases should be acknowledged.

      Distractions and unusual choices can occur during performances, whether it's people walking in the background or strange camera angles. However, sometimes those unexpected moments can lead to a unique and genuine performance that resonates with the audience. It's important for comedians and performers not to let these distractions affect their focus and to trust in the authenticity of their work. Additionally, the conversation touches on the power of language and how understanding English can be beneficial in many countries around the world. However, it's also important to recognize the limitations and biases of media, especially in countries with restricted information flow and potential government control.

    • Critical Analysis of Media and the Influence of Government-Controlled NarrativesQuestion the media, consider varying perspectives, and approach information with skepticism to stay informed and counter potential government-controlled narratives in society.

      It is important to question and critically analyze the information we receive, especially from the media. The discussion highlights how individuals from different countries may have varying access to news and different perspectives on global events. In this case, the comedians from Russia confidently dismissed the media hype surrounding certain topics, showing the potential influence of government-controlled narratives. The conversation also emphasizes the role of comedians in society, with Joe Rogan noting how it is strange to have a comedian running a country. Ultimately, it reminds us to stay informed, seek multiple viewpoints, and approach information with a healthy dose of skepticism.

    Recent Episodes from The Joe Rogan Experience

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    #2169 - Protect Our Parks 12

    #2169 - Protect Our Parks 12
    Shane Gillis, Mark Normand, and Ari Shaffir are stand-up comics, writers, and podcasters. Shane is the co-host of "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast" with Matt McCusker and one half of the sketch comedy duo "Gilly and Keeves" with John McKeever. Watch his new comedy series, "Tires," and special, "Beautiful Dogs" on Netflix. www.shanemgillis.com Mark is the co-host of the podcasts "Tuesdays with Stories" with Joe List and "We Might Be Drunk" with Sam Morril. Watch his latest stand-up special, "Soup to Nuts," on Netflix. www.marknormandcomedy.com Ari is the host of the "You Be Trippin'" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Ari Shaffir: Jew," is available now via YouTube. www.arishaffir.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer
    Tyler Fischer is a stand-up comic, actor, and filmmaker. His latest special, "The Election Special | LIVE at Comedy Mothership," is available now via YouTube. https://youtu.be/FmvJjMGX7hw?si=PyOsFVH4as8HMHBD www.tylerfischer.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    #2162 - Tim Dillon

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    Episode 129: Community Gathers in Blackout

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    This episode however is not focusing on the cause but rather the effect of the power outages that resulted in over 2 million people without power or cell signals for multiple days.  

    The community gathered, moments were shared, the kindness of strangers came out in droves. From ice, to generator access to checking on vulnerable neighbors, the power outage brought out the best in us. Check out this episode to hear a few stories of captured from the charging stations.

    A special thanks for iHome for the Xenergy line of wireless speakers with calming glow light and Anker for batteries that kept us out of the dark.



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    Your order will help support the Evolving Digital Self podcast.  If you like it, please feel free to share it with your friends (both the discount and the podcast J).


    National Parks Traveler Podcast | California Mountain Lions

    National Parks Traveler Podcast | California Mountain Lions

    Mountain lions are an incredibly charismatic animal on landscapes within, and adjacent to, the National Park System. But they’re seldom seen because of their nocturnal tendencies.
    There recently was a new report that focused on a comprehensive estimate of mountain lions in California, and the number is much smaller than many had thought it was.
    To discuss California’s mountain lion population, and efforts to protect that population, our guest today is Dr. Veronica Yovovich, conservation scientist at Panthera, the global wild cat conservation organization. 

    Fire On the Mountain + Elvis & Kresse

    Fire On the Mountain + Elvis & Kresse


    CanadianMade Productions'sends its sympathies to those in western Canada and the western U.S. who've suffered the effects of this summer's wildfires.

    We reflect on all of this by sharing some heartfelt bluegrass music, with a particular song written by Patricia "Trish" Gagnon, with "John Reischman & The Jaybirds." It's from the album "Stellar Jays," and the song title is "Fire On The Mountain." Hence the title of our story. 


    Additionally, CanadianMade interviewed Kresse Wesling, (who grew up in Alberta) about her company Elvis & Kresse. She manufactures bags, belts and accessories from old fire hoses, that otherwise would go to the dump.

    So, the thought of sharing an excerpt from our interview with you while the effects of the wildfires are still being felt just seemed to be the right thing to do.

    Our complete interview will be heard in a few weeks on board Air Canada, as part of a two-hour long program that highlights Canadian influences and gifts to the world. 

    We hope you enjoy the pride Kresse feels about being Canadian in this podcast excerpt, as well as the great bluegrass voices.

    You can follow Elvis & Kresse on Twitter @elvisandkresse. And, here's a link explaining their great social enterprise and how they got started.

    If you like the music, please tell John Reischman that Rita Rich sent you. You can write him via www.thejaybirds.com or www.johnreischman.com

    Please like CanadianMade Audio on Facebook and share this podcast with your friends and family. 



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